Zach Gets to Serve

By Jarrod x

Published on Feb 26, 2003


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write: I would love to hear if you like my story. Chapter 5. Zach Gets to Serve. Last time, Shane was in the midst of orchestrating a boy-suck and bang-around:

"Tommy, it's your round. Give him a spin on your meat," Shane said, leaving the room. Both Tom and Adam were back into the fun, and Tommy's cock was at the ready. Adam got up on Bart's chest, pulled Bart's feet back toward his head, under Adam's armpits, and fed Bart his boy wiener.

Shane had thrown a towel around himself, and went through the breezeway to the main house and down to Casey's room. He barged in bashing the door into the wall. Casey jumped with a fright, then got the bigger fright, seeing his master-brother glaring at him in the doorway. He had been playing on his computer, and dropped to the floor right there, on his knees, feet crossed behind him, finger up his chute, head down, tongue out....... Fuckboy position.

Shane snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot in front of him at the door. In the maddest fuckboy scramble, Casey crawled to his brother's feet, and went back to 'fuckboy'.

Shane grabbed his hair, and pulled his head up. Casey looked into his face. Shane said, "You wanna have your first pussy, fuckboy?"

"Oh, yessir! I would," Casey answered. Oh yes.........he most certainly........would.

Chapter 5. Bart, L'il Shavetail.

"Go to my room," Shane ordered.

At the full crawl, Casey all-fours'd it down the hall to Shane's room. Shane got a charge out of watching the junior-sized replica of himself, wiggling his little ass, clothed only in his boxers, through the breezeway, and into Shane's room.

Whew! Casey couldn't mistake the cum-stench in the room, the second he went through the door. Expectedly, it also made him throw a rod. Tommy and Adam had switched holes on Bart, and Adam was fucking now, and Tom was getting blowed.

As Adam pumped, Casey waited in 'fuckboy' by the bedside. Neither Adam, nor Tom had known that Casey served Shane. They were both thinking.......Shane had 3 boys in service......Casey, Zach, and now Bart. What IS going on here?

Just then Adam, went crazy, and madly pumped his wad into Bart, falling over onto the kid's belly, and into Tom's back, as Tom was sitting on Bart's chest, in front of Adam.

Shane got Casey to his feet, standing with hands on his hips, sort of a defiant stance. Then he told the others to get off Bart and help him up to his feet on the floor, in front of Casey. Once standing, naked, in front of his 3 tormentors, and......and a younger kid(?) he shot a questioning look to Shane.

Shane said, "So what do think, cocksucker? You like this little pullet? He's same age as the kid you blowed in school....and the 8 kids you blowed in the park."

Bart shamed, and horribly embarrassed, looked pained to Shane.

"Get on your knees cocksucker! Beg Casey to feed you pullet pud.....just that way ... ask him just that way!" Shane ordered as he took the camera from the tripod and began roving filming.

So shamed, tears welling in his eyes, the other two kids yukking at the site, watched Bart drop to his knees, and look up into Casey's eyes, tears gushing out of his own now.

Blubbering through his tears, Bart begged, "Please, will you feed me your pullet pud?"

Boy, Shane had nothing on Casey. The fuckin' little kid stepped right up to Bart's face, and beat it 3 times with his cock, and said, "Please, SIR, will you feed me your pullet pud? you fuck...say it right, goddam you!"

Now Bart just broke down, slumping to his heels, and cried in such pitiful shame.

Casey seemed to gently lean down to comfort him, as he got his face right next Bart's cheek......and loudly, but not screaming, said, "If you don't sit up, beg me right, and suck me off till I cum boy bullets down your throat, you cocksuckin' sonofabitch, I'm gonna kick your balls off."

Waterworks shut off, sniffling, Bart sat straight up, begged, "Please SIR, will you feed me your pullet pud?"

Casey grabbed a clump of his hair, yanked him forward, and shoved his boy peter all the way in his mouth, holding him pressed to his pubes, and pumped his fuckin' face till he shot his load into Bart.

Casey just grunted several times, as he pumped wad after boywad into Bart's gurgling throat.

Stepping back, he put his bare foot to the kid's chest and pushed him over on his back.

