Zach Gets to Serve

By Jarrod x

Published on Jun 28, 2003


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write: I would love to hear if you like my story. Zach Gets to Serve. Chapter 13. Everyboy Wants to Serve.

The alarm went off on Shane's desk....Adam was up in a fright, on his knees, in 'fuckboy'. As Shane woke and stretched, there was no hiding his pleasure, as he looked upon that bright shining face of the best friend who was soon to be draining his cock in every way.

Zach was up and at 'em like a fireball! He came flying downstairs, so bright and cheery, even his mother was surprised. He ate everything in site, and soon was outside with a tennis ball and his glove, taking 'fly balls' off the roof. He was into a full skin-shiney sweat in just his gym shorts and sneaks by the time he saw Stevie coming across the drive.

Zach brightly waved, and hollered, "Hey, boy...'sup?"

Not as chipper, Stevie sort of slinked toward Zach, and as he came up to him, he held out his hand to shake, saying, "Sorry I wasn't here for you yesterday. I promised and wasn't here. I'm really sorry, Zach."

Zach stopped and put his arm around his shoulder, and bent down looking up into Steve's face, "Hey, it's ok. I'm fine. Really. I do need you to talk to, but, I'm ok. Let's go sit down."

Zach dropped his glove, and the ball rolled away, as the kids made their way to the back of the yard. They sat down against the big maple tree, facing away from the house, hidden from view.

"Stevie, first, I am okay. But...I'm in the middle of something very serious, I think. And... I think you can help me, even if it's just to let me tell you all that's happened...but I'm begging you to never think about telling anybody else....and don't hate me."

Steve was getting pained, worried....even he looked into Zach's face, nodding.

From the porch at Stevie's house, Stevie's dad, Bob, looking worried, rubbed the front of his shorts as he drank a cup of coffee, standing there, watching his son go behind the tree with Zach's arm around him...........

Zach Gets to Serve. Chapter 13. Everyboy Wants to Serve.

Shane stretched, and Adam boyishly, expectantly, smiled up at his best friend. Shane swung his naked 5' 6" frame over the side of the bed, framing Adam with his legs. "Getchur breakfast juice, boy."

Gleefully, Adam sucked in buddy piss-hard, and braced for the piss of a racehorse. Adam, couldn't keep up, and drooled on himself, the floor, and Shane's legs and feet. Without a word of directions, he went about licking his friend clean, then the floor, then hauled ass for a towel to clean himself.

Shane was totally quiet, enjoying his bud's service, and most of all, that the boy knew what he was to do, without direction. What an improvement over the pussies he and Adam had been working over that week....Zach, and Casey....and Bart...., "but, they were good, in their own right," Shane was reflecting.

Shane dragged his boy butt up and sat down in the easy chair, behind Adam. Adam turned to face him, hands and knees, dog-like, looking up at him.

He took his 6" semi-hard peter in his hand, and petting the head, he told Adam, "Boy, I want you coddle, and cuddle and all ways nurture your tube of joy here, like there's nothing else in the world....and as I see it....there isn't anything else more important in your there?"

Adam, so excitedly, shook his head.

"Plan that you're gonna be right here between my legs for the rest of the day....take your time. I might jam off once at the end...if it ends, or let you take me off a whole bunch of times....surprise me, fagboy...let's have at it."

Adam felt the softness of the moment, and gently moved his bright, and fair-skinned face to Shane's crotch, there before him, legs spread wide, balls spread over the cushion, boyhole hidden, cock at full staff.

He took boyprick to hand, and moving his head forward, his blond locks fell over his forehead, as the cockhead gently eased onto his extended, saliva-slick tongue. "Oooooo, whwoo!" Shane sucked a breath in, saying to himself, "My God, this kid is gooooood!" The sensations were strangely intense to Shane, as that most sensitive little spot under his cock slid onto the built-up gob of mouth slick on Adam's tongue.

Shane's head fell back when Adam's lips slowly closed over his mid-shaft, and that tongue made it's first trek around his jammer.

