X Men Chronicles

By moc.oohay@yoboihsot

Published on Dec 14, 2003


Disclaimer: All X-Men characters, concepts and ideas are copyrights of Marvel Comics, and 20th Century Fox. The storied are of my own wild imagination, and are not in any way purposed to depict any of the character's actual sexual orientations or doings. That said, please don't sue me! Thanks~ and enjoy:

Toshio woke to feel a perplexing pressure on himself. He stirred, half-awake, and tried to move, but he couldn't seem to raise any part of his body at all. Worried, he opened his eyes wider, to see... ... Spike?

The 18 year-old youth was straddling Toshio on his bed, and Toshio was getting very confused. He tried to say something, to protest, but dammit, he was gagged with duct tape. So all he could do was to shake his head furiously, making mmmphs of protest.

Spike laughed softly at Toshio's predicament. "Hey, gay-boy. I thought I would have a little fun with ya tonight. *snicker why,.. you even went to take part in the entrance test for the x-men. Like you even have the talent! Ha~ I'd be surprised if you could even escape from my bondage."

At his words, Toshio wriggled his arms free, and swung them at Spike in a vicious arc. But Spike had already mind-blasted him, and Toshio laid there, stoned and dazed. Spike laughed again. "You're really kinda cute, y'knoe"

Spike grasped both of Toshio's wrists with one hand and pinned them to the bed above Toshio's head. He then wriggled on Toshio, his crotch rubbing arousingly against Toshio's flat abs. Toshio was still kinda dazed, but he noticed a large lump in Spike's pants, and he felt rather amused.

Suddenly, Spike seemed to have conjured up a set of hand cuffs. Toshio's eyes widened, and he writhed harder, but Spike was years older and much heavier, and all Toshio could do was watch, helplessly, as the cuffs came down, securing his lean wrists against the bed posts. "mMmph!" he said, clearly distressed. The hand-cuffs were tight!

Satisfied that his slave wasn't going to escape any time soon, Spike smirked and rolled off Toshio. Slowly, he peeled back Toshio's shirt, revealing his taut abs and his chest. In the cold autumn, near winter air, Toshio's nipples erected immediately, and the small boy felt an acute sense of shame, but it was mixed with a throbbing sense of pleasure, in his stomach, and ... ... *groan ... his crotch, too.

However, with his legs still free, Toshio attempted a scisors' kick at Spike, which connected to Spike's sexy back. He realized something. Spike was shirtless! But the lapse in concentration was unfortunate, Spike had mind-blasted him again. "Damn! You sure don't give up, do you?" This time, Toshio drifted into a dazed unconsciousness.

When he awoke, nothing seemed to have changed, except... ... he wasn't wearing anything, save his tight pair undies, which felt rather wet. He groaned inwardly. Spike came into view and straddled him. "Awake, are you now? Ready to serve me, slave boy?" he asked, with a feral laugh. Toshio redoubled his efforts to get free, but the writhing of his nearly nude, lean body seemed to turn Spike on even more. Argh! Now even his legs were tied down, and he was feeling cold. But the cold didn't seem to affect Spike, who was fully naked. His cock dripped pre-cum onto Toshio's belly button. The boy protested through muffled shouts, but the naked Spike seemed to get hotter.

He glided both his hands over Toshio's smooth chest, and pinched his nipples slightly. Toshio gasped, the pain and pleasure rendering him helpless to Spike's whims. Spike pinched, harder. Toshio arched his back in pain, which seemed to turn Spike on. "Yeah, boy, that's the way" he breathed.

Toshio was feeling very helpless and useless now. Tied down, on his own bed, stripped to his small underwear, and being used for Spike's pleasure, was getting to be too much. Tears of anguish escaped his eyelids, as he looked to the side, not wanting Spike to see. But his unhappiness was sensed by Spike all the same, and Spike wiped his tear, rather tenderly, from his face. He then slapped him.

Toshio whimpered in pain. Spike was getting too cruel. He tore off Toshio's underpants hungrily, and grasped his erected tool, which was rather wet from pre-cum and sweat. Toshio gasped and writhed some more, but the hand cuffs only cut his wrists painfully, and the buckling movement increased his pleasure in Spike's hands. "Fuck," he thought, "is there no way out of this for me?"

At last, he gave up. He submitted fully to the older teen. Slumping back onto his bed, defeated, he felt fully ashamed of himself. Spike smiled triumphantly, and tied a leash around Toshio's cock, tightening it viciously, till Toshio cried out, though the gag muffled it. Blood rushed to Toshio's cock, and Toshio felt an amazing feeling of engorged ness in his member. It seemed to become more sensitive, and the cold air tickled it. The feeling was indescribable. "You like this, don't ya, slave?"

