A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Jul 15, 2002


A Few Good Men 17: A Little Party

Note: The following, along with A Few Good Men 1 through 16, is an accounting of my stint in the USMC. Another series, `Nailed', in Nifty's Athletic section, precedes this series. They all contain sex between men. Duh. If don't want to read graphic details of sex between consenting adult men or if you're underage or if this is not allowed/illegal where you live, then don't read it. You've been warned.

I've had a few recurring questions about this series, so I'll try to clear up what most guys have asked about. As I said, the `A Few Good Men' series is largely true. Yah, so what that most of the names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or closeted. These stories are the best memories I have of being one of Uncle Sam's finest. They took place in the very early 80s when I was in the USMC. Back then we really didn't practice safe sex because it was the very beginning of the health crisis and safe sex with condoms didn't really come into play full force until like the mid 80s. I guess I'm lucky. I fucked around with lots of mostly military guys back then and, luckily, am still negative all these years later.

I hope you enjoy the series. There's lots more memories to write about. I just need the time to do it. I'd love to hear from you with your comments. Please don't copy any part of this. I reserve all rights to this and all the chapters in the `A Few Good Men' series.

It had been several days since I'd gotten my nut, so I was hornier than the average 20 year old on the day that D'Angelo had arranged a little "party" for he and I and a couple of his buddies. Even though I had no idea who, other than D'Angelo, was gonna get a piece of me that night, I had a half hard on and wet weenie all day. Like I said before, everyone of the guys was hot in his own way, so the anticipation was killing me. Hell, even Berentino with the big fucking mouth got my juices flowing. As much as I didn't like him, I had to be careful not to stare at him too much and therefore give him any hint that I thought he was hot. The guy's ego was about as big as what I heard his dick was and the last thing I wanted was for him to be coming on to me. Or did I? The guy had an amazing body and was quite the looker. I could have done worse...

At the appointed hour, I appeared on deck and, all clean and ready to go, headed for D'Angelo's "fuck hold" as we started calling it. As I closed in on them I saw D'Angelo, Cochran and Foxworthy standing together. Pleased with that particular makeup of the group, I couldn't help but wonder if any more of the gang was going to appear, thereby making it a true "gang bang".

"Ah, here's the star of the evening now!" an especially friendly D'Angelo said as I approached. As usual, he was stoned.

"Guys," I said as a greeting.

"Hey," the other two said in unison, breaking the ice.

"Good to see you," Foxworthy said lamely. He was nervous.

"Uh, yah!" D'Angelo kidded him. Foxworthy blushed, his redhead complexion exploding. True to his personality, Cochran just smiled and stayed quiet.

There was somewhat of an easy silence between the four of us until D'Angelo spoke again. "Ok, guys, there's a few things you gotta know here. Like I told you before, McLellan's no quick ride. He's quite the lover, so treat him like one. Cochran, you need to spend a little more time in the saddle with this one if you ever wanna ride again. Capeche?" Cochran grinned sheepishly and nodded. "I mean it, Man," D'Angelo continued, "this is thee finest ass you'll ever get into and you'd better pay attention"

"Aye, Captain!" he answered in a mock salute. D'Angelo shot him a daggered look. "I got it, Man!" Cochran intoned.

"And you," D'Angelo said, turning to Foxworthy.

"Yah?" Foxworthy replied.

"This isn't about getting even for the reaming you got from us, understand?"

"Yah, sure," he answered a little taken back.

"I mean it, Fox," D'Angelo lectured.

"Whaddya saying?" Fox asked.

"I'm just saying that Sean here's an awesome bottom. He really likes taking it in the ass, so this isn't about getting your rocks off as fast as you can. Give the guy a break and let him enjoy it too"

Both of the other guys nodded in agreement. It made me feel good that D'Angelo was watching after me like he said he would. I'd be lying if I told you that I hadn't wondered if it was gonna be a strike and run session with at least Cochran.

When D'Angelo was certain that the other guys understood, he turned and said, "Great. Let's get the fuck outta here," as he quickly walked toward the stairs. We all followed and in no time we'd traveled the distance down several decks and were in the corridor quickly approaching the hatch. Goddamn it if there weren't other guys nearby when we got there. D'Angelo kept walking past our spot until we entered another passageway where we could regroup. Deciding that four guys ditching into the hatch at once was just too risky, we decided that I'd lead Foxworthy in and D'Angelo and Cochran would come right behind us when the coast was clear. That plan of attack worked well and before long, the four of us were standing in the near total darkness of that hold.

In silence, D'Angelo and I made haste in pulling down some of the coiled hoses that made the high wall around our fuck den. Just as quietly and quickly, we restacked them after the four of us had climbed inside. After that, even if somebody opened the hatch they'd never see us. No sooner had we done that than a light went on from a corner. D'Angelo had just turned on a flashlight on the floor. Besides the light, something seemed different. The "floor", while still made of coiled hoses, was a lot lower than before. Looking around I also noticed a lot more room in our hiding place. What had previously been the size of a double bed was now bigger than a king size.

"What gives?" I whispered.

"I made it bigger," D'Angelo proudly announced, not saying when.

"Cool," I said approvingly.

"Very cool," Fox said.

"You guys come here often?" Cochran asked with a little humor.

"As often as we can," D'Angelo answered, wrapping himself around me. "How do you think I know what a fantastic fuck and great lover this little guy is?"

"Well let's get to it!" Fox piped up. Then he challenged, "First one naked gets first crack at that hot ass!"

In an explosion of activity, clothes and shoes went flying. I just laughed at the three of them because I knew that it didn't matter to me who the hell went first because I was gonna take `em all on. In my own time, I sat down and removed my boots and socks and started unbuttoning my pants. Not surprisingly it was Fox who was butt naked in record time. Geez, the guy even had a the makings of a stiffie. He was horny for sure.

"I'm first!" he announced excitedly.

"Relax, Fox," D'Angelo said, continuing his role of director, "it's up to McLellan"

Fox immediately turned to me. "Can I go first?"

"Yah, sure, I guess," was all I could say.

"Woo Hoo!" he howled a little too loudly.

"Why not draw a crowd, Fox," Cochran hissed.

"Sorry!" he apologized, lowering his voice. "It's just that I'm so fucking hard up I think I'm gonna explode"

"Well, give me a chance to get my clothes off, Squid, and we'll see what we can do about that," I said, not missing the sight of his ever-growing boner. The cut beauty didn't look too long, about 5 inches I learned later, but it was just as hefty as he was stocky. The man's body was tight and the only hair that I could see was the thick bush of red hair surrounding his cock and tight ball sac and a healthy crop on his muscular legs.

