Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on Jul 7, 2013


Disclaimer: I hope you know what you're doing!

The following story is purely fictional. Please read it legally - be of a legal age and in a legal place. Any similarity in plot or resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and/or publish this story without expressed permission from the author. Thanks :)

Pre-story author's note:

Just a little bit of explanation for those not familiar with my location: The current chapter begins in October which is generally when the academic year begins to end and final exams begin in New Zealand, where this story is supposedly set – I can't remember if I've stated that before. In the southern hemisphere, summer is December to February inclusive, and summer break is usually from November to February for university students. Hope that clears things up for you northern hemispherians.

I also want to sincerely thank all the people who have taken the time to write to me. If there weren't any concerns for confidentiality, I would list the names of all the people who have emailed me and be like "Who are awesome? All the above". You know who you are. I'm so sorry if I haven't emailed you back. I have about 4 different email addresses to maintain (personal, work #1, work #2, and Yahoo) and unfortunately my Yahoo email (which I use exclusively for my writing) falls towards the bottom in terms of priority. I am such a shitty author, aren't it? A terrible one. Such an amateur! I need to hire people to read my emails for me :P But please know that I love hearing from you all. Remember I've still got that mailing group. If you want to be the first to know when I'm updates are ready on Nifty, just let me know and I'll add you to my emailing list. Thanks!

And lastly, Please consider donating to Nifty.org! It's a great place to keep alive! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

I apologise (but will not correct) for any typographical errors!

Wet shame, wet fun

Chapter 5

The month was October and the boys were three weeks out from the final exams of their first year of university. Like many other students, they studied together to provide each other with academic support – trading notes, discussing questions and answering course objectives. Unfortunately, while their intentions were genuine, what happens in reality can be quite different from what is first perceived. Having two hormonal young men spend large amounts of uninterrupted and private time together had its drawback. Most of it was Theo's fault, of course.

"Theo, stop it. We need to finish this chapter," Jake said as he moved Theo's hand off his thigh for the third time in the past half hour. The two boys were sitting at Jake's desk; textbooks, lecture hand-outs, and notebooks were strewn over the wooden table.

"Come on, baby. Can't let this thing go untouched." Theo grabbed at his hard cock through his pants and gives it a gentle shake. Jake just rolled his eyes.

"Honestly. Please keep it in your pants," Jake groaned as he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palms. "It's been three hours and we've only finished one chapter. ONE chapter."

Theo threw up his hands, palms out like a gun was being pointed at him and spoke, "Hey, you can't blame me. I've got this totally sexy boy sitting next to me. You try sitting next to him and not cop a feel." Theo smirked as the other boy began to blush.

Jake's phone beeped twice, startling the boys. "Three hours is up. Be right back," Jake announced as he got up and made his way to the door. Before Jake left the room, Theo called out and asked him to bring back some snacks from the vending machine, throwing his wallet to him.

Jake had started trying out a new thing where he reminded himself to go to the toilet every three hours even if he wasn't feeling the need to go. He had read somewhere that it was a strategy that some people use to help avoid `accidents'. Every three hours he would make his way to the toilet and try to empty out his bladder as best as he could. He had been trialling this strategy for about a week and it was working well at the moment.

Jake returned ten minutes later with two bags of chips and two packets of candy in his hands and a frown on his face.

"You okay?" Theo asked. Jake settled the snacks on the table and sat down. Theo opened up a bag of chips and began stuffing his face. "Hey, what's up?" Theo spoke again when Jake didn't answer.

"What am I going to do during my exams? They're three hours long!" Jake asked. He looked down at the fidgeting hands on his lap. "When I was in high school, my teachers knew about my `problem'. So when exams rolled around, I was allowed to sit in a room separate from the other students and could go to the toilet whenever I needed. My mom had set it all up with the school. I don't think I can do that here." Jake sighed. Theo slowly crunched on more chips before answering.

"I'm sure you could try to set up something like that here. You'll just need to talk to the right people. Maybe the examination office?" Jake's frown grew deeper at that suggestion.

"That's not the point, Theo. I know that I could probably talk to someone about it. The thing is that I don't want to. It's so freaking embarrassing. And so what if I do get something set up so I can go the toilet whenever I need to during the exam? People are gonna notice and ask me what the hell is going on. I don't want to be set up with a `special circumstances' examination. I just want to sit with all the other guys and do the exam just like everyone else." Jake was beginning to look visibly upset. "What am I going to do about that?"

