X Boy

By Charlie Boi

Published on Jul 7, 2006



All usual standard disclaimers apply. X-Men and all other related elements are properties of Marvel. This work is purely fanFICTION, and may also contain sexual situations of the homosexual nature, not suitable for minors. Any storyline not true to the Marvel original is only made up by the author's non-comic book aficionado imagination. This includes sexual orientations. Any remote resemblance to real life, or any other fanfiction, is entirely coincidental. No pretenses, insinuations, infringement, or any other legal issues intended nor desired. Consider yourself warned.

Writer's Note:

For those who always feel compelled to provide feedback, whether positive or negative, you may e-mail me at: charlie.likes@yahoo.com.

This is my first story... ever. Be nice, dudes!

*** Legend:

" " -- spoken conversation { } -- telepathic conversation

Chapter Two: Unraveling

Beau was still a bit unsure about what the Phoenix Force is exactly. He knows that a phoenix is a legendary firebird that exists only in myth. He never knew that it could serve as a mutant power, though. Well, whatever. All he knows is that he can sense that it's a tremendous power to possess. And the idea that he had acquired such an immense power scared him. It means that someone out there has the same immense power, and shouldn't be reckoned with at all. He figured he won't be using that card too often. It'll probably remain at the back of his deck as an "in-case-of-an-emergency" card.

Tarot cards... He still didn't quite understand what his powers are exactly. But the idea that it was something that would've interested his mother a great deal made him smile. God, he missed her so much. He never really got the chance to tell her how much he really loves her, or even say goodbye.

Things are just happening way too fast, Beau wasn't really sure he's ready for them just yet. But ever the practical thinker, Beau simply told himself to get a grip for now, and accept it for what it is.

Preston: "So what exactly is my son's power, professor?"

They had all taken seats at the dining table to eat their late dinner after the night's ordeal. Although Beau was particularly tired, he willed himself to stay up, because he knew this was important. He needed to know, just like everyone else.

Xavier: "Well, this is actually the first time I've ever encountered... gifts, such as Beau's. I don't even think there's a name for it. It's psychic in nature, that much I know, but I can only speak theoretically as to what his powers can do." He paused to think a little, as if trying to find the easiest-to-understand explanation. "Beau's powers are not defined like the regular mutant. It's all very complex. You could say that his x-gene is a shapeshifter. It takes the form, or in this case, the abilities, of other x-genes it comes across."

Jean: "Of course! The first time his powers manifested, you said he became an empath like you, right?" She turned and referred to Preston. "And remember when we got in close proximity to him, he suddenly mimicked our powers as well. Like, the rain outside, it grew to a storm, because that's Ororo's power."

Scott: "And the door, and the flying objects..."

Jean: "My telekinesis. His eyes were also unusually red at the time." She was looking straight at Beau's gray eyes now. "Probably, Scott's."

Preston: "And the professor's telepathy, which was when everything suddenly went haywire."

Ororo: "Charles' telepathic range is quite astonishing. For one so new to the experience, it can be quite overwhelming, I imagine."

Xavier: "Yes, well, in any case... as I've mentioned, his powers are psychic in nature. As you all probably know, the human brain does emit unseen electrical impulses. Beau's power seems capable of tapping into these, I presume, to acquire... I guess... sort of like a `psychic DNA sample', if you will... thus, enabling him to restructure his own x-gene to the x-gene in that mutant whose DNA sample he took, therefore, acquiring that mutant's capabilities."

Jean: "That is quite logical. I mean, he did start acquiring more powers when he started picking up on brainwaves of, like, half the city, right Beau?" She was smiling at him. It was a warm, sincere smile, Beau thought. One that made people feel less uncomfortable during awkward situations. It was like her mom's.

Beau: "Uh... yeah..." Beau smiled back. "I think I even... acquired'..." He made air quote gestures with his hands. "...one, in my mind. I remember the card label it as Precognition'. That's when the surroundings changed inside my head, and I started foreseeing other people's... immediate futures... I think. Do you remember?" Jean nodded her head yeas, that warm smile never leaving her face.

Preston: "That's great, son! You know, mom was a pretty powerful precog herself. Her mutant power was Clairvoyance."

Beau: "Seriously?" He beamed upon hearing this. Anything to make him closer to his mom made him happy, somehow.

Scott: "Speaking of cards, professor, do you have any idea what is up with those thngs?"

Xavier: "It's rather simple, actually. The tarot cards that are created at each acquisition is the physical manifestation of Beau's powers."

