Wet and Loose

By moc.liamtoh@efil4reeuq

Published on Aug 6, 2013


Wet & Loose 5

The following is a work of fiction.

Fiction: An artwork of fantasy tinted with the brushstrokes of reality.

I wonder if this is what love is all about, or is that stupid to think about, I don't know. I'm not even a teenager yet so how would I even imagine to know what love is. Frankie didn't want to leave this house and Doug ever. Maybe Doug's parents would be so cool they'd understand and adopt Frankie. Frankie had never met anyone so much like himself when it came to doing sex stuff as Doug did. He knew exactly what to do to make Frankie hot, and he knew what to do to Doug to do the same. He couldn't wait to meet Bruce, Doug's little friend from the neighborhood.

They ate dinner in the dining room and Doug's parents were really cool. His mom was a law clerk working on her law degree and his dad managed a large tool and die firm. They were young and good looking, and they had their meals prepared by a caterer at the beginning of each week, put in the freezer, and ready to pop into the convection oven. Tonight they served lasagna and a green salad. Frankie sniffed his fingers when he could and loved the bitter/sweet aroma of their sex play from earlier that afternoon. Every time he smelled them his cock twitched and he imagined the fun they'd have later that night. He looked up from his plate and saw Doug looking at him, and Doug smelled his middle finger and smiled. Frankie got real hot and smiled back.

"For dessert we've got raspberry gelato that I picked up on the way home," Doug's mom said. "Would you like it now boys?"

The front doorbell rang and Doug jumped up and ran that direction.

"I'll get it, it's probably Bruce," he said. "Let's all eat dessert now and we can go downstairs and watch movies and play while you guys relax."

Doug knew his folks would enjoy their Saturday off tomorrow, and they liked to make love on Friday night so with the boys downstairs they'd have the upstairs to themselves.

"Doug's so thoughtful," his dad said and winked at his wife.

Doug came back in the room in a few minutes and a boy with long blond hair followed him. His hair was over his ears and down over his neck in back, and his eyes were blue like sea ice. He was five inches shorter than Doug, wore a white t-shirt that said `Eat Me' on it, and skinny jeans that were so tight Frankie thought he could see his dickhead.

"This is Frankie," Doug said and Bruce came to shake hands.

"Bruce," he said and tickled Frankie's palm with his finger while they shook.

Bruce had a big mouth, full lips, and a great big smile. When he turned around Frankie saw a gorgeous butt, two round bowls of fun in the tight jeans. He wanted to jump up and put his hands on those mounds of pleasure.

"Sit down Bruce, we're going to have gelato then you boys can go play in Doug's basement," Doug's dad said.

Bruce sat beside Doug and looked at him in a way that made Frankie harder. It was like smoke went between them, and Doug pushed his glasses up two times in a row and looked down into his lap.

Doug's mom served the dishes of Italian ice cream and the boys ate fast.

"Thanks for dinner," Frankie said. "Can I help you with anything, I mean at home I have to clear the table after we eat."

"No Frankie," Doug's mom said, "we'll put it all in the dishwasher. You boy's go now."

Doug led the way down the stairs, Bruce behind him, and then Frankie. Bruce stopped halfway down and turned around, reached up and pulled Frankie's face down to his and kissed him on the mouth. Frankie nearly fell down the steps, he began to shake and he almost shot his wad as Bruce slid his tongue into Frankie's mouth and played with his tongue.

"See, didn't I tell you Bruce was hot stuff," Doug said from the bottom of the stairs. "Come on, I got a boner so hard it's going to rip my pants."

They went into Doug's room and put the sheet on the bed again.

"Sit on the bed Frankie," Bruce said.

Frankie sat and Bruce walked between his legs and began to rub his crotch, located his hard cock and pressed on it and squeezed. Frankie reached around behind him and cupped his ass cheeks.

"You like my ass?" Bruce said, his breathing was getting faster.

"Oh yes," Frankie said. He whispered, it was hard to catch his breath.

Doug got behind Bruce and rubbed his crotch against his ass, and Frankie pushed on Doug's hard cock with his hand.

"Kneel down Frankie," Bruce said.

Frankie knelt on the rug. If Bruce said cut your throat Frankie would do it just to get inside this boy's pants. Bruce moved forward and put his crotch right in Frankie's face. Doug knelt beside Frankie and began to rub his cock and down between his legs while Bruce pushed his crotch onto Frankie's face and a dark wet spot formed on the front. Frankie sucked at the pee coming through, warm and tangy, he ran his hands up and down Bruce's thighs as they too became wet, slid them around and cupped those ass cheeks he loved so much.

"You guys drained out your shit I'll bet," Bruce said. "But I've got some I held all day."

