Wonders of Will Young

By twm morgan

Published on Sep 17, 2005


Wonders of Will Young


If you are under the age to read porn or it is not accepted in your area, please leave now. The fictional story below is completely from my imagination. Nothing from it is true.

Chapter 1

Tom sat at the coffee bar and waited for the waitress to bring him his Mocha. He shifted a little, glancing round at who he was sitting with. An older gentleman sat to his right and a rather large lady to his left. The stench of Christian Dior's 'Poison' perfume was nearly unbearable but he managed as the waitress who seemed to be called 'Julie' by her name tag brought him is drink. Other than the other waitress, there was no one else in the coffee shop. Tom moved his paper out of the way so 'Julie' could place his Mocha in front of him "Here's your Mocha sir" said the waitress "Is there anything else you would like?"

A boyfriend.a new car. a new house. 6 winning tickets on the lottery.

"No that's fine - thank you" answered Tom in his most polite welsh accent. Indeed he was welsh, born and bred in the valley of the sheep or so they say. Yet he'd lived in England for 3 years now. This year, him being 21. He smiled sweetly at the waitress who gave him a cheeky grin before returning to her counter. He continued to watch her as she walked back, looking over her shoulder. She was flirting now, you could see it. He turned to his Mocha, taking a sip of the creamy liquid before returning to his paper. There appeared nothing much interesting in it so he turned to look out of the window of 'Bella's Coffee Shop'.

He glanced at the waitress, she was watching him. She smiled and returned to her work. She couldn't resist the charm. He wasn't bad looking either. For a guy of 5ft 9 with longish blonde hair and blue eyes, who couldn't? He brushed the hair from his face before taking a few mouthfuls of coffee. He wondered as he emptied his cup how work would be today.

"David, I have an appointment with the bank at 10 am, would it be possible to detour through Oxford Street?" came the voice from behind the blacked screen. The voice seemed young yet mature.

"Indeed sir, anything else?" replied David, as always, he was only the chauffeur.

"Oh David please, sir indeed, call me Will or William, not sir. You make me sound like an old man!"

"Yes sir. I mean William - Morgan Bank?" asked the chauffer quite puzzled by the request.

"Yes Morgan Bank. I'll use my mobile to make a quick appointment. Thanks David"

"You have two memos on your desk buddy" said Matthew, Tom's best friend and work partner as soon as he took a step through the door.

"Do I get any relaxing time in work. like you do?" replied Tom with a smile on his face. Matthew smiled back and stuck his middle finger up to his friend. Tom thought that Matthew could look quite handsome when he wanted to. He was a largely built man but with lovely brown curly hair. With a suit on, he reminded Tom off some 70's gangster type.

"In fact my dear friend" started Matthew in a more serious voice "It's rather important, a celebrity has requested your advice."

"A celebrity? Who? When?" questioned Tom, eager to know who the person was. Often enough if a celebrity entered the Morgan Bank building; they were usually escorted to the manager's office - Mr Marc Morgan, Founder of Morgan Banks. It was rather unusual on this day that Tom Williams would be taking a meeting with a celebrity.

"I know as much as you" replied Matthew, straightening his tie before turning to walk back to his desk on the ground floor "but if you ask me, this celebrity is rather big. notice the guards?"

Tom glanced around the ground floor. Indeed there seemed to be more guards than usual. He smiled, the adrenaline started to kick in as he ran the two flights of stairs to his office. He opened the door to the polished wood smell of his room. Sitting down on the leather chair, he flicked the computer switch on before scanning the memos on his desk. One read 'Mrs Jill Walters requests an appointment within the next week. You are to ring her on 029 678 654 to schedule an appointment. Mrs Walters had been coming for years to the bank and always requested that he only had meetings with her Godson. She was the closest he had to family in England.

He then glanced at the other memo which read 'At 10am, Mr Young requests you at a meeting to discuss his future banking at Morgan's Bank.' Mr Morgan, his boss, has scribbled at the bottom - 'See me in my office after this meeting'. Tom gulped but not because of his boss. Mr Young.. A Mr Will Young would be arriving here shortly. It would not have minded Tom if it wasn't for the fact that Will Young was actually an Ex.

"There we are Mr. Young, Morgan's Bank" "Thank you David, I will not be long" replied Will before checking himself in his little pocket mirror and opening the limos door himself. He placed his sun glasses over his eyes, not because it was sunny but because he didn't want to attract any attention. It had turned out rather a gloomy day anyway. He walked to the doors where a man dressed in a grey suit with a funny hairstyle greeted him.

