White Dragon

By Arthur

Published on May 9, 2004



By Arthur

The First Scroll Of Goron

"The Emergence"

Authors Note:

All the usual restrictions apply to the reading of this story pursuant to your location. The story contains sexual content of a gay nature and is intended for readers of the age of consent for your location. All characters are fictitious and bare no semblance to anyone living or dead. The story is the copyright of the Author and may not be reproduced without his express permission.

For those readers who have followed this story from its inception I ask that you will be patient with me as this is a revised version that I felt the need to fill out some of the smaller details and consolidate the chapters into a more easily readable format.

The long delay in posting this along with the final parts has taken a little more time than I estimated and for those followers of Bragill and Galland I thank you for your understanding.


Ode to Goron

For searching soul and mighty Wing

I beseech thee oh son of king

Take this body of mortal man

That he may sleep within your hand

To rise once more above this stricken land

And fly among Mighty Dragons mists.

The world had descended into a dark chaos of war, famine and misery. Nowhere was safe for the peasantry or for that matter, the nobility. In these times of hardship, dire stories of wizards and ghosts ran rampant over the desecrated land as the farmers, shopkeepers and herders tried to eke out a living from the torment around them.

Only a few lucky souls moved about the land without fear or dread but it was said they were the makers of the misery that dragged the souls from mortal man. Once great forests of mighty Oak and Elm stood proud over the land but now there were only burnt stumps and the choking dead ash stirred up from careless footsteps to remind people of what had once been.

Bragill turned for the last time to view the ravaged land and with a heavy sigh, faced back toward the forbidding maw of the dark cave. The surrounding grey rock face held little attraction to the dark haired 15 year old but he knew that this was his time. If he were not successful this year then he would be reduced to a commoner, never to be called again by the Seer's of the Dragon.

Most boys that were chosen received their kiss at the age of 13 or 14 years but for some unknown reason Bragill had never been one of the chosen. His mentor, Galland, had called him at an early hour to make this last try at finding his Krou, his Familiar, his Protector.

At the occasion of the Emergence, the barren rocky area outside the gaping hole at the entrance to the cave would be a tumult of young voices showing gleeful anticipation at finding their Krou. Today Bragill stood alone on the side of the mountain except for his Mentor, whose hand rested on Bragill's shoulder with a tenderness not normally known in this land of death.

Through the thoughts of despair Bragill heard the soft rasping words of Galland as he directed Bragill to the gaping mouth of darkness before him.

"Do not forget 'The Way', follow my teachings and you will come to no harm. Bragill, my boy, you are destined for something great in this time of misery, be patient and follow 'The Way'."

"Yes Mentor, but I do worry, this is my last time, what happens if he is not there for me?"

"You know the answer to that my boy, but have heart, he is there, waiting for the right boy to come."

Yes Bragill knew what would happen, his mind would be swept clean of all the knowledge given to him by his Mentor and he would be reduced to serving some Lord or Master on the land as a serf, or worse as a carrier of weapons to be chopped down by an enemy on some blood soaked field before he reached his full adulthood.

At the school of learning he was often the butt of the other boy's jibes, his dark hair made him different and his totally hairless body, even after he was able to give his man juice, was always good for a laugh with all the redheaded boys.

It was well known that only those with the hair of fire could attain a Krou, for Bragill and his dark hair, they saw only a lost cause. Never in the history of the 'Emerging' had a Krou accepted any boy who was not of the hair of fire.

A gentle pressure on his shoulder told Bragill that the time was here, he began to move towards the cave mouth with hesitant steps, the last words of his Mentor still clear in his ears.

"Remember and trust 'The Way' my boy."

With trepidation Bragill walked towards the open cavernous mouth before him, its ragged edges like the fangs of a hungry beast, ready to snap shut on any unbeliever and swallow him forever into the depths and bowels of the earth.

Bragill took the twenty steps required of him and then halted; he was surrounded by total darkness with not even the light of the morning sun penetrating the darkness around him. In the far off distance a small spark of blue light shone high up on what Bragill assumed was the roof of the cavern. No sounds penetrated the darkness and underfoot he could feel strange warmth emanating from the stone floor as he stood in solitary wonder.

The tingle of nervous energy flowed over Bragill's arms and legs as the miniscule fluff of teenage hair stood on end while the silence flowed over and around his solitary figure. Nothing Galland had told him could have prepared him for this moment of total aloneness and awe.

As he had been instructed, Bragill knelt and lowered his head until it was resting on the hard stone floor, the unearthly warmth almost a comfort on his brow. Bragill had been trained over the last four years to go without food, drink or sleep for long periods in readiness for this moment. It was a known fact that the Emergence could take one day or ten days, no one knew for sure when he would receive the kiss or if he would ever receive it, this was the way of the Krou. To accept a boy or reject him was at their whim and no amount of beseeching would change that.

After a suitable time had passed, Bragill rose again and divested himself of all his course clothing and once naked returned to his position of supplication. The stone floor felt almost soothing on his bare skin as he let his mind go to the chant of acceptance, the words issued forth as not much more than a soft drone in the silence around him.

Time passed as Bragill chanted. Hour after hour he kept it going until his body shook with a need for sleep and the drone became a confused jumble. The twenty words of beseachment, so easy in their initial learning were now a jumble of broken phrases that tumbled from his dry lips only to fall unheard on the warm stones of the cavern floor.

Bragill knew that more than three days had passed as he could easily remain awake and alert for that amount of time. As the effects of a long sleepless period overtook him it had to be well into the fourth day. Nothing had moved in the cavern, no sound other than that which he had made, no light apart from the blue twinkle far off at the end of the cavern. Bragill felt his resolve begin to wander as his eyes gave into their need, and, as they closed Bragill's body softly slumped to the warm stone floor.

In the distance he could hear a strange crackling and he was barely aware in the depths of much needed sleep, of a growing bright blueness about his exhausted frame. Bragill's sleep was not the peaceful rest he had needed, instead it was filled with dreams of war and destruction, the desecration of the once beautiful lands and forests.

It was of horror and bloodshed. It was as though Bragill was in the center of the mayhem and slaughter but was viewing it from a position of height like an eagle soaring above the land on the lookout for its next meal.

Below him the forests burned in their agony as small stick like humans laid waste to everything about them, be it man or beast. Deep within the heavy black smoke of the dying forests he spied a blue spark of light, growing as it neared his lofty position until it finally bathed him in lustrous warmth.

In an instant all the destruction and death below him disappeared and he was left in the blackness with only the blue light sparkling before his eyes, the demise he had seen in his dream of so much wanton hate and death had left Bragill's eyes overflowing with large tears of sorrow and frustration at the pointless finality of it all.

The spark remained before his sleeping mind, shimmering and slowly growing before the tearful boy until with a bright flash, the light exploded before Bragill's eyes. From the flash of light emerged a boy of about the same age as Bragill, but in his dream the boy had the hair of fine straw, his skin was like the white stones used to form the many statues for the Barons and Lords of the land. The eyes of the figment were of the palest lavender and he stood there just like Bragill, in total nakedness showing he was also completely hairless.

The body was slim and had a sleek look about it but his skin was, to Bragill's sleep filled mind, unearthly. It shone with a sparkle like a thousand stars had buried themselves under the boys flesh, shimmering and blinking as the flesh moved.

A slim translucent hand reached down for that of Bragill's and with an effortless ease, lifted Bragill to his feet. The shimmering beauty of the boy could now be seen in all his true glory as Bragill was pulled towards him, until his naked body was pressed close to the illuminated skin of the boy. A stirring had begun in Bragill's loins as he was pulled closer to the boy and the pressure against his own groin told him the figure was also effected by the closeness.

Bragill had never had dreams of boys, nor girls for that matter. In all his last four years his time had been taken up with the need to learn what his Mentor had set him, so apart from his own manipulations, he had not often needed a release. The figure smiled down at him and with a tenderness Bragill had never felt before, the boy began to lower his body to the floor of the cavern, which had miraculously now become the softest down which his back sank deeply into.

Bragill's skin became electrified and tingled with anticipation of some unknown momentous event about to take place. His surroundings became a blur until only the touch of the boy and the heat of two bodies consumed him.

There came, deep inside his small frame, a rushing feeling of desire and unknown need as he looked up into those soft yet deep lavender eyes; nothing this boy could do to him would be rejected by Bragill. His own deep-seated need for the gentle contact of skin on skin from the vision above him could not be denied.

The alabaster boy lowered himself down until he was lying on top of Bragill and with a gentle pressure placed his soft lips over Bragill's panting mouth. The kiss was soft and tender at first but within seconds it was harder and deeper as the figures tongue asked for entrance.

Bragill knew that 'The Way' was never a set of rules, the Emergence took many forms and no two were ever the same, this however was a surprise to Bragill, to have another boy, albeit a dream boy, wanting to kiss him in such a manner was most unexpected. His own rising heat took over Bragill's mind and he began to return the kiss of the boy, finding it quite to his liking as the kiss continued on for untold ages.

Bragill was under the spell of the dream boy and although he was aware of something else going on with their bodies he was not prepared for the sharp pain of entry as the boy thrust himself deeply into Bragill's body until their groins were

married to each other and the jerking spasms of the dream boys body told Bragill of what the momentous event was that he had been aware of earlier.

Bragill's mind and body went into a spiral dance as a thrusting of hardened slim muscle began to penetrate deep into his inner self. The first spasm of pain from the entry could still be felt at the outer edges of his being but began to recede as a wizened hand appeared from the darkness to sooth his brow and the murmur of old Gallands voice rang in his head.

The pulsing deep inside his own body seemed to spread like fire through his soul as the boy held him in a clasp of passion and release. Bragill was not aware of his own boy juice spilling out over his own flesh as the boy continued his giving.

Time stood still as the two dream bodies came to their final spasm and with a look deeper than any ocean, the boy lifted from Bragill's satiated body and with the movement of a coiling reptile, pulled Bragill's body to him and surrounded it in warmth and protection.

Still in his dream state, Bragill looked at the boy coiled around him and with a small gasping voice asked the apparition.

"Who are you?"

"I am Gremen."

"Are you my Krou?"


"But...but..you are but a boy?"

"For the Emergence I am a boy, but I am also much more than a boy."

"What we just did, what does it mean?"

"It means our souls are now joined as one, should I die then you will die, should I allow you to die, then I shall die, we are one, always and forever."

"But I thought the Krou were Dragons."

"I am, and then I am not, I will be for you what ever you wish me to be, but only when we are alone. At first light on the morrow you will see the truth of me as others will see me."

"There is so much that I was not taught."

"There is still much for you to learn Preador, but that is why I am here, we will learn together."

"What did you call me?"


"But that is not my name."

"It is now, you will forever be known by others as Preador, the Holder of the Claw."

"What Claw?"

"On the morrow Praedor, you will see, now sleep in my restful clasp and on the morrow all will be revealed to you."

Without further thought Bragill returned to his state of exhaustion as the sights and sounds of his dream faded into his memory. The fulfillment in his body gave off an internal heat like that of the stone floor and his mind relaxed into its blissful, dreamless state.

As alertness overtook Bragill's senses he realized that his dream had been one of exploration and wonder but now the coldness of the stone floor was seeping into his hip and shoulder where they made contact with his skin. The rest of his body was surrounded in warmth and comfort as though covered with the softest down coverlet, and as he stirred to open his now rested eyes he had a feeling that all was not as it had been when he first dropped into his broken sleep.

Something warm and hard was surrounding him and as he stretched away the tightness of sleep his eyes went down his bare chest until they rested on the large white talon clasped over his chest. It had four claws; three were of the same opaque whiteness but the fourth was a vibrant pulsing crystal with an inner light that drew the eye deeply into it.

In his mind Bragill heard a voice.

"Ahhh Praedor, you awaken, I have a gift for you, take hold of the crystal claw and withdraw it from my talon."

"I can't do that, it will hurt you."

"My Praedor, nothing you could do to me will ever hurt me, the claw is there for you, that is why it was formed, now only you, the Preador can withdraw it, should another attempt it they would die a horrible death of fire and ash. Now my one soul, take my claw, it is yours by right."

Bragill reached for the crystal claw and with a shaking hand began to pull gently on it. To his surprise it slid out freely and as the last of it appeared, the place it had been healed over quickly until there was no sign it had been there.

Bragill looked down at the claw and saw that at its blunted end it was shaped like the handle of a knife and fitted his hand as though made for him.

"What do I do with it Gremen?"

"Lay it along your forearm and with your mind imagine it to be a part of you."

Bragill followed the instructions and in seconds to his amazed eyes the claw shimmered and then sank into his flesh to merge with his own body leaving only a faint glimmer under the skin to show it had ever been real.

"Wha....what do I do with it?"

"What ever is needed, find a picture in your mind of a long sword."

Bragill did as he was bade and in an instant he was holding a long sharp crystal sabre in his hand, its edge bright and sharp, the haft was moulded into his hand and as he moved it back and forth he realized that he could not feel any weight to it but whatever movement he thought of the crystal sword followed, even though he had no training in weapons.

Amazed, Bragill turned towards his new friend and for the first time saw his Gremen in his true form. He was large, no, very large, perhaps ten meters from horned head to spade tail, his scales were of the iridescent white of Gremen's boy skin and the eyes that looked back at him with amusement were still the same pale lavender. On his back were a pair of folded wings, each section of the wing was tipped with a large claw as were the long talons of his four feet. Lying on his side where he had stayed to protect Bragill during his sleep, Gremen was still taller than the boy who stood looking at him.

"Well my Praedor, is this more what you were in expectation of?"

"Gremen...Gremen, you are beautiful but so big."

"I have to be bigger than the other Dragons, I am the last of the white dragons of Goron, that is why you are Praedor."

"The last?"

"Yes, I am the prince of the Dragons, there is only one born every five centuries as is a Praedor like yourself, but now you and I are the last of the line, there will be no others to follow us when our time is done."

"What do we do now?"

"We must go to bury your Mentor, he waits for us at the entrance."

"Bury Galland, why, he could not have died in only a few days."

"It has been more than a few days, and as he was your Mentor he could not partake of any sustenance once you entered this cavern. He knew it was to be his end, it is 'The Way'."

"How long has it been, it seemed like only a week or so?"

"It has been five passing of the moon since you entered to await for me."

"Five months, why am I not hungry or thirsty?"

"You were sustained by the cavern and by my soul as you slept."

"Are we truly so close that you could feed me in such a manner?"

"Yes as it will always be, you will never need to take sustenance from this time onward, the claw will provide you all you need, that is what I meant by one dying, both die, without your soul I can not live, that is the covenant of protection."

"Thank you Gremen, then lets do honour to Galland."

While the thought of spending the rest of his life in the clasp of Gremen, Bragill's mind ran to his Mentor and what the loss would mean to him. Galland had been more than a mentor to him, much more. Nothing had been too much trouble for Galland when it came to the wants and needs of Bragill, this memory alone began to bring mistiness to his eyes.

Gremen rolled onto his stomach, still in a crouch and lowered one mighty wing towards Bragill.

"Come Praedor, there is no need for you to walk, sit between my wings, you will find it comfortable there, it was made for your seat."

Bragill did as he was asked and he found that while the wings looked to be gossamer thin they had in fact the strength of steel as he stepped up on them and then seated himself, still naked, between them at the base of Gremens neck. Gremen stood to his full height and Bragill looked down in the darkness to just make out the outline of the huge talons below him as Gremen took his first steps towards the entrance.

As Gremen moved lithely towards the entrance of the cave, Bragill could feel the smooth warm scales slide tantalizingly over the naked skin of his thighs and that secret place of his joining with his Krou. The warmth and movement very quickly had its effect on his body but the thought of being clothed from the eyes of his Krou was the furtherest thing from his thoughts.

The entrance appeared quickly before him and he could see that it was early dawning by the subdued light outside. In the center of the clearing before the cave mouth laid a bundle surrounded by the course cloth of his mentor. No birds sang nor animals moved as the pair appeared in the forming daylight. The mighty White Dragon lowered himself to the ground and dropped one wing for his rider to descend to the bundle of cloth and bones before them.

Gremens words formed in Bragill's mind, as he stood naked before the remains of his mentor and guide.

"Do him Honour Preador, for he was the last of the great ones, just as you and I are the last of our kind."

Bragill looked down at the small bundle of bones that marked the last resting place of his mentor.

"We are the last of the honoured ones, there will be other Krou but no more White Dragons of Goron. You and I have many tasks to complete before our end comes in ten centuries."

"Ten centuries! But no man can live that long!"

"You are no ordinary man my Preador, you have been blessed with the claw and the soul of Goron, you will never age nor weary, only your understanding of mortal man will increase and thereby you will save him from his own destruction."

"But I am only a boy, I can't do all that."

"Yes Preador, a boy, but also a Dragon, that is your saving."

"This is all to much for me to take and please stop calling me Preador, it...well it seems...not right."

"Ahh if that is your wish my soul, you shall be Brae to me but you must accept your title from others, as they will expect it to be so."

"Yes that makes me feel better, but what should I call you, Gremen instills fear of a kind and Goron is to.... kingly for my soul."

"Hmmm....well you hold my soul so you make the name."

Bragill frowned at trying to find a name to do honour to this giant soul mate of his as he tenderly folded up the cloth containing the remains of his Mentor. As he carried the bones carefully to the edge of the stone area to seek a softer place to lay his Mentor to final rest, a name came into his mind as a friendly paternal face blossomed in his head.

"I would call you Galland, to honour him and to honour you, for that name carries more import to me than any other."

"Ah my Brae, it is indeed a name of honour and I shall carry it with pride for your naming."

A warming blue spark developed in Bragill's mind as he looked for a place to lay down his burden.

"Here Brae, let me do him honour."

Bragill turned to look at Gremen, now Galland. The Dragon stood to his full height, towering over the smaller boy and his bundle, then, with a darkening of his eyes, he lowered his head towards the stone and began to emit a blue shimmering haze from a point between his horns. As the shimmering touched the stone it appeared to melt into a shallow hollow, long enough to lower the remains of Galland into.

Bragill carried the bundle to the shallow grave and lay it down with reverence and slowly the tears of remembrance began to fall down his cheeks as Gremen put out one mighty talon and scraped large boulders and stones over the last of Galland until there was a cairn of stones to dense for any to uncover.

"He will rest here for eternity and none will disturb his final rest my Brae, be happy for him, for he has brought you to this place to settle the wrongs of man and that alone was worth his passing."

"I will miss him so much, he was the only father I ever knew."

"Then you were doubly blessed by him Brae, now you must come with me to Belhadria."

"Belhadria, what is Belhadria?"

"It is our seat of power. It is where all Dragons and their riders gather to greet each other and to discuss what must be done to help in the saving of man."

"Will there be many Dragons?"

"Normally not all of them come, but this time they will all be there to greet us and to do honour to our father."

"Our Father?"

"Yes, he is the King of Dragons, it is said that he was the father of all Dragons and has seen the passing of more centuries than man himself."

"How do I greet one so mighty as him then.... this is to much for me to take in."

"You are not there to greet him, he is there to greet you. You see Brae; you are not only the last Preador but also the only one to be found in more than fifteen centuries. The other Goron before me never found their Preador and their souls were returned to the father. You will be given honour and power far above any who have come before you for you will receive the souls of the departed Goron before me. That is the gift our father will give you."

"But you receive nothing from this meeting, yet you are more powerful than I, and you have far more knowledge than I can ever attain."

"Alas my dear Brae, I do receive a gift, but one that is both great and sad."

"What is your gift to be Galland?"

"The soul of our Father, it is 'The Way'. Just as your Mentor breathed his last when his final duty was done, so our Father passes on to his seat of Prillian, our heaven for mighty Dragons of the Goron line."

"Why should so many great ones have to die for someone like me?"

"It is 'The Way'. It was foretold that one would come, to save mankind and that he would be of an innocence and compassion and that he would lead all of the people to greater living but first there would be war and death and the passing of the last of the Golden Dragons when he appeared."

"There are Golden Dragons?"

"Yes, our Father is the Dragon of Gold, it was his will that kept the belief alive that you would one day come to us and to lead man from his own destruction."

"So much death and sadness in all this Galland, it seems so unfair that others must be destroyed so that I can live."

"They are not destroyed, my Brae, they go to better places and watch over us every day from their seat in Prillian."

Bragill's eyes let his emotions fall like rain drops as the tears made small trails down his soft cheeks, the new disclosures from Galland as to his purpose in life and the coming trials of blood and death caused a new torrent of tears as his body shook with sorrow for all that was to come.

"Come Brae, it is time for us to go, your tears show why you are the chosen one to lead us, your compassion will be the saving of us all."

As Galland lowered his mighty wing once again, Bragill, with leaden steps mounted his seat on his soul mates shoulders feeling the comforting heat coming from the shining scales, his still naked skin tingling at the contact.

A tickling in his forearm made Bragill glance down and he saw that the Claw was a little brighter under his skin and a gentle pressure descended on him as Galland sprang with a mighty leap into the air and with a few quick flaps of his great wings was soon far above the shattered landscape.

'Yes' Bragill's mind went back to the dream of the emergence. 'Like an eagle soaring'

Far below the ravages of the ground spread as far as he could see. Nothing stirred at this early hour save for a few forest animals as they looked for their daytime hiding places and the first spirals of smoke from the hovels of man marked the new day.

Far to the East, Bragill made out the first tendrils of the rising sun as they flew steadily towards it. The orange glow growing wider and brighter as the last of the night was pushed aside to bathe the land in a glow like fire.

In the far distance Bragill could make out the rising of the mountains, their white snow capped tops reflecting the fire of the sun as it rose above the far off horizon. The stark coldness of the grey granite and much faceted face of the mountains instilled coldness to what should have been a new beginning for every living thing.

The morning chill of the passing wind on his naked skin didn't seem to affect Bragill's body as they glided effortlessly far above the land, Gallands body heat kept him warm and not a little excited as the silken scales caressed his thighs.

"Tonight we will join again my Brae, as we will for many years to come. I feel your excitement, it is warming to my soul and my desire for you increases with each passing moment."

Bragill felt a heat come to his cheeks as the thoughts of Galland came into his mind and truth be it, it was what he wanted as well, to feel that beautiful silken boy laying over him again, taking him and then warming him in repleted rest afterwards.

While the land far below appeared to rush by, the mountains in the distance got no closer but Bragill took no heed of time or distance as he became one with the Dragons flight, feeling the air about him and watching the small dot like figures below starting a new day in toil.

"So Galland, you used the Dragons fire to dig the hole for my Mentors place of rest?"

The answering words in his head had a suppressed smile in them as Galland replied.

"Not really Brae, far from what man believes Dragons don't breathe fire, what you saw was our Aura, it appears to man as though it is fire but in reality it is from our soul and is an Aura. We can use it for good or for battle but it is not hot burning fire. The stories say that we lay waste the land with our fire breathing but in truth it was man himself that set the fires, our Aura have no heat to it as man would know it."

"But I saw you melt the stone, that would take heat?"

"No Brae, it was a power not a fire that melted the stone."

"What of the stories of Dragons eating new born babes and destroying flocks and herds in their hunger?"

"Just that Brae, stories, stories to frighten young children, as you have seen for yourself, we need no common sustenance, we gather our strength from the air about us just as you now do. Why should we eat the one thing that we are sent here to protect?"

"So much to learn, I don't think I will ever know it all."

"It will come at the time of the greeting, everything will be made clear to you when you receive the souls of the other Goron."

Bragill sat at ease as he let his mind wander through all the new lessons being passed on to him by Galland. How long had they been flying Bragill had no idea, but still the towering cliffs of the mountain range looked no closer. The land below them was now changing into a more rugged landscape of broken ground interspersed with small farmlets of goat herder's holdings.

Bragill thought he could hear the sounds of small flutes rising from the ground as the herd boys calmed their flocks far below. Bragill had not realized that it had been for some time that he could hear the sweet melodies of the boy's pipes and that as far above the ground as they were, he should not have been able to hear them.

"Calm yourself Brae, your hearing and sight are now much stronger than any other mans, your abilities will soon match my own in this way, remember we are one soul so we have the same power except for my Aura and ability to take flight you are my equal in everything."

Bragill settled once again into his sturdy seat on Gallands neck and let the lilting tunes flow through him as they passed far overhead. After some time Bragill made out other small dots in the sky heading in their direction and as they neared he could make out the bodies of ten Dragons diving and swirling in the sky as they formed up to approach the pair.

As they drew closer Bragill could make out that they were all a shimmering bronze colour and that at each of their necks sat a small boy with the bright shock of red hair flowing in the wind of their flight. It was at this point that Bragill felt his own hair rustling about his neck. This was unusual to him, as his Mentor had ensured his hair was always close cropped while he was doing his lessons.

He then remembered he had been in the cave for over five months and his dark black hair had lengthened until it was now a flowing soft cape around his head and neck. The feeling of the hair tickling his neck as they sped towards the waiting group gave Bragill another new found feeling and his boyhood told him what effect it had on the rest of his body.

The Bronze Dragons and their small redheaded riders soon formed up around them, five on each side and slightly behind them, the greeting could be heard in Bragill's head clearly as they sent their greetings to the new pairing.

"Greetings mighty Gremen of the Goron, Greetings Preador, Keeper of the Claw, let us escort you to Belhadria, the Golden One awaits your arrival."

"Greetings, followers of 'The Way' we are both honoured by your escort."

Bragill listened to the formalities in silence but did notice the looks of awe on the faces of the riders, some of which had previously taken great delight in bullying Bragill at the school of learning. When the young riders saw him looking in their direction they each dropped their heads, both in respect and in shame for their earlier misdemeanors, Bragill felt now neither hurt nor the need for revenge as he saw how contrite the young riders now were and let the lesson be its own teacher.