He grunted and Frankie felt his hands pushed back as the back of the tight jeans filled with hot shit. Doug crawled around behind Bruce and put his face on his ass, inhaled the aroma of the shit and rubbed his face against the soft warm pile in Bruce's pants.

"On the bed, please, now," Frankie said. He didn't know how long he could hold off shooting his cum and he wanted to do more before that happened.

Bruce went to the bed and lay on his back, spread his legs as wide as he could and groaned as he shit some more. Now his pants were soaked in the front. Frankie knelt between his legs and Doug knelt above his face and they both began to piss, Frankie's pants front got wet and the piss ran down his thighs. Doug peed and it soaked his pants and dripped onto Bruce's face. He ran his tongue around and licked up the piss drops and smiled.

"Lay on my face Doug," Bruce said.

Doug lay forward and covered Bruce's face with his crotch, then he pissed more and Bruce sucked it out of the front of his pants. He grunted hard and filled the back of his pants so much with shit it came under his balls and filled the front too. Frankie watched as the front pushed out in a huge lump and he put his face on it and sucked the pee and shit out of Bruce's pants.

Bruce reached up and undid the button on Frankie's pants, unzipped them and pulled them down along with his underwear. Doug sat up and took down his pants and underwear, slid them all the way off and tossed them aside. Frankie couldn't hold it any more and peed up and down Bruce's chest, on his face, and down over his already soaked pants front. Bruce grabbed Frankie's cock and jacked it while he peed all over the place. Doug laughed, came around behind Frankie and stood up. He pissed out his hard cock onto Frankie's hair and the pee ran off and down his face. Bruce grunted twice and even more shit came out, and Frankie opened the button on his jeans and pulled down the zipper. Bruce's tight jockey's were full of shit, covering his cock and balls, and it came up and out the waist when Frankie opened his pants. Frankie began to run his palms over the front of Bruce's underwear. They were wet with piss, and Bruce pissed some more. Frankie sat back and pissed onto Bruce's crotch. Doug stripped off his shirt, knelt beside the other boys and kissed first Bruce on the mouth, then Frankie. At the same time Frankie and Doug slid their hands into the front of Bruce's underwear and felt his hot soft piss soaked shit. They all looked at each other and smiled. Now the real fun would begin, and they'd get high doing what they all loved the best. Frankie found Bruce's cock in the shit, and it was big, almost six inches, and that surprised him.

"I know, it's big," Bruce said. "The doctor said it was some kind of hormone thing, puberty praecox or some shit like that, and I got hair too down there but I shaved it all off cause I like smooth. I shoot sperm too. Oh yes, somebody rub the shit all over my stomach."

Doug accommodated him, took a handful of shit and smeared it up over the boy's stomach. Frankie pulled Bruce's pants and shorts off. He took the shit filled shorts and rubbed them on his chest, down over his cock and balls and handed it to Doug. Doug rubbed the shit onto his ass crack and over his balls. He took out some and jacked himself with it, then he pissed and wet it down to make it slippery.

"Piss on me Frankie," Bruce said.

"I want to lay on top of you and do it," Frankie said.

He wondered how this could all feel so perfectly right, and he couldn't decide what to do next because it all felt good and he didn't want to miss anything before he shot off. He lie on Bruce, the smaller boy fit nicely beneath him, and their cocks rubbed together lubricated with the shit and piss. Their bellies made a sucking noise while the moved around, Bruce mouth onto Frankie's while he began to piss on them. Their cocks got slipperier, they pushed down and rubbed faster, both close to cumming.

"Hold on," Doug said. "I want Bruce to fuck Frankie and I know you've got more shit in you so you can shit on his cock and balls. Get on him doggy style and I'll fuck you Bruce. And we can both reach around and jack Frankie off."

They were streaked with shit and piss, all of them dazed by the heat of the sexual moment, locked in to the sensation and the rest of the world could go fuck itself. Frankie wanted it to last all night long, and he knew it couldn't because they were all close to cumming now. He startled himself when he began to cry.

"What's the matter Frankie?" Doug and Bruce said at the same time.

Frankie was on his knees, he leaned on his elbows, his ass in the air awaiting Bruce's cock, and he sobbed.

"It's going to be over soon and I love it so much. This is the only time I feel like I don't have to hide from people. I don't want to stop."

Doug got on one side of him and Bruce on the other. They put their arms around him and pulled him down flat on the mattress and showered him with wet kisses. They licked shit from his cheeks.

"We're not going anywhere Frankie," Doug said.

"There'll be lots of days to try stuff out after this," Bruce said.

"You feel sad cause you love us," Doug said.

`That's right," Frankie said and hiccupped. "I love you and don't want to lose you both. There's nobody that understands what we do like you guys."

"Let's get fucking and talk about it later," Doug said. "Come on Frankie hike up those hot buns so Bruce can get in you.