"Hi, Mr Young? I'm Mr Matthew Johnson, may I say it's a pleasure to have you with us at Morgan Bank at such short notice. He said in the nicest voice he could greet someone.

"Thanks, sorry for the short notice" replied the singer

"Not at all sir, may I take your coat? A coffee perhaps?

"I'm ok actually; I just want to see Mr Lewis"

And with that final word, he quickened his pace towards the office at the top of the grand staircase. The name 'Mr. Tom Lewis' were printed on the door. How traditional thought Will before knocking twice..

Shit! It was nearly 10am and if Will was anything like before, he was dead on time. Tom picked up the phone and dialled the extension to his boss. His hands shook with nervousness. You must understand that he had not seen Will in the flesh for over 3 years, in which time; he had become a world wide star.

"Lewis? Is he there? Has he been?" bellowed the voice on the other end.

"No sir, not yet, I'm expecting him at any moment. sir, must I take this meeting? Can't you or Matthew take it?" asked Tom in the most nicest way he could.

With that, a knock sounded on the door. it was him, he was here.

"Sir, the client is here, I'll call you back" rasped Tom into the receiver before replacing it.

He gulped, straightened his tie and checked himself in the mirror across the room before saying in his most deepest voice "Come in"

The door opened to reveal the love of his life. There stood Will Young, dressed as usual quite causal, a pair of jeans with a blue and white striped t-shirt. With his eyes glistening, Tom's heart melted. He controlled himself.

"Will? Oh My God, I didn't realise it would be you, how are you?" asked Tom in a way that sounded very unconvincing.

Will smiled and entered the room, shutting the door behind him. At this stage, Tom was checking out the 'talents' from behind. Indeed it was still tight and firm - very nice. Will spun round and continued to stare.

"Promotion?" he asked

"Yes about 2 weeks ago" replied Tom, still gazing into Wills eyes.

"I know" answered Will "I read it in the paper and since then I've been dying to see you. How have you been?"

"Never been better" said Tom "the job pays its way"

Will took a seat directly in front of Tom and continued to stare


"Nope - You?"

"No" The silence hung in the air for quite some time. Tom plucked up the courage to ask the reason why Will was here and why had he requested that it was him to take the meeting. The answer warmed his heart.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to see you, it's been so long Tom and I've missed you!"

Tom blushed and replied with "Stop it, your making me embarrased! It was a long time ago, we both had plans for the future. We could see each other as long as our jobs were concerned. After you got through to the finals in Pop Idol, I couldn't face it anymore. Simon covered your tracks well, making sure that your image was perfect for the ladies but you had a boyfriend who wanted you more, who needed you more"

Tom had not realised that a tear had started to flow down his cheek. More tears followed. Tears of happiness with seeing Will again. Tears of sadness at the thought of the fun times they had shared together. He wiped at them with the cuff of his shirt. As quick as they formed, they disappeared. He shuffled papers on his desk

"So Mr. Young, if that is all, I'm glad to tell you that all is well with your account and the income of your saving are at an average of around 6,000 a week." Spoke Tom in his most formal voice. Wills head drooped. He stood and made his way to the door.

"Want me to call?" he asked, hope in his voice

Tom stood and walked to the door. Both their hearts beating fast as this was the closest they had been in years. Tom, with one quick swift gesture, opened the door To Will. As the young singer walked though the door, he planted a quick kiss on Tom's cheek before leaving. The office suddenly felt a lot warmer to him.

Pushing the door shut, he leant against it and let out a large sigh, releasing the stresses of the morning. Walking back to his desk, he noticed a piece of paper on the desk, not in order with the others. He picked it up and brought it to his eyes

Will - Call Me - 0774545362.

Tom stood there, looking down at the paper in his hand. Sighing again, he folded the paper up neatly and placed it in his breast shirt pocket. 'This could be fun' he thought as he sat back in his leather chair and prepared himself to phone his boss.

There you have it, my fictional life as Will Young's Ex Boyfriend. Hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter will appear soon so keep checking! I need feeback to write more! If you enjoyed reading the story, please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any suggestions or just to say you've read it. At would be much appreciated. Twm xx xx xx xx - twmmorgan@hotmail.com (you can add to MSN too)

Next: Chapter 2

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