A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Jun 20, 2002



Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing on nifty so be gentle as you read. I've been a reader and always interested in writing so I am giving it a shot. Please send any comments, good or bad, long or short, to me. Any criticism would be good.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with? Besides that, happy reading. I'm also really sorry that you had to wait so long for this installment. I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't had time to write. I promise that if you wait a long time for a part you will get a lengthy one to help make up for it.

On with A love for James.

A Love For James Chapter 13

<James' POV>

I woke early in the morning to find an empty bed. I wondered where Jesse had gone. I got out of bed, showered, and dressed for the day. I went down the hall and into the kitchen where I saw Jesse watching Blue's Clues with Sarah. Sarah was sitting on the floor between Jesse's legs saying all the answers out loud. Jesse just laughed. I stood in the hall watching them together and realized how much I loved Jesse and how much I wanted to be a part of all of this. Since it was kinda early for that kind of step, I just decided to join them. I sat down behind Jesse and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey sleepyhead. We were wondering when you were gonna get up."

Sarah just turned her head and said good morning and went back to watching her show.

"It's kinda early to be up. I had the chance to sleep late and I did."

"I guess you are right. It is only 7:30 in the morning. I'm gonna go get us all some OJ. Be right back."

Jesse left the room and I could hear him fidgeting around in the kitchen and filling up the glasses with juice. Sarah came over and sat down next to me and leaned against me with her hand on my leg. She looked up and smiled at me and I just put my arm around her. Jesse came back with the juice and sat next to me. Just after Blue's Clues ended, the phone rang. I was getting up to start breakfast so I told him I would answer it for him.


"Jesse???" "No, this is James. Who's this?"

"Autumn. You must be Jesse's boyfriend. You were supposed to come with Jesse to meet Sarah but you had a meeting."

"Yes, that's right. So, how are you feeling Autumn?"

"I've been better. I had something really important to talk to Jesse about plus the plans to have our darling daughter brought back here."

"Ok, I'll go get him."

"Jesse sweetie, Autumn is on the phone. Says she has something important to talk to you about."

Jesse came to the phone and I went about cooking breakfast for the three of us.

<Jesse's POV>

"Hey Autumn, what's up?"

"I really have something important to talk to you about. I'm not even sure if over the phone is appropriate." She sounded like she was gonna break down and cry hysterically. I was really wondering what was going on.

"Ok. If you would feel better I can meet you later this afternoon. I am pretty sure James has some rehearsals but I'd have to bring Sarah."

"Well, actually, today is normally a work day for me so I have a sitter set up for her and rather than cancel I was hoping that when you could, you could swing by the house and we'll leave her with the sitter. Then you and I can go out and discuss what I have to say privately."

"Ok that works. Just hang on a sec."

"Sweetie, what time do you leave for rehearsal?"

"I've gotta be at rehearsal at 9:30 so I am gonna head out around 9."

"Ok, I can have Sarah and I at your house by 10. We have some quick stuff to tidy up here and she still needs a bath and what not."

"Alright. I'll see you guys around 10 then. Tell her mommy loves her. Bye"

"Ok. Bye."

"What was that all about?" James asked. "She has something really important to talk about but not over the phone. I am really not liking this cause every time she has something really important to say, it's NOT good. I hate bad news and I can't take much more."

"I know sweetie but just hear her out. Sarah going with you?"

"Only to the house. Autumn has a sitter for her. She says it's a private discussion and because you can't be there is the only reason you aren't going. She knows me well enough to know I'll tell you everything later."

"Ok. Well why don't you set up the table. Breakfast will be ready in just a minute." And with that he gave me a quick peck on the lips and sent me on my way. I called Sarah to wash her hands and have a seat because breakfast was ready. We had a relatively quiet breakfast broken by Sarah asking me what we were all gonna do today.

"Well honey, James has to go to his dance rehearsals. He'll be gone most of the day. And I am afraid that after we get you bathed and dressed your mom wants me to bring you back. She says she wants to talk to me so you get to spend some time with your baby sitter."

"Not with STACY!!!!! I HATE Stacy!!!!!!"

"It's not nice to say something like that Sarah. What's wrong with Stacy?"

"She doesn't DO anything. She just watches tv and has her boyfriend come over. I could really get hurt and she wouldn't even know it. She's cheap and that's why mommy keeps her."

"Wow! Maybe we could work something out for you to not have to stay with Stacy today. What would you like to do?"

"I wanna see Uncle James dance. He's soo good."

"Daddy James huh? Why do you call me that?? And I am not that good Sarah."

"Cause you love my daddy and he loves you and I think you will get married."

"That's so sweet." James said.

"Well, I can call your mom back and tell her you are gonna go with James but I have to make some other arrangements first. Ok?"

"Sure thing daddy. Breakfast was great. I'm gonna go run the bath water. You coming James?? I can't do it alone."


With that they left to go to the bathroom. I took the dishes to the sink and rinsed them off before putting them into the dishwasher. I then went to the phone and called Lonnie. If my daughter was staying with anyone, it was gonna be head security.

"Lonnie here."

"Hey Lonnie, it's Jesse."

"Hey man, what can I do for you?"