When I finished disrobing, I sat down and took stock of the other men in the room. In the light from the flashlight, D'Angelo looked even sexier than I knew him to be. All that straight fur growing on his body made him look even more masculine in my eyes than I'd already discovered him to be. Those heavily lidded Italian eyes of his stared at me and I could see the lust in them. Oh, it was going to be a hot night with him, I could just tell!

Cochran was no slouch in the body department either. Definitely the tallest, he wasn't the most defined however. He didn't appear to have any fat on him and his build was better than average. Absent of clothes, his moustache and sideburns accentuated his also better than average looks. There was a patch of hair in the middle of his chest of medium density and it matched the brown color of his head. When my eyes dropped to his crotch, I could see that if he was hung long, it was a grower, not a shower. Just slightly aroused, I couldn't tell whether he was cut or not as there was plenty of skin at the base of it's head. Knowing what I'd been told about him I figured that the man possessed a thin cock that could expand to pleasurable proportions.

D'Angelo sidled over to me and said, "Ok, guys. Remember, Sean here is a big-time lover boy. He needs lots and lots of foreplay to get him in the mood. Even to take your puny cock, Fox," he teased.

"Fuck you!" Fox shot back.

"Never happen, Dude!" D'Angelo said, moving around behind me and kissing on my neck. Damn, it felt good. It was just what I needed to get things rolling. The front of me was exposed to the other two, inviting them to join in.

Even with that as an invitation, Fox wouldn't let the jibes about his cock go. "Yah, well I may not have the longest dick you've ever seen, but..." Reaching out, I stopped him in mid-sentence when I wrapped my hand around his impressive girth. Using his cock, I pulled him closer to me. Though he was over an inch or so shorter than me, high height was in his torso. That brought his mouth right in line with mine, so I kissed him easily. Little did I know what kind of fireworks that was going to set off in the little man.

Cochran wasted no time caressing my balls and hardening cock. Like his arms and legs, the man's fingers were long and felt great as they moved onto my privates. As he moved in on me, I gripped onto his manhood and found the head of it to be very wet. I swear that in a matter of a minute it grew twice as long as it had been. With my hand generously wrapped around the base of him, it seemed the slick knob was nearly to my elbow on the underside of my arm. Looking down, I confirmed that the man had been cut at birth. I remember my butt pulsating at the thought of the man getting very, very deep inside of me. Always one for length as opposed to girth, I began to crave his moves. And move on me he did. The man swooped down on my pecs with his mouth and suckled my tits until they were hard and pointed. The sparks that flew from there to my balls and his slow and easy fondling of them told me he was no stranger to making a man feel good. With him working me over, Fox and I sucking face and D'Angelo chewing on my neck as his leaking lance probed my backside, I relaxed and let nature take it's course.

And take it's course it did. After all, whaddya expect when a healthy, hot bunch of in shape 20-something-year old men get naked? Before long, the four of us moved in unison until I was laying on my side. Early on the action took on a highly-charged pace. Hands moved all over my body. Fingers prodded at my most private places. Teeth scraped over my neck, chewed on my tits and occasionally nipped my ass. Tongues danced over my flesh, licking my ears, armpits, belly, groin, balls and most thrillingly that sensitive flesh between my balls and butt. You know, the "'taint". 'Taint balls and 'taint butt. Mouths sucked on my own before taking liberties on my pecs down my ticklish belly and sides before engulfing both my cock and balls. Gawd, do you have any idea what it feels like when your cock and balls are surrounded by a hot mouth at the same time? It damn near made me jet on the spot.

Even though I was the guest of honor as it were, I was glad to see that all of the attention was not always on me. The four of us seemed to move together like a well oiled machine and D'Angelo, Cochran and Fox were enjoying one another as well. All of that created a sexual frenzy that just seemed to grow and grow. With three men knowing that they were gonna put it to me, I have to say that at times the action was a little intense. Though I was aware of other things going on in our confined little area, I can't even pretend to know all of it. I sure as hell can tell you what happened to me, however.

Little did I know that Cochran was a total ass man. It didn't take him too long to turn me on my back, push my legs to my chest and begin eating my ass in earnest. And you know how much I hate that! While he was making mush out of my mancunt, D'Angelo was deep-throating my cock as only a world-class cocksucker like him could. Fox just seemed to get more and more inflamed the more we kissed uninhibitedly. He was way good at it and I began to get the impression that no man had ever kissed him quite as deeply as I did.

Laying there on my back---my favorite position---I was really enjoying the attention I was getting and before long I was really hot to be taken by those guys. "Let the games begin," I said, indicating my readiness to be mounted.

"I'm first!" Foxworthy crowed. He quickly moved into place in anticipation. "Got any lube?" he asked as he literally pushed Cochran out of the way.

I reached over to my socks where I'd stashed a small bottle of lube. No way was I going to take on three guys without plenty of lube! Knowing that D'Angelo fully understood my ass and it's need for plenty of lube, I handed the bottle to him. There were no words needed between us. He just took the bottle and proceeded to lube my ass with those wonderful fingers of his. We started kissing as he gently slid his digits inside of me.

"C'mon, D'Angelo, I'm first!" Foxworthy cried impatiently.

Pulling off my mouth, D'Angelo looked back at him. "Fuckin' relax, asshole!" he snarled. "Let me get him ready for you, ok?"

"Jesus, Fox! Take it easy, huh?" Cochran piped in.

"Um, yah," Fox whimpered. He'd been put in his place.

D'Angelo turned back to me and looked me directly in the eyes while he gently stroked the slippery inner flesh of my butthole. "This guy is the hottest fuck either one of you will ever have and he takes a little special care to get him ready," he said to them, all the while just an inch or so away from my face. Those fucking eyes of his were enough to make my butthole flare open. "Capeche?" he asked.

"No problem here," Cochran answered.

"Sure. Sorry," Fox intoned, looking at me.

D'Angelo was making me feel so good. All I could do was moan as my hole opened for more of his fingers to dance inside of me. Damn, I wanted him so badly at that moment. I just wanted him to crawl inside of me and make love to my hole all night and he knew it. I reached down and felt his hard cock. A fucking man's cock. Hard. Hot. And wet. As much as I wanted him at that moment, I knew I'd have to wait until later. When he heard me moaning and felt me gripping on to his hardness, he knew I was ready.

"Get some of this on your dick," he ordered Fox as he tossed the lube at him. He never broke our eye contact when he spoke to him. "You ok, Dude?" he asked softly.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I groaned as he fingered my joy button. "Fuck, D'Ang! I want you now," I confessed.

"I know, baby. I know," he cooed. "We'll just have to wait. You know it's gonna be good, huh?" he asked in that sexy, tough-guy, east coast way.

