Wet and Loose

By moc.liamtoh@efil4reeuq

Published on Jun 7, 2013


Wet and Loose 3

Fiction: An artwork of fantasy tinted with the brushstrokes of reality.

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Hi, I'm Frankie and I'm eleven going on twelve. I live with my two dumb sisters who are older than me, and my mom and dad who want to change me all the time. We just found out I have ADD, and that's attention deficit disorder, but I don't feel disordered. I have trouble concentrating in school and getting my chores done and I have a piss poor temper. I am a genius at reading though and I get to escape the world that way. I'm reading at college level right now in school, but the rest of my grades are for shit for sure.

I love to shit and piss. I don't know if that's wrong or not, but it feels so good to do it I know it's not all bad or I wouldn't do it, right? So I've been doing it in the basement a few times, like shitting all over inside my underwear, smashing it all around and rubbing it everywhere while I piss and get all wet. It's all slippery and stuff, and rubbing my dick with it makes it harder than ever before, and I love sticking my fingers into my asshole and fingering the shit in and out. I'm a shit fiend.

I want to do it with someone else, but shit lovers are hard to find when you're going into middle school. I have a best friend named Jacob and he and I have played around and showed each other our dicks and stuff. We both are growing some hair now down below, and we shoot a little cum, just a few drops, but it's there you know. The other day we were in his bedroom jacking off, just watching the other guy do it, and I started playing with my asshole, you know like sticking my fingers inside, and he said, "Why you doing that?"

I told him I liked it and didn't he do it too? I was hoping he'd say yes and soon we'd be down in the bathroom lying on top of each other in the tub fucking and sucking and shitting and pissing all over the place. My cock got so hard then just thinking about it I could hardly stand it.

"Fucking queers do that shit man," Jacob said.

My face got red and I didn't know what to say. I didn't know I was queer, not really, and most guys my age said the liked girls but really didn't much. Girls didn't have dicks so what good were they, except for my mom maybe. So I said, "Hell no, I ain't no queer."

"Well that's good," Jacob said, "cause I'd have to stop hanging around with you."

So much for my shit and piss fantasy. My cock went limp and I zipped up and went home. Later I walked to the library to get some books and I went to the section with all the psychology stuff. I looked up homosexuals and it just said that it was men who liked to do it with men, and there were bisexuals who liked to do it with both men and women. So I wondered if anyone ever wrote anything about shit and piss, and when I looked it up in a big book called DSM-IV-TR there it was, urine and feces. It was listed under paraphilia and that didn't sound so good cause there were other things there like pedophiles and stuff and I didn't think I was one of those. I read about them in the paper and they were always going to jail for feeling up kids. I think I'd like to get felt up some, but who knows for sure until you do it. I might try it if a man asks me some day. Especially if he wanted to shit on me and let me shit on him. For now I read about coprophilia and enuresis. Shitting and pissing for pleasure. It said people did it and if it wasn't like an obsession or something it was okay. So there, I was okay and Jacob the dumb fuck didn't know what good times were.

I wanted to do it with someone else so bad. One day my sisters were away for the weekend and my parents had to go to a party for someone's anniversary, and I got to stay home by myself for five hours. I'd planned it for two days, ate like lots of whole wheat cereal and dried plums and apricots, and I held back and didn't shit for those days. That morning before they got ready to go I began to drink water and plan my afternoon. I had to shit real bad but I held it back and that felt good too because I knew when it came out it would be like real fast and a lot of it at one time. I got some big plastic garbage bags and cut them open with scissors, lay them on my bed and covered them with big beach towels. My dick was hard just imagining the fun I was going to have there in about an hour. I went downstairs and sat on my shit to keep it inside, but a little slid out, just enough to feel good inside my ass crack. I let a little piss out too, but not enough to come through my pants and show. I could hardly keep my hands off my dick and rubbed it through my pants while my parents got ready for their party in their bedroom.

"We're leaving now Freddie," my dad said and walked into the living room where I was watching TV. "Be a good boy and call us if you need anything."

I need a buddy to piss and shit with I thought. When they left I waited fifteen minutes to make sure they were gone for good, then I ran to the bathroom and got another bath towel, doubled it over and put it on the chair I was using in the living room. I wanted to start there, someplace I'd never done it before, and nobody would ever know I did it. I had layered up down there where the fun would happen, wore an old speedo swimsuit, nice and snug, a pair of boxer briefs, and my cutoff jeans. I sat on the towel and pretended to watch the TV, bore down a little and let some shit come out just outside my ass crack and pinched it off there. Then I let a little piss out, enough to make a small mark on the front of my shorts. Now I was getting hot, I started to breathe faster already, I didn't focus on anything else in the room but what I was doing, and my dick felt so hard and good so I rubbed it pressing down real hard through my clothes.