"My daughter wants to spend the whole day with James today but with intense rehearsals, I can't leave her in his care. He'll be pretty busy. I'll let her go but I want her with YOU. ALL day. She doesn't leave your sight unless she goes with James. Ok??"

"Sure man, no problem. Have Lance bring her to me and I'll take care of the rest."

"Great, thanks man."

With that I had to call Autumn and let her know that Sarah didn't wanna go home and stay with Stacy.


"Autumn, it's Jesse. Sarah doesn't wanna stay with Stacy all day. She wants to spend it with James and the guys so I got the head of security to watch her all day if that's alright."

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll just call and cancel on Stacy. The girl's a pest anyways. If Sarah wasn't so smart, I wouldn't keep her around. Cya later.

So, now to join my favorite little girl in the tub. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom where I could see Sarah in the tub naked and James practically soaked. I decided to hop in so I grabbed my trunks and put them on and joined Sarah in the tub. I needed to wash up anyways.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And with that she started to splash water in my face. James had left to go get dressed and I decided we were clean enough. So, we got out and I dried her off putting her bathrobe on and told her to go ahead to her room and get dressed. I went to my room and when I opened the door, James was standing naked with his back to me. God, I just wanted to fuck him right there. James jumped up when I closed the door surprised by my entry. "Yum Yum."

"What? See something you want?"

"Definitely. Just debating over whether or not I have time to let myself have it." I looked at the clock, only 8:30. Plenty of time. I locked the door before heading over towards James with a very seductive look on my face. By the time I reached him, I was rock hard and he was pretty hard himself. I wrapped my arm around the back of his head and pulled his lips to mine. It was an act of pure lust. My arms started to fly up and down feeling every inch of his naked skin earning moan after moan from him.

He yanked my trunks off my body and grabbed a hold of my ass pulling me towards him smashing our hard cocks against one another. We both moaned but were quieted by our kisses. I walked forward pushing him towards the bed. I pushed James down on the bed as he pulled me down on top of him. He ground his hips up as I pushed mine down and we slammed our cocks together. I heard a very faint whisper but I couldn't make out what he said. "What was that James?"

"FUCK ME!!" "Yes Sir." I didn't have any lube nearby so I moved my cock up to his face and he took it in his mouth. He didn't bother to try to blow me cause he wanted what was to come. I stuck a finger in my mouth and got it all soaked up before I pulled my dick from his mouth and slammed my finger up his ass. He screeched a moan out before I licked two fingers and shoved them up his ass. He was loving every minute of it. The third finger made him yelp from pain. "Shut up and take it bitch." I only felt him get aroused more by my filthy talk. I moved up to have him wet my dick once more and then I pulled his legs up to my shoulders and slammed my dick into his hole. He moaned and yelped for the first few thrusts before all he could do was moan. I put a pillow in his face and told him to quiet himself with it. I continued to slam my dick in and out of his hole, faster and faster. James grabbed his dick and starting fisting himself in time with my thrusts in his ass. I was getting so close and James knew it. "Let me have it bitch. Give that fucking cum to my sweet ass. You know you wanna. Cum in that ass." And with that I came long and hard in his ass. Feeling my seed fill his ass, James started to cum too.

We collapsed onto the bed to catch our breath but realized the time constraint we were under, so we hurried to get dressed and cleaned up. Once dressed, we fixed our hair and I did Sarah's hair and made sure she looked ok and then sent her on her way with James. I told him to be sure to take her straight to Lonnie. He agreed and he after giving me a kiss good-bye and me kissing Sarah good-bye, they were on their way.

I was just about to go when I got a call on my cell from Autumn. It was a text message that said stay put, then another that said she was on her way. I guess my house was a private place to talk. So before long, Autumn was at my door having the look on her face like she was gonna burst into tears. I immediately went to her and gave her a hug and asked her what was wrong.

"Everything. Nothing goes right anymore. I've been trying everything to get as much time with Sarah as possible but God must hate me."

"What's going on? What do you mean?"

"The doctor says the last six months have been wasted. The cancer is only getting worse and it's spreading 4 times as quickly."

"Wait. 4 times as quickly would cut life expectancy down by four, wouldn't it?"

"Yes. They said if it keeps increasing, then I may never see another Christmas."

"That's so horrible. God, I don't even know what to say."

"Well, since this has come on, we need to have a meeting set up with lawyers to set up my will and to have custody papers drawn up for Sarah for when I do pass."

"I agree but can't we wait a few days or so. Do we have to do it today?"

"The sooner the better. Besides, it's all pretty easy. My family and friends ditched me. I have one good friend left. I'm leaving her my house and most of the stuff in it. I have a chest of things for Sarah to have someday and the rest is for you to have for your life with your daughter."

"Ok. Let's get to it then. If this is what you wanna do."

"It is. I need to have this closure before it's too late."

Well, I FINALLY have internet back so I hope to be writing a little more now. I know it's been a REALLY long time but I hope with the update you all will consider reading it more. I made no mention of the disablility this time around. The temporary is still there it will come back in the next chapter but for the time being, we'll just go with he can walk...lol. Also, Alyssa was not mentioned here either if you could tell. I'm just putting her on vacation for the time being. Hope you guys are still gonna read this and as always....feedback is welcome. Change of email though, now it's JLB_16_99@hotmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon.

Next: Chapter 9

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