Whitey Tighties

By gay slave

Published on Apr 12, 2019


From the first chapter:

I smiled, and continued to wear my Master's cum as a badge of honor. Tired from the sexual excitement and walk home through the forest naked, I collapsed on the covers of my bed and fell asleep, covered in my Master's dried cum and dreaming only of serving my Master again in the future.

I woke up the next day, feeling something dried on my face, hair, and chest as a I rolled over in bed. Once I realized it was my Master's cum, my cock instantly hardened. It was confirmation that what had happened last night was real. I had sat in a stranger's car wearing nothing but my whitey tighties and shoes and sucked him off as he drove. I had kneeled naked on the ground as he came in my hair and on my face and chest. I came in my underwear and gave them to him as a symbol of my subservience. I had walked home naked.

I lay in bed, thinking about my experience the night before and slowly stroking my cock that was now covered in precum. As I tried to remember the events of the night before, I remembered one of my new Master's directions: to check my phone every day. I reached over to my nightstand, grabbed my phone, and opened up the app. A notification appreared, and I opened it. A photo of me, naked at my front door with my shorts in hand, popped up in the chat. My new Master must have been the one to take the photo. It was followed by some text.

BoyMaster: I saw you made it home safely last night, boy. I hope you're prepared for the commitment you made.

If my cock wasn't already as hard as it could be, it would have gotten harder. A drop of precum dripped out.

whitey tighties: Yes, Sir. I am ready to serve you.

BoyMaster: Good boy. I want you to meet me tonight on the road where I left you last night, just after dark. Wear only your shoes and another pair of your whitey tighties. Bring a drawstring bag will all your underwear in it, dirty or clean, no matter what kind.

I wondered why my new Master wanted me to bring him all of my underwear, and the thoughts of what he would do made my cock leak even more precum.

whitey tighties: Yes, Sir. I will meet You there tonight just after dark.

BoyMaster: Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, boy. Take a nap; you may be out late.

whitey tighties: Yes, Sir.

BoyMaster: One more thing, boy. From now on, whenever possible, you will be either naked or just wearing your whitey tighties. Do you understand, boy?

whitey tighties: I understand, Sir.

With that acknowledgement, I closed the app and sat up in bed. I contemplated taking a shower, but I remembered my Master's words: "Wear my cum like a badge of honor."

I resolved to show him my commitment by keeping his cum on me all day. I got out of bed and walked over to my dresser. Although I had the whole day to prepare, I figured it wouldn't hurt to get my underwear ready now. I pulled everything out of the drawer and laid it out on my bed, assessing my underwear inventory.

I had eight more pairs of whitey tighties, four pairs of boxer briefs, four pairs of boxers, and one jock strap. My step-father had bought the boxer briefs and boxers when he decided it was time for me to grow up and out of the whitey tighties; I gave them a try once and didn't like them. I had bought the jock strap online a year ago as a birthday present for myself, hiding it from my parents.

I set aside one pair of whitey tighties and then packed up the other 16 pairs of underwear. I had just pulled the bag shut when I remembered the pair of whitey tighties I had jacked off into Friday night. They were still under my bed. I grabbed them, feeling the dried cum inside. I reopened the drawstring bag, put the soiled pair of whitey tighties inside, and closed it up, ready for the evening.

I spent the rest of the day lounging around the house, naked all of the time. My mother called mid-afternoon and told me that their weekend trip was going to be extended past Monday. They had gone to visit my grandfather, who had forbidden me from seeing him after I came out as gay. He had started developing dementia, but still knew to call me a "dirty faggot who would go to hell" if he saw me, so I stayed home. I was glad my parents wouldn't be returning soon; I liked having the house to myself, and I wanted to walk around naked and have the freedom to leave to serve my new Master without any questions being asked.

I spent the late afternoon doing some chores: cleaning my room, washing all of my non-underwear laundry, and cleaning out my ass. I wasn't sure if my Master wanted to fuck me, but I was going to be prepared. Around 6:00 p.m., the doorbell rang. I glanced out my window to see if anyone was there, but all I saw was a truck driving away. I walked to the door and looked through the peephole, then, seeing no one, opened the door, still naked. There was an unsealed box with a note on it.

"To: boy, from: Sir. Wear these tonight as well."

I opened the box to find a medium-sized butt plug and a cock ring. My cock immediately jumped to attention as I realized I was standing naked in the doorway and holding a butt plug and a cock ring. I put the items back in the box and brought them inside. I walked up to my room to try them out. With some lube and a little pressure, the butt plug popped into my ass. It hit my prostate, pushing a small amount of precum out of my hard cock. I pulled it out, then let my cock soften before slipping the cock ring over my cock and balls. Once it was in place, I pushed the plug back into my ass, making my cock harden again.