Theo put down his chips and pulled Jake to his lap. He planted a kiss on the smaller guy's cheek and rubbed slow circles on his belly.

"Don't worry, baby. We can work something out," and before he said anything else, he pulled his laptop out. "Hey, I just had an idea." He powered up his laptop, opened up Firefox, and carried out a search in Google. Jake silently watched him and saw Theo click on a link when he found what he was looking for. When he saw what Theo had in mind, he jumped off his lap and turned to him.

"Oh hell no, Theo." Jake looked at the website selling adult diapers and incontinence pads. He pointed at the image of an elderly woman looking happy and confident as she walked by the beach. "I am not some post-menopausal woman that needs incontinence pads. What the hell, Theo?" Theo quickly navigated his way through the website, hoping to find something that would calm his fuming boyfriend. He clicked on page titled, `Who can use our products?' and up popped an image of a woman laughing as she picked up her young child. Jake narrowed his eyes at Theo. "And I am not some woman who's had like 60 babies and no longer has control over her bladder anymore!"

"Okay okay," Theo quickly said, waving his arms at the escalating situation. "Look at this." He began reading from the screen, "Our product range provides discrete and effective protection for men of all ages. Designed to fit the male body, our products offer extra absorbent material in the front where it's most needed, while still maintaining a slim fit so they can be worn under your everyday clothing." Theo looked up at Jake and smiled. "Doesn't that sound great? Men can wear them too!" Jake looked back at him sceptically. Theo began browsing thing the range of male products. "These ones look just like briefs, just a bit puffed up. You can wear them under your jeans. Nobody would know." He continued browsing. "Hey look at these crazy things. They look like giant-sized baby diapers. They've got the sticky straps and everything." He enthusiastically pointed to another product. "Look! These have got patterns on them. Bet you'd look cute in those." Theo heard Jake huff beside him. Jake placed a hand on his over-zealous boyfriend.

"Jake, thanks for the idea, but I don't think I want to go in this direction. I'm not up to wearing adult diapers."

Theo's smile faltered. "But, but, but," Theo stuttered. "Look at them. This one's got elephants on them. Elephants!" Before Jake began to protest again, Theo held up his hand to stop him. "Okay look at this. It says here we can get a free sample from them to try. Why don't you try them out first? If you don't like them then we'll stay away from them. On the other hand, you might find them useful. Yeah?" He nodded his head while he looked at Jake. Jake closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them up Theo was still slowly nodding at him. He gave an exasperated sigh, which seemed like something he did much more often now that he had Theo as a boyfriend.

"Fine. I can give a try. But if I don't like them, you drop it. Okay?"

Theo's smiled brightened and he turned back to his laptop. Submitting his mailing address, he asked for a free sample of one of their products. He didn't get to choose which product he got, but he was hoping that they would be the elephant-patterned adult diapers.

Three days later, Jake got a package which he eagerly took to show Jake.

"It's here, it's here," Theo announced as he entered Jake's room. He held up a package that was discretely bagged in a courier mailing bag. Jake did not look as excited. Theo grabbed a pair of scissors and began tearing into the bag. Reaching in, he pulled out two incontinence briefs that were wrapped in plastic. "Aww, they're not the elephant diapers." He read the letter that accompanied the mail. "Thank you for submitting a request to sample one of our many products available. You have received a pair of padded briefs for men, which offer discrete protection from leaks, whether big or small." Theo threw the letter in the bin and handed Jake one of the briefs. "Open it."

Jake took the plastic wrapping off and unfolded the briefs. They were grey; the outer material looked like plastic-y paper, while the inside was soft and padded in all the right places. The waistband was made of elastic as were the bands that lined the holes that you put your legs through. He held the briefs to his groin, imagining what they would look like on him. He shook his head.

"Nope, not liking them." Jake tried to hand them back to Theo who was also exploring the other pair.

"You haven't even tried them on yet. They look comfy. Sort of. Not really. But hey, it's lined in plastic and it's padded. The website said that each pair can hold a volume of up to 300 millilitres. That's almost a whole piss full." He gave a pair of the briefs back. "How about this, why don't I try a pair on with you so it won't be weird?" He looked at Jake hoping that he would agree. "We'll wear them for the rest of the day and see how it goes."

