X Redemption

By ac.oohay@88remmusrevlis

Published on Jun 6, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story other than those that I created. This story will contain homosexuality and I do not make any claims regarding the sexuality of anyof the characters in the story. All of the X-Men and Villains presented in the story (other than those I created) are the property of Marvel Comics.

Author's Notes:

With the disclaimer out of the way; I just want to say that this is my first submission to Nifty and would really love to get some comments about it. If you like the story, if you hate it, whatever send me an email silversummer88@yahoo.com. I forgot to mention in the previous chapter but I've taken some liberties with the ages of the X-Men and Brotherhood characters in the story . I'll be mixing in some really popular characters and some relative unknowns as well, so if you're an X fan you can skip the character section, if not then you may want to check it out for a bit of background.

Characters: Conner -- 16 year old high school student, our main character Pyro – 19 year old member of Brotherhood of Mutants, Australian, pyrokinetic

X-Redemption Chapter 3

The images are racing through my head. My dad with his cock near my ass after he just beat the living shit out of me. The waves rapidly coming from his chest as he looks at me with malice and hate. Then I see myself huddled in the corner of some dingy bathroom, a guy with a 2x4 coming straight at me. I killed that guy...I accelerated the waves coming from his heart and then he dropped dead. I see my dad again...he's about to put his cock in me...and all I can do is scream...


I'm awake now. I try to sit up but it's too painful. I can see though that I'm in what looks like a very dimly lit hospital room. My hand is right hand is bandaged up and with my left hand I can tell that there are also bandages to my side and forehead. I'm still trying to get a bearing of my surroundings when my dream comes rushing back to me. A terrible realization comes to me as those images that were just playing in my head replay themselves over and over...

"No...I couldn't have...I didn't mean to...NO!!!" as I begin to scream I can feel the room starting to shake. The medical equipment around me begin to malfunction. Sounds of monitors shattering and things being knocked off their moorings are all I can hear. I can suddenly feel the sensation of metal clamping around my wrists and ankles. Even in my dazed state I can tell that there's the sudden sensation of a syringe being stuck into my arm...but there's no one in the room with me...The room suddenly stops shaking...it's getting quiet...and dark...

"How ya doin' there mate?" is what I hear as my eyes struggle to open. "You gave the entire station quite a scare there? We thought you were going to bring the whole place crashing down. Thankfully Magneto had an interest with you the moment I brought you aboard."

My eyes finally adjust to the light and I can see who it is that's talking to me. Sitting on my bed was my saviour from the night at the train station...his dirty blonde hair worn back slick...his deep blue eyes just staring at me, not taking their gaze off of me.

"Well Conner mate, you gonna speak up or what?" he says this with what I can tell is a little grin on the corner of his mouth.

"Pyro, leave the boy. He's probably still feeling the effects of the drugs in his system." Says a female voice in the room. This voice is gruff but also sensual. It almost seems like the voice is changing as it speaks.

"C'mon now Mystique, he's awake. He probably wants to see a friendly face and who has a friendlier face in the Brotherhood than good ol' Pyro?"

"I don't think this is a matter to joke about Pyro. He is still only getting accustomed to his powers and even in his fledgling state he already posed a significant threat to the station. Magneto expects us to keep an eye on him and keep him sedated. If all you wish to do is make jokes of it then it be best that you leave."

"I do take this seriously Mystique. Maybe we'll have a better chance of learning who he is if we actually talked to him instead of treating him like some test subject..."

"I don't think you heard me Pyro..."I can tell that Mystique's voice is getting closer to my bed. "I'm not asking you to leave...I'm ordering you."

I can finally see the person from which this voice was coming from and it certainly shocked me. Mystique is a woman (I can't really put an age to her although she looks to be in her mid-30's and in prime physical condition), she has red hair and her eyes are completely yellow. The thing however that is shocking about her is that her skin is completely blue.

Pyro gets off the bed and begrudgingly begins to walk away. I find it hard to speak but after a bit of effort I am meekly able to say... "Wait, can he stay please..."

Mystique looks at me quizzically and says "I don't think..."

Just then a screen in the room comes on and a man with white hair and think face comes on screen. I can't put an age to him because he looks to be physically imposing and extremely strong but at the same time there is a tiredness and sadness from his eyes. The man on screen begins to speak, "Mystique, wait, let Pyro stay maybe he is what our friend here actually needs."