Back at Zach's, he began the story of this, his first week of boy service, right from the all-night suck with Casey at Jarrod's tee-pee birthday party, and the beach suck-around with the high school kids, that very next afternoon. Almost non-stop, Zach took Stevie through the whole week, day-by-day, practically 'blow-by-blow'. He did not tell Stevie about the episode with Steve's dad yesterday. He was thinking, he might not ever tell him.

Well, with Stevie's silence, Zach told the most erotic story two boys could ever share, let alone experience, while staring away, or at the ground between his legs, non-stop to the ending when he strip-wacked home from the busstop for Casey, before the kid fucked his brains out, and made him walk home barefoot after school Friday afternoon.

Zach was digging his fingers into the grass and dirt as he finished, as he looked up, shamed, blushing, sweated, and fearful that Stevie would be looking disgusted at him.

What a surprise for Zach, when he instead saw tears literally pouring down Steve's such an extent that the kid's tee shirt was soaked down the front. Well, to be honest, that's what it looked like, but Steve was a sweat-soaked mess, too.

"Stevie....what are you crying about. I went through it....I'm living....and you're crying? And please don't cry any more....'cause the whole reason I'm tellin' you all this, is I needed to tell ...someone, you little fucker. Now shake it off and listen to me, hear?" Zach grabbed his chin and shook his face at that point, and Steve wiped his face on his shoulder and with both his hands....snivelling...."Uh...uhoh..kay...I'm okay....g'head, sorry, Zach, I just....," he sniffled.

"Okay, now, PLEASE still be my friend after this".........they both were silent......" it. I fuckin' love doin' it, I fuck-in' love it! The suckin'....the fuckin'....the kneeling....the beggin'....suckin' the jizz out of that rubber....fuckin' all of it. I just fuckin' love it soooo muuuuuch!" and he burst into tears there against the tree...and as Stevie pulled him to him, he sobbed into Steve's shoulder....his body quaking, for long moments.

When both boys got quiet...waterworks off, Steve said, "Zachie, boy, I've always been your friend, and I'll always be your friend....but...."

Zach was worried, and blurted, "But wha-a-a-t.....?"

"Zach I want it, too. I want it, too," he said meekly, looking into Zach's eyes.

Zach looked down, and sadly, but yet unsurprised, thought to himself, "What's another boy to fuck and suck might as well be a bud." He looked back at Steve and said, "Now, ya mean?" and Stevie nodded vigorously.

Zach reached for Steve's fly.

Steve gripped Zach's hand. When Zach looked up, he saw the boy shaking his head, and his expression, asked, 'What?'

Steve pushed Zach over on his back, and tackle-sprawled full length over his life-long friend. He laid down, and kissed Zach right on the lips. Raising up then, on his elbows, he said, "Zach, everything you did, that you told me that you did for all those boys.....I dream at night, Zach, every night, Zach, I dream I'm doing you!"

Shaking his head in disbelief, he was joyed at not losing his friend, but shamed for opening this up to Stevie. He didn't want him to get into this. He pushed up against Steve with both palms against his chest. Somewhat relieved, Steve was letting him push him him.....but, no, Stevie now was knees-astride Zach, and sitting up on his heels. He smiled down at his bud....and when Zach half-smiled back, he was jolted when Steve reached under his waist band, and started to pull down his shorts.

Zach quickly grabbed Steve's hand and said, "No, Stevie, you don't need to do this."

"I know that, Zach....I really do. But....I really want, you know, uh....things with you Zach....if you would only let me. You don't even have to do things back." As tears started welling in his eyes, he said, "Those kids made you get all ashamed, and embarrassed,'d never have to do a thing for me. Zach....I've wanted know....with you.....since....well, I can't remember. E-v-e-r-y time I cum, Zach, every's you."

Zach felt so sad....and so wonderful, all at the same time. He pushed himself up to sitting, and grabbed the back of Steve's neck, and planted a love on his lips.

"Uhhhooomm," Stevie sighed into Zach's mouth, followed by a tiny, long, low muffled squeal.

Zach helped his fast weakening friend to his feet, and with an arm around his shoulder, he started back toward the house. Zach's shorts were tented were Stevie's. As they got close to the house, Zach picked up his ball glove to cover his now wet-splotched shorts front, as the kids, now arms over each other's shoulders, disappeared into the house.

