A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Feb 2, 2002


Note: The following, along with A Few Good Men 1 through 13, is an accounting of my stint in the USMC. Another story, Nailed Part 1, precedes the series. It's in Nifty's Athletic section. They all contain sex between men. Duh. If don't want to read graphic details of sex between consenting adult men or if you're underage or if this is not allowed/illegal where you live, then don't read it. You've been warned.

I've had a few recurring questions about this series, so I'll try to clear up what most guys have asked about. As I said, the A Few Good Men series is largely true. Yah, so most of the names have been changed to protect the guilty and/or closeted. These stories are the best memories I have of being one of Uncle Sam's finest. They took place in the very early 80s when I was in the USMC. Back then we really didn't practice safe sex because it was the very beginning of the health crisis and safe sex with condoms didn't really come into play until like the mid 80s. I guess I'm lucky. I fucked around with lots of mostly military guys back then and, luckily, am still negative all these years later.

I hope you enjoy the series. There's lots more memories to write about. I just need the time to do it. I'd love to hear from you with your comments. Please don't copy any part of this. I reserve all rights to this and all the chapters in the A Few Good Men series.

A Few Good Men 14: On Board I

My next assignment was on a Navy ship in the Pacific with hundreds of other Marines. For days and weeks at a time we were at sea between Asian ports. Getting as far away from CamPen as possible was the best thing that could happen to me, largely because I was away from the daily memories of life without Armando that surrounded me in Oceanside. Life onboard a Navy ship was cool in the sense that there were hundreds of guys around to look at, but there was constant tension between the Marines and the Sailors onboard. The Navy's job is to deliver us somewhere to fight and that's what the WesPac tour was all about. We Marines pretty much stuck together but some of the Navy guys were sure nice to look at. The camaraderie was great, but it was also very lonely onboard as well. I just felt that I didn't have much in common with the rest of the guys in my unit. I was experienced enough to know that there would be at least dozens of gay men onboard, but I didn't have the first clue how to go and find them. Surprisingly, there wasn't a gay bar on board. Imagine that. Never being one to go out and look for action, I pretty much stayed to myself.

Marines generally didn't have much to do while onboard. The Squids generally take care of the ship. However, my mechanical skills were needed a couple of times with some small motors and I quickly gained a reputation as the man to ask to fix just about anything. So I ended up hanging out in various parts of the ship that we generally weren't "welcome" in.

A couple of weeks into our cruise I took notice of one very hot looking Navy man. He really excited me although he wasn't the kind of man that I generally went for. I'd always liked the swarthy, hairy types of men. You know the type. Latino, Italian, Eastern European. This guy was none of those. He had brownish-reddish hair and the most amazing fucking hazel eyes I'd ever seen. The hair on his arms was thick and lush and it grew all in one direction. The hair that stuck out from under the neck of his tee shirt was also long and straight. His name was Randall Bauer and he had a body on him that I couldn't take my eyes off of. His ass was molded into his pants and he showed a substantial bulge in the crotch. He was absolutely fucking drop-dead gorgeous. And he didn't even have a clue that I existed. I was so lonely for a man and he excited me so much though that I'm afraid I took some chances that I'm sure now were rather obvious.

I found just about any excuse to talk with the man. He seemed congenial but clearly wasn't a bit interested in anything with a lowly Jarhead like me. I can't remember his rank, but he was more than a rank Seaman. A couple of times I saw Bauer duck into the head and I wanted so bad to follow him in to see his dick as he took a piss. I was able to resist that temptation however. For about three days that is. I was up to my eyeballs in hot men and my 20-year old hormones were raging. When I saw him step into the head one day, I followed as if in a trance. When I opened the door he was standing, pissing in the trough urinal. Sidling up at a comfortable distance from him, I unzipped and let my manhood free as well. Out of the corner of my eye I could peek and see Bauer's dick. Long and straight pubes jutted from his pants alongside a milky white shaft of very respectable girth. It was capped by a dark pink head that I just knew could do some serious damage in my ass. A steady flow of piss ran from a large slit and splashed loudly against the porcelain. I only got a quick glimpse of him before another Sailor came in and stood between us. He was a large black man that blocked any view I had of Bauer and his dick. I couldn't help but take a peek at the huge black snake he unleashed. He pulled back the foreskin and revealed a creamy pinkish-red and wet head. I had to zip up and split before I got myself into trouble.

Two days later I again saw Bauer walking in the general direction of the head. As I'd only seen him in the area I liked to hang out and work in when he went to take a leak, I quickly made my way there. Sure enough, not 20 seconds later he slid right in next to me at the urinal and pulled out that milky white vision that I had wanted to see again. God, it was a beauty! The man had plenty to be proud of. My mind started to wander as I checked out the details of his mancock. He was standing on my right and holding his cock with his right hand as well, so I had an unobstructed view of him from the side. A large blue vein ran along the side of his shaft and served only to make his cock look more like a real man's cock. I wondered if I'd be able to feel his excited pulse through that vein when I ran my tongue along it. It seemed to be growing in front of my eyes.

"I thought so!" Bauer said. I was suddenly snapped out of my dick daydream. I had no idea how long I'd been staring at it.

"Huh?" I asked dimly.

"I thought you were a cocksucker"

"Whaddya man?" I asked, mustering a little indignation.

"You're a cocksucker" he challenged.


"-----Don't even say it, Grunt" he said with conviction. "You've been staring at my dick"

"Why would you say that?" I asked, flustered.

"Because it's true," he said, "I totally busted you"

"You're crazy!" I said, blowing him off.

"No, I don't think so. You'd like to suck on this pup, wouldn't you?" he rasped while he jacked his cock in his hand. I couldn't help but stare. It definitely was growing in his hand. I couldn't have looked away if my life depended on it. He continued in a whisper, "Well?" I didn't answer. Instead, I just looked up into his eyes. He saw the hunger. "Yah, I thought so." I looked down again at his cock. The fucker was getting hard. "You'd love to get your lips around this wouldn't you?" My resistance was waning. Not that there was much to begin with.

"No" I said weakly. As much as I wanted him, I was deathly afraid of a trap. Mind you, I had absolutely no problem with anybody knowing I was gay as long as they weren't going to blab it or beat the shit out of me. I could handle my own with most guys but there was something about Bauer that really made me unsure.

"Sure you do"

"What makes you say that?"

"Because you're hard, you little cocksucker!" he spat with a disgusted look on his face. He was right! My own cock had boned up pretty well. I blushed about 80 shades of red. "Busted!" he exclaimed. "C'mon, Grunt, get down on that bad boy and make me feel good" he said as he moved his hand to my neck. He was rough and exerting pressure on me, pulling me down to his cock. I freaked. I just knew somebody was going to walk in on us.

"NO!" I said and wrestled out of his grip. He grabbed me again, harder this time.

"Oh, you're gonna suck it, cocksucker!" he spat, pushing very hard and forcing me down to my knees.

"NOT HERE!" I hissed and stood again, shaking my head. "Not here!" As much as I wanted to blow the man, I knew that somebody could come in at any moment.

"Then where?" he asked, intrigued.

"I dunno. Just not here"

"Where do you suck other guys' cocks?"

"I don't suck other guys' cocks" I answered angrily, stowing my hardened cock in my pants.



"So I got that pretty little mouth of yours all to myself, huh?" he smiled.

"I guess so"

"Hot damn! Haven't had any head in months" he stated, pushing his cock back in his pants. "Let's go," he said turning to leave. I was drawn to him like a magnet.

"Where?" I asked.

"Just follow me, cocksucker!" he ordered. So I did.

