Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Nov 18, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this. In this story unsafe sex is practiced. Unsafe sex can be really dangerous so please use caution. Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such.

All characters may by based on real human beings, but other then that are fiction. Some places are fiction while others and real.

Feedback is always welcomed! Please email me at: danielsummers1219@gmail.com

Yet another short chapter, however the next chapter is 9 pages, and 4,669 words long. :)

Chapter 6: Fears and Family

I opened my eyes; only to gaze upon an empty room. I tried to move my legs, but a searing pain shot through my body! I moaned in pane, tears welled up in my eyes and I lost it. I started balling like a baby, I couldn't help it. It hadn't been a dream! I was almost raped! I cried harder, the realization of the night before came crashing down on me. A tall man came running into the room, "Peter! Your awake! Are you ok? Where does it hurt?" I could hear the despair in his voice. I still couldn't talk. I knew if I did I'd lose what little control I had over these emotions. "Peter please talk to me!"

"I hurt everywhere!" I cried, feeling everything let loose. I couldn't breathe I was so upset!

"Peter, Peter calm down. Shhh, it's ok your safe!" Bryan kneeled down beside the bed. His hand moved the hair out of my eyes. His touch sent electricity through my whole body. It made me feel.... feel better.

"Please. Do that again." I pleaded with despair. Bryan's hand gently caressed my face. The feelings that came from his touch made the pain seem like a nonexistent nightmare.

"Is that better?" He asked. I didn't want to talk, for fear that he would leave. All I could do was nod my head yes. His lips curled into a beautiful smile. He got up from his stance-

"Don't go! I don't want to be alone." I lips started to tremble at the thought that my attackers would come back if I was alone.

"Ok. I'll stay." Bryan got up, and went to the other side of the bed, hopping on and laying down beside me. With a great effort I turned myself on my side away from him. His arms came in to hug my close to his body. My heart raced, I couldn't believe the way he was making me feel. With all the excitement I drifted off to sleep, knowing that when I woke I would feel stronger.

I awoke once again. The sun shone in through the open window, still low in the sky. Early morning I guessed. Lisa walked into the room carrying a cup of water. "Oh Peter, this is all my fault! I'm so sorry!" She fell on her knees beside the bed crying. I shuffled over her, gently reaching under her face with my hand lifting up her face.

"Don't you ever... EVER say that." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "Now can make yourself amazingly useful and help me up, I have to pee really bad!" I smiled, trying to cheer her up.

"Ok, I'll try." She got up, gripping my arm and my hand. Pulling hard she tried to get me up, the next time I pulled with her hoping I could get up. Instead I managed to pull her off her feet, and on top of me. She gasped and I winced in pain! "This is no use, I'll go get Bryan. He's just in the kitchen making breakfast." She left the room leaving me alone. My hands raised up and cradled

About a minute later Bryan came in. "Hey you. Feeling any better?" He asked hopefully.

"Yes thanks for asking." I told him. "Umm listen, I'm sorry for making you-" He cut me off.

"Not a problem." He grinned and came over to the bed. He arms went under me, lifting me out of bed in the process. "Ready to try standing?" He asked. I could see the worry on his face.

"Yes." I simply said. He gently set me on my feet, but wouldn't let go of my arms. We started to walk out of the bedroom, with him supporting me all the way. We finally made it to the bathroom when I turned to him. "I think I can take it from here thanks." I opened the door and he reluctantly let go. I reached the toilet and did my business, washed my hands, and sat down on the toilet seat. I checked over my body. How'd I get in these pjs? Then I saw the bruises on my legs and the splotches of deep purple on my chest. My eyes widened at the purple and red marks. It looked like I'd been painted purple. I touched one of the spots gently; pain shot through my bones and heeled over in agony. My hands came up to my face and I cried. I couldn't hold it back. I howled as the floodgates were released in my eyes. Bryan opened the door in haste; he came down in his knees in front of me, grabbing my wrists.