Gallands words entered his head as he sat in contemplation.

"I see you already have the wisdom of a great Preador. Their lesson will be well learnt by your unsaid words."

"It's just that I see no need for retaliation against what was no more than boyish pranks at the time. Most of them in their own way had their own lessons to learn; I don't see where it would do any good to take revenge for no more than pranks."

"Ahh, my Brae, see you are wise beyond your years, just as I said you would be."

A comforting warmth overtook Bragill's mind at the words of his Galland. A sudden loud mental shout burst through Bragill's reverie as the Bronze Dragons began to rise as though they were of one body, Galland at the first warning had taken the lead in the quick reaction to the shout.


Twisting his head until he could see behind him, Bragill could make out a mass of twenty to thirty black coloured bodies swooping towards them.

"Galland, what is it?"

"Take note Brae, they are the followers of Gestan, the Knight of Darkness, they are the Black Dragons of the Wizard of Gestan. Be ready my Brae, this is going to be an ugly fight, keep the claw in your hand and remember it will follow your every thought."

As though without thought, the Claw appeared in his hand like an extension of his own body and as he looked at the other riders he saw them crouch lower on the necks of their Dragons so that they lay full length along the muscled necks.

"What of the other riders Galland, are they not armed?"

"No Brae, they are the souls of their Dragons and no more, only you have the Claw, only you can fight alongside of me or any other Dragon."

"I don't know what I can do Galland, I'm not trained in warfare."

"Just let your mind and compassionate soul do you bidding, you will know what to do when it is time."

Bragill looked again at the closing Black Dragons as a shiver of fear settled deep into his stomach at the sight of so much power and evil being projected towards them. As he watched the formation of evil split into three groups, the leaders still heading straight towards them. The other two groups tried to gain height as they veered off, one to the left and the other to the right in what could become a pincer movement.

"Thank you Brae, your eyes are my eyes so if you can keep watching them for me I can make our plans."

The blue spark that had appeared in his minds eye grew brighter as he felt Gallands soul singing in harmony with his own. With a sudden twist of his lithe huge body, Galland swung them higher above the other Bonze Dragons and turned towards the Black horde as they approached.

"Be ready Brae, I'm going to dive through the lower ranks, I will use my Aura to protect us and attack them but I will need your eyes and the use of the Claw to help me. The others will keep the outriders busy but you and I must take on this flight alone. Are you ready my Preador?"

"If it must be then I die alongside you my Galland."

"We will not die this day my Brae but we will have the fight of our lives to remember."

Galland began his dive towards the now expectant Black Horde, his Aura now glowing a darker shade of blue as it reached out at the invaders. Bragill's hand clenched the now glowing Claw is it reshaped itself into what Bragill hoped would be an effective weapon against the charging mass in front of him.

While the feel of the claw was a comfort to him he didn't think that its slender glowing length would be very effective against the masses of Dragon flesh before him.

'I need an Aura like Gallands to fight this mass.' Bragill thought to himself.

Like magic in his hand the Claw sent a bright sharp bolt of white light at the first of the Black dragons, striking it below the neck between the front legs. With an ear splitting scream of agony the wings of the Black Dragon folded and the dark rider on his back fell from his seat to plummet down to the waiting cold hardness of the jagged granite below them. The Dragon turned over and over in a final somersault of death as it plummeted downward.

Galland renewed his downward dive at the rest of the formation, all of whom had begun to slow at the surprise attack by the small rider of the Goron Dragon. Nothing like this had happened to them before and as they usually outnumbered their foe they had no reason to think this would be any different from other attacks on the Bronze Dragons of Belhadria.

The sudden attack and death of one of their number, by no less than a rider, was enough to unsettle the invaders but by the time they had reformed their attack it was to late as Galland swooped down among them, his Aura sent out to stun two more of the Black horde as he drove through them and with a twist of his body began his upward flight to attack them again from below.

Bragill sent out another thought like the first and with a shudder of feeling at the effect of his blast, watched as another Rider fell from his mount as it tumbled lifelessly towards the ground. Bragill took in the total power of the Claw and its abilities in battle when he suddenly felt a blast of stunning power hit both of them as they climbed up through the rest of the panicking mass of the enemy.

The beginnings of blackness started to overtake him as he felt Galland begin to tumble downward as one wing began to drop as though useless for flying. Dreaded thoughts ran through Bragill's head, as he stayed with his soul mate in the flailing fall toward death.

"Galland....Galland, you said we would not die this day, but if it must be then I gladly die with you...I love you, Galland.

Though still dazed from the blast of the Black Dragons aura, Bragill was still alert enough to watch as the hard grey granite of the mountains rushed unhindered towards them. Gallands mighty body plummeted earthward, his right wing useless as he tumbled out of control.

Bragill felt the writhing of the translucent scales against his naked thighs at the same time his head was filled with the silent laughter of Galland. The ground was now close enough for Bragill to make out individual rocks as Gallands thoughts burst laughingly into his head.

"Well my Brae, do you think that this fall has fooled our enemies."

Bragill felt Gallands mighty wings begin to beat as his Dragon soul twisted to the left and with a final swooping motion flashed across the surface of the mountains side then turned again towards where the other Dragons were fighting so high above them.

"It was a ruse?"

"Of course my Brae, you don't think that a few paltry Blacks can get the better of us do you?"

"But why?"

"That blast of Aura was from three of them, they joined together and while it did not worry me I knew it would not yet be time for you to be able to face a full blast from them so it seemed a good idea to try to fool them into thinking we were done for."

"What now?"

"Now we go back and finish them, the Bronzes are putting up a good fight but they are out numbered and have lost three souls already. This attack should surprise them and break them up. If they do not flee then we will finish them for good."

"What do you want me to do?"

The pair had been rising at a fast rate and now before them they could see the whirling and swooping of the other Dragons as they fought out their battle of the skies. The Bronzes had maintained their advantage of height but the numbers were beginning to take their toll on the valiant fight of the followers of "The Way"

"Brae, do you see the three Black Dragons sitting off to the side?"


"The larger one in the center is directing the attack. I will take him if you can set about the other two with the Claw. Once they are vanquished the others will run."

"As you wish, my Soul."

"I know it is a sad thing to take the life of others, my Brae, but this must be done. The Blacks can never be bought back into our ways once they have gone to the Wizard of Gestan."

The pair was now closing rapidly from below on the unsuspecting three above them. The bellies of the Black Dragons were an open target as Bragill lifted his arm and pointed at the Dragon on the left of the leader. The bright white light seared into the belly of the Dragon, sending him and his rider quickly tumbling towards the earth far below.

Gallands bright blue Aura surrounded the largest of the Black Dragons as Bragill turned his attention onto the right hand Dragon. The air around the fighting space was alive with pulsing vibrations as Dragon fought Dragon in a whirling and twisting dance of death.

Although they were far above the earth, Bragill thought it looked like a fight between starving wild dogs for a morsel of food on the scorched plains.

'Yes, a fight of dogs, only high in the air' Bragill thought.

Without thought Bragill sent his shaft of white light towards the right Dragon and as he watched the light strike the Dragon behind the neck he felt a tear of compassion fall down his cheek at the waste of such mighty souls.

"Cry not, my Brae, they are lost to the Wizard, it is 'The Way'."

With a shake of his head Bragill watched as the largest of the Black Dragons began his tumble to earth in a final death plunge. The surviving Blacks broke from the fight with the Bronze Dragons and closed their great wings to dive earthward in a frantic attempt to escape the awesome power of the White Dragon and his strange rider.

Galland sent out a thought to the rest of the Bronzes to let the Blacks go back to their Wizard to tell the tale and hopefully impress upon the Knight of Gestan, the futility of again attacking the followers of 'The Way'

The six remaining Bronzes formed up around Galland and Bragill to continue their escort to Belhadria.

"Mighty Goron, Great Praedor, it was a magnificent fight, we were honoured to be by your side."

The thoughts of the Bronzes were clear in Bragill's mind as they once again sought the heights to continue their broken journey. Galland sent out his thoughts to those around him.

"Followers of 'The Way', the Praedor and myself thank you for your courageous stand and we will see that you are honoured by the Golden One on our return."

The six Bronzes broke from their formation and lifted above Galland and Bragill to reform in the shape of a tight V and as one, swooped down to pass in front of the two and as they passed by they broke again and formed up just below Galland in a straight line.

"Galland, why do they fly so?"

"It is the formation of total devotion, these Bronzes will be our personal guard from this day forward and their souls will be devoted to your needs when they are not riding upon their Dragons."

"Devoted to my needs?"

"Yes, they will serve you as your personal attendants when not in the air."

"But what needs do I have my Soul? I have no need of sustenance, I don't have clothes, and what could they ever need to do for me?"

The humour in Gallands thoughts sent a smile to Bragill's lips.

"One must bathe and be pampered my Brae."

"Bathe? Pampered?"

"Yes, of course, you will want to bathe and they will carry it out and then rub your body with oils and lotions to make you feel blessed by the Gods."

Bragill's shaft hardened at the thought of all of those small hands caressing his naked body and the sudden increase of heat between his thighs told him Galland was having certain thoughts as well.

"Ah yes my Brae, your thoughts are my thoughts, tonight we will join again and you will sleep in my arms fully sated."

As the thoughts entered his head Bragill could see a large cloud on the horizon that surrounded a huge mountain, most of which was shrouded by the white cloud.

"That is Belhadria my Brae. We fly above the cloud and our destination will be seen in all its glory."

So saying, Galland gave a mighty thrust with his wings and as the Bronzes followed, they entered the clouds. There was no feeling of dampness in the clouds but more of a comforting closeness as they rose higher until with suddenness they were flying in clear sky and before them was the top of the mountain. The peak showed flashes of brilliant white and startling emerald green as Bragill made out the features of a magnificent castle perched on the crown of the mountain.

"Galland, it is so beautiful, it looks like fine glass and so large."

"That is Belhadria my Soul. Look, above, in the air, the Dragons gather to greet you."

Bragill saw the myriad dots forming high above the sparkling castle. There seemed to his eyes to be hundreds of Bronze Dragons swooping and forming into large phalanxes as they neared the Crystal castle.

Something caught Bragill's eyes as he gazed at the formations now heading towards them. From the Crystal Castle there rose a large bright golden shape. The Golden Dragon had left his Castle to greet them in flight. Even from this great distance Bragill could see that the Golden Dragon was much bigger than any other Dragon he had seen, including Galland.

"Yes my Brae, he is the largest of our kind and one day I will be of the same size for as yet I am no more than Fourty years and nothing but a young teen such as yourself. We will grow together my Brae."

"He is truly magnificent Galland, see how he shines in the light of the sun and how he moves like the molten gold in a furnace."

The numberless Bronzes formed up behind and below the Golden One in a sign of respect and honour as the Father of all Dragons set his course to the new arrivals.

Once they had closed the distance Bragill could now see with his own eyes how huge the Golden One truly was, and only the measured thoughts reaching his mind took him away from the regal stature of the oldest Dragon. Bragill could make out a small diminutive figure riding high on the neck of the Gold Dragon.

"Galland, he has his Soul?"

"Yes Brae, that boy has been with him since his Emergence."

"But you said he is older than man himself, how could his Soul look no more than a young boy?"

"As I told you my Brae, you will never age, it is the same for him."

Bragill looked again at the small figure, his bright Black hair flowing in majesty on the wind as the Golden Dragon dived down to greet them.

"Mighty Goron, Great Praedor, Keeper of the Claw, all of Belhadria greets and welcomes you. Your Castle awaits your arrival as do we your humble followers."

Galland sent out his reply as the sky filled with Bronze Dragons reforming their formation to include Galland and Bragill. With an unaccustomed numbness of his mind, Bragill heard the words of honour directed at Galland and himself by the majestic figure of the greatest of all Dragons.

"Great Father of all Dragons, we thank you for your greeting and would give honour to the Regent of Belhadria."

"Well said, last of the Goron, I step aside so that you may take the lead to our Keep."

Galland folded his wings briefly and swooped below the assembled Dragons until he was now in the lead as the others turned about and faced the glowing Crystal Castle, then Galland rose again until he was flying beside the Golden One.

"Great Father, I would fly beside you so that all may see we arrive in harmony as it should be."

"As it should be Mighty Goron."

Bragill noticed that the six Bronzes from the battle kept close formation on Galland as he settled next to the King of Dragons.

"I see that your escort numbers only six and that they take the formation of guardians, there was a battle with the Blacks?"

"Yes Father of all, and they acquitted themselves with great honour and devotion. It would please us both greatly should you bestow on them the honour of Guardians of the Claw."

"It shall be as you request Mighty Goron. Now please take the lead to enter the Great Hall, the throne of Praedor awaits your Soul."

"He is ready for the duty Father of All."

"Then lead us into Belhadria Mighty Goron."

The Second Scroll Of Goron

"Preador of Belhadria"

ore Telling of the Rise of Goron.

Fear not the Bronze of Belhadria, nor the fire of youthful soul

for they carry upon their mighty winged torso, the life of mans need.

Cry not for the Gold of soil but seek the soul of the Ancient One, that

he may carry your burden and clear your soul until the rising of Goron.

Seek out the Preador of the dark locks, that he will lead all mortal man,

first to darker days and a cleansing of the earth, to but rise again in

green splendor that all may pay homage to Goron's Soul.

Power for the sake of Power has no intent.

Love for the sake of Love has no beginning.

The Love of Total Power brings but disaster.

But the Power of Total Love brings final peace.

Galland, Last of the Goron.

Bragill looked down at the approaching citadel, where it shone in all its glory under the bright sunlight. As they neared the castle Bragill saw that although it looked to be made of crystal, it was in fact the white stone of which all statues were made but this was polished to such a high degree that it appeared to be almost glass like.

Galland turned toward a long center colonnade. It was thirty meters wide and about fifty meters long leading up to a set of wide deep steps. At the top of the flight of steps was a wide platform and behind that two large columns rose to hold a lintel of opaque stone.

Around the columns were entwined a Golden Dragon on the left and the right held the casting of a White Dragon. The lintel above the entwined Dragons showed the small figure of a boy with ebony hair holding above his head a crystal blade.

The center of the citadel roof was in the shape of a dome and at the peak was the effigy of the Golden Dragon with wings outspread and front legs held close to the upper body as his rear legs powered him upward into flight.

Such was the effect of the architecture that Bragill's breath was stilled in his chest as he tried to take in the magnitude of the castle. It was only as Galland landed on the center court that he realized that the figure on the lintel was a replica of himself and that the two dragons wrapping around the columns were Galland and the Golden One.

As the Father of Dragons landed beside them, the Bronzes circled overhead projecting the names of Galland and Bragill until the very air was alive with the pulsating thoughts. To Bragill's newly attuned mind it seemed as though a cacophony of trumpets were braying out their names.

Galland began to stride towards the tier of steps with the Golden One beside him, Bragill sat in wonder as they neared the entrance to the citadel. The Bronze Dragons began to land behind as the leaders made their way forward.

Turning once again, Bragill watched as rank upon rank of Bronze Dragon and red headed riders took their place amongst the forming multitude in the courtyard. The sight of so much colour and power made Bragill give out a small gasp of wonder.

Galland paused at the entrance to look up at the lintel and with feeling spoke to Bragill.

"You are so much more beautiful in person than what is depicted on the lintel, my Brae."

Bragill blushed to himself at Gallands thoughts as his skin warmed against the scales of his Soul. The breathtaking vista that met Bragill's eyes when they entered the inner sanctum of the citadel almost made his head spin with its size and vibrant feeling of closeness.

The Bronzes had begun to enter and were forming up on tier upon tier of stone platforms that surrounded the central court of the sanctum. Galland and the Golden One strode with purposeful steps to the center platform that rose five meters above the floor and once there settled down onto the white stone in a sitting position with rear legs tucked under them.

The hubbub of mind sound settled down as the Golden One lifted his head to look around at the assembled Bronze Dragons.

"Followers of 'The Way', today the prophecy is fulfilled. The last of the Goron and the last of the Praedor have joined us in our endeavors. Before we continue you may rest your Souls and take ease, this day is too great to be strained by formality."

Bragill watched as the Bronze Dragons lowered their necks to the floor and their small boy riders dismounted and then, as the Dragons lifted their heads the boy riders snuggled in close to the open chests of their Souls. Galland sent his message to Bragill and lowered his gossamer wing for him to dismount and then tapped his right claw on the stone beneath him to indicate where Bragill would sit.

Once in the comforting confines of Gallands mighty claws, Bragill settled back against the warm scales to listen and watch as the Golden One again began to speak. Within seconds something soft and warm was stroking Bragill's chest and nipples. When he looked downward he saw a white soft human hand stroking him. The surprise came when he followed the white skin upward for where the hand met the elbow there were the shining scales of Galland.

The soothing action of Gallands hand soon had Bragill resting in peace and contentment as the Golden One continued.

"As all followers know, this day was foretold in the tomes of time, this is my last day on this earth as all I know will go to the Last Goron and I must take my seat in Prillian. To mark this day in the minds of all Followers I declare that the six, who so valiantly defended the Goron are hereby given the title of Guardians of the Claw and shall be at the call of the Praedor upon his whim."

The room became encompassed in a strong Aura as the Bronzes showed their appreciation of the honour to six of their own. As the Aura of pleasure dissipated the Golden One spoke again.

"All assembled, take note that the Goron and his Soul, The Praedor, are hereby given court over all Dragons and shall take the throne of Belhadria for all eternity."

The air came alive with a deep throbbing humming as the Bronze Dragons vocalized their fealty to the two on the platform beside the Golden One.

"When the sun sets to rest The Praedor will be given the Souls of the departed Goron and I will surrender my Soul to the keeping of the Last Goron, know you all, the time of deliverance is here and the righting of many wrongs will be in the hands of the true Followers."

With these words the Golden One rose and made his way to the floor below them and with a mind send asked Galland and Bragill to join him for their stately walk to the furtherest doorway that lead up to their own personal quarters. The Six honoured Bronzes left their places and followed the trio at a respectful distance.

The idle playing of Gallands human hand had brought Bragill to a state of excitement he had never known and he was now more than willing for this nights joining with his Galland, While he was naked and erect before everyone present it did not seem to disturb anyone so Bragill, with just a hint of blush on his cheeks, walked beside Galland as they left the sanctum.

As soon as they entered their private quarters Bragill became aware of a blue shimmering in the huge room and turning watched as Galland took his human form and with outspread arms beckoned Bragill to his embrace.

"Come sweet Brae, I must feel you in my arms, we can not have a joining as yet but once the sun has gone to rest we will be one."

Without hesitation Bragill walked into the open arms and felt again the warmth of the young boys skin against his own. Their shafts met in rigid need as the two boys clasped each other close as though they had not been together for many ages.

In the passageway outside their room the Six Bronzes felt the lifting of spirits as the two inside let their minds talk of love and need. The Bronzes sent their own redheaded riders thoughts of joy and fulfillment as the apartments many rooms also felt the love of a Dragon for a dark haired boy.

Shivers of delight went through Bragill's body as the cherry red lips of Boy Galland caressed those of Bragill, Gallands silken skin smoothly moved against his own. Bragill and Galland had taken to the large down filled mattress that covered the floor of their sleeping quarters, just after the sun had gone to its daily resting place.

The light delicate touches of Gallands fingers had brought Bragill to a height he had never known as the moisture of his rigid shaft spilled its nectar between their entwined bodies. Galland had positioned himself so that his own rigidity was now stroking in slow smooth movements along the perineum of Bragill. The warm sweet lubrication of Galland taking Bragill higher and higher as his lips opened freely to receive the hot projection from Gallands Mouth.

All sound ceased to exist as the two souls melted into one at the feelings that were more than love or lust. Outside the haven of love, the Bronze Dragons lay in comfort, their own small redheaded souls taking in the feelings emanating through the thick stone as the two ultimate souls began their night of joining.

Bragill felt so many touches in so many places on his body that he was incapable of discerning one from the other except for a growing of length and thickness below his scrotum. Gallands shaft felt larger and thicker than their previous joining, and while it was unnerving to Bragill he knew that his Galland would never cause him pain.

A whisper of thought came to his racing mind.

"Do not worry my Brae, yes I have made myself larger than our last joining for then I entered you as a boy, now I join you as a man. Let your mind join with me and there will be no discomfort but a lifting of your pleasure and cementing of our love."

Bragill took great comfort in the soft words as he opened his thighs wide for Gallands shaft to stroke lower until he could feel the hardness pressed lightly on his entrance. Bragill's nipples were now hard and erect as the fine fingers of his soul rubbed gently over and over them.

The ruby lips pressed harder then retreated until barely touching his own, Bragill lost all contact with the reality of their surroundings as Galland took his body to unknown heights of pleasure and the insistent pressure of his now large manhood began its delicate entrance.

Bragill felt the soft hands leave their place on his chest and in seconds were lifting his legs and bending them back against his chest to be held there as the fullness of Galland widened his doorway to the joining.

No pain was felt but only a solid filling of his insides as the shaft that was somehow rigidly in need but soft and smooth to his grasping sphincter, continued to go deeper, touching places that sent sparks of fire through Bragill's mind and body.

Bragill watched in his minds eye as the blue sparks of stars whirled in complex patterns at the sought after intrusion into the depths of his body. There was no sense of time or place as Galland ejected copious amounts of self-lubrication, into and around the insides of his souls body to make the entrance easier.

Galland's skin shone like his natural scales, and, had he had the need to look around, he would have seen the room bathed in a blue Aura so dense that nothing could have entered to break the joining.

No longer was he a dark haired intruder at the school of learning filled with redheaded Dragon Riders, now Bragill was a floating blue spark of love and power that looked down on the universe to spread his intense feelings with others as Galland finally pressed his own groin hard against Bragill's overheated body.

The two minds were melded into one as Galland sent a thought to Bragill's besotted mind.

"You now have me as a man my Brae, but for tonight's joining I must give to you also as a Dragon."

From somewhere in his dreamlike state, Bragill could see the shimmering above him as the misty apparition of Galland began to take on his true form and, while still buried deep within Bragill's body, Galland grew and grew until the majesty of his full size was towering over the diminutive boy laying below him, transfixed by the male member that was, even now lengthening inside the boy.

All Bragill could feel as the member grew within him, was the heat and swelling of his insides. There was no pain or discomfort as he felt his body accept the huge intruder but instead he felt as though floating on the softest of clouds until a feeling of satiation overtook his mind.

Gallands scales pulsed with love and power as he began to send deep into Bragill's body, his life force and the life force of the many Goron before him. The small body under him pushed upward as the first of many warm juices entered his body and with it came pictures of green forests, mighty mountains, of flying high above hamlets and villages as the land grew, the people living on the land lifted their eyes to the heavens to watch the many White Dragons of the Goron flying above to protect them from harm.

Bragill's mind raced aloft with the Goron of bygone times but underneath there was a feeling of something lost or not found. Bragill saw the passing of the Goron as they failed to find their own souls to keep them alive. As the last of the pictures faded from his mind, Bragill saw the first of the many years of destruction and destitution that was now the way of the world he knew.

Galland looked down on the small figure that was solidly joined to his massive form and with a final pulse sent his own gift of love to his Soul Rider, his Bragill, his Praedor, his Keeper of the Claw.

The final pulse was like a gift of molten gold to Bragill's body as the tears of compassion, joy, love and total happiness, made their own tendrils of the Gorons gift of life, leave glistening rivulets on his cheeks.

The Bronze Dragons and their Riders outside the quarters of the two lovers were overpowered by the feelings being projected by their charges behind the thick walls. The redheaded riders were in a state of oblivious ecstasy as they lay in the protective clasp of their own Souls. The small bodies writhed and shuddered as they too, sent out their boy juices onto the stone floor as their Bronzes held them close.

The powerful Aura from Galland and the feeling to devotion and love from Bragill had taken an effect on the young Riders without the need of physical help from their own Dragons.

It was almost with sadness that Bragill opened his eyes to see the first glimmer of the rising sun enter the room; his feeling of satiation and fullness was compounded by the manlike thickness that still filled his insides. Turning his head, Bragill saw that Galland had returned to his human form and was spooned in behind him with his soft boy arms holding him in a clasp of security.

Bragill sent his first message since they had entered the quarters the night before.

"Galland, take me again as a boy."

The responding thrust from Galland told Bragill his request was going to be answered.

When at last the two left the room, the six Guardians and their consorts greeted them at the door.

"Greetings Lord Galland, Greetings Praedor."

"Greetings, Guardians of the Claw."

"Lord Galland, our Souls would wish to bathe the Praedor."

"There my Brae, go with the boys and let them tend you."

Bragill looked at the six redheads and with a smile, as he remembered his earlier thoughts, allowed himself to be led down the long passage toward the sound of trickling water.

The bathing area, like the rest of the citadel, was made from the same white stone. Around the walls were tall columns and in the center a large deep pool filled with steaming water. Around the edge of the pool were a series of steps leading down into the depth of the water.

As Bragill descended into the pool, closely followed by the six other boys, the temperature of the water matched the inner heat that Gallands juices had left in his body. The many soft hands that began to rub over his body, soon matched the luxury that the water gave him, even in some places that he thought only Galland would go to.

The multiple effects of the soft hands soon had Bragill upright and erect but the boys took no liberties with the projection from his groin but instead, continued to lather and massage his weary body. Bragill's eyes closed down slowly with the ministrations of the hands and it was not long before a small arm was supporting his head as the others finished their task of washing his body.

When all was done the arm slowly lifted Bragill's head and a soft pair of lips caressed his forehead bringing him back to reality. With the help of the six small riders Bragill made his way to a waiting table where he was laid down and the hands, covered with fine oils, began to massage his frame and then add perfumed scents until he felt invigorated enough to rise on his own, sending a smile of gratitude to the six boys.