Shane was so proud of his kid brother.

"Excellent, fuckboy, have certainly earned the right to put our servant Bart, here, through his paces when you dock your young dick with his hole. I am very proud to provide such a worthy fuckboy with his first boypussy.

Casey leaned back to look behind him to his praising brother, and just beamed, as he stood there, legs spread, cock in hand, pumping. He looked down at Bart, still spilled over on the floor, on one elbow, and said, "Get up you fuck, and pick me up, and stand me on the bed."

Without hesitation, Bart jumped up, wrapped his arms around Casey's thighs, and lifted him to the bed. "Now, you, on the bed, cocksucker.......on your fuckin' back," Casey ordered Bart.

Bart scrambled up onto the bed, flipped himself to his back, feet on the bed, knees up.

Casey smacked his right leg, saying, "Get 'em up, asshole, and stick your fingers between your toes, and hold 'em up there."

Bart threw his legs up, and got into position as Casey ordered, and Casey could see Bart's winking pucker, with some residual cum lingering on it, and the dried cum all around it, and on his butt cheeks. "I can see you don't need no lube, fuckboy, so let's just get to it. Tell me how bad you need this, fuckboy," Casey said waving his cock, as Bart looked through his legs at him. "Tell me, 'Please young sir, fuck me with your big boy-pleaser."

Again, without hesitation, Bart, screamed, "Please, young sir, fuck me with your big-boy pleaser."

"Scoot your butthole to me, boy," Casey ordered.

Bart scooched his ass down the bed till he could feel Casey's legs. Casey kneeled, as Tom and Adam, kneeled at the foot of the bed to get viewing angles at the kid's insertion.

"Pull your feet back, fuckhead, till your hole is cock-high to my dick," Casey yelled at Bart.

Bart complied, and was partly up on his shoulders now, as Casey took his steely hard boy pole, worked the head around getting the pucker on target, pushed, and swooned as his cockhead literally oozed into Bart's cumslick pussy. "Ahhhhhhh," Casey sighed as his dick continued its seemingly endless ride down Bart's boy love-giver. Casey was ecstatic as that pussy-glove closed around his cock, shmoozing it over its entire length. After what seemed like hours, Casey started to pull out, then back in, out, back, and faster, and faster, and wild, and pumping....tongue hanging, gasping, spit spraying, grunting, "Ungh, errrggghh, unggguh, ohhh, you fuckin' cunt, fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOUUUUU!!" Casey hollered, as his whole body just seemed to freeze up, buck, and then he butt-flexed about 5 short strokes, as he jetted his boy load into Bart.

Ohhhh, Casey fell forward on top of Bart, and was right over Bart's face, as he bared his clenched teeth, and growled, "You're pussy's mine, fuckboy, and I'm gonna be having lots of it!"

Bart was just too fucked out to know what Casey said. But he sure knew what Casey wanted when he pulled his cock from Bart's hole, and after straddling his face, and stuck that 4-boys'-cum-slick cock into his mouth. "Lick and soothe my pecker, boy...that's what made you so happy just now....keep me happy now, fuckboy," Casey cooed.

Shane got every last move on film, and now while Bart was licking Casey off, he told Tom and Adam to raise Bart's tail up. Grabbing the dildo, he said, "Watch this." The boys hovered over Bart, looking down at his oozing butt hole. Shane eased the dildo in through Bart's ass lips about an inch, and repeated it about 4 times. When he pulled it out, the boy's hole stayed open for several seconds, and you could actually see down Bart's love canal.

"Wow! Look at that. Look at that!" the boys squealed to each other.

Shane said, "Okay, now I want you guys to do what I did, stick the dildo in, deeper, then ease it out slow, and while the hole stays open, one of you get the flashlight from my desk, there, and shine the light down his pussy, and I want to film it for a while. Gleefully, Tom ran for the flashlight, and Adam was on dildo duty. Shane stood above Bart's tail, and aimed the camera at the depths of his hole, as Tom shined the light down there, from his position, alongside Bart. Adam dildo'd from a standing squat position straddling Bart's belly. As the boys went to work, lightin' and dickin' and filmin', all they kept saying to each other was, "God, beautiful," or, "Look at that", or "Jeee-susss, it's a fuckin' beautiful cave," or, "Geez, I can't wait to get in there again," or "Holy shit! look at his pussy lips come out of hole, holding on so tight around the dildo." In the background, the incessant, 'Shlikk, schtick, squitcksh,' could be heard as the dildo pumped boy pussy.