I looked in the mirror, turning myself on even more when I saw my cock standing straight out from my body, pushed up by my balls, and the base of the plug sticking out of my ass. I was definitely ready for whatever my Master had in store for me this evening, and I figured it was time to head over so I could be there by nightfall. I slipped on my whitey tighties, then my tennis shoes. I grabbed the bag with my underwear and threw it on over my bare shoulders. I walked downstairs to the back door, locking it and then hiding my keys and phone in a plant on the back patio. I walked out the back gate to my yard and into the woods, barely lit by the last remaining echoes of daylight.

Once I was in the woods, I walked as straight as I could away from my house. It was slightly brighter than the previous night when I had walked through the woods naked, and I avoided any branches and twigs that could have scratched me. After about fifteen minutes of walking, the trees started to thin out. I was approaching the road. I cautiously looked to see if there was anyone driving, but I couldn't see any cars. I stepped slightly out of the woods, but avoided getting too close to the road. It was almost pitch black now, with no streetlights on this road.

A truck's headlights shone around the corner. I was nervous, but I somehow knew it was my Master's truck. I walked closer to the road and waited. The truck slowed down as it drove up to me. My Master's voice spoke from the truck.

"I see you're still wearing my cum, boy. I like your commitment. Now take off the underwear, boy."

My cock jumped to attention and I did as he commanded, dropping my whitey tighties to my ankles and removing them from my legs one at a time.

"Give them to me," my Master said from the truck. I handed them over.

I stood outside the truck, naked except my shoes and the drawstring bag on my back, and watched as my Master grabbed a pocketknife from a cupholder. He took the knife and poked a hole in the underwear near the waistband on the back. He set down the knife and pushed his fingers through the hole. Suddenly, he ripped my underwar from back to front. He threw them back at me.

"Put these back on as best you can," he said with a smirk. I pulled them over my shoes and up my legs, my hard cock and butt plug open to the air through the giant rip.

"Do you have any underwear in that bag that aren't whitey tighties?" He asked.

"Yes, Sir," I responded.

"Destroy them," he commanded, handing the knife out of the car. "Cut the waistband in the back and rip them all the way forward."

I grabbed the knife and took the bag of underwear off my back. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if my stepfather would notice that half of my underwear were gone. My cock decided it was time to act, and I opened the drawstring bag. I pulled out the first pair of boxer briefs and made the cut as my Master instructed. I took ahold of the waistband on either side of the cut and pulled apart, tearing the underwear from back to front. After I reached the front of the waistband, I looked up at my Master.

"Good boy. Now throw them behind you," he said.

I tossed them behind me, not caring if I ever saw them again. My cock leaked a drop of precum as I reached into the bag for the next pair. I continued for several minutes, tearing apart the remaining pairs of boxer briefs and the boxers. Finally, I pulled out the jockstrap.

"Nice jockstrap, boy. Let's save that one. Have you destroyed everything I asked?"

"Yes, Sir," I responded, wondering what he would command next.

"Good, boy. Now hand me the drawstring bag with the rest of your underwear," he said. I passed the bag through the window, realizing that my Master now had the only intact pairs of underwear I owned.

"If you want your remaining underwear, meet me outside of your house in 10 minutes," he stated. "Better start running."

He drove off. I stood, bewildered for a second, then realized I needed to go. I ran back toward the trees, my hard cock bouncing as I passed the pairs of underwear I had just destroyed. The butt plug pulled at my ass, but I continued, dodging trees and twigs. Suddenly, I hit the ground, landing in a patch of mud. I must have not seen a root sticking out of the ground. I slowly got up. The left side of my chest, my left thigh, and the left part of my whitey tighties were covered in mud. I debated just going straight home, but I knew I needed to get my in-tact underwear back. I started running again.

I was running as quickly as I could with the plug in my ass, and I spotted my house through the trees. I ran toward the back fence, then around the side. I saw my Master's truck parked under the streetlight, and I ran straight to it.

"Good timing, boy. Just 10 seconds early. Now you might be able to get your underwear back. Get in the truck."

I grabbed the passenger-side door handle and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"You're covered in mud, boy, and you haven't showered in over a day. You're filthy, like the pig you are. You ride in the back," He stated.

I walked to the back of the truck and climbed in. I laid down, still catching my breath from my run, as the truck sped off. We drove down my street, then turned, continuing out of the neighborhood. I remained as flat as I could in the back of the truck, hoping to remain unseen. I felt us stop at a light, and then we continued, speeding up even faster. We must have gotten on the highway. I knew not many people drove after dark on a Sunday, but I still feared being seen. Luckily, most personal cars were too low to see into the back of the truck. After a few minutes of driving, I saw some light hit the back of the truck cabin. A tractor-trailer was driving next to the truck.

I wondered whether the driver could see me. My question was answered when I heard the truck honk. Although it was dark, I knew my face was red with embarassment. My cock, however, was harder than ever and leaked precum like a faucet. A stranger knew that I was a dirty pig, riding almost naked in the back of my Master's truck. I half-hoped my Master would pull over and let the tractor-trailer driver have his way with me, but we kept driving.

