A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Oct 4, 2001


A Few Good Men 10: Sergeant Armando Contreras: Exclusivity

Note: The following, along with A Few Good Men 1 through 9, is an accounting of my stint in the USMC. Another story, Nailed Part 1, precedes the series. It's in Nifty's Athletic section. They all contain sex between men. Duh. If don't want to read graphic details of sex between consenting adult men or if you're underage or if this is not allowed/illegal where you live, then don't read it. You've been warned.

I've had a few recurring questions about this series, so I'll try to clear up what most guys have asked about. As I said, the A Few Good Men series is largely true. Yah, so most of the names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or closeted. These stories are the best memories I have of being one of Uncle Sam's finest. They took place in the very early 80s when I was in the USMC. Back then we really didn't practice safe sex because it was the very beginning of the health crisis and safe sex with condoms didn't really come into play until like the mid 80s. I guess I'm lucky. I fucked around with lots of mostly military guys back then and, luckily, am still negative all these years later.

I hope you enjoy the series. There's lots more memories to write about. I just need the time to do it. I'd love to hear from you with your comments. Please don't copy any part of this. I reserve all rights to this and all the chapters in the A Few Good Men series.

For a few days after that fateful night when we got caught fucking by Kozinski we walked on eggshells around him. We weren't exactly sure how he'd react to all of those goings on. When it became apparent that he was cool with it all and us as a couple, Armando and I calmed down a bit. Armando and I grew closer and closer in those few weeks following the "big bust". Kozinski could see it and left us alone. He was actually a help to us. He figured out what was going on with us and understood that a new couple needed lots of private time. He actually kept watch for us. It allowed us to make love a lot more often at home at times when we normally wouldn't have chanced it. He'd keep an ear out for Smythe and if he heard him he'd alert us. That only happened once but that might have been once that Smythe busted us if not for Kozinski. Who knew he was going to be that cool?

Armando and I quickly developed into an exclusive relationship. Not that either one of us were fucking around with other guys. The closer we grew, the harder it was for us to spend all the time together that we wanted to. We started talking about getting our own apartment. I had a little money stashed away but Armando felt he owed the other guys to find somebody to replace him in the apartment he shared with them. As luck would have it, just about the time we were finalizing plans to move in together, opportunity knocked in a big way. Smythe announced one day that he'd be shipping out almost immediately. Contreras and I approached Kozinski about rooming together and he was very receptive to it. In fact, he offered to give us the Master Bedroom and move into the second bedroom himself. So, in a matter of a couple weeks, the three of us were all resettled into the apartment.

Life was really good for us. Kozinski gave us lots of privacy and we were free to be who we were when we were at home. We'd grown very close over the months that we'd known one another, but living together took all that to a new and exciting level. Armando was absolutely crazy in love with me and, although I didn't know how to fully appreciate that, he taught me how to love unconditionally. I was used to the attentions of men. Hell, it seems they all wanted to fuck me since like I was 14 or so. But Armando was different. Oh sure, he fucked me good. The guy was amazing in the sack. With him it was more than that however. He didn't just fuck. From day one, he made love to me. There's a huge difference, even in man-to-man sex. Armando was a very patient and understanding lover. He put up with my impetuous and impatient youth. After all, I was only 20 at the time. He was like 28 and definitely the grounding force in our relationship.

Within several weeks of living day in and day out with him, I was hopelessly in love with the man. It didn't happen overnight. Instead, it happened gradually over time. I'd always had strong feelings for the guy, but I learned that they had been centered in the sexual aspect of our relationship. I came to that realization after the "hots" between us had died down a bit---as it does in every relationship. You know how it is. You get to that point where you don't have to fuck every night because you're together and there's always tomorrow. That comfort feeling you have when you're coupled.

As strong as the feelings in my gut were for Armando before, they took on a new and potent urgency when I realized that I was in love with him and not the awesome sex we shared. I began to see him in a new light. I started noticing things about him that I had never seen before. Everything about him amazed and excited me. He interacted with people in such a friendly manner that everybody liked him. He was so organized and neat. Most of all, he was an incredibly generous person.

