Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Jan 5, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 3

The weather had turned rather warm and the ventilation in the half barrack building my bunk was in did not have the best ventilation. These building only had windows up high and door with flaps, which could be lowered with screens on them. I had all the windows open and the flaps down, but still as the buildings were of steel construction, with no insulation, they got rather warm fast.

Because of this I was awake when my hot water was brought, I quickly did my morning ablutions, dressed, ate and began my day.

At 0930 was on the flight line and Capt. Bishop took my to the ROKAF supply to get me two flight suits.

They had some lightweight ones of nylon that I liked but Bishop said "Stay with the cotton, these new ones have a tendency, if one crashes and there is a fire not to burn, but to melt onto the body, and that would be hell on ones cock and balls?" With that admonition I picked up two cotton, tried them on and we then were off for my first lesson.

Bishop took me over to the plane I would be training in, went over all the aspects of it, then pulled out a check list and we made a pre-flight check. He decided to take a short hop, so I had to go back and don a flight suit. When I returned and was in the plane he got the ok to go, so started the plane, taxied to the runway and we took off. We flew out over the strait between Japan and Korea and over the islands and back, he had me take the controls for a while as he taught me how to keep the plane level and which instruments to watch. It was an exhilarating for me to say the least.

We landed all too soon, and I was back doing my assignments.

After dinner, I asked Chris to come with me, as I wanted to use the gymnastic equipment. As it was still quite warm we both changed into just athletic shorts and tee shirts; even so we were really sweating by the time we reached the door to the gymnastic area.

When we entered I re-locked the door and checked to see that the other door was locked, then since my tee shirt and shorts were damp, took them off and just wore my jockey shorts to exercise in. After doing floor exercises, and some work on the balance bar, decided to do some ring work and then quit for the day. Asked Chris to come over and help lift me as I jumped for the rings, which he did, adding a small fillip by jerking my jockeys down as he took his hands from my waist. "Bastard" I shouted, "what are you doing?"

He replied nothing, he just liked to see my cock and balls flop around as I did work on the rings, especially on the "iron cross" and some of the other positions. Not much I could do so worked out for about 15 minutes did a big swing and dismounted. Chris was right there behind me, grabbed and started blowing in my ear. Sometime he had removed his tee and while he held me he pushed his shorts and underwear down and I could feel his cock against my ass, and it was beginning to get hard. He reached down and fondled my balls and cock as he began kissing my ear and neck, and then used his other hand to work my tits.

I was soon moaning in pleasure and the next thing I new he had turned me around and pushed my down so my mouth was right at his rampant cock. What could I do, I opened my mouth stuck out my tongue and gently lapped the head of his cock and then began to lick his balls and shaft, he grabbed my head and pushed his cock into my mouth, and gradually with in and out motions got it to my throat, without realizing it, I deep throated him, and did not know it until my mouth could go no further. He fucked my mouth for a while, then slowly pulled out, knelt down and pushed me down as he began licking my nipples, then his tongue dove into my belly button, caressed my cock and balls and worked his way back to the winking hole in my ass, he ate and kissed this for a while and when I was moaning and groaning from pleasure he brought his steel hard cock to me and pushed in, there was some slight discomfort, which amazed me as we had used no lubrication, he began to slowly pump in and out until he had me pushing back against him and threshing about on the floor making pleasurable sounds. Then he turned brutal and really began fucking me hard slapping his pelvis against my ass, he rolled and pinched my tits until they were sore and then placing his mouth down he bit one and then the other, the next thing I knew he was pressing in me as far as could go and was cuming, his face contorted above me and my cock spewed out its own jizz spattering us both. He collapsed on me, and instead of pulling out, he began working his cock again, and soon I could feel it harden within me. This time he took his time and used all kinds of different strokes in and out of my ass until he once again had me groaning with pleasure, after what seemed forever he came again, and this time withdrew from me. Laying side by side the stroked and caressed each other's bodies as we came down from the sexual high we had been on.

There was a shower connected to the gym area, which we used to clean up, even though the water was more cold than warm, at least it got the remnants of our passion off our bodies. Dressing we made our way back to the compound. It still being hot, we were once again soaked with sweat by the time we got there.