"Ummmmmm!" was all I could answer as he pushed against my prostate.

"Damn, you guys!" Cochran said as he swung around on his knees next to me. "Just watching you two gives me a wet weenie"

"Yah, well stick around, Man! You ain't seen nothing yet," D'Angelo, still face-to-face with me with three of his fingers in my ass.

"Oh, man!" we heard Foxworthy say. The three of us looked at him. His eyes were glued to my butthole and his hand was wrapped around his cock, slick with lube. "I just gotta fuck, Guys!" he groaned. The guy was really hard up. The three of us got a good chuckle at the sight of him.

"You ready?" D'Angelo asked. I answered by pushing my butthole out. "Oh, he's ready for you Fox!" he informed when he felt my hole open further. He moved aside and Foxworthy took position. Both D'Angelo and Cochran lifted my legs, exposing my empty fuckhole to him. In no time, he'd bent his stiff cock down and pointed the blunt head of it at my asshole. Even with all of D'Angelo's warnings, the fucker speared me with it completely before I was even prepared for it's girth.

"Awwwww!" I wailed, rapidly pushing him away from me. Damn, it hurt!

"Careful, Fox!" D'Angelo warned, smacking him upside the head. "He's too tight to just ram it in!"

"Sorry!" he said with a sheepish grin.

"You're too much. Don't you know anything about fucking a man?" Cochran said, shaking his head.

"I thought you guys said my dick was puny?" Foxworthy retorted. He still hadn't gotten over that passing comment.

"Well, I don't think I've seen a shorter one," D'Angelo teased.

"The fucker's fat though," I chimed in. "You gotta take it slow, Dude!"

"Ok," Fox said as he took another stab at it.

Geez, even slowly he was a challenge. Even for me. Like I said before, the guy was only about 5 inches long but he was hung very, very fat. The head of his cock was like the size of a plum. As he slowly pushed, it stretched my wanting asslips right to their limit in no time. I pushed out with my butt and a little more of him slid inside. The guy was killing me and it showed on my face. I looked up to D'Angelo as if to say, "Do something!" Like a prince, he swooped down and started kissing me. Then he wrapped a slippery hand around my cock which had rapidly gone from raging boner to half hard. Working my meat felt great and in no time I was fully hard again. As his hand slid up and down my skin flute my butthole alternately tightened and flared. Fox's constant pressure pushing into me allowed his cock to slide in a little bit at a time as my butthole opened. Though there was a helluva lot of stretching going on down there, all in all it felt pretty good.

"UNNNNNNHHHHHH!" I moaned loudly as the bulbous head of him slid fully past my sphincter. It hurt like hell but I knew the worst was over.

"He in?" D'Angelo said, pulling off my face. I nodded. "You gonna be ok?" he asked further. I nodded again. "Take it easy, Fox," he instructed.

With the worst of the entry over, the rest of his medium length slid easily inside of me. In no time, I could feel his red short and curlies scratching up against my asshole. His balls sat heavily against me as he began a slow and easy fuck. Though he wasn't hurting me, the girth of him was almost too much for the first cock of the night. I remember thinking that I should have let Cochran nail me first. Far longer than Foxworthy or D'Angelo, Cochran's cock was thin. I reached down and grabbed onto it and loved how it molded to the underside of my arm. Yes, I though, it was going to be a pleasure to take him on.

Foxworthy was simply a mediocre fuck. Though he professed to be a top, like most of `em, the guy had all kinds of things to learn about a man's ass and how to fuck him. Pretty quickly he was fucking hard and fast. I gritted my teeth and took it like a man, hoping that he'd jet pretty soon. "Turn over," he commanded with a voice of authority, as only a man with his cock in another man's ass can do. With that , he started pushing me over. It was clear he wanted me on my belly and I was happy to comply if it meant getting into a position that may be more comfortable. As he moved me, I felt his cock sliding out of me.

"Don't pull out!" I said, gripping his hips to keep him from doing so. Geez, I didn't want to have to take on that big fucking head again if I didn't have to!

Not an easy task with his shorter cock, we managed to wrangle around with him still inside of me. A man on a mission, Foxworthy pushed me into an all-fours position and proceeded to dick me doggie style. Frankly, it was a little more tolerable like that. Still, it wasn't the most comfortable fuck I'd ever had and I remember wishing once again that he'd get off pretty soon. The man held me by the waist as he fucked in and out of me at a pretty good clip. His cock was rock hard and he nearly pulled all the way out of me every time he moved. He actually did a couple of times but was able to ram it right back in before my butthole clamped down too tightly. It still hurt though. That's where he sort of wore me down. Before long though, I was able to relax my hole more so he wasn't causing me nearly as much discomfort as he had been before.

The expression on my face must have been telling D'Angelo and Cochran that I was really starting to get into the fuck because the two of them started playing with me. While Foxworthy took my ass hard from the back, D'Angelo moved in front of me where I could suck on what had become my favorite cock. As Fox made his moves in my backside, my Italian Stallion slid his perfect prick between my lips and slowly fucked my face. I pushed my nose into his pubic bush, swallowed his cock and inhaled deeply to smell his scent of mansweat. He smelled of a man who's cock and balls had sweated up a storm all day in his pants. My moans and groans were telling of the pleasure the two fuckers were giving me.

Not to be left alone in the mini gang-bang, Cochran flipped onto his back and shimmied under me where he gulped down my leaking log. Ah, man! How great that felt. A cock in my mouth, another in my ass and a hot and wet mouth sucking on my own. It doesn't get much better than that, does it guys? Not only was Cochran a great ass eater, but he wasn't lacking in cocksucking skills either. Way too soon, he had me getting pretty close to shooting my load. Having the rest of Foxworthy's fuck to deal with and the other two guys to take on, the last thing I wanted to do that moment was jizz. Reaching down under me, I batted him away from me. Dutifully, Cochran stopped only to move about for some more action. I couldn't tell where he'd gone but in a minute or so I figured it out when Fox started moaning in pleasure.

"Oh, man, that feels good!" he groaned.

His hips slowed a little and he seemed to be pushing his ass at something. Cochran had moved behind him and was eating his ass while he was fucking me. The whole tone of the fuck changed at that moment. Fox was so rapt with getting his ass eaten that his strokes became very short and deep. The man was deep rooted in my guts where he gave me the most pleasure. My fuckhole rewarded him as it opened up and let him go even deeper than he had before. It felt so good to have him inside of me at that point, so I kept pushing back and keeping him seated balls deep in me. We'd only been into the fuck about five minutes at that point when Fox is suddenly out of control.

"Fuck, Man! I'm getting too damned close and it feels to damned good!" he confessed.

"Like that shit?" D'Angelo asks.