"Yeah, because there's nothing weird about 18 year old guys wearing incontinence briefs." Jake sat there looking not very amused. Theo stood up and began unbuckling his belt.

"These babies here might help you with this whole exam thing. Now try to look as excited as I am." Theo pulled the fly of his jeans down and pushed them down. He stepped out of his jeans, stepped into the briefs and began pulling them up. He stopped and looked at a very bemused Jake. "Oh wait, the underwear has to come off first, duh." He pulled the briefs down and shucked his underwear off before pulling the briefs back on. He pretended not to notice Jake ogle at his junk. He stood up and felt the lined briefs against his skin. Pushing his hand inside the front of the briefs, he adjusted his penis and balls. He wiggled his butt a bit and walked around the room, making exaggerated strides with his legs. "Hmm not bad, Jake. Feels pretty nice actually. Maybe I should take up wearing adult diapers too." He wiggled his eyebrows at Jake, which earned him a groan from the other boy. Theo put his jeans back on and buckled up his belt. "Your turn."

Jake gave a sigh before standing up and began undoing his pants. He paused a bit before pulling his underwear off in front of Theo. He blushed at being exposed.

"Come on, Jake. Nothing I haven't seen before. Or touch. Or licked. Or sucked."

Jake giggled and quickly pulled the briefs up. He also adjusted his junk inside the briefs before walking around the room, testing the material and feel. He gave an indifferent shrug.

"They feel okay, I guess," he acknowledged. He pulled his jeans back on and stood in front of the mirror. He pivoted on the spot to look at himself from multiple angles. Luckily, he wasn't into wearing those skinny jeans so his jeans were loose enough to not show any extra bulging that might suggest that he was wearing anything other than normal underwear underneath. Theo came up behind him and gave Jake's butt a firm smack. Jake pulled his t-shirt up, revealing the top of the elastic waistband that poked up from underneath the waistband of his jeans. If his shirt ever rode up, such as when he bent over or lifted his arms up high, someone might see the waistband of the diaper briefs.

"Damn, that's an adorable look on you," Theo admitted. He pulled Jake to his chest and wrapped his arms around. His hand traced the waistband of the briefs before it dove inside and fondled Jake's cock. He sucked on the boy's neck and Jake moaned at the touch. Theo pulled his hand out of Jake's pants and backed away. "Fuck, these things aren't comfortable to get hard in." He tugged at his crotch attempting to position his boner more comfortably.

Before Theo could derail any more of the morning, Jake reminded him that they had planned to head over to the student commons on campus to do more study. Jake had suggested a more public location on purpose in order to restrict Theo's wandering hands. Reluctantly, Theo packed up all the course material he needed, along with his laptop, and make his way to campus with Jake to begin their study session.

They managed to nab a table towards the back of the 3rd common room, which was surprising because free desk space was not easy to come by during the busy pre-exam season. An unclaimed chair at a table was like gold. They worked in silence over the hours, only stopping for a few minutes to ask each other or one of their classmates a question. By 6:30pm, they had been there for five hours and most of the initial occupants of the room had left to have dinner. The common room was only sparsely occupied now. The two boys still sat towards the back, while a few lone students were scattered towards the front.

"Crap. I need to go to the toilet. I'm going to pee myself," whispered Jake as he stood up. He had turned his phone off to avoid being disturbed, and in doing so had forgotten to take his 3-hourly visits to the toilet. Theo quickly stopped him.

"No, wait. Just go here. In your diaper briefs," suggested Theo.

Jake shook his head. "What? I can't do that. What if they leak? What if it goes everywhere?"

"We'll take the risk. If you ruin your pants I'll give you mine. I swear. Come on, Jake. Try out the briefs."

Jake sat back down and began jiggling in his chair as he tried to hold off on wetting himself. Theo reached across the desk and took Jake's hands into his own.

"I can't hold on anymore," Jake whispered urgently. He rested his head on the desk and grasped tightly onto Theo's hands. He felt this bladder open up and the warm piss spread down his balls and between his thighs. He closed his eyes and waited for the warmth to spread down his legs as it usually did. After a few seconds, he noticed that the warmth remained contained inside his briefs. He shuffled in his seat and noticed that the padding had puffed up a bit from absorbing all the piss. While it was still warm inside his pants, the wetness feeling had subsided due to being sponged up. Maybe these diaper briefs were better than he initially thought?

