X Boy

By Charlie Boi

Published on Sep 5, 2006



All usual standard disclaimers apply. X-Men and all other related elements are properties of Marvel. This work is purely fanFICTION, and may also contain sexual situations of the homosexual nature, not suitable for minors. Any storyline not true to the Marvel original is only made up by the author's non-comic book aficionado imagination. This includes sexual orientations. Any remote resemblance to real life, or any other fanfiction, is entirely coincidental. No pretenses, insinuations, infringement, or any other legal issues intended nor desired. Consider yourself warned.

Writer's Note:

As always, feedback is welcome at: charlie.likes@yahoo.com.

I apologize for the EXTREMELY long delay. I've just been a little preoccupied with work and life. It is also for that very same reason, let me just inform you now, that this chapter turned out to be very poorly written. And did I mention I suck at dialogues? Sorry, I'll do better next time. Heh, heh...

For everyone who has emailed me so far, thank you SO much for taking the time to read. You guys rock! : )

*** Legend:

" " -- spoken conversation { } -- telepathic conversation

Chapter Four: Rage

Beau arrived in his room fuming. He was completely disgusted with himself for reacting to Remy's ministrations that way, and for the way his own body betrayed his mind's wishes. He was so mad at Remy for forcing himself on him still, even as he clearly refused. The way he humiliated him and made him feel so cheap still makes his blood boil till now. He felt like crying, and unsure of himself, like he was now dirty. He realized he'd been pacing, and quickly headed for the bathroom. He immediately turned on the shower, and got in even before the water adjusted to the hot setting Beau had turned it on with. As the first gush of cold water traversed through his naked body, he shuddered, and started to break down. What the hell was wrong with him? Why do these bad things happen in his life? He was always the perfect one. Perfect looks, perfect grades, he even had the perfect, rich and hot parents all kids wish they had. Basically, he had the perfect life. Then all of a sudden, he falls for the one guy he shouldn't have, and everything came crashing down. It's like he got jinxed or something, because after that, he gets dumped, he gets outed to his entire school, his mom dies, he becomes a mutant, and now, he gets sort-of-raped. Beau suddenly realized that his life's not so perfect anymore. He was always happy, and for the past couple of months, he's been crying almost nonstop. He didn't even know he had so many tears to cry.

As the water steamed up and started to relax his tired muscles, what with the hot water sluicing its caressing ways down his naked flesh, Beau was once again reminded of how Remy used his unwilling behind, and his senses flared again. He felt his disgust overcome him, and he immediately reached over for his body wash and scrub and quickly started reaching for his insides, trying his very best to rinse his still raw ass from any residue of lube and remaining cum. His face furrowed as he scrubbed his raw and aching ass vigorously, enduring the pain it sent along his nerves. He wanted to feel clean again, and even as he knew soaping up his insides won't change that, even as he knew what happened will remain etched in his memory forever, he felt compelled to at least do something to try. He saw red mixed with the running water and body wash foam as they went down the drain, and he thought, that's good, the blood will wash away whatever memory or impression Remy's monster cock left in his mutilated asshole. He didn't stop scrubbing and gouging until he felt nothing but numbness. Then he proceeded to vigorously scrub his body. The hot water was slowly scorching his rosy white skin, but to Beau, it was still bearable because the heat will kill the microbes that Remy slobbered over his body with that vile tongue of his. Beau groaned. Beau can't stand Remy anymore. His crush on him had gone the minute he kept pushing his monster in him over his repeated refusal. When his arm started to ache from the sudden workout, Beau rinsed his body for a good several minutes, dried himself, and finally went to bed.


That's weird, Beau thought. His doorbell sounded funny. The doorbell rang again, quickly followed by another louder, non-mechanical sound.

Dugray: {Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Come on, dude, aren't you up yet?}

Ah, so that's why it sounded different. It wasn't his suite's doorbell, it was a telepathic message.

Beau: {...unh... yeah, I'm up. Come on in.} He actually never slept after his thorough shower several hours before. He reached for his `Psychokinesis' tarot card. "Open." He whispered, imagining the door from his suite's receiving area, so that Dugray could enter. A few moments later, his bedroom door slid open to reveal a fully clothed Dugray.