We walked quickly through the ship until we were on deck. It had been dark for a couple of hours, so there weren't too many guys about. Bauer was a man on a mission and obviously knew where he was going as he made tracks across the deck. It was almost a little difficult to keep up with him. I really didn't have any time to stop and think about what I was doing. I suppose that if I did, I might have had second thoughts about following him to where he was going. Instead, I just followed the hunk into the unknown. There was a fairly decent cloud cover and no moon was visible, so it was dark as hell. Bauer led us to the edge of the deck and, after a quick look around, down a staircase and onto a walkway one level below the deck. Once there, we were nearly enveloped in complete darkness. We walked aft for a bit until we came to a large gun just above us on the deck. Just in front of us was a little recess, hidden from the walkway we'd just come down. At a right angle to us I could see a ladder stairway that went back up to the main deck. Obviously comfortable with our hidden position, Bauer turned to me and leaned back against the wall. I could hear him undoing his pants.

"Get down on it, cocksucker!" he whispered. I looked down and, in the very faint light, I could see that his pants were open and that he'd pushed his skivvies down far enough that the waistband was below his balls. The light skin of his cock surrounded by darker pubic hair shown very plainly in the relative darkness. Reaching out, he pushed my head towards his rising cock. Dropping to my knees, I quickly closed the distance and took his cock in my hand and admired its beauty. The fucker had an incredibly handsome cock. Heavy in my hand, it struck me that the man was already getting aroused at just the thought of getting head. In no time I was licking the salty residue off of the business end of his semi-bone. He was pushing his cock to me insistently so, opening wide, I took him inside of my mouth. The ever so familiar taste of a man's cock exploded over my taste buds. I quickly got busy working his rapidly inflating rod. The night air was still, so the heady aroma of a man's crotch, balls and pubic hair that had been trapped in a pair of pants all day filled my nostrils. What a fucking awesome scent that is. It sure makes you glad that you're a man. It didn't take long before Bauer's cock was long and straight and banging away at my throat muscles.

"Yah, that's it!" he mewled as he banged the fucking knob at my tonsils. Fighting my gag reflex, I tried open my throat up for more and, before I knew it, Bauer was buried balls deep in my face. That was just fine with me, because I was in cocksucker heaven. I mean, the guy was not only gorgeous, but he had the most perfect cock for sucking. It wasn't too big around that I'd have trouble with scraping it with my teeth and yet it was more than long enough to let me know that I had a man on the loose in my mouth.

"Ummmmmmm" I hummed on his hummer. Once I got comfortable with his length and the fact that he was in and out of my throat, I just let him go while my hands roamed around him. The fucker had nice balls too. Heavy and hairy, they hung low in the tropical temperature. They had a nice coat of sweat on them, making their aroma all the more attractive to me. I rolled them around in my hand, which only served to get the Navy man even hotter. He sure liked his balls played with. While kneading them, I discovered that they only got hairier the closer to his asshole they got. I was well into the groove and he was hooked on my tongue and throat action when I picked up the pace by gently poking my fingers back to that sensitive skin between his balls and butthole. Every man, gay or straight, loves that spot played with and Bauer was noticeably further aroused when I did so. He paused for just a minute and pushed his skivvies down below his knees. Leaning back, he spread his legs, giving me full access to what was obviously a pronounced erogenous zone for him. While sucking his cock in and out of my face, I played with the sweaty skin on the underside of his balls and into his crotch area. Damn, but he was so hairy and sweaty down there.

"Aw, fuck yah!" he rasped quietly as I worked his thin cock which my experience told me was about eight inches. I could just tell that by the way the man was reacting to my cocksucking talents, he might not last too long. I remember thinking that that would be a shame, because I was really enjoying sucking his cock. With the hunch that he might spew too soon for my tastes, no pun intended, I slowed the action down and swooped down on his lowhangers. While I worked his hard bone with my right hand, my left held his balls so that I could lave them with my tongue. The man's knees buckled a little bit as he pushed his balls into my mouth. Starting with one and then moving to the other, I completely engulfed them one at a time and gently ran my tongue over their sensitive surface and up into the pubic bush above them. Breathing in and out rapidly, the Squid squirmed as I sucked and chewed on his baby factories. When I sucked both of them into my mouth, it was filled to the brim. The fucker's cock surged even harder in my hand, coating my palm with the clear goo running freely from his ample piss slit. Trying as hard as he could to remain silent, Bauer was whimpering like a teenager getting his first handjob. Moving lower, I licked the sensitive scrotum flesh leading to the hot het's asshole. The manly scent there was a fucking aphrodisiac that made the crowbar in my pants burp ball slick like no tomorrow. The sounds coming from Bauer told me that I'd better get a grip on things if I wanted to get off too, because no doubt he was going to let it rip soon after I got back down on his missile.

With a free hand, I unzipped my pants and painfully pulled my pud out into the warm night air. Bauer ripped my head off his balls and impaled my throat with his manrammer just as I was spreading my ample flow of precum over my randy rod. Gawd, it all felt so good. He was using my face as a hole to get off in and I was nearly lost in all the scents and sensations of it as I pleasured my own prick like only a man knows how to do. All the while my knees were pressed into the deck grate below us and I couldn't have cared less. Sucking my lips and cheeks in tight, I slurped on his cocksickle with my tongue while enjoying the slightly salty juice flowing out of him. Inside of a couple of minutes of that action, Bauer's balls went from heavy and drooping in my hand to a tighter sack in my palm. No question that the man was getting ready to shoot his stud sauce.

I whacked my own cock faster in anticipation of his climax. It had been so long since I'd even jacked off, so I reveled in the sensation of that. From the sounds of him, the straight Stud fucking my face hadn't ever had head like I was giving. Naturally. I mean who the hell else knows just how to suck a cock then someone who's got one? I worked that bumpkin's bone like the cocksucking pro that I am while I felt his balls gripping tighter and tighter to his shaft. Without his balls in the way, I had a pretty clear shot between the man's legs and near his asshole. When I slid my fingers through the hairy and sweaty valley between his legs his breathing got faster. Plunging my throat down and swallowing his knob only heightened his pleasure. I knew I could do anything at that point just so long as I got him off. It didn't take long to find the treasure trove of his pucker. As soon as I found it, I grazed over and around it with my fingers. It was hot and wet to the touch. About the only time most straight guys will let you near their asshole is when they're too far gone in the lock and load faze of gunning to care. Most of em have never had their butthole played with and, when they do, the whole aspect of it being such a "forbidden" zone really can get em off. The action sure did it for Bauer. As soon as I started prodding at his butthole, he started moaning loudly. If I wasn't having so much fun, I would have been worried that he'd draw attention to us. I pushed at his most private part, setting him off like a fucking cannon! Two or three more plunges in me is all he took before freezing in place and firing his fuck jam down my throat.

"Oh, fuck, faggot! I'm cumming in your mouth! FUCK!" he spat between gritted teeth. Jet. Jet. Jet. The first three firings of his ball batter shot right down my throat.

"AHHHHHHUUUMMMMMMM," was all I could mutter as I fought for a breath. The man had a grip on my head like you wouldn't believe as he skull fucked himself off. I fought hard out of his grip by shaking my head back and forth, enabling me to catch rockets four, five and six of his pud pudding right across my tongue where they belonged.

"ARRGGGGHHHH!" he moaned as his knees buckled. His cockhead had turned ultra sensitive and he was shaking with the sensation of it lying still on my tongue while he spewed his spooge. Suddenly my throat and mouth were overfull of a genuine Seaman's semen. The salty, slippery cock snot was washing everywhere in my sucking cavity, exploding over millions of taste buds. Savoring his sauce, I swallowed every fucking drop he delivered like the dutiful and subservient Stud-servicer that I was.

Like a little boy he whimpered, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" every time I swallowed. You guys know that there's nothing like the feeling of someone eating your scum as you unload on his tongue. Bauer was helpless to the sensation and even seemed like he might be experiencing it for the very first time. At least to the high degree of pleasure he was, anyway.

It was all just too damned hot to handle. While finishing him off, I beat my cock like a piston at 8000 rpms. I'd lost my rhythm trying to keep him from asphyxiating me while skull fucking my throat, but was quickly regaining it as my slippery palm worked over the millions of raw nerve endings on my upper shaft and angry knob. Just as I thought I might be getting close to getting off, Bauer decided he'd had enough. With no fucking fanfare, the man forcefully pushed me away. In less than five seconds, he'd pulled up his pants, stashed his still hard and spit slicked cock, zipped up and fastened his belt. I was just staring up at him when he looked down at me. We locked eyes.

