Wonders of Will Young

By twm morgan

Published on Sep 18, 2005


Disclaimer If you are under the age to read porn or it is not accepted in your area, please leave now. The fictional story below is completely from my imagination. Nothing from it is true. *** ** * * ** *** Chapter 2 Will - Call Me - 0774545362.

Tom stood there, looking down at the paper in his hand. Sighing again, he folded the paper up neatly and placed it in his breast shirt pocket. 'This could be fun' he thought as he sat back in his leather chair and prepared himself to phone his boss.

"Yes sir, he's been in. Just wanted to check his account. No nothing wrong and didn't want to change anything either. Is that all sir? Yes ok, thank you Mr. Morgan"

Tom placed the phone back on its cradle and began to bring up all the files on his computer screen on Mrs. Walters. It was going to be a long day but he would have to get through it. A knock suddenly woke him from is thoughts. "Come in" he called.

The door slid open for Tom's best friend Matthew. He entered with a large grin on his face. A face that says 'I know something'. He closed the door behind him before taking a seat at Tom's desk. He adjusted his suit and cross his legs, as though waiting for a verdict for something he had asked.

"And?" asked Tom, waiting for his friend to speak

"You tell me Tom" came the reply, the grin slowly appearing back on his face.

"You know what's happening here don't you?" asked Tom impatiently "How you know is the most important question!"

"When lovers split, it's hard to deal with" spoke Matthew in a soft voice "especially when love between them still exists after they split. People outside the circle see it more and therefore can see when two people have been intermit with one another- there's a spark"

"You're talking a load of shit now" remarked Tom, placing a defensive tone after the sentence.

"Really?" asked his friend "cos it looks like a spark between you and that celebrity back there - funny enough, didn't he just come out to say he was gay?"

"Get out Matthew, you've over stepped the line. I've got plenty to do and I don't need my friend telling me how to run my love life"

Matthew raised his hands in defence. "Hell, sorry man, I don't mean to intrude but if you need me, I'm always here ok?" He left Tom to himself, thinking. His thought ran wild. What would it be like to be Will Young's boyfriend? Now that he was rich and famous beyond belief? He felt the moment, wanted to keep it forever but it slowly drifted and he carried on with work through the day. Only his mind still seemed to wonder on. Will.

Will pressed down hard, he still couldn't get it in. he'd been struggling all morning but his troubles were far from over. Suddenly, it slipped into place. Will let out a sigh of relief before removing himself from his suitcase. Now that the lock was safely in place, he could worry about his tickets. He glanced at his watch 11.20am - not too late. He fumbled for the tickets in his pockets before realising he was about to leave his most treasured possession behind. He ran to the mirror on the wall, where he slid in all his photos. His mother. his grandmother. his two dogs at home and last but not least. a photo of him and Tom, on their holiday to Malta a few years ago. They had both been so happy. It had been 3 days since he'd called in the bank and there was no response to his note. What if he hadn't found it? What if it had caught in a light breeze and blown under the desk?

He pushed the thoughts away before they upset him to much. He had returned to England for a few weeks break but an emergency back in LA had affected it and his manager wanted him back as soon as possible. He picked up the phone a hit 0 for the reception. "Hello sir or madam, how can I help you?" came a rather well educated voice "Hi.urm. can I get my bags delivered to the front please? My limo is waiting outside" "Indeed sir, which room are you staying in?" "Room 200" "Ah yes, Mr. Young. Someone will be right up straight away sir" "Thank you" replied William before returning the phone to its perch. He waited for around 2 minutes before a soft knock on the door.

"Come in, it's open" he called before removing his suitcase off the bed and carrying it to the door. As he glanced up, he received the shock of his life. Standing in the doorway dressed in a tight white t-shirt and black jeans was Tom. The suitcase fell from his hand. Tom coughed slightly before glancing into Williams eyes again. And again Will melted.

"Urm. You said I could come in, sorry if I've called at a bad time, look as though you're going. so I'll leave you" stammered Tom, unsure of what Williams's intentions were with the suitcase.

"Don't be silly" replied Will, pulling himself together. "Come in, sit down. I'm glad you called. I have to fly back to LA today, my manager needs me to appear in a charity show because Lemar as caught a cold, can't sing I'm stepping in, last minute"

Tom nodded, unsure of what to say, still standing in the doorway. Will walked up to his ex boyfriend and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him into the room. As he did, he swung himself round so that they came face to face, holding each other. They nervously glanced at one another before moving their heads together. Their lips met and for the first time in a long time, Will's fire was lit! And so was Tom's. They kissed each other, with their arms wrapped around one another. It was the cough however that startled both men. Will glanced at the door where the concierge was waiting to carry the bags downstairs. Tom turned a deep red and pulled away.

"Those bags there" pointed Will "My limo is parked outside the front" "Yes sir" replied the man before turning his back to the men and walking out, carrying William's belongings.

"You should really go" said Tom "Your going to miss your flight"

"Oh Tom, I'm so glad you came to me. I had a feeling you would never ring and that you wouldn't want to see me anymore"

"Well I'm here now" said Tom "And I just thought I'd wish you the best for your future. Let me know when you're in London next and perhaps we could meet up?"

"yeah that would be fab" exclaimed Will, still hyped up about the kiss they had just shared. He noticed that a small bulge had appeared in Tom's trousers. And he had one too.

Tom caught him looking and a wicked smile appeared across his face. He turned to walk out. As he left, he noticed the photo of him and Will in Malta around 4 years ago. They had been sitting in the silent city of Mdina, watching the sunset when the photo was taken. He still thought about that holiday and it was now obvious that Will felt the same way.

He turned and caught Will's attention again

"I'll call you" he whispered before disappearing around the corner of the doorway.

Will's heart missed a beat as he realised, he had a fighting chance of getting his boyfriend back.

OK, so there you have it, chapter 2 of the series. I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing them.

To Carter, really glad you e-mailed me mate, hope to hear from you soon. I'm dedicating this chapter to you.

If you have any suggestions or just to tell me you've read the story, I'll be happy! You can contact me on twmmorgan@hotmail.com (and add me to MSN)

Twm xx xx xx xx xx

Next: Chapter 3

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