X Twins

By Matthew Burt

Published on Jul 25, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is fictional and says nothing about any member of the X-Men, or any character related to marvel. This does contain violence an may be sexually explicit. All marvel characters are copyright Marvel Comics and created by Stan Lee.

School for the gifted.

Alex- "The professor is not going to like that we blew our cover."

Lorna- "No, but he will be pleased that they aren't going with the brotherhood."

Sarah- "Now wait one minute. What is going on here?" Alex- "Professor Xavier can explain everything better than us. Would you like to see him or wait for your mother to get home?"

Stefon- "We want our answers now if you don't mind."

Lorna- "Then if you would be so kind as to drive us to the school. Once there he can tell you about everything."

They get into Stefon's jeep again and drive off into the country. Once there Stefon and Sarah are amazed at how large the mansion is. They park in front and when they step inside they stop to take in the grandeur. They turn left and go down a long hall and end up in a library, through a door and into t a small office.

[Good Afternoon Sarah and Stefon. Welcome to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.]

Sarah- "Who said that?"

Professor X- "That would be me."

The Professor appears behind the desk and is seated in a wheelchair.

Professor X- "I imagine that the two of you have some questions for me."

Stefon- "Well yes we do only now we don't know where to begin."

Professor- "Then let me tell you about my school, but first, Alex, Lorna, you may take the rest of the afternoon off although I will be requiring you later tonight Alex."

Both- "Thank you Professor."

Professor X- "Now, please take a seat. When I was a boy I knew that I was different. I had the power to read, speak, and control others minds. I met another boy like me, his name is Magnus. We traveled the world looking for others like us. Eventually our views started drifting. While I thought we should blend in with humanity, Magnus sought for dominance. He was consumed with the idea and insisted to be called Magneto. We took our separate paths and I founded this school so others like myself could come to learn some control over their powers. Magnus still sought to concur the human race and created the brotherhood. I realized blending in was not going to be enough. I formed the X-Men to counter Magnus. My original Students took their places on the team."

Sarah- "Well there are still some things that I don't understand, like why were Alex and Lorna at Bayview if they are known mutants?"

Professor- "I placed them there so that they may watch over you. Your Mutant genes became active and I sensed that is was only a matter of time before your powers manifested. I wanted to make sure that when they did you wouldn't yourselves or others. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are part of the brotherhood as you know and it alarms me that they would intercept you in a public place. I now would like you to meet my first student Jean Grey."

[Jean would you please so kind as to come to my office.]

[I'll be there in a moment Professor.]

The door opens a few minutes later and a women walks in. She has long red hair and bright green eyes. She looks young and beautiful although you can see that she has been though a lot.

Jean- "You called Professor?" Professor- "Yes, I was hoping you might give our new students a tour of the grounds, that is of course you would choose to stay."

The twins look at each other and then back a the professor.

Both- "Yes!"

Professor- "Excellent, after the tour you may go back to you home and collect your things. Jean and Alex will meet you there so you can tell your mother."

They follow Jean out of the office both still shocked about everything that has happened in the last couple of hours.

Jean- "So this is obviously the library, those doors over there lead to a few classrooms, although not all classes take place in a room. This hallway leads to the rec room and at the end of the hall are two doors that lead to the cafeteria and a sitting room. Up those stairs are two floors of dorm rooms. There is also an elevator here, that you can go up or sown in. there is a sub-floor, but that is off limits to the students. Out here on the back lawns are the sports facilities and pool. There are also gardens and a small wood, I won't tell you everything cause it is just as fun to see everything for your self. There are over 100 students attending the institute now and many teachers and staff. The last thing is the garage, you may park you jeep here and go out when you have the time. You are expected to attend classes Monday through Friday, the weekends are yours. that is all, if you would like to head home and pack, Alex and I will be there at seven. See ya then!" _____________________________________________________


They drive home in silence both thinking that this is actually happening. They get home and are too nervous to eat so they pack and sit in the living room just waiting for their mother to get home.

Stefon- "What do you make of all this?" Sarah- "It feels like it is a long time in coming. I can't explain the rest of it but it is there."

Stefon- "Me too, it just doesn't make sense but at the same time it does."

As he says that he snaps his fingers and a ball of fire appears in his palm. Sarah meanwhile freezes her drink in front of her.

Stefon- " Well mom will be plenty shocked."

At five to seven Alex and Jean rang the doorbell and sat down in the living room with the twins. Seven comes and goes and at seven thirty the garage door opens and their mother walks into the kitchen.

Stefon- "Mom, when you get a chance, come to the living room, there is something that Sarah and I need to tell you."

She walks in and stops dead in her tracks. She drops her briefcase and her eyes show apprehension.

