X Twins

By Matthew Burt

Published on Jul 28, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is fictional and says nothing about any member of the X-men, or any character related to marvel. This does contain violence and may be sexually explicit. All marvel characters are copyright Marvel Comics and created by Stan Lee.

Name Game

An hour later they went to the rec-room, a bunch on kids were already there watching T.V., playing various games and just standing around talking.

Rouge- "So, lets get started. Over there watching the television is Sam Guthrie, AKA Cannonball, His sister Paige or Husk, Remmy LeBeau better known as Gambit, and Jonothon Starsmore, Chamber.

Those girls talking in the corner are Alison Blair, Dazzler, Jubilation Lee, but you would be better off calling her Jubilee, and Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat.

Sitting there playing the board games are Peter Rasputin, Colossus, Bobby Drake, you know him as Ice Man, Kurt Wagner the blue fuzzy Nightcrawler, Alison Crestmere, Magma, Illyana, Peter's sister, Magik, and Danielle Moonstar.

They are all our age and most of them are in our classes. Peter and Illyana were the last newbee's here and that was about a month ago. You'll meet the instructors on Monday but they are Jean Grey, Cyclops, Beast, Pyshlock, Emma Frost, Banshee, Northstar, and Wolverine when he is here which isn't very often.

There are only two students here that have beaten him in a fight. That would be Colossus and myself. Although I had a harder time beating him cause I couldn't just stand there and take everything Logan had to give out.

Sarah- "How? What's his power?"

Rouge- "He can transform his skin into solid steel, and let me tell you it really hurts to get hit with 500 pounds of pure steel."

Stefon- "I can imagine, What about^Å?"

Rouge- "What about who?"

Sarah- "He wants to know where Cai is."

Rouge- "OH! I almost forgot, he normally spends most of his free time in the air. It is good exercise I hear and Chris keeps him in good company."

Stefon- "I thought you said he was single?"

Rouge- "Chris is his best friend. They do just about everything together."

Stefon- "Oh, well^Å"

Sarah- "Well why don't you go out and see if he has landed yet."

Stefon- "I am sure he has better things to do than having the new kid gawk at him, besides I think we should take Jeans advice and explore the grounds."

Rouge- "Well, it you do then know that the cafeteria is always open on the weekends so when you do get hungry you can eat whenever. See ya'll later."

The twins walk outside onto the patio and see all the students on the lawns doing their own thing. A few people notice them, but are otherwise left alone. They walk past the courts and the pool out and onto the lawns toward the forest. After walking for some time they reach a clearing and found Ororo floating in a meditative state. She opens an eye and stands so her feet touch the ground.

Stefon- "Sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you."

Ororo- "No, it is okay, sometimes I just like to collect myself away from the hustle and flow of the school. The noise and everyone being so close and cramped together makes me a bit uneasy."

Sarah- "So you come out here to the big wide nothing. Do you know if there are any bodies of water around here? Like a pond or a lake, or maybe a waterfall."

Ororo- "Yes, there is, I can show you but I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about it cause it is one of the few places that I like to meditate and be alone."

They walk for about fifteen minutes further in and they hear the crashing of the water against rocks. When they clear the trees they come to a small pond that turns into a stream and the small thundering waterfall with a jagged cliff that looks as if it has had it's better days.

Ororo- "Some of the senior X-men and the older students know about this place and used to come here to practice with their powers away from the prying eyes of others."

Stefon- "This is perfect. Sarah can practice with the water and ice, and I can use fire without hurting the wildlife."

Sarah- "Now all we need are code names like everyone else."

Stefon just looks up to the sun.

Sarah- "They can't be tacky or a spin of someone who is already existing. But at the same time nothing outlandish so no one can say them.

Stefon- "Solar Flare and Solar Freeze."

Sarah- "Those will do!"

Ororo- "Well do you think you could get out on your own cause I would like to go back and meditate a little more."

