A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Jul 29, 2002


Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing on nifty so be gentle as you read. I've been a reader and always interested in writing so I am giving it a shot. Please send any comments, good or bad, long or short, to me. Any criticism would be good.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with? Besides that, happy reading. I'm also really sorry that you had to wait so long for this installment. I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't had time to write. I promise that if you wait a long time for a part you will get a lengthy one to help make up for it.

On with A love for James.

A Love for James Chapter 15

"I need you to put this on sweetie." James said as he handed me a blindfold. I put it on and I heard him getting out. He told me to stay put and he would be back to get me. I heard him pop the trunk and he pulled my chair out of the trunk. I waited for him to come to my side and let me get in but it was almost five minutes before I heard his footsteps on the driveway and my door opening. He lifted me up and he carried me into the house. Since I know my house pretty well, I could judge just where he was taking me. He went through the living room and into the kitchen where he sat me down on a counter.

"Can I take this off yet?"

"Nope, not yet."

I could smell something really good and assumed that he had Alyssa start something and he was finishing it now. I only hoped that that was it and Alyssa wasn't home cause if this was a good surprise, I doubt she'd wanna be there when I thanked him.

"Smells great sweetie, what is it?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Be patient."

"You now me. Patience may be a virtue, but I haven't got it."

"Well, this might just tie you over till it's ready." He walked over towards me and gave me one of the most passionate kisses we've ever shared. I went to grab him to pull him deeper when he pulled away.

"Nope, that's it for now. It'll be ready in just a few minutes. You're becoming quite the distraction though so I'm gonna have to move you." He picked me up again and started carrying me towards the dining room. I couldn't help myself so I started to kiss his neck and he kept telling me to stop. He put me down in one of the chairs and pulled away saying he would be back in about five minutes and if I wanted a drink, there was one in front of me. He pulled my hand and put it on the drink. On his way out he reminded me not to take my blindfold off or I wouldn't get any of it. He returned and I could smell the sweetness of the meal that he had prepared. I couldn't wait to dig in.

"Now can I?? It smells sooo good."

"Yes, now you can take it off. And it's Chicken Parmesan. It's my favorite."

"Mine too." And with that we dug right in. He was an excellent cook. Good thing cause I wouldn't know my way around the kitchen if my life depended on it. We took turns feeding each other pieces of chicken and licking up what mess we made on each other, though sometimes I think James did it on purpose but I didn't mind one bit. After eating he carried the dishes to the sink and came back to sit by me.

"Thank you. I loved dinner."

"Your welcome. You deserved it. I love you."

"I love you too but sometimes I wonder what I did to ever deserve to have a sweet and wonderful guy like you."

"You deserve so much more. Now, let's move on to the rest of your surprise."

"There's more?"

"Yes, we haven't had desert yet and I am still hungry, don't know about you."

"I'm just hungry enough for a little taste of you."

James picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and he lay me down on the bed. He leaned forward capturing my lips as he pushed me further up the bed. He pushed his tongue against my lips begging for entrance and he was granted. I slid my hand around his waste and lifted his shirt up far enough for me to reach his hard nipples. I pulled away from the kiss and pulled his shirt over his head. James reached for the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head and returned to my lips while grinding his crouch into mine causing me to moan. I reached my hand to his chest and pinched his nipple causing him to moan from the mix of pleasure and pain. I pushed him onto his back and climbed a top him. Then I leaned down and started kissing his neck and then his chest. I slowly started to make my way down his chest when I realized the pants just had to go. So I unbuttoned his pants, removed his socks and shoes and then yanked his pants off leaving my sexy man only his boxers. I lightly ran my hands up his thighs and towards his crouch. I gave his rock hard cock one hard squeeze causing him to squirm and moan begging for more attention.

"You like?"

"God, yes. But someone is a little overdressed for the occasion."

