White Dragon

By Arthur

Published on Dec 5, 2003



Part Three

By Arthur.


Though still dazed from the blast of the Black Dragons aura, Bragill was still alert enough to watch as the hard grey granite of the mountains rushed unhindered towards them. Gallands mighty body plummeted earthward, his right wing useless as he tumbled out of control.

Bragill felt the writhing of the transluscent scales against his naked thighs at the same time his head was filled with the silent laughter of Galland. The ground was now close enough for Bragill to make out individual rocks as Gallands thoughts burst into his head.

"Well my Brae, do you think that this fall has fooled our enemies."

Bragill felt Gallands mighty wings begin to beat as his Dragon soul twisted to the left and with a final swooping motion flashed across the surface of the mountains side then turned again towards where the other Dragons were fighting so high above them.

"It was a ruse?"

"Of course my Brae, you don't think that a few paltry Blacks can get the better of us do you?"

"But why?"

"That blast of Aura was from three of them, they joined together and while it did not worry me I knew it would not yet be time for you to be able to face a full blast from them so it seemed a good idea to try to fool them into thinking we were done for."

"What now?"

"Now we go back and finish them, the Bronzes are puting up a good fight but they are out numbered and have lost three souls already. This attack should surprise them and break them up. If they do not flee then we will finish them for good."

"What do you want me to do?"

The pair had been rising at a fast rate and now before them they could see the whirling and swooping of the other Dragons as they fought out their battle of the skies. The Bronzes had maintained their advantage of height but the numbers were begining to take their toll on the valiant fight of the followers of "The Way"

"Brae, do you see the three Black Dragons sitting off to the side?"


"The larger one in the center is directing the attack. I will take him if you can set about the other two with the Claw. Once they are vanquished the others will run."

"As you wish, my Soul."

"I know it is a sad thing to take the life of others, my Brae, but this must be done. The Blacks can never be bought back into our ways once they have gone to the Wizard of Gestan."

The pair were now closing rapidly from below on the unsuspecting three above them. The bellies of the Black Dragons were an open target as Bragil lifted his arm and pointed at the Dragon on the left of the leader. The bright white light seared into the belly of the Dragon, sending him and his rider quickly tumbling towards the earth far below.

Gallands bright blue Aura surrounded the largest of the Black Dragons as Bragil turned his attention onto the right hand Dragon. The air around the fighting space was alive with pulsing vibrations as Dragon fought Dragon in a whirling and twisting dance of death.

Although they were far above the earth, Bragill thought it looked like a fight between starving wild dogs for a morsel of food on the scorched plains.

'Yes, a fight of dogs, only high in the air' Bragil thought.

Without thought Bragil sent his shaft of white light towards the right Dragon and as he watched the light strike the Dragon behind the neck he felt a tear of compassion fall down his cheek at the waste of such mighty souls.

"Cry not, my Brae, they are lost to the Wizard, it is 'The Way'."

With a shake of his head Bragill watched as the largest of the Black Dragons began his tumble to earth in a final death plunge. The surviving Blacks broke from the fight with the Bronze Dragons and closed their great wings to dive earthward in a frantic attempt to escape the awsome power of the White Dragon and his strange rider.

Galland sent out a thought to the rest of the Bronzes to let the Blacks go back to their Wizard to tell the tale and hopefully impress upon the Knight of Gestan, the futility of again attacking the followers of 'The Way'

The six remaining Bronzes formed up around Galland and Bragill to continue their escort to Belhadria.

"Mighty Goron, Great Praedor, it was a magnificent fight, we were honoured to be by your side."

The thoughts of the Bronzes were clear in Bragill's mind as they once again sought the heights to continue their broken journey. Galland sent out his thoughts to those around him.

"Followers of 'The Way', the Praedor and myself thank you for your courageous stand and we will see that you are honoured by the Golden One on our return."

The six Bronzes broke from their formation and lifted above Galland and Bragill to reform in the shake of a tight V and as one, swooped down to pass in front of the two and as they passed by they broke again and formed up just below Galland in a straight line.

"Galland, why do they fly so?"

"It is the formation of total devotion, these Bronzes will be our personal guard from this day forward and their souls will be devoted to your needs when they are not riding upon their Dragons."

"Devoted to my needs?"

"Yes, they will serve you as your personal attendants when not in the air."

"But what needs do I have my Soul? I have no need of sustainence, I don't have clothes, what could they ever need to do for me?"

The humour in Gallands thoughts sent a smile to Bragills lips.

"One must bathe and be pampered my Brae."

"Bathe?, Pampered?"

"Yes, of course, you will want to bathe and they will carry it out and then rub your body with oils and lotions to make you feel blessed by the Gods."