"Great fucking head job, faggot. See you around!" he said snidely. With that he turned without saying another word and took off down the darkened walkway the same way we came.

When I couldn't see him any longer, I took stock of my surroundings. It was pitch black and I was painfully on my knees with my pants open. I had a bone on that just wouldn't quit! And did it ever need attention. Gawd, I was randy. I had to get off! Quickly shucking my tee shirt, I tossed it in a heap on the deck next to the wall. Standing up, I undid my belt and fly and had my pants pulled down to my ankles in a flash. Not wasting any time, I spun around and sat my bare butt down on the quasi-cushion I'd created with my tee shirt. As the night air enveloped my naked flesh, I set to pleasuring myself as only I know how to do.

As I worked my steely cock, I thought about what had just gone on. Thinking purely with my dick, I'd risked my "career" in the Corps by letting a hot fucking straight Squid skull fuck me until he gunned off in my mouth. Right out in the fucking open air! And it fucking turned me on. Just the thought of it almost got me off. Like some cheap whore, I ate his cum and now I had a belly full of it. My stick leaked sap like mad, only adding to my pleasure as I spread it over my manhood. I could still smell the sweat and manscent of Bauer's groin and balls in my nostrils because he'd crushed my nose against them. Oh, Man! He'd forced me to fuckin' take him, I thought. HOT! Fuckin' near jetted when I thought of his balls!

Faster and faster I beat my meat thinking about what a fucking pig I'd just been. Then I remembered fingering his butthole. Instinctively, I raised my left hand to my face and sniffed the scent of the straight guy's butthole on my fingers. That sweet funk of sweat and butt spread through my nostrils and into my head as I inhaled deeply. Fuckin' NOTHING like the scent of a man's asshole! Instantly, I took a quantum leap towards firing my load. Gawd, am I glad I'm a gay man! Hotter than the fucking gun on the deck above me after firing rounds at the enemy, I dipped the finger I'd diddled him with into my mouth. All at once, traces of that oh, so fucking familiar tang of a man's butt spread across my tongue. My hand was a blur on my bone. OH, FUCK! I was fucking tasting his fucking ass! That fucking stung my balls. At that point every man knows he's locked and ready to load.

I squirmed around on my butt like I was sitting on a hot plate, alternately increasing and releasing pressure on that man bud buried inside. Fuck-an-A if every man doesn't give thanks for the fact that he's a man at that point, huh? I knew I couldn't hold it back much longer. It just felt too damned good everywhere within the region of my cock and balls and butt. I wanted to prolong the sensation but had the primal urge to spew seed as soon as possible. My arm ached, I was jacking my hammer so fast. My mouth was gaping open as I tasted Bauer on my fingers and breathed in heavily. Saliva was drooling all over my digits and down my chin. I was in jerk off heaven and just seconds away from getting the job done when my butthole opened up. Sitting there with my feet planted at my butt and my knees up, my butthole was exposing my guts as my cum countdown began. Oh, fuck! My butthole felt so good! I scooted down lower and rubbed my saliva soaked fingers over my tingling asslips. Instantly, my butthole opened a little more and, all at once, I was playing with the sensitive flesh just inside of me. In response to the pleasurable sensations, my pucker dilated, exposing more and more of my buttflesh to the pleasure of my dancing digits. Way too soon, my prostate swelled up hard. The fucker burned hot. I wanted to reach deep inside and stroke it. Fuck, I needed a man to fuck me! I was loaded to fire. Everything north of my thighs and south of my navel started spasming. I held on for as long as I could and in those last few seconds I could only feel my cockhead. I held my breath and when I felt the explosion inside, this Gyrene let out an animalistic groan that could have awakened the dead as he ejaculated his entrails. Neck, wall, shoulder, chest, belly, I shot my wad everywhere as I enhanced my ecstasy by getting as deep in my gash I could reach. All I was at that moment was a sperm fountain and a butthole that could have swallowed the ship. I hadn't really cum in weeks and this one was a real ball buster. It was fucking nuclear!

When it was all over, I just lay back and basked in the post fuck fog. My abs ached so I knew I'd really tensed up and released for maximum pleasure. My ass was kicked. My commanding officer could have been standing in front of me shouting, "Attention!" and I couldn't have moved. Coated with his own cum and a belly full of another man's, this fucking Grunt was gone!

Goddamn, I slept good than night. The second I hit the rack I was out like a light. I don't even think I took my clothes off. All night long I dreamed about sucking off one Sailor after another. There seemed to be a whole line of them waiting for me. And, try as I might, I just couldn't get off. I was beating off the whole time, but I just couldn't seem to cum. It was a night of sex dreams that kept my attention. I awoke the next morning with a roaring hardon that needed to be sated. With little privacy around, it was impossible to relieve myself right away, so I spent the best part of the day with a pair of blue balls. Such is the life of a Gyrene on a Navy ship, huh?

For the next few days, Bauer seemed to lay low. I saw him at a distance, but that was all. I had mixed emotions about it, but the thought of blowing him again made my rod rigid. Thinking with my dick again! About the fourth day, we had official reason to interact as I was working on some machinery near his duty station. What luck, huh?

"What's up, faggot?" he sneered when we were alone. I looked around to make sure.

"C'mon, Bauer. Don't say that shit" I said lamely.

"What's the matter," he spat, "cocksucker doesn't like to be called faggot?"

"What's the point, Bauer?" I said seriously, looking him right in the eye. "Did you really want to waste your time stating the obvious?"

"Whaddya mean?" he queried quizzically.

"You don't have to call me names. I know what I am"

"You're a cocksucker"

"Ok," I conceded.

"And cocksuckers are faggots," he hissed.

"Um, yah!" I said sarcastically. "And you're not"

"Goddamned right I'm not" he boasted.

"That much is clear, Bauer" I confirmed.

"Well, just so's you know," he said, belying a bit of some kind of accent.

"Geez, man, I knew that"


"Dude, there's no fucking way you're gay" I stroked his ego. What the fuck did I care?

"Just as long as yous know it." There was that accent again. Upper midwest? East coast? Almost tough guy sounding.

"Yah, yah," I shot back at him with a "no shit, Sherlock" attitude. He was quiet for a minute or two. He looked around again to make sure nobody was in earshot.

"So what's the fuckin' deal with you sucking cock?" he asked.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "It's just what I do"

"I don't get it, man. You don't seem like you're a cocksucker or anything," he continued.

The statement amused me. "Oh? How's a cocksucker supposed to seem?"

He fidgeted a moment before answering. "Well, you know"



"F-a-g-g-y ?" I quizzed him, emphasizing the word.

He looked around again. He was squirming. I liked that. "Yah. You know, all faggy. Girlish. Feminine"

"Ah!" I responded. "F-a-g-g-y," I nodded. Even though I said it as an affirmation that I understood what he was saying, I said it with a tone that let him know just how fucking stupid it was. Nothing needed to be said between us at that point. His look and shrug told me that I'd gotten my point across.

"I just never met a fag----er, anyone like you, that's all"

"How am I?" I continued to grill him.

"You know" he motioned to me like he was trying to communicate something.


"Just like a regular guy," he stated.

"A regular guy?"

"Yah. Just like any one of the guys," he explained sweeping his arm around motioning to nobody in particular.

"So, you thought all gay guys were pansies, huh?"

"Yah. Well, no," he stammered.

"Ah!" the light went on in my head. "That's the only kind you ever met"

"Yah!" he quickly agreed. The half-smile on his face told me that we'd connected.

"Gotcha. Well, Bauer, I'm here to tell you that that ain't the case. We come in all shapes and sizes and backgrounds. You'd be surprised at just how many gay guys you know"

"No shit? Here?" he asked with a furrowed brow.