"Aw, Gawd!" he groaned. I could tell that D'Angelo must have been pinching his tits or something because the guy was hardly able to speak. "Don't wanna cum so soon!" he panted.

"Just let it go, Dude," D'Angelo soothed. "You can have some more of that ass later!"

"Yah?" he asked excitedly.

"Oh, fuck yah!" D'Angelo said, not knowing or caring if I'd give it up to him later or not . "C'mon, Man! Do it! You know you wanna dump a load in him," he encouraged. I milked D'Angelo's cock in my throat in appreciation.

"Aw, shit you guys!" Foxworthy whimpered, "You're gonna make me cum!"

"Yah, buddy! Fuckin' give him your load!" I heard Cochran say.

"Aw, fuck!" Fox groaned, picking up the fuck pace. His fat cock was ramming in and out of my fucking hole like a goddamned jackhammer. It felt good!

"That's it, Dude," D'Angelo said, his mouth sucking on Fox's, "get your nut"

That's all it took. Fuckin' Fox was off like a rocket. He rammed me for a few more seconds at lightening speed before his balls exploded. Pulling off of D'Angelo's cock, I turned around to get a look at his face as he jizzed me. He'd started wailing way too loud, so Cochran wrapped his hand over his mouth and hugged him from behind as the little man slimed my slot. Copious amounts of cock cream filled me as the man sputtered and shuttered. All in all, it was a pretty intense orgasm that didn't last very long. I sucked hard on his bad bone with my gut muscles which was too much for his super sensitive cock. Just about the time he'd jetted the last of his jizz, he reflexively pulled out of me with a pop. Although the fuck was shorter than I prefer, I was none-the-less relieved to get him out of me. He moved to the side as I rolled over onto my back and looked up at the other two.

"Thanks for getting him off, guys," I said earnestly.

"No problem," D'Angelo replied. "You ok?"

"Yah, I'm fine"

"Did he wreck you?" Cochran asked.

"Naw. With that puny cock?" I kidded, imitating D'Angelo. Foxworthy shot me a look of daggers. "Relax, Fox," I said. "You've got a helluva weapon there, Stud," I assured him.

"Yah?" he asked, out of breath.

"For sure. I'll be ready for some more of you later"

"You kidding?" he asked excitedly.

"Yah. It's a little to fat to take for the first fuck of the night, but it'll come in real handy after these guys get through with me," I said, not knowing if I was going to be able to follow through with it.

"Cool!" he said with a grin.

After his fat bruiser, my butt felt very empty and ready for more. Looking at Cochran's long trouser snake made me want more cock. He was stroking it while looking for a sign of readiness on my face. I lifted my legs and showed him my gaping gash. "You ready for me, Man?" I asked.

He answered me by pulling me closer to him and sliding his cock right inside of me. The fucker was so damned smooth as he pierced my entrails with that long lance. Riding on Foxworthy's load, he'd slid way past the depths that had just been explored and into some territory yet uncharted that night. It was a turn on knowing that he was slipping and sliding in another man's load. As soon as the man felt the inner barrier of my second sphincter he slowed his advance. There was at least another few inches of him to go before he bottomed out in my butt.

"Oh, Man," I groaned as the head of his dick danced at that second door deep inside of me. Fuck, was he hard!

"Yah, baby," he cooed. "You're gonna get it"

"Yah?" I cooed.

"All of it!" he answered in a whisper, gently grinding his hardness at my gut gate.

"Oh, fuck! You know, don't you?" I asked.

"Goddamn right I know. This long dick is gonna diddle you deep in that spot you like so much, isn't it?"

"YAH!" I groaned as he pushed further into me. You bottoms out there know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that his cock was giving me a little bit of pain at that moment but that the pleasure to come was overpowering to me.

"Oh, fuck, D'Ang!" Cochran crowed. "This is one hot fuck!"

"Told ya!"

"Oh, you fucker!" he crowed to me as he continued to grind his cockhead against my second sphincter. I just wanted him to crawl inside of my gaping butthole.

"Oh, Man! I'm too loose aren't I?" I asked with concern. Fox had really fucked some muscle control out of me and I really wanted to be able to please Cochran.

"Shhhhhhh!" he soothed as he slowly fucked in and out of my sloppy sluthole. "Don't you worry about it"

"It's just that Fox fucked me loose and I wanna be tight for you," I explained.

"You wanna be tight for me, huh?" he smiled.

"Yaaaahhhhhhh!" I groaned again as he went deep.

"This'll tighten you up, Stud," he said as he wrapped his hand around my boner. While he slowly fucked in and out of me, he stroked my cock. You guys know how good that feels. Instantly my fuck tunnel clamped down on his hardness. I could suddenly feel the entire length of his bone in my butt.

"OHHHHHHHH!" I cried as he slid over my butt nut and into my depths.

"Let me in, baby!" he rasped as he chipped away at the steely strength of the hard muscle that was the guardian of my guts.

Opening up a little more to him, I could tell he was soon going to break into that pleasure pit on the other side. "How'd you know?" I panted.

Stepping up to the plate and showing he knew a thing or two about a man's ass, he said, "Dude, with a dick this long, you get very intimate with what's deep inside of your man." Then he pushed a little harder.

"ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!" I growled, shuddering with pain-pleasure.

Slowly but surely the long-dicked man wormed his way into my extreme depths. The action on my Jackson made the whole length of my mancunt ripple around his gun. It didn't take too long before that inner gate opened and several inches of my entrails slid down onto the most amazing cock I think I'd ever had in me. Oh, I'd taken bigger for sure. But his was different. It was thin enough that there couldn't even be a hint of discomfort from it, but it was way long enough to reach into places where only few men had traveled before. When I felt Cochran's sagging scrotum laying on my sucking asslips, I knew that he was seated in me. With the thought of that, all of my anal muscles contracted tightly around the man, causing us both to groan loudly.

And so that started one of the slowest and sweetest fucks of my young life. Laying there on my back I took all 10 long and lean inches of Cochran as he moved inside of me. Each time he breached that second door and moved into the pleasure pit on the other side, I emitted a deep and masculine gurgling groan that could only come from a man getting fucked in the ass. Ever so slowly, the master cocksman picked up the pace until he was sawing in and nearly all the way out of me at a moderate pace. He also kept up the action on my randy rod. How I kept from jetting from all the sensations I was feeling is beyond me. All the while, D'Angelo watched in awe as another man gave me amazing pleasure in a completely different way than he himself had.

"Goddamn, Cochran, never seen you fuck like this!" the Stallion said in awe of Cochran's moves. His hard cock in his hand and it was drooling pre-jizz like nobody's business.

"Never had an ass like this before, D'Ang!" Cochran explained. "Never!"