Steve's father, watching the whole time from the porch, hard as steel, was no longer worried about what Zach might have said to Steve....he was near crazed with desire, for both boys, having seen their tented shorts, before they turned into Zach's house.

Squeezing his oozing prick hard through his shorts, he sighed, and in a non-discernible whisper to himself, he moaned, " Stevie......," aimlessly, drifting back into the house....and the quiet, safety of the bathroom, where he closed and locked the door.

Adam was tongue swabbing his best friend's cock, there, on his knees. His sweaty hands tightly gripped the chair cushion, outside Shane's spread thighs. Shane's now dazed head lay against the top of the chairback, as he gloried in the sensations shooting to his tingling, curling toes, and the tips of very hairs on his head, from his fabulously boy-mouth fevered cock.

Shane suddenly bucked up from the seat into Adam's mouth, his feet shooting up from the floor in a spasm, the likes of which Shane had not often felt since the first time he ever jerked his pud. He leaned in and down, cradling his both arms all around Adam's crotch buried head, and humped madly into the kid's mouth. "Take it down, you little motherfucker! Blow me off. God I need this so bad! Take me! Take me! Take meeeee!!!"

Quiet, but cock-pulsing into Adam's mouth, seeming endlessly, he kissed the back of Adam's neck....actually licking and slobber-sucking there, for the long moments till his aftercum heaves ebbed, then stopped. He finally eased up, and Adam raised his sweat-sopped face out of Shane's crotch, and smiled, boyslab fully engulfed by his lips, still. Shane lifted Adam's chin to him, and his cock slipped out, Shane sunk his tongue into that mouth, still tasting of his own teen cream. He pulled Adam up and between his legs, to lay against him chest-to-chest, suck-kissing the life out of Adam. How Adam loved this moment!! In all his life he wanted exactly this! He never knew it, till just now...this very etched-in-his-memory-forever moment.

Soon, breathless, both kids released, Adam slid down to his knees once more, and Shane pulled his feet up to chair cushions, and with a hand to the top of Adam's blond locks, he moved his face to his sprawling balls there on the cushion. Adam got about to licking, laving and otherwise suck-playing with his friend's balls. His mind still spinning from the kiss, Adam's mind smiled as he got about the one thing he wanted to do more than any other, service this boy he idolized.

Some moments later, there were footsteps on the outside stairs. "Tommy," Shane knew would be coming through the door any moment. Adam was oblivious. Shane reached over for a pair of boxers off the floor. He lifted Adam's face off his meat, put a shuuushing finger to his lips, pulled the boxers over Adam's head, patted him on top, and slipped his cock through the fly for Adam to work on, just as Tommy pushed open the screen door and burst into the room, "Shane, my man! Wassup!"

Seeing the action in his lap, Tommy nodded, "Ahh, I can see what's up, eh?" Rubbing the front of his own shorts, while toeing off his sneaks, boned, he strut-waddled over, barefoot, pushing his shorts down. "Who we got, boy? 'Zat our little man, Casey?" Tom asked as he grip-squeezed the shoulder his good friend.

Shane shook his head 'No', and said, "I got me a surprise cockhound this morning, Tommy. I'm gonna keep him a secret to just me, but he just loves boy prick, and he's gonna do my bidding....ain'tchu, dickmouth?"

The boxers bobbed a 'Yes' nod, to Shane's question.

By now, Tommy had stripped off his tee and boxers, and was standing naked, his toes pressing down on Adam's upturned feet bottoms. Shane eased Adam off his cock, guided him around to Tommy, who slipped his own cock through the spit-soggy fly now, and knee-buckled with the feel of boytongue on his rammer.

Shane really wanted to protect Adam's identity for the moment, and pulled one of the shoelaces off the closet doorknob, and tied it around the waistband of the boxers covering Adam's face, so that Tommy, in a cum-fury, didn't yank it off and find out that his best bud was eating his cock.

Tommy pulled on the back of Adam's neck, as he backpedalled to the bed, and sat, as his mystery cocksucker joyed his meat.

