Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on Nov 6, 2016



The following story is purely fictional. Please read it legally - be of a legal age and in a legal place. Any similarity in plot or resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and/or publish this story. Thanks :)

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*************************** Wet shame, wet fun

Chapter 7

An hour later, the boys woke from their post-coital nap and shared a quick shower. After the boys dried themselves off, Jake went through his luggage case to look for a pair of diaper briefs to wear during the day. He found both his usual grey briefs as well as the comical adult diapers with the elephant prints on them that Theo bought. Holding both designs in his hands, Jake tried to decide which pair he wanted to wear. Still naked, Theo walked over to Jake and grabbed the grey briefs out of his hands and threw them back into the bag.

"Wear the elephant diapers, baby," demanded Theo. A frown appeared momentarily on Jake's face.

"I dunno, Theo. They look way too childish," Jake argued. Without another word, Theo grabbed the diaper and started fitting them on Jake.

"Hey, this is kind of hard putting them on with you standing up. Lie down on the bed." Ignoring the protest from Jake, Theo forced him down on his bed and grabbed his legs, lifting them up in the same way you'd put a diaper on a baby.

Jake covered his face with his hands as his cheeks reddened in such a familiar way. "Oh my god, Theo. You don't need to do this for me," he whined.

"Nonsense," Theo replied as he continued to apply the diaper on Jake. He fastened the diaper with the sticky tags, finishing off his handy work.

Jake stood up and examined his reflection in his full-length mirror. He was completely naked except a pair of white diapers covered in blue elephant prints with bright blue sticky tags on each side which fastened his diaper together. He looked exactly like a big baby. He spied Theo admiring him from behind with a big cocky grin on his face. He was still naked and was idly tugging on his hardening cock.

"Fuck. You look so sexy in that," Theo said as he walked up to Jake and pulled him to his chest. He planted a kiss on his neck and let his hands roam Jake's bare chest and belly. "Who's my baby boy?" A fresh blush made its way onto Jake's face. He buried his face in his hands again and giggled nervously. "Come on, Jake. Tell me who my baby boy is. Who's my baby boy?" Jake could feel Theo grin against his neck.

Jake let out a deep sigh before answering. "I am," he responded in a small voice. He felt Theo's hand began rubbing his bulge through his diaper.

"Damn right you are," Theo mumbled against Jake's ear before taking his earlobe into his mouth. Jake moaned and felt his knees almost buckle beneath him. "You look so fucking sexy in your diaper, baby. Don't you forget that." Jake could see that Theo's cock had hardened fully through their reflection. He also felt it poke his butt from behind. Theo began massaging Jake's diaper bulge; giving it firm squeezes.

"Theo, we can't do this now," whined Jake. "I can't make a mess in this already." He turned around and gently pushed Theo away. "Go put some clothes on." He heard Theo grumble before picking clothes out to put on. Twenty minutes later, the boys left the house and took the bus into the city.

Christmas arrived a few weeks later and the boys decided to spend it with their own families separately. As much as they wanted to have Christmas together, they felt it was easier to do it this way for now. For both Jake and Theo, Christmas was a relatively mundane event. The obligatory Christmas meals were planned and they socialised, as appropriate, with the extended family. It was the usual deal and both boys missed each other terribly.

For New Years, Jake had decided to spend it at Theo's place. Theo's family welcomed Jake back warmly. As soon as they were left alone, the boys were on each other like it was nobody's business. One thing that Theo had noted was Jake's increasingly insatiable sexual desire. He was really glad that Jake was really opening himself up to him in many respects, but when he found Jake on his hands and knees begging to be fucked, he knew they had reached a whole new level of intimacy.

"Please, Theo," Jake whimpered. He was bent over and offering his naked ass.

"Damn," Theo mumbled to himself. He quickly stripped his clothes off and lubed up his hardened cock. "You really love this, don't you?" he said as he slowly inched his entire cock into his boyfriend. Jake fanatically nodded as he pushed his ass harder against Theo's cock and let out an urgent moan.

