Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Nov 28, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this. In this story unsafe sex is practiced.

Unsafe sex can be really dangerous so please use caution. Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such. All characters may be based on real human beings, but other than that are fiction. Some places are fiction while others and real. The ICCDOP (International Cyber Crimes Division of Protection) is not a real organization as far as I know. I did a little research on Cyber Crimes and such but there is very little available that I could find on Canada so if you know anything please don't be afraid to share. :)

Feedback is always welcomed! Please email me at: danielsummers1219@gmail.com

Chapter 8 -- Patience

I awoke to a soft knock on my door. "Ughh!" I moaned as my head pounded.

Lisa's voice flooded my room, "I brought you some Aspirin and water." She came over and set down a bottle and a glass of water, and sat down on my bed. She placed her hand on my back. "So how'd it go last night?"

"Whataya mean?" I croaked out.


"What about Bryan?" I snapped.

"I thought-"

"Nothing happened!" I cut her off defending myself, "He just helped me inside, then I think he left."

"OK honey," she whispered to me, rubbing my back, "just come upstairs when you're ready, we still need to give you your grad present." She leaned down, kissed the back of my head and got up to leave. She left me alone to my thoughts with a soft click of the door. How was I ever going to face my parents again, knowing full well that I liked what happened last night.

Someone banged on the door. "Fuck! Headache here, pelase!" I shouted covering my ears.

"Peteys got a hangover, Peteys got a hangover, Peteys got a hangover." My little brother Keith chanted.

"Fuck off worm. I'm going to kick your scrawny little ass!" He immediately stopped; the room grew quiet. The gentle thud of my heart filled my ears. Bump bump, bump bump. The blood flow soothed me back into a somewhat restless sleep.

-=-Bryan's POV-=-

"How is he?" I asked as she emerged from the house.

"To tell you the truth B, I don't know. He's evasive, denying things before you even say them. What exactly happened last night?" She asked.

"He was pissed off that he saw me hug and kiss you.He just flipped out."

"I know that," she told me, "but what happened after I went inside?"

"I woke him up, and he blew up on me. Saying he knew I loved you, and how I wanted to protect you."

Lisa gasped. "But you weren't talking about me at all!"

"I know. I tried to explain that too him. Then he went to when we first met, apparently I had this look of total desire in my eyes when I saw the two of you coming out of the theatre." I smiled,"He thought I was looking at you." I paused, "Then I kissed him! It was if I was struck by lightning. It felt so good and I needed more. I started kissing down his jaw to his neck." Tears started to run down my face. "That's when he told me to stop, because what we were doing was wrong." Lisa came over and wrapper her arms around me. I clung to her back trying to find some comfort. "I don't know what to do, I haven't slept all night! I've been going crazy wondering if I hurt him."

"I think he's going to be ok." She smiled a devilish smile. "I know exactly how to surprise him." She grabbed my hand, and let me to a place of mystery.

I got out of bed, took the Aspirin and made my way upstairs. I looked around, nobody was home. I reached for the fresh coffee in the kitchen, poured myself a cup and drank it black. "This is why I don't drink!" I told myself. Next up was the really cold shower.

I got out of the shower, dried and dressed. Reaching the living room I found everyone seated. Mom, Dad, my Brothers, their girlfriends and wives, my nephew, Lisa, and my Grandma Shirley. I smiled seeing everyone together and no one fighting! My mom came up to me, "Honey, we all wanted to give you your grad present, since it was bought and payed for by all of us." She smiled. "Close your eyes." I did as she asked, and they placed a blindfold over my head to make sure I didn't cheat. They lead me to someplace outside. "You ready?" I heard her ask. I simply shook my head, yes. Someone ripped the blindfold off.

"SURPRISE!" They all cheered. My eyes nearly bulged from their sockets! Parked in our driveway was a brand new 2011 Mustang V6 Convertible!

"Oh. My. God." I didn't know what else to say! All eyes were on me waiting. "Holy shit guys, I'm... speechless!" What else could be said? I ran up to the window. Grey interior, leather bucket seats, a jack in the radio so I could plug in my iPod. Fuck it was perfect! I turned to the others with the biggest smile on my face. Adam ran up to me, I bent down and he ran straight into my arms.

"Happy Graduation Uncle!" He said excitedly at me. I kissed the side of his head.

"Thank you honey." I went around the circle giving everyone hugs and kisses, and flooded them with thanks. "How am I ever going to repay you guys?" I asked them.

"Well," Grandma Shirley started, "Get your butt in there, and take it out for a ride!" I smiled huge at her.

"Yes ma'am!" My dad tossed his hand in the air, I caught the keys in my hand.