At this point Shane did some buddy-terrogation with Tommy. While Tommy was being serviced there on the bedside, Shane, stood right next to him, and put his foot up on the bed almost against Tom's butt, so that he was literally face-to-crotch with Shane's gooey, semi-hard prick. Shane didn't pick up any telltale signs of attraction, and after flex-bobbing his cock stiff, practically in Tommy's face, the only thing getting to Tommy was Adam's sucking mouth.

Shane sat back into the easy chair, working a toe up Adam's crouch-spread crease, as Tommy started to buck and pump and pound his joy jammer deeper into Adam's mystery mouth. "Ohgod, ohgodohgod! He sucks soo good! Sogood! Sogoodsogoodsogood! Ahhh! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeahhhhhhhh!!" Tommy's feet were bouncing up and down off the floor. His butt was humping up off the bed with each gut-wrenching cock pulse. Adam was doing everything he could to hold the bouncing boy to his mouth, and to get every drop of dream cream for his sucking mouth. Finally, Tommy was spent and the spasms so intense, he pushed Adam away so hard, the poor kid fell over on his back.

"Ohhhumphh," Adam groaned as he went to floor. Tommy felt bad, but as he reached for the kid's hand, Shane was already raising him up to sitting, still facing toward, Tom.

"Sorry, kid. I didn't mean to knock you down." Adam just nodded, still covered. Tom leaned back on his elbows on the bed, and checked out Shane's plans for the day. Shane just said he wanted to enjoy the day at home with his new 'toy', smiling. Tom, figuring he got about all he was gonna get here for the day, grabbed for his shirt. Dressed and ready to leave, he slapped hands with Shane, and looked to the floor and Adam. Shane picked up Adam's hand and held it out for Tommy to slap, as he said, "Thanks for the mouth, kid. Great fuckin' suck!"

With Adam still nodding, Tommy hit the door and bounded down the steps, as it slammed shut.

Shane untied the lace, and pulled the boxers off Adam's head. Sitting back into the easy chair, and pulling his heels to the cushion edge, he wiggled his toes, and Adam went right to work sucking each toe, before getting into a full tongue laving of Shane's feet. Adam drooled from his lips....salivated for his friend's body....amazing!

"Grab me the phone, toe-suck!" Shane ordered Adam. Releasing the boy toes from his mouth, he crawled over to the bedstand and got the phone for Shane, then got back to those feet.

Pushing '4' for Casey, Shane's mother shocked him at the other end. "H-h-hey, Mom, I was um, is Case there?"

"He's down here, dear, in the den, I'll call him."

"Yeh?" Casey picked up.

"Mom there?" Shane asked.

"No, sir," Casey answered.

"Okay, then, get 'dis. Call your fuckboy. Get him over here at noon. Tell him to tell his mother he'll have lunch here."

"Yes sir."

Casey broke the connection, and Shane turned back to the toe-sucker at foot. Casey dialed Zach's number.

After several rings, Zach picked up, "'Lo?"

"Fuckboy! Getcher ass here by 12, and tell your mom you'll have lunch here," Casey hung up.

Zach stood there staring at the dead receiver, shaking....then, looking up he saw Stevie, bare-chested, tee shirt in his hand, waiting for Zach at the door of his bedroom.

Hanging up, Zach shook his head, and walked back to Steve saying, "Gotta go, bud. We'll have to get back later, 'kay?"

Stevie felt real down....his almost biggest moment taken from him.

With his hand to Steve's shoulder, he said, "You know...the boys, I ... you know...what I told you 'bout?"

Steve nodded.

"I have to go to them right away, Stevie."

"Uhmmm---uh..." Steve stammered.

"What Stevie? What is it?" said Zach as he was getting out a change of clothes in a flurry.

"Can we just do, Zach?"

Zach was seated on the bed, naked, getting socks on, and Stevie bent-legged, sort of slouch-walked over to Zach, and kneeled in front of him, and with both hands on Zach's bare legs, he asked, "Can I just do it a little?" reaching for Zach's dick, holding it soooo gently, looking up, pleadingly to Zach.

Zach nodded.

Stevie moved his face to his hand and Zach's cock there, starting to get hard, and, and, oh god, he licked the tip underneath. Zach spasmed, and gripped the side of the bed. Steve looked up, smiled and covered the head with his lips....then sent his head the length of Zach's fiver...and back....and looked up.