All of these realizations caused a profound change in me. I found that I no longer viewed making love as taking dick from my man Armando. Instead, I started making love to Armando. I gave him my heart and my soul. Once I did all that, making love took on a whole new dimension. Physically, making love was easier. As I became more giving there was little or no "getting used to it" time when we'd fuck. I found that I was able to surrender myself to my man almost immediately. Within seconds of penetration, Armando was able to slide past that second sphincter deep inside of me, hugely enhancing our lovemaking. No easy feat mind you, given that the man is hung a true 9 inches. Because the physical side of fucking became much easier, the emotional and erotic sides grew more intense. It became all about giving to one another.

I remember one time in particular when all of these changes in and between us really became apparent. We'd had a tough week at work. It seemed like every vehicle in the fleet had broken down. It had been a long and grueling week. We'd not spent much time together other than sleeping, eating and working. We hadn't made love in days. That Saturday we spent the day doing chores around the house, changing oil in the truck, washing it and grocery shopping. At the end of the day I was pretty grimy so I hopped in the shower where I rinsed myself inside and out. The way the fabric caressed my cock, balls and butt when I slipped on a fresh pair of briefs reminded me of how long it had been since Armando had taken me.

While he took a shower, I threw something on the BBQ. I had a beer while I was preparing dinner and had another one half gone when I set the food on the table. Because I hadn't eaten much all day, I was feeling the effects of the alcohol. It only made me hornier than I already was. I could hardly even look at Armando without getting a hardon. Kozinski had joined us for dinner before heading out on a pussy hunt so I forced myself to be good. I was cleaning up in the kitchen when he came in to say good night.

"Thanks for dinner, Sean"

"No problem, Ski" I answered. "Have a good time tonight"

"I hope to"

"Hope you get some" I joked only half-heartedly. I knew the guy hadn't been laid in weeks. I actually felt sorry for him.

"I sure need it," he rasped with his voice trailing off. Because I was loading the dishwasher, I couldn't see him but I could hear the horniness in his voice. "Damn, Dude, don't bend over like that, I might just spear ya!"

Turning to look at him, I saw that he was cupping his dick with his hand. "Yah, well Armando might have something to say `bout that!" I kidded him. It was a little weird because it was the first time since he busted us and nailed me that I'd seen that look in his eye. "You better go out and take care of that" I continued, not encouraging him. I have to admit that a quick flash of that hot scene getting fucked by him went through my mind though. Just for a second though.

"Yah, I think I will" he agreed. "Thanks again and I'll see you guys in the morning"

"Or, with any luck, maybe not!" Armando interjected as he walked into the room. The three of us laughed.

"'Night, guys" Kozinski said as he made his way to the door.

"'Night" we answered in unison.

He wasn't ten steps outside the door before Armando was wrapped around my backside. "God, I've missed this," he whispered in my ear as he drew me close.

"I've been hoping we'd get some alone time tonight," I added. Instantly I was aroused.

"The night is ours" he continued, licking and chewing on my ear.

"Damn, Mando!" I cooed, "this feels so right, so good"

"Mijo, I can't tell you how much I love you," he soothed as he rocked us back and forth.

All this emotion was jumping around in my chest at that moment. My chest swelled with pride, my heart lunged, there was queasiness in the pit of my stomach, my dick tingled and my butthole flared. All at once I was ready to give it up to him. I was so damned young and didn't understand what the hell was happening to me. All I knew is that it felt good and I ached to be with the man wrapped around me. Spinning around in his arms, I faced him. His big fucking brown eyes had always turned me on and he mentioned my baby blues more that a few times. We just stood there staring at one another for a moment before our lips parted and crushed together. Right there in the middle of our kitchen, Armando and I sucked face and unleashed the lust that had been pent up from days of abstinence. With the power known only when two strong males go at each other, we began our mating.