Ororo: "But why tarot cards? I imagine it could've been similar to Rogue's touch. That would have been simpler, wouldn't it?"

Xavier: "Keep in mind that mutant powers need not be generic, rather, they are unique in their own way. And a mutant's power is deeply tied to one's emotions. The emotional trauma that Beau went through over Margeaux's death is probably the triggering event that made his powers surface. And consider how today's events transpired chronologically. Preston had given Beau, who was still grieving at the time," His gaze lingered a little at Beau, as if he was able to tell that somehow, Beau has now come to terms with the loss of his mother, and is starting to move on with his life, "Margeaux's very own tarot deck, one that she held very dearly in her life. I imagine that something that important to a loved one who passed away then becomes something of equal importance to the griever. Am I correct, Beau?"

Beau simply smiled and nodded. Preston was relieved to find that Beau is now smiling more. It means he's slowly starting to move on. Margeaux would've been happy.

Xavier: "Basically, the idea and form of a tarot deck was fresh in Beau's mind at the time of his power's manifestation, so it's only natural that it's what his power used to physically render itself to Beau's attention. Also, in contrast to Rogue's power, Beau keeps the acquired powers for later use in his own discretion, sealed away by means of his conjured tarot cards. That is the most logical explanation I could come up with. In any case, as with all new students, we will have to assess his capabilities more anyway."

Wait, new student? Beau didn't follow, and he told them so. It was then that they decided to break to Beau the news that he was transferring schools, now that his powers have activated, to the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning, founded, of course, by Professor Charles Xavier himself. He elaborated that it was similar to a boarding school for mutants like him, and that both he, and Beau's mom, Margeaux, attended there when they were first harnessing their powers. The Institute will provide Beau a sense of belongingness and camaraderie unlike in normal human schools, since all the other students would be the same as him, and he wouldn't have to feel the need to hide his powers, nor be discriminated and prejudiced because of them. There, Beau could be himself. And if he loses control of his powers again, the people around him would be able to readily assist him because they would know what to do. And with a final goodbye that night, Beau was sent off to the institute.

Beau didn't really realize how tired he was until he placed his head on the pillow. In two seconds, flat, he was out like a light. He slept so soundly too, that when his eyes fluttered open, it was already twelve noon. Shit! He was supposed to meet Jean this morning for the newbie-tour of the mansion. He honestly can't believe that his new school was a freakin' mansion. How cool was that? It was well-equipped with high-end furniture and fixtures, not to mention the most high-tech facilities. He sure could learn to live with all this luxury. Speaking of luxury, Beau took a good look around his room, no, suite. Yeah, baby! Dorm rooms are usually two-person rooms that share a communal bathroom on each floor, as explained later on by Scott. Thank God for having rich parents!

Oh... correction. Parent. Singular. That seemed to have brought him out of his reverie. Focus on Jean, doofus! He decided to test out his powers. He reached out a hand to grab his tarot deck, but before his fingertips could even so much as graze the upturned cards, the top card flew towards his grasp. He looked at the card in his hand oddly, then turned it over. `Telepathy.' Ooookaaayy... That was freaky. Perhaps it was because he now had access to telekinetic powers? Well, whatever, as long as it did the trick.

Beau: {Uh... Jean? You there?} Surprisingly, after a few seconds' pause, it worked.

Jean: {Took you long enough.}

Beau: {I'm sorry... I-I overslept, because of last night, and...} He started to babble, but stopped when he heard Jean giggling.

Jean: {It's okay, silly. The professor warned us this might happen, so we let you sleep in. Listen, since you're awake and all, why don't we get on with the tour? Meet by the grand staircase? It's lunchtime for the students, and I thought it might be a good idea for you to meet some of those that would be helping out with your assessment tonight.}

Beau: {Oh... That.} Beau then remembered the professor saying something about an assessment last night, after he's settled in the mansion. {I pretend-cough pretend-cough actually don't think I can make it to the assessment tonight anyway... I'm not sure I've pretend-cough fully recovered from last night, Jean.}

Jean: {Ha-ha, very funny. C'mon, it's not a bad idea. You know, the assessment can be potentially dangerous, so it's better you know your comrades... oh, maybe that's it. My, my, Beau, I didn't realize you were a wuss.}

Beau: {Hey! I am not a wuss!}

Jean: {Buk-buk-bukak!}

Beau: {Jean, I swear to God!}

Jean: {laugh Alright, I'll stop. So you'll come meet them?}

Beau: {...Yeah, fine, whatever. I'll meet you in fifteen.} He broke off the telepathic connection, and then dashed to his bathroom for a quick shower. Beau always managed to look impeccably and immaculately good with the slightest effort, again, thanks to his parents, for having good genes. So exactly 15 minutes after his telepathic conversation with Jean, he arrived at their meeting place, dressed to impress in just a tight black turtleneck and deconstructed jeans that hung dangerously low on his hips. It was a grab-and-go outfit, but it definitely showed of his well-defined body in all the right places. He isn't overly bulging, but his body is all toned and defined muscle. Jean was already there, and the look on her face when she saw him was exactly why he worked out.

