X Redemption

By ac.oohay@88remmusrevlis

Published on Jun 26, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story other than those that I created. This story will contain homosexuality and I do not make any claims regarding the sexuality of anyof the characters in the story. All of the X-Men and Villains presented in the story (other than those I created) are the property of Marvel Comics.

Author's Notes:

I'm sorry for the delay in getting this chapter up. I've been pretty busy the past few weeks with a move to a new place. Once I'm completely settled the next chapters should start flowing out. I've also got some potential ideas for other stories that I'm starting to think about as well.


Pulse/Conner -- 16 year old high school student, our main character, frequency manipulation, new member of the Brotherhood

Pyro/John -- 19 year old, Australian member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, Pyrokinetic

X-Redemption Chapter 8:


I couldn't believe that he was there standing right in front of me. I rushed over to John and held him in a tight embrace. I could feel tears starting to flow down my face as I bury my face into his chest.

"Woah mate. I'm happy to see you too" said John.

"I can't believe you're here. I...I...thought you were gone... I'm so happy to see you and I just don't want to let go."

As those words left my lips I can feel John's hand caressing my cheek. He held my face up so that I am now staring him in the eyes. I could see that tears are starting to roll down his face as well. He strokes my face and we just stand there staring into each other. In this moment it feels as though it is just John and myself. As we continue to stare into one another's eyes I can feel John starting to lean in for a kiss. I close my eyes and wait in anticipation and excitement.

" Mmmhhhmm... excuse me gentlemen"

I hear Magneto's voice and my eyes immediately shoot open. I remember that John and I aren't actually together and that Magneto and Mystique are both standing a few feet from us. Magneto once again speaks up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the two of you but we had better return to Asteroid M. We are still out in the open and you never know when other threats may show up. Furthermore, Pulse and Mystique still need to give a mission debrief. I'm certain though that the two of you will have enough private time to catch up once we return to Asteroid M."

As annoying as it was to be interrupted I knew that Magneto was right; I had pretty much just caused a mine to collapse and the noise from that event would have drawn the attention of the nearby town and may eventually bring in the army or worse. I actually didn't mind if people showed up because I was more than ready to give my newfound control over my powers a try once again but John may not have been as prepared for a fight.

So we all boarded the sphere and got ready for the trip back to Asteroid M. Once back on the station John told me that he needed to return to the med bay for a few more tests. Mystique and I accompanied Magneto back to the War Room for the debrief.

Mystique did most of the explaining during the debrief, informing Magneto of how my skill over my powers had grown and the current extent to which I have control over my abilities. She also explained how I handled myself against the Sons of Humanity and how I dealt with their leadership. Once she was done Magneto dismissed her and turned to speak to me.

"I am impressed by your growth in such a short time, Pulse. You have shown significant control over your abilities and a ruthlessness when handling threats to mutantkind. I am worried however, you are still young and emotional. You can still be guided by rash emotional decisions and that can put you in jeopardy. For instance, you let the words of a child affect your decision-making such that you broke cover too early; thankfully both you and Mystique proved to be more than a match for the Sons of Humanity. I also worry about the relationship you and Pyro are developing. I won't stop you two from developing whatever it is that you develop but remember the warning I gave you before. We are at war and war often has casualties. You must steel your heart in case the worst does come to pass."

I could hear Magneto as he spoke and I could understand what he had to say but I wasn't ready to accept those words as true. I couldn't think about holding back from being with John. At that very moment all I could think about was being with John, just like he was there every moment that I was recovering.

Magneto eventually found it in him dismiss me and I rush leave the War Room and head towards the Brotherhood dormitories. As I approach my room I could see that John is waiting outside, lighter in hand, "playing" with a fireball which he is expanding and contracting.

"How long have you been there?" I ask.

"Oh hey Conner! Not too long." was John's reply, as he says this the fireball dissipate into the air, "I just wanted to be here before you went into your room."

"And why would you want to see me before I got to my room?"