With tremendous strength the larger man engulfed me. His hands and mouth were everywhere on me at once. Concentrating heavily on my ears and neck, the man played my erogenous zones like a musical instrument. In doing so he caused me to thrash about in his grip, all the while grabbing onto him and gluing myself to him. Tearing at one another as he slowly led us into the Living Room, we began stripping our shirts off one another. That first bare chested embrace inflamed what was already a fevered pitch of man rut. With tremendous force, two of Uncle Sam's finest carried their coital carnage to the next level. My cock was rock hard and I could feel Armando's sticking straight up in his pants. As usual, it eventually worked its way over the top of the waistband of his jeans. I knew this because I felt the fleshy wetness of it on my belly as we engulfed one another's tongues in a face to face embrace.

Recognizing the familiar heat of my man's lance, I reached down and smeared the slick flowing out of him all over the super sensitive head, now unsheathed and laying naked to the world. Armando's knees buckled as I worked the exposed nerve endings on the underside of his uncut bone. The intense sensations he was feeling slowed down his attack on me as he gave into the pleasure. The heady scent of his natural cock filled my nostrils and, at once, I wanted to be penetrated by his manhood in every possible manner. It was all I could think of. In my mouth or in the depths of my ass, I was consumed by the desire to pleasure his prick.

With his grip on me loosened, I was able to slide down the front of him. While sucking on his hairy pecs and chewing on his hardened nipples, I undid the buttons of his 501s. Lowering myself even further meant that I was able to lave his rippled and fur covered abs while sliding his jeans over his slim hips. Down I went towards his waist while I pushed his pants down his super hairy thighs and past his knees. Letting his jutting jizz bone slide past my face, my tongue abruptly ran into the waistband of his boxers. When I looked down I could see that his boner was sticking through the fly and that it would take some maneuvering to set it completely free. Leaning down, I pushed his jeans onto his ankles and held on to the denim as he stepped out of them. I looked up and saw a vision of the man I loved, clad only in a pair of baggy boxers and fully aroused. From any angle the guys looked awesome but from my particular angle from the floor, he looked phenomenal. Tall, dark, muscled, hirsute and ungodly handsome. On my knees, I wrapped my arms around him below his waist and crushed my face against the front of him where his fly gaped open from the girth of the pole of flesh jutting upward. Breathing in deeply, all the masculine scents emanating from him were like an aphrodisiac to me. Even though he had taken a shower less than an hour before, the sweet aroma of mansweat and balls permeated the cotton fabric.

Holding on to him I rubbed my bare chest across his hairy legs as I licked up the steely shaft that was throbbing to the beat of his heart. Several inches up, I encountered a line of nut nectar that had oozed down to greet me. The unmistakable slipperiness and saltiness of his spill flowed onto my tongue. Like a starving man, I swirled my tongue higher and higher all around the turgid tube so that I not miss a single drop. Drawing his foreskin over his knob, I forced even more of his dick honey out. When I reached the top, I looked up at him to find him staring down at me with a soulful yet lustful look in his eyes. Never breaking the eye contract, I engulfed his manhood in the warm and wet cavern of my mouth. His eyes closed and he exhaled deeply as I slid the tip of my tongue down into his foreskin and went mining for the treasures that awaited me there. Deeper and deeper into his skin sock I went, allowing that tangy and overtly masculine flavor of a natural man to wash across my tongue, exploding on the millions of taste buds there. Shucking back and exposing his skin completely to my moves, I washed it thoroughly of any of his leavings. Armando reacted in kind by gripping on my head and moving me slower on his most sensitive organ.

"Ay, Mijo!" he whispered as I slurped up and down the full length of his rod. His knees were alternately buckling and locking, so I knew I had to get him in a sitting position soon. Gently I pushed him backwards, all the while bobbing on his knob. Guiding him towards the sofa, I pushed the coffee table out of the way. When I had him in the position I wanted, I released his hardness and quickly pulled the waistband of his boxers up so that he head of his dick would slip through the fly hole. Because of the substantial length of him, in doing so I was pulling the fabric tight across his butt and up into his crack. When I fished his cock through the hole, I immediately slid his shorts down his legs and pushed him into a sitting position on the sofa. He looked so fucking sexy sitting there, his dark and hairy body sprawled over the neutral colored sofa and his boxers bunched at his ankles. Lifting his feet, I pulled them off and slid in between his legs as I once again guided his gun into my gullet.