Grabbing towels we went down to the showers, stripped and went in to wash, we were late enough that the showers were empty, so we turned on two side by side and proceeded to clean ourselves and each other.

We shaved, wrapped our towels around us and went back to our respective areas, planning on meeting in the club after we dressed.

The next few days were the same pattern, work, flight training, gymnastic work, and sex with Chris and learning to adjust to the hot humid weather. One suggestion many of us followed was not to wear tight underwear as it seemed to collect the sweat where it was snug on the body, since that is all we had we dispensed with wearing undershorts at all, just tee shirts, and let it all hang free when we were in our khakis and fatigues. I have to admit when I wore the gabardine trousers I wore shorts, and vowed to get some boxers as soon as possible.

The general returned just before the weekend, and we saw him on Friday night, he had some things to go over with us, had us read and correct some memo's and letters he was going to send out and then called his aide to bring us some tea.

Knowing what would probably happen, Chris had brought his bottle of baby oil over to where I was just before we left to go up to the generals. He lowered his pants, and giving me the oil, bent over and told me to put in his hole and give a good squeeze to get him well lubricated. After doing this he had me take a finger and push it up his chute to spread the oil around, then wiping my finger and his ass. He dressed and did the same to me. Said it would make things easier and he would show me how to do it alone before he left.

While waiting for the tea the general took off his tie began to unbutton his shirt and with a look at us indicated we should do the same. Soon all three of us were naked awaiting the tea. When the aide brought the tea in he also was naked. This aide had a good muscled body, was short about 5'5", but had a very respectable cock and two good sized balls, I noticed that he had a leather band around his cock and balls which seemed to lift them out and up.

The general told me to bend over and suck the aides cock, as I did so he had Chris rim my ass, and then suck him prior to entering me. Was glad Chris had thought of the oil as there was nothing gentle in the generals entrance into my body, there was still pain, but any sounds I might have made were stifled by having my mouth stuffed with cock.

There was a world of difference between the way Chris had fucked me and the way the general was doing it, with Chris it had gotten to be mutually pleasurable, but the way the general went at it was more like pain and humiliation. As he fucked the general reached around and grabbed my tits, pulling them out as far as he could, rubbing them between a thumb and finger, and pinching them, until it was hard for me to stop moaning. I guess my moans excited the aide as he really began to fuck my mouth without any consideration of where his cock was hitting or if I could breathe, so was gulping in air whenever I could as he even had my nose mashed down into his pubic hair.

Finally they both came, the general had Chris clean off his and the aides cock with his mouth, and then said we will go to the gym.

Naked we walked down, and he opened the door and said "I have a surprise for you." Standing in the room was a very nice looking middle-aged man, about 5'7", muscular 150 lbs, and wearing just a jock strap, which bulged, out well in front. "Greg" said the general "meet your coach/trainer, this Song e Bong, or Song-San." "He will be here each day at 1900 and will stay until 2100 waiting for you. He will stay as long as you need him when you do come." I turned to Song-San and holding me arms straight down, bowed to him and told him I pleased to met him and hoped I would be a worthy pupil. The general smiled with pleasure at me, and Song looked happy with my response and asked me to do some work on each piece of equipment after showing him some floor exercises.

I still felt a little unforgettable doing all this naked and vowed to wear a jock when I was working out in the future. I did about 5 minutes worth of floor exercises, moved to the balance bar, and did a few moves, including a back somersault, then on to the pommel horse, and did my cock and balls bounce as I did maneuvers here. Had only done a little with the parallel bars, Song-San came over to help lift me up and he managed to brush his hand across my cock as he moved away after the lift, he did the same thing on the high/low bars and really got a good feel when he helped me up to the rings. He seemed pleased with the movements I went through and he and the general jabbered away in Korean for a while. The general said I could now show my appreciation to Song-San, by sucking him off while he fucked me again, and that Chris could now take turns rimming the general and Song. Song had a much thicker cock than I had ever had before and really stretched my mouth. He was gentle in his motions and took his time getting it in, and I was pleased he did not try to push it down my throat. He got a steady pace and I was able to lick him with my tongue on many of his in and out movements. When he came I thought it would never end, I swallowed and swallowed and still it came, finally he pulled out, and then the general told Chris to take his place and really fuck my mouth, while he finished fucking my ass. I was using all my ass muscles to try and help him, but to no avail. Chris knew I was used to his cock so he proceeded to deep throat me and enjoyed it when my tongue slipped over his glans. He gave the appearance of a rough face fuck, but was really quite gentle. The general was pumping in and out, his pelvis hitting my ass and he went back to pulling on my tits again, to my great relief he finally came, brought his cock around and pulling Chris from me made me clean it of cum and ass juices.