"Shot gun!" Lisa yelled and ran to the passenger side. I set Adam down and ran to the driver's side. Hitting a button the car went `beep beep' and unlocked. We hopped in, backed out and took off fast down the road. We hit our first red light. Pulling up beside the other car we decided to put the top down. Hitting a button the roof began to unfold. I peaked over at the driver on my left. The look on Richie's face was totally priceless! The light turned green, I stomped on the gas and the car roared forward! "Whoa settle down tiger." She laughed nervously.

"It's ok I got it."

"Well I just want to get back in one piece. I have something else umm... we... need to do." She said. I just looked at her, with a yet another confused look on my face. She laughed. "Oh my god. I just love how cute you look when your confused!" Sticking my tongue out at her, I turned my attention forward.

We got home about an hour later. Pulling into the driveway I let out a sigh. "Man, I'm totally 100 and 50 percent in love with the car!" I smiled and petted the steering wheel.

"Whoa. Hold it there boy." She laughed. "I'm glad you love it, we all pitched in so it wasn't a big deal." I leaned over and hugged her.

"Thank you so much Lis." She rubbed my back and whispered in my ear.

"You deserve this and more." She leaned back, "Now I have one other thing you need to do. It's in your room." She winked at me but looked worried for some reason. "I'll be downstairs in a minute to see what happens-kay?" She didn't even let me answer.

"Sure...." I said slowly, studying her face. I got out of the car, making sure it was locked. I snuck in the house through the back door, gaining access to the basement door quickly. I skipped ever second step on my way down. I opened my door and froze! "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Just seeing if your ok." Bryan said.

"I'm.. I'm fine." I stuttered. The sight of him made my knees weak. He smiled.

"That's good, no that's great." He walked over to me. I lowered my head.

"Bryan I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." He reached under my face lifting it up, wiping the tears that appeared away with his thumb. His touch made my pulse go into warp drive. "Well I just wanted to see if you were ok." I looked up, seeing the familiar sorrow in his eyes. The same sorrow that lined my insides/ He turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand, spinning him around into me. My hand grabbed the side of his face pulling it into mine. My lips pecked his. I leaned back but his lips found mine again with a fiery hunger. My hands went to his hair, pulling his hair wile crushing his skull into mine. We came back up trying desperately to fill our lungs with air. I smelled the intoxicating smell of his hot breath as it hit my face. We continued to look into each other's eyes. He leaned back in for another kiss but I turned my head.

"I'm sorry Bryan." I dropped my head again. He kissed the top of my head, all while holding me in his arms. Why am I saying no to this? He lifted his head,

"Good-bye Peter." His arms left me, I held onto his arm until it slipped out of reach. His footsteps bounded up the stairs, out the door, and out of my life... forever.

`Two Months Later -- August 12th 2010'

"Pete, do you have to go to San Diego? Can't you just spend the rest two weeks of summer vacation at home?" My mother asked as we entered the Saskatoon Airport.

"Mom, there is only 15 people from Canada and the United States that are going to be at this conference. I was personally invited by the Chairman. If I do this I'm going to be twice as advanced as the other kids in my classes." I told her as we walked.

"But you already are twice as smart as the other kids." She wined.

"I know, would four times be better? Besides it's only for a week." I told her.

"Pete, everyone already knows your going to be the best effin' whatever you call it!"

"Mom? Language?" I acted shocked and laughed. We made our way to security, my bags over my back and passport in hand. "See you in a week mom." I leaned in to hug her.

"Well I guess all I can say is have fun."

"Thanks mom. See you soon." I hugged her and proceeded on my journey.

I checked into the Marriot Hotel and Marina at about 10 o'clock at night. An amazing but expensive place. Good thing the entire trip was being paid for.

"Peter?" the chairman of ICCDOP came up behind me.

"Yes Mr. Hansen?" I asked.

"You're a brilliant kid. I've never had the honour of teaching someone like you." I blushed.

"Thank you Sir." He smiled.

"Listen, I would like to offer you a position on our elite team, once you graduate of course. Before you answer you should know we have several offices in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Toronto and several more in the United States. Your salary will be excellent, and you get a top level security clearance that allows you to know everything about the organization, and will get you anywhere."

"I really don't know what to say!" I splurged out. He laughed.

"Just email me with a simple yes, or no when you decide." He told me.

"Umm thank you sir!"

"No problem Mr. Reid." With that he walked away.

Throughout the rest of the day I thought about his offer, while packing and confirming my place ticket. I finally got to the airport, on the plane and in the air. A window seat, yes! The man next to me was on his laptop typing something out. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the captain has turned off the seatbelt sign so you are free to roam the cabin." I unlocked my seatbelt and reached for the phone in front of me. After doing the whole payment thing I phone my girl.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey you." I said.

"Peter, where are you calling from?" She asked.