I just laughed. "Jesus, Bauer. Even a Squid like you can't be that fucking stupid!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" he said with mock indignation. The man had a sense of humor and a nice dick. I like that in a man! He just stood there looking at me and taking it all in for a while. I busied myself at the task in front of me. It was a while before he spoke. I didn't even have to see him to know he'd gulped and looked around for anybody in earshot. "So, you really like that shit?"

Here it comes, I thought. He wants more head. Bingo. "Whaddya think?" I asked flatly. I had every intention of sucking his cock again, but I wasn't going to play his fucking cat and mouse game. He didn't have to answer. The look on his face told me once again that we were connecting on the subject. "Ok, so some of us like to suck cock, alright?" I continued the thought with a tinge of irritation. Fuckin' straight guys make such a big deal out of it, don't they?

"Man, you're just so damned casual about it" he chuckled nervously. I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"It's no big fucking deal, Bauer" I explained.

"It is to me"

"Look, did you like it or not?" I asked at the end of my patience with the guy.

"Well, yah," he answered slowly, but not before looking around again.

"So did I. So get over it"

"It's just-----"

"---It's just nothing! You liked it. I liked it. It was hot," I stated with a little irritation.

"Oh, Man!" he shuffled uncomfortably.

"Oh, Man, nothing!" I pressed on. "You want some more?" Big fucking step here.

His eyes bugged out, showing his shock that I'd just come out and said it. What the hell did he expect? I mean I'd fucking blown him just a few days before. He swallowed hard before answering. "Yah" he said defiantly.

"Then fuckin' ask for it"

"I don't ask. I order," he shot back indignantly. His tone had changed. I'd gotten to him. "And you're gonna suck my cock again!" The fucker had recovered from being uncomfortable and was asserting himself. I like that in a man!

"Ok," I said subordinately. Fuck, he turned me on. I just blinked and looked down.

"Oh, I'm gonna love fucking your face again." I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Yah?" I asked lustily, my dick doing the thinking for me.

"Oh, yah! You're gonna suck my cock again tonight." I looked up and gave him a quick nod. "Twenty- one hundred hours. On deck. Be ready to march, you fucking Grunt cocksucker"

"Yes, Sir," I said quietly.

"Fuckin-A right, yes Sir! Be there!" he ordered with a snarl. A little chill ran up my spine. For a split second I wondered if I was getting in over my head with this guy.

Later that day, I showered while the room was empty and the water was warm. It gave me a little privacy too, as I'd gotten used to rinsing myself inside and out often while I was with Armando. As the water cascaded over me, I thought about getting together with Bauer that night. Every once in a while, I had a little tinge of serious doubt about the guy. But then I'd think of sucking his cock and my own sang to me. Oh, to be 20 fucking years old again, huh? Needless to say, I was on deck and ready for him at twenty-one hundred hours.

"Let's go, cocksucker" he barked quietly as he sneaked up on me from behind. He startled me a bit, but I followed him. He quickly retraced the same steps we'd taken just a few nights before. In no time we had crossed the deck and, with a quick peek around, confirmed that nobody saw us so we high-tailed it down those stairs to that darkened walkway. Bauer was swift and I had to really hoof it to keep up with him. When we reached "the spot" he turned quickly to face me. I noticed that he already had his pants undone. As he pulled them open, I saw that he was free balling too. No skivvies on this time.

"On your knees, faggot" he ordered in a whisper. I obliged but not before undoing my pants.

His strong masculine scent permeated the still night air as I got down to business. The man hadn't had a shower all day and obviously had sweated up a storm. He smelled great. Damn, that drives me crazy. In short order he was fully hard and I had my face pressed hard against his moist pubic hair. Again, he moaned in disbelief, while I deep throated him. It wasn't that difficult actually. Yes, he had a relatively long cock, but it wasn't very big around so it fit nicely in my gullet. He was just as rough as he'd been a few nights earlier. My guess is that's why he loved getting head so much. It was a cinch that no woman would put up with the work over he was giving me.

I couldn't have cared less though. To be truthful, it really turned me on to feel the raw power of a man working a skull to get off. Bauer had only one goal and that was to fuck my throat until he shot his load. While I'd had some second thoughts about the guy, I had myself a hold of a wild man, which made my dick dance in my pants. I gave that greedy fucker my best moves on his meat and he didn't disappoint in showing his appreciation. Part of the time he'd surrender to my expert attention and let me do the work. That's when I'd plunge up and down on his randy rod, giving him all tongue and lips and not a bit of teeth. But then there were the times he'd let me know he was in control by grabbing my head and ramming his perfect knob into the depths of my gullet. Once there the Navy man moved quickly back and forth, wrenching my throat and mashing my nose and lips against his thick pubic bush. Though it was a little tough to breathe, I'd long since learned to control my gag reflex, so I just let the bigger and stronger man have his way with me.

When he'd finally let me up for a breath, I'd swoop down on his low hangers and gently suck them into my mouth. Damn, his baby makers tasted good. Nothing like a day's sweat to make a man's gonads all salty and tasty. Bauer fucking loved getting his balls done. As I suckled them, they moved in my mouth as they churned billions of sperm inside. The way the man's knees were buckling, I knew it wouldn't be too long before he'd be firing them into my belly. Not only did Bauer love the laving I gave his soft sac, but he went fucking wild when I slurped my tongue all over the area where his balls met his shaft. With that action, I got two different reactions. When I sucked at the pubes and skin at the base of his shaft he drew in jagged breaths between clenched teeth. Periodically, he'd grab my face to keep me from getting to hot and heavy. It was tickling him. It's when I'd suck and lick where his thighs met his groin that the fun really started. He liked that shit! And the lower I got under his balls toward that hairy valley on the way to his manhole, the tamer the man became. From his reaction, I could tell that this really felt good to him. Spreading his legs, he'd just moan very quietly and let me go at him. I licked and sucked back and forth under his balls all the while stroking his fuck stick. The closer I got to his butt, the thicker the hair became. It was moist with sweat and tasted salty and earthy. I was probably just an inch or so away from touching the man's pucker when he grabbed my head and rammed his cock down my throat once again.

"Oh, you fucking faggot!" he whispered in a heat. "You'd probably lick my asshole if I'd let you, huh?"

"Ummmmpppphhhh," was all I could answer. Hell yes I'd eat your butt, I thought. Bury my face in that hairy maze and suck on his manbud? You bet your ass I would!

"You fucking faggots are too much. Sucking cocks and playing with each other's assholes, huh?"

"Argghhh," I answered in a way as he moved his cock around in my throat.

"Yah, you like your asshole played with, huh?" His breathing had increased. I hadn't thought much about putting out for Bauer, but his hot fuck talk at that moment made me wonder if I could get him to fuck me some time. As if on cue he said, "You'd probably let me fuck you, wouldn't you?"

"Uh huh," I said clearly as I moved back and ran my tongue over and around the head of his leaking lance. My confession and the action on his Jackson really got him hot.

"Oh, yah! Fuckin' faggot wants in the ass, doesn't he?"

Suddenly I realized that he was talking about right then and there! While the thought of him nailing me was a big turn on, I hadn't thought about putting out for him there. "Maybe another time, Bauer," I whispered.

"Whaddya mean another time?" he spoke up out of a whisper.

"Yah, another time," I confirmed.

"I don't think so, faggot," he spoke in regular volume. "I think you want it now." With that he pulled me up and spun me around and pushed me up against a railing. I'd pulled my pants down onto my thighs earlier so that I could whack my weenie while blowing him. My butt was now naked to him and I could feel his meat missile pushing against me. It was wet with my spit and, in the night air, that felt cool.

"I dunno, Bauer"

"What's the problem? All you faggots like to take it up the ass"

"It's just that I think we need to be more careful," I whispered, urging him to do the same. I was really beginning to be afraid that somebody might hear us.

"What's to be careful? Nobody's out here. C'mon," he rasped as he pawed at my ass. He was really hell bent on fucking me right then and there. What the hell had I gotten myself into?