Dugray: "Wow, you look pretty." Beau didn't. "What happened to you?" Beau raised himself to a sitting position, his luxurious Egyptian cotton sheets falling from his chest to his waist revealing his nude upper body.

Beau: "Uh, nothing. Just tired, I guess." Dugray gave a small frown. "Hey, it's cool, alright? I'm okay."

Dugray: "You don't look okay. I was gonna ask you if you wanna hang out at the mall or something, we're allowed to go out on weekends, you see, and it's Saturday now... but maybe it's not such a good idea." Dugray had obviously thought the recent events' consequences had been more taxing on Beau than expected.

Beau: "The mall, huh? Alright, just give me a second." And with that, he stood up to head for the bathroom, revealing his naked lower half in the process.

Dugray: "Uh, um... nervous laugh Sorry. Uh, I-I'll just wait outside..." Dugray mentally cursed himself for stammering really, really ungracefully. Beau just stopped, raised his eyebrow at Dugray, and smirked at his now embarrassed friend.

Beau: "What? It's not like you haven't seen this before." He said, clutching his flaccid dick and low-hanging balls in one hand. "Does it scare little Dugray-kins?" He gave a small childish pout for emphasis on his teasing.

Dugray: "Shut up, man! Just hurry up and change already. Asshole!"

Beau: "Perv!" Beau stuck out his tongue, before heading to his bathroom to freshen himself up.

That's good, Dugray thought. Beau seemed back to the usual Beau he remembers him to be. Maybe he really was just tired like he said. Then again, he's the kind of guy that would lie to your face just so you wouldn't worry over him. About ten minutes later, Beau came out to the receiving area all savvy and not a hair out of place. God, Beau cleaned up real nice, Dugray thought. How the hell does he manage to get away with looking like he should be gracing the cover of a magazine every single time?

Beau: "You know you could stop gawking at me, at least not while I'm still facing you. Gawking should be done behind the person's back, you know." Heat colored Dugray's cheeks and he closed his hanging mouth as Beau laughed at him lightly, obviously enjoying the attention.

Dugray: "Shut the fuck up! I wasn't gawking."

Beau: "Oookaay, if you say so." Beau replied with a disbelieving tone. Dugray frowned. "Relax, dude. I was only kidding. It doesn't matter if you gawk behind my back. I would've seen it anyway. My `Vision' tarot card can give me super-enhanced peripheral vision... among other things." Beau nodded his head towards the slightly obvious tenting in Dugray's jeans. Dugray just rolled his eyes.

Dugray: "Whatever. I'll meet you at the foyer." He started to leave ahead of Beau, but Beau followed closely behind instead, still elaborating on his many thoughts on gawking. As he passed by the door, he placed his palm over his left jacket pocket, where he kept his tarot cards, and whispered, "Lock." The door obliged, and clicked itself locked and in place.

Ten o'clock was a little too late for breakfast at the dining hall, and the two decided they would just have brunch at one of the restaurants in the mall. They were at the landing on top of the grand staircase when Beau's danger sense tingled. Before he could even react, a powerful psychic blast flung him crashing through the huge bay windows of the nearby sun lounge. Beau was caught off-guard, but he instantly righted himself with his own Telekinesis' and used his Healing Light' on himself to clear off the wounds and cuts he got when the window's glass shattered. After a few seconds, he rushed back and blasted the front double doors clear off their hinges with a powerful telekinetic blow, and casually stepped inside like nothing happened. The look on his face was unmistakable, though. Whoever did that to him had some serious explaining to do. Once he was just inside, however, his facial expression instantly changed to that of confusion. It was Jean. The mask on her livid face spelled unmistakable fury. She had clearly rendered Dugray unconscious telepathically. And now, no one stood between her and Beau.

Beau: "Jean... what's going on?"

Jean: "I was beginning to wonder when you'd wake up from your coma. Imagine my surprise when I went to the infirmary today to find you gone from your bed."

Beau: "What? Jean, what's this about, really? Why are you acting like this?" Beau was clueless.