Lost in the exquisite tastes and sensations of him, I pleasured him in every possible way. Time stood still as I worship that which I desired most from him. I learned early on that Armando loved getting head. Almost as much as he loved fucking ass. Over the months we'd been together, I'd learned and perfected the art of deep throating his massive muscle. With lots of practice I'd rid myself of any gagging while going down deep on my man. It had been several days since we'd had sex so I was especially horny and attentive to him as I treated him to the sensations of my throat muscles swallowing him whole. I'd work him deep in my throat for a while, then come up for air and suck on just the business end before swooping down on his balls and sucking them into my wet cavern, only to go back and ram his knob past my uvula again. Goddamn, I love to suck cock!

I have no idea how long I fellated my man that night. All I know is that the sounds coming out of him and the extreme hardness of him confirmed that he was completely lost in cocksuckee heaven and I was so fine with that. Wild horses couldn't have dragged me off Mando's meat that night. I wanted to suck him forever. Hell, I needed to. Mindful of my man's pleasure, I worked the entire length of him with the same care and precision he showed when he balled me. Once I got going there was an unspoken agreement between us that said neither one of us wanted to stop until I'd sucked the very life seed out of him. I wanted it and so did he, so he lay back and reveled in the sensations of the world class blow job he was receiving. On my knees in front of that sofa I worked my Sergeant's stud stick like I never had before. While one hand was busy stroking his bone as I fucked my face with it, the other was slowly rolling his man rocks around

To paraphrase a term, all great things must come to an end. By the way Armando was twitching about, I could tell I was propelling him towards cumming. Again, unspoken communication between us said that that was just fine. We were taking things as they came that night. Not hurrying into anything, but not preventing the inevitable either. Giving him all of my attentions and talent, I worked my man hard. He deserved a mind- blowing orgasm and I was determined to deliver it to him. As his balls drew up tighter and tighter, his breathing became heavier and heavier. On and off the full length of him, I deep throated his butt buster until he started shaking and moaning that he was going to cum.

"Fuck, Mijo!" he panted. "I'm gonna cum!"

"Ummmmmmmmmmm" was all I cold say with his bone buried in my gullet.

"Oh, fuck! It's coming. It's coming," he warned as his legs started stiffening. His balls had all but disappeared against his stiff and swollen shaft. I sped up my moves. When his breathing stopped indicating he was about to jet, I plunged my lips down into his short and curlies, reached up and grabbed his tits and squeezed hard.

"ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" he roared as I yanked his nipples. Gripping my head he forced me to stay all the way down on the length of him as he started pumping a week's load of ball beer right into my esophagus. He roared loudly each time he shot his spooge. Wanting to savor the flavor of his sauce I used just about every bit of strength I could muster to pull up and catch several spurts of it on my tongue. Feeling the viscous and nutty scrotum sauce filling my mouth, I fucking near creamed my own jeans on the spot. My cock raged hard inside my soaked briefs. I'd unbuttoned my fly but hadn't paid a bit of attention to my own bone the entire time I'd worked Armando's. That whole scene hadn't been about me and my cock though. It was all about my Sergeant and his pleasure. I had a high degree of comfort knowing that my time would come later. I continued to work his weenie and milk every last drop of his cum onto my tongue.

Like many guys, Armando couldn't stand much action on his Jackson after he'd cum. It was ok if he was buried to the balls in my butt, because he had control on how much action his howitzer saw then. But having his knob laid naked and vulnerable to a swirling tongue just proved too much for him. In a short time, he pulled my mouth off of his over sensitive cock. Laying his head against the cushions, he relaxed completely.