"Not here. Not now!" I said. It was as if I hadn't said a word.

"Shut up, faggot!" he spat. The man was pushing me into a stooping position as he was aiming his cock at my butt. And he wasn't being gentle about it. He was strong and determined and I was starting to get scared. I struggled a bit to get away from him when suddenly he put his arm around my neck and pulled me up close to his face. "Knock this shit off right now or I'll kick your fuckin' ass! You know you want it"

"Don't do this, Bauer!" I pleaded. I tried to pull free of him but he punched me hard a few times in the lower back.

"Stand fuckin' still, asshole!"

He was really being rough and I was getting scared. I didn't want it to turn into a bashing incident and suddenly I had the feeling there was the potential for that. His cock was banging at my back door and I just knew he wasn't lubed enough to diddle me. None the less, he was trying to jam it in my hole. "Fuckin' hurts!" I hissed as he tried in vain to get it inside of me.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"There's no lube, man. It's too dry. We can't fuck here!"

"Quit your fuckin' whining, faggot," he ordered. I felt him backing off a bit and felt relieved. Then I felt his cock pushing at my tight entrance once again. This time the head was wet and it slid right in. He'd obviously drooled some spit down onto this dick with some precision. I begin to wonder if this guy had fucked another man in the ass before.

As usual, I was clean and therefore theoretically ready to fuck. Not that I wouldn't have liked to get fucked by Bauer, it's just that I just didn't think that was the best place to do it. None-the-less, with a little bit of spit, the man had no problem working his long and thin cock inside of me. It was a bit painful and I was tense and tight the whole way, but before long he was balls deep in me. I was still all tensed up when he started sawing into me. I really didn't want to get fucked there and then. Consequently, he was really hurting me. As much as I fought him mentally and physically (by not relaxing my hole) his cock started feeling pretty good inside of me. I'm a total sucker for a hot cock in my ass. Little by little I relaxed and gave in to his moves. As my hole began to relax, it moved down on his bone. That's when his knob started making some music deep inside of me. As he worked my depths my whole attitude changed. Suddenly I wanted to take him. That's when my hole really opened up and gobbled down every fucking inch he had to give me. It was then that I was reminded just how glad I was to be a man that puts out for other men. I was getting fucked in the ass and loving every fucking inch of it.

"Goddamn!" he groaned. "What a fuckin' hole you've got on you, faggot!" That's when I was certain he'd never fucked a man in the ass before. The surprise and awe in his voice belied his buttfuck virgin status. Even though he had never fucked a manhole before, I have to say that Bauer was definitely up for the challenge. Like a pro, he rammed his rock hard rod into the very depths of me. Roughly, he took me and reveled in the friction he derived from my tight hole. In no time, my butt coated his pole with it's juices, taking our fuck onto an even higher plane. It was clear that he was not going to stick around and enjoy the ride. The man was hell bent on fucking me hard and deep and getting off as soon as possible. Knowing that, I reached down and wrapped my hand around my own cock.

Bauer had fucked the hardon right out of me. However, he'd also fucked plenty of dick goo out of me as well, so even though my cock was soft, the head was slippery in my hand. It sure felt good as I rolled it around in my hand while Bauer raked across my butt nut as he fucked in and out of me. It didn't take long before I had a hard bone in my palm and was working it like nobody else could. I was spanking my monkey while a hot het was rooting around in my guts. Even though I had reservations about where we were fucking, at that moment all was right with the world.

Knowing what felt good, I held my breath and relaxed the tension in my butthole. That loosened up my hole enough that Bauer's fucking meant nothing but pure pleasure as he drove his cock into me time and again. At the same time, jacking my cock kept me just tight enough that he would enjoy himself at the same time. Ah, the pleasures of buttfucking!

Bauer was a fucking wild man in my butt. He fucked hard and fast. I could tell that he wasn't going to take very long to get off. I also knew that, no matter how fast I worked my bone, I wasn't going to jet before he did. On one hand I wished he would have lasted longer. But on the other hand even though it was dark, we were fucking right out in the open so I could see the benefit of him getting his gun faster. And the man didn't disappoint me in that way. Soon enough the tone of his fuck changed and I could easily tell he was on his final sprint. Sure enough, it didn't take long before he rammed it home deep, froze in place and hosed me full of his hetero seed. From the sound and sensations, it appeared as though he hadn't gotten off in a wet and warm hole in quite a while. If I thought he had spewed a lot of spooge into my mouth several nights before, it didn't hold a candle to the quantity he pumped into my guts that night.

Typical of most straight guys, as soon as he'd cum he pulled out to get the hell out of my butt. As much as they enjoy themselves fucking and getting off, they always have second thoughts about mansex afterwards, don't they? Even as impersonal and rough as it had been, I was high on the fuck. I had a bone-on that wouldn't quit. I spun around and jacked off as I watched that hot man standing there cooling down. There was a sheen in the faint moonlight on his cock from the wetness of our fuck. Though it was rapidly deflating, the man had quite a boner. I wanted to suck it. Jacking my cock furiously, I dropped to my knees in front of him to take him in my mouth. Something about that move freaked him out. Before I could get a lip lock on him, he roughly pushed me back, causing me to fall on my ass.

"Get the fuck away from me, faggot!" he spat.

"Wha----???" I queried in confusion.

"You make me sick. You let me fuck you in the ass and now you want to suck my dick? You are one sick fuck!" he said menacingly. His whole tone had changed.

I just sat there in silence for a second as he pulled his pants up and zipped up. I moved to get up. As I did so I said, "Sorry, Bauer----"

"----Shut up!" he interrupted as he pushed back down on my ass and away from him. It wasn't exactly rough, but it wasn't playful either. I looked up at him. There was a mean leer on his face that really pissed me off. I was quickly losing my temper.

"You don't have to shove me around, asshole!" I said as I rolled sideways and stood up. I kept my stance as sternly as a man could on with his hardon in his hand.

"Yah, whatever. See you around, faggot!" he barked disgustingly. What a fucking asshole he turned out to be! All I saw in the darkness was his outline as he made rapid tracks out of there. All at once I wanted to be somewhere else. But, at the same time, I wanted to be alone.

So there I was. A horny fucking man with a butt full of cum and a hardon in his hand. I was no better off then than I'd been an hour before. I was still a horny and lonely Gyrene on a steel island in the middle of the Pacific with seemingly no other gay men for thousands of miles around and the love of my life was an easy 7,000 miles away. I was really fucking down. After hoisting and doing up my pants, I opted to stay put exactly where I was. I stood there in the balmy darkness watching the moonlight dance on the waves below. It was both calming and haunting at the same time. I have no idea how long I stood there before I heard a noise.

"Mind if I come down and smoke?" a voice above me and to the right asked.

"Huh?" I answered in surprise. Looking to my right, I could see a figure climbing backwards down a ladder stairway.

"You're in my smoking spot," he explained as he climbed down. "Mind if I join you to have a smoke?"

"No. Not at all," I answered nervously. All kinds of thoughts were running through my head. As he made his way toward me I quickly took an inventory of myself and my surroundings. Nothing was really out of order. At least there was no way he'd be able to tell I'd just gotten fucked. Well, my clothes were a bit disheveled but my pants were on. As he approached I couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been up there and just what had he heard. The man sidled right up next to me on the rail.

"Nice night, huh?" he asked as he lit a smoke.

"Yah" was all I could say. We made small talk for a few minutes while he puffed on his cigarette. When he finished it, I was surprised that he lit another so quickly.

"I like to come out here and get away for a toke," he informed me just as I recognized the tell-tale smell of pot. He sure was taking a chance in smoking it on board a Navy ship. "Want some?" he asked, handing me the joint.

"No, thanks," I said, smiling at his ballsiness.

"What?" he asked, responding to my smile.