On his return to his sleeping quarters, Bragill found that Galland had disappeared but much to his dismay there came a picture of the whole citadel and all its passageways and rooms. His attention was drawn to a huge room in the west of the citadel where he could sense Galland standing with the Golden One and as he watched with his mind's eye he saw the great Golden Dragon shimmer and slowly shrink until there was no more than a bright golden spark floating in the air before Galland.

The great Golden Dragon, Father of all Dragons, was now on his way to Prillian, to take his seat beside others of his kind and to watch over the last of the Goron and his Soul Rider, The last Praedor.

As if all in the citadel knew it was his time, there came a sudden silence throughout the castle of crystal, every Dragon, from the youngest to the oldest, along with their Riders, stopped and let the meaning of the event penetrate their Souls so that the memory of the Great One would never be lost.

Amid the heavy sadness that came over Bragill's mind, came a message of love from his Galland.

"Weep not my Brae, he has gone to the place he was seeking and his knowledge is now my knowledge so nothing but the greatness of his stature is lost to us."

The mind send comforted Bragill as he sensed Galland leaving the room of the Golden One and make his way towards where Bragill now stood. When Galland joined him at the doorway to their previous nights quarters, Galland lowered his wing for Bragill to mount him and with a final message, made his way towards the great doors and the open spaces beyond.

"We fly to honour the Golden One, my Brae, let your compassion for him give you the wings to feel the freedom he has given us."

The fresh feeling of freedom took over all of Bragill's senses as Galland took to the air in one mighty leap and with a forceful thrust of his wings, was soon high above Belhadria, their escort of the Six Guardians staying below them as Galland whirled and dived in honour of the Golden One.

The sun wove its magic across the sky as the White Dragon twisted and turned in the air and Bragill had no idea of what time had passed as they flew to honour the Father of all. At last, as the sun started its descent towards the horizon Galland stopped his aerobatics and leveled his flight far from the mountain of Belhadria.

Far below their lofty height Bragill saw a tendril of dark black smoke rising into the late afternoon air and with a sudden feeling of distress asked Galland to fly towards it. The Bronzes, feeling that something was not right, followed closer to their charges.

"Galland, what is the smoke far off there?"

"I don't know my Brae, would you like to see?"

"Yes I think we should. I have a feeling inside me that say's there is trouble there."

Galland dropped one wing and the two lovers dived and turned towards the far off smoke, the six Bronzes in close escort. Bragill and Galland flew low over the landscape and as they neared the dark smoke they could make out the remains of a temporary campsite, now no more than a pile of burning tents and overturned wagons.

Lying on the ground close to the burnt remains were the bodies of the slain men. On the edge of the campsite Bragill saw something shining in the dying sunlight, with a quick thought to Galland they descended towards the shining item.

On the ground, partially covered with the falling ash, lay a young man in the Armour of a noble, his head was still covered by his helm and his breastplate was tarnished by something hot. The slim hand holding the haft of his long sword was bloodied and the blade showed signs of use.

"Galland, are there Bandits hereabouts?"

"Bandits are everywhere my Brae but this looks like the work of others. The scorch mark on his chest is not by mans hand."

A painful moan came from the figure on the ground as the two stood close above him.

"He lives, Galland."

"Go to him my Brae, see if he can be made whole again."

Bragill slid off the neck of Galland and carefully walked with nervous steps towards the young Knight. Another pitiful groan escaped through the faceplate of the helm. Bragill went to his knees beside the prostrate figure and began to remove the head covering, suddenly a hand grasped his own which made Bragill jerk back with force just in time to avoid the weak slicing movement of the sword as the Knight used the last of his strength to defend himself from the invader above him.

Bragill grappled for the hilt of the sword and as the Knight was now almost comatose, he had very little difficulty in disarming him.

A very young sounding voice echoed from the helm.

"I am done, take what you will you despot of the Wizard."

Bragill leaned close so that the Knight could hear his words.

"I am not of the Wizard, I come to aide you."

Only a low moan answered Bragill.

"Galland, what must I do, I think he is going."

"You have The Claw, it will follow your wishes."

Bragill though hard of seeing the Knight on his feet and being in good health. The Claw under his skin warmed at his thoughts and within seconds there was another stronger groan from the covered face. Bragill returned to his task of removing the helm and as it came free, the Knight made to rise from his prone position.

"Stay, let me tend you first."

The young face of the Knight looked up at the dark haired boy above him, then with a small startled look saw that the boy was naked from head to foot. The clear blue eyes of the Knight stared out from the straw coloured fringe of hair at the vision before him.

"Who are you?"

"I am Bragill, Rider of the White Dragon of Goron."

"The White Dragon?"

Galland stepped closer to Bragill so that the Knight could look up at him as he towered over the boys on the ground.

"This is Galland, last of the Goron, we are here to help you."

"I am Matise, second son of Count Lemaire of Cretain."

Galland took over from Bragill in the discussion.

"Cretain is far from this land, why are you here?"

"My Father sent me on this journey to find my own lands. My older brother will inherit all of my Fathers lands and titles."

"You have come far for not much more than burnt forests and wasted soil."

"Would I have an army, I could build something better for all as well as myself."

"What age do you have Matise?"

"Why should my lack of years temper my ability to build?"

"The question was for my Rider, not about your abilities. I feel my Bragill would need of a young friend such as you and should you both, as I suspect, be of similar age then you would be the closer for that."

"Forgive my rudeness, Dragon of Goron, I am sixteen years at the coming of the new moon."

"So my Brae, what do you think, should this young Knight in search of adventure and a place of his own, be befriended by us?"

Bragill looked down at the alabaster skin and straw hair of the young Knight as he laid on the ground, then with a smile he looked back up at Galland.

"Yes my Galland, I think a friend that is not a Rider would be welcome for us."

"My thoughts as well my Brae. Come, help him rise and disrobe his Armour then he can take his seat behind you on my neck for the return to Belhadria."

Matise spoke up as Bragill helped him to his feet and began to remove the Armour.

"Belhadria! Does it really exist?"

"Yes of course it exists, where do you think the Dragons live....in dark caves?"

"Again I apologies for my assumptions and impertinence, Galland."

"No need Matise, you are now our friend and shall be treated well by all in Belhadria should you wish to stay as Bragill's companion."

Matise looked again at the naked dark haired Bragill and felt the heat rise in his loins and with a blush to his soft cheeks, asked his question.

"Lord Bragill, do you always go naked?"

"Matise, I am no Lord and yes, I am happy to be as I am, Galland is my Soul and I can not in all honesty cover myself from his sight."

The tints of redness on Matise's cheeks gave rise to a wry smile from Galland.

"Do not worry Matise, you may go as you like, it is just the way of the Riders to be as natural with their Souls as they can."

"Why do you call the Dragons, Souls?"

"They are both one Soul, without the Rider a Dragon dies quickly, without a Dragon, the Rider has no intent for life. One needs the other, it is 'The Way'"

"The Way?"

"Ahh it is better we leave now, darkness approaches, when we are in Belhadria we will explain it all. Come now mount your seat behind Bragill and hold his waist for safety."

Matise climbed the lowered wing with a little trepidation as he had heard all the stories of what Dragons did to lowly humans and although he could have tried to escape, the presence of Bragill gave him a little more confidence that things may not be as he had heard.

Bragill felt the course fibre of Matise's pants rub against the bare skin of his cheeks as the lightly calloused hands of the youth wrapped around his waist to take a grip of iron. Galland feeling that both were well seated gave a full thrust with both hind legs and pushed down with his mighty wings to join the Bronzes above them. Matise saw the Bronze Dragons for the first time and marveled at the tight formation they flew.

Matise became more interested in the Bronzes when he spied the redheaded Riders on their necks, for truth, Matise had a weakness in his heart for the boys of red hair and although they could sometimes be seen in the various market places, Matise had never had the opportunity to be close to one.

The red headed boys were known by all to be those belonging to Dragons and not by mortal men, they were the dreams of many young men in their first years of manhood.

With the Bronzes in close escort, the three flew up high and turned towards Belhadria, for Bragill the feeling against his bare skin of something very hard gave him thoughts of Gallands love making of the night before.

"Tonight I will be a boy for you, my Brae, but should you wish to tempt Matise, I would not object. There will be many in your long life to come, that will tempt you and it is for you to enjoy them as well."

"For now, my Soul, you are more than enough for me, but I feel that Matise is more tempted by the Riders of the Bronzes."

"That is a truth my Brae, many of the Reds will enjoy Matise's company."

To Matise sitting tightly against the bare skin of Bragill, there was only silence as he was not able to hear the thoughts of Dragons or Riders but there was a feeling of security sitting there on the might of the Goron.

Matise became awestruck at his first sight of Belhadria and as the flight of Dragons settled onto the forecourt of the citadel he subconsciously moved closer to the naked body in front of him. While Matise had been raised in his father's grand castle, it now seemed like a hovel of cut stone compared with the grand splendor of this crystal like citadel.

Matise leaned closer to Bragill's ear and in a voice of awe spoke softly least others overhear him.

"Where are the guards? Such a fine castle should be well guarded?"

Bragill smiled to himself as he answered his new friend.

"Look high above us."

Matise raised his eyes to the heavens and saw far above them, small dots whirling on the thermal winds in a steady pattern of glide and lift.

"How can they see much from such a height?"

"How does the bird of prey find its meal at such a height?"

"Yes I see now."

Galland had landed and lowered his mighty wing so the two boys could dismount.

"Come Matise, let me show you your new home if you wish it so."

"My thanks Lord Bragill."

"No Matise, I'm not a Lord, as I said before, I'm just Bragill."

"I thank you Bragill, I feel it such an honour to be by your side."

"It is nothing Matise, now come, lets go to our rooms."

Matise followed behind Bragill as the Dragon rider, along with the gossamer White Dragon, made their way up the wide steps of the citadel towards their quarters. Matise found it harder and harder to take his eyes off the smooth skin of the small tight butt cheeks on the dark haired boy.

A noise behind him made Matise turn his head and an instant reaction in his loins took over as he spied for the first time the real beauty of the red-haired riders of the Bronze Dragons. The vitality and health of the small riders took Matise by surprise as they bounced and laughed with each other, and, Matise noticed, many sidelong looks towards him by the young boys as they walked beside their Dragon Souls.

When they neared the doors to Bragill and Gallands rooms, Matise saw that the Bronze Dragons and their small riders settled into places along the corridor where they could be close to the quarters. On entry into the rooms Matise was taken aback by the great size and space.

Gallands soft voice spoke to Matise.

"If you would be more comfortable, I can arrange for some rooms of your own just down the passage."

"Thank you Galland, but I think these rooms are to big to be alone in, if it does not inconvience you both I would enjoy staying here with you"

"You will be most welcome Matise."

Galland sent out a thought to the Bronze Dragons outside and within seconds the six riders appeared in the room.

"Perhaps you would like to bathe before we dine. Theses riders will attend to your needs while others find suitable clothing for you."

"Yes I would like that Galland."

Glowing smiles lit up the faces of the six riders when they heard Matise's reply. Matise had no illusions as to his desire for their company as they lead him towards the bathing room, his vest had disappeared before he had got to the doorway as the many hands softly ran over his body. To be bathed this way each day was going to be a pleasure beyond belief for Matise.

"Well my dearest Brae, do you think he will survive his immersions?"

Bragill laughed at Gallands thoughts.

"I think we will not see him for quite a while my Galland."

"It may help him to adjust to this day of tragedy and his obvious desire for the redheads is easy to see."

"Yes, I'm sure they will please him."

"Just as I plan to please you, my Soul."

No sooner had the thoughts left Gallands mind than he shimmered and was standing before Bragill in his human form, naked and erect as he reached out for the dark haired boy before him.

"Let us make love in honour of the passing of the Golden One my Brae."

Bragill's immediate reaction settled any hesitation on his part and as Galland took him in his arms, he surrendered to the warm feeling of boyish arms about him and the hardness pushing against his own. A slickness began to cover them both as each one leaked his juices on the other and their hot lips began a dance of love and need.

Time stood still as Bragill lay on his back with Galland deep inside him. Gallands hands roved over the young riders body as he sent his love deep into the boy he had waited to find in the darkness of the cave. The joining of the two souls seemed deeper and more fulfilling as their love was in honour of the Golden One and his passing.

In Bragill's forearm a warming resonance sent shivers of delight through his body as Galland gave him his love and finally, with a deep seated shudder and sigh of satisfaction Bragill collapsed into the soft arms of Galland, and, as his eyes closed he felt the lips offering more than physical relief.

A sound made Bragill open his eyes, the feeling of warm scales against his back told him that Galland had reverted to his natural form and the large claw holding him protectively confirmed that Galland was close behind him and keeping him safe.

The sound was made by Matise as he entered the room looking much the worse for his bathing at the hands of the six riders of the Bronzes. Amidst the look of total exhaustion was a spark of satiation on Matise's face and it was also obvious that he had not done all of the entering by the way he walked toward the divan set out against the far wall of the quarters.

"So, my friend how was your bathing?"

"More than could be expected Bragill, so much more."

Bragill had stayed under the claw of Galland as he talked and the soft caress of the tip of the claw on his chest sent shivers of delight along the length of his naked form. Matise looked wistfully at the couple lying together and then lowered himself onto the pallet set out for him. The softness of the mattress and the warmth of the room soon had his eyes closed and a gentle almost unheard snoring came from his red lips. Bragill once again closed his eyes as the claw relaxed him into dreamland.

As the sun lowered to the horizon Bragill stirred in his sleep and the thoughts of Galland came into his mind.

"Wake up my Soul, there is a banquet set for Matise and then we have much to discuss with the assembled."

"I thought we had no need of sustenance?"

"We don't, but that is not to say that we can not take part, sometimes it is good to eat from a table and to drink honey nectar from the high Alps."

"Will all the Dragons be there?"

"All that are still in the citadel, mayhap two hundred or so, but they will all take human form for Matise's banquet."

"Then I had better wake him, he must be very hungry by now, what with the excitement of the day and the pleasure of the bathing."

Bragill moved to the pallet where Matise lay in exhausted slumber. For the first time Bragill took note of the corn haired boy lying as naked as the day, before him.

It was with a small warming in his groin that he noticed Matise was nearly the full size of a grown man, even though his manhood was relaxed as it lay on his patch of corn silk pubic hair, the skin covering the glans was short enough to show just the merest hint of a purple coloured head inside.

As Bragill touched the naked shoulder of Matise, there came a soft mumble and a smile took over the lips as the hips involuntarily thrust upward and the manhood began to instantly harden, the purple head beginning to escape its slick sheath as some dream activated by the boys thoughts, took over his desire.

Bragill smiled at the reaction and with a look at Galland lowered his hand until his forefinger barely touched the underside of the hardening weapon as it grew to its full length and lay over the tuft of hair to settle just below the tight little navel. Bragill ran his finger lightly over the throbbing vein as the manhood jumped under his ministrations until with a cry Matise sent a stream of his thick cream out over his chest and belly.

A shudder went through the body of the blonde boy as his eyes opened and looked up at the dark boy above him.

"It's you, oh god I thought I was in nirvana, that was so dreamlike, thank you Bragill, and I shall forever remember this day."

"Come Matise, there is a banquet to honour you and to introduce you to some of our followers."

"Ahm, Bragill?"

"Yes Matise?"

"Should I be clothed?"

"It is not needed Matise, but if you would feel more comfortable then there are clothes arranged for you over there on the side board."

"Thank you Bragill for your thoughtfulness, but I do somehow feel better as I am."

"Then it is sufficient. No one here would make jest of you, it is how we like to be."

Bragill watched as Matise rose up from the pallet to stand in lithe splendor before him. Galland looked at the two boys and with a smile shimmered into his human form.

"Come, let us go to the main hall."

The three boys walked arm in arm along the passage, Matise in the center of the trio. The Bronzes had also changed into human form and along with their riders, followed close behind. The group wound its way through passages and across grand halls until they came to the entrance of the colonnaded hall where Bragill had first met the Golden One.

Down the center of the great hall were four rows of long trestle tables; along the center of each table were displayed large dishes of foods that Bragill had never seen. Across the top of the hall sat a single table laid as the others but faced towards the where the guests would be sitting.

Galland led Bragill and Matise to the table at the top of the hall and, after seating himself on the large throne like chair at the left, indicated to Matise to take the right hand seat while Bragill was directed to the larger central chair.

"But Galland, why am I seated here, you are the Goron, this should be your seat?"

"Yes Brae, I am the Goron but you are the Praedor, Keeper of the Claw. The throne of Belhadria belongs to you, I am but your Soul, to keep and protect you."


"No more My Brae, it is 'The Way'."

While they had been talking, the rest of the guest Dragons had entered the large hall and taken seats along the lengths of the four trestles. The hubbub of noise began to subside as Galland rose to his feet, all faces turned towards the trio sitting at the head table.

Bragill looked down the hall from his somewhat lofty position on the throne of Belhadria. The assembled Dragons, now in their human form, looked almost identical except for some showing small signs of aging.

Their hair was like copper bronze, as would be expected, high cheekbones below eyes that were of a slight slant and had a yellow tinge to them. Their skin was also of a copper hue as though they had spent much time lying in the rays of the bright sun of the mountains.

Their riders, in many cases, were being held close on the laps of the Dragons and with the riders flaming red hair and paler skin, they made for a startling contrast that was easy to the eye.

Galland began to welcome the Followers.

"Followers of 'The Way', we welcome you all to this first banquet of the Praedor and wish to introduce to you our Mortal companion to the Praedor so that all will know him and defend him as the Praedor himself."

Galland made a gesture to Matise to stand before he continued.

"Followers, I introduce to you, Matise, Knight of Cretain, Protector and Companion of the Praedor, Keeper of the Claw."

The uproar of the welcome by the assembled Dragons brought a bright flush to Matise's cheeks as he bowed low before the Dragons. Galland continued as Matise again took his seat.

"There will come a time when we must gather all humans to form an army to fight the Dragons and armies of Gestan, to this end Matise will begin his lessons in warfare of mighty armies so that he may lead them on the ground as we take to the air in the defense of all."

The gaping mouth of Matise showed his surprise at being named as a future leader of men on the field of battle. For a boy of sixteen years it was an unheard of honour. Matise rose to his feet as Galland sat down beside Bragill to hold the hand of his rider.

"Followers, this is an honour beyond dreams that I am not sure I can fulfill, but I will do my duty as best I'm able, to protect my friend the Praedor and the honour of Belhadria."

Matise took his seat as a Man/Dragon stood at the head of the nearest table. Bragill noted that around the eyes of the human form were small lines of wrinkles and leant close to Galland to ask.

"He has an air of age about him my Soul, how many years does he have?"

"Soon to be seven hundred, my Brae. He is the oldest here and is given high respect by all for his maturity."

The Dragon/Man began to speak.

"Great Praedor, Keeper of the Claw, Mighty Goron, Prince of all Dragons, Lord Matise, Companion of the Praedor, we, the Followers of 'The Way' greet you and welcome you to Belhadria and the throne of the Ancients. By our honour, we swear fealty and our Souls to the cause of 'The Way' and to the Praedor of Belhadria."

Galland stood again.

"Great Mitor, Oldest and Wisest of all Dragons, we accept your greetings and your fealty. Now Dragons and Riders of Belhadria let us feast in honour of our new companion, Lord Matise."

Within seconds the hall was an uproar of laughter and wild joking as the assembled fell to the banquet laid out before them. Matise found he was ravenous as the banquet swung into a tumult of noise and sounds of merriment. It was not long before Bragill saw that the slim bronze Dragons in human form had not lost any of their strength in their change to the smaller form.

A highly excited scream was heard in the hall, and, as Bragill, along with Matise, looked up they saw a small red haired figure flying high above the long tables, arms and legs thrashing in his unguided flight. The ensuing shrieks and giggles told Bragill and Matise that this was some sort of game played by their Dragon Souls. The boy flew high and then with a delighted scream dropped into the arms of another Dragon/Man at the far end of the same table.

This seemed to be a signal for the rest of the Dragons as it was not to long before there were red haired boys being tossed high in the air above the tables in aerobatic displays, much to the delight of the boys and the trio at the top table.

Bragill saw that the only one to toss the boys high was his own Dragon, and once another caught him he was lowered to the floor and ran gleefully back to his own Dragon to be tossed again. There was a certain feeling in the hall of total trust in the abilities of their Soul Dragons as the boys flew through the air.

"Galland, do we join in the games?"

"If you wish, my Brae, but you have no need of my arm to fly like the boys, at your command the Claw will elevate you for short distances and land you on your feet."

"Really, that is good to know, but I would much prefer that your hand propelled me, just as they are sent up by their Souls."

Immediately Bragill felt those two soft hands wrap around his waist and, within a thought he was flying through the air high above the tables. A warming began in his forearm as the Claw took over his safety, bringing him to a soft landing far down the hall where he was joined by two of the red heads as they ran back toward their Souls for another toss.

The rush of total joy in his flight had Bragill laughing with the other boys as he rushed down the length of the hall towards Galland for another flight. Bragill's blood rushed through his body as the thought of the unfettered flight in the hugeness of the hall. The exhilaration of the moment moved towards his groin as it had with all the Riders, there rigid boyhoods springing ahead of them in joyful anticipation of the game.

Galland looked over at Matise as he sat watching the play with a wistful look in his eyes.

"Would you like to fly like a Dragon, Matise?"

"It would be a desire of mine Galland, but I am not a Rider and would not interfere with the fun of other Souls."

"Tush, it's nothing, wait,... Great Mitor, the Companion would fly like a Dragon Rider, would you consent to be his Soul for the games?"

"An honour indeed Great Goron, let me take him up so that he can fly alongside my Soul."

With no apparent effort, Mitor lifted his red haired Rider under one arm and walked up to the top table where he leaned down with a smile on his face and hefted Matise under the other arm with ease. Mitor looked to be not much bigger than either of the two boys he now held but the unmistakable strength he had could be felt against Matise's body as he was lifted from his seat.

In the blink of an eye, Matise felt himself flying high and free alongside the redheaded Soul of Mitor. The freedom of the short flight was all new to Matise and he let out the same shriek of joy as the other boys, as he went hurtling down the length of the great hall among the whirling bodies of the other Riders.

The games continued for a long time, neither Dragon nor boys seeming to tire of the game until Matise was totally exhausted and had to take his seat once again at the top table, his breath coming in short gasps as he settled down and watched the rest of the Riders begin to settle once more onto the laps of their Dragons.

As Bragill joined them for the last time there came over the great hall, a feeling of contentment and trust as Rider and Human Dragon pressed closer to each other in common trust.

Matise sipped the last of his goblet of honey nectar as the others around him settled into a soporific peace. It was then that Matise noticed the first light of day edging its way into the great hall. They had played and feasted all the night away but no one appeared to be tired from the long night. It was as though only short hours had passed but the glimmer of light belied the passing of the hours.

Suddenly Galland sat erect in his chair, his head turned towards the doors of the hall as though listening, then with a movement so sudden that Matise almost jumped from his seat, Galland stood and then shimmered into his Dragon form.

As Matise watched Galland look over the hall, he saw the rest of the Dragons changing into their usual form and the small Riders leaping for their seats on the necks of their Souls. Bragill was already mounted on the neck of Galland as the Dragon moved with a speed Matise did not know he possessed, when on the ground.

"What is it Galland?"

"Sorry Matise, I forgot you could not receive our thoughts. The Wizard Knight of Gestan has appeared on the plains below us with some of his horde of Black Dragons, he asks for a meeting with us. If you wish you can mount your seat behind Bragill and come with us. It would be a good idea for you to see him in person so that you are not taken by surprise in some future time."

"Yes I agree Galland, my father often spoke of 'knowing your enemy to better defeat him'."

"A good tactic Matise, here mount my wing and settle with Bragill."

Galland lowered his gossamer wing for Matise to climb up on his neck and as the boy settled Galland was on the move at the head of the Dragons of Belhadria, the Six Dragons of the personal escort close behind them.

Once outside the Dragons lifted with effortless ease into the clear morning sky as the sun sent scarlet rays over the land. The slight dampness of the thin clouds as they dove through them, brought out the bumps of chill on Matise's skin but the warmth of the scales of Galland against his bare thighs soon warmed him.

As the army of Dragons and Riders broke through the clouds, Matise could see far below them on the wasted plains, a large gathering of Black dots standing in long lines, one behind the other, making up a huge army. At the forefront of the army stood a diminutive figure in shining Armour that reflected the early morning rays of the sun.

In the air above the army flew only ten Black Dragons and Matise was to learn that this was a sign that no hostilities were intended but that this was an invitation to talk or settle a dispute without bloodshed.

Galland was the first to settle on the ground before the assembled army and was quickly followed by most of the other Bronzes and their Riders. Only Ten Bronze Dragons stayed aloft, the same as the army before them.

As he stepped down beside Bragill, Matise looked over the diminutive figure before them. The person looked to be no more than a boy of ten or twelve years, his face showed a look of innocence and immaturity but the eyes told of age beyond understanding.

"Great Goron, I welcome you to the plains of Brythe and congratulate you and the Praedor on your Emergence."

"Thank you Wizard and Knight of Gestan, now what do you call us for?"

"Ahh...in such a hurry, Great Goron. I come to offer a pact; we are evenly matched in the sky, although I have the superior forces on land I can see no advantage in us being at war with each other. To this end I offer a truce that we stop any hostilities between us and that you allow me to continue my own desires on the land."

"Wizard, you stand before me in the Armour of a Knight, ready to fight, and offer us a truce?"

"Great Goron, my apologies, it was not my intent to do so, wait I will divest myself of this Armour."

