Whitey Tighties

By gay slave

Published on Apr 21, 2019


From the second chapter:

I lay on the hay, covered in my Master's piss and cum and with the piss-soaked underwear still on my chest, wondering what tomorrow would bring. I drifted off to sleep, ready to serve my Master when I awoke the next morning.

A stream of warm liquid hit my face and woke me from my slumber. I coughed as it entered my mouth, still dazed from being woken up so suddenly. I quickly remembered where I was: laying on a bed of hay in my Master's barn, naked and covered in cum and piss. My cock was still in the cock ring my Master gave me yesterday, and the only pair of underwear I owned was laying on my chest, soaked in piss. Now, my Master was pissing on me again to wake me up, even though it was still dark out. I opened my mouth to let my Master feed me his piss as I continue to lay on the hay, enjoying every moment of this. I never wanted it to end.

"Good morning, boy," my Master said, "I hope I didn't wake you too abruptly."

"No, Sir," I responded, still slightly groggy, "i am here to serve you."

"Good boy," He complimented, making my hard cock straighten. "I bet you're wondering what I have in store for you, and why I'm waking you up before dawn. I'll give you one opportunity to leave my service: if you want to leave, you can leave now. I'll drive you home before sunrise, and you'll never see me again. I'll keep all of your underwear for my troubles, including the pair you earned last night that I see you haven't even put on.

"If you stay, you'll work as my farm slave during the day today and my sex slave tonight. You may earn another pair of underwear back if I think you've satisfied me by the end of the night. Then, you'll head home and await further instructions. If you want to leave, put that pair of underwear on; I'll take it back when we get to your house. If you want to stay and serve me today, cum in that pair of underwear on your chest and give me them to me. You'll get them back tonight with another pair if you've served well. You have thirty seconds to decide."

Waking up, I had been completely turned on, but now I questioned whether I wanted to commit to a full day of hard labor. I knew I needed to get my underwear back, but I wondered if my Master would continue to destroy them as I earned them back, just like He had done with the pair I wore yesterday. I knew my parents would ask questions if I didn't have any underwear (and even if I did just have two pairs), but they also wouldn't be back home for a while.

"You have ten more seconds to decide, boy," my Master reminded. I wasn't entirely sure about staying and working, but I loved everything my Master had done so far. I grabbed the piss-soaked pair of underwear off my chest and moved them down toward my hard cock. With my other hand, I began stroking.

"I see you've made the right decision, boy. Now finish up so you can get to work." My Master's voice triggered something in my brain, and cum exploded out of my cock, filling the already-saturated pair of underwear. As I came down from the orgasm, my Master grabbed the pair of underwear off my chest and started walking out of the door.

"Follow me, boy," he commanded, pulling me out of my post-orgasm bliss. I got up and walked outside. Day had broken, and the sky was filling with light. I was tired from only having a few hours of sleep, and the orgasm hadn't helped. My stomach grumbled, and I realized I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. My Master led me over to the picnic table, which had a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns set on it, next to a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee.

"Time for breakfast," my Master stated, as my mouth watered. I started to walk toward the table to sit down, but my Master slapped me.

"That's not for you, boy. That's MY breakfast. Masters don't cook for slaves. Now crawl under the table. You'll suck me off and get a nice serving of protein. You need to finish me off before I finish my breakfast in order to earn your food." I did as he commanded, crawling under the table and pulling his cock out of his shorts. I heard him start to eat as I moved my mouth onto his cock and began to blow him. I worked his cock well out of fear of working the farm while hungry. After a few minutes, I knew he was close, and I prepared to swallow his seed.

"I'm almost finished, boy," he declared, "hurry up if you want to be fed." I sped up, and soon felt my Master's cock spasm in my mouth. His seed filled my throat, and I could taste his delicious cum. I heard an empty cup be set down on the table.

"You finished me just in time, boy. Good job. Now get out from under the table and follow me." He grabbed me and led me back toward the barn. A dog bowl was sitting on the ground filled with what looked like simple oatmeal. "Here's your breakfast, boy. Get to eating."

I couldn't see any utensils, and based on the fact that my food was in a dog bowl, I assumed my Master wanted me to eat it like a dog. I got down on my hands and knees and lowered my face to the bowl, trying to scoop the oatmeal into my mouth with my tongue. After a while, I got used to eating the oatmeal like a dog, and I licked the bowl clean, looking up at my Master after I finished.