"All better, baby?" Theo asked as he noticed Jake squirming in his seat.

"Yeah. They don't lead, surprisingly. But they're sort of tight now. All the padding has swollen up from all my pee. Kinda uncomfortable." He continued to shift in his seat.

Theo got out of his chair and pulled Jake up with him. "Come with me. We're going to the bathroom." He led Jake to the male bathroom and moved them into a stall. He tugged at Jake's jeans. "Take these off." Jake began taking his jeans off after hesitating for a bit. When his pants were off, Theo crouched down so that his face was level with Jake's crotch. Theo examined the diaper briefs, looking for signs of leakage. He turned Jake around so he could look all over. The briefs had definitely puffed up a bit.

"Hmm not bad at all. Pretty good. How much did you think you pissed?"

Jake shrugged. "I dunno. A normal amount? I hadn't gone to the toilet all afternoon. I think I was quite full. So maybe a lot."

Jake shuddered as Theo ran the palm of his hand over the bulge of Jake's groin. "Mmm, it's so warm with all that piss in there. Does it feel wet? Is it squishy?"

Jake shook his head. "It did at first when I was peeing. But now it's all soaked up, I think. There isn't that uncomfortable wet feeling like I usually get when I pee my pants."

Theo nodded as he continued to feel the warm bulge. He stood up and tugged at the diaper briefs. "Okay let's get rid of this now. It's served it use. In the bin it goes, then we can go get dinner." He took a hold of the waistband and begin and pull down, but Jake stopped him.

"Hey, wait. I don't have any underwear to replace it with. What if I had another accident?"

Theo felt the heftiness of the filled diaper briefs in his hands. "I don't know, Jake. You filled them up real good. I think you're good for tonight, don't you think? Besides, some underwear isn't gonna do anything for you. But if you want, you can just keep these on."

Jake looked down at his diaper briefs and shifted his body in them. They had gotten uncomfortably tight and the warmth that had retained in the material was starting to gross him out. "I wanna get rid of them, Theo. What should I do?"

Theo thought for a moment before opening his mouth. "Do you want mine? They're still clean. I haven't pissed in them yet or anything." Jake thought about the idea of wearing diaper briefs that had already been worn by his boyfriend, and he was ashamed to admit that the idea turned him on a bit.

"Umm, okay sure. If that's okay," Jake agreed.

Both boys took their respective diaper briefs off. Jake handed his soiled briefs to Theo while Theo gave his worn briefs to his boy to wear. After that, they both pulled their jeans back on. Theo weighed the used diaper briefs in his hand. He brought it up to his nose and he sniffed at it. The briefs had done a good job in masking most of the piss smell, but you could still make it out if you concentrated.

"Nice," Theo muttered then balling the diaper briefs up. Before they exited the men's bathroom, he chucked them in the rubbish bin and washed his hands. With their brains turned to slush and being done with studying for the day, the boys packed up their belongings when they got back to the common room and made their way back to their dorm rooms, not before stopping by a pizza place to pick up some dinner.

The boys were having a particularly late study session one Friday evening. It dragged into the early morning and by 2:30am both of them had conked out for the night on Theo's bed together.

Theo was the first to awaken the next morning. The first thing he noticed was a cold dampness on his thigh. He traced the dampness, which was also present on the bed, and it led back to Jake. He bent down and gave the moisture a sniff. The faint smell of urine confirmed his findings. Before he could figure out what to do, Jake began to stir. Theo snaked his arms around Jake and pulled the awaking boy into him, giving his head a kiss. "Morning, buddy." Jake yawned and rubbed his eyes. "How'd you sleep?"

Jake didn't answer him. Instead, he had noticed the wetness that he had leaked over the bed. He started to panic when he realised that he had gotten it on Theo too. He jumped off the bed and started apologising profusely. He started rubbing at the wet patch with the palms of his hands as if he could rub them away. On the verge of tears and muttering to himself, Jake paced his room trying to decide if he should run out in utter embarrassment.