Beau: "Ready to go, Jean?" Jean was caught a little off-guard by his sudden appearance at her side.

Jean: "...Uh... um..." She stammered, seemingly forgetting the ability to speak properly. Beau smirked as Jean couldn't manage to suppress a blush from creeping in onto her already flushed cheeks as she stared at him. She was forced to resort to the alternative to save face. "Get that smirk off your face, Beau Murdock!" She tossed her long, auburn hair, and started to lead him to the mansion's dining hall.

Beau: "Hey, I can't help it if I'm beautiful..."

Jean: "Oh, shut up!" She playfully punched his arm. "But kidding aside, I swear, the girls here will just be all over you."

Too bad for them, then, Beau thought. He was interested in boys.

Jean: "Oh my God! Are you serious?!" Beau looked at her, the expression on his face livid. "Sorry, can't help it. Telepath, remember? I pick up stray thoughts."

Shit! What was he supposed to do now? He can't be outed just yet. This is exactly what happened at his last school, and it wasn't pretty. He doesn't suppose there was another mutant school out there he could transfer to? At least he doesn't have that much to leave behind in this school yet.

Jean: laugh "Save it, Beau, your secret's totally safe with me." Beau wasn't exactly sold, and it showed on his face. "Relax, you can trust me. You know there are a lot of closet cases here too. And I have to say, they're pretty hot, so keep your eyes peeled. You never know when you might get lucky." Beau started to smile. Jean was alright.

Beau: "What, can't you just tell me who? Or maybe I can just use my powers..."

Jean: "No can do, honey. All telepaths will be signing what we call a Silence' contract. The professor made that a mandatory rule. And I quote: No telepath or empath may use his/her powers on another student or staff member for malicious or scandalous intentions. Also in accordance to said rule, said person may not disclose any information accidentally picked up by his/her powers. Blackmail, humiliation, and others will not be tolerated inside school grounds and premises, as well as in the company of third party/parties related to the victim. Such acts are subject for expulsion and a million dollar fine.' End quote."

Beau: "Wow... I don't even know what to say to that."

Jean: "It will be very tempting. We'll see how you do"

They had reached the dining hall, which was jam-packed with students. Jean scanned the area, then grabbed their lunches and headed for a particular table.

Jean: "Hey guys." Jean said to a group in one table. "Mind if we share? Everywhere else is full."

Dude Playing With Lighter: "Sure thing, Red." He was roughly elbowed by Asian Girl In Yellow Coat. "I mean, `Miss' Red." He chuckled, and Jean just rolled her eyes. Maybe it wasn't always a good thing that she was close to the students. Sometimes she feels that they don't respect her. Then again, she did get voted Teacher of the Year, so it's not half bad. She dragged Beau to the two empty chairs, then introduced him as they took their seats.

Jean: "Just don't let me catch you ever using that thing with cigarettes, John. You know smoking's not allowed on school grounds."

John: "What? Moi? Jean, you know damn well I don't smoke."

Jean: "Oh, please! Just don't wait for me to confiscate it, is all I'm saying. Anyway, guys, this cutie is Beau Murdock, the guy you're helping assess tonight."

They exchanged Hey's.' Beau felt his tarot cards give his spine a tingle, as he felt his Empathy' card activate on its own. He felt a lot of... hmm, let's see... attraction, definitely. Probably from most of the girls, he presumed. There's also... a little envy, and... curiosity? And what is that? ...Oh, ooh... lust. He quickly eyed the group and gave each of them a small smile. Oh, God, this place is full of hotties. He sincerely hoped at least one of them was the one lusting after him. That guy playing with his lighter looked mightily fine, Beau thought he definitely wouldn't mind if it was him. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Perky Brunette beside him.

Perky Brunette: "So Beau. It's Kitty, by the way. What's your power? I can molecularly phase through solid objects. Like this." She raised her hand and thrust it to Beau's chest. Beau's reflexes made his torso recoil from the surprise attack, and he was overly surprised when her hand went right through his body.