"Almost time to start working, boy," he said. "But first, do you need to piss or shit? Speak now. You won't be allowed to in the fields." I nodded yes, and he led me to the side of the barn. "Go here, boy," he commanded. I squatted by the barn and tried to release my bowels. I didn't really need to go, but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't have to later. As I started shitting, I realized how crazy my situation was. Less than a week ago, I was a normal kid, fresh out of high school. Now, I was shitting outside in broad daylight, naked other than my shoes, as a man whose name I did not know supervised. I finished up, pissing as well, and my Master grabbed me and led me away from the house and barn.

"You'll start this morning by tilling this field and planting our summer corn crop," he stated as we approached an area of ground cover surrounded by trees. "You should be able to finish that by mid-day. If you need water, drink from the trough near the barn. You'll get a break in the afternoon, if you serve well."

"Yes, Sir," I responded, as I grabbed the hoe he handed me and started walking into the field. I had done a little bit of farm work before at my grandfather's farm, but doing it naked and in servitude to a Master felt much different. My cock was semi-hard thanks to the cock ring, and the erotic nature of working naked as a slave didn't help me soften. I began to till the field.

With clear skies and a bright sun I began to warm up quickly as I worked. After about thirty minutes, I took a water break. My Master was waiting for me by the water trough with a bottle of spray sunscreen. "Don't want you to get burned, boy," he said. "Spray yourself down, and reapply as needed. You'll still get a nice even tan though." He looked up and down at my naked body, chuckling at his joke. I applied the sunscreen, drank water, and got back to work.

A few hours later, I had finished more than half of the farm work when my Master approached, carrying a glass of thick off-white liquid. "I see you're serving me well, boy. Here's a bit of a snack for you," he said, handing me the glass. As I drank, I realized it was a protein shake meal replacement, but there were a couple flavors that were off. Hungry, I quickly finished the shake as my master laughed. "You really enjoyed that, boy, but do you know what it was?" He asked.

"A protein shake, Sir?" I responded.

"Yes," He confirmed, but with my piss as the base and with cum as extra protein for you. You really are a dirty little cum and piss whore. Maybe I'll keep you on a diet of those shakes."

My cock jumped at the thought of consuming my Master's cum and piss as part of my regular diet. "Thank you for the shake, Master. your slave would love to have more of them." I responded.

"Sure you would, boy. Now get back to work."

I gave the glass back to him and headed back to the field to finish up my morning work.

Mid day came and passed, and I was still working in the field. Around what I guessed was 2 p.m., I finished tilling and planting the small field. Sweaty and slightly sunburned despite the sunscreen, I walked over to the barn, where my Master had been sitting in the shade and drinking iced tea while watching me. He looked up from the book he had been reading.

"Done, boy?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir," I affirmed.

"Good job, boy. You finished a little earlier than I thought you would. Now it's time for you to cool off. Come around the other side of the barn."

I followed my Master around the other side of the barn and saw that he had left the hose running in an open area of dirt.

"You have seemed to act like a nasty little pig slave in the time that you've been serving me, so I think letting you wallow in the mud like the pig you are seems to be fitting. I'll hose you off in a while and then you can get back to work on your afternoon task."

He stood, waiting for me to throw myself into the mud pit he had created. Hot and sweaty, I knew it would help. I took off my shoes and crawled in the mud pit, starting to roll around. The mud stuck to my sweaty body, and I could feel my body heat leave as I started to cool down. I rolled around a bit, splashing mud and water. My cock hardened as I realized I had truly become the pig slave I knew, deep down, I always wanted to be.

"I see you're enjoying this, pig," my Master stated, as he pulled down his shorts. "Let me make it a little more fitting for you," he said, as he started to piss in the mud pit. I crawled over to where he was pissing and rolled around in the wet piss mud, enjoying the mixture of the smell of his piss and the dirt. He finished pissing and pulled his shorts back up. "I'm going to go back and sit in the shade like a proper person. Enjoy your mudbath."

I played in the mud for what seemed like thirty minutes or so before my Master returned, standing at the edge of the mud pit wearing just his shorts and holding the hose. I understood that it was time for me to get back to work, and I crawled over to where he was standing, still covered in mud. I kneeled, looking up at his tanned muscular chest, and waited for my Master's instructions.

"Get up on all fours and turn around, boy," he commanded. I obeyed, and he turned the hose onto my ass. He rinsed my ass checks and hole, with some water running down my thighs and rinsing them off. Then, he pushed the hose up against my hole. I felt the pressure of water entering my bowel, but I relaxed and let it enter me. After a few seconds, my Master removed the hose and I let the water escape me. I looked under myself and saw it dripping, slightly brown from a mixture of shit and mud. My Master pushed the hose against my ass once more and filled me with water.