Zach leaned in to his bud, and whispered, "Once more, boy, and then we gotta quit...or I won't be able to....and I gotta go."

Once more, Steve slid his lips over Zach's peter, and this time ran his tongue down the underside, and then over as he pulled back out.

Zach was nearly crazed, and yanked the kid off him and jumped up to dress and get out.

The two boys came downstairs one after the other and Zach told his mother he'd be at Casey's for lunchtime, and be back sometime that afternoon.

The boys slapped hands at the drive, and Zach went off, as Steve headed to his house, right hand in his pocket, play-rubbing his hard prick against his body.

When Steve went inside, he had intended to use the bathroom, but with the door closed, he headed for his room, and a quick Zachie-flavored wackoff.

"And none to soon, asshole....Shane...." Casey barked at a quivering, and knowingly nodding, Zach, at the door. He followed Casey up the stairs to his room where they both stripped to boxers, and just so's Zach knew his place....Casey walked up to him, stared him down, face to face, till Zach just sank to his knees before him, looking up for instructions.

Casey said, "Take my dick and get it nice and sucky all over inside your mouth, faggot."

Zach did as he was told, and after Casey's toes dug into the rug, and his hands balled into fists, he pushed Zach away when he felt knee-buckling weakness start.

Leaving Zach on his knees, he stumbled to the door to check for any noise, and then pointed for Zach to crawl out. As he walked on ahead, Zach crawled all the way through the breezeway to Shane's garage-apartment room, waggin' those cutest boy asses in those boxers. Wheww! At the door, Casey also got to his knees, and knocked. Shane opened the door, and stepped aside, lech-smiling, as the 2 fuckboys crawled through. Locking up again, Shane ushered the boys to the bedside where they sat up in 'fuckboy'.

Behind them, facing the other way was Adam, also in 'fuckboy'...they dare not look.

Shane got them up on the bed, on their backs, legs up, meshing their fingers into their toes. Then he walked over to Adam, and motioned for him to get over to the bed. He positioned him in front of Zach's upturned butt, then said, "Lemme see some tongue, pussy," and Adam's tongue shot out for Shane, but funny, both Zach's and Casey's tongues shot out too, reflexively, with Shane's order. Their tongues were still out, as they looked through their feet to the ceiling, and Adam's tongue and face were shoved into Zach's tail. "You work that tongue up his box, boy....and record that taste....umm-ummm, you gonna be enjoying that a lonnnnnng time. When your tongue is inside, and you're tongue-fuckin' his pussy, moan real loud for me, so I can come check, and see if you're ready to eat out another cunt."

Shane climbed up over the boys' heads and while Casey licked his big brother's hanging pud, Shane asked Zach how it felt to be gettin' serviced for a change. "You know, asshole, that's the kid that fucked jer brains out t'other day, wearing your boxers on his head. Now looks like you got him eating outta yur hand, err, hole, so to speak. That true, cocksuck?"

"Y-y-y-esss, s-sir!" Zach stammered.

"You like it?"

"Yes, sir!!"

At that point Shane heard Adam moaning into Zach's hole, and leaned over to inspect. No doubt about that kid tongue's being lodged firmly up boy pussy, and darting fully in and out.

Shane gripped the top of Adam's head like a basketball, and pulled him out and moved him into place in Casey's bottom face. Case moaned in glee as he felt the first swipe of Adam's tongue across his little winking bud.

Shane switched to Zach now, and dropped his 6" hog down into his maw. Zach feverishly went about tongue-swabbing his master's ram. The kid was near wild. How he needed that cock!!

Shane's head lay back, in a mini-swoon, eyes closed, just taking in the 'ulullulpp'ing of Zach's mouth, the mewling of Adam's, and the moaning of Casey's.....without even a hint, the big kid's load just spewed over Zach's wildly swirling tongue, down his gurgling throat. His cum was so awesome, he fell over the boy, cock still in a Zach lip-lock, bucking and pulsing, reaching. ..grabbing for anything that could keep him from doing a somersault to the floor.

While this craziness was going on, Casey and Adam were doing their things, oblivious to all around them.