Beau: "Whoa! That was wicked!" Beau delighted, much to Kitty's pleasure. Goth Chick With White-Streaked Hair sitting next to her just gave her a look.

Goth Chick: "God, Kitty. Could you be any sluttier?"

Kitty: "Shut up, Marie!" She was obviously smiling. Beau guessed that meant Goth Chick didn't mean it.

Guy With Punk Hairdo: "Alright, already. We get it. He's cute. Now stop your flirting!" He then turned to Beau. "So, dude. Seriously, what can ya do?"

Beau: "Well... The professor called my power psychic acquisition. It makes me do this."

Oh, God, please, make it work. Beau has never really had a chance to purposefully acquire a power. He stared at Kitty for a few seconds, and a tarot card materialized in front of her. It then quickly flew to Beau's hand. Once the card was in his grasp, he thrust his hand at Kitty, the exact same way she did earlier, and watched as his hand went right through her.

Kitty: "Whoa! Wait, we have the same power?" Beau shook his head no, and showed her the blank tarot card. It was labeled, `Molecular Phasing.' "Huh?"

Marie: gasp "You took her power!" She was peering at the card over Kitty's shoulder.

Jean: giggle "No, his power enables him to psychically obtain a mutant's DNA sample and replicate its abilities into tarot cards, for his own use later on."

Mousey Boy: "Oh, cool!"

Blue-Eyed Guy: "Way cool." Beau just smiled. He was relieved they didn't think of him as a thief or whatever.

Blondie: "So does that mean that anybody can just use these tarot cards, or they just listen to you?" He was holding the tarot card, as it got passed around, and was now staring at Beau with the most intense ocean-blue-green eyes Beau had ever seen.

Beau: "I... don't know. I haven't really tried that." Beau stared back, trying his hardest to pierce his gray to Blondie's ocean. There was something about him that looked awfully familiar. It feels like he should know this guy, somehow.

Blue-Eyed Guy: "Let me see, that." He grabbed the card from Blondie, and faced John. "Molecular Phasing!" He shouted, like some sort of magic incantation, waved the card like a magic wand, and then slapped the back of John's head. It landed squarely with a resounding `thwack!'

John: "Oww! What the fuck, Drake?! You freakin' suicidal?!" Everyone laughed. Bobby just acted like it never happened.

Drake: "Huh. I guess that answers that. Only Beau can use this." He handed the card back to Beau. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

Jean: "Alright, you guys, head on back to class. I want you in the Danger Room Control Room by six, sharp. No tardies this time, okay Amara?" He was referring to an exotic-looking girl.

Amara: "Hey! I said I was sorry. It's not my fault my hair doesn't dry fast enough!"

And with that, they said goodbye to Beau, and headed on out the dining hall for their next classes, Drake getting a payback slap on the head from a still fuming John. Beau heard Jean chuckle at that, but he wasn't that interested, quite frankly. He was too busy watching the retreating back of Blondie. He knows that he knows him from somewhere, he was sure of it now. But from where? He couldn't even remember his name.

Blondie: {It's Dugray, Dugray Griffith.} He told Beau telepathically, before finally exiting through the doors. Ah, so he's a telepath.

Jean finished giving Beau the grand tour of the mansion, as well as a thorough explanation of the Institute's academic system. Apparently, students here get mutant classes, to help them get acquainted with their powers. They were going to find out what mutant class best to put Beau in through the assessment. Then at around four, Beau was let off to wander around by himself. Beau found a large pond surrounded by a thicket of dense trees out back. He decided to create some sort of a game plan, and familiarize himself with his new powers, to sort of ready himself for whatever may happen at tonight's assessment. So far, he had eighteen tarot cards, plus the tarot card he made from Kitty's power. That's a total of nineteen powers so far. He read off the cards' labels and studied each one of them: (Psychic) Empathy, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Precognition, and Deflection, (Molecular) Transference, Matter Alteration, and Molecular Phasing, (Feral) Optic Blasts, Strength, and Vision, (Elemental) Weather Control, Fire, Water, Earth, Dark, Healing Light, and Phoenix Force. After careful analysis, Beau realized that he has quite a lot already. He probably won't need to acquire any more powers soon. By six o'clock, he was pretty confident with himself and his tried and tested powers. He headed for the grand staircase, where he was going to meet the student buddy that they assigned Beau with.

There wasn't anyone there yet. He took a seat at the third step, wishing his `buddy' would hurry. After a few minutes, he heard feet making their way towards him in a bit of a rush. He stood up, about time, god dammit.