Matise watched as the small boy like figure made a gesture with his left hand and saw the Armour shimmer and disappear into the air. The young looking boy frame before Matise stood naked and as much as he tried, Matise found himself admiring the slim little figure before him.

The boys small manhood projected outward from his groin, hung below by two very small testicles held tight in their silken sac. The wizard of Gestan looked more like a prepubesant child than before.

A whisper in his ear made Matise turn towards Bragill.

"Galland says to not be fooled by his appearance, he is trying to give an illusion of youth to make us set at ease."

Matise nodded his head at the information and took another look at the young boy figure.

"Ahh, that's better, now Great Goron, do we call a truce between us?"

"Your words have a merit to them Wizard, but what guarantee do we have that your word would be abided by?"

"I would offer a gift to the Praedor of Belhadria."

"And that gift would be what, Wizard?"

"Why the most precious thing to my heart."

"And that is?"

"My captured soul."

With those words, the Wizard produced from the air about him, a glowing orb that held within it a shimmering emerald green stone.

"You would hand your captured soul to the keeping of the Praedor?"

"Is it not foretold, that the Praedor of Belhadria can be trusted in truth beyond all Mortal Men?"

"It is told, but what do you hope to gain, Wizard?"

"Nothing much Great Goron, just the freedom to settle the plains of this and other lands and to form from them a right of ownership."

"And would this include the subjugation of the people to your own ends?"

"Well they would have to follow my desires but they would have,...ahh...certain freedoms, that they do not have this day."

"This decision is of great import, Wizard, we would need time for discussion."

"Then take all the time you require, Great Goron, shall we say, this same place in three days time?"

"That is agreeable, Wizard, we will have a decision for you at that time."

An innocent smile took over the features of the small boy like figure, then, with a gesture of his hand he was sitting on the back of a huge Black Dragon that had fire in its eyes and showed the ravages of many battles and years on its scales.

Near the ground where he had stood was the orb with its glowing green stone, suspended by magic just at waist height.

"Then I bid you farewell Great Goron, and Mighty Praedor, ohh, I see you have a companion, Mighty Praedor, mayhap he will one day share some time with me in play, he has the look of a noble about him and the weapon of a full grown man..... hmmmm.....let me see now."

The Wizard of Gestan closed his eyes briefly and then with a smile opened them and stared at Matise.

"Lord Matise, second son of Count Lemaire of Cretain, it would please me greatly, should you wish for a short time alone?"

Matise bowed slightly, but never took his eyes from the small boy up on the Black Dragon, something deep inside him said to not trust this smooth talking young boy.

"Mayhap in time, Wizard of Gestan."

"Yes Lord Matise, mayhap in time."

With those final words the Wizard lifted his hand and the army of Gestan took flight from the plain and turned towards the far off realm of the Wizard.

Bragill spoke in thought to Galland.

"There is evil in his eyes my Soul, this one can not be trusted."

"Yes it is well known about his deceit, but there is the matter of his captured soul to think of."

"Yes Galland, that is something that would not be given lightly to another, but mayhap it is not truly his soul?"

"A good thought my Brae, we will have to test the theory back in Belhadria. Would you take up the offering and carry it with you to Belhadria?"

"I see no other way my Galland."

So saying, Bragill stepped forward and took the orb in his hand, the claw warmed under his skin as he made contact with the offering.

"There is something not true in this orb, Galland."

"The claw will protect you my Brae, when we return to Belhadria we can investigate the gift more thoroughly."

The assembly of Dragons took flight back to Belhadria as soon as Bragill and Matise had taken their seats on the neck of Galland. The orb continued to glow in the hand of Bragill as they made their flight home. A disquieting feeling inside the depths of Bragill's stomach worried him during the flight back, the orb held something more than just a supposed Soul of the Wizard, of this he was sure.

The Third Scroll Of Goron

"Storm Clouds"

Foretelling of the Praedor

He will come bearing the mightiest of hearts and soul.

With raven locks and on his arm shall he carry the mark of Goron.

In darkest times will he rise above all tribulations to again bring peace

To the followers of the way.

Mark well his way for he shall not weary with the passing of time.

The years will not condemn him to obscurity but make wiser the

Followers of The way.

Prophesy of Goron

On the grey dawning of deaths morrow will arise an army

of terrible visage.

Mages will rise to battle but only the true heart will

succeed where blood does but fail.

Where mortal man lays waste, only the valiant will rise

above all evil to fly with the followers of 'The Way'.

Bragill felt Gallands warm scales against his back as he awoke to the strange sound of gurgling. It was still night time and Bragill could not quite orientate himself as the sound permeated the sleeping room.

His eyes fluttered open and an unknown thought made him look upward, fear, panic and horror overtook his body as he saw the figure of Matise standing over the sleeping duo. The eyes of Matise were staring into a void of his own making. In his hands, held above his head, was the crystal of the Wizards Soul but now it was long and sharp like a two handed sword, its pointed end was aimed at the place where Gallands Dragon heart was sited.

From between the fingers of Matise's hand came the bright shards of glittering light of the supposed Soul. Bragill found himself holding the Claw which had jumped to his hand without conscious thought, it was now in the shape of a scythe that was used by the lowland farmers to cut what small grasses they could find for the feeding of their cattle herds.

The passing of time as Bragill took in the sight above him was less than a blink of an eye but to Bragill it seemed like an eternity of fear. The vicious sword began its descent towards Gallands body as Bragill tried to move in the thick molasses of suspended time.

More strange mutterings and gurgles issued from the throat of Matise as he drove downwards with the weapon in his hands. Bragill gave a conscious thought to not hurting his valued friend as it was obvious he was under the spell of the Wizard of Gestan. Bragill's right hand was moving in a blur as he brought his scythe weapon around in a sweeping movement just as the point of the sword like weapon was about to make contact with Gallands body.

Bragill felt in his innermost being the movement of Galland as the Claw made contact with the terrible weapon in the hands of Matise, it sliced neatly through the descending crystal just below the two hands of Matise, shattering the crystal into a thousand glittering splinters.

Bragill became aware of Galland now hovering above both boys as, from the handle, still held in a death grip by Matise, an emerald green mist began to form a shape of the small figure of the Wizard of Gestan before their eyes.

As the mist took on the shape of the Wizard, Matise collapsed where he had been standing, his colour drained from his features and his eyes lost their glassy look to be replaced with the look of the dead.

The mist finally formed into a twisting vapid shape that resembled the Wizard of Gestan and as it writhed and flowed above the floor the voice of the Wizard emanated from within its center.

"Ah pretty Praedor, I see the Claw protects you both, still it will not always be so. Did you like my little game, pity your friend will not live long, he would have been so much fun to have for a night. Farewell Praedor, kiss your friend for me and I hope you do not miss his company to much."

In an effort to dispatch the Wizard, Bragill swept his weapon through the mist before him only to watch the wraith like figure dissipate before his eyes and the sound of a boyish chuckle die on the night air.

The whole scene had taken less time than it took to walk the length of the large room but now his friend Matise was close to deaths door as his small firm muscles contracted as though in some terrible spasm. Bragill rushed to his friend's side not knowing what could be done for the first true friend he had ever had. Gallands thoughts reached through his frightened mind.

"Quickly Brae, take him in your arms and climb into your seat, there is only one, that I know of, that may be able to save him but we don't have much time."

Bragill did as he was bade and with a strength he did not know he had, lifted the body of Matise into his arms and took his seat on Gallands neck. Bragill heard the call from Galland to ready a flight of Dragons immediately. As they left the sleeping room the guards in the corridor were already taking to the air through the open colonnades at the end of the passage.

Galland sped to the opening and was in the air powering upward as the Bronzes took their place below and behind him. A large phalanx of other Bronzes were leaving the courtyard of the citadel also to take up a guard position around the White Dragon and his riders.

Galland soared higher and higher, his mighty wings sending great gusts of air around his body as he tried for more speed and height. While he knew that nothing could happen to endanger Bragill, his fears for the boy Matise were upper most in his mind. The Wizard of Gestan had been his usual deceitful self and now an innocent was being put to death for nothing more than being an instrument of that deceit.

While Dragons, because of their size, often appeared to be slow and cumbersome, the true speed could not be counted when they decided to use their full power of flight as Galland was doing at that time. Once he had gained the height he needed, Galland turned towards the rising moon and began a diving swoop earthward to increase his speed. A far off mountain could be seen as an outline in the barely visible light of the new moon.

Bragill's thought reached Galland as he swooped in his dive, the sound of the wind whipping past his ears made Bragill realize just how fast a Dragon could fly in times of need.

"Where do we go, Galland?"

"To Kallen, he will know how to help break the spell over Matise."

"Who is Kallen?"

"A maker of spells, he is the only mortal that the Wizard fears but he is now a very ancient man and will not live many more years. We must get Matise to him quickly."

The speed of Gallands flight seemed to increase as he deepened his dive towards the mountain. The dark country below Bragill was now no more than a blur of dark shapes as the mountain reared up before them until at last Galland set his four legs onto a patch of ragged stone near the upper most reaches of the mountain top.

Bragill slid from Gallands neck he looked briefly about himself and saw that the area was flat and barren, the only things to indicate that there was a life here were some small stone pots holding a rich soil with various herbs and plants sprouting from their surfaces.

On closer inspection Bragill saw also a rough brown hide covering an entrance to what must be a cave mouth. At the first sound of Gallands landing, the hide moved and from the depths of the darkness came the figure of a youth; in his hand he held a long staff of ancient wood that had been polished by the hands of many men.

Galland and Bragill looked at the youth in amazement. Galland was the first to break the silence.

"Where is Kallen? We have need of his skills urgently."

"My mentor Kallen has joined the Dragons in Prillian, I am his ward, what need have you?"

"Our friend is in his death throws from the spell of the Wizard of Gestan, we have need of a saving spell but now I see that all is lost, only Kallen had the power to revive him."

"Great Dragon of Goron, I am but a boy, no more than a ward but my mentor taught me a little of the ways of the Wizard of Gestan, would you allow me to look on your friend?"

"Yes, anything you can do to ease his soul would be welcome."

"Bring him into the cave and lay him on my pallet."

The last had been said to Bragill as it was obvious the small cave entrance would not allow Galland to pass.

Bragill did as the boy told him and, as he laid Matise on the pallet he knew by the boys colour that it was already to late as the greyness of death crept over his skin and his eyes drew back into his head.

"Quickly, move aside, there is not much time."

Bragill stumbled back as his eyes became misty with the tears of loss. The boy dropped the rough cloth of his covering and began to rub strange aromatic oils onto his chest with one hand as he lay the staff on top of Matise's chest until it lay the full length of his small frame from neck to ankle in a long brown snake like line down the center of his naked body.

The boy was now glowing in the weak candlelight as the oil was spread over his front and then with a muttering of some archaic language, he lowered himself down onto Matise's comatose body. The boy spread himself over Matise until it appeared to be only one boy lying on the pallet in the dim light.

The smell of ancient wood began to permeate the cave as the boy moved in sensuous ways over the naked body of Matise. A cold draft of air ran past Bragill's body as the long locks of brown hair on the boy began to rise of their own volition.

Bragill stood transfixed as the boys muscles began to tighten until he looked like a solid plank of wood, then, with a tenderness unknown to Bragill, apart from that shown to him by Galland, the boy lowered his lips to the gaping mouth of Matise and in a gesture of almost love, blew his breath deep into Matise's open maw.

Once the full breath had been delivered the boy began to suck back the expelled air into his own lungs again. His lithe small frame straightened as if in pain and an ear splitting cry sprang from his lips, his slight frame contorted in agony but as soon as it ended he again sent his breath into Matise.

Three times the boy repeated his efforts until with a scream of anguish he rolled off the body of Matise as they both ejaculated a stream of boy juice over the pallet, but this was no ordinary offering of their juices. Bragill could now smell the rancid and acrid smell of death as the boys sent their streams out of their bodies.

The ejaculate was of a yellowish colour and seemed to dry the instant it reached the air to fall as small particles of dust onto the two bodies as they were wracked with pain.

Gallands thoughts reached his mind, as he stood unable to move from the scene before him, the two boys twisting and turning on the narrow pallet as the last stabs of pain left them exhausted as though they had experienced an orgasmic climax of monumental proportions.

"Brae, are you alright?"

"Y...yes, my Soul."

"What were the cries of anguish and pain?"

"The boy has given life back to Matise. I think he took the spell of the Wizard into himself to save Matise and then they both sent it out into the open air where it died and turned to dust."

"Then you are both safe?"

"Yes my Soul, we are both safe, I'll wait here until they are awake again."

"Good, I need to take flight for a few moments to organize our defenses above, I feel this is not the last we will see of the Wizard this day."

Bragill slumped to the floor of the cave as he looked at the two forms on the pallet, they both looked to be washed of all strength after the expelling of the Wizards spell.

How much time passed while he waited, Bragill could not tell but the candle burning in the corner of the cave was now no more than a stub as he heard the first moans of the two boys on the pallet as they tried to awaken from their exertions.

The boy of the cave was the first to stir into consciousness and as the spell of exhausted sleep was broken, he gathered his strength and rose slowly to his naked feet before Bragill. In the dim fading light of the candle, Bragill could now see the boy clearly for the first time.

He was of a similar age to Matise but two thin lines down the side of his mouth made him look a little older than he was. The strain of his spell making was still clear on his young face, the eyes of deep brown that was almost a copy of his long hair, showed his concern for his spell making and the life he had saved.

"I would ask the name of such a fine maker of spells?"

"I have no name but that which I was called by my mentor."

"And that would be?"

"Just ward, or boy, no other name was given me."

"Then I as the Praedor of Belhadria would offer you a given name in honour of the great miracle you have performed for us, should you so wish?"

"It would be my greatest dream to have a name of my own, great Praedor."

Bragill sent out a thought to Galland.

"The boy has no name, how can we honour him, my Soul?"

"There is a tale in the archives of the Goron about a spell maker, he was said to be above all others in his abilities, and mayhap we could give this boy his name to honour him."

"Yes my Soul, it would give him the honour he deserves for his great work this night. What is the name?"

"The spell breaker was called Con-Piz-Rad, breaker of spells and savior of mortals, this name would surely describe the miracle of the boy this night."

"It is indeed a great name, my Soul, but should we not make it less fanciful, mayhap we could shorten it to Con-Rad so that it was his own name and not that of another?"

"Yes, my Brae, that would indeed be best."

Bragill turned to the boy who was now stretching himself into full alertness, the movement from the pallet also told of Matise's awakening.

"My Soul and I would offer you a name of honour and while it is from another, we have changed it to be yours alone. We the Followers of 'The Way' would offer you the name of Con-Rad, breaker of spells and savior of mortals. Would this be to your liking?"

"Great Praedor, it would surely be a name to carry with pride, I would gladly accept it from the Followers of 'The Way'"

Matise began to swing his legs off the pallet as the new name was accepted by the boy, Con-Rad reached towards Matise to help him stand erect. Once on his feet Matise looked around in stunned disbelief at his location as he caught the first of the morning light trying to force its way through the heavy hide at the entrance of the cave.

Looking over to where Bragill stood, he opened his mouth to speak and at first could only send out a soft hoarse whisper.

"Why are we here? What has happened? Who is this? What goes here?"

Bragill spoke up as Matise tried to make sense of his surroundings.

"It is alright, my friend, you were taken by a spell of the Wizard of Gestan and we had to bring you to Con-Rad to be healed."

Bragill saw the first flush of red enter the cheeks of the boy now known as Con-Rad, at the use of his new name. Con-Rad turned to Matise and with a gentle smile spoke to him.

"Come Matise, let me take you out into the rising dawn where I can make a brew of herbs to help you recover."

Unresisting, Matise let himself be lead by the boy until they stood outside with the first of the dawn light showing over the land. Con-Rad went to a small place near the opening of the cave and placed some sticks into a depression in the stone, then, with no more than a movement of his fingers made the sticks into a small fire.

Reaching through the covering of the door, Con-Rad brought forth a blackened pot half filled with water and placed it on the flames to boil. Con-Rad then went to some of the stone pots placed around the clearing and took different herbs and spices from them and after crushing them in his bare hands; set them into the pot to simmer.

As the water came to a heat, the smell of the concoction began to spread over the small group as they sat waiting. It was a heady smell that sent pictures of green forests and open plains into the mind of Bragill although he knew they could not exist in this day and age of destruction but the pictures were a startling reminder of why he was here with his Soul Galland, when they were fully formed in his mind he knew what was to be done to return their country to goodness and prosperity.

A sound behind Bragill made his eyes open and he knew it was his Soul returning from his duties as two human arms surrounded his chest in comfort and love. Bragill knew without looking that Galland was still in Dragon form and that he two arms were his own way of making his rider and Soul feel the love he needed after the torrent of emotion from the night.

"Greetings Con-Rad, breaker of spells and savior of mortals."

Galland smiled at the way Con-Rad was offering small sips of his herbal brew to the thin exhausted face of Matise as he held the boy he had saved from the Wizards spell by keeping his free arm around the shoulders of Matise and pulling his head onto his shoulder to rest.

"Greetings, Dragon of Goron, I thank you for the naming, it has given me a feeling of import I have not felt before."

"It was well earnt by your duty to our Lord Commander, Con-Rad."

"Matise would be your Commander? I thought he was but a friend in need that you would help."

"Also a friend in need Con-Rad and we thank you from deep within our Souls for your saving of him."

"It was my duty as prescribed by my Mentor."

"So would you stay here in the home of your Mentor and live alone as he lived?"

"There is no where else for me to go so it must be as it was for him."

"Oh, well should you wish a change we can offer you the hospitality of our home for as long as you wished it, but it would be on your own desire and I'm sure that Matise would benefit from the company of another mortal."

"You offer me much of what my heart desires, great Goron, but what would Matise wish, I can not, in all honesty, force myself on him or your hospitality."

"There is no force from you Con-Rad, you are welcome in our citadel for as long as you would want to stay and I'm sure that Matise would not object to your move."

As if in answer, Matise turned his face toward Con-Rad and placed a soft kiss on his neck then settled back against the boys shoulder.

Galland gave a snort of humour and looked at the two mortals.

"There is your answer Con-Rad."

Con-Rad felt his cheeks redden as the blush ran through his face and his arm tightened around Matise.

"Then it is settled, now Con-Rad, what would you like to take with you, there seems to be not much to take from here."

"Well just my herb pots and staff as well as the kettle on the fire side, I have nothing else to take."

"Then gather it up and we will have some of the Bronzes come to fetch it for you and take it back to the citadel, one of them will give you space to ride with their Soul on his back."

"You mean I can ride a Dragon?"

"Of course you do, it is to far for you to walk to the citadel and besides I'm sure Matise would have something to say about leaving you behind."

At that moment four Bronze Dragons alighted onto the small space of the clearing and, at the command of Galland they sent their Riders to help Con-Rad carry his possessions to the waiting Dragons.

The gleeful looks on the faces of the Redheads went unnoticed by Con-Rad, as he had eyes only for Matise as he settled himself behind Bragill on Gallands neck, the sigh that escaped Con-Rad's lips was wistful and a little sad but then his eyes brightened at the thought of riding on a Dragon and spending much time in private with Matise when they got to the citadel.

Once everyone had mounted their Dragons, the flight took to the air leaving the small confines of the cave mouth far below as they gained height for their flight back to Belhadria. As a last thought, Con-Rad realized he was as naked as the riders, and after an initial start of embarrassment he gave a light shake of his body and settled into the warm skin of the Redhead in front of him, he also noticed that the Rider did not object to the closeness.

Con-Rad, while it was good to be feeling the small hot body in front of him, had only thoughts of Matise on his mind as they flew at a more leisurely speed back to the castle in the sky.

On their return to the citadel, the group had adjourned to their apartments to rest and get a little further sleep. When Bragill opened his eyes he saw that the morning had turned to a dismal greyness of an oncoming storm.

The dank sultry heaviness of the outside weather gave Bragill a feeling of depression and only the feel of the warm talon of Galland on his chest gave him any comfort. Bragill looked across the large room towards where Matise and Con-Rad lay on their bed.

Matise lay on his back, legs spread open and with one arm under the head of Con-Rad as the other boy lay on his stomach with half his naked body covering Matise in a gesture of closeness. The two foreheads were lightly touching as the boys breathed the same breath while Con-Rad's arm lay across the chest of Matise.

The attitude of the new found friends brought a small smile to Bragill's lips as he pushed back against his Soul's body to feel his heat.

"An image to behold my sweet Brae"

"Yes, my Soul, I would wish it never to be otherwise."

"These are not good times, my Brae, but I'm sure that they will have enough love to survive most dangers."

The two lay watching the other boys in their innocence as they lay entwined together on the bed.

"What can we do about the Wizard of Gestan, my Galland?"

"At this stage we can only wait and see what he has planned. We are evenly matched in the air except for the added advantage of the Claw you have, but on the ground we are at a great disadvantage until we can form an army for Matise to lead."

"Where can we get such fighting men Galland, the populace are mainly farmers and well down trodden by the Wizard over the years, they will be to afraid to rise up."

"Then we will have to send word farther afeild and hope that we can raise a force from those who still have the stomach to fight."

"Will we have the time before the Wizard strikes again?"

"I don't know my Brae, we will just have to do the best we can and if needs be we will have to try to hold the Wizard from to much destruction until the army is raised."

"Those two look so well matched, my Soul."

"Yes, they will have a new strength by being so close. Con-Rad will be the power for them both I feel, but Matise will have a hidden strength when it is needed. There is an aura about Matise that will serve him and Con-Rad well in the trials to come."

Both heard the call in their minds as they looked at the two boys still asleep on the far bed.

"Great Praedor, there is a gathering on the fields of Bevan."

Bragill and Galland rose as one at the mind send of the guard. Galland was the first to send out his query.

"What is the gathering?"

"It would appear to be an army of farmers, Mighty Goron."

"Farmers? why would they rise to make an army? is the Wizard in attendance?"

"Not that has been seen Mighty Goron, it is just the farmers of many districts and in large numbers."

"Would you guess the numbers?"

"Mayhap 5000 Mighty Goron."

"How are they armed?"

"With only the tools of the farm, scythes, axes, pitch forks and the like."

"Is there a sighting of the Black Dragons?"

"Only three fly far above the army."

"Keep a watch, we will send others to watch over the gathering."

Galland rose to his full height and lay a gentle talon on Bragill's shoulder.

"You know that as sworn protectors of the mortals that we Dragons can not attack them and we have no army to send them home?"

"Yes, it appears that the Wizard is testing us, but why Farmers?"

"To see if we will break our covenant to protect them. Go awaken those two and we will discuss what must be done."

Bragill moved towards the pair on the bed as Galland lowered his head in thought.

The plains of Bevan spread out before the ranks of the rag tag army. They stood rigidly shoulder to shoulder, grown men, women, youths and girls, no reason could be seen in the blank faces as they stood waiting for none knew what.

They had risen on this bleak grey morning to a need to gather their tools and trace their steps towards this plain of barren rock and ash ridden dust. Those with the sharp scythes stood out in front and formed the first ten ranks. Behind them came rank upon rank of those men and women holding their long handled pitch forks as though they were heavy spears. No sound emitted from their throats, no shuffling of nervous feet just more than 5000 rigid figures standing like shallow breathing tree stumps.

The glazed and sightless eyes stared unwaveringly forward, waiting. Far above the mass of poorly clothed and badly fed ranks a small group of dark dots hovered watching. The large leader kept his vigil over the mass of mortals so that his master could view them through his eyes.

The heavy dark grey clouds threatened the scene with harsh rain that would eventually turn the arid plain into a quagmire of mud making it very difficult for any mortal to move freely in its sucking morass. The conditions did not even cross the mind of the Wizard of Gestan as he watched over the gathered wretches through the eyes of his Black leader.

"Well mighty Praedor, let's see how you handle this without your dragons and with no army."

The thought brought a wicked smile onto the wizened face as it stood before the open portal of the castle he had taken over for his own use many years before. The true nature of the Wizard of Gestan could only be seen when he was alone and not required to project his image of a young boy for others.

The true self of the Wizard showed an old man with bent back and rheumatic hands, the features were well wrinkled by time and his many sessions of the dark arts of his chosen life. The black ebony eyes stared into the far distance as his mind set his traps for the unwary.

The black cowl of his gown was thrown back on his shoulders to reveal his hairless scalp with the blue veins running an intricate pattern under the bare skin

The Wizards visage projected evil incarnate and those who knew him, which was few indeed, as the Wizard needed neither familiar nor friend to win his prizes of power.

The only colour to break the drabness of the Wizards surroundings was a small dense green stone set into a glowing brooch of gold that sat above his heart, bringing a stark contrast to the black cloth of the gown.

"Don't hurry Praedor, there is time enough for your end and time is what I have until the ends of the earth."

The Wizard continued his ruminating as he stared through the eyes of his Black Dragon, high in the sky above the army on the plains of Bevan.

At the first gentle touch of Bragill's hand on his shoulder, Matise's eyes blinked open but the first thing he saw was the beautiful face so close to his eyes and the tender touch of a smooth forehead against his own. Matise pursed his lips and gave the sweet face a kiss of welcome before he realized that this vision was not the cause of his wakefulness.

The startling flash of their joining the night before and the rush of lust filled love being injected into Con-Rad's tightness brought an immediate reaction in Matise's loins. The weight of the soft body lying on his own only went to increase the need for the young Wizard Healer.

Their bond had been sealed in the only way they wanted it to be and the issue from the young Wizard still lay between them like a glue of love cementing them forever to one another. The sound of Bragill's voice brought Matise to the here and now.

"Come Matise, we have to talk, the Wizard of Gestan has raised an army of farmers and we need to make plans."