Jean: "Because, Beau Murdock, you stole my power!" And with that, she thrust her hand forward, telekinetically sending Beau crashing into the large fountain up front. The blow was so powerful, the stone broke, and the water inside instantly flooded the surrounding area. "What's the matter, Beau? Scared? Well, you should be!!!" Beau hadn't even gotten up and already Jean raised both her arms and was volleying large chunks of muddy earth towards his direction. It crashed with a large crumbling sound, in a huge mound atop Beau's now seemingly unconscious form.

Xavier: "Jean! What has happened?!" The professor had obviously heard the commotion and rushed to the scene. Suddenly the earth mound swirled evenly, and from the vortex' eye emerged a completely unharmed Beau.

Jean: "I knew you wouldn't go down that easily, bitch!" And she sent a powerful blast towards Beau once more. Before it made contact, though, Beau simply held out the palm of his hand and deflected the blast into nothingness. The floating tarot card that had materialized in front of Beau's palm before the impact suddenly disappeared.

Beau: "Jean, please, stop! Why are you doing this?"

Xavier: "Jean, what is going on? What are you two doing?" He was obviously straining himself to remain calm.

Jean: "Stay out of this!" her rage was so resolute, it automatically sent the professor and his wheelchair flying back into the mansion without even turning to them. "Why, Beau? Why'd you do it?! Answer me!" Beau became instantly concerned with the professor's welfare. Jean was not a friend right now.

Beau: "Dammit, Jean! What the hell are you talking about?! I haven't done anything!!!"

Jean: "Shut the fuck up! Don't you dare lie to me, you freak! Why did you steal my power?!" She screeched, reiterating her earlier question. She waved her hands once more, and the two unhinged doors behind her flew straight to Beau's direction.

Beau: "What power are you talking about? I didn't steal anything! Look at yourself, you clearly still have your telekinesis! And you know God damn well my powers don't steal other people's powers!" A tarot card materialized in front of Beau's chest and the doors got engulfed in black shadow before shattering into a million splinters the ground.

Jean: "Liar!" And as she shrieked this, all the glass from the nearby windows of the mansion shattered. She waved her hands, and propelled all the broken glass shards soaring towards Beau. "You took the Phoenix from me!!!" Suddenly it all started to make sense. Beau had wondered who had `Phoenix Force' power because he knew that whoever it belonged to was not to be reckoned with.

Beau: "I already told you, I didn't steal anything!" he immobilized the glass shards and collected them in jagged icicle shapes before they did him any real damage, then launched them all toward Jean, imprisoning her in a marquee of bars made of serrated glass. Jean struggled to free herself, but Beau secured the bars well with his own brand of telekinesis.

Jean: "Oh, please! Stop feigning innocence! That crap won't work on me! You're nothing more than a power hungry thief!" She grunted, exerting her mind to loosen the bars, but failing miserably as Beau held them in place. He noticed the professor crawling his way to his dilapidated wheelchair, and quickly held out his `Multiplicity' card. A clone walked away from his own body and ran to help the professor and Dugray out.

Xavier: {Jean, Beau, what is going on?!} He asked them telepathically. When Jean stubbornly refused to answer, Beau did it for her.

Beau: {She says I stole the Phoenix Force' from her, professor.} By that time, his clone had managed to fix the wheelchair with his Matter Alteration' card, and get the professor on it. The professor went out to them while the clone attended to his unconscious student-buddy, Dugray.

Xavier: "Jean, we have already discussed this. It is not the nature of Beau's power to steal others' powers. It merely mimics how their powers work." Jean's fury raged even more.

Jean: "No!!!" And with renewed vivacity, she shattered her glass cage and lunged into the air. "He stole the Phoenix from me, I know it!" She sent another psychic blast towards Beau, who, with the aid of his danger sense, merely jumped out of the way. The impact of the telekinetic blast created a respectable crater on the ground he just stood on. Her rage seems to be empowering her telekinesis to such a magnitude that Beau realized he was right to think that whoever owned the Phoenix Force was not someone to be reckoned with. He just couldn't believe that the powerful mutant would be Jean. Then it all clicked into place.

Beau: "The dream..." he thought, remembering the strange dream he had before, with him engaged in what appeared to be a psychic combat with a strong opponent.

Xavier: "Jean, for God's sakes, he didn't steal the Phoenix from you! That entity is still within you, and if you don't stop this rampage, it might very well be released from its bondage!"