We stood and bullshitted for a few more minutes. The guy was likeable and his demeanor put me at ease. Looking over at him I guessed him to be in his late twenties and had dark hair. Even in the darkness I could see that he was quite a looker and that he had a helluva five o'clock shadow on his clean shaven face. The guy looked to be a little over six feet tall and, from what I could see, had a nice body on him. He saw me looking at him and just looked at me with a slightly stoned look on his face.

"I'm D'Angelo," he said, introducing himself. "Sure you don't want any?" he asked, offering me the joint again.

"No thanks, man," I answered, never being much of a pot smoker. "I'm McLellan" I said, reaching to shake his hand.

"What're you grinning about?" he asked with even a bigger grin on his face.

"It's just that you're really taking a chance smoking pot out here, aren't you?"

"Look who's talking about taking chances," he shot back with a chuckle.

"Whaddya mean?" I asked with a sick feeling in my gut that he had seen or heard Bauer and I.

"You guys are really taking chances carrying on like that out here," he explained.

"Us guys?" I asked in a nervous and little more high pitched voice.

"Yah, you and the guy that was here earlier"

"What guy?" I asked, still not knowing what to say.

"The guy that was down here with you," he answered matter-of-factly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked indignantly.

"Give it a rest, Gyrene!" D'Angelo laughed, "I saw the whole thing"

"Saw what?"

"Aw c'mon, Stud! I was just about to come down the stairs there to get high when I heard you guys down here. I watched the whole scene. It's cool, Dude!"

"Whaddya mean it's cool?"

"Hey, I never condemn anyone for getting a little. It's just that you coulda picked someone a lot better than that guy"

"What guy?"

"The one that fucked you in the ass! Jarhead!" he just shot out.

"WHAT?" I asked in horror.

"Yah. The guy who fucked you and then pushed you down, Dude. Jesus, I just said I saw the whole thing" he spat in a decidedly New Jersey accent. I know I must have blushed about eighty shades of red.

"Oh, THAT guy!" was all I could answer. Fuck! I'd been busted big time.

"Yah, THAT guy," he laughed.

I started to freak. "Goddamn. I gotta go. You're not gonna tell anybody, are you?"

"Relax. It's no big deal, Dude. Nobody else saw"

"Fuck, man. You saw though"

"No biggee. Nothing I haven't seen or done before"

"For real?" I asked with surprise in my voice. Could it be another gay guy on board?

"Fucked my first guy in the ass at 15 and never looked back," he informed me, staring off into space.

"Damn, Dude! Never thought I'd meet another gay guy on board," I said ecstatically.

"Hell, we're all over the place here"

"No shit?"

"Oh, yah. Where have you been?"

"Obviously in all the wrong places"

"No shit, Sherlock," he said, moving closer to me. He put his arm around me and said, "What the fuck were you doing out here with that asshole?"

"It just happened. He busted me in the latrine staring at his cock which lead to a blow job and then this tonight"

"It was a little fucked up, Little Man," he cooed as he pulled me closer to him. Nobody had called me that for a long time. I felt good with him. I put my arm around his waist.

"It was fucked up. Sure not like I'd planned"

"Yah?" D'Angelo asked. "What had you planned?"

"Just a blow job. He really forced me to fuck"

"Forced you?"

"Well, yah. He punched me around a bit. It wasn't my idea to fuck out here in front of the world"

"The fucker raped you, man? Did he hurt you?" he asked with a tone of concern in his voice.

"Oh, a little. I'll be ok. My ego's a little bruised, that's all"

"And your butt," he asked as he patted it.

"A little worse for wear, but it'll survive"

"Could it use some soothing attention?" he asked as he ran his hands over my cheeks.

"Well, yah," I swallowed hard as I started reacting to his moves. Remember, Bauer had left me high and dry. I was still horny.

"Because I could certainly get into that," he purred.


"Oh, yah," he rasped as he reached his hand down the back side of my pants. In no time his fingers had slipped into the slippery valley between my hard ass cheeks.

"Ummmmm," I cooed as his digits zeroed in on my pucker. The man was a master at seduction. He pulled me close as one of his fingers danced in the slick wetness over my swollen asslips.

"Oh, baby!" he whispered, sliding his fingers over and into my sensitive ass bud. His fingers were soon coated with butt slime and cum from my earlier fuck. "Oh, fuck yah!" he soothed as he played me like a musical instrument.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as he played with me. My butt opened up, giving him greater access.

"Oh, yah! You like this, huh?"

"Uh, huh," I answered affirmatively.

"You really do like getting fucked, huh?"

"Yah!" I answered excitedly.

"You're a bottom?" I nodded a yes. "Fuck! I've hit the jackpot!"

"Damn, that feels good," I purred as I pushed my ass down on his fingers.

"Oh, man! You are just too good to be true," he soothed. Then he whispered in my ear, "You wanna go get it on?"


"I've got a place"



"Ok," I said. Hell I was really horny and he was hot. I wasn't going to pass up the chance to fuck with him.

"Hot damn! Let's go!" he exclaimed, removing his hand from my pants. "Oh we're gonna have some fun, Lance Corporal," he said as he kissed me.

We quickly made it across the deck and down into the ship. It was there where we both got a good look at one another. I was right about him being a looker. Just over 6 feet tall, the fucker was a Stud. His face was a masculine vision. Olive complexion and a jet black Navy cut set off his thick eyebrows. They framed perfectly his heavily lidded dark brown eyes with the longest fucking lashes I'd seen on a man. To top that off, his lips were ruby red and inviting. Long and straight dark hairs peeked over the top of his T shirt and I could also see a crop of thick and equally straight hairs around his wrists and on his hands. He was a grade-A fuckin' Italian Stallion and all the while I was checking him out, he was doing the same to me.

"Whewie!" he whistled under his breath. Then, looking around for others within earshot, "Aren't you a fuckin' hunk."

"You think so?" I asked shyly in a whisper. The guy was coming on just as strong as you'd expect a handsome, self-confident, East coast Italian to do. Frankly, he was embarrassing me a little.

"Fuck an A!" he stated excitedly. "You're really a bottom?"

"Yah," I responded flatly, my irritation at being asked that for about the hundred thousandth time showing through.

He called me on the attitude. "Hey, no need to get snippy. Just can't believe that a hot man like you likes to take it up the ass, that's all." He said it with a slight grin that instantly disarmed me.

"It's just that I get asked that all the time. Like a masculine guy can't like getting fucked, huh?"

"It's mighty fine as far as I'm concerned. I just can't believe my luck!" he chortled.

"So?" I prodded, urging him to take us to his secret hiding place.

"Oh, yah!" he responded, suddenly realizing that he'd let his mind wander in his grass induced euphoria. "Follow me."

I followed him down several decks and through a maze of corridors. It was obvious that, under his clothes, the man had a dynamite body. His pants were comfortably loose around the waist, yet they clung to and hung on what appeared to be a hard and muscled ass. Even though I'm a dick man, I love looking at a man's ass. There's nothing like it.

Like it does any time you travel a previously unknown route, it seemed to take forever to get to where we were going. Finally we arrived at a small door in the bulkhead of a corridor in the fore section of the ship. D'Angelo looked around quickly and, seeing nobody around, he opened it and hustled me inside. Right on my heels, he jumped in and quickly closed it behind him.

Instantly we were surround in darkness. We stood for a moment for our eyes to acclimate. As they did, I could see that it wasn't completely black as there was a dim light of some sort coming from the far end of the room. When my eyes accustomed, I could see that we were in some sort of storage area. Though it was eerily quiet, the sound of machinery was louder in there than in my quarters or duty station. D'Angelo pressed lightly on my lower back and guided us over to the right to a stack of large coils of cloth-covered fire hoses. They were stacked to the ceiling in an area about 8 feet square. He quickly removed several of the coils, exposing a hollow center where the coils were only stacked about 4' high. We crawled inside the area, about the size of a double bed, with the ceiling about 3 feet above us. While he replaced the hoses he'd removed, I noticed that the steel couplings on the end of the hoses below us were tucked down in between the hoses, creating a relatively flat and comfortable surface. Once the hoses were in place we were completely hidden in case anybody opened the hatch to the corridor. I was amazed that somebody had made a great little fuck den that was perfect for some heavy-duty man to man action. It was pretty creative. Never underestimate the ingenuity of a bunch of horny men stuck on a steel island for weeks or months at a time!