Matise nodded his understanding and reached again with his lips to awaken his new companion and lover. Con-Rad stirred in his half sleep as the lips touched his own and with a smile of recollection opened his eyes to see the face of his lover beside him which he promptly, albeit a little sleepily, returned the soft kiss.

"Did you sleep well my reborn heart?"

"Yes my savior but now we have things of more import to attend to, Bragill waits for us."

Con-Rad turned his head away from the one vision he wanted to wake to every morning for the rest of his life and looked up at Bragill as he stood over them with a tender smile on his face.

"Lord Praedor, I thank you for your many kindnesses."

"Come Con-Rad, I'm just Bragill, we are friends and friends don't use all that title thing, besides you have a title of your own so we are equals in all but lovers."

Con-Rad smiled gently at Bragill as he tried to pry himself apart from the cement holding him and Matise close. At a thought from Bragill four redheaded riders entered the room with large grins and waited for their instructions.

"Perhaps you would like to go with Matise to bathe, these riders will attend to everything you will need."

Matise whispered in Con-Rad's ear and an immediate blush came over his cheeks as Matise chuckled softly.

"Yes Bragill, I think it would be timely."

"Good, then we will talk when you have become a little more.....ahhh...presentable."

Bragill chuckled at the renewed blush on Con-Rad's cheeks. The two boys parted and rose from their love nest and as they were lead away by the redheaded riders they linked their arms and seemed to meld into one another as they walked.

"Ahh my Brae, such love."

Bragill turned towards his Soul and with a smile laid his hand on the down turned head of Galland who, without thought, shimmered and became human as he wrapped Bragill in his arms, pulling his head down onto his shoulder, gently rubbing his bare back all the way down to the tender globes that made his blood boil.

At the first touch of those loving hands, Bragill rested his head willingly on the offered shoulder and sighed with contentment.

"We can't do anything now my Brae, there are things that need to be thought out before the Wizard gets impatient and starts to make more trouble."

With a soft nod of his head Bragill stepped back away from the warm embrace and offered his lips for a final caress from his Soul before turning back to the task that awaited them.

When Matise and Con-Rad had returned and the redheads had laid out a small meal for them, Bragill and Galland, still in his boy form, began to relate what the Wizard had done on the plains of Bevan. At the ending of the report Matise sat back with his arm on the shoulder of Con-Rad to think through the connotations of the Wizards plan.

After a short time Matise looked over at the others.

"I can only think of three reasons for his plan. First, it is a trap, but I see no reason for it. Second, it is to see if we can form a land army to fight and this also is not the reason as he must already know we have no army. That leaves only the third reason and that is, the Wizard is trying to coerce us into making a quick and mayhap fatal judgment."

A broad smile came over the face of Galland as he listened to the reasoning of Matise.

"Yes Matise, I knew I had picked the right man for the army, your reasoning is sound as it is how I see the problem as well."

"So great Goron, what should be done?"

"You are the Commander of the field Matise, you tell me?"

Matise lifted one eyebrow at Galland as he contemplated further on the problem.

"Well as I have no one to command I suppose it is I that should go to the plain of Bevan and see for myself what is going on there."

"Why would you go alone Matise, if the Wizard saw you alone he would send the farmers against you and you would be lost."

"That is true Galland, but I see no other way than to appear as he expects. We at least will know his intent."

For the first time Con-Rad spoke up.

"He will not go alone mighty Galland, if it is his time then it is my time also. We go together or not at all."

"As I thought, very well I will have two Bronzes take you, my Brae and I will be overhead with a few more Bronzes in case the Wizard has something else for us."

At the finality of the decision the small group rose and made their way towards the doors where the guards waited. Galland spoke to the guards and as one they agreed to carry the extra boys to Bevan and would stay as they had avowed, with Galland and Bragill overhead as protection.

The flight to the plains of Bevan took just over an hour to complete and once there the group saw the assembled masses as they stood shoulder to shoulder with their pitiful weapons.

Matise and the two Bronzes that had flown them here deposited Con-Rad on a small hillock. The knoll was about 300 meters from the army of farmers and a little higher than the crest of the ridge they stood on. Below them was a long flat, grassless area of broken plain.

The wind had increased in velocity as the threatening black mass of water laden clouds approached. Matise and Con-Rad stood with their backs to the wind as they faced the army. Matise had donned his Armour and now stood like a silver beacon on the dark arid knoll. Con-Rad was dressed in his plain brown robe, his feet bare to the coldness of the wind as it whipped around his ankles, lifting the bottom of his gown in small swirls.

In a gesture of almost total ease, Con-Rad leaned on his old wooden staff as he waited for his new heart to make his plans.

"Well my Savior, here we are and there they are, let's wait to see what the Wizard will do when he hears about us."

"Yes my Heart, let him make his move as he would."

The pair of lovers stood alone on the knoll watching the unmoving mass on the crest of the ridge. Time slowed its beat as they waited patiently for any movement to signal the intent of the Wizard.

At the first clap of thunder from the laden clouds overhead, the massed army began to move enmass towards the two solitary boys on the knoll. Matise straightened his stance and drew from its scabbard the bright blade of his fathers sword, his only heirloom from his family.

"My Savior, we only strike to defend ourselves."

"There will be no need of bloodshed my Heart."

"What do you mean my Savior?"

"The rains come, wait and you will see, trust me my Heart."

"With my life."

Matise turned towards Con-Rad and let his lips brush lightly over the offered lips before him.

"All that is mine is yours my Savior."

As Con-Rad laid a hand on the arm of Matise, he raised the old staff high and with a speed that was almost unearthly, drove it into the hard ground at his feet. The staff took on a life of its own as it vibrated and a pale blue light began to shimmer around the edge of it.

A crashing of thunder was heard as the staff glowed and then with a force not natural to the weather, the downpour of rain began. Where the two boys stood the ground remained dry and arid but within minutes the shallow valley to their front was awash with the heavy rain.

The farmer army came onwards but as they began to set their multitude of feet onto the flat plain the rushing water turned to a thin mud, then, as more feet strode downwards it became thicker and thicker until the quagmire of the plain began to entrap the feet of the struggling farmers.

The crest of the ridge disappeared in the hail of rain as more and more of the ragtag army foundered on the plain until only those twenty or so in the lead could make any headway, it was not long before the leaders also became trapped in the mud about them, their legs now encased to the knees in the heavy clinging morass.

The ranks to the rear kept moving forward until they could move no further and the army was a writhing mass of mud covered arms and legs.

"Con-Rad, my Savior, how?"

"My teacher told me never to face the Wizard head on but to use the auspices of nature to do our bidding. It is the one thing the Wizard has no control over as he is part of the dark arts and is not of a true nature to call on the powers of earth and sky."

"Does that mean he can't defeat you?"

"Yes he can defeat me if I was to face him directly, I do not have the power like my teacher had to beat him, unless the truth of my teacher were to come true."

"What was the truth he told you?"

"I'm not sure, it was in the form of an ode."

"Tell me the ode, mayhap I can make sense of it."

"Perhaps later my Heart, now is not the time, see above us."

Matise looked up towards the dark glowering clouds and saw the three Black dragons swooping down towards them. They came with their heads back and talons pushed forward in an attitude to grasp the two boys on the knoll. It was evident they had been instructed to capture the boys and not use their aura's to harm them.

Con-Rad pulled the staff from the ground with ease and then lifted it horizontally, high above his head, the blue haze around the shaft still glowed in the grey light about them. The two smaller Black Dragons faltered in their flight and with an almost human cry, folded their wings and crashed lifeless to the ground.

The larger Dragon slowed his dive at the unexpected happening, which turned out to be his final undoing as Galland and Bragill appeared through the dense clouds and the searing blast of white light from the hand of Bragill struck the Dragon between the wings, making his dive towards the mud covered ground, his final act.

The farmer army below the boys had stopped its struggle with the morass that held them and just stood in mindless inactivity as the scene with the Black Dragons unfolded. At the demise of the dragons and the stopping of the army, the boys began to relax until a hollow voice nearly shook the very ground they stood on.


There was no body or wrath of mist this time, just the disembodied voice in the rain soaked air. Con-Rad turned to Matise as Bragill and Galland landed close to them.

"Well my Heart, it looks as though the Wizard of Gestan is not happy with us."

"No, my Savior, it appears not. Galland, Bragill, it appears we have to work quickly to form some kind of army to fight this Wizard."

"Yes Matise, come both of you, mount behind Bragill and we will return to the citadel to form our plans."

Galland lowered his wing for the two boys to climb up and then, with a mighty thrust of his legs, they were airborne and on their return journey, the Bronze guards in close attendance.

The hapless army of farmers still mired in the field of mud, stood with glazed eyes totally unfeeling of the rain that still poured from the dark sky. They were in the hands of the Wizard now and the group above could do nothing for them.

Their arrival back at Belhadria was not as joyful as other times; the sight of the captivated farmers was fresh in their minds and left no room for laughter.

Con-Rad looked exhausted from his battle and it was only the tender arms of Matise that held him upright. Bragill slipped from Gallands neck as he lowered his wing to let his charges step down and with his now familiar shimmer, took his human form and wrapped his Soul tenderly in his arms.

"Such a day my Brae."

"Yes, but what are we to do about an army?"

"I have sent out thirty Bronzes to search for fighters, I'm sure the Wizard will not be in a hurry to attack us again."

"I hope you're right my Soul."

"So do I my Brae, so do I."

Matise slumped down on a nearby divan and took Con-Rad in his arms, laying his head on his lap and caressed his flowing locks as he soothed his weariness. Con-Rad sighed with pleasure as he felt those delicate hands on his head and with a smile closed his eyes to rest.

As he watched the two new lovers sink into each other's arms and close their eyes to rest, Bragill began to have doubts about their ability to suppress the desires of the Wizard. While they had as yet beaten him at his early games, Bragill was sure in his own mind that they had not as yet seen the worst that the Wizard was capable of.

So far everything had been as no more than a light probe into the various abilities of each of the selected boys of Belhadria. Bragill knew that the wizard must be capable of more than he had so far done or he would not have survived this long in a world of danger and death.

From somewhere deep inside a heavy sigh came to Bragill's lips and at the sound of it Galland tightened his enfolding arms around his soul mate in an attempt to lighten the load of responsibility that lay on his young shoulders.

Although Galland would have liked nothing better than to enter deep into Bragill's hot body, he knew that this was not the time and that his Soul needed just the comfort of his arms around him, so was content to hold the small frame close and sooth him in any way he needed.

Bragill let his mind wander aimlessly over the events that the Wizard had so far caused to happen and apart from the obvious, there seemed no reason behind the futile games apart from the attempt on both their lives.

As Bragill saw it, the formation of a land based army was imperative if they were to have a chance of holding back the forces the Wizard must be able to call on when the time for a final conflict came.

The only thing that Bragill could see at this point was the youth of the three boys and the hope that the Wizard would underestimate the combined abilities of them when together. This alone may be their only saving grace when the end came and then the rebuilding could begin anew.

The Fourth Scroll Of Goron

"Tempest of Man"

Laws of the Wizard

Bend not thine head to falsehoods of dark destinies

Praise only the call of earth, wind, fire and water

Follow forever in the footsteps of truth and heart

Seek only that which is noble and pure and forsake

that which has no light

Take up the staff of Eblim that thine may know all truths

Lie not upon the dark stones of self-need but give to all your


For two further days the Citadel was quiet, the comings and goings of the Bronzes were no more than small patrols to watch the outlying borders. The foursome stayed well within the walls as they awaited the reports of the raising of an army. Matise spent most of his time planning how to make use of any troops that could be hired.

Without the true numbers of troops in his army, Matise could only set out rudimentary plans and the type and experience of the hoped for troops would also depend on what he was able to do with them.

On the third morning, as the two souls were leaving their room, a call came to Bragill's head from a Bronze out on patrol.

"Praedor, there is a gathering of men at the base of Belhadria, what do you wish?"

"What do you make of them?"

"There are many strange men and beasts, Praedor."

"It must be the first of our army, we will come immediately."

"As you so desire, Praedor."

"Galland, did you hear?"

"Yes, my Brae, call the others, we'll go down there now."

Bragill hurried to raise Matise and Con-Rad from their bed and when they had joined Galland at the portico all three mounted the White Dragon and were within minutes swooping down the mountainside to look at the first of their troops.

When the foursome came closer to the base of Belhadria Mountain they saw the beginnings of their army. The sight was not inspiring at first glance but, as they drew closer they began to see that the men, gathered haphazardly amongst the rocks and scrub, were not the normal well drilled and trained soldiers of a professional army.

To say that they were a mixed and unruly mob was an understatement of fact, some were old and scarred from many battles, and others were no more than boys just reaching manhood. The glint of well-kept Armour was mixed with the tarnished fixtures of miss-matched pieces. Heavy leather was predominating on many of the younger men and their weapons were many and varied.

Off to one side, sitting alone, were a group of six men, or part men the foursome saw as they came closer. The six held long thick bows and on their backs were quivers filled to capacity with extra long shafts. Each of the six looked alike as brothers from the same parents.

Apart from their bows they carried only a small dagger at their waist, their clothing was a solemn grey robe with the deep hood pulled back to lay on their shoulders. The black eyes were piercing and steady as they watched the Dragon and three lads land near them.

One of the six rose to his feet as the boys stepped down from Gallands neck. Without hesitation the stranger looked directly at Bragill.

"Lord Praedor, it is the wish of our Mistress Lateith, that we make ourselves at your disposal."

Bragill started at the mans introduction and looked him over with awe. The man stood close to seven feet tall and was very fine boned for his height. Long delicate fingers protruded from the sleeves of the robe giving him an appearance of being to slight to pull back the string of the heavy bow he held.

The sallow, almost yellow skin, mixed with long flowing locks of grey hair that shone like silver threads in the early morning light, told Bragill of some one special.

"You honour me Sir, may I know your name?"

"Lord Praedor, we have no individual name as such but are merely known as Sentuse. Should you wish to address us then I am the speaker for all."

"Then Sentuse, we the followers of Goron would be honoured to have you by our side."

The Sentuse turned to his comrades and, with a gesture of his hand; they stood as one and moved to take up a place behind the small quartet.

A loud bellow came from among a group of rough almost human men. They looked the same as other men except for their course brown hair and narrow slanting eyes. Their chests were large and barrel shaped while their legs were short and thick with a slight bowed look to them.

"HA...this is the Praedor of Goron?"

Matise strode forward, his Armour bright in the reflection of the suns rays.

"Yes, he is Lord Bragill, Praedor of Goron, rider and soul of the White Dragon, Galland Prince of all Dragons."

"And who might you be? Little one with not enough meat for a meal."

The loud voiced half man opened his mouth in a wide smile to show off a row of sharply spiked teeth.

"I am Matise, nominated Commander of the armies of Goron."

"You, you would command men like us, why you are no more than a stick to clean a mans fangs."

"Then mayhap a man of your stature would like to take me up and pick those very fangs?"

"If it were done little one, then I would be nominated Commander in your place?"

Matise turned to Galland who was standing on the side with the semblance of a Dragon smile on his face. Galland had seen the long hours that Matise had used in his training and had no doubts as to his ability. Sending a mind speak to Bragill he looked at the large warrior opposite Matise.

Bragill spoke up as Galland had asked him too.

"Warrior, should you take Matise to clean your fangs then, on my honour, I will nominate you Commander."

The warrior let out a bellicose laugh and with a swiftness belying his size, took from his back a large broad axe. The blade would have been too much for any of the boys to lift and the leather bound wooden handle was as thick as Bragill forearm.

Matise took two steps forward and turned side on to the warrior with the sharp teeth and huge axe, still he stood with empty hands waiting for his adversary.

The warrior came near him and when only three feet from Matise he lifted first his right leg and then his left, stamping them down one after the other to raise up a small cloud of dust as they hit the ground.

As the warrior raised the mighty axe over his head, Matise went into action, with a spin of his body he drew his sword and holding it in both hands, swung with all his might to cleave through the handle of the axe, stepping back he watched as the head of the axe dropped onto the head of the warrior.

Loud riballed shouts came from the warrior's companions as he dropped to his knees before Matise and shook his head from the stunning blow. Looking up with a wild grin on his face he sank back onto his haunches while looking up at Matise still standing with his sword at the ready.

"Commander Matise, no man or boy has put me to my knees, while you are no more than a tooth pick you are a very cunning tooth pick. My men and I would be willing to stand by your side should you wish it so?"

"Warrior, it would please me greatly that you would take command of the first rank of our army, how do I call thee?"

"I am known as Mietan, my men and I are followers of his Supreme Lord Drivad, it is his want that we were sent to you."

"Then welcome Mietan, I can offer you no more than death or glory and a full belly."

"To fight for the followers of Goron is ample payment, Commander."

Mietan took his fifty men to stand behind the slowly gathering group. Next came a young boy of no more than seventeen summers, he was dressed in light leather breeches and jerkin, in his hand he held a stout wooden staff the top of which was covered in bronze.

The teen was slim of build with long flowing blonde hair down to his shoulders, his eyes were a pale grey and his ears were to small for his head, or what could be seen of them through the blonde tresses. With a nervous voice he approached Galland with unsteady steps.

"Sire, my father, Duke Stanfort, sends me to stand with you and the followers of Goron."

Galland replied with his rumbling Dragon voice.

"And why would the Duke send is young son to fight for us?"

"As I am his second son he sent me in the hope that I may lay claim, when the war is over, to my own lands."

"How would you defend the followers with naught more than a staff?"

With a movement so fast that even Gallands quick eyes found it hard to follow, the boy flicked the staff outward in a twirling motion and removed Matise's sword from its scabbard as others stood in stunned awe at the artfulness shown by the youth.

With a further flourish he let the sword slip down the length of the staff and caught it in his free hand and with a bow to Matise went down on one knee and offered back the weapon.

"My apologies Commander, for my impertinence but I must stand with the followers."

"Then stand you shall. By what name do you go?"

"I am your servant Edrial, Lord Commander."

"Welcome to the army of the Followers, Edrial."

The morning went through as man and beast stood before the foursome and asked to be included in the fight against the Wizard of Gestan until only one very young looking boy remained apart. Bragill looked the young boy over and with almost a smile asked him what he was doing here.

"So young man what would you be offering this assembly, and what would you be named?"

"Lord Praedor, I am Efan, descendant of all those who would live by the laws of Norod."

"You bare no arms Efan, how would you defend the followers from an enemy?"

"I need no weapons My Lord Praedor."

"Then how?"

"Like this My Lord."

With no more than a slight shimmer in the light of day, the young boy disappeared from sight, reappearing moments later to stand under the belly of Galland with the staff of Edrial held tight. Edrial looked down at his empty hands not quite comprehending how or what had happened.

Bragill walked over to where Galland stood with the small boy under him and with a smile looked at the boy in a new light.

"Well Efan, I'm sure we can find some work for you, how many summers do you have?"

"Eleven summers of the lands of Bertacia."

It was then that Galland truly understood the actions of the boy and with a mind send talked to Bragill.

"I have heard of the boys of Bertacia, they are descendants of forest folk. His eleven summers would make him of an age of thirty-three of our summers. These folk almost never leave their homeland, he is giving you great honour by appearing here."

"But he looks no more than a boy of tender age."

"If the stories are true, they can attain an age of four hundred and fifty of our summers and never seem to age past what you see now."

"I think we should offer him a special place?"

"Yes, I also think he should be given a special place of honour."

"Efan, would you stand at the right hand of Matise as his soul mate stands at his left?"

"It would be above all honour, Lord Praedor. I and my brothers will stand to the last to defend the followers of Goron."

"Your brothers?"

Efan sent a short high pitched keening sound into the air, with a shimmer twenty-three more Bertacians appeared in front of the foursome. One boy from the new brothers strode forward to stand beside Efan.

"My Lord Praedor, May I introduce my Salimun, my, how you say, soul mate, this My Lord Praedor is Streb, he is my life and my love."

Streb could almost be a carbon copy of Efan but for a small scar above his right eye, his small hand entwined around that of Efan as he shyly smiled at Bragill.

"Welcome Streb, Efan are all the others paired?"

"Yes Lord Praedor, it is our way to pair for life."

"Then we wish you all welcome and may your pairings be your life."

All twenty-four Bertacians bowed to Bragill and Galland then formed up close together at the right of Matise, seeming to feel more comfortable close to the obvious love shown between him and Con-Rad. Overhead there came a throbbing in the air as a large formation of Bronze Dragons circled the hundreds of men at the base of Belhadria mountain.

Bragill turned to Matise and whispered to him after which he stepped back beside Galland as Matise climbed up on a rock o make himself seen by everyone.

"Army of Belhadria, we can offer you no more than full bellies and a hard fight and for those who wish it, should we defeat the Wizard of Gestan, a land holding of your own. The Bronze Dragons of Belhadria will take you up to the citadel to be feasted and given rest. Should you wish to bath then just ask the red riders of the Bronze Dragons and they will tend to your needs."

Matise looked down to Bragill and after receiving a nod from him continued.

"While we are many and varied there will be but one law to govern all, The Dragons of Belhadria will not countenance any disrespect or fighting amongst each other, any soldier now present who would want to take up that challenge is advised to leave this place forever. The penalty for disobeying this one law will be for the offenders to be put to death immediately. Those who agree let them stay and give fealty to Prince Galland and Preador Bragill of Belhadria."

To a man and beast the army dropped to their knee and swore to defend Belhadria and the Followers of Goron. Once the oath had been taken the Bronze Dragons began to land in pairs, each pair had a platform held between them by a special harness. The ability of the Bronzes to fly in such synchronized flight astounded the men of the army as they were invited to take their places five at a time on the platforms and then to be whisked away in a heady flight upwards to the citadel, grasping for dear life onto the handholds near them.

Galland, Bragill, Matise and Con-Rad waited until all had been lifted above and then took to the air themselves. On arrival up at the citadel, they saw that all was running smoothly and the small redheads, who seemed to be enjoying the lavish praise being laid on them by all the strangers, were tending to everyone.

The main feast room of the citadel had been laid out with table after table of fine food and wine for the men of the army, uproar was coming from the communal bathroom. It sounded like most of the warriors of Drivad had found some entertainment and when Bragill looked into the room he could see a number of redheads being petted and pampered by the ferocious looking soldiers.

None of the small boys seemed to be in any danger as the soldiers took great care in not using all the strength when touching the boys. I took only a few moments for the boys to tell the warriors about the game they liked to play with their Dragons, the next minute there were redhead boys being tossed around with squeals of delight as they flew and were caught repeatedly.

Mietan was lying back against the edge of the pool with his eyes tight closed as his body shook in spasms then with a gargled cry he straightened and his eyes popped open just as a small red head appeared from below the water with a huge smile on its face.

Mietan reached for the small boy and with a heavy sigh wrapped the boy in his forbidding arms and laid a peck of a kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Thank you little one, never have I been so well pleasured, not even a whore of Damonia could have set my blood boiling as you have."

The redhead giggled and as he was released, returned the small peck on the rough looking warrior's cheek. Bragill smiled to himself and left them all to play their games as he knew that while the redheads were able to play with anyone they chose, their true soul was with their Bronze Dragons and they would never be parted from them until death.

When the banquet began there was only one stipulation from Mietan and his warriors, they ate only red meat and wanted it as fresh as was possible. Mietan had asked, with a grin on his sharp-toothed face.

"Lord Praedor, would your men give us fresh meat for the banquet?"

"As you wish Mietan, how would you have them serve it?"

"Just cut off the hooves and the horns and wave them over a dying candle, we will take care of the rest."

Mietan had burst out into loud laughter that rang through the citadel for all to hear, the shock on Bragill's face at the supposed jest had had its desired effect. It seemed that while the warrior was a huge man/beast and had a hardness to him that boded badly for an enemy, he also had a sense of humour that bordered on the dark side.

"Fear not Lord Praedor, we only eat uncooked meat when fighting."

Again the braying laughter rang out as Bragill blushed at his own thoughts. The banquet became as much a game as it was a gathering for all to get to understand each other. Many of the warriors tried to best each other with unfamiliar weapons of the others and after much laughter and good natured banter, as well as much wine, the weary and satisfied army of Belhadria made their way to their beds and pallets to sleep away the wine and the rest of the night.

Only the tall bowmen of Sentuse took no wine and only ate from the bowls of fresh fruit that adorned the many tables, while not joining in the frivolity of the other warriors they were induce to show their many skills with the bow and this became a highlight of the nights entertainment as they loosed shaft after shaft at different targets, even at the shafts themselves as they flew at a speed of light through the air. Not one target was missed or hit incorrectly, the tumultuous applause of the other warriors resounded through out the citadel for all to hear.

Bragill sent a mind speak to Galland, who was in his human form beside him.

"Such skill my Soul, they are truly blessed."

"Yes my Brae, we are still to few to face the Wizard in open warfare but the skill of the men we have is outstanding, even if we loose a battle they will acquit themselves with great honour and take many of the enemy with them."

"They will all fight well for us my Soul and may they cause much trouble for the Wizard and his minions."

"As they will my Brae."

"Has there been any thought to how we are going to face the Wizard?"

"I don't know as yet, my Brae, but Matise has been spending long hours over the maps for the last three days but has as yet said nothing of what he is doing."

"Well at least we have the start of an army for him to plan with, although they only number some seven hundred."

"Yes, but we will need many more than that before we face him, it is said he can call on the long dead to aide him when needed and how we are to vanquish that type of foe I know not."

"We can only wait my Soul, Matise has a good mind and will work it out for all to follow, I'm sure. Now hold me closer my Soul and make long love to me, I have a need to feel your thrusts and the filling of my loins."

"Ahh my Brae, your delectable loins need not fear an emptiness, I have just what you desire for their filling."