D'Angelo leaned over and kissed Cochran which seemed to inflame the two to no end. While Cochran worked my hole and D'Angelo whacked his weenie the two of them kissed. Before long, D'Angelo straddled my torso on his knees and faced Cochran where they could suck face freely. The view of his hairy and sweaty ass in front of me was great. Pulling him down toward me, I buried my face between those hard and fur covered ass mounds of his. Just as slowly as the long man dicked me, I took my time exploring D'Angelo's sweat soaked ass trench. The heavy fur that lined it was soaking wet and filled with the musk of his sweat and ass scent which wafted through my nostrils. As I breathed in it acted like a hit of poppers. That unique and strong male scent turned me on and made my ass even hotter for the man making his moves inside of me. My Italian lover pushed his butt against my face as I licked and chewed closer and closer to his pucker. Moving through the thick, dark hair the texture changed on my tongue as I reached the man's most private place. Pushing against the wrinkled pucker, I was able to penetrate the god-like Squid-hole with my pointed tongue. The heady flavor of man funk spread over my taste buds as the man opened his hole to my advances. Though he was a total top, like most guys he loved getting his asshole eaten. And eat I did. I began by coaxing his sphincter open so that I could eat his assflesh deeper and deeper. Before long, the man was on his haunches and grinding his hairy fuckin' manhole on my face. With my tongue I was able to open his butthole more and more. Gawd, I loved sex with D'Angelo!

At some point, Cochran let go of his grip on my bone which fell in a heavy thud against my flat belly. That's when the fuck became all about my butt and the butt that was splayed over my face. His awesome cock was way, way deep inside of me and it was touching places that made me move on it. I'm sure it was hard for him to keep up his fuck pace while I danced on his dick but it was all his fault, wasn't it? All I could think about was how great he felt way up into my colon or something and how fucking hot it was that I was tonguing several inches inside of D'Angelo's manhole above me. Fuckin' butt is the greatest, isn't it? I have no idea how long that lasted but it was several minutes to be sure.

When D'Angelo moved off of my face, Cochran took total control. Pushing my legs even further up, he brought my butthole into a position that he could easily drive into at an even greater angle. From there, he put an end to my dick dance and proceeded to deep dick me into fucking oblivion. After a couple minutes of slow and deep fucking, he sped up to fully enjoy the pleasures of my mangina. Every once in a while he would bury himself to the balls and wrench his long cock around in me. I swear I could feel him in the right side of my lower belly. It felt so good, all I could do was grip onto the coils of firehose below me and hang on for dear life. The man slammed his sword in and out of me for several glorious minutes before he was even hinting of getting his nut.

I quickly realized that my worries of him doing a strike and run operation were unfounded. The guy was a classic hot top. I guess all he ever needed was a bottom worth staying in the saddle for. He was totally in control of his weapon as he battered me from the inside out. The way he wielded his cock in and out of me told me that he'd had plenty of practice and, at the same time, didn't get nearly the amount of ass that he needed. So he pulled out all the stops and made all the moves he knew on me. In doing so, he brought me to the point where I was so hot for him that he could have done anything he wanted to. Because he'd brought me to that state of mind, I was an even better fuck than I'm known for. I could easily see that he was hooked on my hole. Not to brag too much, but who wouldn't be? I mean, I'm a world-class hole and his reaction was living proof of it. His hips were on autopilot, pile driving that long dick of his into my pleasure pit. While that was going on, the fucker's tongue was hanging out of his mouth and he had this helpless look on his face, a sure sign that the man was under the spell of my fuck flesh. Hell, it's a look I'd seen many times before and countless times since.

"Goddamn, D'Ang!" he'd repeat off and on, referring to how wet and tight and deep my mancunt was.

"Fuckin' amazing, isn't it?" D'Ang responded with a big grin on his face.

Cochran had stamina but he wasn't made of steel. Before long he showed signs that he was moving down that path toward cumming. His pelvis pumps got faster and faster and harder and harder. And I took every fucking thing he gave me. He was making me feel so good I just wanted to jet my jizz while he flooded my guts with his. So I grabbed the super-hard 7 inches that had been leaking pre-fuck juice all over my belly for the last several minutes and jacked myself toward what I knew was gonna be an explosive orgasm. When I did so, my butt muscles slammed tight around the rod that was rooting in my rectum. The look on Cochran's face at that moment was priceless. It was full of pleasure and surprise and anguish and surrender all at once. The added tightness around his boner had to feel like a million dollars as my asshole undulated to the strokes up and down my cock.

"Fuck it!" I spat as I pushed my ass at him. All I could think about was taking cock and getting my rocks off. "Fuckin' ram it in my ass, you fucker!" I ordered.

"Oh, you fuckin' whore!" he panted.

"Fuck yah!" I wailed. "Fuck this whore! Fuck me off you fuckin' Squid!"

"YAH!" he hissed through gritted teeth. "Gonna nut you, Gyrene!"

"Aw, gawd!" I moaned as he brutally balled me deep.

"Gonna hose you full of cream!"

His filth talk was rapidly bringing me closer and closer to cumming. "Get your gun, Dude!"

The guy was throwing a fuck into me with unbelievable strength and rapidity. For a quick second I remember wondering if I was going to be able to withstand his ass attack. No longer were his balls slapping against my buttcheeks. Instead, they were pulled up tight and hard against him, ready to fire.

"FUCKIN' GONNA CUM!" he panted in a strong whisper, still cognizant of our location.


"OHHHHHHHHH! HERE IT COMES, FUCKER!" he groaned as he took his last few pumps into me. Suddenly he froze, balls deep in me. Cochran's eyes rolled back in his head as he nutted. "UNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHH!" he snorted.

In a nanosecond I felt the unmistakable heat of a man's semen being shot in me. That it was so damned deep inside of me made it feel a little odd. I'd felt that his cock had swollen a bit bigger already, but it was the head that had enlarged significantly that I really noticed. Fully buried in my butt, it was again giving me oh-so-pleasurable pain. I loved it for sure yet, unfortunately, it took me away from the urgency of my own impending orgasm. Instead of worrying about it, I just lay back and ground my butthole on his fountaining fuck hose while he blasted a barrel of ball beer in me. Oh, man! That pleasurable pain that a man's cock deep in your ass can cause. It just felt too damned good!