"Jake!" Theo called out in a firm voice. Jake stopped pacing and stood still, now fidgeting nervously with his hands. He looked up at Theo. "Jake, come here," Theo commanded. Jake took a step forward, but paused. Theo offered a hand out to him. What seemed like hours later, Jake hesitantly placed his own hand in Theo's. Instantly, he was pulled into Theo's embrace. Jake let out a whimper.

"I'm sorry," Jake whispered. Theo gave Jake's shoulder a squeeze and kissed his head again.

"Sorry about what? You did nothing wrong." Before Jake could object Theo interrupted him. "You did NOTHING wrong," he repeated.

"But I-," Jake began but faltered.

"You got a little piss on me and the bed – so what?" Theo gave his cheek a kiss and led him back to his bed. He sat them both down and placed a hand on Jake's thigh. Gently kissing the boy, Theo massaged Jake's damp thigh through his pants. He kissed Jake deeper when the boy moaned into his mouth. "Let's get these wet clothes off." Theo pulled his own shirt, pants and boxer briefs off. He settled his naked body down on the wet bed.

Jake looked at his naked boyfriend lying down beside him and he couldn't pry his eyes away from Theo's beautiful thick, hardening cock. Jake blushed when he noticed that Theo was watching him make eyes at his naked body. Theo grinned at both Jake's adorable bashfulness and increasing openness at looking at his body. "Come on, Jake. It's all yours." Theo grabbed Jake's hand and placed it on his belly just above his pubic hair. He left Jake's hand there, allowing the boy to move it as he wished. Jake swallowed nervously before slowly rubbing the soft skin of his boyfriend. After slowly kneading the ab muscles underneath, Jake slowly moved his hand down into Theo's public bush, running his hand through it. "Fuck, baby. Look how hard you're making me." Theo dropped his head back onto the bed and closed his eyes as his boyfriend gently touched him. He was on fire.

Theo suddenly sat up and pulled Jake's face towards his own. He watched Jake's mouth, slightly opened, beautiful pink lips and his cute tongue just on the edge of sticking out. He placed his lips on Jake's and reached for the other boy's tongue for his own. They shared a fiercely passionate kiss with Jake still running his hands through Theo's bush. Theo placed his hand on Jake's junk and began groping the boy through his wet pants. He felt for the boys hard penis and gently stroked it. They became increasingly out of breath and excited.

"Clothes off. Now," Theo ordered when he finally pulled away. With little inhibition, Jake got rid of his clothes and chucked him on the floor. His wet piss-slit was peeking out of his foreskin, slick with pre-cum. Jake quickly shuffled himself back towards Theo, reaching for his boyfriend's cock, but Theo stopped him.

"Hang on, baby," Theo said as he stopped Jake's hand. "I want to watch you play with yourself." Theo shuffled back and rested his back against the wall. His hand rested in his lap, slowly stroking his cock. He watched as Jake sat in the middle of the bed, naked and hard. "Go on, sweety. Touch yourself." He watched as Jake's signature shyness began flooding his body, which turned Theo on remarkably. Jake covered his softening cock with his hand and blushed as he kept his head down. Looks like he needed a bit more encouragement.

Theo called for Jake to look at him. "Hey, look at this." Theo placed his hands beside him, leaving his cock exposed. He made the hard piece of meat jerk a few times, catching Jake's eye. "Look what you do to me. Your pretty face, sexy cock, and your beautiful, beautiful body. See how hard you make me?" Theo grinned at his boy, which earned a sweetly timid smile in return from Jake.

Jake opened his mouth to say something but stopped for a moment. His hand that covered his privates slowly began gently tugging at his soft cock. He started speaking again, "Y-You mean that?" Jake watched his boyfriend's cock jerked again and a drop of clear pre-cum rolled down the length of his thick cock. A quiet moan escaped Jake's mouth.

Theo nodded slowly as he focused on Jake's hand slowly stroking his own cock. It was slowly hardening. He watched as his boy tugged at the foreskin and rolled it over the head, back and forth. Pre-cum made the head and his foreskin wet and shiny. "Damn right I do. Keep going, baby. That's it." He continued to watch the boy stroke his hard cock, his ball sack moving up and down with each stroke. Jake had closed his eyes, his mouth slightly open. Small breathy moans left his mouth each time his hand grazed the sensitive glans of his cock head. "That's it, baby. Look at you pleasuring yourself. Fucking hot." Theo's hand had returned back to his cock, which he was slowly stroking too.