Bragill looked up at his one love and returned the seductive smile with one of lust as he turned onto his back and lifted his legs in readiness for the loving to come. Galland, on seeing the open valley of youth below him, immediately lowered himself between the outspread legs of Bragill and, with a tenderness reserved for his one Soul, began the slow burial of his rampant and dripping shaft into the waiting void of the smooth receptacle.

The first feeling of penetration sent Bragill into a wild up thrusting of his hips as Galland dipped deeper into his waiting body. The silken smoothness of the entry was only achieved by the tender love between the two and made for nerve tingle thrills as Galland sank deeper until he could go no further.

Bragill's eyes never left the face of the silken boy above him as he felt their two groins match in a harmony of perfection, the fullness now inside him was growing as Galland used his many hidden powers to increase his size until Bragill's eyes grew bigger with the wildness of lust.

With his knees tucked back as far as they would reach, leaving him totally open and defenseless, Bragill gasped as a sign of fulfillment to Galland, who, then began the slow with-drawl of his now man sized weapon, from the body of his lover.

Bragill's head lashed back and forth as Galland kept up the slowness of his upstroke until there was barely enough of him inside to keep contact. Small groans and moans were issuing from Bragill as the slow down thrust began again. Within seconds he was on an overload of sensations as his slender frame started to perspire and writhe with the desire for a deep and fast thrust from Galland.

A bright blueness overtook his mind as he felt every miniscule fraction of Gallands skin smoothly rubbing downward to bury deeply inside him. Their previous love making had been nothing compared to what Galland was now doing to him; the slowness of both the extraction and down thrust was driving all thoughts of self from Bragill's mind.

Suddenly there came in his mind a widening of the blueness and he could now feel the pleasure of Galland as well as his own, his view changed to that of Galland as he looked down on his own body as it shook and thrust up to meet the challenge of Gallands engorged shaft.

This duality of feelings placed Bragill into a world of intense eroticism and ultimate feelings as he lived both parts of the act. A shimmering picture emerged through the haze of lust filled pleasure as he played both parts.

"My soul is your soul, my love, this is the way we should always be joined if it brings you pleasure."

Bragill sent to his Soul a reply, that, had he need to voice it, would have been a garbled mass of unintelligible words but as he was in his mind set with Galland they were clear and concise.

"Always my Soul, I would like it no other way than this."

"Then it shall be so from this day on, my love."

Bragill surrendered to this new, and now far more fulfilling sensation of their love. It was with a start that Bragill opened his eyes as the sun rose above the clouds of the next morning, Gallands love making had seemed to go on for hours as they delved into the depths of their love for each other.

Bragill could not believe the feelings that had sent him into multiple orgasms as Galland had kept up his long slow strokes until Bragill had shuddered for the umpteenth time to send out nothing more than loud cries of satiation as Galland at last sent his own offering deep into the exhausted boy beneath him.

A noise beside the bed made Bragill lift his eyes, there waiting with infinite patience, stood three Bronze riders, the smiles on their young faces told Bragill that he must look a mess with his many emissions now dried hard on his naked belly and chest.

"Praedor, we would bathe you for the new day, should it be your wish?"

Bragill looked behind him to see Galland in his dragon form lying with his eyes open and bright as he sent Bragill one of his special tender dragon smiles.

"Go my Brae, let them tend you, we will have a lot to do this day, there are more that would join us, waiting down on the plain."

Unable to speak, Bragill rolled unsteadily from Gallands grasp and rose to follow the boys to the bath.

Although the followers of the way had no need for food, Galland had decreed that it would be best for those in the citadel at meal times, should take their places at the table with the newly hired mortals so as to bring a closeness to the forming army and not seem to be aloof of them.

All Dragons, out of respect sat at the tables in their human form and the sounds of merriment often caused most to mix freely with each other and not to stay in the group that they arrived with. The Bronze Riders had proved to be a hit with all that had joined the Followers, as was this morning, very evident in the way some of the boys appeared to move a little stiff legged at times.

When Bragill and Galland had taken their seats at the head of the room, Bragill noticed that four of the Bronze Riders seemed to be over attentive to the men of Sentuse and that they were very stiff legged in their movement. Bragill heard the soft chuckle in his mind as Galland sent to him.

"So you noticed those four?"

"Yes, they seem to be in some discomfort."

"The Sentuse have a reputation of being endowed like a full grown Dragon, it looks as though it may be true and those Riders would appear to have enjoyed it immensely."

Bragill let a small smile roam over his lips as he answered Galland.

"By the look of the discomfort they would not want to do it too often."

"Yes my Brae, I'm sure they will not try it too often, if all I hear about the Sentuse and their abilities, the boys would have been lying on their backs for a number of hours."

Bragill chuckled at the thought of the small redheads lying under the tall Sentuse and being skewered for a number of hours by men. Breakfast continued on until Matise stood and asked those that had been nominated a special position to accompany him to the plains to inspect the new arrivals.

With various orders to their respective followers, Sentuse, Mietan and Efan with of course Streb by his side, followed Matise to the archway where two Bronzes waited for them with a five man carriage.

Bragill mounted Galland and as the Bronzes took flight with the leaders, they followed close behind. Below them in the rays of a rising sun on the plains, stood and sat all manner of man again as they had the day before. The pair of Bronzes deposited their passengers near the small rise that had been used yesterday and then took to the air again to await the outcome of the meeting and selection.

Bragill and Galland landed close by and settled into a comfortable position as Matise took the lead, as it was to be his rmy to train and lead.

While the gathering numbered close to two thousand warriors, many with special skills and talents, only one group stood out as extra special. Matise left them until last and was amazed at their patience and calm demeanor as they sat astride their mounts.

Bragill took note of the mounts first, he had seen many horses but none like these, and they stood at least 18 hands and apart from their chests, were covered in long shaggy hair. Each mount was of a different colour combination and as there were close to four hundred of them it was most unusual that they were all different.

On their chest was a strange marking, again each was different, the riders, while all had small differences, were basically the same, as though they came from the same parenting. Long slender legs lead up the narrow waists then broadened out into wide well muscled chests and arms.

Their hair was as black as night and lay over their shoulders in a long braid to hang freely down the center of their backs. On their head was a small leather skullcap adorned with the long flowing tail of horsehair that matched the colouring of their mounts.

Under their narrow slim hips was a square piece of leather that they used as a saddle for their mounts and attached to it were their weapons, a short bow and quiver of arrows on one side and a long slender steel sword on the other.

Around their waists was the thin length of leather holding up a pair of very short leather leggings adorned with the same symbol as on the chest of the mounts. It was quite apparent that these men were a combination of the best of both cavalry.

Matise turned to the apparent leader, who was depicted by the thin gold band around his neck, where it sat against the burnished copper skin of his throat.

"Rider, what should I call thee, and why do you seek to ride for Belhadria?"

"Lord Commander, I am Prince Khabreem and I would kneel my mount to your service and the service of Belhadria."

"You are aware that there will be little spoils and much blood letting in the coming battles with the Wizard of Gestan."

"Of that I am fully aware, Lord Commander, of blood letting it is but a passing from one world to the next, of spoils we ask only to be allowed to roam the plains of Goron after the fight is done and that we are accorded the freedom to move as we see fit."

"Then Welcome Prince Khabreem, to the army of Goron and your wishes will be met at the end of the battle."

With hardly an imperceptible movement of his body, the Prince gave a silent command to his mount, and, with the grace unbelying its size, the great beast knelt on one knee and dropped its head to touch the ground while the Prince lowered his head also in the direction of Bragill and Galland.

Bragill looked up at Galland and sent an askance to him.

"How will we get those mighty beasts up to Belhadria?"

"I don't know, my Brae, we will have to think of something."

Suddenly both Bragill and Galland were startled by the soft voice of the Prince entering their heads.

"My Lords, be not worried of our mounts, they have their own way of covering distances, we will meet you at Belhadria."

"Prince Khabreem, you can communicate with us on this level?"

"Yes mighty Dragon of Goron, it is something we prefer to keep hidden, but in the name of friendship and trust I feel that you should be aware of our full abilities."

"Then Prince Khabreem, you are twice welcomed, if you would take your men and mounts to Belhadria, we will set about lifting the others here today."

"At your command, my Lord."

Bragill and Galland watched in amazement, as did all those on the plains, as the mounts began to high step their way along the ground and then with a shrill neighing and lifting of the regal heads, the mounts opened a pair of tough looking leather wings from their shaggy hides, and took to the air.

While they were not as graceful in flight as the Dragons of Belhadria, their ability to take to the air with strong strokes would make them a force to be reasoned with in battle.

The Fifth Scroll Of Goron

"Wizards Deceit"

Fortunes of War

In the battle of just and unjust all shall fall as equals

To lay amid land in solitary death will but set free all

That is man and beast

Fear not your passing as your mortal strength wanes

For it is but a road to everlasting life in Prillian

A full cycle of the moon had passed as more and more freemen joined the army forming in Belhadria, Matise was kept busy arranging forms of tactics with his leaders, who were now joined by the Prince Khabreem as none of the others had any experience with cavalry.

The main problem was getting the Wizard to battle on a ground of their own choosing, hopefully giving them the advantage. Matise had been well schooled in the normal tactics of battle but the many and varied type of soldier he now had was far from what he was used to or had been taught.

Matise knew that he had to take advantage of the experience of his chosen leaders if they were to be successful against the Wizard, who none knew of what he could call on to aide him in any battle.

Matise, along with the four others, spent long hours from first light until late in the night, planning and plotting in the hope of setting a solid plan for their army of strangers with strange ideas.

When the first day of the new moon began, the five sat back in their chairs and looked over the plan they had devised and with a small smile and shrug, agreed that there was no more to be done. Their plan had been set with enough room for change should it arise during a battle to best make use of the many varied abilities of each group.

Only one decision remained for them to make, where was the best place to meet the minions of the Wizard. Matise again looked over the map of Goron and could see only one place where his army would stand a chance in a pitched battle.

"Well my friends, I can only see one place where we have a chance, the Valley of Mortese."

The others looked down at the map, spread out on the table and as one nodded their agreement, Mietan spoke for the others in his gruff voice.

"Yes Lord Matise, it would appear to be the best place to meet him, all we need now is to get him to battle there."

"I agree Mietan, I think that the Preador and Galland would be best suited to accomplish that for us."

All agreed that it was best to let the pair set it out and to try to persuade the Wizard to fight on their ground of choosing. Matise rolled the map and with a tired smile left the room in search of Bragill and Galland to pass on their decisions.

For the two lovers, the past month had not been an idle one as Galland spent every waking hour to teach and train his Bronzes in new ways to fight in the air against the Blacks of the Wizard, the only advantage that they had was the Claw that nestled in the forearm of Bragill. Galland had Bragill practice every thing he could think of with the Claw so that he could see its abilities and better gauge how to make use of it when needed.

Belhadria now swarmed with over five thousand troops of every creed and all had no trouble with the other as they trained and played, laughed and feasted together. Only once was there discord and Mietan settled this quickly as it was one of his own men that had by accident insulted a Sentuse.

Mietan felled the man with a mighty blow to the head, that, had it been any other man, would have split his skull. After the man had regained his senses, Mietan made him crawl to the feet of the Sentuse on his belly and ask forgiveness, which was readily given and all returned to normal with no malice held by either.

At the evening meal Matise produced their plan and location for Bragill and Galland to look over and make any recommendations needed. Neither could fault the plan and readily agreed it was the best they had seen and that they would work out a way to get the Wizard to meet in the Valley of Mortese.

Bragill lay in the arms of Galland, sharing the meal by being hand fed by Galland as they watched the uproar of sound in the grand hall. As there were not as many Bronzes present, due to the need for more patrols as the time passed, there was ample room for the extra soldiers now residing in the citadel.

The soldiers found their own amusements at meal gatherings and times when there was no training by trying to compete with the weapons of others in friendly competition or in making the lives of the Bronze Riders more enjoyable by petting and playing with them whenever they were given the chance, much to the enjoyment of the Riders who were always willing to join in.

Galland stopped feeding Bragill for a minute and asked him what he thought of getting the Wizard to battle.

"I think we should set him a challenge he can't refuse."

"How so my Brae?"

"A battle of champions."

"And how do you see it and what would he think of it?"

"We challenge him to provide his best champions in each type of arms, one man against another or one Dragon against another, to be held in the Valley of Mortese like a huge games."

"An interesting concept, my Brae, but what makes you think he would accept?"

"His natural need for deceit, I'm sure he would see it as a chance to attack us in force while all were watching the games."

"What makes you see it that way my love?"

"Look at everything he has done, all of his moves have had an element of deceit in them, nothing he does is straight and honest."

"A true enough thought my Brae."

"All we have to do is make sure our men stay together during the games as if in their usual formations and kept on alert. We set them about the Valley as though they were there to only watch the games but in reality they are with the men of their formation but loosely gathered until needed, then, when the Wizard tries his usual deceitful tactics they are ready and take their formations."

"Yes, I see what you mean, I to think it is a good way to try and his natural conceit may be enough to get him and his minions there."

"If you think it is a good plan then we should put it forward to Matise and his leaders tonight then we can send a message on the morrow and await for his reply."

Galland fed Bragill a very succulent piece of fruit and looked for Matise in the throng of men below them. At last he spied Matise being held tightly in the arms of Con-Rad at a corner table close to the Sentuse warriors.

Galland raised his arm to Matise and beaconed him to their table. Matise saw the hand of Galland and with a final kiss on the lips of Con-Rad made his way up to the pair.

Bragill, at Gallands insistence, explained his plan to Matise, once complete he asked Matise his thoughts.

"Well Bragill, I'll put it too the others and I can't see them refusing it, it's just the sort of plan the Wizard may go for."

"Let us know tomorrow Matise and we can send the challenge then."

"I'll go ask the others now and let you know soon, I like the thought of it, we only have to select what men to use and then have them train for it. Solo combat is so much different than working amid an army of men."

"Well I hope the Wizard thinks the same way and he comes to the Valley."

"Yes Bragill I agree, but I can't see him refusing such a chance."

"Can you fit your plan to cover an event such as this in nature?"

"Oh yes, we can make it fit many different occasions, that's why we didn't set it hard and fast but allowed for the ebb and flow of the situation."

Bragill snuggled back into Gallands embrace as Matise sort out the other leaders to discuss the new slant on their plans.

That night the feasting took on a renewed vitality as the word of the upcoming games and possible battle ran around the huge hall. Galland had spent many hours with Bragill during the past days, teaching him how to make use of the Claw to defend himself against the attacks of another Dragons Aura.

They had started with only one Bronze Dragon using a small part of his power as Bragill gripped his right forearm with his left hand and concentrated on rejecting the power, now after a month of daily practice, Bragill could protect himself against the combined of six Bronzes attacking him at the same time on full power and was practicing on how to return that power back at the Dragons.

While he had at times been bruised by the various attacks of the Bronzes, he shrugged them off although stiff and sore at the end of each day, he knew that his lover would tend him gently and make the hurt disappear in a frenzy of activity when they took to their bedroom.

From one night to the next, Bragill never knew what form Galland would take as they lay joined together in their never ending love. One night Galland would be the young teen boy, penetrating Bragill slowly with his boyhood, the next he would enlarge himself to man size and keep Bragill on edge for hours before consummating their nightly love.

The excitement and passion of each event only made Bragill love him more each day, Dragon or not, Galland was the one love he had never had before, his feelings for the White Dragon over-rode all else in his life.

As the morning dawned, Bragill snuggled back into Gallands warm claw as the sun played its games with dust as it swirled lazily in the air at the window of their bedroom. Bragill stretched and kissed the claw holding him close.

"Morning my Soul, I love you beautiful Galland."

"Morning my Brae, I love you also, with everything that is mine, but now come, we have to rise and give our challenge to the Wizard. I've sent a Bronze with a message for the Wizard to meet at the plain of Bevan for a truce talk."

"Do you think he will appear?"

"Yes, I'm sure he will, his arrogance would never let him seem to be scared of meeting with us."

"When are we to meet with him?"

"At noon time."

"Then we had best get ourselves ready."

"Yes my love."

Galland reverted to his human form as they made their way down to the main hall for breakfast and discussed how they would present the challenge to the Wizard of Gestan.

As the sun reached its zenith, Bragill and Galland began the descent to the plain below. The Wizard could be seen standing at its center with three Blacks in attendance with three others flying lazily overhead in a ragged circle.

As prescribed by the laws of Goron, three bronzes stayed aloft as Galland, Bragill and three Bronzes land close to where the Wizard waited. On landing they waited for the Wizard to speak before making their offer of the games.

"Welcome young Lord Preador and Prince of Goron, have you come to hand over your lands to me and save some of your followers?"

Galland had suggested to Bragill that he take the lead while Bragill watched the Wizard closely.

"Greetings Wizard of Gestan, no we have not come to surrender the lands of Goron to you."

"Then it must be to declare war, I have heard that you have formed a ragtag army of misfits in the hope of defeating me on a field of battle. Do you really think that a mere 5000 men could hope to defeat my masses?"

"Not at all Wizard, we would much prefer not to have to do battle with you and your minions and have therefore come to offer you a challenge at games, the victor takes the lands of the other."

"An interesting concept, Dragon prince, what games did you have in mind and what rules will they go by?"

Bragill watched the Wizard carefully as the pair discussed the games. The Wizard had shown himself as a young man of some twenty summers and was dressed in white silken breeches, black boots and with a short red cape thrown over his bare chest and caught at his throat with a gold pin.

The smile on his face was almost a slight sneer as he deemed the possibility of fear from his hordes in the demeanor of the two from Goron.

"The games should be by the men of our commands except for the last one. Under the old rules of men's games we would challenge you to contests or agility and guile, of staff and shaft, and lastly of power and Dragons Free."

"Sounds reasonable to me Prince of Goron, and to what mark will be the victor?"

"To first blood or winning of the trophy."

"That is agreeable and where would you hold these games of yours?"

"At the Valley of Mortese, two days hence. During the games there is to be no use of Mage powers for the contestants, they must stand or fall on their own ability."

"Also agreed, and how do you see the contests played?"

"We have looked back into the old times of games and used their form, if they are also agreeable to you then we will hold them at the time stated."

"Then proceed with your rules of contest, Prince of Goron."

"For the contest of agility and guile, no more than four men, for the Staff no more than four men, for the Shaft one man only and for Power no more than two men who shall be totally unarmed. You are well acquainted with the rules of Dragon Free so there is no need to detail it for you. Do you accept these terms, Wizard of Gestan?"

Bragill again watched closely as the Wizard gave out a large grin but his eyes had a scheming look to them as though he already was planning some personal change to the rules of contest.

"Certainly, I see no need for alteration, no Mage power you say, pity, I would like to pit myself against that young pup from the last battle here at Bevan, still some other time we may meet. Then Prince of Goron, I bid you farewell and look forward to our meeting in two days at Mortese."

As the three Black Dragons began to lift off from the ground, the Wizard raised his hand and disappeared from the place he had been standing. Galland turned to Bragill as the Black Dragons disappeared southward on their return to the Wizards lair.

"So my Brae, what did you notice about our enemy?"

"His eyes told many truths my Soul, although his words said something different. I'm sure he will try to best our efforts with trickery at every turn."

"Of that I'm also sure my Brae, this is the excuse he needs for a battle to try to finish us and take over our lands. I'm sure that our own plans will be a little surprise for him. Come now my love, let's get back to Belhadria and pass on our meeting with Matise and his leaders."

Bragill took his seat on the warm scales of Gallands neck, feeling the soft heat against his bare thighs as he settled down, Galland sent him a smile of love and leapt into the air in one mighty thrust of his rear legs. With outstretched wings he powered them both high up to meet with the three Bronzes waiting for them.

Once the other three had joined those already in the air they formed up in their usual formation and followed Galland and Bragill to the citadel of Belhadria. On their arrival in the main hall, Bragill and Galland noticed Con-Rad and Matise talking to three young boys of no more than ten or twelve summers.

They were dressed in a similar fashion to Con-Rad but had no Staff's as he did; instead they leant on short rough branches cut from some new timber. As there were very few trees still standing in Goron it meant they had traveled from some far place to be here.

Once settled in a chair each, Galland turned to Matise.

"Who are these young boys, Matise?"

"They are the children of Sentai, Her Highness, Princess Philima has sent them to aide us in the up coming battle."

"How can three young boys help us Matise?"

Con-Rad took over the answering.

"Lord Galland, they are very special boys, the Sentai train the young boys as healers, with their youth and size they are able to move around a battle field like bee's in a garden, they have no fear and are very able healers of touch, it is their life. Once they reach puberty they loose the gift of speed so become teachers for those younger ones. They are unable to reproduce themselves and only live short lives but the Princess can conceive from the sperm of any male and usually she will produce triplets at each birth so that they grow together and are always accompanied by their two brothers, hence the three of them here to help us."

"They seem so healthy Con-Rad, why do they pass away so young?"

"It's because of their healing ways, Lord Galland, when they use their touch it takes strength from them so that over a period of time, usually when they reach their first twenty summers, they pass on to their reward in Prillian. They are able to heal others from the age of six summers and reach their puberty at 15 summers, a little later than other boys but as they are impotent it makes no mind to them."

"Well with the coming contest and possible battle, I'm more than happy to welcome them to our citadel."

Bragill looked over the three boys and as stated saw that they were indeed brothers, so much so that they were almost identical. The boys had a small compact but wiry body that told of speed and agility, their very pale brown eyes were large and round and their hair was similar to that of the Bronze riders. Small button noses sat above thin red lips and their cheeks were dappled with tiny freckles. While their bodies and faces showed an innocence of youth, their eyes showed a depth of knowledge normally reserved for a man of full years.

To Bragill they looked a little like the type of doll figure that a girl would play with but their demeanor showed a confidence of self assurance. The three small boys smiled up at Galland and Bragill, then bowed low as they clasped each others hand and followed Con-Rad to where they would be sleeping.

"Well my Brae, they are just like small dolls, don't you think?"

"Exactly what I was thinking my love."

While they waited for Con-Rad's return they asked Matise to call his leaders so they could all have some input as to the upcoming games and the possibility of a battle. It was becoming evident that they would have to make a good solid plan before the two days were up and they had to go to the Valley of Mortese.

The morning of the day of contest dawned with an overcast sky, broken only occasionally by sporadic breaks in the clouds to let rays of sunlight through like the speckled breast of the ground bird on the plain of Bevan.

Most of the previous night had been spent by the troops of Bronze Dragons carrying those troops that were not able to make the travel to Mortese in time by their own means. Others like the boys of Bertacia and the horsemen of Prince Khabreem were quite able to make the journey unaided.

Of the five thousand in their army they had decided to let only two thousand to be seen at the games in the hope that the Wizard would take this as a sign of unreadiness. The balance of the troops would stay hidden in the positions that had been set for them and would only make them selves known if the Wizard decided to take them all to task at the end of the games.

Mietan, Sentuse and Edrial had been brought to the Valley on the Backs of three Bronzes along with Matise and Con-Rad on another. Galland and Bragill were the last to arrive and as they flew low over the surrounding area Bragill began to look closely at their chosen battle ground.

The Valley of Mortese was long and deep, high ridges of granite rock with occasional landslides of smaller stones and rubble surrounded it. At one end the Valley was narrow and steep, where it backed onto the main mountain ridge, it then opened out wider and wider as it ran towards the open plains below.

The valley was a natural amphitheatre that would give all those present a good view of the games. It was also a very well thought out battle ground for mortals, as those that held the high ridges and the narrow end of the valley could dictate how many enemy they would face at one time.

The high ridges gave bowmen the added advantage of height and difficulty of attack from anyone trying to rout them from their chosen places. The only advantage to an enemy would be in the use of Black Dragons to attack the mortal troops below but Galland hoped that as they were evenly matched with the Blacks, they could keep them busy overhead.

Only the Wizard himself was a danger, his knowledge and power would be the swaying of a battle unless they could counter his every move and they did not have a strong enough Mage to attack and hope to defeat him.

Only Con-Rad would have the mage power to try to battle the Wizard but even he knew, as did the others, that his power was no match for the Knight/Wizard of Gestan. Matise had tried to comfort Con-Rad with the ode he had been told after the battle of Bevan Plain.

Con-Rad nodded his head but held little hope that an old legend would help them if the Wizard tried to attack him directly. The ode ran again through his head as he waited for the Wizard to appear at the games ground.

Death will come to the Mage of the Dark

When two become one in a time of need

They were two that were one when the seed was spent

Children of innocence made one by Darks blood.

While Con-Rad had no doubts as to the veracity of the ode, he was however unable to fathom it's meaning in relation to his lover Matise and himself.

A loud clap of thunder rang through the valley and as though it was a sign of approaching danger, there came to the ears of all those in the valley, the sound of heavy feet and the braying of many animals. Overhead the sky became filled with the shadows of Black Dragons and at the far open end of the valley was a rising cloud of ash laden dust as the many feet of the approaching army of the Wizard stirred it up into the air.

At the head of the army sat the Wizard on a platform carried by ten huge men. The Wizard had taken the form again of a young boy, naked from thigh to toe and from waist to the top of his head.

Around his waist was a tight fitting and very brief loin cloth that showed the semblance of a very small boyhood.

On the Wizards face was the wide grin of a victor, as though the games had already been decided and he was the outright winner of the lands of Goron. Galland had set their men at the middle of the valley and to the northern side, the Wizard took his men to the southern side and told the ten giants to lower him to the ground.

The Wizard stood and with the voice of a small boy as he was representing himself, called across the valley to those waiting.

"So Prince of Goron and my young Lord Preador, you decided to come after all and seek your demise. I see you have only part of your army with you, have the others deserted your cause already?"