Voice: "Hey, man, sorry I'm late." Beau froze when he saw who they assigned for his buddy. It was Dugray Griffith. Shit. Why did they have to pair him up with a guy he's crushing on?

Dugray: "So, you ready to go get your ass assessed?" He smiled at his own lame joke.

Beau: "Yeah, sure." Beau at least managed to return a small smile. Oh, yeah. This was going to be a long awkward trip to this `Danger Room', wherever it is.

Dugray: "...You don't remember me at all, do you? You obviously forgot my name already." He looked away, his smile looking pained. Beau looked at him now. So he did know this guy. Think, c'mon, dammit, think. Griffith... Who does he know named Griffith? "I'm the heir to Griffith Inc., one of Murdock Enterprises' top business partners. Our fathers are, like, best friends in the corporate world. We met at..."

Beau: "...one of my father's fancy-assed social gatherings." Beau finished for him. Dugray laughed.

Dugray: "I guess that's one way to put it. Nice crib, by the way..." Beau looked away. He had remembered `how' he met Dugray. There was an awkward pause.

Beau: "I'm sorry I didn't call." Beau murmured after a few minutes of silence. It was Dugray who looked at Beau this time, who was too busy looking at his feet.

Dugray: "Don't sweat it, dude. I understand. It was just a one time thing."

Beau: "No, still, it was wrong. I was wrong. I lead you on. And I'm real sorry. I was just... I-I was..."

Dugray: "Hey, I said it's okay. You were fucked up. Hell, I think I would be too after an entire bottle of vodka." They chuckled lightly. "How'd your father take it?"

Beau: "Very well, surprisingly. He was awfully cool with it, even proud. He said he was getting worried I was becoming a geek, and looked forward to my next hangover. Mom was pissed, though." They laughed at that, Beau quickly stopping at the memory of his mother. He winced. "Listen, I..." He was about to apologize again, but trailed off as soon as the wall in front of them opened to reveal a hidden elevator. Holy shit! Just where exactly are they headed? They walked in silence as Dugray lead Beau along a metal hallway. God, this place is even more hi-tech than Beau originally thought. Could the institute be, like, associated with NASA or something?

Dugray: "We're here." They entered a huge metal door. They crossed a very, very expansive gray room and headed to the smaller door opposite them. "This is the Danger Room. It's really cool. It's this large virtual simulator that can reenact any real scenario programmed to it. But since you're a newbie, they'll probably just focus on a series of drills or obstacles for you." That did it, Beau was getting nervous.

Beau: "Uh, w-what kind of obstacles?"

Dugray: laugh "Relax, dude. You won't seriously get hurt. Besides you can be a pansy, and just give up anytime you want." He gave Beau a look.

Beau: "Who are you calling a pansy? I'm no pansy..."

Dugray: "Didn't think so. Okay, this is the control room, and the others should just be right through this door. You ready?"

Beau: "...Okay, ready."

Dugray: "Alright. Later."

Beau: "What?! Wait! You're not going in with me?"

Dugray: "Can't. Still have to change." And with that said, he took off, leaving Beau contemplating going inside. He was going to change... into what? And why? Beau was starting to feel a little inappropriately dressed. Okay, Beau told himself to just get a grip and...

Jean: {Anytime you're ready, Beau. giggle} Shit! That's right, telepathic people can sense someone's mental presence.

Xavier: {Yes, please, do come in. You have nothing to be worried about.}

Beau took a step forward and the metal door slid open. He stepped inside and was immediately introduced to the... staff, from the looks of it. It was a little funny, thought Beau, that his would-be teachers felt the need to dress up in these... Matrix costumes just to assess him. This was probably what Dugray meant. Oh, well. To each his own. At least the costumes aren't multicolored spandex.

Beau, usual, didn't remember all their names when they were each introduced, but there was a huge, blue, furry... creature... that he definitely remembered. He was kinda hard to miss. Beau was a little taken aback at first, but relaxed when the creature smiled. He was already used to people reacting the way he did, Beau guessed. Turned out, he's actually the institute's resident genius and doctor, Dr. Hank McCoy. And then there was another blue fella there (Kurt), this one more demonic looking, than a creature. He greeted Beau with some sort of Christian Psalm. Beau was thankful his mutation didn't cause him any physical side effects. Vanity can be a bitch, but hey, the benefits are all good. It was then that Beau felt that familiar tingle in his spine, signaling the impending use of a tarot card. This time, it was telepathy.

Stray Thought: {Oh, God, not another pretty boy...} Beau immediately looked around. They all just looked back at him curiously. Who could that have been?

Xavier: "Everything alright there, Beau?"