Theo fucked Jake in three more different positions before they both climaxed and unloaded their young seed. Jake rested himself on Theo's chest as they both stopped to catch their breath.

"Hot damn, baby," Theo murmured into Jake's ear. His hand gently caressed Jake's back, drawing circles. "A little bit of a cock whore, aren't you?" he said cheekily. Jake let out a stifled chortle and buried his face into Theo's chest. Theo could almost feel the blush coming off Jake's cheeks. "Well," he continued, "I'm not complaining. You've got a pretty sweet ass, so I'm willing to fuck it any time." He gave Jake's butt a playful smack causing Jake to yelp.

Jake moved up and buried his head into Theo's shoulder, breathing in Theo's sweaty, masculine scent. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me earlier," he replied meekly. His cheeks remained a slight tone of pink.

Theo gave a hearty chuckle. "Don't apologise, baby," he said and planted a kiss on Jake's forehead. "You can be my little cock whore," he jested again.

Jake gave Theo's chest a light slap. "Don't call me that," he whined. He buried his face into Theo's neck again unable to gain control over the burning of his cheeks. He wasn't liking the reputation he was slowly starting to develop with Theo, yet he loved it at the same time.

February rolled around and with that came the commencement of the new academic year. While classes didn't start until late February the boys had returned to campus early on purpose to look for off-campus accommodation.

The two young men ultimately decided they would find a place which they could share with at least one other flatmate, that way they could keep living costs down. Finding a suitable flatmate would be the more difficult part.

They spent the next few days looking for flats that weren't too far from the campus centre. Being a student town, there were many on offer. On the fourth day of searching, the boys came about a really nice two-bedroom house. It was a short 10-minute walk from the main part of campus and the rent was very reasonable. Additionally, it was fully furnished, which meant the boys wouldn't have to worry about having to supply their own furniture and appliances. They were super eager to bag the place and by the end of the next day they had met up with the landlord, agreed to be tenants, and had signed the contact. They began moving in that day.

Being a two-bedroom flat, they had to find a flatmate to fill the second room. The boys produced some `Flatmate wanted' posters and posted them all around the campus. Throughout the week, they received a few replies from fellow students who they invited to the house to have a look and for the boys to meet. Finding the right flatmate was a delicate matter that required a fine balance of filtration and compromise.

On Tuesday they had invited a third-year, Marketing student to visit who replied to their ad just a few hours prior. Theo opened the door and was met by a girl who wore the brightest of pink spandex shorts he's ever laid eyes on, along with a headband and sneakers. She looked like she had just left the gym.

"Ooh, this place looks super cosy," she remarked as she entered. She circled the living area a few times while Theo listed off the amenities available in the house. Theo led her down the hall, pointing out each room. They arrived at the boys' room where they found Jake still unpacking some of his boxes. Jake stood up and greeted the girl. Suddenly, the girl gasped.

"Is everything okay?" asked Theo. He looked between Jake and the girl with concern.

"Oh my god," she muttered. She walked up to Jake and touched his face slowly. Jake's wide, surprised eyes flickered over to Theo screaming a silent "help me!". The girl squealed in delight and jumped up and down. "Oh my god, oh my god," she repeated. Jake began hyperventilating. "Do you know who you look like?" She grabbed Jake's face between her hands and gave his cheeks a squeeze. Both boys were rooted on the spot unable to respond to the girl's sudden outburst. "Oh my god, okay, do you guys watch Teen Wolf? It's like the best show ever!" She continued to squeeze Jake's face. "He looks exactly like Dylan O'Brien. Dylan O-Freaking-Brien." She squealed again causing Jake to startle. She ran one of her hands down his chest. "Mmmm, but I think you're a bit yummier." She gave Jake a flirtatious wink and giggled. "Like totally." Within 30 seconds, Theo had the girl out the door.

"That's it, she's off the list," Theo asserted. "No more visitors today."

Later that night a student named Devin called Theo regarding the vacancy. Theo asked him to come by tomorrow morning.