By this time I am standing right next to John.

"Because I wanted to give you this..."

And with those words John turned to me and kissed me square on the lips. I close my eyes and get lost in the moment. The kiss is tender and reminds me of the soft kisses that my mom used to give me as she tucked me in bed when I was younger. At the same time there is strength and commitment behind the kiss, somehow telling me that I'll always be here. I can feel John's tongue caressing my lips, gently asking me to let him in. I return the kiss, parting my lips just enough to let his tongue in and to meet mine. We explore each other's mouths and revel in the sensation of just having each other in one another's arms.

He is the one that ends the kiss as he parts our lips and separates from our embrace. I still have my eyes closed and I feel as though a part of me was taken away the moment the kiss ended.

"Did you want to go into my room?" I hear John ask me.

All I can do is nod and he drags me into the room across from mine.

John's room isn't drastically different from mine. There are a number of music posters on the wall as well as a lot of movie posters. I immediately notice that the movie posters are all crime-related Scarface, The Godfather, Public Enemies, etc. I also notice that there's a desk in the room with a collection of lighters on it as well as a sketching pad and stencils.

"You draw?"

"Sketch, really. It helps me to relax along with movies and a few other things."


"Maybe I can sketch you someday?" John said coyly.

"I'd like that...a lot." I had a little smile on my face the moment those words left my mouth.

"You know you're really cute when you smile."

John's words brought an even wider smile to my face. Furthermore I could feel blood starting to rush to my cheeks as I began to blush.

"John, thank you. I just feel so safe being with you."

"Conner, mate, know that I'll always be here for you. I'll never do anything to hurt you."

And with those words John once again leaned in for a kiss. This time I met him halfway and we were lost in one of the most intense make-out sessions in history. I could feel our tongues wrestling for control in each others' mouths. All the while my hands were roaming up and down John's back as I could feel his doing the same.

We broke the kiss only to take off each other's shirts. This was the first time I got to see John without a shirt on and the site before me was gorgeous. John has a nicely tanned swimmer's body. The training he had under the Brotherhood really shows in that there seems to be not a single ounce of fat on his body. He's thin but that should not be mistaken for scrawny because every inch of him is covered in muscle. I had to take a step back to admire the view.

"Wow, John, you look amazing"

"Thanks" he said.

For the first time ever I think there was a hint of shyness on John's face.

"But Conner, mate, you are fucking hot."

Once again it was my turn to be embarrassed. I know that I'm pretty good looking; I've had enough complements in the past to know that people find me attractive. I also know that all my martial arts in the past has kept me in pretty good shape and while I may not be ripped I do have a bit of muscle showing. But to hear this chiselled Greek god in front of me call me hot was doing wonders for my self-esteem.

"I especially love this"

And with those words John knelt down and began to kiss my belly button and down my treasure trail.

"I wonder what it leads to?" John said with a hint of lust and joviality in his voice.

With those words John begins to unbutton my jeans all the while still laying kisses right above my waistline and hips. He then slid my jeans down to my ankles. I proceed to step out of them and take my shoes and socks off as well, leaving me in my black boxer briefs sporting a major hard on.

"Mmmm...sexy"was all John had to say.

Once again John dove in and began to plant kisses on my treasure trail. Slowly kissing every inch and travelling down to my groin. John then proceeded to plant wet kisses all across the front of my boxer briefs, occasionally biting at the fabric and getting a little bit of my cock as well. The kisses and biting were driving me crazy and putting me on the edge. There was so much precum leaking out of my cock that it was soaking the front of my underwear.

"John, I'm gonna cum..."

With that John suddenly stopped. He stood up and planted another kiss right on my lips. He broke the kiss to tell me.

"We can't have you cumming yet."

I took that as my chance to give his body the same loving that he just showed mine. I began to kiss his neck occasionally replacing a kiss with a bite or a little nibble. I was going slowly travelling down his neck and onto his chest. I started on his right pectoral and proceeded to his right nipple. I dove in lightly biting at it while continuing to suck. I so desperately wanted to leave a mark on this hot Aussie's body. Occasionally I would hear soft moans and grunts coming from John as I proceeded with my make-out session with his body.