James flipped me over and yanked my socks and shoes off and hurriedly pulled unbuttoned and pulled my pants off with my boxers leaving me in all my glory. I reached down and pulled his off and he began to kiss his way down my chest before engulfing my entire cock in his mouth making my hips buck up. He continued working on my cock and I was getting pretty close, but I wanted this to last a little longer so I pulled him off my cock.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just want this to last a little longer and I haven't gotten to have a taste."

So, I slipped down towards his cock and took the head in my mouth while I used a hand to work his balls. I worked my way down his cock till I deep-throated it all and he was bucking his hips to get all of his cock in my mouth. I could feel him getting closer so I used one of my hands to reach beneath his balls towards his ass and when I could feel him on the verge, I slammed my finger up his ass causing him to scream out while he shot his load deep into my throat. I cleaned up all the cum on his cock while he calmed down from his orgasm.

"Wow...that was...wow."

"Glad you enjoyed it sweetie. It was my pleasure."

"That was just the beginning. We still have something else here to take care of."

With that he grabbed hold of my cock still hard as a rock.

"Mmmm, what did you have in mind for that?"

"Well...first we add a little of this (he covered my cock with a good amount of lube) and then we stick it in here." And then he slammed himself down on my cock.

"How's that?"

"Oh God, you're tight." And he was. He rode my cock for what seemed like an eternity and I grabbed a hold of his cock, now hard, and started to stroke him in time with the thrusts in his ass. Within a few minutes he came again and his ass tightened hard around my cock squeezing the cum out of my cock and unloading into him. After we calmed down from our sexual high and my cock softened, I pulled out from his ass and we lay next to one another just enjoying the comfort of the other's presence.

"I love you James. Thank you so much for tonight. It was a wonderful surprise."

"I love you too Jesse and you're welcome. I enjoyed your surprise just as much as you did." And after a few kisses, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

<<4 months have passed by. Jesse and James get to see Sarah every weekend and Autumn has done surprisingly well. Her cancer is still present and still worsening but it has slowed down a bit and doctor's are optimistic about her living a little longer than they first said. Jesse has had the rest of his injections from Dr. Reynolds and he is up and walking around. Paralysis is just a memory for him but the anniversary of the night it all happened has come and he has decided to visit the gravesite so that he can move on with his life with James>>

<<Jesse's POV>>

I pulled up to the cemetery and fought with myself if I should go in. About whether or not I deserved to have such a loving boyfriend in my life when my ignorance killed the people who raised me to be the man I am. But, I knew I had to put this in the past. Know that I am responsible but move on and keep my parents in my memory. So, I drove in and walked to the tombstones that belonged to them. There they sat side by side. I put the flowers down between their graves and sat in silence for a long while before I spoke what I needed to say.

"Hey mom, dad. It's me, Jesse. I wanted to come and let you know how things have been for me since you died. I can't ever take back what I did that night. I should never have been driving and we all know it. I'll live with your deaths for the rest of my life but I hope and I feel that you have forgiven or will forgive me for what happened. You were always caring and I never knew you would accept me like you did and for that, I am probably the most grateful person on earth. And now, I have met someone. Someone I can see spending the rest of my life with. His name is James. He's a real cutie and mom, you'd love him to death. Dad, I know you struggled some with me being gay, but I'm glad you were accepting. I just hope you accept the choice I have made to be with James. He's everything I have ever wanted and more. You'd love him to death I know you would. If you're watching over me, knowing how happy I am with him should make you happy for me. And Dr. Reynolds has done wonders with my paralysis. I can walk again and I just am so happy. I just wish you could be here to go through it all with me. I especially wanted you to be here to meet your granddaughter. Autumn told me that when her and I went through that pregnancy scare that she lied about being pregnant to keep my happy. She really was and she had a baby girl and named her Sarah Towns. She knew it was mine. She also has been diagnosed with cancer and she won't be around much longer. At least that's what the doctor says. So, we've gotten everything taken care of and hopefully one day, when I come to visit you again, I can bring Sarah with me and James so you can see us all together. I love you guys and I miss you more an more every day."