The next day, the boys were in the lounge watching TV when they heard a car stop outside. Loud dubstep music was blaring out from the vehicle, which stopped when the owner parked the car and got out. He walked over to the house and knocked on the door. The guy was dressed in a tank top, shorts and a pair of flip-flops. He looked like a regular frat boy and sported the stereotypical douche-bag sunglasses to match.

"Hey bro. I'm Devin, the guy who called yesterday," he said when Jake opened the door. He offered his hand, which Jake shook. "And what's your name, cutie?"

Jake turned red and stumbled over his words, "Uhh, I-I'm Jake. Please come in and h-have a look." Jake looked back at Theo who was fuming and shooting a few looks at him.

"Sweet crib, guys," Devin commented as he wandered around the building. "So where's my room?" Jake pointed to the empty room opposite his own. Devin walked in and checked out the view out his window. "Cool, so where does your friend sleep?" Davin asked, referring to Theo. Jake pointed across the hall. "Cool, and how about you?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at Jake. Jake pointed to the same room across the hall. At that point, Theo walked over and very deliberately placed an arm around Jake's waist. Devin looked at the two boys and it finally dawned on him. He laughed. "I get it. You two are fucking. Hey, got space for one more?" he asked and winked at Jake. Theo had Devin out the door before anyone could say `Like hell we do'.

"For fuck sakes," muttered Theo as he slammed the front door shut. "Why is everyone around here so perverted?!"

The boys were a bit dejected by the results. So far they had declined five students. However, they continued on their search. The sixth person to respond to them was a guy named `John'. When he came to visit the house, the boys were relieved to find that he looked relatively normal and had a quiet and unassuming manner about him.

"And this would be your bedroom here. It's got a great view into the backyard garden," Theo pointed out. The three boys were nearing towards the end of the tour and both Jake and Theo thought that candidate number six looked very promising.

"Looks great, guys! Such cheap rent too. I really hope you'll take me on. I like to think I'm responsible and clean." The boys nodded at John, approving what they've heard so far. "But I've just got one question: where's the third bedroom? I've only counted two."

Jake shuffled his feet and swallowed audibly. "Uh, there are only two bedrooms in this house. Theo and I are sharing." Theo nodded in agreement.

John's smile faltered. "B-But there's only one bed in there..."

Theo nodded to that fact as well. He was starting to realise that maybe John wasn't the perfect flatmate that they thought initially. "Yup, that's right. We share a bed." John looked at the boys, mouth wide opened and stunned. "We're sleeping together," Theo said matter-of-factly.

John quickly walked out the bedroom and headed for the front door. "This is a house of sin!" He opened the door, but before he left he turned around to face the two boys. "You two need to sort yourselves out. Our Lord and Saviour would not tolerate your behaviour. I can't believe I almost moved in with a couple of sodomites," ranted John. Jake looked like he was freaking out, while Theo had an air of boredom. "You need to pray for forgiveness as soon as possible," John finally concluded and began walking out the door.

Jake looked at Theo with a frown. Theo suddenly shouted out at John, "Hey John, you're forgetting something." John spun around to look at what the hell Theo was talking about. What he saw made him choke on his own spit. Theo had pulled Jake into a deep, sloppy kiss, while his hand snaked down into the pants of a whimpering Jake and fondled him.

John turned around and ran away from the house as fast as he could. Jake pushed Theo away in embarrassment and mortification. It was his turn to slam the front door.

"Baby! I have good news!" Theo announced when he returned home one day. Jake was at the dining table trying to set up the new internet with his laptop. "Firstly, I got that job at the Central Library. Huzzah!"

Now I know what you're thinking – Theo doesn't seem like the kind that's found in a library, and you're absolutely right. Theo once entered a library four years ago and that's the extent of his experience with text-based holding facilities. The job that Theo just accepted involved working at the front desk and re-shelving books. It sounded as exciting as an impending colonoscopy if it weren't for the excellent pay. It turns out the university remunerated library workers quite well. However, Theo had to turn on some extra charm for the interview after he realised that not knowing what the `Dewey Decimal System' was didn't play too well in his favour. By the end of the interview, he had his interviewers giggling and joking with him and he knew that he had it in the bag.