I closed my eyes, focused real hard on my asshole, and pushed out a gob of shit that must have been as big as a softball. It slid around and spread out to my ass cheeks, and went up between my legs to my balls making them oh so hot. I put my hand down there and pushed it up further to my dick and let it just sit there while I pissed some more, now enough to soak the front of my shorts but not begin to go down my balls and onto my ass. I had to be careful here not to get anything on the couch or rug. I knew in a little while I'd get so not and sexed up I would do all kinds of stuff and not care, and I sure as hell couldn't go shit all over the living room. I lifted my ass off the cushion and rubbed it with both hands, feeling the layer of shit between the material and my skin move around under my fingers. I brought them to my nose and sniffed the aroma, tart, earthy, like driving by a field of cows in the summer time. I bore down a little more and another big gob came out and went right up and over my dick spreading out onto my pubes and all around there. Wow, I had more in me still. This was going to be a monster shit. I rubbed it around on my dick and balls, pushing hard and moving it all around my dick, feeling so good, jacking with shit, wow. I imagined some other boy rubbing me, his hands now sliding into my waist and going on top of my boxers, feeling the wet piss, squishing the shit and moving it all over my dick and balls, down into my ass crack between my legs. I pulled them out and sniffed, oh man it smelled so good, I couldn't wait to get my hands into it and really get high. It was time to move on.

I walked up to my bedroom, took along the towel to wipe up later, slipped off my t-shirt and tossed it. I loved the feel of the shit moving around while I walked. I stopped a couple of times and felt it, squeezed it and moved it down back to my asshole. I put one hand into my pants and into the boxers onto the speedo, and it was real full of shit now. It got all big with the elastic material, and I squished it and squeezed it in my fists while pushing it all over my dick, rubbing fast. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall, just slowly rubbing and feeling, and I let some more shit out, half as much as before, I wanted to save some for when I got to my bed. The fresh shit was hot and I pushed it up to my balls and my legs sagged a little with the intensity of the pleasure. I pissed some and it ran down my legs into my socks, but I didn't care now. I walked to my bed and lie on the towels, slid off my damp socks and lie back. I didn't know how much more shit I had, but I wanted it to last a long time. I bore down and easily came out with another big gob, like almost a softball, and I know it shot out the legs and waist of the speedo that time. I began to piss and let it run, not so I'd run out though, but I let the stream fill my pants and make them real wet in the front and down between my legs onto my ass. That felt so good, I unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped, slid them down and off. I lay back and put my hands on my ass, lifting it off the bed, and ran my hands inside my crack feeling the shit under my fingers and my fingers pushed at my asshole. When I put my hands on my front and moved them down over my dick and balls to my legs, I felt the shit that had slid out of the leg holes and I put my fingers inside there and got my first touch of the shit that made my dick so hard and my brain go off to cool places.

I moved my hands on the wet shit and slid it down onto my thighs, going up inside the legs of the speedo and pulling more out and rubbing down to my knees and back up. I'd never rubbed so much of it before. It was like today I was free to do anything I wanted. I needed more piss. I grabbed my dick through the leg hole and pulled it out, aimed it straight up and pissed a stream into the air and back onto my crotch, then up onto my chest and let some go into my open mouth. Yum, salty and a flavor like nothing else I'd ever drank before. It splashed on my face and neck, and back down to the pleasure place. I cut it off when I was real wet, pulled off the boxers and lay them on my face where I could taste the shit and piss on them. I rubbed them all over my face and hair, and sucked on the material getting some piss and the sweetness of the shit off them. I dropped them down onto the towel on the floor.

Now I wanted to try something. I lay on my stomach, hunched up my ass into the air and shit a gob that came down to my balls. I grabbed it and moved a lot of wet hot shit to my dick and pushed down with my hips onto the towel and fucked the bed with my shit. Oh man that felt so great, I was getting real hot and thought I'd shoot soon, but I didn't want to. I wish I could make it last all day, but I was too excited to be doing what I wanted.

