X Men Chronicles

By moc.oohay@yoboihsot

Published on Dec 18, 2003


Disclaimer: All X-Men characters, concepts and ideas are copyrights of Marvel Comics, and 20th Century Fox. The storied are of my own wild imagination, and are not in any way purposed to depict any of the character's actual sexual orientations or doings. That said, please don't sue me! Thanks~ and enjoy:

Toshio awoke groggily, feeling as if he had been punched in the face. Grabbing his throbbing head gingerly, he noticed he was naked, and the events of last night flooded his memory. "Oh gosh..." he breathed, still not believing it had all happened. It seemed to outrageous, and unbelievable, when compared to this mundane dormitory. His eyes were drawn to the bed besides his, where the sleek, prone figure of Spike lay, also naked.

"Bugger!" he cursed, as he hastily climbed out of bed and rushed to the toilet. Somehow, he didn't want Spike to see him. The confrontation might be awkward. Pulling a large t- shirt over a long sleeved tee, he raced out of the room, checking his watch. He was still early for class, so maybe he would head down to the canteen for a bite of breakfast.

As he entered the large cavernous room, he automatically searched out the familiar table, where he and Jubilee usually sat to eat or chat. He smiled in relief as he saw Jubilee sitting there, waving merrily at him. He half jogged over to the table and greeted her rather sheepishly, the events of last night making him feel guilty for some strange reason.

Jubilee had even bought him some breakfast! Toshio felt like hugging her. "Thanks, Ju," was all he said, as he started to wolf down the breakfast of bacon and eggs.. Mmmm... But the stillness at the table unnerved him. Looking up, he saw Jubilee's eyes boring into his face, and without knowing why, he started blushing.

"Jubilee, why are you staring at me!? C'mon, eat your breakfast!" but Jubilee shook her had sadly, still staring at him. This was making him real uncomfortable, and he squirmed in his seat. Finally, Jubilee spoke up,

"Tosh', what if... ... what if you weren't totally gay? Like, bi or something... ..." she started off hesitantly. Oh boy, Toshio groaned inwardly. He had hoped never to have this conversation. But setting his jaw, he started to reply when Jubilee cut him off.

"It's just that this girl... ...my friend, she likes you see, and... well..."

"It's you, right, Jubilee?"

She was in shock for a moment, then started vehemently denying, waving her hands in front of her face in crazy circles. "No! NO! It's not me! How could... ...Gosh, forget it, Ok?" Toshio eyed her suspiciously for a moment, before returning to his plate of breakfast. Things were so confusing. He knew Jubilee liked him, from the way she still stuck by him even when he was gay, to the way that she always looked out for him or did these little somethings.

"Thanks, Ju'," he said softly, as he looked up to see her staring sadly off into the distance. She didn't reply.

"Toshio!! Come to my desk," Jean called out after a particularly grueling class of kinetics class had ended. Feeling rather apprehensive, he shuffled to the front uncertainly. "Gosh, there's no need to be so afraid, I'm not gonna eat you," she said exasperatedly. But Toshio still harboured some mistrust of Jean.

"Well! Anyway, Professor Xavier has asked me to pass you this, uhm, preliminary report. You can take a look. Also, the actual battle simulation for entry into the X-men team will be held next week, you better prepare." She said this with an encouraging smile.

"Oh... ok." Toshio said as he grabbed the wad of papers and dashed out of the class. He wanted to check his report against Jubilees'.

In their next class, they were supposed to be in the dungeons. It was a self defence class taught by Gambit which, unfortunately, was shared with Spike, too. Toshio actually found the teacher quite hot, so he didn't want to be late for his class. He raced down the marble staircase, just in time to greet the teacher. Gambit looked rather peeved he was late, then motioned him to sit.

Toshio found Jubilee near the back, then plonked himself on an adjacent seat. "Hey, Ju'! Did you get the report?"

"Yeah!" she whispered, clearly excited. "I can't wait to see what yours says," she said, smiling rather wickedly.