"And secondly, I think I've found the perfect flatmate!" Jake perked up at this. "Do you remember Kevin from chemistry class last year?" Theo proceeded to describe him until Jake finally nodded in recognition. "Well, he works at the library too and he said he was still looking for a place this year. I told him that we were looking for a flatmate. He's coming to check the room out later today. We've known him for about a year and he seems pretty decent, right?" Jake agreed and looked forward to seeing him later.

Just before dinner time, there was a knock on the door which signalled the arrival of Kevin. Theo and Jake gave him the standard tour. Like many of the previous respondents, Kevin noticed the absence of a third room.

"Jake and I share a room," Theo responded honestly. Jake's insides began churning in anxiety. "As in we're sharing a bed," Theo added. The silence between them caused the anxiety within Jake to grow. Theo topped it off with, "as in we're sleeping together."

Jake stomped his feet. "I think he got it, Theo!" They both watched Kevin for a reaction.

Finally, Kevin spoke. "Yeah, that's no problem." The boys sighed in relief, which caused Kevin to grin.

Theo went over the finer details of rent with Kevin and they make an appointment to see the landlord the next day. The process was a smooth one and with the help of Theo and Jake, Kevin had moved in by the end of the week.

A few days before the start of semester, Theo decided to take Jake out to the beach in order to make the most of their free time before they all got bogged down by course work. He packed up a delicious picnic for them, folded up a tarpaulin mat for the occasion, and told Jake to bring a spare change of clothes. Their bus stopped a few hundred metres from the beach so they made the rest of the journey on foot. When they arrived, the beach was void of all people.

"Huh, must be a little known gem," commented Theo. "All to ourselves!"

Theo pulled out the tarpaulin and set up the picnic while Jake dug his feet into the sand and soaked up the sun. The boys enjoyed the fresh sandwiches Theo had made and the large cookies that he bought from the bakery. Fresh, cool orange juice quenched their thirst on the warm summer's day.

"Hey stand up," ordered Theo. It had been fifteen minutes since they finished their food. Both boys stood up and brushed sand off their shorts. Theo began taking his clothes off.

"What the hell, Theo?!"

"What?" Theo looked up at Jake. "We're going swimming. Come on, take off your clothes."

Completed naked, Theo faced Jake and waited for the other boy to start stripping.

Grumbling at the lack of changing facilities at the beach, Jake began rummaging through his backpack to find his swim shorts.

"Shit," he muttered. "I can't find my shorts." He turned his backpack upside down and spilled everything out onto the mat. "I remember packing it."

"Oh yeah, I took them out and threw them back into your drawer," Theo admitted without much guilt.

Jake flailed and threw his bag on the ground. "What?! What did you do that for?"

"So we could skinny dip together," Theo replied with a smirk. Jake's face paled when it dawned on him that he was screwed.

"Nope," Jake declared as he sat down and folded his arms. "Nope nope nope nope, not doing that."

Theo knelt in front of him. "Come on, baby. There's like nobody around here. It's completely deserted! And the water looks so good. Come out into the water with me, please." He gave his pouting boyfriend a kiss and pulled him up. Theo began slowly removing articles of Jake's clothing one by one. Jake remained limp but without protest.

When he was finally naked Jake couldn't help trying to cover up any last remaining dignity with his hands. A furious blush stained his cheeks as expected.

Chuckling, Theo grabbed Jake by the elbow and dragged him towards the water. As they entered, the initially coldness caused them both to gasp, but they soon warmed up. Theo embraced his boyfriend and they shared a very romantic kiss. His hands remained underwater, gently tugging and stroking at Jake's cock.

They spent the next hour frolicking about in the water – dunking each other under, jumping on backs, splashing water about – all with bouts of making out in between.

When they were done with swallowing buckets of sea water and getting it all in their eyes, both boys moved out of the water and flopped down on the warm sand. The sun was high in the sky and the feel-good UV rays of the sun took care of the wind chill. The naked boys laid still next to each other in silence basking like two turtles in the midday sun.