Recovered, Shane went for a soda and stood behind Adam, wiping his cock drizz in the kid's hair, just as he started to moan that he had achieved complete entry and was tongue fucking his target boy.

Shane leaned in, approved, and tapped Adam's head with the can. Adam un-'thwucked' his tongue from Casey cunt, and sat back on his heels breathing heavily...contented. He then told Casey and Zach that it was their turn for a bang-an-Adam-fuck. He gave them their own devices on how to prepare their prey.

Zach looked to Casey, and Casey rocked forward to sitting and yelled at Adam, "Fuckboy," and pointed to the center of bed, continuing, "on yer belly."

Mission complete, Casey dove to Adam's crease, pulled his cheeks apart and spit a big gob in there, then rubbed it all around his pooper. Zach had straddled Adam and was facing his feet, looking down the kid's butt crack as Casey worked the boy into a frenzy. The sides of his hand worked feverishly, up and down building a great heat, and Adam responded with a guttural moan, and butt wiggling he couldn't seem to stop. One more gob of spit on that winking pucker and Casey's thumb sunk to glory.

"Ohhhhhhh, huhhhh," is all that came from Adam's pillow buried mouth. Around left, and all the way in, then around right and lifting up the boy by his asshole with his thumb crooked up like a hook...'Yeeeowww!" wailed Adam.

Thumb still worming, ass still pulled up off the bed, Casey rose up on his knees, pointed and smiled at Zach, and said, "I declare one fuckboy, primed proper for probin'! And you, faggot, is the probee! Let's get you dickin' boy!"

Slowly, but excited as hell, Zach was crawling down over Adam's butt to get in position. His cock was hard to his belly, and he pulled it down to Adam's buzzer, and as Casey moved in to guide the first time fucker in, the young buck sunk his cockhead in like a veteran. His "Eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuu," said it all....."feels soooo good, ohmigod, I can't believe ...... it ......oh...." He was easing in and down all the time, and was balls down, laying prone over Adam, arms extended all the way over Adam's, with his hands grasping the tops of Adam's. Adam's body was heaving underneath him.

Soon, both butts flexed, and the grip Adam put on Zach was wonderful, and he began the first outstroke, and soon was pummeling boypussy like a jackhammer. That beautiful toy butt poppin' in a more powerful snapping boyflex with each pump.

Shane had this big shit-eatin' grin, watching the games, when he just up and booted Casey's ass, knocking him over onto his humping fuckboy. "Hang on to your fuckboy, there faggot. Feel that boyheat under you. Fag yur boy there....lick him up good...kiss his neck....taste that fuck sweat!"

Fuckin' Casey.....ohhhhh god.....he felt so good, layin' on boy Zach, and for the first time, running his hands all over, around and feelin' a real boy...for feelin's sake....his naked. Laying there, his eyes closed, his butt hunched, wormed his cock in his fuckboy's slot, absently suck-kissing the kid's back...."Ummmmmuhhhh, huhhhh."

The dual sensations sent Zach right over the wall, and he screaled, "Yeeeeeohhhh, ahhh, fuckyou, fuckyou, FUCK YOUUUUU! Cocksucker....fuck youuuuu!!!"

The boy's wild spasms nearly bucked Casey off his back. What a fuckin' cum for our first time boy banger! It seemed like several minutes passed and he was still bucking and pulsing up that brandy new fuckboy.

As he heaved, and heaved, and returned to normal breathing, Shane reached in and raised his shoulder, and Zach's face eased up from between Adam's neck and shoulder. At the same time, he pulled Casey up to kneel-sitting, back of them. Zach rolled over to his back, to Adam's left side, and Shane told Casey, "Get your hands under his butt Fuckboy, and catch that goopooze. When you got it all, we'll turn him over and feed him."

Casey's big smile was of lecher-joy. "Ready, sir," he said, and Shane turned Adam to his back, as Casey lurched forward with Zachie spooge to feed him. As Adam took it, Casey then rubbed his fingers and palm across his bottom lip, like it was the side of a table, and Adam got the last of the cum off his hand. Casey finished the deal with Adam licking each finger. That done, he sat back, and 'dusted' his hands, looking playfully to Shane.