Casey's cock was licked off now, and he came around to watch as the boys finished their new movie, which could have aptly been named, "The Boy Hole."

Shane moved the cam back to the tripod, and handed the dildo to Bart, telling him, "Here fuckboy, I want you to fuck your hole with this when none of us boys is personally pleasuring your ass. I want you working that thing, too. I want to see you get hot, and see your body quiver and your feet and legs flying, and toes curlin', while you're breathin' hard, trying to get off. Got it?"

Bart nodded his understanding, very energetically, and couldn't get the dildo up his ass fast enough. Soon, he was wilding himself, as the camera rolled on, he was bouncing, and pushing himself up off the bed with his pounding, naked, boyfeet......his tongue out of his mouth, spit starting to drool from the corners of the kid's mouth.

Shane surveyed the scene there, in his bedroom. Four naked boys, pulling their pokers, all getting off watching a fifth boy, on his back, subserviently, pathetically, splayed out before them, almost out of control, trying to get off.......just to please them. As Shane looked at the clock, it was 3 AM.

"Don't you dare cum motherfucker, or you're dead meat!" Bart slowed the dildo, then speeded, then slowed, toes curling, tightening, uncurling, tongue wiggin' and waggin' through his lips, butt cheeks flexin' and reflexin', his knees spreading out wide, then closing, then widening out again, as he kept up his own torment for many long moments, as the kids relaxed, or in Shane's and Casey's cases, planned the next degradation. Adam and Tom were laying on the bed, on their backs, heads propped on pillows at the foot of the bed,, ankles crossed, facing the self-degrading, Bart.

Shane took Casey by the arm, and helping him off Bart's chest, and the bed, and handing him his boxers to put on, he said, "Go get the hair clippers from the main bathroom, ok?" as he gave him a send-off love tap on his butt. Casey quick nodded, jumped into his drawers, and started to go to his knees, and Shane shook his head and waved him to the door, and Casey was a vapor trail. He hadn't been gone a minute, when, Whoosh! Casey was back through the door with a breeze following him. Then Shane told him to get Shane's electric shaver from his own bathroom. Casey did that, too, and was back in a flash, standing next to Shane with the clippers and the shaver, one in each hand. Shane took the clippers and checked the cord length from his computer multi-outlet, and was satisfied, plugging it in. He pointed to Bart, and told Casey, "Let's make Bart's pussy pretty, and pink, like a baby's ace, eh?" Casey was so excited, he was trembling. Taking the clippers, he climbed on the bed over Adam's legs and on top of Bart, facing his feet. He looked back over his shoulder, and said, "Stop friggin' your hole, cocksucker! Get yours hands behind your head, and leave the dildo up your cunt."

Casey laid down right on Bart's belly and with his face right up to the kid's bush, he 'whirred' the clippers into life and without fanfare started to shear the young buck's manly forest. Bart just started crying, throwing his arm across his eyes. The locker room, the showers at school, he was going to be ruined for sure. He, of course, had no idea, his ruination was already cast in stone, film, and Polaroids, many hours ago.

Casey's tongue stuck out the corner of his mouth, and he chewed on it as he sheared the new slave of his cockhairs.