Leaving Song-San we returned to the office, where we dressed and the general said he would be gone for the weekend, and would see us on Monday.

We trudged back to the compound, my ass aching, and the rubbing of my shirt on my tits causing great discomfort. Grabbing towels we headed for the showers, fortunately they were empty, and we were able to shower in peach using much very hot water and cleaning every part of our bodies. Chris had me bend over as he gently washed and tried to soothe my ass, and was careful around my nipples. Wrapping towels around us, after shaving, we returned to our bunks. Chris said "Don't get dressed until I come over", I sat on my bed and waited, when he came he had some ointment which he gently rubbed into and around my sore nipples and also around the ass, he left the tube with me, and left me to dress, saying he would see me in the club later.

The next morning found me painting on a building. Lt. Col. Sheffield did not believe in too much idle time. He had one group building stone pillars for the entrance into the compound. First they went out and gathered the rocks, when enough had been hauled in to start, he split the group into two parts. One group did the construction while the other got more rock, to keep it even they traded every other week. Others including the officers were put to work painting the buildings. I was working on the officer's billet and was on a slope, they had put a plant across two barrels which allowed us to reach up to the roof, because of the layout of the land the plant extended way over one barrel. It worked ok as long as the other painter stayed on the plank, and if getting off gave the one hanging in space time to get back over the barrel.

Unfortunately I had been paired with the asshole Barringer, who thought he was better than anyone and could not see why he had to do such manual work. We had been working for about an hour, when without any warning he said "to hell with this" and jumped off the board, well me being hanging in space the board tipped up and I went flying with the paint down onto the ground. Naturally it made a noise and some painting the building across from us looked over and saw what had happened. The asshole did not even come over to see if I was hurt but just stalked off. Several others came to my aid, and other than having the wind knocked out of me, I had been able to somersault off as the board flipped and so only got a few bruises. Sheffield heard about it came to see if I was all right and was livid over the incident. I don't know what he said to Barringer, but relations between the captain and myself remained rather strained as long as we both were there. It also, affected his relationship with the other officers and made him more of an ass than he already was.

That afternoon I got a chance to go to ChinJu, and took it. The ride in the jeep was bumpy and rough as the roads were just dirt with some rock, not graded and full of ruts and holes. As I said ChinJu was only 12 miles away but it took us almost 45 minutes to get there. About half way there we had to go through a pass where the road was between two mountains, the Korean army had flag boys stationed here and you had to watch for them, if they waved their flag you could go ahead if they held it still it meant go back. Also, each way alerted the nest man that a vehicle was coming. The reason for this was the guerilla activity in the area.

ChinJu had been a pretty good sized town, and the main town of the area, but the war had passed through it twice and there was much destruction, and people were living among the ruins of the buildings. There was some rebuilding going on, but not much. We did some shopping, I got a pair of rubber boots, which I had been told would come in handy when the monsoon season hit, and some straw mats go on the floor.

On the way out we drove by the remains of ChinJu castle and stopped at a shrine by the Nam River. Non-gae Shrine, which was built to commemorate a happening in the late 15th century. Non-gae was a kisaeng (female entertainer) who was forced to entertain a victorious Japanese general when Japan invaded Korea. Her patron had been a Korean military official who had lost his life in the battle for ChinJu. During the banquet Non-gae lured the general to the cliffs between the banquet pavilion and the Nam River. Throwing her arms around the general she forced him over the edge, dragging him down to the river. She is the most famous heroine in classical Korean history. Looking at the shrine, supposedly built where the assassination-suicide took place it was hard to imagine. Either the river was much higher and the general was too drunk to swim, or falling on the rocks below killed them. The shrine was shabby because of the war, but it was apparent that it had been kept in good repair since being built. Maybe the Koreans like the Japanese rebuild their shrines every so many years, keeping the same style, just replacing the worn and weathered wood.