"Get naked and come here to me, Mijo," he invited as he pulled his feet up and lay back on the sofa. In a single motion I shucked my pants and briefs. Stepping out of them, I moved toward him on the sofa. Noticing my angry hardon, he reached down and gripped it. Pulling me on top of him, he slowly stroked my hardness. "Oh, Baby Blue! That's some fucking boner you've got there"

"Uh huh" I moaned as I snuggled against his furred body.

"Daddy's gonna take care of that for you tonight you know" he purred as he moved his hand up and down on my bone.

"I know, Sir"

"Would you like that, Lance Corporal"

"Sir, yes Sir" I whispered huskily. His touch was driving me crazy.

"Give me a couple of minutes to recover from that awesome fucking blow job, Stud," he said as he released my meat and wrapped his arms around me, "and I'll show you just how much I need you." I lay silently on top of him and listened to his breathing in my ear for I don't know how long. He was totally relaxed, causing me to do the same. It felt so good to be laying there on and wrapped in the arms of my hirsute hunk. As relaxed and good as I felt, my hardon never died. It just throbbed there between us against his furred belly.

After several minutes, he began planting soft kisses on my face and neck. That led to a few pecks on the lips which finally led to slow and deep open-mouthed kisses that aroused the two of us. It didn't take long for Armando's proud prick to rise to the occasion between us. As we sucked face, I ground my bone against his and thanked God that I'm a man who loves men.

Without saying anything, he moved us up and off the sofa where he led me to the bed we shared. Instinctively, I lay down on my back and welcomed him on top of me. Slowly and soulfully we kissed. Moving in between my legs, he kicked them apart and ground his turgid tube against my own. Unhurriedly, but with purpose, the man took control of me. Starting on my neck he bit and sucked until I was alternately pushing him away and giving in to his advances. From my neck he moved onto my chest where he busied his tongue and mouth with licking, sucking and biting my nipples which drove me crazy. The whole time he was working the upper regions of my torso, one of his hands is fondling my balls and dipping his fingers into my asscrack.

Jesus, the guy was a master at tearing me up! Groping me, nipping at me, sucking me neck, caressing my balls, fingering my hole and more and more. He just kept it up. Licking down my sides drove me to the brink. I'm pretty ticklish and it took every bit of will power to not buck him off of me. He just kept licking and sucking on my flesh lower and lower until he neared my groin. Belying the time since I'd last been laid, my bone was as hard as steel. From his motions, I had expected him to suck it but he didn't. Bypassing it on purpose, he instead laved my balls with warm spit. All the while his tongue took me to heaven one hand was squeezing my nipples, drawing me nearer and nearer to going out of my mind. Suddenly sitting up on his haunches, he pulled my feet into the air. The next thing I knew, my toes were sinfully deep in the hot and wet recesses of his mouth. God, that felt good! He then kept sliding his tongue across the sole of my foot and up onto and around my ankle and then onto my arch. Despite the fact that it tickled, I had long since surrendered to his moves. Fuck if I wasn't powerless to Sergeant Armando Contreras!

From my feet, the man alternately licked up my legs until he reached that sensitive skin on the underside of one of my knees. After working that for a while he ran his tongue along the inside of my thigh, around and over my balls, up the other thigh until he reached the backside of the other knee which he consumed in a flurry of licking and sucking. My fucking butthole was puckering closed and open like crazy. When Armando had finished with my legs he tongued closer and closer to my most private spot by alternating from one side to the other of the ticklish flesh of the inside of my thighs. When he reached my balls, he licked and sucked up along where my steely shaft jutted obscenely from my body. Soaking my pubes in spit, he softly fingered my mangash. Ever so slowly, he moved his tongue closer and closer to that spot between my balls and my asshole. The fucker swirled his tongue all around there as I lay thrashing my head about on the pillow in ecstasy. At an excruciatingly slow pace, my Sarge teased me unmercifully by licking in wide circles around my hole and closing in on it. Leaving it to me to hold my legs in the air, he busied his hands by dancing his fingers through the sparse hair that hugged my hole and then across my now gaping asslips. It seemed like an eternity, but eventually I felt the awesome heat and wetness of the tip of his tongue on my pucker. All I could think of was giving it up to the man.