Jean: "No! You're wrong, professor, I have the Phoenix under my control!" and all of a sudden, Jean broke down into sobs. "That's right, bitch, only I have the will strong enough to subdue it!" Still afloat, she slapped her hands together and the ground Beau stood on divided into two plates, squishing him like a giant clam closing in on its prey.

Xavier: "Jean, this is absurd! Stop this now! Stop this, I say!" He was quickly losing his patience and was now considering knocking her down telepathically.

Jean: "No! Why are you being so hardheadedly blind about this?! He won't withstand the Phoenix's control! Can't you remember what happened the last time the Phoenix was left to run amok? I cannot let that happen again!" She was grinding her palms against each other, and the soil that now engulfed Beau ground against itself, as if trying to chew poor Beau to digestible pulp.

Xavier: "I'm sorry Jean, but you leave me no choice." He whispered to no one, and raised his hands to his temples to concentrate enough telepathic energy to attack Jean's mind with. Jean was too caught up with trying to kill Beau that she failed to realize what was about to happen. Beau, however, knew exactly what his intentions were, and just as Xavier launched his attack, he felt another mind blocking his own assault. He turned his head to find Beau's clone subduing him with his own telepathy, while holding Dugray's body slung on his shoulders.

Beau's clone: "Don't, professor. Let us deal with this our way. Jean won't stop until she gets her issues settled. It's better we do it now. Watch."

The professor turned to the scene from the entryway his wheelchair allowed him to reach, while the clone disappeared after propping Dugray's unconscious body against the nearest chair. From the depth's of soil and dirt, Beau's body phased through, and casually stepped out. His face was unrelenting, more focused.

Beau: {That all you got, Jean?} And as Jean's brain processed the futility of her actions, Beau used his own brand of telekinesis to blast the ground around him away, and plummet the levitating Jean straight to the ground. "You want a telekinetic battle? I'll give you a telekinetic battle!" As he waited for Jean to recuperate, Xavier contacted him.

Xavier: {Beau, stop! What has gotten into you?!}

Beau: {It's okay, professor. I remember this happening.}

Xavier: {What are you saying?}

Beau: {I dreamt about this fight last night. This fight is inevitable, so don't worry. Everything will turn out okay.} Of course, he purposefully left out the fact that in his dream he ended up falling down defeated. "Come on, Jean! Bring it on."

Jean slowly stood up, knees wobbling with effort. That surprise attack shocked her so hard she wasn't able to get her shield up fast enough to crash her fall completely.

Jean: "Silly boy, you didn't seriously think you're powers are enough to beat me, right? I've got experience kid, you're nothing but a newbie." She had righted herself up, and was poised for defense.

Beau: "Don't be so sure, Jean. You may have been the source of my telekinesis, but your mental prowess is way weaker than mine. Haven't you noticed how you still need to channel your powers through your hands, whereas I simply process a thought? Weak, I tell ya. Way weak. And you think you even stood a chance?"

He smirked evilly at her, and he immediately felt her anger surged forth with his `Empathy' card. With a scream, she flung her right arm sideward, attempting to overthrow Beau, but his danger sense quickened his reflexes and he swiftly levitated himself out of Jean's telekinetic range. He then launched a psychic blast to punch her in the gut, and as her body recoiled from the blow, he immediately sent rocks of various sizes bombarding towards her.

Experience seemed to have taught her very well, as she held up a hand before her while trying to support her weight. The rocks merely crumbled into gravel upon impact with her telekinetic shield.

Jean: "Give it up, Beau!"

Beau: "Not a chance."

Jean: "You fool, the Phoenix will destroy you, and everyone and everything else! It's unstable, and it will corrupt your entirety!"

Beau: "Thanks, but I think I'll take my chances."

Jean shrieked once more and started barraging Beau with psychic blasts. Beau agilely avoided each one, with the aid of his danger sense. She bombarded debris, rocks, trees, and anything that she could throw his way.

Xavier: "The both of you, stop this now! This is just absurd!" He moved forward, ready to strike them down with a telepathic sleeper.

Beau: "Professor, watch out!" and with his `Transference' card, teleported himself in front of the professor, just as a wayward chunk of wall headed straight for the professor. Unfortunately, Beau had reappeared a little too late, and he took on the full force of concrete slab.