Theo sat there watching his boyfriend stroke his cock for another five minutes before he really needed to let loose a load. All the gentle moaning and groaning his boy was making while he pleasured himself was driving him crazy. Theo got up and shuffled towards Jake. He again took the boy's head and pulled it towards his own engaging in a hot and heavy kiss. It was wet and messy – something driven by the heated lust that only two young men could possess. Theo pushed the other boy down onto his back and grabbed Jake's hands away from his own cock, pinning his arms above his head. Jake whimpered, his sensitive, aroused cock straining to be touched.

"Please, Theo. Please touch me. I need it so bad," Jake pleaded. His lifted his hips, hoping his cock would come into contact with any part of Theo's body. Theo's gently placed the open palm of his hand over Jake's cock, sandwiching the whimpering boy's cock against his hand and the boy's flat stomach. Jake bucked his hips, humping Theo's hand and moaned from the pleasure that the friction provided him.

"You want this, baby?" Theo teased as his thumb scrapped over the exposed underside of Jake's cock causing the boy to buck again with pleasure. Jake nodded furiously.

"Yes, Theo. Please. I want it. I want it real bad." He buried his face into his arm, which was still pinned above his head by Theo's other hand.

Suddenly, Theo removed his hand from Jake's cock, leaving the boy humping the air for more friction. Theo slowly moved his hand up Jake's body. He rubbed his boy's flat tummy, before moving up to his erect, sensitive nipples. He gave each one a good pinch making Jake groan out in a frustrated desire. Jake was panting heavily, his back still arched, pushing his cock up hoping to rub against something. Theo's hand continued moving upwards until he had two of his fingers in the boy's mouth. Jake eagerly sucked on the fingers that had been toying with his cock. With his fingers sufficiently wet, he moved his hand back down to Jake's pulsing cock and pulled the foreskin all the way down, exposing the head completely. Jake gave a loud moan at the contact.

Jake continued to plead, "Yeah just like that, Theo. Please. Play with my cock, please. I need to cum." His voice was ragged and breathy.

Theo traced the length of his boy's cock, earning a few heated shudders from Jake. "I like it when you're horny like this. Love it when you beg for me." Jake huffed against his arm. He tried to wriggle his way out of Theo's grip, but Theo was holding onto him too tight. "Nuh uh, baby. You stay here. You're mine to play with now," Theo said as he gave Jake's nipples a few extra pinches. Jake's body shuddered again, his hard cock bouncing. Theo leaned down and whispered so sweetly into Jake's ear, "and I will make you cum."

Theo took hold of Jake's cock and rapidly jerked him. Jake arched his back and screamed out as he felt waves of pleasure run down his cock and to his ass. His cock started pulsing instantly, streams of hot cum spurted over his belly and down Theo's hand. Theo watched as his boyfriend spasm on the bed as he unloaded his sweet boy load all over his hand. He continued stroking the boy until Jake's movements began to calm down and he began begging for Theo to stop because his post-cum cock had become too sensitive. With his hands still pinned above him, Jake struggled to pull his softening cock out of Theo's grasp. Instead, he had to endure a few extra seconds of excruciating sensitivity when Theo's strong hands pulled back his foreskin and rubbed harshly against his exposed cock head. This caused Jake to squeal and beg Theo even harder to please stop.

Satisfied with having taken care of Jake, Theo smirked down at his boy and let him go, both is cock and his hands. Theo began collecting Jake's cum with his fingers. Having gathered a decent puddle in his hand, he asked Jake to put an open palm out and when he did so Theo transferred his load into his boy's hand.

"Now spit in it," Theo ordered. Jake looked down at the mess that Theo had put into his hand and looked back up apprehensively. When Theo didn't elaborate, Jake spat a good wad into his hand with the cum. Theo sat back and propped himself up on his elbows. "Now jack me off." Jake looked down at his boyfriend's cock, still hard as ever and it glistened with a healthy coating of pre-cum. "Using your cum and spit as lube. Come on, baby."

"Y-You want me to put this on your c-cock?" asked Jake. Theo only grinned and nodded.

Jake shuffled closer to his boyfriend and grasped his thick cock with his cummy hand. The thinned out cum oozed out between Jake's fingers and Theo hissed and threw his head back.