Beau: "Uh, yes, professor, just picking up some stray thoughts.

Xavier: "Of course. However, the students who will be helping out in this assessment have arrived, so if you're not in any pain, perhaps, we may begin?" Beau briefly wondered what the professor was talking about. There wasn't anyone here except him and the staff. As if in response to his query, the door opened, and in came Scott.

Scott: "Professor, the junior team is here. I have also briefed them on the proceedings of this assessment." Wow, Scott seems pretty strict, Beau thought.

Xavier: "Yes, thank you Scott. Now, Beau, the first part of the assessment will just be a series of obstacles, designed to test as to what extent you will be able to defend yourself with your powers. The second half will involve the staff and the juniors to see how well you adapt to changing environments when there are others involved."

Gruff And Gnarly Man: "What?! Charles, that's not the assessment for new kids! I thought you said..." He was apparently outraged for some reason, and Ororo quickly started to calm him down.

Ororo: "Calm down Logan, you'll scare the poor kid. Charles feels that it's better to include an audition together with his assessment, because his powers are more elaborate than the average mutant."

Xavier: "Yes, Logan. I believe that Beau's powers will definitely prove useful to the team."

Logan: "But Charles, he's only, what..." He gave Beau an appraising look. "Twelve? He won't be able to handle this! He won't know what to expect!"

Beau: "Okay, first off, I'm sixteen. Not twelve." He turned to the professor. "And secondly, I didn't sign up to audition for anything." But they weren't listening to Beau.

Scott: "We've seen what he can do, Logan. And for a newbie, he's definitely shown a great deal of progress already. When we first met him, he wasn't even coherent. Now look at him."

Beau: "Hey! I resent that!"

Logan: "I'm tellin' ya, he won't make it! He can't handle it!"

Jean: "We don't know that for sure. That's why we're doing this."

Logan: "Fine! Do whatever you like! I'm outta here!" And he stomped off, giving Beau one, last, dark look, before stepping out of the control room, gnarling all the way.

Xavier: "Well, now. Shall we proceed?" Beau just gave him an incredulous look. "I assure you, Beau, no irreparable harm will come to you. If you can't go on, you simply have to inform us, and we will end the whole thing." Beau was about to say something, but Jean cut him off.

Jean: "But try first, don't give up so easily." Beau looked at her intently. He was about to object to doing the assessment altogether, seeing as how it really could be potentially dangerous, and just about walked out. But Jean's words were exactly like what her mom would say, and so...

Beau: "Okay. I'll do it."

And so the assessment began. The staff watched from the control room, while the juniors stayed with Beau in the Danger Room, each of them observing him from the wall, in case Beau can't handle it anymore.

Beau really didn't know what to expect, when all of a sudden, that familiar tingle crept up his spine again, and a card phased through his pocket and flew to his hand. Beau read the label, Precognition,' and suddenly, his ears rang and the next thing he knew, he was seeing the gray room still, but it registered in his mind's eye as having laser guns coming out of the walls on his left side, quickly followed by a large circular chainsaw on his right. Then directly in front were several rather large cannon ball projectiles coming towards him. It was over in a split second, and Beau realized he had closed his eyes. He still couldn't quite comprehend what just happened, but he didn't really have the time to process it as his left shoulder was instantly hit by a laser... just like in his premonition! He realized his precognitive powers served like a danger sense' or something, and immediately acted upon this new found realization. He was caught off guard before. It's not gonna happen again. He dashed to the right to avoid two more laser beams, then raised his left hand. There was a levitating tarot card in front of it and a shadow wall formed in front of him, shielding him from the barrage of laser beams. Another card hovered around his right hand as he clutched his rapidly bleeding shoulder. Immediately, sparkling, golden globules of light emanated from the card and began to repair his damaged skin and clothes. Good, he noted, that shirt was pretty expensive.