I rolled over onto my back and put my legs back over my head, stuck my hard dick out the waist and peed into my mouth and on my face. Some wet shit fell off me onto my face and I rubbed it into my cheeks with my hand. I slid over some edge or reality then and I only focused on my pleasure. Nothing else mattered. My dad could have walked into the room and I would have kept going like he wasn't there at all. I had to get it all out now. I slid the speedo off and put it on my face. It was full of shit and piss, and I sucked it out, the sweetish shit and acid piss. I rubbed the suit on my face coating it with shit, and up into my hair getting most of the shit out of it and matting my hair with it. There wasn't hardly a part of me that wasn't covered in shit and piss, but I wanted more.

I tossed off the suit, lifted my legs over my head and bore down as hard as I could, like a woman I saw have a baby on TV. I grunted and breathed hard in and out, and groaned when a huge amount of shit came out of me in a burst, half hard and the rest almost runny, and it ran all over my ass, down through my legs, over my balls and dick, and onto my face and chest. I let my legs back down, grabbed the shit with my hands and began to rub it on my face some more, sticking my fingers laden with shit into my mouth and sucking them clean. It tasted like so damn good, I couldn't even think I was so hot and full of my sexual energy. I hadn't touched my dick for awhile and it jumped around and felt like I could cum at any minute.

I lay flat again with my legs spread as wide as I could, and pissed a stream all over my face and chest, down over my dick and balls, down to my legs, and as I bore down as hard as I could to finish getting every last drop a surprising last gob of fresh shit came out of me. I took it in my hands, hot, wet, slippery, lay it on my dick. I reached up and slid my hands along my chest and stomach gathering more shit, really wet now from the piss, and I squished it with my fists onto my dick and balls, all of it, a big mound. I groped and squeezed, the shit coming between my fingers, my eyes closed tight, my head back, I'm panting like I ran a race, groaning and grunting and even a sob escaped me I was so hot and excited. It only took a few seconds of rubbing it all in to my dick. I licked some off my fingers, and while I worked it around and swallowed, I pushed some shit with one hand into my ass crack and into my hole with two fingers while I rubbed my dick hard and fast with the other hand. It didn't even build up like slow like when I do it at night with my hands. It came in a rush I couldn't stop if I wanted to. I swear it started at my toes and shot up my legs, they went all stiff and straight, the toes pointing, I lifted my ass off the bed and thrust my hips up as far as they'd go, and the rush went up my back, crotch, belly, and into my brain in a rush of fire when I shot cum from my cock in five magnificent spurts. Holy fucking shit, I'd never be the same again.

I didn't care how long it would take to clean up, I just lie there with my hands on my dick and balls, slowly massaging them, and I sucked some shit from my fingers, rubbed it on my face and felt it in my hair. I smelled so good I never wanted to bathe again or leave my bed. Why couldn't I just stay like this until I'm old enough I have to go to work and move out.

Wet and Loose Bonus

A week after my shit storm in my room I was still longing to do it with someone else. I so wanted to sit on some guys dick, with it in my asshole, and then shit on him while he fucks me. He could piss inside me and make it all hot and wet before it even came out. While he fucked me he could shit and have it roll over his ass cheeks and onto us, and I would piss on us both. I spent extra time in my room jacking off and dreaming.

My Auntie Joanne had a young boy named Hank, and he was maybe two years old or so. He was a nice little fucker though, friendly and didn't cause a lot of trouble like some two year olds. My aunt was only nineteen years old so she really hadn't grown up much yet. She smoked and drank beer and my sister said she smoked marijuana, but I didn't care cause she liked me and told me so.

"Do you like little girls?" she said with a mouthful of smoke coming out.

"No, not much," I said.

"It's okay, either you do or you don't, it doesn't matter to me Frankie. I think you're cute and I love you anyway. So look, your folks said you could stay the night if you want to. I want to go out for a little while and I can't get a sitter for Hank, so would you watch him for me. I'll even pay you, like, um, five dollars an hour, okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I said.

"There's even some beer in the fridge if you want some," she said. "Don't get fucked up though please. Just one or two, okay?"

"Okay," I said. I liked beer, but didn't want to get fucked up either, just buzzy was nice.

She left half an hour later and Hank and I played with his Legos on the living room floor. I drank one beer, then drank the other. I had to piss but held it because I had a nice buzz, it was fun playing with Hank, and we had some good tunes on the stereo on loud. Then Hank farted real loud and started laughing. I got to laughing too, thought I could fart and I did, so we laughed harder. Then I reached over and started tickling him, he looked so cute, his light blond hair and fat little legs sticking out of his high-legged little boy-short-shorts. I leaned over while he giggled and wiggled and held him down with one hand and tickled him with the other, and he laughed and screamed. He used one hand to grip his crotch tight and held on. The sight of that made my dick hard. A few seconds later I heard him fart again and it ended abruptly.