Shane called Zach up onto Adam's chest, knees above his shoulders, with his legs under them and along Adam's sides, and said, "Tell your new fuckboy to clean you off."

Zach looked into Adam's blank stare, and said, "Lick my prick clean, Fuckboy!"

Just as Adam's head started up off the pillow to take in the cum-covered, butt-slick kid dick, his eyes closed in dismay. What he saw above him, was Shane placing Adam's own boxers on Zach's head, shaming him, like he had shamed Zach earlier that week, when he made him suck him off. "Open those eyes, Fuckboy, and show your little master here how much you love his prick jam and yer own butt juice," Shane yelled.

"Ohboy, damn! Is that hot, sir!" Casey cooed as he watched it all unfold.

"And you, dickwad, get to plugging our new cunt here. Let's go!" Shane ordered Casey.

Case sure didn't need any more seconds he had the poor fucker's legs up, and was giving his toy rod a final tuning rubdown, before shoving it home. Um-um-um, that kid drove into fuckboy heaven, and now he leaned into Zach's back on his own, and started to licking it, while he fucked his big brother's best friend.

Casey finally juiced off in a joy of joys, yowlin' and 'motherfuckin', and got Adam to lick him off while Zach finger-fed butt drooze into that cock-stuffed mouth.

Shane, now sitting back in his easy chair, one leg over the arm, playing with his pud, called the boys down, "Okay, fuckboys, enough of that. Get over here and make Shane feel good."

Case and Zach scrambled down off the bed, and as Zach was getting to his knees before Shane, Casey couldn't resist a swift kick to the butt to reinforce whose fuckboy he was. Zach just reset himself, and they both looked to Shane's face.

" did good. Yer almost done here for today. I want you to do what comes natcherly, and then you can go."

Zach got nervous. He stared scared to Shane, then snapped a look to Casey, who just did a tongue dive to Shane's cock root, then gripped it with his teeth. Zach went for the head, then, relieved that he didn't make a mistake. Soon both mouths and tongues were glorying boy prick in full lip union. Shane's dickhead finally disappeared into the conjoined mouths, and the two swirling tongues gave Shane his third wildest creaming of the day.

His leg was kicking up and down above the arm of the chair, he was punching Casey with his fisted up right hand, and pulling Zach's head into his crotch with left. His right foot kept kicking into Casey's legs.

With a final wild spasm, he foot shoved Casey to the floor on his back, and smacked the side of Zach's face, decking him the other way.

Shane looked down at both boys while he smoothed his hands over his big boy balls, and his stern look turned to a big smile, as the two worried, expectant faces looked to him. "You swaller it, Fuckboy's?"

Both kids nodded wildly.

"Lemme see."

Both their mouths wide, they shot their tongues out.

"Gooooood, l'il fuckers. Get out!"

In a wild vapor trail of scurrying boytails, they turned and grabbed their boxers, making time at the crawl to the door and out.

Just watching those two toy butts squiggellin' across the floor struck Shane so funny, he just doubled up laughing. Still howling, he approached Adam, and looking down, still shaking from laughter, he evoked a big smile from his fucked over, fucked out and fucked up, best friend.

He put his knee to the bed, and gave his bud a tummy slap, and they just looked at each other. "You had to see those fuckin' buttwads shimmyin' out of here....too much....just toooooo much."

He grabbed his bud's right leg, threw it over his shoulders, turning Adam a bit sideways, albeit wide open, and as he moved his big frame up against his buddy's pussy, he gave him a big air kiss, and sent his still steeled cock home, with an "Oooooompphhh!" from Adam, he said, "Fuck you, boy! Fuckyou! Fuck you! Fuck you!!"

"Fuck you! Fuckyou! Fuck you! Fuck you!!!" Casey screamed into Zach's face, as he pounded his toy box. "You love fucking for Casey, dontchu, Fuckboy.... Donctchu? Goddamn you?!?"


"Yes sir, what, you dumb shit?"

"Y-yes s-s-sir....y-yes! I l-love f-fuck-in' f-for y-you, sir. Y-yes, sir!"

"You right about that, asshole. Now what are you? Tell me what you are and what you just fuckin' love to do. Fuckin' telllll meeee!"