A few minutes later, we pulled off the highway and continued down a small two-lane road. We turned again, and I felt the road change to gravel. Above me, trees covered the stars. I wondered what I had gotten myself into. My Master, whose name I did not even know, could be taking me anywhere, and no one would know where I was. He could tie me up in a barn and keep me there forever, using me when he wanted. My cock jumped at the thought.

The truck slowed down and stopped. The engine shut off, and for a brief moment, there was complete silence. I heard my Master open his door, get out, and slam it shut. He came and looked over into the bed of the truck.

"Get up, boy, and get out of my truck," he instructed. I stood up and jumped out of the truck, forgetting for a second that I still had a butt plug in. It pushed at my asshole when I hit the ground, and I groaned. I saw that we were at a fairly secluded farm house. In the darkness, I could see that it had been kept up very well, and I wondered what it looked like inside.

"Let's get you cleaned up," my Master said, as he led me over to a hose on the side of the house. He turned it on, spraying me. The water was fairly warm at first, have sat in part of the hose all day, but it quickly cooled. He rinsed all of the mud off of me, as well as his cum from the night before. My whitey tighties were soaked, and any remaining covered skin was now visible.

"Now that you're clean, let's have you start earning back those underwear. Here's what will happen. Each time you see me, you have the chance to earn back one pair. If you serve me well, you get a pair of underwear back. After you've earned all of your underwear back, we'll consider the status of your servitude. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied, eagerly.

My Master led me around the side of the house. We passed by a door, but didn't enter. We approached a picnic table sitting in the middle of the backyard area. No trees covered the area where the table was, and my still-wet skin shone in the moonlight.

"Bend over the table, boy," my Master commanded. I bent over the table, and he pulled the butt plug unceremoniously from my ass. I gasped, and my hole felt empty. He pulled on my wet underwear, finally ripping them beyond wear. He threw them away from the table. I heard the sound of a zipper being opened, and then felt my Master's cock press on my hole. It entered with almost no resistance, and I felt full. I moaned loudly. "Fuck yes," my Master said, pulling out and ramming his cock back in. "I'm going to destroy your ass, boy."

He sped up, fucking me harder and harder. I held on to the table and enjoyed the ride. His cock brushed up against a part of me inside, sending shivers up my spine. I never wanted my Master to stop fucking me, and it felt like he wouldn't. He pulled me off of the table and pushed me down to the ground. He grabbed my hips and pulled them upward, fucking me like an animal. I was in ecstasy.

"I see you're enjoying yourself, boy," he said, not interrupting the thrusts of his cock into my ass.

"Yes...Sir," I responded, out of breath. "Thank... you, Sir."

"For what, boy?"

"For fucking... me, Sir... for... using my... hole... Sir. I am... nothing but... a hole... for you... to use... Sir."

"That's right, boy," he declared, continuing to fuck my ass as hard as he could. After a few more minutes, he pulled out. "Turn around, boy," he commanded, pulling my hair. I turned to face him, and was met with a volley of cum on my face. He grunted as he continued to cum, spraying into my hair and down my chest. I loved being covered in my Master's cum.

"Clean my cock, boy," he said, and I moved to lick his cock, tasting both his cum and my own ass. After a minute of cleaning his cock, he pulled up his pants and zipped up his fly. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up, then led me toward a smallish barn near the back fence.

"I just cleaned you, and you've already gotten yourself filthy again, boy. Maybe I'll keep you out here in the barn tonight like the animal you are."

"If it pleases you, Sir," I began, "I would be honored to sleep in your barn."

He grabbed my hands and led me into the barn. Some moonlight shone in through cracks in the roof. It was warmer than outside, and I felt comfortable naked. He led me to a small pile of hay next to one of the walls and pushed me down. I landed flat on my back.

"You've served me well today, boy. Here's a pair of your underwear." He threw them at me, and they landed on my cum-covered chest. "When do you need to be back at your house, boy?"

"I don't have anything tomorrow, Sir. It's summer break," I stated.

"Good," he said, "You'll stay here tonight."

He started to leave, then turned back around. He opened the fly of his pants and pulled out his cock. He aimed it at me and started pissing. The strong smell of post-cum piss hit my nostrils as his piss landed on my chest. He moved his cock around, covering my whole body in his piss and soaking the pair of underwear he had just given me.

"One more reminder that you are mine now, boy," he stated as he put his cock away. He walked toward the barn door and began to shut it. "Sleep well, boy. You'll have a big day tomorrow." He walked out and closed the door behind him.

I lay on the hay, covered in my Master's piss and cum and with the piss-soaked underwear still on my chest, wondering what tomorrow would bring. I drifted off to sleep, ready to serve my Master when I awoke the next morning.

Thank you for reading chapter 2. Please be sure to support nifty.org as your are able at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html. Any and all feedback is welcome at naked.gay.slave@mail.com.

Next: Chapter 3

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