"Hold it this time," he commanded. After holding it for a minute, he commanded me to release the water. It was slightly clearer. We repeated this ritual until the water came out clear. Before I knew it, I felt my Master's cock entering my ass. I moaned as it rubbed up against my prostate, and my cock, still covered in mud, hardened as well.

"I'm gonna fuck you into the mud, just like the pig you are," my Master declared. I moaned in response. He pulled out and jammed his cock back in, eliciting a yelp from me. "Take it, you dirty pig slave. You're nothing but a tool for me to use in my fields and a hole for me to fuck whenever I want."

"Yes... Sir..." I grunted, between thrusts. "I am... your dirty... pig slave..."

He continued fucking me, and I was in ecstasy. I was tired, mentally and physically, from the work of the morning, and I had just spent a half hour rolling in the mud. My mind was blank, only filled with the pleasure I got from getting fucked by my Master. I never wanted this feeling to end. Suddenly, one of my arms buckled and I collapsed into the mud. It covered my face and part of my hair, and I could barely see. Before I had time to wipe the mud from my eyes and mouth, my Master pulled me back up onto all fours and continued fucking me. I imagined what this would look like to an observer, me covered in the mud like a pig and getting fucked by the strong, muscular man who I now served. My cock leaked a steady stream of pre-cum.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes of fucking, I heard my Master's breathing quicken.

"Take my cum in your ass, pig boy," he yelled as his cock spasmed. He continued fucking my ass as he came, letting go of me on the final thrust so I fell back into the mud. I rolled over onto my back and felt my Master's cum start leaking out of my tight asshole. I went to wipe the mud off my face, but my Master told me to stop. I laid in the mud, cum leaking out of my ass, waiting for my master's next instructions. I heard the snap of a camera, and I wondered what my Master would do with the picture. I wondered if he had taken pictures of me working naked this morning.

I felt water hitting my face.

"Stand up, boy, so I can wash you off," my Master commanded. I stood up and let him rinse me, cleaning off the mud and cum. When he had rinsed off everything but my feet, he indicated that I should step out of the mud pit. He then rinsed off my feet and sprayed my body down one more time.

"It's almost time for you to get back to work," he said, "but first, lets get you another one of those shakes. He led me over toward the house, then went inside, indicating that I should wait for him outside. I wondered how he would cum again so quickly in order to make the shake, but he returned after five minutes with another shake.

"Here, boy," he said as he handed it to me, "I've added some new ingredients, like fiber and vitamins, to make sure you stay healthy." I drank the shake as he watched. After I finished it, he chuckled, then added "I've also added a new source of protein."

Before I could ask what he meant, the back door of the house opened. Out walked my high school gym teacher, Mr. Clark, wearing a pair of blue jeans, a tight t-shirt, and boots. My face turned beet red as I recognized who he was. I was paralyzed. I had always thought he was one of the hottest men I had ever seen, and I had gotten hard during gym class more than once thinking of him fucking me. Now he was seeing me, naked and serving as another man's slave.

"James here is one of my close friends," my Master said. "When I told him I had found a new slave boy, he wanted to see. When I showed him your picture he wasn't surprised. He'd watched you in the locker room and saw your whitey tighties. He knew what a little bitch you were."

"He's right, Callum," Mr. Clark confirmed. "I could tell you were a little bitch who needed to serve real men. I couldn't act on what I knew while you were my student, but now I can. Whenever your Master says, you will serve me as well. You've already had some of my cum in that shake," he said, laughing.

"You should get started on your afternoon task soon, boy," my Master remarked. "But first, thank Master Clark for giving you his cum in your shake. Master Clark unzipped his jeans and motioned for me to come over. I kneeled down.

"Kiss my cock, boy," Master Clark commanded. I pressed my lips up against the head of his cock, kissing it to thank him for feeding me his cum. "You'll get to serve that more later, boy," he said, pulling his cock away from my mouth and zipping it back inside his pants. "Now you should get back to work."

"Follow me," my Master commanded, "and I'll show you what you'll be doing this afternoon."

I followed my Master, and thought about my situation. It wasn't just me and my Master any more. People in my life would know I wanted to be a naked pig slave. I was scared of what people would think. But I also felt a little relief. Part of me had been hidden for so long, even after I had come out. I didn't really have plans for what I would do after high school. Maybe I could be my Master's slave forever. Maybe it wouldn't matter if everyone knew what I was. I could be a slave, just like I want.

Thank you for reading chapter 3. Please be sure to support nifty.org as your are able at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html. Any and all feedback is welcome at naked.gay.slave@mail.com.

Next: Chapter 4

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