"It's ok, your going to be fine." I looked down and whimpered. "Shh honey, it's going to be ok, I promise." His hands unbuckled mine from my face. I threw my arms around him, hoping he would make me feel better like he did the night before. I brought my head back. We stared into each others eyes. My eyes widened in shock and awe from the beauty of his eyes. His icey blue iris' seemed to pierce my soul. His hand came up and whiped my hair from my face. "Come on, I'll carry you to the couch." He picked me up like he did before, gently carrying me to the living room, setting my down on the couch and covering me up with a blanket. Why was being like this, So nice to someone he didn't even know. "I'll be right back." And he disappeared into the kitchen.

"Go see him." I faintly heard his voice float from the kitchen. Seconds later Lisa came into the living room.

"Petey... I have to go to work. I'm sor-"

"No!" I cut her off. "Go. You have important- what what is it you do again?" I stuck my tounge out at her. I always teased her about being an accountant. She cocked her head to the side and glared at me.

" I'll be back later... with my dress that you can't see until tomorrow!" she stuck her tongue out at me, and walked out the door. Bryan walked in carrying a plate of bacon and pancakes. The pleasant scent of freshly cooked breakfast filled the room. I filled my lungs with the heavenly smell.

"This is for you." He came over and set the plate on the ground, then helped me sit up. "Here you go." He said as he handed me the food.

"It smells absolutely delicious!" I tasked a little of each on the plate. "And it tastes amazing! Thank you Bryan. Thank you..." I looked into his blue eyes. "thank you for everything."

"Don't look at me, Lisa made this. I can't cook to save my life." He laughed.

"So tell me a bit about yourself! Let me into the mind of Mr. Bryan Williams, the Scottish Canadian." I chuckled at my lame humour.

"Well my names Bryan John William. Born in Regina, July 25th, 1989. I am currently attending medical school; last year. In fact I'm officially done July 29th. Umm what else. I'm a dog lover! Favorite food is lasagne. Love movies, reading books, soccer, volleyball, you know. Well that's about it." He concluded his little summary on himself. I gazed down at my almost empty plate.

"Well it's finally nice to know you!" I said flashing him a smile.

"You too Peter." He reached for the plate, got up and went to the kitchen.

"You know," I called out to him, "I have two seats left for my supper table tomorrow at grad. Would you like to come."

"Are you inviting me to your grad Mr. Reid?" He stuck his head out from the side of the kitchen. My lips curved into a smirk.

"Yes... yes I do believe I am."

"I would love to." He yelled as he went back into the kitchen. I tried to get up, but the pain in my legs sent me hurdling back down in severe pain! I screamed.

"Peter! Peter what's wrong?!" Bryan came running into the room.

"My legs, my fucking legs hurt!" I grabbed them hoping it would help. The memories came flooding in, I started to panic!

"Peter you have to calm down!" Bryan tried to say over my screaming and thrashing.

"I dreamed this would happen!" I whispered as tears stung their way out of my clenched eyes.

"What- what are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"I DREAMED THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" I screamed at him.

"Shhhh." He tried to calm me down again. I wouldn't stop. He pulled me into a hug. "Shhh, it's going to be fine." His arms were too much. I couldn't help it. I cried harder then before. God the scent of his body wass amazing. It made me forget everything! What was this, I'm so confused. What is going on inside my head?

"Fuck!" I swore out loud. "Fuck fuck fuck!"

"What?" he asked.

"I have to finish my valedictorian speech for tomorrow night!" My eyes rolled to the side. "I hate giving speeches!" I complained. His arms released me, a warm chuckle filled the room.

"Here's my laptop." He said as he went over to his bookbag. "Treat my baby with respect." He chuckled even louder.

"Thank you Bryan. I don't know how I can even begin to repay you."

"Aye." He said in his Scottish accent, "you don't need too." He went over to the chair in front of me and sat down. I opened the laptop lid, pressed the power button and logged on. Entering my email, I went to my draft file to finish off the speech I started oh so long ago.

I typed for awhile, trying to take my mind off of things. I couldn't believe how calm I was about all this! I just got brutally attacked and here I am smiling, not flinching at people touching me. Why is my brain telling me to freak out when everything else is saying stay calm they won't hurt you.


"Yes Peter?"

"My face... my face is it," I gave a nervous cough, "bruised?"

"No." He looked at me and gave a smypathetic smile.

"Bryan?" I asked agian.


"Thank you."

"Aye, you're welcome."

Next: Chapter 7

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