"Uh oh, uh oh," Hank said between giggles.

I could smell it right away, the perfect aroma of fresh shit, and not mine. It smelled like mine but a little different, and that made me hot right away.

"I pooped myself," he said and laughed.

I laughed too. I thought I could shit, I bore down hard, made my face red I'll bet, and sure enough I made a nice turd come out.

"Uh oh, I pooped myself too."

Hank laughed, leaned over and put his hand onto my ass and felt my lump. I reached over his back and felt his lump too, and he'd made a nice one for sure.

"Hey Hank, you want to poop some more," I said. "We'll have some fun, our own special thing to do when I'm here, but nobody else can know about it, okay?"

He nodded and his eyes like sparkled with his excitement.

"Let's poop some more," Hank said. He talked pretty good for a two and a half year old.

"Okay, we'll go to the bathroom and do it in the tub, come on."

I took his hand and led him to the bathroom upstairs. I climbed into the claw foot tub and helped him get in, then we sat facing each other with his legs out in front of him inside my spread out legs on either side of him.

"Okay, I'll go first," I said. I was so damn hot and excited my voice shook when I talked. I wanted to do this so bad. I bore down and pushed some shit from my asshole. "There, I did it, I pooped some more. Now it's your turn."

Hank made fists with his hands, his face got red, he grunted like a little pig and I heard the shit come out of him in a burst. Some even came out the legs of his shorts.

"I pooped a lot," he said. "I did okay?"

"You did great. Look at all the poop you made, it's coming out your legs. Wow. Okay, watch this," I lay back in the tub and began to piss. I had lots of beer in me so it was easy. I pissed enough to soak the front of my cargo shorts, and I shit a little more too. The combination of the two shit smells and the piss made me high and hot as hell.

"You made pee pee in your pants," Hank said. "I make pee pee too."

He got red again and the front of his shorts got real wet fast, and when he grunted more shit came out with a loud fart and it squeezed out the legs of his shorts along with a little creek of piss running down the tub.

"You ever play with your poop?" I said. I stuck my hands into my pants legs and up to the shit in the back and pulled them out with shit on my fingers.

"I played with my poop and mommy got mad," Hank said.

"I won't get mad, and we'll never tell mommy or anyone else. I play with my poop and pee all the time, it feels real good. Watch."

I slid my shorts and underwear down, put my hands in the shit in them and got it out and up to show Hand, then I spread it on my dick and balls and up on my pubes and belly. He watched with big eyes, put his hand inside his shorts and came out with a nut brown handful of hot soft shit filling both hands. He held it to his nose and sniffed, and stuck his tongue into it.

"It's good isn't it Hank," I said.

"Good. You want some?"

"Yes, give me some of yours," I said.

I pulled off my shorts and boxers and came forward so I could touch him. My dick was hard and straight, and his was just normal, a nice cut little dick and tiny ball sack covered in shit. I pulled his shorts and underwear off. When I was close enough I lifted him up and sat him on my lap, my dick between his legs. I touched his dick and he laughed.

"It feels good there," he said.

I scooped some of his shit off his balls with my finger and put it into my mouth. His was really sweet, like he'd eaten lots of candy. I was hot as hell with my dick between his shitty legs. I pissed some and he copied me, pissing on my belly. I pushed my dick up and down between his legs and slid in the shit and piss there. I grabbed his dick in my fingers and jacked him while he giggled and bounced up and down on me, further stimulating my dick. I had all I could take. His body was so nice and warm, the smell of our shit and piss, the slippery feelings, my fingers on his dick and balls, I began to shoot off. When I finished we just sat there, he lie forward and I put my arms around him. A moment later he snored softly. I used my feet to move the lever to plug the tub, turned on the water taps and filled it. While Hank dozed I washed us both clean. I got him into pajamas and bed, took the clothes and towels and washed and dried them, cleaned up the tub, and when Auntie Joanne came home I was dozing in the big chair in the living room.

"Had a quiet night ay Frankie," she said.

She looked really high and swayed back and forth as she stood there.

"Yeah," I said. "Hank is a real sweet kid and I'd do it again for you whenever you want."

"Thanks Frankie, that's real nice of you. I'm going to bed, see you in the morning."

I slept very well that night. School was starting and I had a new plan.

Comments: queer4life@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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