Leaving ChinJu we drove the bumpy dusty road back to our base, arriving in time for diner.

I waited awhile before showering as wanted to let most of the others get theirs over with, mainly because I just wanted to stand under the hot water and let it soothe my aches.

While standing under the steaming water I heard a voice ask, "Want some company?" Looking through the steam I could see it was the airman I had seen my first morning there. He was just as handsome now as then, I said "Sure". He came in and introduced himself as staff sergeant Tony Michaels, I told him I was 2nd Lt. Greg Young and he said, "I know, welcome to the AirForceAdvisoryGroup". I found out he was the one who made sure the planes were in good working order and that the Koreans knew how to keep them that way.

He came in took a shower next to me and as I was soaping down, exclaimed: "Hey, you have got a big bruise on your back from you fall this morning, let me see if I can massage it for you." With that he moved over and gently for such a big man began to massage and area just above my left buttock, next thing I knew he was kneading my buttocks and stroking his hand down my ass crack, and one hand snaked under me to cup my balls. "Oh, Lt. I have been waiting for this he said as he turned me around and began to kiss me.

I was in shock, this was an airman, and it was beginning to look as if we would be having sexual relations.

Just then I heard "What is going on?' and turning saw Chris standing in the doorway, he turned and locked the outside door, and coming in the shower room said "See you have met Tony the tiger, be good to him and he will be good to you." Chris walked over gave Tony a kiss and fondled his cock with one hand and played with his ass with the other. Chris said that Tony would try and watch out for me after he left, and that he and Tony had been lovers for sometime and that Tony knew what went on with General Park, and was discreet and no one would ever find out from him what was going on. With that he told Tony to bend over and suck his cock while he told me to fuck Tony up the ass. Tony had a talented ass, and used his ass muscles in a way I had not encountered before; decided he would have to teach me his tricks. His anal canal was soft as velvet and warm as my cock slid in and out, soon he was bucking his hips back causing his ass to hit my pelvic region hard, Chris was pumping his cock fast in and out of Tony's mouth and we both exploded at the same time. Tony was hard as steel and had not yet cum, Chris asked him how he wanted to get off, and he looked at me, saying, "Can I fuck you doggy style?" Nodding my head I got down on my hands and knees and the next thing I knew there was this tongue licking my ass and coming to rest on the hole as he kissed and sucked it, getting me ready for his big cock. He placed the head at my opening and gently pushed it in, slowly entering until I could feel his pubic hair on my ass. He began a slow fuck in and out that was beginning to drive me crazy. I shouted "Fuck me for Christ's sake, really give it to me." He then speeded up and gave me a hard and satisfying fuck.

Finally we all stood up, finished our showers, and first Tony left then in a little while after shaving Chris and I walked back to our bunks.

After spending some time at the club, I decided it was time for sleep so left and went to my bunk, stripped and fell on top of the sheets, as it was too warm for covers. This made me wonder how I would sleep when I was moved in with the others, surely they did not all sleep nude on top of the sheets. Sometime during the night being rolled over and a cock entering my ass awakened me. I heard Chris say, "Just had to have somemore of you as will not be able to for too much longer." With sensuous strokes he worked his cock in and out of me, then pulling out said "Turn over, I want to see your face, and be able to kiss you." Turning over on my back he got between my legs and I threw them over his back drawing him close as he entered me again, and leaned down to kiss me as our tongues battled for supremacy in each others mouths.

One hand, held him up as the other teased and pulled at my nipples, I could feel myself getting hard and before I knew it exploded, part of the jizz hitting his face, with one last deep stroke he came within me, and softening pulled out and presented his cock to me to clean. We licked the cum off of each other and giving me another kiss he departed.

I lay there thinking, what had happened to me. In such a short time I had changed from a person who thought the only way to have sex was with a woman, now I found myself enjoying having sex with men, and in one case even looking forward to it. It was only when there was an element of rape and cruelty that I did not like it. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of the very satisfying episodes with Chris and Tony this evening/night.

Next: Chapter 4

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