"Um-uh-uh, Iyam yur Fuckboy, sir! and I just love fuckin' for you!!"

Without another word, Casey shot off with a requisite grunting and moaning serenade from both of them. Then he yanked Zach's feet down, slumped to his face...planted a kiss...surged back up and sprang forward shoving his boymeat through Zach's lips for cleanoff.

He let Zach diddle his cockhead for long moments, then flopped to his side, told Zach he could get dressed.

Zach struggled to get up again, and finding his stuff, got dressed, then kneeled down in 'fuckboy' at Casey's bedside.

Case got up, growling like this was some big chore, and went to the door, checking for the all clear, he motioned Zach to crawl out and down the stairs to the doorway. So far, Zach was happy to have his sneakers still on, as well as not fall down the stairs, and hoped he didn't have another barefoot trek ahead of him.

Casey opened the door, allowing Zach to crawl out on the deck. Knowingly, Zach stopped, and waited.

"Comeon boy, give us a kiss."

Zach turned, looked up at Casey, reached in his boxers, and there in the bright afternoon sunlight, on Casey's front deck, Zach sucked the boy's knob into his mouth, giving him a sustained sucking, tongue-whipping cock kiss. Casey pulled him off by his hair and said, "Crawl out to the street, and getcher ass out of here," as he stepped back and slammed the door.

Back up on Shane's bed, Adam was now sitting up, riding the Shane pole, bouncing his blond locks and handsome boy body up and down on his life long buddy's prong. He smiled dumbly, and blankly as his tongue sucked in, and hung out, alternately, as he bounced, and bobbed, and......

"Tell me again, babe, tell me what most yuh love to do."

"Oh, sir...oh, sir....I love-uh to fuck for-uh you sir, I just-um-uh love to fuck my boy pussybox for you."

"It's gonna be a long, beautiful night for you then, Fuckboy, one long, beautiful night."

Back at Steve's house, Bob pounded off in the bathroom to a wild cum, with one of Stevie's boxer shorts held up to his nose.

When Steve went in after Zach left, and saw the bathroom in use, he went to his room and pounded to two glorious teen creams. He was so jacked out, he just rolled to his side, and went to dreamland for an early-afternoon-aftercums nap.

Bob checked his boy's room when he came out, and with the door closed, he just ambled down to the TV room for a game and a beer. Later on, Stevie came down and joined him, and Bob let him get a beer. Steve loved being a 'big' man having a beer with his Dad. After while, Stevie had finished the beer, and drifted off there on the couch.

Bob stole his moment, and went scurrying to Steve's room, and for those cum-sopped boxers he knew would be there...somewhere.....but...where? He was frantic...into the laundry bag...sweat broke out on his face....where the fuck were they? Maybe he just wore 'em? Then, he calmed himself down, shaking like a leaf, furtive glances to the doorway...the hall....then he slowly scanned the room....the floor. Shit. SHIT! Nothing! Then, he stared just under the side board. There was the pair of balled up socks. Nah. He saw them before. "Well, lemme just look 'em over," he said to himself, as he shakily bent down and picked up the first....feeling, looking, smelling.....nothing...just boy feet. He picked up the other one. "Ohhhhh.....god.....that boy. God I love him so much," he said to himself as he smelled the cum-laden sock to his nose, and there, kneeling at his son's bedside, he shot off, untouched, inside his pants.

Many long aftercum, and trembling moments later, he grabbed the bedside and pushed himself to his feet. Clever the cocksucker he was, he went to the laundry bag in Steve's closet...pulled out a pair of dirty sock replacements....dropped them bedside, pushing them just under the bed sideboard. Then turned to the door, the bathroom. All the while turning the sock inside out, and as the door lock clicked, his daddy tongue swiped over the now sticky splotch of boy jizz.....and joy!

All the way home, Zach's mind was consumed with seemed that earlier, all he wanted was to keep the kid from getting into boyplay with him. All of a sudden, Stevie's image was paramount.....and even as he relished his first ever fuck, his well spent cock rose hard to his belly, as he walked home, rubbing it inside his pockets, even knee-buckling himself a few times, walking faster and faster, now get home and Please write and tell me if you like my story. Send comments to

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Next: Chapter 14

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