Stefon- "Ya, I remember."

Ororo- "K, bye."

Before Ororo leaves, Sarah is already experimenting with her powers. She is standing in the middle of the frozen pond. Stefon bends over and touches the ice, which begins to melt. Sarah is taking plunging steps trying to regain her footing and the ice makes boots around her feet.

She can feel the ice around her feet to all the way down to the bottom of the pond and steadied herself. When she was steadied, she started to take off her clothes to reveal a swimsuit underneath. She had obviously planned this form the time they went to meet Rouge.

Stefon just went back to the tree line to watch his sister taking in his surroundings waiting for hi turn.

After Sarah got used to the power of the waterfall and he water beneath her feet she turns the water to ice and starts skating on it. Making a circle and going around it a few times she stops dead and lifts a huge chunk form the ice and turns it back to water. She sends the water up in the air and lets it rain down all around the area. Skating over on the water now she ends up under the waterfall but isn't being pulled under. Instead the water forms a bubble around her and she takes it and makes it into two water whips. Lashing out in front of her, they hit her brother lightly on the chest drenching him from head to toe. She lets the water resume its natural course and stands in front of the waterfall and freezes it entirely. When she makes it back to the grassy shore she collapses and closes her eyes.

[Lets see you do better.]

Being totally soaked, Stefon is a little anxious and before he knew it a warm feeling emanated from within himself and he was completely fry. The feeling continued and felt the same inner fire pulse through his arms and out his hands to make two balls of dancing flame. He started to juggle them and turns two to three and three to four. Then the fire dances around him in a circle and they split even further until they are no longer balls but rather a ring. The ring grew and then started shrinking at am alarming rate until the fire was on him and his body was on fire. His shirt turned to ashes almost immediately and his what were once pants are now shorts. The fire disperses and the when the last of the flames fly away showing his slightly defined muscles. Then he jumped high in the air and didn't go back down.

Stefon- "Whoa! It seems that I can fly!"

He makes low circles around the pond and then shot upward and used the fire within him to take the form of a phoenix finally rising above the treetops.

As he comes back down he thought he saw a flash of green in the sky, but quickly dove down and landed into the water.

[I said do better not show off!]

After he rose from the water and dried himself off they headed back to the mansion for a change of clothing and explore a little more.

When they come back out of the mansion Stefon hopped in the air and started flying above Sarah to the point that he could see the entire grounds.

[I wish you could see this.]

[I can and am]

Stefon was to busy before taking in the view to realize that his sister was floating right next to him on a disk of ice.

[It may not be natural flight but at least I am off the ground.]

They soared around with each other for the better part of an hour going over the grounds and watching all the other students go about their regular Saturday regime. About one they finally got hungry and decided to go and grab something to eat. There weren't very many people there and when they sat down Cai and Chris were the only other two eating.

[Why don't you go over and talk to him?]

[You know perfectly well why not and if you don't then read my mind.]

[Fine, but then don't' say later that I didn't try.]

After they ate they lounged about the grounds and eventually go back up to their room to continue unpacking and decorating their room.

[Should we go back to the waterfall tomorrow?]

[I think we should cause that seems like a good way to practice without endangering anyone or having anyone gawking at us.]

[Ya, but this time you should defiantly bring another pair of clothes, you barely had anything on when you put yourself out.]

[Well, I didn't know what was gonna happen. But yes I should take another set of clothes just in case.]

A pause and continue in silence.

[I think someone was watching us today.]

[Why so you say that?]

[When I went above the trees I thought I say a flash of the same dark green that Cai's wings are. I don't know how long he watched us for, or even if it was him at all.]

[Well it looks like you have an admirer. I don't think we will get bored around here.]

[No, not with all this going on around us.]

Night fell and the mansion turned school fell quiet. But where there is silence is sure to be a big bang later.

Want more or even an inside scoop on the characters I'v created, mail me at stefonx@yahoo.com

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