Frankie got onto his knees and leaned forward on his elbows. Bruce didn't need any lube. He slid a finger full of shit from his hole and put it in Frankie's, then he pissed on it. He moved his cock closer still pissing, then put the head into Frankie's asshole.

Frankie grunted, "Oh shit that's the biggest thing I've ever had in my hole"

"If you don't like it tell me and we'll stop," Bruce said.

"No no, don't stop, just lie there for a minute and let me get used to it. It feels like a big turd and it might make me want to shit."

"Spread those magic legs out Brucie," Doug said. "I want to get inside you where it's tight and hot."

Bruce spread them wide, Doug knelt down and put his face into Bruce's hole and licked it clean. He forced his wet tongue inside the hole.

"That should do it," he said, sat up straight, slid forward and guided his hard cock right up to the entrance to Bruce's hot hole...it winked at him, and he leaned into it sliding the head inside Bruce.

When Doug put his cock head into Bruce's asshole Bruce pushed forward and slipped another inch inside Frankie. Frankie didn't know where he was for a minute he was so lost in the pleasure and lust of his sensory overload. Everything he'd ever imagined in his wildest jack off fantasies was coming true. He'd kissed other boys like he'd seen on the internet, with tongue, and he found boys who liked to shit and piss and spread it all over themselves and other boys. Frankie sucked cock and loved it, especially if it had shit on it, and now he had big cock sliding slowly into him all the way so six inches of hot boy cock was buried to the hilt in his hole. He began to laugh it all felt so wonderful.

"Oh wow, when you laugh your hole twitches," Bruce said.

"Hurry and fuck me as fast as you can," Frankie said. "Your big cock keeps hitting something in there that makes me want to shoot gallons of cum and I'm going to go any minute."

Frankie panted as he said the words, trying to hold back his orgasm but so far into the pleasure that he couldn't resist the final overwhelming high he'd get from going over the edge.

"I'm going to cum too," Doug said.

He was slamming his cock into Bruce, the shit and pissing making slapping and squishing noises as all three boys fucked covered in wet piss and slippery shit. Now they stopped talking, each lost in his own world where the intensity of the feeling were building and with each pulse towards orgasm they got higher and more detached from the real world. This was the ultimate drug for them. Cheap, addicting, easily available, and as long as their bodies processed food into waste they'd never run out.

Doug began to grunt with each push of his cock into Bruce, and Bruce just panted while he slid his cock into Frankie slowly and withdrew it quickly. Frankie was shocked, he hadn't touched his cock and it began to twitch making his guts feel like they were laughing, and the rush went up his spine from his balls and he shot cum.

"Oh shit, I'm shooting," Frankie said.

"Go Frankie go," Doug shouted and began to cum inside Bruce's hole.

Bruce came last, his whole body stiffened and stayed rigid for fifteen seconds, then he drove his cock into Frankie fast while he shot his drops of cum inside him. When they all were drained from their orgasms they flopped over onto their sides, Doug inside Bruce and Bruce inside Frankie. Bruce reached around and slowly pumped Frankie's cock, and Frankie began to piss freely, the stream playing up and down his chest and belly while Bruce guided it. He used his hands to wet Frankie's cock and slid up and down on it, working down between his legs and feeling his balls. Within minutes Frankie had another orgasm without shooting anything.

"Wow look at Frankie go," Doug said. "You're a fuck king Frankie."

"Can we lay here all night like this," Frankie said.

"No, it'll dry and get scratchy," Bruce said. "Doug and I tried it. Come on, let's get clean and we can get into bed and fool around and talk. You got any of those frozen pizzas down here Doug?"

"Sure. We can have pizza and sodas. Here's a towel for each of you," he reached under the bed and handed them towels. "Wipe the serious shit off you and leave the towels on the bed."

They wiped themselves off and went to the big shower, soaped and rinsed twice, and Frankie had another orgasm while he rubbed his soapy body against Bruce's beautiful ass cheeks.

"You can cum more than anyone I ever saw," Doug said.

"Yeah," Bruce said. "I was a fuck boy for my uncle once and he said I could come a lot, but you beat me."

They dried off and changed the bed, got the washer going, nuked the pizzas and climbed into bed. The boys ate in silence, the sex making them very hungry as growing boys will do.

"Did your uncle like fuck you," Frankie said. "I mean like put his big cock into your hole and stuff?"

"He started messing with me when I was five," Bruce said. "He used to take me camping in the woods and his drunken friends would come along. Sometimes they brought another boy or two, and they'd all play with my cock and ass, and they made me do it to them. I didn't like the way they smelled. All sweaty and like that. They smelled like old cheese or something. The other boys were cool though, except the ones too stoned on drugs. One of the men took pictures of us and it went on the internet and that's how they got caught. I had to say things about them in court and they all went to prison."