When the lasers seemed to have slowed their attack on Beau, he relinquished the shadow wall, and quickly levitated himself off the ground, just as the chainsaw came slashing through the air, exactly where he once stood. He then flew to the stem of the circular saw, and held onto it with both hands. A card materialized above his head, and with a loud cry, Beau ripped the mechanism right of f its hinges, just in time to see the cannon balls hurtling towards him. Still airborne, he spun around with the saw, face up, and batted all of the cannon balls like a tennis racket toward the lasers, already poised to launch another barrage attack at him. Each ball smashed squarely on a bunch of laser, ultimately causing a chain reaction among the other lasers as well. The juniors cheered him on, all his stunts apparently impressive to them so far. He grounded himself and turned to flash them a winning smile. He lost focus, unfortunately, and didn't realize that his danger sense had already signaled the arrival of impending danger. He cried out as he felt and smelled his skin and hair get singed by a powerful flamethrower. He put his palm on the ground, with a tarot card hovering above it, and swirled the entire floor around in huge waves, carrying him away from the flamethrower's reach. He was deeply weakened by the fiery assault and was kneeling on the ground afterwards. He hardly heard the squeals and groans of concern from the juniors as his ears rang once more. He looked up in time to see quite a number of needle-like javelins directly flying towards him. A card materialized in front of him, and he telekinetically diverted each of the gigantic needles towards the still blowing flame-torch. A large explosion ensued, and Beau used his Shadow' card to encased the juniors along the far wall in a shadow bubble, and altered the ground in front of him to rise and form a thick layer of solid wall to protect him from the searing embers in the explosion. He used the time to heal himself once again, and when the explosion had somehow calmed itself, lowered his walls and shadow bubble. He then threw his Water' card in the air. It erupted in a splash, and from the swirling, aqueous mass, emerged a roaring water dragon. The dragon swirled above Beau, as if trying to guage his new master's competency first, if he was worthy or otherwise, and when it seemed as if it was satisfied, traveled across the now blazing room to diffuse the smoke, flames, and embers out with a heavy douse of rain. The room cleared, and as the juniors cheered at the astounding display, the professor's voice blared over the speaker system of the control room.

Xavier: "Excellent work, Beau! Now, if you feel you're still up for it, we can begin the second part of the test."

Beau simply walked to the middle of the now totaled room, and held out a tarot card in his fore and middle fingers, and concentrated. A stream of energy emanated from Beau, and the entire room returned to its original gray glory. His `Telepathy' card made him hear Blue-Furred Genius' thoughts saying he was grateful to Beau for having eliminated the need for repairs, and that he will definitely be handy to have around the mansion.

Beau: "Okay, professor. Now I'm ready." The juniors charged after him, and he was instantly bombarded in congratulatory hugs and pats on the back. His `Empathy' card was on overdrive as the juniors expressed their genuine excitement. It was cut short, however, when they heard Scott's voice boom.

Scott: "Okay, guys, time to show Beau what we can do." His voice was tinged with a little bitterness, Beau's `Empathy' told him. They surrounded Beau, now, poised and ready to attack. Beau, however, didn't opt for a fighting stance, and chose, instead, a calm and steady approach, as he was clearly outnumbered, and would have a better chance of coming out of this ordeal unscathed if his mind was clear. He was already aware of what was going to happen, his danger sense had warned him well.

It was Scott that launched the first attack with a short and quick optic blast. Beau merely flitted the beam to the wall while holding his Deflection' card. His danger sense quickly kicked into full gear. They were going to attack him all at once. Scott fired another beam, this time much stronger, and Beau countered it with the aid of his Optic Blast' card. He knew he has his back and sides open for attack, and quickly strategized a way out. He saw Mousey Boy (Jamie) multiply himself from the corner of his eye. Beau quickly raised a hand and acquired a tarot card of Jamie's power, just in time to do some potential damage control behind him. The juniors had bombarded him with their firepower, and right before collision, Beau activated his newly acquired Multiplicity' card and created three clones to protect his back. With four Beau's facing all directions, he was able to subdue all the attacks. An electric bolt from Punk-Haired Guy (Ray) was simply deflected to the unknowing Amara, knocking her down, while the fireball she threw before getting electrocuted was simply multiplied and telekinetically diverted to Jamie and all his clones. Several kinetically charged playing cards from Tall, Dark Dude (Remy) followed suit, only to be diffused by Beau's Shadow", each lifelessly dropping to the ground before even making contact. Meanwhile, the original Beau was still battling Scott, who refused to let go of their optical match, and Jean decided to help him out by lifting Beau off the ground. Beau had, of course, learned of Jean's plan before it commenced, and flustered her with flames that erupted out of thin air around her. She, in turn, lost her concentration, and that did the trick on Scott as well. As he rushed to help out Jean, Beau knocked both of them out with empathic sleep. Huge rain clouds then formed in the sky as Ororo hailed them so, making thunder rumble vehemently. Beau launched his own Weather Control' card in the air, and created the same thing. The clouds collided and statically upset each other, resulting to a huge lightning bolt frying the still airborne weather witch. Another volley of attacks ensued, only to be rendered completely useless by Beau's shadow bubble. When they were done, Beau sent them tumbling down the ground they stood on over and over again, as Beau molecularly altered it to become solid, overlapping waves. He sensed Kitty phasing herself and Marie with her outstretched, gloveless hand through the waves towards one of the four Beaus, and was merely deterred when Beau telepathically knocked Kitty out. After which, Beau simply molecularly phased Marie to the ground and left her there, spiraling away as the floor swirled in waves. Kurt had teleported himself on top of Beau, avoiding the solid waves altogether. He was about to take him out manually, when Beau teleported himself out his reach. One of Beau's clones then took the opportunity to telekinetically hurl him to the nearest wall, rendering him unconscious, before he could even think of teleporting himself. He then took out the remaining people, still struggling to right themselves on the uneven ground, one by one, telepathically. By then, Beau had already de-multiplied himself, and stumbled to the ground when he was hit by an ice beam. He looked at his arm now caged in a block of ice. Beau quickly used his Strength' card to shatter the ice on his arm. Drake (Bobby) was the only one left standing, or in his case, hovering above the wavy ground in what looked like ice-slides, at the same time, firing ice beams or ice shards at random towards Beau. Beau merely deflected the frozen projectiles and beams, and waited for an opening. When he got his chance, he used his Water' card to melt Bobby's ice slides to plain, freeform water. As Bobby dropped to the ground, Beau then held up his Fire' card and created a flame dragon this time.

