A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Jul 11, 2002



Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing on nifty so be gentle as you read. I've been a reader and always interested in writing so I am giving it a shot. Please send any comments, good or bad, long or short, to me. Any criticism would be good.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with? Besides that, happy reading. I'm also really sorry that you had to wait so long for this installment. I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't had time to write. I promise that if you wait a long time for a part you will get a lengthy one to help make up for it.

On with A love for James.

A Love For James Chapter 14

<James' POV>

This is gonna be a great day. Sarah suggested that I do something really romantic for Jesse tonight since she would be back with her mom and we'd be alone. For a 5 year old she was pretty smart. She told me to give her an hour and she'd have a plan. I couldn't help but laugh but I figured I'd humor her. We pulled up to the compound and I escorted her to Lonnie who would be watching her all day.

"Here you are sir. One rambunctious 5-year-old with a romantic evening to plan. Have fun. And Sarah, I will be by to pick you up for lunch, ok?"

"Yes James. I'll be here and everything will be ready for when you get back."

She giggled and I headed off to practice. When I got there the guys were on stage and Wade was not happy that I wasn't on time.

"Just WHERE have you been??"

"Hi Wade. Good to see you too. For your information, I had to drop something off with Lonnie before coming over here."

"Well you're still late. 5 laps around the compound and then you can join the boys on stage."

"Whatever dude."

<<Jesse's POV>>

Autumn and I got in her car after discarding my chair in her trunk. I couldn't wait for the day Dr. Reynolds would tell me that I was cured of this and I would be able to walk for the rest of my life. We headed down to her lawyers' office and he was expecting us.

"Good to see you Autumn, though not under these circumstances. You must be Jesse. It's nice to meet you. Autumn has told us a lot about you."

"Well, I guess we should get down to business," Autumn said.

We spent the next 2 1/2 hours going over this and that. What things were to go to her friend, Sydney, and which things came to me, either for me or Sarah. After that she had them make up a contract of custody that said upon Autumn's death, custody of the minor child, Sarah, would be given to me. It left no room for anyone to have the right to take that custody away and when we were satisfied, we signed all the paperwork. As we were leaving Autumn said she wanted to meet the man who would probably end up being another father to Sarah. I agreed but only after she took me for my monthly check-up with the doc.

"Hey Doc, what's up?"

"Nothing too much. How's the legs?"

"Still on again off again. Come up with anything to change that?"

"Maybe, the lab has worked day and night for 2 1/2 weeks to come up with this. The fact that you have any walking ability is such a shock we weren't sure where to start but we think we have it. You'll have to deal with a needle though. We haven't made a pill form yet."

"No problem." I held out my arm waiting for the stick.

"Not quite Jesse. Pull down your pants."

"You have to be kidding?"

"Sorry man. It's the rear or you aren't walking out of here."

"Fine." I bent over and Autumn was giggling like a little girl. The doc stuck me and with that he sent me on my way. Said if there was any improvement or adverse reaction, to give him a call. After that we left to go to the compound to see the guys hopefully in time for lunch.

"Are you scared Autumn?"

"Yes and No. I've lived my life and I don't regret any of it. I know the most important thing in my life will be ok. But I don't wanna leave her behind. I wanna be there when she gets married and when she has kids. I'm scared but I know everything will be ok."

"You're such a strong person. I don't know how you do it."

"You'll know when you have Sarah 24/7 with no break."

"I guess so. I'm scared of what life is gonna be like when you aren't here. How am I supposed to be mom and dad to her?"

"You don't have to be. Be her dad, she'll love you for that. When it gets to the girly stuff, you'll have to do your best or know someone that you trust with that. It's not something to worry about. You're a great person and you'll be a wonderful father to her."

"Thanks. Looks like we're here."

We had to go to the security trailer to pick up Sarah first and then meet the guys for lunch.

"Hey Lonnie, where's my favorite girl?"

"Not here I am afraid. She's already at lunch with the boys. They're in the main dining having pizza."

"Ok. Thanks."

We walked over to the main building and into the dining room where Sarah was seated next to James. She ran to Autumn as soon as she saw her.