Galland spoke back to him as Bragill was busy watching the formations of the enemy troops as the settled around the south side of the ridges.

"That's as may be Wizard of Gestan, have you selected your champions?"

"Of course, they are ready for the games when you wish."

"It is clearly understood that no mage power will be used by you?"

"On my word Prince of Goron."

"Then shall we start our contests, Wizard?"

"At your command Dragon."

"The first will be one of agility and guile, from our quarter we nominate Efan and his pairing."

Small and lonely looking Efan walked out to the center of the valley to stand close to a tall tower of stone and wood. The tower was over ten meters tall and narrowed more and more as it rose to its peak. On the top of the tower, tied to a short length of mast, flew a silken cloth about the length of a man's arm and two hands wide.

The men of Belhadria heard the laughter of the Wizard as he nominated four men to stand in the center with the lonely looking figure of Efan. The men were close to twice the size of Efan and while being young; they were in very excellent health, which could be seen by the musculature and litheness of limbs.

"And what is the object of this game Dragon?"

"When a member of one team or the other seizes the banner at the peak and brings it to the ground then the game is won, any means to delay or hold the opponent is allowed short of blood or bodily injury."

"It seems simple enough but don't you think your single boy is a little out-numbered. Four to one is not good odds in your favour."

"He is the nominated player as is his pairing."

"Pairing? I see no Pairing, oh well it is your game."

"You have a minute to set your plan for your players then we will start."

The four men of the Wizard returned to his side for instructions and then went to stand one at each corner of the square tower, effectively blocking any access to its peak by Efan.

Galland looked at Efan and at the nod of his head Galland called for the start. Efan dived to the right hand corner in a feint move then ducked back quickly towards the left as the guard on that end headed towards the right. Efan ducked under his outstretched hand and made to jump for the first step.

The guard from the next right ran to Efan and with a heavy blow, knocked him to the ground with an evil smile on his lips, Efan rolled and spun around to bounce up to his feet and begin to attack the tower again.

Four to one was not good odds but the guards although larger and bigger than Efan, could not seem to get quite close enough to rough him up. Efan never got above the first step and finally the four had him cornered in a small area out side the steps. Suddenly Efan stopped where he was and smiled at the four men, then, with an effortless ease appeared outside their cordon with Streb standing beside him, the Banner held in his small hands.

Galland called out a halt to the game.

"Well Wizard, the first game goes to Goron, I believe."

The Wizard spluttered a little before he challenged Gallands game rules.

"Dragon, I thought you said no Mage powers were to be used?"

"That's correct Wizard, the abilities of these boys is natural and not Mage made, they chose to use guile to get the banner and agility to keep your men at bay, is that not fair in your eyes, Wizard?"

"I must agree Dragon, that their guile is well used, I concede the first game to Goron."

"Next is the game of Staff, Goron nominates Edrial."

"Ah, one man, or should I say boy, again Dragon, are you short of worthy combatants?"

"He is all we need Wizard, nominate your men."

Edrial had walked to the center and was kneeling on the surface waiting for his opponents, his bronze topped staff in his hands pointing up at a 45 degree angle while his right knee was set in the dust and his left raised up to support him, his head was slightly downward as though looking at the ground just in front of him.

In the solitude of the valley floor he looked very small and defenceless as he waited. At the command of the Wizard, four men stepped forward and strode to stand in a semi circle around Edrial. Three were in their early twenties and the fourth was a little younger, perhaps in his 17th summer. Edrial stayed motionless, as the four took up their stances, their Staff's angled across their chests at the ready.

Edrial had seen them as they approached and had decided that the real danger lay with the youngest of the four as he was lighter and would move faster than the others. It was at this stage that Bragill noticed something about Edrial that he had not seen earlier, Edrial was very slim and a little undersized for his age but his wrists were the size of a grown mans, this was where he got all his power and control of his Staff.

As Edrial waited patiently for the others to move, the Valley descended into total stony silence, not a sound or quiver of movement was seen or heard. The tension mounted as those present wondered how this small slim figure could hope to out class four older and more experienced young men.

As Edrial had counted on, the youngest moved with grace and speed towards him, his Staff a whirling blur in the morning light, still Edrial did not move. The youth came to a halt no more than a step from Edrial's hunched figure. With an almost sigh, the youth went up on his toes, his Staff held tightly in both hands above his head, and began the downward slash that would open up the crown of Edrial's head.

In a flash of movement, Edrial pushed up with his coiled legs, bringing the bronze tip of his Staff directly into the lower rib cage of the youth, as the youth collapsed with pain and shock, Edrial brought the butt of the Staff around in a scything move to batter heavily against the youths brow, knocking him senseless to the ground.

The other three men were still rooted to the ground as their young friend fell unconscious to the valley floor, it had happened so fast they had forgotten why they were there. With a twirl of his Staff and the crunch of breaking bone, Edrial attacked the remaining three, which now was two, as the third was screaming in pain with a broken arm.

Edrial back flipped away from the duel attack of the remaining pair, unlike his Staff with the single bronze tip, theirs were tipped at both ends, one end being like a round mace with small studs inset and the other end being like a small axe head. These, Edrial knew, were very dangerous weapons and he would have to be at his best to evade permanent injury.

Now, without the advantage of surprise, Edrial had to use all his knowledge and training to stay out of harms way as the two men sent in flashing attack after attack. Edrial spun, jumped and danced his way around the valley floor, staying just out of reach of the vicious Staffs.

While the two men stayed close together Edrial could only use his ability to defend and repel their consistent attacks at his head and legs, his natural ability and youth gave him the advantage of suppleness and speed. For fifteen minutes they danced, parried and counter attacked until finally Edrial had them split apart, now he had a chance to attack one at a time if he could keep them separated.

Edrial saw that the man on his left was breathing heavily and his parries were weakening, he was his first target, with a breath taking move, Edrial jumped high into the air and with a spinning back flip, landed behind the man on the left, bringing his Staff around in a low sweeping arc, he cut heavily into the right knee of the man, taking him to the ground with a loud scream of pain.

The last opponent was temporarily out of Edrial's sight as he landed with his knees bent and his eyes not quite in focus as the dust swirled around him. A glancing blow on the forearm told him to move out of harms way, the numbing of his arm told him he could now be at a disadvantage with the last foe.

A quick glance and he saw that he had been struck with the mace end of the Staff and not the sharp axe head, although his arm was numb he was fortunate in that he had not been seriously hurt or cut badly.

Spinning wildly he rolled to a clear area where the dust had settled and he could see his last foe approaching him with a little bravado at having finally got a strike on the boy. Edrial took his Staff in his right hand as it was his left that had received the bite of the Staff, spinning it like a top to confuse the eyes of the man, Edrial backed up slowly until he could plant his feet firmly on solid stone and not the loose dust that abounded.

Edrial turned so that his left leg was braced solidly behind him, his right side facing the oncoming foe; his staff lay straight under his arm with the bronze tip pointed at the man. The last man dodged left then right, trying to unbalance Edrial's defensive stance, Edrial waited for his opening, he was fully aware that with only one hand to use, this had to be finished quickly.

Again the man feinted left then right, Edrial followed him again, turning only enough to keep the man in front of his Staff. Finally the man gave a loud yell and with an up-thrust of the axe end of his Staff, tried to disembowel Edrial. Edrial did not move back from the attack, instead he advanced with astounding speed, jumped over the flashing Staff and with all his strength, rammed the bronze tip down into the instep of the mans front foot, then with an up-thrust, sank the wooden end into the mans bared midriff. Winded and partially crippled, the man sank with a ragged gasp to the ground, where he lay groaning.

Edrial, panting with exhaustion and covered in the ash laden dust, made his way back to his supporters to receive their adulations.


"I concede to Goron, Dragon."

"Do you wish for a short break to let our sides relax before the next event, Wizard?"

"Agreed Dragon that was quite a display of ability for one so small and young."

"He is his fathers son, Wizard. A truce then while our men take sustenance."


As the assembled men took their ease and reached into small packs for food, Bragill ands Galland looked intently at the forces arrayed against them by the Wizard. Around the southern Valley, allied to the Wizard, were the same type of troops as those gathered by the men of Goron.

It appeared that the Wizard had relied on the need for beasts more than men as his forces showed many vicious and strange beasts to the fore. Of the humans present in his army, most were of unknown lands and looked to be included for the size and ferocity.

When all had been rested and were again ready to watch the games, Galland called to the Wizard for a start.

It had been decided that one of the Sentuse would take the part for the contest of Shaft. A square of ground had been marked out in two separate boxes set 150 paces apart. Galland had asked Sentuse what would be a comfortable distance for his archers to use.

Sentuse had touched his forehead with a finger and replied.

"The third eye recognizes no distance, My Lord, any mark will be suitable for our archer."

"Then we should make it as long as possible to make a good contest."

"As you command, My Lord."

Galland called to the Wizard with the rules.

"The rules are as follows, Wizard. Each man will stand in the square with three shafts, at the command to start; they will attempt to hit a non-lethal blow on their opponent. At first blood the contest is over, Agreed?"

"But of course, Dragon, my man is from Eldicote and will stand to his mark."

The archer of Eldicote strode to his square and took up a massive bow that was as thick as the arm of any man present. His shafts were thick and had at their tip a long wide steel triple sided point. It was evidently a killing shaft that would easily pierce light Armour.

There was a look on the mans face at the distance but then he shrugged his shoulders at the paces stepped out and remembered that his opponent would be at the same range.

One of the Sentuse walked casually out to the marked square and with the grace of an animal of the plains, bent down outside the square and placed two of his shafts on the ground, Bragill looked over at the Sentuse leader in askance.

"It is his way of telling his opponent that he will not need more than the one shaft. The others will remain on the ground even if he misses with his solitary shaft."

Bragill's eyes showed his misgivings at what appeared to be a rash act by the archer but turned back to the field to watch the contest.

At Gallands command the Eldicote archers raised his massive bow with a shaft notched and sighted over the distance to where the Sentuse stood with his solitary shaft and his bow, held loosely in his left hand, making no attempt to raise it up.

With a loud, almost thumping twang, the Eldicote archer sent his first shaft on its way towards the tall target. The shaft lifted high in its arc towards the Sentuse and then began its journey to the ground, landing ten paces short with a strange dull thud into the dust.

The Sentuse stood where he was and made no move to sight his lone shaft. A fleeting look of annoyance crossed the features of the Eldicote archer as he saw his shaft drop short. Notching his second shaft he took more careful aim and with the same thumping twang, released it on its journey of pain.

Again the Sentuse stood his ground unmoving as the shaft buried itself two paces behind and to the left of where he stood. Even in his limited knowledge of archery, Bragill knew that the next of the Eldicote's shaft would be dead on target. No reasonably good archer would miss with a third shot.

A hush had fallen over the Valley as the Eldicote notched his last shaft and took his aim. Everyone there knew that this was the one to win the game; the archer loosed his shaft into the air. All present could not quite believe what they saw, or thought they saw. The Sentuse, in a blur of movement that was almost indiscernible, had notched and released his own shaft as that of his opponent flew unerringly for his chest.

Unlike the shaft of the Eldicote, the Sentuse shaft flew in a straight line to its target so that as it passed the face of the Eldicote its long narrow steel head ran a shallow groove in the mans cheek, bringing out a scarlet runnel of blood.

The Eldicote shaft began to drop directly at the open chest of the Sentuse as he stood without moving in his square. When the shaft was within a breath of penetrating the Sentuse chest, his right hand swooped upward and in it was held the small dagger, which cut the shaft neatly on two, sending it harmlessly to the ground in two pieces.

The voice of the Wizard broke the silence of the Valley and all present could hear a note of frustration in it.

"I concede the Shaft to Goron, let us begin the game of power, Dragon."

"Do you wish to continue Wizard? We have the advantage of games won already to cause defeat?"

"Let us play out the games Dragon, if nothing else it amuses me."

"So be it Wizard, send your men to take their place at the center."

The Wizard made a gesture with his hand and two very large men dressed in a leather breechclout made their way to the center. To say they were men was a misnomer as they were obviously of beast extraction. Their feet were cloven although their legs were human; each had four arms tipped with a vicious looking long claw, much like a small dagger.

Their heads were free of any hair and showed the ridges of hard bone that made their skull look like a helm of Armour. The eyes that gazed out at the stunned men of the army of Belhadria were dark and brooding in their intensity.

Galland turned to Mietan.

"Whom would you send against such as those Mietan?"

"As I am not allowed to compete because of other matters I have nominated the only one that can stand with me in combat, my Son, Kodar. He will give good account of himself against such as those two."

"Why not send another as well, you can have two combatants?"

"Ach, the boy needs the exercise, he has had to much playing with the little sprites of the Bronze Dragons, and this should take some of the fat off his bones."

Mietan called his son to him. One look by all present could see that the jest of the boy being fat was far from the truth. Kodar towered over his father by a good head and his body was a mass of muscles like those used in steel ropes to pull heavy loads.

The look of pride on Mietan's face was open for all to see and the gesture of confidence in his son's ability showed in the pride that Kodar showed on his young face. Mietan spoke to Kodar, as he got ready to head for the center of the valley and his destiny.

"You, my boy are the only son I have, I know you will not let us down and when you walk back victorious I will give you the place of honour, by my side in all battles to come, agreed?"

"It shall be done as you wish, Father."

"Good boy, now go and get some of that lazy fat off your gut."

Mietan gave the boy a gentle push and stepped back to watch. Bragill looked at Mietan and then asked.

"Do you think it a good idea to send him alone Mietan, those two are not there to play if I know the Wizard?"

"What will be will be my Lord Praedor, it is his time to become a man and this is the best test for him."

Bragill fell silent as he watched the three men in the center begin to prowl in a circle around each other. As big as his opponents were, Kodar still had a bit of height and definitely more bulk the either of the others but he had no sharp claws or any form of armour to protect him.

Although Kodar was big he was also very nimble on his large feet and was able to keep both men in sight as the circled each other. The disconcerting use of four dangerous arms flashing close to his body; did not seem to deter Kodar in his situation.

The first opponent made his move at Kodar, his lower arms slashing upward and the upper arms slashing downwards like the sharp jaws of some animal coming together in the middle to snap shut on their victim.

Kodar spun and twisted his body with a grace and speed belying his bulk and was behind the man-beast in the blinking of an eye. Grasping the man around the rib cage from behind he lifted and spun him to face his companion just as the other slashed in a horizontal move with his upper arms.

The needle sharp claws tore through the chest muscles of his partner and he stopped with his mouth agape as he saw a spurt of bright red blood come from the massive chest. Kodar wasted no time in dallying as he hefted the weight of the man into the unhurt opponent and steeped back to prepare for the rage of the man to come.

Again the circling began as now it was one on one and the other man-beast knew he was not going to have this fight all to himself, this lad was not a fool and would be dangerous even with his advantage of four arms.

The ending came before anyone saw it, Kodar suddenly stood still and planted his two massive legs solidly onto the hard ground, then, with a gesture of stupidity, opened his arms wide as though inviting the man to slash him to death.

The man-beast could not believe his eyes as he saw the openness of the boys body, so, with a gleeful look on his hard bitten face, he moved with speed to open up this arrogant youth, from neck to navel but as he moved in closer he seemed to hit a wall of stone before he could gut the boy.

The stone was the closed hand of Kodar, who, at the last instant had closed his hand into a fist and with all his onsiderable strength slammed it into the face of the opponent, dropping him to the ground with his eyes closed shut.

With a carefully considered move, Kodar lifted his head and looked at the Wizard across the Valley floor and then let a small smile linger on his lips as he turned and went to stand by his fathers side.

The Wizard stood and looked down at his two supposed champions and shrugged his shoulders, before calling to Galland.

"Well it looks as though that one is yours as well Dragon, you have the best of the mortals there is no doubt, now lets see what you can do in Dragons Free, shall we make it more of interest and say that the winner of the final game takes all?"

Galland gave a look of concern and then doubt as he considered the proposition, then Mitor the elder approached him.

"My Prince, there is none here that can doubt our champions, any decision you make will be followed by all but, I ask you to let me be the one to take Dragons Free as my time on this earth is close at hand and it would save a younger Dragon for the defence of the land should it be needed."

"Very well Mitor, you have the honour, is your Soul prepared should it not turn out well?"

"He is my Prince, as it should be."

"Then we will accept the challenge and you shall fly for our honour, mighty Mitor."

"We are honoured my Prince."

"It shall be as you say Wizard, all or nothing, on Dragons Free."

"Then send out your champion, Dragon, and let it begin."

Dragons Free was a challenge of Dragons only, their Soul's would stay on the ground and the Dragons would fight a mock battle in the air above, the first to concede the game would be the looser or the first to be wounded by the claws or Aura of the other.

Mitor strode without his Soul to the center of the Valley ton wait for the Wizards champion. High above the gathering there came a loud and thunderous bellow, every one looked up and saw, to their dismay the sight of a large Red Dragon, lowering its legs to land near the center, close to where old Mitor stood waiting.

Galland startled out of his reverie, shouted out to the Wizard.

"Wizard, this is deceitful, the Red Dragon is a Mage Dragon, it is not permitted in the rules."

"Wrong Dragon, he is none the less a Dragon, his abilities just happen to be Mage so it is permitted by the rules you yourself laid down."

Bragill could feel the conflicting emotions in Gallands mind as he looked upon the first Red Dragon he had ever seen.

"Galland, what is this Dragon?"

"They are evil incarnate my love, very few live and are rarely seen or controlled by such as those like the Wizard. They fight by taking the strength of another Dragon and turning it against them. Their Aura is all-powerful and, as far as I know, I myself would be hard pressed to defeat it. Mitor will have little chance of success and he knows it but he will do his duty as he see's fit.

Bragill looked again at the Red Dragon as it glowered at Mitor. The Dragon almost radiated evil from every pore as it stood in a pose of self-assurance.

With a sense of resignation, Galland gave the command to fly and let the game begin. Both Dragons took to the air in a rising cloud of dust as their wings bit into the silence of the arena. Once they were far enough overhead to be able to maneuver freely they began to swirl and dive in a galaxy of flowing bodies and wings.

The twists and turns became harder to follow as the two protagonists vied for an advantage, the Red was obviously the more superior on flying ability and to even an untrained eye on the ground, it was also plainly obvious that Mitor was tiring quickly.

For half an hour, the two battled back and forth over the skies, Mitor weakening more and more at each pass. The Red Dragon was glowing with a power from some unknown source as he came in once more to grapple closely with his outstretched claws.

While Mitor did not have any Mage power to call on he did have one advantage that the Red did not, experience, that alone was what kept the game closer than the Wizard had thought it would be.

As the Red came in to grapple with the now weary Mitor, the old Dragon summoned his final strength and, with a move never seen before, spun over on his back and as he flew upside down, he flipped himself head of tail and was suddenly above and behind the Red Dragon.

With all his remaining power, Mitor dropped onto the back of the Red and dug his ailing claws in deeply to the scaled skin, with infinite slowness he lowered his head until his horns were touching the nape of the Red's neck and gave all he had in one mighty blast of Aura.

A hush came over the assembly in the Valley as they heard the fearsome scream of the Red Dragon and watched as in slow motion, both Dragons, tied together in a death plunge, fell towards the rock hard ground of the Valley floor.

When the two inert bodies had crashed to the ground in their death grip, Mitor's Soul quickly reached out to take Bragill's hand and with a gentle kiss, fell to the ground and slowly turned to dust. A tear fell from Bragill's eyes as he looked at what had been a Dragons Soul, until death.

With a voice like steel Galland called again to the Wizard.

"Both have met the same end Wizard, it must be a draw as neither was the first nor last to fall. By the rules and the agreement the lands of Gestan belong to Goron."

"Fool Dragon, come and take them if you can."

The last deceit of the Wizard became apparent when he lifted his arm and with a down stroke set his army in motion towards the army of Goron. The end was to be decided here and now.


"To The Victor"

Arise all men of just cause and brave heart

The time is nigh for all valiant men to stand for right

Take up your tools of field and hearth with steady hand

To lay aside your soul for Gorons plight

Fear not your mortal soul nor bodies pain

But lay waste the enemies of the black Wizard arts

Rise to glory in Prillians seat that you may live in Goron's light

At the first gesture from the Wizard, the Black Dragons took flight from their hiding place behind the ridges; the Bronzes were already streaming over the far off ridge, where they had been patiently waiting.

"Stay here my love and help those you can, we can handle all the Blacks have got but the mortals will need your help down here."

Galland took to the air in one mighty leap of strained sinew and muscle, his wings sending great clouds of ash laden dust into the air.

Bragill turned to Matise and the others of the leaders, his Claw jumping into his hand as the multitudes of the Wizard began to form up into their attacking lines.

From wall to wall of the widest part of the Valley, the enemy formed up into lines of heavy set pike-men, ten rows deep, their pikes a vicious steel curtain pushed out in front of them. Behind them came row upon row of spear carrying giants with a large bronze shield held strapped to one arm.

The Wizard was now standing on a small knoll at the rear of his forming army, directing them to where he wanted them to be. Behind the front two rows stood many archers of the type that had fought in the games. To Bragill's eyes, they seemed countless as they formed up into the lines.

Far to the rear of the formation were what Bragill though was some type of cavalry, the riders were small and slight of build and their mounts were almost serpentine in the movements. The addition of a long set of fangs on the mounts told of the ability to also be of harm as well as their riders.

Belhadria's troops remained hidden from the eyes of the Wizard due to a light spell by Con-Rad that covered them until needed and that time was rapidly approaching as he watched with bated breath, the numberless hordes forming down the Valley.

Matise spoke what the others were afraid to say.

"Well my friends, we are going to have our work cut out this day, I would hazard a guess at there being ten thousand or more of the enemy facing us, we'll have to be at our best to walk away after this day."

Mietan's rumbling voice broke the stillness about them.

"Ah, my friends, this is a great day to die, let them come to meet their fate, we stand or die in this Valley and those that come after us will know our deeds."

A silent nod of agreement followed this statement as they all looked again down the Valley at the masses already beginning to move slowly towards them.

Matise turned to Sentuse.

"I think it is time for your men to show themselves, Friend Sentuse."

Sentuse closed his eyes for a brief moment and on opening them he looked at the two sides of the Valley above them. There for all to see, as if by magic, stood all the Sentuse Archers, shafts notched and awaiting the command to loose their hail of death. Matise looked up expecting to see the few that had come to the original first meeting, instead he saw more than three hundred archers lined along the ridge top.

"Where...where did they come from?"

Sentuse answered the somewhat amazed commander.

"They were waiting until called."

A smile of wicked glee covered the face of Sentuse as he continued.

"Sometimes it is better to not let everyone know your business my little Friend."

Matise gave the tall man a bow, then, with a nod of his head to indicate that Sentuse could tell his men when to start at his own choosing, he stepped back and looked at Mietan.

"I don't suppose you have a few extra men hidden from me as well my Friend?"

"Unfortunately not Commander, but it would have been a good ruse if I had, we may need them before this day is done."

A sighing sound filled the air as the leaders of Belhadria stood watching the ranks before them. Matise looked up and saw not only the three hundred shafts in the air but already the second set on their way as well.

The archers had released two sets of shafts into the air faster than a man could take one breath, it was only moments before the third was also air-born before the first had found their targets. All around them was the sighing of the arrows as they sped in their set flight.

Matise estimated that the front rank of the enemy numbered some three hundred men as they were shoulder to shoulder across the Valley floor, it was with undisguised amazement that he watched the front rank fall to the ground with a shaft buried deeply into each chest.

Each arrow had found its mark and it was then that he realized how good fortune had smiled on them the day Sentuse had joined them.

"Sentuse, how did they know which man to aim for and not hit another with two arrows or more?"

Again Sentuse made the gesture with his forefinger towards his forehead.

"It is all in the third eye of each Sentuse who his target is and as you can plainly see, we don't like to waste our shafts on dead men."

The rain of arrows continued to lay waste to the ranks of the enemy until there were few of the pike men left to face them. It was not until the spearmen took their place that the arrows began to have a little less effect on the ranks. Their heavy shields protected them even though the shafts of the Sentuse penetrated the hard bronze they did not have the power left to pierce the men hiding behind.

The spearmen trudged forward, lowering their spears like the barbs of the porcupine, an unbreakable line of deathly steel forged the way ahead for them. Mietan lifted back his head and with a roar of animal bloodlust, called his men to him and made their way to the narrowest part of the Valley.

On his right side stood the large figure of his Son, smiling broadly at being allowed to stand with his father in his first battle. The narrowness of that part of the Valley meant that Mietan's forces were a solid mass of men only twenty wide but had the advantage of rank upon rank in depth, making it very hard for the enemy to break through them to the lighter equipped men at the rear.

The Wizards archers could not get close enough to be of much effect as the Sentuse's extra abilities kept them well out of range of the foot soldiery. All of them watched as the enemy spearmen closed with Mietan's fighters and it was becoming obvious to all that the ruse of using the narrowness of the Valley was working well in their favour.

The spearmen were being herded into a smaller and smaller area where their numbers were of less effect as they closed the distance with Mietan and his men. Only their size and length of spear made any difference but this was soon to be pushed aside by the ferocity of Mietan's men and their innate ability to call on a berserker rage when in the middle of a good fight.

Amid the carnage of the battle, three small figures could be seen dashing and spinning about the ranks of Mietan's men, they would see a wound on a soldier and, with no more than a heart beat, would lay a hand on the wound, become glazed of eye then leave to attend the next. The wound would be healed and the soldier would take his place in the ranks once again.

Only the dead could not be raised and when the little healers saw one, there would be a tear seen on his cheek as he rushed past. The onrush of spearmen continued until they met the men of Mietan, then, they would be held at bay while the slaughter continued,

The Wizards archers were now at a point where they could return the fire of the Sentuse, although ineffectual to a degree at such a range, the Sentuse took a toll of them with shaft after shaft until the sky was dark with the flying death.