Tommy said, "Now careful, Casey, don't cut his cock off, little use as it'll get, we'll still need it for him to piss himself." Casey looked up, smiling most wickedly, and got back to work. As the heaviest growth was removed, Shane told Casey, "Get back here and let's get the fuckin' hairs off his asshole. And you, cocksucker, get that dildo out your pussy, and into your mouth, pull your feet back up over your head, and hold 'em there," he ordered Bart. Shane took a towel and wiped the goo off and out of the boy's playground. Both Bart and Casey followed orders, and Casey went to work denuding Bart's butt and butt hole area of any hairs. Once all the longer, thicker hairs were removed, Shane swapped the electric shaver for the clippers and told Casey, "Okay, now for the detail work, bud. Down to the skin....balls, pussy, cock and groin. Casey was so proud to be given this great duty, to strip a high school kid of his cockhairs, while that same high school boy, had his young body splayed out for the whole wide room to see, as he sucked on a dildo from his ass, and tears streaked from his eyes. Finally, Bart's pussy and playground were smoothe as a baby's ace, as Shane called it. Shane had gone for his razor shaver, and told Casey to pull Bart's cheeks way wide, and he burrowed the head of the razor into his crack, and he dry-shaved the walls of his crack clean. As he pulled up, facing Bart, and pointed with the razor...."Now look, you fuckin' piece of shit, this is your job after this. We've done the big you have to keep your pussy hairless. Got that, fuckhead. Hairless!"

Bart nodded crazily, that he understood.

"In the locker room, every gym class, you'll strip naked, walk to my locker and present your pussy, asshole, and your other parts for hair inspection. Bart's brow furrowed, not knowing what 'other' parts Shane meant.

Shane solved that deal momentarily, as he told Casey to shave the kid's pits. There wasn't much, but in two shakes, Adam yanked his arms back behind him, and it was gone.

That done, Shane told Casey, to lay down over Bart's belly button, and look up his belly and chest, and tell him if he saw any hairs.......Casey popped up, and reported, "None, Shane. No hair at all."

"You are now perfect, well, perfect as a cocksucker can be," he said to Bart....get going with that dildo, pussyboy. Bart got back to the dildo friggin' of his now naked hole, and for the first few seconds, his entire pussy felt different without the few hairs that used to be there.

"Well, my man," Shane turned to Bart, " you are certainly ready for your public."

He said, "Who's next!" As Tom and Adam choosed up, for dibs, Shane pulled Casey off the bed, and for the first time this week, treated him like the kid brother he was. "Look Case, school's tomorrow, and you gotta get outta here, and to bed." As Casey pouted, Shane said, "Remember, Bart was your first fuck....he'll be yours whenever you want him, eh?" and handed Casey two Polaroid shots: One of Casey and Bart from the side with Casey fuckin' Bart's brains out, and one with Casey sitting on his chest, while Bart ate his dick.

Recognizing the 'ownership' documents for what they were, he knew now he real ly could have Bart any time he wanted him, and all but started to skip out of Shane's room. Errrrrrrttt! He remembered, and dropped to all fours, and started to crawl out, when Shane called to him, "Walk out, kid, today you were the master, tomorrow's a new day."

With a big, wide smile, Casey scrambled to his feet, and for the first time that week walked to his room from Shane's.....on a cloud......on a cloud, man!

As Casey closed the door, Adam was sinking his cock back into Bart for round 2.

Shane sat down next to the straining, grunting, and moaning Bart, and smacking his heavy hand on the kid's chest, knocking the wind from him, he said, "With these boys giving you all this pleasure, all you do here is wuss and whimper around. That's about to stop, here?" Bart stared up at Shane. "When the boy's, any boys, are making you feel good, I want you to tell them, constantly, and over, and over, and over, till they are finished with you." Bart was crying inside, not knowing how much worse his miserable life was going to be. "Now you start with Adam here. You can tell him how much you love when he fucks you, and take it from there, and keep going. Adam, and all the boys in school, will be so happy to know that you like it when you provide service."

"I love when you fuck me, Adam...thank you for fuckin' me...I feel so good....," and on and on, the poor, tearful, trembling kid told his tormentors incessantly, what he 'liked' about having his brains fucked out, and having them fuck his face, knocking his tonsils out through the back of his skull.

Relentless Shane took the dildo and stuffed it in Bart's mouth, "Oooomphkk," saying, "Keep talking, dickface." Resignedly, aghast, Bart kept talking around the fucking dildo, which of course, tasted of his own ass, spit, and the other boys' cum.

Adam pounded to climax, and let out a warhoop, as he threw his head back, and sat on his heels. Tommy, pulled on his shoulder, pumping his power pud, and wanting in. Adam smiled in his afterglow, and slumped down around the bottom of the bed, then crawled up to have Bart clean him off, as Tommy docked into Bart.