"Mommy mommy mommy."

"Hey sweetheart, you being a good girl for the boys."

"Yes, mommy. I'm helping James today."

"Oh, you are. With what?"

"I can't say mommy. It's a secret."

"Ok. Go back and finish eating your lunch."

"Hey guys. This is Autumn, Sarah's mom. Autumn, this is JC, Chris, Joey, Justin, and James otherwise known to fans as Lance."

"And you put with him makes us all want to gag," Justin said. All the guys started cracking up.

"Haha. Just looking at you makes me gag Justin."

We all ate lunch quietly while Autumn had a very close conversation with James. I knew she wanted to know all about him and his beliefs before she okayed him to be around Sarah when she was gone.

After about an hour Wade announced it was time to warm up and get back into rehearsals. I told James I was gonna go ahead and get Sarah and Autumn home and I would see him at home. He said ok but he wanted to talk to Sarah first. The two of them walked over to another table and started talking about something that she had drawn on paper and they laughed and 'aww'ed. It made me really curious to know what they were talking about. After they were done, he hugged her good-bye and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The three of us left, and Autumn drove us all to her house. Sarah insisted I be shown her room so she climbed up on my lap and we wheeled around the house to her room where she showed me all her toys and games. It was really cute. Autumn got a call and went into her office to finish it. Sarah was feeling tired so I put her down for a quick nap. Autumn came out of her office and asked if I wanted to sit in the living room and watch a movie. So we sat down and watched a movie for a few hours. When the movie was over it was about 5pm and I decided to get home and make some dinner for James and I. So, Autumn said she would call Alyssa for me if I could wake Sarah and say my good-bye to her.

<<James' POV>>

After talking to Sarah I went to warm up. It takes us about 35 minutes before we start up again so I knew I had time to make a few calls while warming up. I called Alyssa and told her the whole plan and asked her if she could set things up for me for dinner plans. I also told her to call Autumn around 3pm and tell her not to let Jesse eat any dinner. Then I called a florist and ordered flowers for a 3:30pm pick up so I could grab them on my way back. After rehearsals were done I went and picked up my flowers, grabbed some candles at the Yankee Candle shop and headed home.

I met up with Alyssa and checked on dinner and everything looked great. The phone rang and Alyssa said it was Autumn, and Jesse wanted her to pick him up. I told her to find a way out because I knew he would call me next and everything would be set for the night.

<<Jesse's POV>>

I went in and woke Sarah to tell her that I would be leaving when Alyssa got there. She hopped up on my lap and went into the living room.

"Alyssa said she's tied up for the moment and she can't make a promise that she can get her that quickly."

"Then I will just go ahead and call James. He should be free and able to come get me."

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"Hey James. Alyssa is too busy to come get me from Autumn's. Can you come get me?"

"Sure, just give me the directions."

I gave James the directions and he was there in about ten minutes. We got out to the car and I told James to put my chair in the trunk and I could get in the car. I started trying to walk and it wasn't working out as well as I had hoped. I was getting so aggravated and frustrated with all of it. I got just past the passenger rear door when my legs gave out and I fell to the ground. James immediately ran to my side to help me back up.

"Are you ok Jesse?"


"Ok. I know you can. Don't be so upset."

"Don't tell me how to be. You don't know what it's like to be unable to help yourself do some of the simplest things. So don't say you know, cause you don't!!!!" I was ready to break down and about two minutes later I did. James held me while I let it all out onto his shirt. He asked if he could help me into the car and I let him. When we were all set he said he had a surprise for me that would help cheer me up. I was excited but I felt kinda stupid for my outburst and felt that I should apologize.

"James, I'm sorry for before. I shouldn't have been so snappy with you. I'm just frustrated and I know it's no excuse, but I thought I should tell you I feel bad for it."

"It's ok. I can't begin to understand what you are going through and I wondered how you never broke down before. I could never be as strong as you have been with all of this. I'm just so proud of you."

"Thank you. Let's get home. I have a surprise waiting."

Next: Chapter 10

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