Bragills shaft hardened at the thought of all of those small hands caressing his naked body and the sudden increase of heat between his thighs told him Galland was having certain thoughts as well.

"Ah yes my Brae, your thoughts are my thoughts, tonight we will join again and you will sleep in my arms fully sated."

As the thoughts entered his head Bragill could see a large cloud on the horizon that surrounded a huge mountain, most of which was shrouded by the white cloud.

"That is Belhadria my Brae. We fly above the cloud and our destination will be seen in all its glory."

So saying, Galland gave a mighty thrust with his wings and as the Bronzes followed, they entered the clouds. There was no feeling of dampness in the clouds but more of a comforting closeness as they rose higher until with suddeness they were flying in clear sky and before them was the top of the mountain. The peak showed flashes of brilliant white and startling emerald green as Bragill made out the features of a magnificent castle perched on the crown of the mountain.

"Galland, it is so beautiful, it looks like fine glass and so large."

"That is Belhadria my Soul. Look, above, in the air, the Dragons gather to greet you."

Bragill saw the myriad dots forming high above the sparkling castle. There seemed to his eyes to be hundreds of Bronze Dragons swooping and forming into large phlanxes as they neared the Crystal castle.

Something caught Bragills eyes as he gazed at the formations now heading towards them. From the Crystal Castle there rose a large bright golden shape. The Golden Dragon had left his Castle to greet them in flight. Even from this great distance Bragill could see that the Golden Dragon was much bigger than any other Dragon he had seen, including Galland.

"Yes my Brae, he is the largest of our kind and one day I will be of the same size for as yet I am no more than fourty years and nothing but a young teen such as yourself. We will grow together my Brae."

"He is truly magnificent Galland, see how he shines in the light of the sun and how he moves like the molten gold on a furnace."

The numberless Bronzes formed up behind and below the Golden One in a sign of respect amd honour as the Father of all Dragons set his course to the new arrivals.

Once they had closed the distance Bragill could now see with his own eyes how huge the Golden One truly was, and only the measured thoughts reaching his mind took him away from the regal stature of the oldest Dragon. Bragill could make out a small diminutive figure riding high on the neck of the Gold Dragon.

"Galland, he has his Soul?"

"Yes Brae, that boy has been with him since his emergence."

"But you said he is older than man himself, how could his Soul look no more than a young boy?"

"As I told you my Brae, you will never age, it is the same for him."

Bragill looked again at the small figure, his bright Black hair flowing in majesty on the wind as the Golden Dragon dived down to greet them.

"Mighty Goron, Great Praedor, Keeper of the Claw, all of Belhadria greets and welcomes you. Your Castle awaits your arrival as do we your humble followers."

Galland sent out his reply as the sky filled with Bronze Dragons reforming their formation to include Galland and Bragill.

"Great Father of all Dragons, we thank you for your greeting and would give honour to the Regent of Belhadria."

"Well said, last of the Goron, I step aside so that you may take the lead to our Keep."

Galland folded his wings briefly and swooped below the assembled Dragons until he was now in the lead as the others turned about and faced the glowing Crystal Castle, then Galland rose again until he was flying beside the Golden One.

"Great Father, I would fly beside you so that all may see we arrive in harmony as it should be."

"As it should be Mighty Goron."

Bragill noticed that the six Bronzes from the battle kept close formation on Galland as he settled next to the King of Dragons.

"I see that your escort numbers only six and that they take the formation of guardians, there was a battle with the Blacks?"

"Yes Father of all, and they aquitted themselves with great honour and devotion. It would please us both greatly should you bestow on them the honour of Guardians of the Claw."

"It shall be as you request Mighty Goron. Now please take the lead to enter the Great Hall, the throne of Praedor awaits your Soul."

"He is ready for the duty Father of All."

"Then lead us into Belhadria Mighty Goron."

Bragill looked down at the approaching citadel, shining in all its glory under the bright sunlight. As they neared the castle Bragill saw that although it looked to be made of crystal, it was in fact the white stone of which all staues were made but this was polished to such a high degree that it appeared to be almost glass like.

Galland turned toward a long center collonade. It was Thirty Meters wide and about Fifty Meters long leading up to a set of wide deep steps. At the top of the flight of steps was a wide platform and behind that two large collumns rose to hold a lintel of opaque stone.

Around the collumns were entwined a Golden Dragon on the left and the right held the casting of a White Dragon. The lintel above the entwined Dragons showed the small figure of a boy with ebony hair holding aBOVE his head a crystal blade.

The center of the citadel roof was in the shape of a dome and mounted in the center was the effigy of the Golden Dragon with wings outspread and front legs held close to the upper body as his rear legs powered him upward into flight.