But the hot naked pair, one fair, one tanned, paused. They had heard the sound, the unmistakable sound of... ... feet. "Shit!" Spike cursed. As he scrambled to get off Toshio, Toshio felt a sudden sense of panic. The visitor must not see him in this humiliating state, tied to his own bed with a leash on his cock, that seemed to give him pleasure. Oh, the humiliation.

Something was released from Toshio. He felt suddenly, very light headed, and heard a wooshing sound, and seemed to see multi-coloured sparkles flashing past his eyes. Then he opened his eyes, to see... ... Spike tied down on the bed, gagged, with a leash round his hard long cock!! What?? Toshio felt confused, and Spike more-so, as he bucked and writhed against his tight bonds. Toshio wanted to laugh, but he had to take care of the visitor first. Rushing to the door, he put a "Do not disturb --- sleeping" sign on the outside knob, and slammed it, locking the bolts across it.

The visitor stopped outside his door for a few seconds, before retreating. Toshio sighed in relief as he crumpled to the floor. He noticed, rather belatedly, that his cock was still hard from Spike's handling, and realised why he had felt so un-balanced while rushing around just now. The utter incredulity and unreal-ness of the nights events made him giddy, and he began to laugh. He forgot all about Spike until he heard the bed groan as Spike bucked again and again.

Toshio smiled mischievously. He didn't know what had conspired to allow him and Spike to trade places like this, but wow, he wasn't going to waste it. Walking to the bed, he straddled him just as Spike had straddled him. The irony and shame was not lost on Spike, who's face flushed crimson. Toshio thought he looked rather cute when he was embarrassed.

But he needed some answers. Tearing off the gag to a yelp of pain from Spike, he was flooded with curses and expletives from Spike. After a few moments, when Spike stopped to catch his breath, Toshio yanked the cock-leash, hard, and Spike gasped in pain. His cock was engorged, turning dark reddish in colour. It was very stiff.

"How did you enter this dorm? Only residents in this room can unlock those bolts." Toshio asked sternly. Spike, with a pained expression on his face, said, "I was transferred to your dorm, you prick! Let go off'a me, fag!"

"Not until you answer my questions, and you seemed pretty turned on while I was helpless. Guess who's the fag?" Toshio continued, "Damn, why'd you tie me down anyway?"

Spike turned away, blushing again. Toshio grasped the leash, and Spike cried out "I'll talk, I'll talk! Just don't pull that leash... ... man! I'm tied down with my own instruments, how cruel is that..." he lamented. Toshio pulled the leash again slightly, and Spike yelped, "The question! The question, okay! I tied you down, partly because I wanted to punish you for trying to join the X-men... ... and partly because I... ... I err... sigh... I lust after your smooth lean tight boy body. There, I said it. Now can I go?"

Toshio's mind was in a whirl. "sure, you can go," he said, rather dazed, as he unfastened the bonds. Someone actually lusted for him? Spike sat up, rubbing his chafed wrists and ankles, and both awkwardly noticed Toshio was still straddling Spike's six-pac abs. Toshio's eyes were drawn to them. If only he had muscle definition like that... ... abruptly, Spike's mouth was over his in a passionate kiss. Startled, he tried to pull back, but Spike's strong dark arms circled Toshio's back and head, pushing him forward.

With a "Hell, why not?" thought, Toshio opened his mouth, openly frenching with Spike. Their tongues explored each other's mouths, and Toshio never imagined kissing could bring so much feeling and pleasure. It was his virgin kiss. Lips still locked, their hands explored each other's athletic, sweaty bodies. Toshio noticed Spike still had his cock leash on, and pulled it naughtily. Spike gasped, and the kiss was made even more intense. Finally, they broke off, both catching their breath. Toshio laid down on the bed, intense new feelings running through his body.

Spike straddled him once again, and started kissing, wanting more. The two had an awesome night of sweaty cuddling, and kissing. Toshio wouldn't forget this night. Spike even kept his leash on all night long, which Toshio still found rather amazing.

End notes: Sigh, was feeling really horny while writing this, so forgive me if it's a little too wild for your tastes =P anyway, just wanted to deviate from the plot a little, and give the two boys a night of fun ^.^ any comments? Send them to toshioboy@yahoo.com heh heh..thanks to all those who sent me nice comments! Sorrie this chapter took so long to write =P

Next: Chapter 5: Toshio 5

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