"Hmmmmm. Been here before?"

"Damn right, Stud," D'Angelo whispered. He started taking off his boots, so I did the same.

"So I'm not your first conquest on board?" I teased.

"'Fraid not. But if you play your cards right with that hot fuckin' ass of yours and you could be the last!" he rasped as he gave me a quick kiss.

"Is that so?" I responded with mock indignation. "What makes you think so?"

"Ah, it's just a hunch," he chuckled. He took my hand and placed it on his crotch where I felt a growing lump of flesh. "Once you get a load of this salami, I'm thinking you'll give up all the rest." From what I could feel, he had a substantial package wrapped in his pants. My butthole flared at the thought of getting dicked again even though I'd just been brutally balled by Bauer not 20 minutes before.

I'd shucked my clothes before he did and laid back on the "bed". D'Angelo was on his knees facing away from me when he pulled his pants and skivvies down. I got a quick but great view of his ass. A heavy forest of straight and dark hairs flared out from his asscrack and over his buns. He turned to me and shucked his T shirt, giving me a full frontal view. The guy had a fucking body to die for. He had those chiseled abs that dove into his groin. The same heavy crop of straight and dark hairs swirled over his chest, down onto his belly and surrounded his heavy cock and balls. Hanging between his legs and supported by a heavy ball sac was a beautiful fucking cock. It was thick, closely cut and even though it was only half hard, it was already about 6" long. He stayed in that position looking at me, giving me plenty of time to check him out as well.

"Oh, man. We are gonna have some fun, Gyrene!" he said excitedly.

"Come and get it, Sailor!" I enticed.

Quickly, he crawled across the coils towards me. Do you have any idea how hot a naked man looks crawling toward you? Like a pro, he moved between my outspread legs and onto me. We quickly locked into our first naked embrace. Chest to chest and cock to cock we groped and ground against one another as we enjoyed a wet and open mouthed kiss. The hot man tasted of pot and cigarettes and I knew he was a little stoned. I couldn't have cared less though because it suited him well as it seemed to make him pretty amorous. He felt and smelled like a man. And just about everywhere I ran my hands he was covered in that thick and luxurious fur. He was a masterful kisser and we soon fell into a fevered pace of mansex.

From the outset, D'Angelo took control of the situation. He was rugged and all man in his approach and knew exactly what he was doing. It was obvious the man had bedded more than a few men since his first man fuck at age 15. We rolled around a lot with him always on the top. Testing my limits and erogenous zones, his hands and mouth were everywhere. In no time, the man discovered just about all of my hot buttons and proceeded to push them with gusto. It seemed that everywhere he touched, nipped and kissed me took me higher. I remember thinking that this was a very experienced man.

And there was no letting up either. The guy just kept coming at me. He sucked on my tits until I thought he draw milk. Once done with that, he simply moved lower over my belly and lightly licked and bit all the while trying to keep me from flopping around like a fish out of water. Then he swung down to my groin where he proceeded to lick and nip all around my shaft and balls. He really knew how to manhandle a guy. It's always taken me a bit of foreplay or manhandling to get me ready to fuck. It takes more now than it did back then, but suffice it to say this fucker had me good to go in about 2 seconds flat. The guy was relentless in his drive. I like that in a man.

Before I knew it he had the business end of my 7 incher buried in his throat. This fucking Stud was also an expert cocksucker! No sooner than I had realized that when his fingers started making magic on my slick and swollen pucker. Obviously no stranger to a man's asshole, he knew exactly how and where to touch me there to get me to open up for what was to come. I could feel my hole releasing the juices from my earlier tryst onto his fingers. Like the pro that he was, he quickly took advantage of that by pushing his slickened digits inside of me. As if by magic, they found my butt nut in no time. As soon as they did, they softly and gently made love to my hard button, making my hole gape open enough to add yet another finger. Between the incredible sensation of that and his awesome blow job, D'Angelo suddenly had me well on the road to spewing. Not wanting to cum too soon, I pushed on his head with a warning. Right away, he pulled off my knob, leaving his fingers firmly planted in my fuck hole where they moved in and out of me with precision.

"Ummmmmmm!" was all I could mutter at the sensation.

"Oh, yah!" he whispered, his voice raspy with lust. "Jarhead fucker likes that, huh?" he asked just as he slid his fingers over my prostate once again.

"Fuck yah!" I responded as I opened my hole even more, pushing down on his diddling digits.

"Goddamn! You're so fuckin' wet!"

"You gotta get in there, fucker!" I chided.

"Oh, fuck yah! You are one hot fuck, aren't you?" he asked rhetorically.

"Gotta have it, man," I responded.

"Goddamn rights you do. And you're gonna get it," he said excitedly as he mined my depths.

"Oh, man that feels good," I rasped.

"Like that shit, huh?"

His fucking fingers felt wonderful and I told him so. The guy really knew his way around a man's hole.

"Hot fuckin' ass, Dude!" His voice belied his level of excitement. Though I couldn't reach his cock, I could see it was rock fucking hard. The man was really turned on, but not nearly as much as I was. I had myself a wild man in the sack and the prospect of what was to come had made me bone up hard and proud.

"That's your fuckin' ass, Sailor!" I teased as I pushed my hole down on his fingers.

"Oh, fuck! Hot fuckin' hole!" he hissed as he pushed my legs up, bringing my ass up towards him. Then he closed the distance between his face and my butt. He was right in there where the action was and was obviously enjoying what he was seeing. "Fuckin' smells great too, fucker!"

"Take that ass, man!"

"Fuck! Gotta eat that ass!" he whispered as he started licking around my hole while he finger banged me. My fucking bone became steel at the thought that he might actually eat my ass.

"Yah? You gonna eat it?"

"Fuckin' A right I'm gonna eat it!"

"Get down on it, fucker!" I said with uncharacteristic verve that matched his fevered state.

"Oh, fuck! Tastes awesome!" he panted as he licked my hole as he slowly pulled his fingers out. "Ummmm! Tastes like a man's ass that's been fucked!" he mumbled as he dove into my recently fucked depths.

"OH, FUCK YAH, SQUID!" I belted as he feasted on the sensitive flesh he'd drawn out with his finger action. He knew I'd been fucked earlier and the fucker was eating my butt!

"Fuckin' sloppy hole!" he slurped.

"Yah, that's right!" I shot back. "Tastin' that straight man's cum, huh?"

"OH! FUCK YAH!" he responded. Measurably more inflamed at that thought, he dove in deeper.

"Yah, that's it, Squid. Suck that straight jizz outta my butt," I continued. The whole fucking scene was almost too hot for me. My heart was pounding in my chest and my hole was wide open for him to eat.

"Eatin' your fuckin hole, Jarhead!"

"Getting' it ready for your big cock?"

"Goddamn rights I am!"

"I'm gonna take your dick, Dude!"

"FUCK!" he hissed loudly as he lowered my butt. He looked me right in the eye as he crawled up between my legs and aimed his Italian salami at my hole. "Gonna fuck you in the ass, Gyrene!"

"Do it fucker!" I spat back at him. I could feel that I was wide fucking open. I knew that my hole was loose and that my asslips and distended flesh were swollen with arousal. At that very moment I could have taken on any man, no matter what size his cock was. So it was no big deal when he pushed his angry knob inside of me with no warning. Slick with the dick honey he'd been leaking, it slid in with no problem. "UNNNGHHH!" I groaned as he breached me.

His shaft was pretty dry, so the friction increased as he probed deeper inside of me. "Push it out, fucker!" he commanded. Obeying him, I pushed down with my butt muscles, squeezing slippery juices out from the depths where my last lover had unloaded. Goddamn it if Bauer wasn't good for something, huh? It only took a few moments before D'Angelo's cock was slippery and seated balls deep in me.