For the next minute or so, Cochran was fully involved in his nut. While he was getting off and starting to cool down, D'Angelo and I helped prolong and heighten his pleasure. I sucked hard on his bone-on with my butt muscles while D'Angelo sucked his face and gently worked his tits. You could see and feel that the man was grateful. Every once in a while he'd whimper and get that totally helpless look on his face that men in the throes of shooting their stone sauce do. The man's orgasm was as masterful as his fuck moves had been. It was a great ending to an awesome fuck. Though his swollen knob rammed deeply into my butt had taken a little starch out of my bone, I was able to bring myself back to full staff with just a few strokes. As I did so, my butthole alternately sucked tightly and then released it's grip on the man's spent serpent. Like most men who've just jetted, that proved to be too much for the guy. His reaction to the sensation was to pull out of me pretty quickly, leaving my hole yawning and wondering what had happened.

Fuckin' D'Angelo was out of his mind horny by this time. Once Cochran had unplugged, the strong Stallion grabbed my legs and turned me 90 degrees to the left, nearly giving me rug burn from the cotton covered coils beneath me. Instantly, I was in perfect position to take him on. And fuck-an-A if I wasn't ready for him! Without any fanfare, he painfully peeled his hard cock off of his belly and aimed it at my hole. As soon as I saw it, I pushed my butthole out, flaring the swollen lips at him. I could feel cum and fuck-funk flowing out of me but I didn't give a damn. All I wanted was cock.

"Aw, fuck!" he groaned as he buried his bone in me in one motion.

"Hoooooo!" I exhaled as he filled me with the fat 8 inches I'd grown so accustom too.

There was nothing gentle about our fuck that night. I'd been hosed and shot full of Seaman semen twice so my asshole was sensitive and swollen and super receptive for what ever D'Angelo was gonna throw at me and he knew it. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I yanked on his fur covered ass cheeks, holding him inside of me.

"Tear me up!" I ordered.

"Oh, fuck, Sean!" he spat. "Gonna wreck your hole!"

"Make me bleed, Squid!" I pleaded, meaning every fuckin' word.

"HUH, HO!" he rasped, surprised at my request for a hard fuck. At the same time, he started the meanest fuck he'd ever thrown into me. Bending down to kiss me, he whispered, "Your fuckin' mine!" just before he attacked my mouth. With our eyes wide open, we savagely sucked at each other's mouth. For the first time since he'd dismounted, I saw Foxworthy sitting in the corner watching us. His face was rapt with attention and awe as he watched how the big dogs fucked.

For the next several minutes I exhaled and held my breath for as long as I could before gasping for breath only to exhale and hold it again. In doing so, my mancunt would relax and open to the assault on my innards. Fuckin' D'Angelo really poured it to me. On my back I tore at him as he dicked me deep. After several minutes of that he flipped me on my side where the fuck took on a completely different and pleasurable angle. That lasted for a couple of minutes but in that position the Stud couldn't get enough traction to put it to me, so he flipped me over again and forced me onto all fours. Spreading my legs, I was able to put myself in a study position and ram my ass back onto his cock as he held me by the waist and penetrated me powerfully. At that point, Cochran got into the act by crawling under me and licking D'Angelo's cock and my gaping gash as we fucked. The added pleasure slowed us down a bit and gave us a moment to recoup some strength because there was no way we could have continued at the pace we were going at it. Even Uncle Sam's finest had limits of physical exertion and we sure were testing it.

D'Angelo's cock was ruling everything. Pushing Cochran out of the way, he pushed me down onto my belly. From that position the fuck took on a completely different tempo. D'Angelo was completely lost in the magnificent manpussy he was buried balls-deep in. The fuck became all about the feelings of lust that we harbored for one another. The bigger and stronger man wrapped his arms around me and loudly sucked on my neck and ears, causing me to buck my fuckin' hole up at him. Slow-dicking me, he'd pull completely out of me before sliding back into me, all the way along the fleshy walls of my mancunt, until his pubic bone stopped him from crawling inside of me. From there he'd do it all again. It was raw and male and savage and I had a fucking hard on like no tomorrow.

"Goddamn!" Foxworthy whispered. The amazement in his voice was evident.

"Fuck, I know!" Cochran acknowledged. "Look at the two of them fuck!"

"Ummmmmmmmmm!" D'Angelo whispered in my ear as he ground his fat bone in me time and again. Jesus, the guy knew how to fuck.

"Unnnnghhhhhhh!" I groaned involuntarily.

Holding tight against me, he slowed down and humped me slowly but surely for several minutes. It was pure magic. Eventually we each needed more. He picked up the pace as I pushed my butt up against him as far as I could and held my breath while he fucked every ounce of muscle control out of me. When I couldn't hold the position any longer, I collapsed in complete surrender to the man and let him have his way with me. All I was at that very moment was a big fucking hole for him. Being the perfect gentleman in the sack, D'Angelo only took advantage of that for a minute or so before he pulled out of me. Right away, he started fingering my sloppy slot.

"Turn over for me," he said softly. I did so slowly as he gently fingered my fuckhole. When I looked into his eyes I could see something different. They were super intense and glued to my own. As I moved onto my back, I instinctively raised my legs. Without breaking eye contact or pulling his fingers from my hole, he moved into position. Still staring down at me, he slid his fingers out only to replace them with his powerful prick. I held my breath and clenched tightly to his sides as he effortlessly penetrated my slut sheath until his scrotum lay softly on my butt.

It was one of those moments where I was unbelievably thankful that I was born a man who takes it in the ass from other men. D'Angelo slid in and out of me with ease and with a different look on his face than before. Instead of the half grin, boy-I'm-stoned look he usually had, he had this contented look like he'd just found something he'd been looking for. And he had. Deep seated inside of me, D'Angelo's eyes and face were telling me that he was falling for me. Not since Armando had fucked me the morning he'd shipped out had I seen that look. Lost in the moment, I felt it too. At that very moment I couldn't imagine wanting any other man than the one that was breeding me. I fuckin' gave it up to him. When I held my breath the sensations his cock sawing over my butt nut caused were beyond description. I kept doing it until I'd almost pass out just to feel the amazing power his cock had over me. When I breathed in again, I smelled the heavy scent of men. Though I was used to my own masculine sweat scent, that from the three of those Studs was very strong. The room was ripe with a brew of sweat and arm pits and balls and butt and testosterone, exciting my senses.

Fox moved closer, bringing the two of us into the moment. Once again, I became aware of where I was and the fact that I was the guest of honor in a mini gang-bang. My chest swelled with pride that I'd been bedded by three hot men. As D'Angelo balled me, I reached out and wrapped my hand around Fox's fat fuck nub. I pulled him over to me and sucked his pud into my mouth. All at once I tasted cum and butt. The fucker was fuckin' brick hard. Deep throating him as best as I could, I played with his butt which the guy seemed to like. A thick crop of coarse and curly red hair lined in his crack and swirled around his hole as I buried my fuck finger to the first knuckle. For a guy that was supposedly a total top, he sure was lost in lust when I fingered his manhole. His butt opened pretty wide and as I pried at his magic button a long drool of precum flowed from his piss slit across my tongue. Totally relating to his reactions myself, I remember making a mental note to explore his butt feelings again sometime. I heard him moan again and looked up to see D'Angelo kissing him and working his tits. The little man was really getting a work over. After a short while, D'Angelo reached under his arms and pulled him toward himself into a position where Fox was straddling me. And there was that fuckin' ass of his right in front of me.