"Toshio! Ya got something to share with tha class?" Gambit called. Toshio felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he sensed Jubilee rocking with silent laughter beside him.

"Err, no! ... sir," he added. But Gambit had already summoned him to the front of the class to perform a demonstration, and Toshio almost fainted when he saw what was scrawled untidily on the blackboard --- "Lesson number 5 --- Restraining your assailant effectively".

The class murmured in excitement, and Toshio could do nothing but head reluctantly to the front of the class. Gambit was already explaining to the class the ideal steps. "First, you should always, always, arm yourself with a rope. There." He had removed a rope from his billowing trench coat. "Next, find ya assailant, knock him out," Toshio's eyes widened in shock, as Gambit suddenly grabbed his arm and twisted it viciously behind his back, forcing Toshio to bend in pain. Toshio couldn't help but gasp, and the students stirred and murmured. Toshio could see both Spike and Jubilee staring avidly.

Gambit then caught Toshio's leg in a backwards hook, knocking him face-first to the floor. Toshio shouted in pain, and tried to get up, but Gambit had already landed heavily on him. Toshio was winded, air punched out of his lungs. His eyes crossed giddily, and a few classmates laughed at his expression.

Toshio shook his head, feeling anger coursing through him. What kind of a moronic teacher tackles and pins students in class?? It's idiotic! The energy built up, until it was suddenly released, with a whooshing sound, much like the sound of a train rushing past your face. Toshio's eyes saw sparckles, and abruptly, he was on top of a squirming figure, his own arms twisting the person's arm back in a move he never knew possible. His jaw hung open, till Gambit threw him off his back suddenly. Toshio fell on his back and skidded till he hit the wall. "Ow..." he groaned.

The class erupted into laughter. The sight of the amazing switch had boggled them, but what made it funny was the fact that Toshio had, for a moment, pinned their teacher to the floor.

Spike was amazed. So that's what had happened the night before. Toshio's mutant power --- it had switched him out of danger. Such a talent was... ... he didn't' know. Spike's mind was boggled. This could be the strangest mutant power he had seen.

But Gambit was already up and roaring, cornering poor Toshio, who still lay on the floor.

"Toshio! We have rules about using powers in class! Ya not supposed to even use it on teachers, like me!" Toshio found this rather perplexing in his drained, dazed state, and started chuckling, to the amusement of his classmates, and to the rising fury of his teacher.

"Detention! Tonight!" gambit yelled. With that, he turned back to the class, continuing to teach. Toshio stumbled back to his seat, meeting a smirk from Spike. He shuddered involuntarily.

Gambit never demonstrated in class again.

After detention that night, Toshio trodded back to his dorm, muscles aching and bone weary. He was also shirtless, as Gambit had forced him to clean up the cold dungeons shirtless. Toshio had noticed him checking out his body, and he felt violated. HmPh. But he was already too tired to care.

Sliding back the bolts, he opened the door, and found Spike waiting for him, already half- asleep. He started when he saw Toshio at the door. Spike took an involuntarily glance at Toshio's sweaty torso, then snapped back.

"What do you want?" Toshio asked wearily, moving towards his bed. Spike got up and threw some photos on the bed. Toshio took a look, then froze in horror. The photos showed him, tied down and helpless on his bed. Spike must have took them after he mind blasted him.

Toshio whirled to face Spike, fear and anger etched on his face. Spike spoke up first.

"You will be my slave, Toshio, or I will post these photos all around school, and even on the internet," he said, and chuckled at the look on Toshio's face.

Toshio felt his stomach plummet.

End notes: Haha, I just made Spike more evil. What will Toshio do?? =D anyway, took quite long to write this chapter, looks like Toshio will never become an X-man at the rate I'm going... lol anyway any comments? Criticism? any thoughts on how Toshio should slaughter Spike? [joking!] Mail me at toshioboy@yahoo.com! Thanks to all who've mailed me those nice comments, you know who you are!! ^^,

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