When Tommy cummed in the boy, Shane told Bart to dildo all the boys' jam out of his pussy, and feed it to himself, till his pussy was clean of cum. Of course, at that moment, Bart was already licking off Tommy's spent, and cumslick cock.

As the clock rolled on to 5 AM, Shane got Bart up off his back, and laid down on his own bed for the first time since the previous evening. "Look, shitears, I need to nap, so I want you servicing my balls and cock while I relax. Get down there and start breakfast."

Bart sullenly, crawled down into place, on his belly, neck bent and stretched uncomfortably, with his feet hanging over the edge of the bed, and got to licking. Adam had sacked out on the floor, and Tom was sprawled alongside Shane, snoring. Shane set the clock for 6:30 AM, fell asleep to the sounds of "Schlikk! Phluckk! Schtkk!," far down and away in his boy crotch.

Rrrrrrrrrringggggg! The alarm sounded, and all four kids started, then settled back down for the moment. Who was stretching, or yawning or groaning, or all three. And, of course, why Bart, was there licking Shane.

Shane, grabbed Bart's hair, pulled up his head, and said, "Getchur ass in the tub, on the floor, on your back, and wait, fuckhead."

Bart padded to the bathroom, and Shane roused the the other kids....smacking Tom's ass and kicking Adam's hip, "Let's go get some's soon, assholes."

The kids broke into big, shit eating grins when they walked into the bathroom, and saw their fucktoy in the bottom of the tub, hands down his sides, like a limp rag. Truth be known, these last few minutes, alone, in the bottom of the tub, were the first restful moments poor Bart had in at least 10 hours.

Shane dropped the cover over the drain, and without ceremony, he stood to the side of the tub and pissed from head to toes, on Bart. "Open that mouth wide, you fuck!" Shane yelled. The last of his piss poured into that poor kid's 'glucking' and 'gurgling' throat. The other two kids didn't wait for Shane to finish, and just pissed on Bart. Tommy was right over Bart's head, and he straddled the tub with one foot on the opposite ledge, and the other out on the floor, and pissed his entire bladder-full into Bart's mouth. God, that pathetic motherfucker just took it all. Adam pissed entirely on Bart's balls and cock, except for the first of his blast, between all of Bart's toes.

Shane said, "All right asshole, lick the rest out of the tub and tongue-wipe it for my shower, then get the fuck out!"

Adam sat on the bowl, while the others sat on the tub edge shaking their heads and snickering as Bart licked every last drop of piss out of the tub. He looked up, hopefully, God, licking his lips, hoping Shane would ok his being finished. Shane did snap his fingers and pointed at the floor, whereupon, Bart climbed out, and Shane had him sit on the floor. "Any piss drips off you, asshole, you lick it up, when we're done." Bart nodded and just wrapped his arms around his knees, in his nakedness, and looked down at his piss-wet feet.

The boys all showered rotating from front to rear in the tub, till they rinsed, stepped out, dried off, and dropped their towels over Bart's head.

Shane told Bart to put the towels in the hamper, and lick the piss off the floor from under him. When Bart was done with the floor, he stood up at the doorway, awaiting instructions.

Shane threw him some old pants, shirt, and sneaks to wear. Now, Bart hadn't showered, or pissed yet, eh? He didn't ask, but he was dyin'. Shane wanted him to bust.

The kids were finally all dressed, and went down to breakfast.

Shane's mother had cereal out for the kids, and excused herself after warmly greeting all the the boys....she got a piss-whiff of Bart as she walked by, out of the room, and tough her nose wrinkled up a bit, she thought she was mistaken.

As the kids poured cereal from 2 different boxes into their bowls, Shane poured some corn flakes into a fifth one. 'Comere shithead," he called to Bart. "You didn't get off your morning piss." Bart shook his head, 'No'. Shane handed him the 5th bowl, and said, wet down your corn flakes, pussy."

Bart looked at him wierd-like.

"Piss on 'em, asshole, right out here on the table. And don't you piss on the table, or dribble either.