While D'Angelo put it to me like a pro, I started licking his fur lined crack before me. Fox reacted immediately by pushing his butt back at me. In no time, my tongue was at his back door. He smelled heavy of sweat and butt funk. Oh, he was clean for sure, but I could tell he'd sweated up a storm all day in his pants. Like the fucking slut that I was, I ate his funky ass while the man who knew my ass better than anyone on the ship savaged my slippery sleeve with his sword. Foxworthy went nuts. I'm guessing he'd not had too many men play with his butt. The small but powerful hunk damn near suffocated me when he forced his butt onto my face. Everything felt too damned good. I think I started to go into sensory overload. D'Angelo was hitting every fucking spot possible to make me his butt whore. Something was happening inside of me. Every move the man inside of me made just made my prostate feel all that much better. Something was going on and I didn't want it to stop. As I took his dick and ate that ass, I felt the pressure building inside of me. It was as if something was coming but I didn't know what it was. I was aware that I was rapidly moving toward some kind of release but it didn't feel like I was going to shoot my load. I didn't know what it was but I got my answer before too long. Suddenly my guts went into a spasm. I felt the overwhelming need to push out and push out I did. Violently and uncontrollably, the muscles of my asshole tried to expel the butt baton inside of me. In doing so, my fuck hole became rigid, wrapped ungodly tightly around D'Angelo's manhood.

"UUUUUHHHHHHHHH!" I groaned, the animalistic sound coming from deep inside my chest and was literally being fucked out of me. My asshole never let up on it's grip and I couldn't stop it from pushing out. D'Angelo kept fucking me and the sensation of that intensified the spasms my body was going through. He must have pushed Foxworthy aside because the next thing I knew I was staring into D'Angelo's intense eyes and he was speaking to me as he rammed his cock into me.

"That's it, Stud!" he cooed. "Fuckin' push it out. Push that hole out!"

"Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" he fucked out of me every time he rammed his cock in me.

"OH, HO! Let it go!" he encouraged.

Like I said, I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I knew enough that some sort of release was coming. When he fucked into me I could feel that my asshole was very distended. It was one big fucking tight rosebud jutting out of my body and he was ramming his manhood into it and taking me somewhere I don't think I'd ever been. My fucking body started shaking. Deep inside of me, he was tearing at something with his girth that was far, far, far beyond my second sphincter. And I had to have it. I reached down and tore at his waist. Many men would have love handles for me to hold onto but not this man. I'm sure it was painful as I clawed at his flesh, free of any fat to grab onto. All I knew is that I wanted him to never stop touching me where he was. The shaking intensified to the point where I snapped. In a flash I was blinded as the most magnificent orgasm overtook me. Without ejaculating I entered a world so pleasurable that I think I stopped breathing. All I knew and felt was in my ass. From the blood engorged asslips sucking on the thick base of the man's cock to deep in my rectum, the entirety of my being was centered in the powerful ass orgasm he'd fucked me into.

In the midst of it all, D'Angelo couldn't hold out against the intense tightness so he gave in to it and shot his wad. I wasn't even aware that his prick was pumping yet another load of nut nectar in me. All I was aware of was that I was a manhole wrapped around a super hard cock. My outburst lasted longer than if I'd cum. It was the explosion that kept on coming. Talk about butt nut! D'Angelo stayed dutifully in the saddle until I started coming around. When I became aware of my bearings, I realized that I had the hugest smile on my face.

"Goddamn, was that ever intense!" I panted. The other three laughed at the understatement.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Foxworthy asked.

"Did you cum?" Cochran asked. He seemed a little confused as to why I hadn't spewed but obviously had had some kind of orgasm.

"No. It was different," was all I could say.

"Well, I sure did!" D'Angelo crowed with a shit eating grin on his face. We all laughed.

"Yah?" I asked.

"Dude, I just shot a fuckin' gallon of scum in you!"

At that point it was obvious to me that I'd been seeded again. "I can feel it," I said.

"Fuck-an-A, Dude! What the fuck was that all about?" he asked.

"Pretty intense, huh?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Your fuckin' hole went haywire!" he said.

"What happened?" Fox asked again.

"I dunno man," I answered, "something snapped inside and all of a sudden it was fire in the hole!"

"Yah, it was. It was like his hole was trying to push my cock out"

"Oh, it wasn't trying. It was full-on doing it" I informed him.

"Yah, it was," he agreed.

"Why?" Foxworthy was still stumped.

"Dunno, Dude," I told him. "All I know is that I started pushing out and couldn't stop it"

"You should have felt it," D'Angelo said to Cochran as he slowly extricated his softening spear from my depths.

"Yah?" Cochran asked with interest as D'Ang plopped down next to me.

"Goddamn, man. Fucker got so tight and pushed so hard that I had to fight to keep it in him"

"Really?" Cochran asked.

"Damn right. Brought me right off"

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" Foxworthy hissed.

"Fuckin' ass orgasm, dipshit" I explained.

"And you didn't shoot your load?" he asked redundantly.

"Do you see any cum?" I asked sarcastically.

"You still horny?" he asked, ignoring my sarcasm.

I thought about it for just a second and realized that even though I'd just had a powerful release, I was still in need of getting my rocks off. "Believe it or not, yah," I informed them.

"Then give me another piece of that," Foxworthy insisted as he crawled over to me. The man wasted no time in crawling between my legs and lifting them up.

"Give me a second," I whispered as I started stroking my half bone back to life. In short order I was again hard and my butthole was starting to feel empty.

Cochran slid over and put a lip lock on me. While one of his hands pinched my tits another slid between my legs and played with my gash. It wasn't too long before he had his long and lean fuck finger in me up to the web of his hand. "He's ready," he announced, pulling it out after a couple of minutes.

With my legs in the air, I reached down and pulled my asshole open. Fox quickly lined his fat knob up with my slippery slash and let me have it. Like a hot knife in butter, his fat prick penetrated me. In just a minute or so, he was fucking hard and fast into me and I was taking it like a man. Not too hard to do after being fucked three times, mind you. While D'Angelo rested from his impressive action, Cochran kissed me and worked my hard tits while Foxworthy showed me his stuff once again. I was wide open and the guy found me wet and receptive to whatever he wanted to do to me. The least talented top in the bunch, he still gave me a pretty good fuck.