"On the plane, I'll be home in a couple hours. Could you please pick me up? I have to looks for apartments and go school supply shopping-" I looked over at the man next to me, he was also talking on the phone but blushing a deep red. My eyebrows bent down in a confusion glance but soon returned to my own phone call.

"Peter you there?"

"What? Ya sorry I'm here."

"Haha ok. Well I'd love to help you tomorrow. What time do you land?"

"6pm. Mind if I stay the night?" I asked

"Sure no problem."

"Ok see you soon Lis."

"Bye babe." I hung up the phone and leaned back in my chair. I gazed out the window, mesmerized by the clouds. I always did love being in the air; no feeling like it in the world. Well then again there was. My mind flashed back to graduation. "No stop it!" I told myself.

"Jesse, Stop it. I'm in public!" The man beside me giggled. "OK love you too baby. See you when I land." The man kissed into his phone and hung up with a sigh.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"Me? Oh no. Just missing the love of my life." He smiled at memories.


"Gay? Yes. Does that bother you?" He asked a little afraid.

"Actually... no." I told him with a smile. Relief flooded his face and he offered his hand.

"Matthew." He told me. I took his hand and shook it.

"Peter." I replied.

"Well nice to meet you Peter. So you live in Saskatoon?" he asked.

"Sort of. I start school in September, so I'm looking for a place in the city tomorrow with a friend. I only life an hour and a half out of the city, but I want to get away." I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to him.

"Well I totally understand that." He winked at me. "So where are you taking classes and where at?"

"To the point much?" I laughed, "U of S, Cyber Crimes."

He laughed, "That's cool. I'm at the U of S as well. Engineering, second last year."

"Cool well I hope we can hang out sometime." Both of us enjoyed the flight. We constantly talked about ourselves. Finally the plane landed and we exited the terminal.

"Listen Pete. Call me sometime we can go out for coffee or something."

"Sure Matthew, I'd love that." I smiled at him. We shook hands and took off, him in one way, me in another. I was walking towards the exit when a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. "Hey Lisa." I laughed!

"Frick. You always know when it's me!" she complained. I spun around, wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her in the air.

"Yeah I do!"

"Who's the hottie you were with?" she asked as I set her down.

"The `hottie' your referring to is gay." I laughed seeing the disappointment take over her face. "His names Matthew. He's 23, and in his second last year of Engineering at the U of S."

"So you two are buds?" she asked.

"Well we just met on the plane, and we talked all the way home."

"Wow. You like him don't you?" she bounced her eyebrows while giving me a cocky smile.

"What?" I looked away from her and walked away.

"Hey Peter!" She ran up in front of me.

"I'm. Not. Gay!" I made sure to pronounce every word as a sentence.

"But what about B-"

"Nothing happened with him!" I growled at her.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Whatever." I whispered coldly. "I'm hungry. We can order, or I can cook."

"Well actually I was in the mood for your spaghetti and cheese." She tried cheering me up.

"You have everything I need?" I asked, still a little pissed off.

"Yeah I do." She said sounding a little intimidated. We got into her car and drove off. I thought about how cruel I had been as we sailed through these familiar Saskatchewan streets. I watched the traffic lights wiz by, but finally got bored and switched on the radio.

"And here it is folks, the number one most requested song of the day. Breakeven!" the DJ finished.

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing Just praying to a God that I don't believe in 'Cause I got time while she got freedom 'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't breakeven.

Her best days will be some of my worst She finally met a man that's gonna put her first While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping 'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven.

What am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you and What am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay, I'm falling to pieces, I'm falling to pieces.

They say bad things happen for a reason But no wise word's gonna stop the bleeding 'Cause she's moved on while I'm still grieving And when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven.

And, what am I gonna to do when the best part of me was always you and What am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay, I'm falling to pieces I'm falling to pieces I'm falling to pieces. (One still in love while the other ones leaving) I'm falling to pieces. ('Cause when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven)

Oh you got his heart and my heart and none of the pain You took your suitcase, I took the blame Now I'm try and make sense of what little remains 'Cause you left me with no love, no love to my name.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in 'Cause I got time while she got freedom 'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break, no it don't breakeven.

What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you-" I turned off the ignition and we got out to see Lisa's apartment building. "Well let's go up." I said, " I have lots to do." She went to the trunk and grabbed my backpack while I got everything else. She opened the door to her apartment.

"I set you up in the spare bedroom. Ok?" She asked.

"Yeah that's fine." I snatched my backpack from her, went to the back of her apartment and set everything in the guest bedroom. I made my way to the kitchen to see everything I needed out on the counters. "Expecting me?" I called into the house.

"Yeah." She laugh. "I was kind of hoping you would cook. Your like a god in the kitchen. Well kitchen and the piano but yeah."