What started as a little tongue across the butthole action quickly escalated into an all out ass eating. Armando pushed my cheeks apart and ate my hole ravenously. Spearing his tongue into me, he relaxed my hole until he was able to freely explore my inner flesh. Flipping on his back, he begged me to sit on his face. On my haunches, I lowered my butt onto the man's face and let him feast freely on my fanny. Looser and looser I got as the minutes wore on. I was feeling these awesome sensations as I was able to push more and more of my butthole out and expose more of my inner flesh to the expert moves of his tongue. He must have eaten my butt for like a half an hour. I just couldn't stand it any longer. I had to have him inside of me.

"Fuck me, Mando!" I begged as I lay down on my back.

"Yah? You want it?" he asked, his voice thick with arousal.

"Like never before, Man" I replied truthfully.

He reached up onto the nightstand and grabbed the small bottle of lube there. Pushing the rounded top past my first sphincter was no problem. In a hot second I felt the cool goo being pushed inside of me. In a flash he was down on my dick, sucking it into the depths of his mouth. My butthole clamped down tight with that sensation, squishing the lube deep deeper inside of me. No sooner had he done that then he pounced on top of me again and kissed me deeply while pumping his man jammer against my groin. On my neck, in my ears, on my tits, his tongue was everywhere. For the next several minutes he poked and prodded at me while sucking on me all over until I was like a Mexican jumping bean on the bed. All the while I had my legs wrapped around his waist as I tried to push my hot and horny hole against him.

While working me heavy, he pushed his cock between my legs and sought out the gate to my guts. His manhood slid up and down my asscrack in ever shortening strokes, gaining ground on my hole with every second that passed. As he sat up on his haunches I pulled my legs back, exposing my slippery manslash to his moves. In my young life, I'd learned that showing my hole to my man before he stuck me was a turn on to me and him both. Armando was no exception. He looked down and saw the brown and pink flesh that he was soon going to sink his manhood into.

"Fuck!" he rasped as he stroked his gun. "Daddy's gonna dick you, Mijo"

"Oh, fuck yah!" I yelled. "Do me deep and hard"

"Is that how you want it, Baby Blue?" he teased as he rubbed the snout of his stiffy on my hole.

"Yah!" I confirmed.

"Good!" he said as he pushed just the head inside of me suddenly. My eyes bugged out in surprise. It didn't really hurt, it just surprised me. "Like that?" he asked, holding still.

"More!" I pleaded. He pushed another 2 or 3 inches in me with one lunge. Damn, it hurt so fucking good!

"Gonna take Daddy's dick, aren't you?" he asked as he kept up the pressure. Slowly he was sinking further and further into my being.

"YAH!" was all I could say.

"You want this man's dick?" he asked as he pulled it nearly all the way out and then pushed it in even further than before. No pain. Just pure pleasure. I didn't care anyway. He could have torn me a new asshole and I wouldn't have cared. I just needed to be fucked by the larger and stronger man. He kept jabbing at me. "C'mon! That's it. Take this man's dick"

"Unggghhhh" I moaned as his girth stretched me to the limit.

"Yah, that's it. This man's gonna fuck his big dick right into your guts" he growled as he pushed another inch into me. "C'mon. Take it like a man"

Out of fear of pain, I pushed back on his hips a bit. "Easy, baby"

"Aw, c'mon! Is it hurting?" he asked. I shook my head. "Goddamned right it doesn't hurt. This man knows how to fuck his boy. Open up and take him inside" I pushed out on his cock with my guts. A little more of him slid into me. "That's it. Open that fucking hole" he said with constant pressure. His nasty talk got to me. My butthole relaxed and fully 3 inches of him slid further into me. I hadn't even had time to recover from that when he pulled all the way out and slide effortlessly right back into the depth he was in before.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I groaned contentedly. He pushed a little more. "Fuckin' spear me, Mando" I begged. He jammed another inch in me. "OHHHHHHH!" I moaned with pleasure. Liking that, he pushed more into me. When he reached that inner door to my guts he just kept banging away at it with short strokes. In no time the hung man had broken through and was mashing his short curlies against my slippery asslips. He'd impaled me in record time.