"Oh, you fuckin' took my big dick with no problem!" he hoarsed as he ground his short hairs against the super sensitive flesh of my entrails.

We were set for one hot fuck and the Italian Stallion didn't disappoint. Neither did I for that matter. I noticed a steel beam above us and scooted down slightly until I could get my toes on it. With that I had tremendous leverage to push my hole down on what I came to learn as 8 inches of fat fuck bone. I'd have to say that all the stars aligned right at that moment for the most incredible fuck since the morning I sent Armando off. This was different though. There was no love involved here. It was just a pure, balls-to-the- wall fuck. And it was far less gentle than the way Armando and I made love. This was wild. And primitive. And rough. And I loved every fucking piston stroke he drilled into me.

That fucking Squid battered my butt in ways that I don't know that any man has ever done since. The sound of our fuck was raw and primitive. Every time he planted his bone in my butt on the down strokes, he rammed my shoulders roughly into the coils of fire hose below me and forced a hearty groan out of me. The sounds of wet flesh being punched didn't echo but were instantly silenced by the cotton covered hoses around us. I could hear his heavy ball sac slapping against my hard ass cheeks that the wetness of our fuck had soaked and then run down my back. Generally, I'm not the one that likes it fast and rough. But that night, the setting, D'Angerio being who and what he was and it being my second fuck all combined to make me a fucking whore fuck hole. Who knows how long we fucked. All I know is that a fucking Stud Squid made his moves in me like it was his last fuck. And I took everything he had. Clawing at his fur covered butt and lower back, I pulled him into me and pushed my hole back at him for more. We were in butt fuck heaven and both of us knew it.

The longer he fucked me, the more I opened my depths to him. He was ramming into that awesome pleasure pit deep inside of me and, in doing so, it was feeling better and better with every thrust. I just hoped that he would keep up the action because I felt like he was bringing me closer and closer to an orgasm. I knew enough to know that what was coming was not about my dick, which was so fucking hard it was bobbing above my belly about to burst. No, the reason I was pushing my hole further down onto his cock so that he could get even deeper into me for was much, much more than about shooting my load. Suddenly all the world was centered deep in my asshole. D'Angelo was doing something to me that I had only felt once before. I started shaking. I dug my nails into him to hold him close as he pummeled me. I know he didn't understand exactly what was going on, but he knew enough to know that I was headed somewhere I wanted to go. It was as if I couldn't feel anything else. Just a spot inside of me that had to be touched over and over like his battering ram was doing. If the man had a cock as large as Kozinski's I could have taken it as hard as he was fucking me. All I could think of was depth.

"DEEPER!" I groaned as he hosed me. The man complied with my wishes by grinding his fat fuck tool into me and wrenching it around. That got it. As the orgasm built I involuntarily started groaning louder and louder. D'Angelo silenced me by covering my mouth with his own, increasing my pleasure even further. Suddenly my hole started contracting in what I now know to be a fucking ass orgasm. Few men ever experience them, but if you ever have you'll know complete fucking nirvana. It consumes you so completely that the universe is completely centered deep in your hole.

My fuck hole was undulating like no tomorrow. It alternately tightened and loosened in a contraction that started from deep in the pit of my belly all the way out to my outer sphincter, stretched open so wide with the hard howitzer D'Angelo had buried in me. By the way he reacted, I could tell that it felt awesome for him as well. His breathing increased to a labored pant, breaking our lip lock. The sounds emanating from the two of us were so loud that we're lucky nobody busted us.

In due time my ass orgasm subsided, leaving me basking in it's glow. It didn't take long before D'Angelo was right back to another furious fuck pace. The man knows only one way to fuck and that's hard and fast and deep. With punishing force, he drove his prick through my gaping gash, over my joy bud, along the gripping walls of my hole and as deep as he could plant his knob, stopped only by his pelvic bone smashing into my ass cheeks and crushing his balls between us at the same time. Damn, but there's nothing like a rooting man! The entire length of my fuck tunnel was alive and singing the praises of his prick. It felt as if he was fucking my cock from the inside out. I wanted it to go on forever, but knew he'd soon be jetting in me. No man can keep up the action he was delivering. The fact that his once baggy sac of balls was no longer slapping me on the ass as he bottomed out in me told me that he was locking in before unloading.

"Gonna fuckin' go!" he panted.

"Getting' your gun in me, Sailor?"

"Y – A – H !" was all he could say. He was seconds away.

When he started groaning deeply, I knew he'd reached the point of no return. That's when I reached up and wrapped my hand around my own hardness. My knob was soaking wet with the slippery goo he'd been fucking out of me for god knows how long. The second I started sliding my now slick hand up and down the length of me, my asshole clamped down on him like a velvet glove.

"AHHHHHHH!" he moaned. He was only able to take another few hard and deep jabs in me before fuck pace slowed considerably. The man's mouth was hanging open as saliva drooled down his chin. With a look of confusion and disbelief on his face, he slowed almost to a stop before I felt him seed me. "UNNNGGGHHHHH!" he cried as soon as that first volley of cum left him. Immediately his eyes rolled back in his head and he gave into the incredible sensation that only a man shooting his load can know. I love to see how guys like that Sailor get off. No matter how big and strong a man is, he is powerless to his orgasm. As I watched his face contort into all sorts of positions, shot after shot of his stone sauce rocketed into my depths with a force not unlike his fuck pace. Knowing that he was shooting his sperm inside of me brought me right to the brink of blowing. With his tongue hanging out of his mouth, he hung his head as he entered that space you do after you stop ejaculating. It only took another few strokes from that point before I started jetting jizz all over my neck and face and chest. He jerked about as my hole clamped down on his super sensitive and spent spear while I came.

Like a gentleman, he waited until I was all shot out before he pulled out of me. When he did, he collapsed in a heap next to me but not before gathering me in his arms. "Goddamn, Gyrene! Are you a hot fuck or what?" he said in labored breaths.

"Fuck, man, you're one to talk. Where did you learn how to fuck like that?"

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like a goddamned mad man"

"Too rough for you?"

"Normally, yes. But you know just how to do it right!" I confessed. He responded with a smile and kissed me before he put his head down to rest.

It was hot as hell in that confined area and there wasn't much fresh air. Both of us were soaking wet. We lay there next to one another for I don't know how long. I think I actually drifted off to sleep for a while before he woke me.

"C'mon, Dude. We gotta get out of here. It's late." Late, hell. It was like 03:00 hours! "You wanna get together soon for some more of this?" he asked as he rounded up his clothes and boots.

"Oh, yah!" I answered, doing the same.

"Good, `cause I'm too fucked out to put it to you again tonight," he reported as he rubbed my shoulders with his callused hands. "But I do want to fuck again," he finished.

"I'd like that"

"Goddamn, man. How the hell can you take that?"

"I dunno, Stud. But you're more than welcome to see if I can do it again"

"Hot damn!" he chuckled.

When we broke out of that hatch and into the corridor we were a mess. Both of us looked as if we'd just walked out of a steam room. Wisely, we quickly separated after making plans to meet later that day. When I returned to my quarters, everyone was understandably asleep. Reaching my rack, I looked down at Warner, in the rack below mine. He was sleeping on his back and I could see a big ol' hardon sticking up in his skivvies. He was no slouch in the looks department so I'd gotten plenty of good looks at him in the showers. I always knew his cock would grow big, but I hadn't expected to ever see it hard. It was quite a sight. I sure would have liked to sit down on it at that moment, but resisted the temptation none-the-less. See how insatiable I can be? To show you just how much so, when I crawled into my rack, I stripped off my briefs and flopped down naked on my belly with my legs spread. It seemed that all night long I dreamed that one man after another crawled in my bunk and had their way with me. Any guy that wanted to could have fucked me that night. Alas, there were no takers.

I'm always happy to hear thoughts on what you think about my stories. Contact me at billybob661@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 15

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