It didn't take long for D'Angelo to join in on the action. After a couple of minutes, he swooped down on my Johnson and sucked it down. At that point he and Cochran were starting to crowd one another so Cochran moved around behind Foxworthy where he could eat the tight butt on the man. From Fox's reaction there was no question he had a man's tongue up his ass. D'Angelo then moved around into a 69 position above me where he proceeded to swallow the entire length of me. Gawd, was he ever a great cocksucker. I returned the favor by sucking his half hardon into my mouth. It was ripe with the scent and flavor of my butt and the last of the load he'd shot in me was still leaking out. In no time he had my balls buzzing which told me that it wouldn't be too long before he was going to bring me off. As if that didn't feel good enough, Fox was really making some tracks in my tush. It all felt so damned good that I just let go and let the chips fall where they may.

The more the Stallion slurped on my creambone, the tighter my butt got, which I'm sure brought Fox closer to nutting. After all, he was getting it at both ends as Cochran ate his ass. I started feeling that ever so familiar tingling in my prostate. It hardened against Fox's fat fucker, giving me even more pleasure. The warmth and wetness of D'Angelo's fuckin' mouth was awesome. It was as if the man had no teeth! My legs started feeling a little weak. As my breathing got harder, my toes curled with the first sign that I was gonna blow. Faster and faster, Fox was fucking my ass. All of a sudden he stiffened and nearly silently fired another load of Sailor spunk into me. Though I hadn't expected him to cum that soon, it turned me on something fierce to know that I was taking yet another man-load inside of me.

D'Angelo was listening to my moans and groans and, knowing I was on my way, swallowed me whole and buried my cockhead in his throat. That did me in. After only about 30 seconds of that I was locked and loaded. Fox was spent but still inside of me. The cock in my ass, the mouth on my cock and the strong scent of men in the room and that which was emanating from the pubic bush and crotch above me ganged up on me like the men that had taken me one after another. All sensations were centered in my cock and ass as I prepared to fire. I spit out D'Angelo's manhood so that I could breathe.

"OH GOD!" I cried.

"Yah, fucker!" Cochran prodded from my side. "Shoot that load!"

When he reached down and felt my asshole with Fox's cock in it, I lost it. "ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" I screamed as the first rocket of spew jetted from me. What followed was a fucking flood of fuck sauce. I nearly blew D'Angelo's head off with my pent up load. Goddamn, I really let him have it. Like a champ however, he swallowed it all and didn't miss a drop. "OH! OH! OH!," I rasped as his throat swallowed my cock. What a fuckin' cum! Man, there's nothing like an awesome blow job, is there? And D'Angelo was a world-class cocksucker to boot. Whewie, am I a lucky fucker!

When it was all over, I was fuckin' spent. I couldn't have moved from that spot if the guys had carried me. D'Angelo, Foxworthy and I were all beat so the three of us simply collapsed in a heap. It was hot and muggy and it smelled sinfully of mansex. If anyone had opened the hatch door on the bulkhead they wouldn't have needed to see us to know what had been going on in there. The smell of mansex alone would have busted us for sure. It was a real chance we were taking. I always thought of that after I'd cum. But I was too fucked out to care at that moment so I just allowed myself to revel in that tangle of arms, legs and hard bodies. While the three of us cooled off, I could see Cochran sitting in the corner watching us. He had a bone-on and was stroking it slowly to keep it alive. I just knew he had some plans for me.

Laying on my back with D'Angelo on one side of me and Fox on the other, I forgot about my worries and drifted off for a little while. I'm not sure how long I'd dozed of for before I was startled awake by something. My feet were spread wide, pulled up near my butt, bringing my knees up. That left my butthole a little exposed and I felt the pleasurable sensation of somebody licking it. When I opened my eyes I saw the other guys still next to me, so I could only assume that horny Cochran was going at me. The guy was insatiable and ate ass like no tomorrow. Before long, he had my legs in the air and his tongue buried in my sloppy, slutty and scumy asshole. Hell, it felt great and if he wanted to eat my ass who was I to stop him, huh?

Well, one thing led to another and before long my moans had caught the attention of the other two. It didn't take long for the two of them to get into the action once they realized what was going on. Ah, nothing like the virility of young men! To be early 20-something again, huh? Before long, Fox's tongue was dueling with my own and D'Angelo was sucking on my tits. It sure felt great to have 3 hot men working on me. I can't say I didn't enjoy being the guest of honor that night!

This went on for a while Cochran coaxed my cock until I was fully hard. Then he moved into position and, smooth as silk, slid his cock inside of me once again. Though I was a little sore, I was in no position to protest. It felt too good as he slowly sawed in and out of me. While the other two worked me over, Cochran took me for another ride that was the icing on the cake. Not as intense as the fuck D'Angelo had thrown me, it was never-the-less blissful as he touched those special spots in the deepest regions of my depths. Still and all, my ass was pretty sore and he knew it. Though he was no quick ride, he didn't waste anytime getting to the point. When he really started driving it home I figured he was going to cum before long. Not wanting to be left high and dry, I jacked myself off. As soon as I touched my own bone, my butt slammed tight on the man's magic muscle which brought him off in a jiffy. Less than a minute later he was coating my cooch with my fifth load of the evening.

As soon as I felt the heat of his hosings, I sped up the action on my skin flute. While D'Angelo sucked and pinched harder on my tits, Fox and I swapped some serious spit. All of that and the still hard cock in me brought me closer and closer to creaming until I finally sprayed the four of us with my fuck fuel. By the time I'd finished firing I was thoroughly fucked out. As good as he'd felt before, I just wanted Cochran out of me, so I pushed him away from me. I remember at that point feeling very sated as his manrammer left me empty, but I was so over cock.

Soon after that, the four of us got dressed and, one by one, left the confines of the little room that had been our fuck den for the preceding two plus hours. The guys wanted to hang out some more but I was a fucking mess and begged off. My clothes clung to my sweat covered body and cum and butt slime were leaking unchecked from my hole. I couldn't have held it in if I wanted to as there was no muscle control left in my butt. When I got to my quarters my pants were soaked through. After a hot shower I went back to my quarters and realized just how hot and muggy it was. I slipped on a pair of skivvies and hit the rack with a vengeance. Sleeping on my belly, I was aware of my throbbing asshole all night. Tossing and turning, I kept dreaming that one Squid after another kept coming in, mounting me and dropping his load only to be replaced by yet another man. As sore as my asshole was, I still had a hard on all night at that thought.

Remember, I'm reserving all rights to this and all other stories in the series. Please don't copy or post them elsewhere. I'm always happy to hear thoughts on what you think about my stories. Contact me at billybob661@hotmail.com

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