Beau blinked the dark away from his eyes as his eyesight regained focus. He seemed to be in the infirmary once again, and it seems that there's a bit of a heated argument just beside him.

Scott: "What's gotten into you, Jean? Surely you didn't intend to hurt a student?"

Xavier: "Jean, we are here to promote peace, and impart to our students the immoral gravity of violence. What kind of influence do you suppose to provide for them with this kind of outburst? We cannot condone such rash behavior, the students will think it's okay to deal with their anger through their powers."

Ororo: "As friends, we are here to support each other. But you mustn't forget your role here as a teacher as well, we are the ones who should be exhibiting the proper control of our powers."

Jean: "I... I said I was sorry, okay?"

Remy: "Bet you don't feel so perfect now, huh?"

Jean: "Excuse me?"

Xavier: "Remy, please, this is neither the place, nor the time..." Remy interrupted.

Remy: "Oh, come on, chere, we don't need to pretend here. You're the professor's prized student, you're Marvel Girl. We're all aware of that. That perfect exterior of yours was bound to crack sooner or later." And he started to leave for the door. "And it looks like it was sooner than we all had anticipated." He called back, before he was fully out the door.

Jean: "Look, I realize that what I did was wrong, but you have to understand, I can't allow the Phoenix to reign supreme once again. We were all powerless to her at some point, you all what we went through that time. Lives suffered, and it was beyond our control. I just... I can't go through that again."

Xavier: "Yes, I think subconsciously we were all aware of that possibility with the potentials of Beau's power. But calling him a thief, Jean? You of all people should know how his powers work, you've been in his mind for crying out loud!"

Jean: "I'm sorry, I guess I overreacted."

Beau: "You guess?" They had all turned to Beau's bed. They had been so caught up with their discussion that they didn't realize he was already awake. "Jean, you were beyond that. You were erratic and irrational!"

Jean: "Well what did you want me to do? Just sit around knowing that you can unleash the deadliest force known to this universe anytime you want? You can't even begin to imagine what the Phoenix can do."

Beau: "So that automatically gives you the right to kill me?"

Jean: "I wasn't trying to kill you..."

Beau: "Oh, really? Cause it sure looked like you were. I mean, you obviously didn't care about what happened to the professor, or to Dugray!" He suddenly looked around the room, and found Dugray sitting beside his bed, head once again covered in bandages. "See?!"

Jean: "Uh! Excuse me, but are you forgetting your little episode in the danger room the other day? Face it, Beau. You're in way over your head if you think you can control the Phoenix Force!"

Scott: "Jean, calm down, you're agitating him."

Jean: "Why should I? You all seem to want that to happen anyway. You want to see the Phoenix destroy this planet!"

Ororo: "Oh, Jean, how can you say that? Those were terrible times. You are mistaken if you believe anyone wants that to happen again."

Jean: "Then why can't you back me up on this?! Why can't you see my reason?"

Beau: "Because your reason sucks, that's why! You know, I thought you were different, you preach all these things about fairness and equality for mutants but you yourself can't help but be indifferent towards me! I mean, how quick are you to just sentence me to death like that, huh?"

Jean: "I..." she started, but Beau was quick to cut her off.

Beau: "You know what? Fine! Here's your stupid power." He had stood up and had flung the `Phoenix Force' card in Jean's face. "I never even wanted the damn thing in the first place! God, you're worse than those mutant bashers. You're discriminatory to your own kind!"

Jean's was obviously offended, and just looked on to the others, expecting them to stop a mere teenager from raising his voice to him and for treating her with such disrespect. But the others obviously tried to avoid her looks, as if trying to tell her that she deserved what she got. Jean just huffed in irritation.

Beau: "And you know what else I find so freaking annoying?" He had, once again, started to cry despite all his efforts not too. "It's that I can't even get myself to despise you. I mean I hate you, but I can't loathe you. And how can I, when you have my mother's smile?" Saying that out loud just brought him down to tears, as the others turned to him now, their faces full of compassion. Jean was dumbfounded. A tarot card materialized in front of Beau as he furiously wiped at his eyes, and he teleported away.

Dugray: "Are you satisfied now, Jean? You've broken Beau." And he started to leave, clearly upset.