Beau: "Devour!"

The roaring dragon cast its open jaw towards the falling Bobby. He had now encased himself in a coating of ice, and was firing viciously at the flame dragon while righting himself up on another ice slide. His attacks were useless, however, and only melted when it came to close proximity with the dragon-shaped flame. It then engulfed him whole, and burned the horror-struck Bobby, not enough to sear through his clothing and skin, but definitely enough to impale his armor and render him unconscious.

Beau looked around. There was no one left standing. He had recollected his cards and returned everything to normal. He looked at the laying bodies one by one, as his eyes scanned the room, and suddenly stopped short at the sight of a smirking Dugray. His telepathic powers must've saved him from Beau's psychic assaults, and chose to remain inactive to wait for the right time. All of a sudden, Beau's danger sense started echoing inside his head, but it was too late. Dugray had invaded his mind and was murdering his psyche with a telepathic illusion of a painful, agonizing, excruciating, and torturous death. It lasted for hours, yet Beau knew that it was only a split second in the real world, the physical plane. Tears flooded down his cheeks uncontrollably. He couldn't stop them from flowing. His body lay still and lifeless, yet in his mind, he was writhing from immense pain. Fear then raced through Beau's mind as he knew this was his end. He knew it was his demise. He couldn't fight Dugray. He remained powerless despite the number of powers he's acquired. He was defenseless and as he realized all this, fear kept building up inside him more and more... until it was too late. Beau screamed, and screamed, and screamed... His screams relinquished his telepathic holds on his fallen comrades' minds, waking them up. He was afloat, and he didn't even know why.

Dugray had never faced an opponent whose psyche easily overruled his own. This was his absolute trump card, and no one lasted more than three minutes. Beau should've been unconscious by now. He strained all his energy to maintain his hold on Beau's mind, though, but he was rapidly losing. He had now dropped to his knees, urging his mind to go on. Hopefully, with enough mental energy, he could weaken Beau's psyche and leave it cowering in fear. Beau's screams never faltered, piquing the interest of others and rousing them from their telepathically or empathically induced daze.

Xavier: "Dugray, stop it! He can't take it! Just let it go!"

Dugray: "I... can't!"

Jean: "Dugray, that's enough! Stop it now!!!"

But it was too late. Beau's screams raged on, each louder and more painful than the last. He didn't want to die this way. He tried to use his powers, but his efforts remained futile. He was powerless, drained, and tired... so, so, tired. He was defeated... but he didn't care! Beau's limp and lifeless body crouched itself into a fetal position, as if he struggled to hold on to his last remaining bit of life, his screams dying to a hoarse breath...

He just wanted escape... release... freedom...

He begged for it... then let his soul go...

No one could've prepared themselves for what happened next. They watched in awe as Beau's body burst into flames. The flames licked and lingered, then all of a sudden, erupted to a massive form. An angry cry echoed throughout the room as the cosmic energy engulfing Beau from within lashed out its fury towards its oppressor. Dugray's telepathic grasp was instantly broken, and the force of its retaliation was enough to fling him to the wall hard and strong, rendering him unconscious upon impact.

It was alive, whatever it was that was taking over Beau. It was alive, and it wanted revenge.

It was the Phoenix.

Next: Chapter 3

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