Bart pulled down his zipper and fished out his dick, fat with his morning piss unspent. As the 4 kids snickered around him at the table, he started to piss, ever so gently, squeezing hard just behind the cockhead, on the cereal. As he covered the flakes, he successfully managed to cut off his flow, although it strained and pained to hold the rest of his piss back. Shane pulled the tablecloth up, and motioned Bart to get under the table, "Now eatchur fuckin' piss gruel, faggot."

Bart kneeled, then crawled on one hand and knees to sit on the floor and eat his piss gruel. Adam, Tom and Casey were dyin' laughing, slapping at each other and giving Shane thumbs up signs, and stuff...stomping their feet.

Then, stunning the little group, Shane said, "Casey, get your dick out for numbnuts to suck you off. I want you to have Bart's thanks for our overnight hospitality; a nice, quick suckjob. Shane, banged the top of the table, and said, "You hear that, cocksucker?"

A very weak sounding, "Y-y-es," was heard from Bart. Shane asked for the bowl and checked that nothing was spilled on the floor. "Ok, shitears, get on your knees and blow my brother like you never blowed cock before. I want that little fucker pounding the table, and stomping that floor in ecstasy. You got that?!"

After a bumping and a scuffling under the table, there was another weak, "Y-y-ess!" and a "shfwumph," as Casey stuffed his cock into the speaking boy's mouth. True to his orders, he brought young Casey to a wild, foot stomping climax. As he shot off, the other kids were hysterical watching him tighten his hands on the table edge, and pull the whole table toward him, and as he leaned back, eyes rolling back in his head, he gave out a warbling, squeal as he cummed, and his knees kept bumping the bottom of the table. He was so excited, and had gone so knees-up rigid, his feet didn't reach the floor through his whole teenwad shootoff. Finally, he slumped, exhaled, long and deep, and was quiet, with a couple of spasms, eyes closed, head back over the back of the chair.

Shane kicked under the table till he caught Bart, and told him to get out from there.

"Okay, you 2 fuckers gotta get the bus for school, so get outta here. I'm driving the rest us in," Shane said. Adam kicked Bart in the ass, as he climbed out from under the table, sending him sprawling toward the door, at the stumble.

As they went out the door, Shane called to Casey, "Hey, suckboy, you be in my room in position this afternoon."

Casey said, "Yes, sir." The other kids looked at both kids and smiled, knowingly.

"Oh, and fuckboy," Shane yelled.

"Yes, sir, " Casey answered.

"I want you to bring that kid you started sucking and fuckin' around with last weekend," Shane said.

"I don't su.....," Casey cut himself off. Shane didn't believe he didn't suck Zach, so why bother. "Yes, sir, I'll get him here," and as the door slammed, Casey and Bart were gone. Shane and the others goofed a bit and cleared the table since they weren't leaving early that morning. Zach had been given the morning off. Later, that afternoon, and following a mostly uneventful day for Casey and Shane, there was a knock at the screen door of Shane's room. Casey was in fuckboy , and Shane was just home from school, and was sprawled on his bed. Casey yelled, "Come in."

Zach opened the door, and as he turned into the room after closing it, an electric charge went through his body like lightning......with a face frozen in fear, his head snapped first to Shane...and then to Casey....then back, like the crowd at a tennis match. He dropped to his butt, pulled off his sneakers, socks, shirt, then flopped over onto his back to pull his pants and shorts off. He got back up and onto his knees, crossed his bare feet, and clasped his hands behind him, tongue out, head God, both his masters in one room....his heart was pounding, his head was spinning........

"What the fuck are YOU doin' here??" Shane yelled at the poor kid.

Casey's head whipped to Shane. His brother knew Zach! What the fuck? He was almost speechless...and fuckin' Zach couldn't say a thing if he tried, trembling, naked on his knees, before two masters.

Gulping, and then gulping again, Casey found his voice, and said, "Sir, this is the boy I been fuckin' know...that you overheard me with last week.....he's 'suckboy' Zach.

Shane, sat up with a big fucking, lecherous grin across his big boy face, and said, "Yeah, I know. I know 'suckboy' Zach......REAL well, don't I SUCKBOY!"

Quivering, Zach said, "Y-y-y-y-esssir! You know!" Fuck yes, he knew him!!! Please write and tell me if you like my story. Send comments to

Negative or positive comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 6

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