"Could I go to prison for playing around with my 3 year old cousin?" Frankie said.

He and Bruce lay on either side of Doug and they had their legs flopped over one another's.

"I think they could put you in juvie," Doug said. "But you didn't get caught so don't do it anymore."

"Yeah we don't want to lose a fuck buddy," Bruce said.

"What's the weirdest thing you did, like with sex and stuff," Doug said.

"I didn't have anything to put on that I could throw away or wash," Frankie said. "We were on vacation at the ocean and I had an hour alone in the hotel room. I had to shit real bad and held it all morning, planning for the afternoon shit fest, and so I used a tank top. I put my feet into the arm holes and tied the straps together under my balls, then I pulled it way up and tied the waist around my chest. I lay down in the tub and did it, and by the time I finished I was shit and piss all over and I still had the thing on me."

"I once used a plastic garbage bag," Doug said. "I had on jockeys and I put my feet through holes in the corners, pulled it up and used the ties on it around my chest. When I shit and pissed it all stayed inside and didn't leak out anyplace. I was like a big shit and piss washing machine in there, and I stuck my arms and hands inside and it all squished and sloshed."

"I jacked off the neighbor's dog," Bruce said. "He was like fifty pounds and some kind of chow thing, all furry, and I got naked with him and rubbed my cock and balls all over his back and stuff. He licked my cock and balls, and when I turned around he tried to get on me and stick his cock inside me. He was like grunting and growling and I was going to let him do it but he started nipping me on the back and neck. I rolled over and got my hand on his cock and jacked him off until he shot his dog cum on my hand. Fucking dog scared me though."

"What would you do if you fell into a pile of cow shit?" Frankie said. "Would you get all hard and stuff."

"I don't think it's the shit makes me hard," Doug said.

"Yeah, I don't think cow shit or horse shit or whatever would be anything to sex up over," Bruce said.

"It's like the whole thing, you know?" Doug said. "I know when I'm going to do it, and like it might be in the morning so I plan all day. I get so worked up thinking about it, I get hard and play with myself over and over, and I hold my shit and piss in until it hurts. I plan what I'm going to wear and where I'm going to do it, and when it all happens it's better than just doing it."

"Me too," Frankie said, finally having a chance to share his thoughts about his sex stuff. "I like it when the time gets nearer to do it, and my pee slips out a little, just a spot, and my shit gets out into my crack and I have to sit on it to hold it all inside."

"I like to go to a place I haven't done it before," Bruce said. "Like I'll go in the garage and sit on the stool at the workbench and do it there. The shit comes out fast and hard and goes in different places than it does if I'm on a bed or something. Like it goes up my back, and through and onto my balls and cock, and down my legs. When I touch it and rub it around it's so fucking hot."

"I did it in church once," Doug said.

"And you're not in hell yet," Frankie said and they all laughed.

"Where did you do it?" Bruce said.

He had his hand on Doug's cock and pumped it while Doug talked. Frankie rubbed Doug's balls and played with his own cock while Doug talked.

"We were supposed to be up in the loft singing," Doug said, "you know, the youth choir and stuff. Doug arched his hips up and Bruce slid his other hand under his ass. "I had to go bad ever since practice an hour before, so I signaled the director I had to go and he nodded. I went down to the back of the church and out the doors, then around to the side and into where the priest put on his clothes for the service. I sat down right where he puts on his shoes, still in the red choir robe, and I shit the whole load out. I was squirming my ass around in it you know, sliding and getting it to move around everywhere when the priest looked over and saw me. I put my hands under the robe and massaged my cock through the layer of shit and he watched my hands move under my robe. I swear he licked his lips."

"Some altar boy got a hard fucking that day," Bruce said.

"I busted a nut right there real quick, then I went out the door and made it home. Nobody could see under my robe so I sat on bus benches and stuff and rubbed it around. I had my pants open, I pissed some down the legs. I was just walking around out there doing it and nobody knew it."

"That sounds hot," Frankie said. He was jacking himself rapidly while listening to Doug's story and he was close to orgasm again. "We should do it sometime, like together." He was panting.

"Let's go to sleep and we'll fool around some more in the morning," Bruce said. "I got to go early cause my folks want me to go with them to the farmer's market."

He rolled over onto his side and put his head on Doug's shoulder. Doug leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Frankie rolled over and put his head on Doug's other shoulder and Doug kissed him. Frankie thought about what they `d done together and he smiled. He remembered that Carl was coming over on Sunday and he felt his cock grow. He couldn't wait to break Carl in on gay sex.

Comments: queer4life@hotmail.com

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Look for other queer4life posts at Young Friends' Tyler series' and Jimmy Max', and Mill Street House' at `Urination'.

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