Mystique somewhat begrudgingly agreed and even left the room, which left just me and Pyro alone (well minus the fact that we were still probably being watched).

I tried to sit up but once again couldn't muster the strength to do so. Pyro rushed over to me and held me down before saying.

"What are you trying to do, mate? You shouldn't move." He grabbed a chair and just sat by my bed.

I replied, "Sorry...I just wanted to thank you again for saving me. I'd be dead if it wasn't for you. But, Pyro..."

"Please, call me John. And you don't need to apologize or thank me for anythin'. I was more than happy to do it, mate. The moment that I caught site of those blokes chatting it up I had a feelin' trouble was brewing. And well when I saw you being attacked I just knew that I needed to help. It only worked out that you're like me as well."

"You mean a mutant?" I replied.

"....Yeah...that" was the only thing that came from John's lips.

Silence overcame the room as both of us couldn't think of anything to say. Then I heard the click of a lighter being open and shut and I looked over at John.

"Sorry, just a nervous twitch I guess" he said this with a little smile on his face that just made my heart race. All I could find myself doing was stare at his eyes, getting lost in him. Could I be falling for this guy, no I shouldn't...there was no way that he could be gay. Could he?

"Hey" he said "want to see something cool?" as he took me out of my trance. With that he flicked the lighter on. "Ok now just relax and don't panic." As if on cue the flame erupted out of the lighter and formed a ball a foot away from my face. Streams of fire then began to shoot out in various directions as the ceiling was replaced by what I can only describe as a "sky of fire". John then made the fire do something incredible...he stood up and wrapped his entire body in flame. He was standing only inches away from me and I could feel the heat coming from the fire but I knew that I was in no danger...I felt the same way after John saved me.

As I was mesmerized by the flames I suddenly began to think of all the events that had happened to me. Being saved by John from an attack by a bunch of vagabonds in a train station's washroom. Discovering that I'm a mutant by killing one of my attackers. Letting my dad attack me and beat the living shit out of me for discovering that I'm gay. Him taking it to the ultimate degradation by trying to rape me...his own son. And the realization that I used my powers on him. I began to break down and cry.

John ended his show, sat next to me, and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Is everything ok there mate? What's wrong?"

"John...I killed my father..." it was one thing to think about it but forming those words and hearing myself give that confession was more than I could take. I began to shake and with me the room began to quake.

John swiftly took me in his arms and held onto me. I felt helpless at that moment and just finding myself in his strong arms brought me comfort. I began to cry into his chest as he just held onto me. We lay like that for what must have been hours until I stopped whimpering. John looked down at me and for the first time, since I spent those quiet moments with my mom, I saw compassion in someone's eyes looking at me.

"If you want to mate, tell me about what happened" said John.

I recounted to him all of the events that happened that day. I began with my day at school and explained how my dad discovered me in my room. How he attacked me and tried to rape me. And how I reacted and unknowingly used my powers against him. I told him everything including how I found myself at the train station and ended with him saving me. Not once did John interrupt me or say anything and finally when I was done and I was able to look him in the face I could tell that he had tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Conner...what your dad to you was terrible. Nobody should ever go through something like that simply because of who they are. Your dad deserved what you gave him but I can understand if you regret what you did for now. You'll learn to accept it and embrace it...I know that some of us in the Brotherhood did. For now though know one thing...no one in the Brotherhood will do that to you. And if anyone even tries they'll have hell me to deal with."

All I could do was smile at those words. "Conner," John added, "you should get some sleep and when you're better I'll show you around the station."

As John got up to leave me in the room I called out to him. "John wait,...could you please stay with me tonight?"

John turned around and with that smile that I've come to love came back and sat down on his chair.

I quipped in, "Uhmm...could you please hold me like you were holding me a minute ago? I know I'm asking a lot but I've never been so comfortable with anyone since my mom died."

Thankfully John willingly lied next to me in the bed and held onto me. He laid my head on his chest letting me listen to his heartbeat. John was slowly caressing my face as I slowly went to sleep.

Just before finally entering dreamland though I felt another sensation. I could feel John's lips touching my cheek. I drifted to sleep with a smile on my face for a peaceful night's rest.

Author's Notes:

Thanks to all those that have emailed. I know the action hasn't moved as fast as some people would want. I promise that things will happen in the next few chapters.

Next: Chapter 4

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