Pulling my legs up, he placed my ankles on his shoulders. Right away he started sawing into me. The entire length of my mancunt was alive as he made his moves in me. "Gonna fuck you off tonight, Mijo!" he said, picking up the pace.

What followed was a balls-to-the-wall fuck in every imaginable position. On my back, on my side, at the edge of the bed with him standing, on my belly, sitting on it, on all fours. You name the position, he fucked me into it. Nothing about it was gentle and I just couldn't get enough. He stuck me like a man and made me take it like a man. Like the Grunt that I was. I knew that even if I wanted him to, he'd never stop. He was going to fuck me until I gave it up. The thought of that made something snap in my head. Because getting fucked is mostly mental, that just made our fuck even more awesome. In no time he was wrenching his bone around in my butt while his balls were smashed between us. The man was clearly taking me to new heights.

Frankly, I was just a fucking whore. I gobbled up all of Armando's cock and took every brutal pump he could ram into me. After about 30 minutes I lay on my back with a pillow under my butt and let the man loose in me. I can't remember being fucked so hard and so fast as he lay into me that night. I was a wide open fuck tunnel to his monster meat and took pleasure in taking all he could give me. In that position however, I knew he was going to fuck me off. All the stars aligned that night into an absolutely mind blowing fuck. His hard cock was raking over my swollen butt nut. At the same time his furred belly was rubbing over the super sensitive flesh of the underside of my cock at the same time his bulbous knob was rutting in that pit of pleasure on the far side of my second sphincter. I gripped on tightly to him while he drove it home and me closer and closer to getting off.

"FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" I yelled as he pushed me closer to cumming. I had no idea if he was close or not. All I knew what that he was inside of me deeper than ever before and it felt so fucking good that I didn't want it to stop. All I was at that moment was a hot and wet hole taking my man's dick. Dick and hole. That's all I could think of. The sensations in my entire groin area were almost too much to handle. It was an indescribable feeling as he filled me rapidly with 9 proud inches of chorizo at a time only to withdraw and ram it home once again. Suddenly, that magic spot inside of me was so fucking sensitive that Armando's moves set me off. Clawing at his butt I pulled him as deep inside of me as I could. Deep. Wet. Cock. Butt. Balls. Mansmells. The sensations and thoughts of all of them combined on me and set me off.

I felt that familiar feeling of my prostate swelling up larger and harder as his cock rubbed along it. My legs started shaking. From deep within me my orgasm started and I just remember thinking that I was fucking-A glad to be a man. As my man put it to me I lost all consciousness and gave into what was assuredly a body orgasm along with jetting me Jarhead jizz. Fuck, what a fucking cum! He fucked animal sounds out of me as he rammed it home while I unloaded a week's worth of semen. All I remember is hearing Armando blow as I was coming down. While I drained my balls, he pumped me full of another load of his ball beer. I don't know if I've ever been happier to be a man who takes it in the ass.

After I cooled down I was fucking exhausted and wasted no time in falling asleep. The last thing I remember was Armando cleaning us up with a warm and wet towel before wrapping himself around me from behind. I was in such a post coital fog that I don't even remember saying goodnight or the light going out. My ass was kicked and I was fully contented in the arms of my man.

The next morning when I got up to make coffee, I noticed that Kozinski's bedroom door was open and his bed hadn't been slept in. "Hey, Poleski got lucky" I called to Armando in the head.

"Yah?" he called back.

"Yup," I confirmed. "He hasn't been home"

"Good for him"

Around noon, `Ski dragged himself in with a smile on his face. I was paying some bills at the kitchen table when he came in. He nodded to me as he crossed the room for a beer. I teased him about being out all night but he just kept on grinning. He told us he'd met a nurse named Gail and that they'd spent the night together. Apparently she had no problem taking his massive cock so they spent the whole night fucking.