Dust was rising in a dense cloud at the point of the front ranks, the melee of shouts and groans could be heard the length of the valley as spear clashed in a metal cacophony of anger with broad axe.

In the sky the Dragons were whirling in their many dances of death as Black and Bronze fought to the death in an ever-increasing spiral of talon and Aura. Among them all, in gleaming splendor was Galland, taking on any Black that would try to face him and at the same time protecting and directing his own forces.

The new tactics devised by Galland and Bragill were taking a heavy toll on the Black dragons as they could not work out how to deal with the unlimited surprises that Galland sprang for them.

As the leaders watched the ebb and flow of the battle they could see some two thousand lightly armed troops of the Wizard, moving forward at a tangent to the main fighting, it became evident that they were going to try to outflank the main fight.

Matise turned to Edrial who had been kept back to act as his relay messenger should the rest of the forces be needed.

"Go, Edrial and take command of those lighter troops, see if you can cut off that maneuver or at least delay them. If it looks as though it is getting to much with all those numbers, then pull back as slowly as you can to draw them further forward."

Edrial nodded without a word and as they watched his studded leather frame disappear behind the command post, Bragill asked Matise.

"Don't you think they are a little lightly armed for a confrontation like that?"

"No my dearest friend, the tactics he and the others have practiced will make a hole in those coming at the flank. They are not meant to beat them, only delay them, they know that and will do their best for us."

"But why just a delaying tactic?"

"It would appear that the Wizard wants a quick result, so if those light troops are held up then he may commit more of his men, then, we will ask Prince Khabreem to send his riders in behind them and cut them off from retreat, it will then be only a matter of surrender or slaughter for them."

"Where are the Bertacians boys?"

"Can you not see them Bragill?"

"No of course not."

"Then let's hope the Wizard does not see them either."

Matise smiled at his little joke on Bragill and then continued with his explanation.

"They are all over in the enemy camp, that is how we get to know what the Wizard is planning to do next. They've been in his camp since the Wizards arrival. Their information has so far been invaluable as you can see."

Bragill stood watching as the light troops of Goron made their first appearance on the field of battle, they consisted of all those men that were lightly armed with sword or mace, staff or sling. Each man took his position as he had been taught and advanced on the enemy. Although heavily outnumbered, Edrial's men had devised a tactic that they hoped would set unrest in the enemy ranks.

At the center, the troops with slings, staffs and pikes had formed up in the shape of a square phalanx, the sling men to the center and the staff men on the outsides; these formed the bulk of the ranks. Two troops of swords men mixed with others with lighter weaponry, divided into to troops, one to the left of the center and the other to the right.

As the center made contact with the enemy ranks, the two outer troops of swordsmen veered off to each side in an attempt to attack the open flanks of the oncoming soldiers. Slowly, the outer edges of the swordsmen moved ever wider until they were at the very edges of the attackers, they then turned inwards and slowly but surely began to encircle the oncoming men.

The center had held the front ranks and those in the rear began to fill out the thinning swordsmen as they moved further around the enemy until with aloud shout from the troops of Goron, they had encircled the advance and began the bloody task of cutting down every man in front of them.

Matise could see that the line was a little thin to hold for too long but the idea was to get the Wizard to commit more of his dwindling supply of troops. The dust and cries of wounded and dying men filled the air with a sound like no other as the opposing forces took and gave ground in a swaying dance of savagery.

The heavy smell of blood and gore would have made lesser men sick to their stomachs had there been any such present. For over an hour the two forces swayed back and forth, the three little boy healers, seemingly everywhere at once as they aided those that could be helped, to get back into the horror of the battle.

Overhead the battle of the Blacks had met with the same degree of loss as those on the ground, the ridges were scattered with the Black and Bronze bodies of the magnificent Dragons in their last throes of death.

Suddenly, as though some strange rope had been pulled, there was a sombre quietness come over the battleground and the clear sharp notes of a trumpet could be heard throughout the Valley. With as much haste as could be summoned, the soldiers of the Wizard began to pull back towards where he stood in obvious frustration at his losses thus far.

Bragill and the other leaders watched with awe as the tired and wounded retreated back to their lord and master, leaving the field and their dead behind. A loud tumultuous roar went up from the troops of Goron as they celebrated their first win in the conflict.

Matise looked at the others and with a steady voice and a worried look on his face, let his thoughts speak out.

"So far we have won the first battle, what worries me is that the Wizard has not used his power to take part. I have a feeling he was testing us to see what he would have to do. We'll have to be more than ready the next time."

The leaders began to discuss their strategy for the next phase of the day, all knew that the battle and the war had to be won today as they did not have the troops to fight a long sustained war with a man as powerful as the Wizard and his minions.

Mietan appeared with his strapping son by his side, his large hand draped over the boys shoulder and grinning wildly.

"Now my friends, that was a good fight, let's hope they will be back for more."

"You can be sure of that Mietan, this is only a temporary reprieve I'm sure. The wizard is not about to give up that easily."

"That's as maybe Commander, but thanks to those little sprites, our losses have been kept to a minimum. Those little triplets are a wonder of the age; they float like small birds, everywhere at the same time. Our forces would be halved by now if it weren't for their aide."

"How many have we lost Mietan?"

"With the lights of Edrial and my own it is two hundred that have gone to Prillian this day, those that were wounded are being brought back by the sprites this very minute."

Matise, along with Bragill, looked down at the field of horror below them, the tangled mass of dead and dying littered the Valley from side to side. The carnage had been most vicious where Mietan and his heavy troops had made their stand.

"What would you estimate their losses Mietan?"

"With the archers of Sentuse I would hazard a guess at more than two thousand of them slain, of the Dragons I would not know as they have fallen far and wide."

At that moment a gust of wind lifted the dust from the ground as Galland landed close to the group of leaders. His sides were scratched and some scales were missing from his flanks as well as a tear in one gossamer wing.

Bragill rushed to him and threw himself around one massive leg, a pair of soft human hands encircled his waist as Galland took him up close to his chest and held him tightly.

"My love, I missed you but we had a good result, the Blacks are well mauled and I think they are not to ready for another fight. We have lost one hundred and fifty of our followers but the Blacks had even more. The new flying formations worked well and took them by surprise."

Bragill reached his slender arms around as much of Gallands head as he could and placed his lips close to the lips of his Soul.

"I'm glad you are not to badly hurt my love, I tried to keep you in sight but there was to much going on down here."

"Well it looks as though the Wizard has gone back to rethink his position, what have you planned for the next attack Matise?"

"We are going to use the Prince and his riders this time if they attack from the front again. Mietan's men will take the same place but Prince Khabreem and his riders will be hidden behind them, when the enemy attacks, Mietan and his men will fall back at the last minute and allow the prince and his men to charge. If the charge is broken or slowed to much then Mietan will take his men into the fray."

"How are your men Sentuse?"

"We lost only seven in the return fire, it is nothing, and we can hold the heights as long as you need."

"Good, then I'll return to my Bronzes, the boys of Sentai are tending to those with wounds, how those little ones find the energy is beyond understanding."

Galland leant down to place Bragill back on the ground after giving him a long drawn out kiss, that passed all his love into the boy that was his soul, and took to the air to fly to the ridge top where his Bronzes were resting.

The group watched below them as the ragged and bloodied remnants of the Wizards forces limped or crawled back to their master in their defeat. Had Bragill not known better he would have filled his eyes with tears at the waste of humanity on the Valley floor.

Another hour passed without a move from the Wizard, the field below looking and starting to smell like a cattle slaughterhouse. The army of Goron took the advantage of the break in battle to fill their bellies and drink their thirsts away; they all knew that this lull was not going to last for long.

As expected, the Wizard began his next onslaught just as the men were returning to their positions. From the ridge behind the Wizard came a rush of wings, as the Blacks once again took to the air but this time, they were to be aided by something that made all of the men on the ground shudder and some to start to doubt their chances of winning the day.

There, flying higher than the Blacks were three Red Dragons, their bright shining Aura's of Mage power surrounding them like a cloak of disaster. Bragill watched as his beloved took his Bronzes into the sky to meet this latest threat to the lands of Goron.

Before any of the leaders could take notice of the developing battle in the air, they heard the tread of feet coming from well down the valley out of sight. At that moment Streb appeared at Matise's side.

"Lord Commander, Efan sends this report. The wizard has formed an army of the dead and is sending them against you now. We don't know how you can defend against them as the Wizard has said nothing in his planning tent."

Matise turned to the small figure and nodded his thanks.

"Are you all safe over there in his camp?"

"Yes Commander, they will never see us there."

"Can you ask Efan to keep close to the Wizard as is safe for you all, and try to hear something that will help us?"

"It is our plan to do so Commander, I must return now, we will inform you as soon as we hear something."

With that Streb disappeared just as silently as he had arrived.

"Do any of you know how to deal with this new threat?"

A soft cough from behind the group caught their attention, turning; the group saw the triplets of Sentai standing hand in hand. The boy in the middle spoke up.

"Commander, we have heard stories of the raising of the dead to use as a final solution to a battle. There is only two ways that they can be defeated. The first is for the Wizard to call them back to the soil, or for one to take his life force from him and the dead will return from whence they came."

"Is there no other solution, my young friends?"

"Alas Commander, none that we know of."

"My thanks to you and for all the good work you are doing to help our fighting men."

"It is our duty Commander."

Matise smiled at the little boys, now known as the Three Sprites, by all the troops due to Mietan's insistence that they were somehow divine. The group now all wore heavy frowns on their faces at this last piece of most unwelcome news.

Mietan decided to speak what the others could only think.

"Well my friends, it looks as though it is all or nothing for us now, what say you?"

Matise took a deep breath and, after letting it out slowly, turned to the men around him.

"Friends, this is going to be the final battle by the look of the masses at the end of the Valley. Any men who would like to call enough and take their leave, then I advise you gather them now and leave us to see to the end and nothing will be thought the less of them. This is going to be a day of death for many of us so I will not hold any of you or your men to a final finish. It is up to you, friends, to stay may be certain death?"

The small group stood silent until Sentuse, with a shrug of his shoulders, smiled at the others and turned to leave. Mietan's rasping voice called out.

"So you would leave us this day Sentuse?"

"Only to see that my men send their prayers to Prillian before we start the slaughter."

"Well Commander, my men and I did not come all this way to run like dogs. Kodar, time for your Skeer."

With a broad smile, Kodar reached behind his back, as did Mietan, and took from their belt a thin short bladed knife. Looking at Matise the two then lay the sharp edge across their forearm and, as they drew the thin knife across their skin, drawing blood, Mietan spoke up.

"Commander, my men and I leave this field of death when this blood ceases to flow from our veins."

The two replaced the Skeer at their backs and with a smile turned to take up a position with their men.

"Prince Khabreem, how do you say?"

"Commander, we are yet to be blooded and we will not leave until this is done, if we are to be able to roam freely on the lands of Goron, then we must stand and fight."

Suddenly Efan appeared next to Bragill and with a hint of a devilish smirk began to speak to Matise.

"Commander, my brothers are going to cause a little disruption in the ranks of the Wizards Mortals, by our laws we can not take a mans life but they say nothing of causing another to do it. Would this be of assistance to your army?"

"It certainly would my friend, how do you propose to take care of them?"

"Just keep an eye on their ranks as they follow those raised by the Wizard. Lord Praedor have you good sight?"

"Yes Efan, I have been blessed with Dragon sight and hearing from my Soul."

"Look to the Wizard, tell Commander Matise what you can see, I think it may be a help at some time."

With those last words Efan disappeared again to return behind the lines of the enemy with his brothers. Bragill turned and looked down the valley at where the Wizard was standing on a large rock behind his ranks of men.

The Wizard was standing with one arm outstretched above his head, the fingers wide spread and emitting a strange flowing tendril of red Mage power, the other hand was also spread but this one was aimed at the hordes of the raised dead and showing a dark mist like tendril as it continued to raise from the ground, immortal man after immortal man.

The base of the Valley was now choked with the living dead, those being formed at the rear pushing those in front further forward in a never ending sea of ghoulish soldiers. At last Bragill saw what Efan had seen and had his vision not been enhanced by his Galland he would have missed the portent of it.

The Wizard now stood as a man of middle age and not as the Teen boy he had been at the games, even as he watched Bragill saw the Wizard shiver and age another year or two.

"Matise, the effort of using so much Mage power is aging the Wizard, maybe if we can hold the dead long enough, the Wizard will begin to weaken."

"Yes Bragill, but can we hold them. Look at the number he has called already, there must be ten thousand of them and they are still rising, with the mortals as well it is an army that we will not walk away from alive. That is the only short coming of this valley, we have no way out but through them so we stand and fight."

At that moment Bragill felt a shiver run through his body, with trepidation he lifted his head to the sky. The first thing to be seen was the brightness of Gallands Blue Aura; the Second were the three Red's in line abreast as they neared the white dragon.

The six Bronzes of the guard split into two groups of three and turned to meet the two dragons on the left and right of the one in the center, Galland had chosen to fight alone against this one. The Bronzes formed up in a triangle, one above and one below, the third was placed in the center but behind the others.

As he watched Bragill could see the Aura of the reds getting stronger as they neared the seven attacking them. Blast after blast of Bronze aura shot forward to be consumed by the Reds as they absorbed the attack, weakening the Bronzes by taking their very power from them.

Gallands extra strength and power gave him a better fighting chance but even he was being sucked of his aural power as he tried to blast the Red from the sky. Bragill glance down the valley at the Wizard again and saw that he was now aging a little faster than before but not enough to give the Dragons a chance to beat the Reds.

The oncoming mass of Ghoul Soldiers was now nearing the middle of the Valley, leaving no more than minutes before they made contact with the defenders of Goron. Matise looked down at his gathered men on the Valley floor.

"I must go to them, they will need every sword to hold those ranks."

For the first time in nearly two hours, Con-Rad spoke up.

"Then it remains for me to go after the Wizard, I know I can't beat him but it may give you a chance of living through this my love."

"You can't go alone, my savior, if you are going after him then I come with you. There's nothing more I can do here but await the outcome."

"No my love, if he see's you he will go after you to delay me, it's better for me to try alone."

"No my love, this we do together, I could never live if you were not by my side, it's better this way, we go together my sweet."

A tear fell down the cheek of Con-Rad as he saw the extent of Matise's love for him, although he had never doubted it.

"Then we meet the Wizard together."

Con-Rad reached for Matise's hand, and, after a kiss on his palm, they began to walk across the ridge to where the Wizard stood with his hands now sending brighter shards of mist towards his henchmen.

Bragill now stood alone and as he lifted his eyes to the sky he saw the two sets of Bronzes start their final attack on their chosen Reds. The center Bronze flew straight at the head of the Red, the two that flew apart began to fly to the sides, the tactic was now more evident to Bragill's eyes and as the Bronzes began their encircling movement, the Red tried to bring down the center Dragon.

The blast of raw mage power sent out by the Red sent the center Bronze into a fluttering bird of death just as the other two attacked, one from below, the other from above. It became a turmoil of flying talons and wings as the two bronzes grappled frantically with the Red.

The Red had consumed all of their aura power and now they had decided to attack physically and take the Red to the ground between them. As both sets of Bronzes began their earthward dive with the Red held tight between them, Bragill heard their final cry in his head.

"For Goron and for the Praedor."

The two writhing masses of Red and Bronze Dragons fell behind the ridge as he watched. Looking over to the Wizard he now saw a stronger lance of red light leading up to the remaining Red as it fought with Galland.

His soul was fighting hard but even to Bragill's mind he knew that the fight was unequal and that his Soul was tiring rapidly. At that moment their came a tumultuous cry from the Valley, the first of the Ghoul Soldiers had met with the assembled ranks of Goron's defenders.

The scene below Bragill became covered in rising clouds of dust as the defenders tried to slay the living dead. As men fell with wounds the small frames of the Three Sprites could be seen flashing and dashing in and out of the ranks, trying to save those they could reach.

As each Enemy fell he was replaced with another grown by the Wizard in a never-ending supply. The defenders began to slowly be pushed back towards the rear of the valley as they fought bravely against odds that were forever renewable.

With his vision improved by his Dragon Soul, Bragill could now see the Wizard had aged to that of a bent backed old man, although his power did not seem to diminish as he kept both the last Red Dragon and the Ghoul Soldiers fighting as strong as ever.

Galland realized he was fighting a loosing battle with the Mage Dragon being aided by the Wizard, his Aura was no longer strong enough to attack the Red and he had to resort to using what power he had left to try to defend himself from the constant attacks of the hard Red blasts from his foe.

The last blast had stunned him and he knew that his time was going to be short, there was only one thing he could do before being over powered by the Red. Galland broke contact with the Red and dived low then before his nemesis could react he used a last powerful thrust of his mighty wings to climb high above the scene of the battle.

Leaving the Red Dragon confused by his disappearance, Galland called to his Soul Mate, Bragill, his sweet Brae of the gentle nature and loving arms.

Bragill felt it before he heard the call, There came a heavy deadening weight, deep in the middle of his soul, then, in his head came the tired almost beaten voice of his Soul and lover.

"Brae my love, I'm nearly done, I can't fight both the Dragon and the power of the Wizard. There's one thing only I can do for you and that's break the covenant of the Krou and release you so that you may live on after I am gone. I'm sorry my greatest Love, that I could not keep you from harm."

"Galland my soul, NO, Come down and get me, we face this together as it should be."

"No my love, you deserve better than a quick end with me, please my Soul accept my offer and be free."

Bragill felt the crushing weight of the Red Aural Blast as it hit Galland in the chest. Bragill's heart wrenching cry was cut short as his head was filled with a bright flashing in his head as though a thousand golden stars had filled his very mind.

To those in the Valley that could hear the high pitched scream from the Soul of the White Dragon, it appeared that the small dark haired boy became consumed by a bright white light and stood on the crest of the ridge like a beacon far brighter than the very sun.

To Bragill's mind there came only a deep compassionate and distant voice as though from the very God's of Prillian.

"You are the Keeper of the Claw, go to your soul, you are two who shall be one, Victory is yours when the white turns to gold."

The Wizard lifted his head to see the shining star on the far ridge, smiling he readied himself for the last killing blow at the White Dragon.

Something was dragging annoyingly at his legs and with a contemptuous glance he looked down only to see thick green vines growing from the ravaged soil of the stones where he stood. A young but chilling voice came to his ears.

"Face me Wizard of Gestan, for I am here to send you to a place where even you will never return."

"Ahh, my little apprentice, so you think you can defeat me, even after using my power to aide my Ghoul Army and the last Red Dragon, I still have plenty left to teach you a lesson."

Without another thought the Wizard dropped his arms for the first time in two hours of battle, instantly a roar was set up from the Valley and as he looked down again to the battle lines and realized his error.

As his arms dropped the tendrils leading to the Ghouls broke and the dreadful army sank without a sound into the ground but his mortal army could now attack with impunity towards the small number of Defenders left in the fight.

The army of Goron had lost close to fifty percent of their men in the savage battle with the Ghoul army and was now less in number and weaker from the long fight. The Wizard turned to look at Con-Rad, as the boy stood not twenty paces from him holding aloft his aged staff, Matise by his side with sword drawn ready to defend in any way he could, his lover.

"You are no match for me Apprentice, go away with your little boy lover."

"Is that fear in your voice, Wizard, mayhap you are afraid to face a follower of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water?"

"Bah, Apprentice, should you live for a thousand years you would be no match for me."

The Wizard sent a fiery blast of power at Con-Rad, sending the youth spinning backwards to the ground. A large granite boulder appeared in front of the Wizard blocking his view from the boy, again the Wizard sent out a bolt of power to shatter the boulder before him, Con-Rad was no-where in sight.

A thick mist formed around the Wizard as he turned to make out the vague outline of the boy behind him, the mist closed in tighter until he found it hard to breath, with a yell of frustration the Wizard sent a final powerful blast at the youth just as he felt something brush across his chest.

Con-Rad was thrown to the ground again but this time the light of day began to fade into darkness as he saw his lover Matise slash his sword across the chest of the distracted Wizard and heard the loud cry from his lover as the darkness overtook him.

Matise stepped back from the Wizard, his sword out-thrust before him in defense of his lover lying on the ground, his other hand behind his back. The Wizard looked down on the boy Commander.

"So, the little boy who would be a Commander, you want to join the fight little boy?"

"The fight is over Wizard."

The Wizard laughed with the sound of a man in full control of all about him, the underlying derision in his voice was unmistakable.

"What with that puny toy, you are going to defeat me, the most powerful Wizard of the Dark Arts, I think not little Commander."

"Not with this sword Wizard, but this."

The Wizard watched as Matise took his hidden hand from behind his back and opened his palm. The sight of the object in Matise's hand made the wizard look down at his chest, now he understood why he had felt no pain from the sword, for there in the palm of the boy lay the Green Jewel from his chest, plucked clean by the art of the swordsman.

The first reaction of the Wizard was fear, then came a pleading look and at last one of rage and anger.

"Return it now boy and you might live, if not I will lay you down forever with that Apprentice."

"Destroy me and you destroy your Soul Wizard."

"I think not boy, give it to me now."

Matise dropped the Jewel on the ground between his feet, it lay there emitting a force of evil as Matise stood strong above it.

"Come and take it Wizard."

The Wizard lifted both hands out in front of his chest and as he closed his eyes to summon all his mighty power he felt a sharp agonizing pain deep in his very soul. Opening his eyes with surprise he looked at the right foot of Matise as he ground the Green Jewel to dust under his boot heel.

The Wizards cry matched that of Bragill's as he felt his body begin to disintegrate around him, his many eons of evil destroyed by a boy with no Mage power except his love for a young apprentice who was fading from his short fight with a Wizard far older than all present in that valley of blood.

On the Valley floor also came disruption and chaos as somehow the mortal army of the Wizard began to fight among them selves as men from different provinces turned on their neighbours and began to slay any near them. The Defenders of Goron saw the chaos of their foe and attacked with every fibre of their being. Within minutes the Valley became a place of total rout as the sudden attack of the defenders and the loss of the power of the Wizard overtook the army.

The Red Dragon now had final victory in his sight as Galland tried with his last breath to come to grapple with his foe, deep in his mighty heart, Galland knew that he would not see his beautiful Brae again and that he had no more to give.

The stark white light that was Bragill shot with amazing power, skywards to finally come to rest on the back of the beaten White Dragon. The sky was filled with a shimmering never seen before by man or beast and then, with a final blast of raw power, Galland, with Bragill mounted between his wing, turned into a great Dragon of Gold and with a power that could be felt even to the men on the Valley floor, rose like a reborn Phoenix high into the afternoon sky and there to send out a pure blast of Gold Aura to incinerate the once powerful Red Mage Dragon.

Apart from the rattle and thunder of retreating feet of the beaten mortal army, there was no other sound as the two victors, high in the heavens sent out a double cry of success for all to hear. Minutes later, Bragill and Galland set themselves on the Valley floor amid the army of Goron, the losses had been high among the army of defenders but none doubted the cost well worth the demise for all time of the Wizard Knight of Gestan.

The leaders came forward to pay homage to the Golden Dragon and his One Soul, Edrial, bloodied and tired, Sentuse, with the tears of loss for his fallen brothers. Mietan, the unbeatable, now crying for the loss of his son in the gore of the final battle, but showing a pride also in that his son had gone to Prillian with honour in his soul. Efan and Streb, stood with the leaders, the architects of the disarray in the ranks of the mortal soldiers, only Matise and Con-Rad were missing but soon all there heard the soft sobs of a boy who has lost all he loved.

They all turned as one towards the sobbing and saw Matise carrying Con-Rad in his arms, the tears of anguish falling down his cheeks in a torrent of love for his savior. The last blast of power from the Wizard had done its evil deed in felling Con-Rad as he tried to distract him for Matise to get the jewel of his soul.

Matise lay Con-Rad on the ground at the feet of the leaders and with shaking shoulders, poured out his torment from deep within himself. The shuffling of small feet made Matise look up.

Before him stood the Three Sprites of the Sentai, the middle boy smiled at Matise and with a child like voice spoke to him.

"He has not yet gone to Prillian, stand aside, let us see to him Lord Commander."

The three little boys knelt down beside Con-Rad's comatose body and lay their hands on him, a look of exhaustion came over the little faces as they poured everything they had, into bringing back the lover of their Commander. Minutes passed as they worked their wonders and slowly Con-Rad's eyes opened to look up at Matise as he stood above him with such deep concern, that Con-Rad sent him a small weak smile.

"Would I leave you my love?"

"Con, my Con, you're back, by the gods my love, I thought I had lost you."

The three boys got to their feet and with a hug for each other, clasped hands and stepped back for Matise to kneel beside Con-Rad. Taking his lover's hand he leant forward and kissed him deeply on the lips then hugged him close.

It was finally over for the defenders of Goron and, at the command of Galland, the army began the dire task of laying claim to the dead and preparing to do honour to all those fallen in the defense of their new land.

Another week passed before full honours were done for the fallen, the survivors could then start to look ahead to a new life in this land that had cost so much, but, had given also more love than any man could desire in five life times.

The lands of Gestan were given to Matise and Con-Rad as an honour for all they had been prepared to sacrifice and all the remaining men of the army were given their own holdings either in Goron or Gestan as payment for the vital stand against odds that could have been their end.

In their bedroom, Galland still came to show his love to Bragill as the lithe, silken, white skinned boy that he had been on their first day of love and lust in that cave so long ago. Bragill's love for his Dragon Soul grew more each day and his heart became so full of it that he marveled at how he had become so lucky to be chosen as the Soul Rider of the Prince, now King of Goron.


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