"Fuck yeah. That feels so hot, baby. Now move your hand up and down. Yeah, just like that."

Jake stroked Theo's cut cock, spreading the mix of his own cum, his own spit and Theo's copious pre-cum all over the shaft and the head. Jake took his finger and rubbed a bit of his cum and spit into Theo's piss slit earning him another hiss and a shudder from Theo.

"Oh my god, Jake. You're so fucking good at this. Spit on my cock, baby," Theo encouraged. Jake gathered another lot of spit in his mouth and spat it down onto Theo's cock, thinning out the cummy lube some more. "Yeah, just like that. Keep going. Oh my god." The sound of a wet cock being stroked met with the sound of a moaning Theo.

Several minutes of Jake masturbating his boyfriend's slicked-up cock and Theo loudly moaning passed before Theo cried out for Jake to jack faster before spurts of thick cum ejected from his cock and landed on his chest and belly. Theo continued moaning and crying out Jake's name as each pulse of his cock produced another spurt of warm jizz until it finally tapered down to a slow dribble over Jake's hand.

Barely a second had passed since the final dribble out of Theo's cock when he grabbed Jake's filthy hand and shoved the fingers into his own mouth. Licking the thick, cooling mixture off Jake's long fingers, he tasted a salty, bitter concoction of two boys' cum and a whole lot of spit. Retaining the mixture in his mouth he pulled the fingers out and grabbed Jake's face by the chin and pulled him towards him. Theo pushed his mouth over the other boy's and let the remnants of their play session run out of his mouth and into Jakes. Together, they shared a brew that tasted of testosterone and uninhibited male lust. Jake whimpered at the foul intrusion but continued to suck on Theo's tongue and swallowing what he was given.

When they pulled apart, Jake looked at his messy hand and grimaced. Theo laughed as Jake grabbed his soiled underwear that he had discarded earlier and began cleaning his hand with them.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which prompted the two boys to frantically try to find some clothes to put on. Theo quickly pulled on a pair of his underwear and opened the door slightly. Hiding his near naked body behind the door, he poked his head around to find the floor's RA looking back at him.

"Oh hey, Sam. What's up?" Theo tried to ask innocently. Sam, the RA, tried to peer past Theo into his room, but was blocked by the view of Theo's head.

"Umm we've had a few complaints this morning. Could you keep it down? People are trying to study." Sam looked visible annoyed. However, his annoyance was slowly starting to turn to embarrassment as the smell of hot cum began to seep out the door.

Theo nodded frantically. "Yup no problem, Sam. Sorry about that, Sam. Jake and I were just, uh, wrestling, Sam." Theo continued nodding.

Sam lifted an eyebrow and tried again to peer into Theo's room. "Jake's in here?"

Theo opened his mouth, but no real words came out at first. "Uhhh... Yes, he is. But don't worry. We both have pants on," he blurted out. Sam's face turned a shade of bright red. "I mean, we always have pants on," Theo continued. "But not in the shower. Can't shower with pants on. Not that Jake and I shower together, I mean. Hah, there wouldn't be any showering going on. Oh shit." At that point, Theo swore he heard Jake squeak behind him and Sam's eyes looked they were about to explode.

"Okay okay, Theo. I-I don't mind what you do, who you do, or how you do it," Sam paused to think about what he just said. He nodded to himself once you decided that he agreed with that and continued, "Can you please just keep it down? These walls are paper thin. Please?"

Theo just slowly nodded and apologised for the noise and the awkwardness that was currently happening. Sam walked away without another word and Theo closed the door. He rested his back against the door and exhaled deeply. He spotted Jake sitting on his bed with his face buried in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees, shaking his head.

"Woops," admitted Theo.

A week later, the boys were back studying in Jake's room. Just as they had finished revising for their chemistry exam, which was coming up next week, Jake spoke up.

"I think I want to get some more of those diaper briefs for when I sit my exams."

Theo smiled at Jake's acceptance of the diaper briefs. "That's great. We'll go pick some up for you today."

Jake's face furrowed. "Can't we just order them online?"

Theo shrugged. "We probably can. But I'm not sure if it'll get here in time. Exams are next week and you don't know how long the shipping will take. That website we were looking at doesn't have an online retailing store."