"You kidding me! I hate playing." I complained.

"But your so good at it!" she whined.

"Whatever. I'm going to start here." I went over to the pot on the stove, filled it with water and set it on high. I went back into my room to change into my sleep pants and shirt. I went into the living room to apologize. "Lisa. I'm sorry for flipping out. "

"He its ok!" she turned her head and started laughing.

"What?" I asked a little annoyed that she'd laugh at my apology.

"Holy shit. I love you in your Sponge-bob Pyjama pants." She laughed again. I looked down and started laughing too!

"Yeah. There pretty kick ass!" I winked at her and went back into the kitchen.

I came out of the kitchen into the dining room holding two steaming hot casserole dishes full of spaghetti, Prego, Hamburger, and melted cheese. "Oh my god Peter!" Lisa said as she dove into her meal.

"Slow down! It's hot!" I cautioned. She slowed down to avoid burning every cell in her mouth. She flashed her teeth at me.

"Sorry but you cooking excites me." She bounced her eyebrows. I shivered.

"More than I needed to know Lamb." I blew on my concoction, and added a little salt. I dove into it with my fork, puncturing the cheese. A volcano of steam emerged from the holes. My mouth watered as the cheese clung to the fork. I forced it in my mouth and savoured the heaven flavour of melted cheese.

"I knew I've already said this, but man this is amazing!" it looked as if her eyes were going to roll into the back of her head.

"Well if you think this is good, I'll have to make my Raspberry Fruit Dipping Sauce. Talk about dreamy!" I closed my eyes and sighed in bliss. Out of nowhere my phone went off with an unassigned ringtone.

"hey its matthew." "Oh shit I forgot to add him!" I mentally slapped myself

"hey wasup" i texted back

"not much were just going for coffee the day after tomorrow"

"wow forceful... i like it!"

"haha, just wanted to tell you that"

"ya ill so be there matt"

"matt?" he questioned.

"sorry matthew"

"naww its ok call me matt, but only you can"

"lol thnx bud. Ill explain all my nicknames someother time"

"ok ttyl buddy"

"cya" I ended our conversation.

I climbed into bed and tried to relax. Try sleeping with a hard on the size of the state of New York, it isn't easy! I decided to do the only thing to help me relax, jerk off, something I haven't done in over a month. I reached into my pants whipping out my little friend. My hand gentle stroked up and down while the other rubbed my body. I closed my eyes to fantasize.


Someone was fondling my cock. Out of nowhere a hot wet mouth engulfed my member. They impaled their throat all the way down my 7 in tool. The stranger help his position, milking my cock for all it was worth. This intense pleasure had me whimpering like a bitch in heat! A finger prodded at my entrance, gently massaging my hole. A second later three fingers were jammed up my ass. I screamed in ecstasy! "More... More!" The stranger's mouth pulled off my pole, just rolling their tongue around the head before pulling it out of their mouth with a pop. "Ugh!" I moaned deeply! Their tongue began exploring the underside of my manhood, gently licking up and down my shaft. His tongue worked its was to my balls, pulling each in suckling for a second and letting go. "Ohh myy godd! Your driving my crazy!" I screamed, my eyes rolling back into their sockets! His head came up, kissing my chest all the way up to my lips.

"Your ready love?" He asked seductively.

"Yes." I nodded desperately. He kissed my lips once more before continuing. He guided his dick to my hole.

"You sure?" He asked again. I nodded my head again. He applied pressure, gentle easing access into my hole. He gave a short jab, gaining entry and passing my ring! I growled; a sound only a lion makes while hunting it's prey.


"Knock knock!" Came a voice followed by a knock on the other side of my door. I was drenched in sweat, still harder than a diamond! The door opened... "Whoa!! Jesus Peter, warn me next time!" Lisa slammed the door, needless to say the erection I did have, was now as nonexistent as my love life. I pulled up my pyjama pants and climbed under the covers.

"I'm decent, you can come in now." I grumbled a little bit annoyed.

"Well that was a big shocker. You have a nice bod' Pete." She gave me a small wink. I rolled my eyes and gave her the, what do you want smile. "Hey don't look at me like that." She acted shocked, "I just wanted to wish you goodnight, thank you for supper and to tell you I'll get you up in the morning to go house shopping."

"Ok then." I simply said and rolled over. She walked over, and kissed me on the cheek.

"Night honey."

"Night you." With that I shut my eyes and drifted away from reality.

So that's chapter 8. Please email me and tell me what you think. I love feedback!! If there is something in this story you want to see, or a suggestion you want to give me, please please please email me. Also I am almost done writing Chapter 9 (I suffered from a little writers block) and that chapter will be posted soon. Hope your guys are having an awesome July!


Next: Chapter 9

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