And with that, I walked back towards my car. I felt at peace with all that had happened over the years. So, I drove off back to work to finish up for the day. I was getting out early to meet up with James and the rest of the group to go to a beach house for the weekend. Sarah was on a camping trip so I decided to get away too. Work went by ever so slowly but when I finished up, I practically raced out of there. Just before I got on the elevator, I got a page. I looked at my beeper and saw that it was the boss upstairs. Slowly my promotion was not looking like much fun. I headed upstairs to meet with Mr. Juventus.

"You can go right in Mr. Towns. Mr. Juventus is expecting you."

"Thanks." "Sir, you wanted to see me."

"Yes, are you busy at the moment?"

"No, but I was headed out for the weekend. Is there a problem?"

"Well, kind of. A client of Mike's has come back to have her regular paperwork done but because we've been so caught up with new clients, I totally forgot about some of Mike's old clients. I don't trust them with anyone else. I told the client that a replacement would be provided to her but she only has time today to meet with you. I was really hoping you would take it before you headed out."

"What paperwork does she need done?"

"Well, since you haven't seen her case file before you're probably gonna wanna review it before she gets here. Just the standard update on where she stands with everything. But, she's very precise, it won't be a typical "in and out" job. She gets pretty particular about things."

"Sir, you know I would love to. The thing is, that I like to have a really good grasp of her case file and it would take much longer. I don't know if I have time for all of it today."

"Jesse, I'll make a deal with you. You handle this case I'll give you your two week paid vacation that they denied you last year. I have seen the way you've been over the last few months. Your work is great and you're so much happier. Your boyfriend must really be great to you, but you don't see each other much. So, I know you must be looking for some time away with him. So, how about it?? Do we have a deal?"

"You know just how to get to us don't you??"

"I am the boss for a reason."

"Alright, consider it done. I'll get the case file from downstairs. What time will she be here?"

"About 35 minutes from now. So, you've got some time to look things over. Have a great vacation Jesse and here's a little something from me to you."

"Thank you sir. I'll see you in a few weeks."

I rode the elevator down to the records department and got the file I needed. I went back to my office and started reading things over. I saw the paperwork she would be needing and saw that as much as this wouldn't be an "in and out" ordeal, I would make it that way. I had some spare time so I decided to call James up and tell him I was delayed.


"Hey sweetie. I'm stuck at the office. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's no problem. What came up?"

"A client of Mike's can only see me today and Juventus sprang it on me as I was getting on the elevator to come home. But he did mention something that sweetens the deal of me being here."

"Oh, what's that?"

"Two weeks paid vacation that was owed to me from last year and he gave me a $2500 bonus for all the great work I have been doing since we got together. Since you are the reason I have done so great of work, you need to help me spend the money. I'll call you when I get ready to head out. My client is here...Yep...Sounds great...Love ya too. Bye."

"Sorry about the ma'am, please have a seat and we can go over what you need and get you on your way."

"Sonny boy, I don't know if you have heard of me but you all talk so confusingly that I have to be here forever to understand what you give me."

"Don't worry. I have had quite the experience with putting all this in words that are very easy to understand. So, let's get to business."

Within 25 minutes, I had all the paperwork printed out and had just finished explaining the documents to her and she said she got all of it. I asked her if she was all set and she said she was so I sent her on her way home. I was now free to go home. I was on my way down the hall to the elevator and I ran into Mr. Juventus.

"Out so soon, Jesse. Must have been a really short set of paperwork, or you are really as good as I say you are."

"The latter sir. I know how to communicate to people on her level of understanding of accounting. That was part of my job before the incident with Mike. I dealt with most of the elderly cause Mike didn't have the patience. That client is a really sweet women. Glad to help her out. I'm outta here though. Have fun while I am gone."

"Bye Jesse and thanks again."

I got into my car and called James.

Next: Chapter 11

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