Once I was done with his right nipple I proceeded to his left pectoral and repeated the same act again. I then went down to his abs kissing each of the muscles on his six-pack. While doing this I began to unbutton John's jean, somewhat clumsily I might add, and slide them down his legs. Instead of underwear though I was greeted by a hot 7 inch uncut dick that was as tan as the rest of John's body.

"Sorry," I could hear John say. "I usually go commando."

"Even when you're out tanning?" I ask

"Yeah...I guess I'm a bit of a...nudi...st aaahhh..."

Before John could even finish his sentence though I could see that he was already leaking a lot of precum and decided that I didn't want any to be wasted. With that in mind I stuck my tongue out and began to lick at his head focusing on his piss slit. His precum tasted sweet and salty at the same time and from that moment I knew I was hooked. I proceeded to dive in on his cock beginning with the head. I slowly proceeded to slide down the length of his 7 inch shaft stopping on occasion to let my tongue explore.

John was now shaking and moaning really loudly, so much so that I was surprised no one out in the hall could hear him. I didn't care though and continued to ravage his cock and slurp on it bobbing my head up and down slowly. It was actually John who stopped me by taking my head and sliding it off his cock.

"Did you want to go to the bed?" he asked.

John didn't really give me much time to respond instead taking my hand and guiding me to his bed. He laid me down and got in between my legs to suck on my cock once again. John's lips on my 6.5 inch cock was driving me inside sending shockwaves up and down my spine.

"John, I'm close..."

John didn't stop though. Instead he just picked up the pace bobbing up and down my shaft and dragging his tongue up and down as he sucked on my cock. My body started to tremble and spasmed as I let out a scream and shot volley after volley of cum down John's throat. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had and I could tell that I had cum a lot because as I looked at John he had some of my cum leaking out the corner of his mouth. I dove in and gave him a kiss making sure to lick up the remnants of my orgasm that he wasn't able to swallow. We made out once again while shifting positions in bed so that this time John's head was where mine was just a few minutes ago.

I then positioned myself between his legs and proceeded to hungrily suck on his cock. I took all 7 inches of him in and started to suck hard. While I was sucking on his cock I was using my right hand to play with John's nice sized balls and my left was travelling up and down his body. As my left hand rested on his chest John took my hand into his and we held onto one another.

I stopped sucking on his cock to look at him and John had a soft smile on his face, a smile that told me what I had been thinking all along that this moment was absolutely perfect. I dove in for another quick kiss then went back to his groin. Instead of his cock though I proceeded to suck on his balls, first taking the right ball sac into my mouth and then switching to the left, and finally ending with both his balls in my mouth. I knew that John was enjoying this because he started to thrash almost as soon as I begun sucking on his balls.

"Fuck Conner, that's amazing..."

I looked up to see that he had closed his eyes all the while retaining that amazing smile that I had grown to love. I stopped sucking on his balls and went back to his cock speeding up my sucking while still playing with his balls with my right hand. I then felt the grip on my left hand tighten and his balls contract as shot after shot of John's cum came streaming into my mouth. I tried to take in all of his cum but eventually had to get off his cock. I probably had 7 volleys of cum in my mouth already and 2 more on my face from when I pulled out but there were still another 4 volleys of cum that splattered onto John's stomach. I swallowed what cum I had in my mouth and proceeded to lick up the cum on John's abs trailing my tongue on his skin as I went up to his face. Once again we began to make out. After some time, I rolled off from on top of him and laid next to him on the bed.

"Wow, that was amazing." was all I could say.

"Damn right, mate."

We stared into each others' eyes and once again began to kiss. I broke the kiss to look down at my rock hard cock once again and with a devilish grin looked over to John and said.

"You ready for another round?"

Next: Chapter 9

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