The silence was broken when Theo rolled over to face Jake who had his eyes closed.

"Hey, babe. Can I try something?"

Jake opened his eyes and spied Theo's hardening cock which laid across his muscular thigh. He squeezed his eyes tight as if he was caught seeing something he shouldn't have. He could almost hear Theo's mouth grow wide into a mischievous grin.

"What?" Jake simply asked, eyes still shut. A moment of silence followed the question before he felt a hand on his naked hip and suddenly a body straddling him. He looked up to see Theo sitting across his lower abdomen, resting with his knees on either side of his body. His thickening cock and hefty balls rested themselves on Jake's belly. Theo lowered himself and the boys shared a passionate kiss. Jake's own cock thickened underneath Theo's ass.

"I'm going to do something, but don't freak out, okay?" Jake said softly. Jake's eyes widened in uncertain fear. He knew Theo would never hurt him, but Theo could be a bit of an eccentric at times. Jake remained silent and only nodded his head.

Theo closed his eyes and appeared to be concentrating hard on something. His cock had softened somewhat and started twitching on his boyfriend's tummy. Suddenly, Jake felt a liquid warmth spread across his belly and up his chest and down his sides. Theo was pissing on him!

"Oh there we go," Theo murmured. He relaxed which further helped him empty his bladder onto his boyfriend. He tilted his cock up so that he pissed up back onto his chest and watched the piss run down his torso and down onto Jake.

Jake didn't protest. He wasn't repulsed. He had come a long way from the boy who was scared of his own fluids and had come to learn that his boyfriend had a strange attraction to all of this. He watched as Theo urinated all over both of them. Quiet moans escaped Theo as he covered Jake in the warm scent of his piss.

"Do you need to go too, Jake?" Theo asked. He gently pressed down on Jake's abdomen where his bladder would be, which made Jake uncomfortably aware of how full his bladder was. Jake shifted underneath him and whimpered. Theo shuffled back so that he was straddling Jake's thighs and exposed Jake's cock. He leaned down again and gave his boy a gentle kiss. "Just go, buddy. Piss here with me," he gently coaxed. Jake whimpered again. "It's only me and you here."

Theo's stream had stopped but the smell of fresh piss remained. Theo so wanted Jake to add to the collection. The boy's body was rigid in either concentration or fear. He placed gentle kisses along Jake's jaw when Jake finally relaxed and the erotic feeling of liquid warmth returned between their bodies. Sandwiching their cocks between them, Theo felt Jake's cock twitch between them as it spewed fresh piss.

"That's right," Theo purred. He continued to place kisses down Jake's body – down his jaw, neck, shoulder. The smaller boy shuddered as the fullness in his abdomen began to subside and the warmth continued to spread his belly and chest. He felt so entirely liberated.

Theo began slowly grinding his crotch into Jake's. The piss formed a slick playing field. The two boys started moaning as their hard cocks rubbed against each other. Theo's movements started to become forceful and desperate as he his orgasm approached. Jake shuddered over and over as he felt his sensitive head rub up against his boyfriend's cock and belly.

"I'm so close, babe." Theo thrusted harder against his boyfriend. He let out an unrestrained groan as his cock unloaded a bucket-load of cum between them. He felt Jake's cock twitch in unison as he also spilled his seed onto his abdomen. The young man held onto Theo tightly as his orgasm moved through him like a wave. His hips bucked against the man on top of him as squirts of cum continued to coat their cocks.

As their thrusting and grinding slowed the mess between them continued to coat their bellies, chest and groin. Their pubic hair were soaked in a mixture of piss and cum. Satisfied with their release, Theo stood up and pulled Jake up with him. They quickly rinsed off in the sea before drying off and putting their clothes back on and made their way back to the bus stop.


Hey guys. If you're a new reader, thanks for visiting and giving my story a read. I appreciate any positive feedback. If you've read part of this story before and are re-visiting after my long hiatus, I thank you for that also. It's been a while. I'm hoping to start writing some more now that I have a bit more free time. Until next time! Feel free to send me a note on kylenewton25[at]yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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