Jean didn't know what else to do at that point, so she just picked the `Phoenix Force' card. Before she could touch it though, it glowed and statically shocked her hand away.

Jean: "Ow!" The others had then turned her attention to her. The card levitated itself, and teleported itself towards Beau. "Shit! That thing's got a mind of its own!"

They had began to panic, thinking that their worst fears had started to realize, when a much calmer Beau reappeared in front of them all.

Beau: "Uhm... Okay, so, uh, I think the powers are non-returnable..." He said as he nervously brandished the card that got away to them.

John: "Fuck! No way, dude. Jean?"

Dugray: "I'm not kidding! She was hell bent on disposing Beau because he had somehow mimicked the Phoenix. She knocked me out, she knocked the professor down. Clearly, she means business. Ow!"

Jubilee: "Hold still." She was taking off Dugray's head bandage. "And don't be such a baby, it's just a small concussion."

John: "So what now?"

Dugray: "Dunno."

Kitty: "Maybe we should see how he's doing? I mean, you did say he left the infirmary pretty upset."

Amara: "Do you think we should bring him some lunch? It's already three o'clock and I don't think he's eaten since... uh..."

Dugray: "Since before our encounter at the Danger Room."

Kitty: "Seriously? Wow, then we should definitely bring food. Come on, get up, let's go to the kitchen." No one moves. "Ugh. You guys are useless."

Dugray: "Heh, heh, I'm coming with you. I bet you're just trying to score some points." Kitty blushed. "I knew it." They left.

Bobby: "Hey, I have an idea. It's been a long time since we've gone out at night, why don't we go out tonight?"

Jamie: "Um, if you guys are goin' out, d'you suppose I could come this time?"

Ray: "Are you freakin' kidding? You don't even look thirteen."

Jamie: "I do, too!"

John: "Sorry, Kiddo. Maybe in a couple more years."

Jamie: "No fair! You guys always leave me out..."

Bobby suddenly got a call from Scott on his cell.

Bobby: "Fuck, trip's cancelled. Because of the whole Phoenix issue, we just got assigned auditioning duties with Logan. Oh, except Dugray. Scott says he's off this weekend."

Amara: groan "I hate Logan's sessions. Even on auditions, you'd think we were then ones trying out with all that work."

John: "Who's it this time, oh fearless junior leader?"

Bobby: "Same as last time. Roberto, Sam, and Rahne."

Jubilee: "Ah. Sunspot, Cannonball, and Wolfsbane."

John: "Them again?"

Jamie: "But they hardly made it the first two times."

Ray: "Hey, you don't know that. Maybe they've improved."

Bobby: "Spoken like a true repeater."

Beau: "Remind me again why I'm doing this?" he and Dugray were sitting in a club Dugray used to go to before he got admitted to the Institute. It was gay friendly.

Dugray: "This is good for you."

Beau: "I don't really think I'm up for anything wild tonight."

Dugray: "Oh, don't worry, this place is only chilling and hanging out. Did you wanna go dancing? We could to the club down the street..."

Beau: "No, no. This is fine... I guess I'm just not in the mood."

Dugray: "Dude, seriously, you need this. Don't you think you've suffered enough shit for the time being?"

Beau: "I... You know what? You're right. Let's go play some pool."

They started a game, Dugray was winning easily, but Beau didn't mind. They were both gorgeous young guys, and a lot of people, both guys and girls, had started cruising them. Occassionally coming up to ask for a phone number, a date, or a drink. But both of them didn't seem to want any attention. They were starting to get into each other. Dugray's a really sweet guy, he thought, and he really cares about him. He found himself smiling at the thought of Dugray. But even as he was starting to forget his problems and start to get happy, he has this gnawing feeling in the gut that it was too easy.

Disembodied Voice: "Well, look who it is."

Beau was still laughing at the mistake he made with the cue ball, when he turned to address the voice. His face fell.

Voice: "What, no kiss?" Beau frowned and had started to move towards Dugray. "Aww, did sunshine get himself a boyfriend?" he smirked menacingly at Beau.

Dugray: {You alright there, Beau? Who's this guy? Dude, he's fucking yummy. giggle Total man-candy!}

Beau: {He's... the guy.}

Dugray: {What guy?}

Beau: {My Sire...}

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