Jake huffed. "Ugh, I am not going out to a store here to buy adult diapers. What if someone sees me? What if the person who puts through my purchase is someone I know?" His arms began flailing so Theo took a hold of Jake's hands.

"Hey chill, baby. I'll come with and I'll buy them for you. You don't even have to come into the store if you don't want to, okay?"

Jake visibly relaxed and he smiled at his boyfriend. "You'd do that for me?" Theo nodded and gave his boy a kiss.

In need of a break from their study, they decided to make a trip to one of the local pharmacies to see if they had the diaper briefs that Jake wanted. They skipped the campus pharmacy as that one was mainly a dispensing pharmacy for prescription medicines, which operated mostly for students. The pharmacy just outside of campus had more over-the-counter products. The brisk 8 minute walk got turned into a 15 minute one with a stop at the ice cream shop. Theo couldn't say no to Jake's begging for a cone. They finished their ice creams just before stepping into Albany Street Pharmacy. Theo scanned the store for the item that they were looking for. A young man in a white coat came out from behind the counter and approached them. His name badge read, `Hunter Smith – Pharmacist'.

"Hey guys. How's it going?" Hunter greeted them. Theo smiled and replied in turn. Jake looked like he wanted to be shot. He kept his hands in his pockets and head down. "Are you looking for something in particular?"

"Actually, yes we are." Theo took a quick glance around to check if anyone was around. There was a pair of women besides the make-up counter on the far end of the store, and a group of patients waiting for their prescriptions beside the dispensary on the other end. Theo was satisfied no one was listening. "Do you sell diaper briefs?"

The pharmacist frowned and looked perplexed. "Diaper briefs?"

Theo nodded despite hearing a groan coming from the boy next to him. "Yeah, diaper briefs. Umm what else do you call them? Oh, incontinence briefs? Is that a thing?"

The pharmacist suddenly smiled, finally understanding Theo. "Oh yup, incontinence briefs. We've got those," he said in a semi-hushed voice, knowing that they were treading on a potentially sensitive topic. "Follow me." He led them around the corner to a more secluded area of the pharmacy. "Here are our personal hygiene products. The men's ones are down here. Do you want some time to look around?" Theo nodded and thanked the pharmacist. Jake was silent the whole time, his head still down.

After Hunter left, Theo looked through the items and found the same padded briefs that they had sampled. "Hey look. Here are the ones we tried. I'll get one of these," Theo decided as he picked up a 12-pack of grey diaper briefs. He was about to head to the counter when something else caught his eyes. Sitting on the shelf below the grey diaper briefs were a 12-pack of adult sized diapers with elephant patterns on them. "No way! They have the elephant diapers here!" Theo exclaimed excitedly. He heard Jake stomp his feet behind him.

"Not so loud, Theo!" Jake said in loud whisper. "People can see us looking at the adult diapers. Oh my god that woman's looking at us. Put the diapers down!" Jake's face reddened up like a beetroot.

Theo ignored the plea of his boyfriend and picked up a pack of the adult diapers. "I'm so getting these. You're going to look so cute in them." Before Jake could argue with him, Theo made his way to the counter and paid for his purchase. By the time Theo's items got bagged, Jake was past the door and standing outside the store, not wanting to spend another awkward second in there.

When they got back the dorm, Theo begged Jake to put on of his elephant-printed diapers on, but Jake refused. When he asked if he would put one of the diaper briefs on, Jake said they were for exams only. Closing the matter, Jake got them back to studying. Jake began reading his statistics textbook, while Theo sat there pouting.

Post-story author's note:

Hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I quite like writing this one. I zoomed through it much faster than previous chapters. I really enjoy writing the interactions between them - the non-sexual interactions, I mean. They're so cute, aren't they? I'm still finding it difficult to effectively write a `sexy' scene. I don't think I'm very good at it. It sort of makes me nervous, haha. I also get really hard and horny and that sort of makes it difficult too :P

Now, I know many of you are looking forward to these two boys getting the real dirty on. I assure you that this time is coming! And I'm 97.5% sure that it's in the next chapter, unless I suddenly have this huge idea of something happening between this chapter and Jake losing his sweet cherry to Theo's wide cock. Let's hope I don't. Beat me with a stick if I show signs of postponing it!

Next: Chapter 6

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