Jean- "Sage!? Is that you Tessa?" Tessa- "Yes it is me. Why are you..."

She looks tho her children and looks and Jean ans Alex. Tessa- "No, tell me...No!"

Sarah- "Mom you are a mutant!?"

Tessa- "Yes, I have been in hiding and chose not to reveal myself, also so that i could give you two a normal childhood. I did not know if you would have the X Gene."

Stefon- "What powers do you have?" Tessa- "Telepathy, astral Projection, and I can remember vast amounts of information."

Jean- " Well this changes everything. We all thought Shaw killed you. The professor must have known you were here, you know that they must come to the school then."

Tessa- "Yes, unfortunately you must go, I can't teach you the control you need, I was a student there myself when I was younger. I was even on the X-Men for a short period."

Stefon- "Wow! I think I am the one shocked."

Tessa- " I am sorry that I had to keep this form you, but is was for your protection just as much as if was for mine."

Alex- "Why is it you faked your own death?"

Tessa- "Sebastian Shaw is a very powerful man. It was the only was to escape his clutches and not have to live fear. So I took a nother name and disappeared."

Jean- "Well, Alex and I will go wait outside. The high school will be notified of your transfer to the Xavier Institute."

Jean and Alex walk outside and Tessa looks at her two grown children. She hugs and kisses each of their for heads, then silently they walk outside.

Tessa- "Now even though you will be living at the school I expect calls and a visit at least twice a month, I am still your mother after all."

Jean and Alex get in the hummer they came in and Sarah and Stefon get into the jeep and pull out of the drive way and leave their mother behind. _____________________________________________________

The Xavier Institute

Jean- "Now seeing as tomorrow is a Saturday there won't be and classes but Monday you will be given a schedule and join the other students. Take the weekend to explore the grounds and if you decide to test your powers be careful. Alex will you show them to their room. Good night."

They go up stairs and down the hall.

Alex- "So here if your room, you can do what ever you like to the walls. Lorna and I will be in the cafeteria about nine so if you would like to join us you can, otherwise good night."

Alex leaves and the twins start unpacking and setting up their room. They hear a little hustle and bustle outside the door but no one bothers them the whole night.

Sarah- "What do you think we can expect out of this?" Stefon- "Not sure." [A boyfriend]

Sarah- "All you think about is boys."

Stefon- "I didn't say that out loud and I don't always think about boys!"

Both[This is strange.]

Stefon- "Maybe it is just twin telepathy, cause I can't hear anyone else."

Sarah- "This should be interesting." _____________________________________________________

At 8:30 Stefon gets up and showers. When he gets out he wakes his sleeping sister and they go down to the cafeteria. When they get there they see a few others already sitting with them. A brunette with white around her face. A white haired African-American girl, and a young man who has blond hair and blue eyes. He doesn't have a shirt on because of his massive wings.

Alex- "Hey, Sarah, Stefon, these are our friends Rouge, Ororo, and Warren."

The twins sit down and the others go about talking like they were before the got there.

Rouge- "So what are yall's powers?"

Stefon- "I have psyonic control and creation of fire and Sarah has the same but over ice and water. We also found out last night that we have twin telepathy."

Sarah- "What about you?"

Rouge- "I can absorb abilities and memories through contact, thus the longsleves and gloves. I also have superhuman strength and I can Fly.

Ororo- "I control the weather and that lets me fly. My code name is Storm."

Warren- " Obviously I can fly and I have an accelerated healing factor, my code name is Archangel."

Alex- "my code name is Havok and solar-plasma blasts are my specialty."

Lorna- "I am Polaris and I have Magnetic Manipulation. My green hair is just another form of my mutation, just like Warren's wings. Although mine is easier to explain."

Sarah- "Well now that all the formalities are out of the way, who around here is available?" Stefon- "You will have to excuse my sister, what ever pops into here head comes out of her mouth, whether it should or not."

Rouge- That's great, we'll get along real good. As for who's available, just about everyone. But for whose hottest, that has got to be Cai, you can't miss him either. He has the big green/black wings and long dirty blond hair. He also happens to be gay,but that doesn't stop him from being the hottest,"

Sarah- "That's o.k. Stefon can have him I was actually looking at ice boy over there."

Rouge- "I can see why, that is Ice Man, he is on the X-Men and has the manipulation of ice."

Stefon- Made of ice, I wonder what Sarah could be thinking."

They all laugh and finish their food.

Rouge- "If y'all would give me an hour, I would be more than happy to introduce to everyone."

Stefon- " That would be great."

Rouge- "Meet you in the rec room in and hour then." _____________________________________________________

How did you like it? Mail me at stefonx@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3: The Name Game

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