Such was the effect of the architecture that Bragills breath was stilled in his chest as he tried to take in the magnitude of the castle. It was only as Galland landed on the center court that he realised that the figure on the lintel was a replicar of himself and that the two dragons wrapping around the collumns were Galland and the Golden One.

As the Father of Dragons landed beside them, the Bronzes circled overhead projecting the names of Galland and Bragill until the very air was alive with the pulsating thoughts.

Galland began to stride towards the tier of steps with the Golden One beside him, Bragill sat in wonder as they neared the entrance to the citadel. The Bronze Dragons began to land behind as the leaders made their way forward.

Galland paused at the entrance to look up at the lintel and with feeling spoke to Bragill.

"You are so much more beautiful in person than what is depicted on the lintel, my Brae."

Bragill blushed to himself at Gallands thoughts as his skin warmed against the scales of his Soul. The breathtaking vista that met Bragills eyes when they entered the inner sanctum of the citadel almost made his head spin with its size and vibrant feeling of closeness.

The Bronzes had begun to enter and were forming up on the tier upon tier of platforms of stone that surrounded the central court of the sanctum. Galland and the Golden One strode with purposeful steps to the center platform that rose five meters above the floor and once there settled down onto the white stone in a sitting postion with rear legs tucked under them.

The hubbub of mind sound settled down as the Golden One lifted his head to look around at the assembled Bronze Dragons.

"Followers of 'The Way', today the prophesy is fulfilled. The last of the Goron and the last of the Praedor have joined us in our endevours. Before we continue you may rest your Souls and take ease, this day is to great to be strained by formality.

Bragill watched as the Bronze Dragons lowered their necks to the floor and their small boy riders dismounted and then, as the Dragons lifted their heads the boy riders snuggled in close to the open chests of their Souls. Galland sent his message to Bragill and lowered his gossamer wing for him to dismount and then tapped his right claw on the stone beneath him to indicate where Bragill would sit.

Once in the comforting confines of Gallands mighty claws, Bragill settled back against the warm scales to listen and watch as the Golden One again began to speak. Within seconds something soft and warm was stroking Bragills chest and nipples, as he looked downward he saw a white soft human hand stroking him. The surprise came when he followed the white skin upward for where the hand met the elbow there were the shining scales of Galland.

The soothing action of Gallands hand soon had Bragill resting in peace and contentment as the Golden One continued.

"As all followers know, this day was foretold in the tomes of time, this is my last day on this earth as all i know will go to the Last Goron and I must take my seat in Prillian. To mark this day in the minds of all Followers I declare that the six, who so valiantly defended the Goron are hereby given the title of Guardians of the Claw and shall be at the call of the Praedor upon his whim."

The room became encompassed in a strong Aura as the Bronzes showed their appreciation of the honour to six of their own. As the Aura of pleasure disipated the Golden One spoke again.

"All assembled, take note that the Goron and his Soul, The Praedor, are hereby given court over all Dragons and shall take the throne of Belhadria for all eternity."

The air came alive with a deep throbbing humming as the Bronze Dragons vocalised their fealty to the two on the platform beside the Golden One.

"When the sun sets to rest The Praedor will be given the Souls of the departed Goron and I will surrender my Soul to the keeping of the Last Goron, know you all, the time of deliverance is here and the righting of many wrongs will be in the hands of the true Followers."

With these words the Golden One rose and made his way to thye floor below them and with a mind send asked Galland and Bragill to join him for their stately walk to the furtherest doorway that lead up to their own personal quarters. The Six honoured Bronzes left their places and followed the trio at a respectful distance.

The idle playing of Gallands human hand had brought Bragill to a state of excitment he had never known and he was now more than willing for this nights joining with his Galland, While he was naked and erect before everyone present it did not seem to disturb anyone so bragill with just a hint of blush on his cheeks walked beside Galland as they left the sanctum.

As soon as they entered their private quarters bragill became aware of a blue shimmering in the huge room and turning watched as galland took his human form and with outspread arms beckoned Bragill to his embrace.

"Come sweet Brae, I must feel you in my arms, we can not have a joining as yet but once the sun has gone to rest we will be one."

Without hesitation Bragill walked into the open arms and felt again the warmth of the young boys skin against his own. Their shafts met in rigid need as the two boys clasped each other close as though they had not been together for many ages.

In the passageway outside their room the Six Bronzes felt the lifting of spirits as the two inside let their minds talk of love and need. The Bronzes sent their own redheaded riders thoughts of joy and fulfillment as the apartments many rooms also felt the love of a Dragon for a dark haired boy.


Next: Chapter 4

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