Over the next few weeks `Ski spent a lot of time at Gail's house, which gave Armando and I plenty of time alone together. That was really cool. When we finally met her, I liked her instantly. Not the best looking girl in the world, her body was as fantastic as Kozinski's. They were well suited for one another. With the two of us sharing a king sized bed, it didn't take Gail long to figure out what was going on with Armando and I. She actually broke the ice by telling us that her brother and his lover lived in San Diego. A few weeks later they came up for a visit. On Friday night the 6 of us went out to dinner but Gail and Ski begged off for a little alone time for Saturday night. That left Jeff and John with us. The 4 of us went out that night and had a great time. Before they left on Sunday, they invited Armando and I to their place for the weekend. At the end of the weekend Armando and I talked about how it was really great to be around another gay people--- and especially another couple---and how we should get back up to Hollywood to see the guys we'd met there on Gay Pride weekend.

In many ways those times were the best of my life. I had very few bills and no worries and a hot Latin lover with the patience of Job to teach me about life. I loved my job and slept in the arms of my man every night. We explored different things both at home and away nearly every weekend. It was a dream come true. Boy, if I could go back to those days...

I said Armando was patient with me and he was. Rarely did he ever get angry. Once in a while he'd set me straight on something, but generally nothing more than a stern talking to was needed. He had 8 years of maturity on me and, as you know, those years in your twenties are chock full of learning experiences. So, I hardly ever saw Armando in a bad mood. Once in a blue moon when he'd talk to his family and something was up he'd be quiet for a while. I'd learned that he was best left alone during those spells. But generally he was always smiling and in a good mood. That's why I was so surprised one day when he just took off from work without saying anything to me. The guys in the office said he was pissed off. Because they knew we were "roommates" they asked if I knew what was up. I tried to act nonchalant and just shrugged. Truth is, it drove me crazy for the rest of the day.

I hitched a ride home with one of the guys. Armando's truck was in the driveway when I got there. I was really curious to see what had pissed him off. The front door was closed, which was a little unusual. Except when it was cold, it was always open to let the air circulate in through the screen door. Not only was it closed, but it was locked too, which was very weird. When I stepped into the apartment, Armando was sitting on the sofa. I quickly noticed 3 beer bottles on the coffee table. I had never seen him drink much during the day.

"Hey, Mijo" he said weakly, looking up at me. He was definitely upset. I could see it in his eyes.

"Hey" I said moving toward him. "What's up, Sir?" He never answered. He just stared at me with those big fucking brown eyes. They were very sad. As I got closer I could see that they were full of tears. Fuck! This man was all Latino and 100% macho. He didn't cry for shit. Something was seriously wrong. I got this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Never-the-less, I rapidly closed the distance between us. As I reached him, he looked down and tears spilled onto his cheeks.

"Oh, Man!" was all he said as he embraced me. I wasn't at all certain what was going on. He sobbed a bit as he held me tight.

"What's wrong Mando? What's wrong?" I begged him. He stayed silent for a long time. Finally he took a deep breath and spoke.

"It's so fucked up," he sobbed again.

"What's fucked up?" I asked.

"Everything" is all he said. He wouldn't let go of me.

"Tell me what's wrong, Mando. Let's fix it," I said, trying a little optimism. I was really scared though.

"It can't be fixed, Mijo" he said with despair. Standing there in front of the sofa he was hugging me tight. I'd never heard him sound so defeated. He was freaking me out big time.

Pushing back from his embrace so that I could look him in the eye, I demanded, "Mando, tell me what's wrong!" He just motioned to the coffee table. I glanced down and instantly recognized the paperwork there. Transfer orders!

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" was all I could say. We both gripped tightly to one another. Armando was being transferred out of CamPen!

I'm always happy to hear thoughts on what you think about my stories. Contact me at billybob661@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 11

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