Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Jan 11, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 5

I awoke the next morning, stiff and sore, my body was sore from the whippings, even though the had not broken the skin, nor caused any discernable damage, my nipples were puffy, red, sore and showed the marks from where the clips had been. My cock and balls were sore and the balls were swollen a little and my upper thighs showed some bruises from where the weights had banged against them when I was running. My ass and anal canal were very sore and I hated the thought of having to go to the latrine in the near future. It was a chore, but I got up shaved, dressed and went to breakfast. I guess someone must have informed Lt. Col. Sheffield of my condition, as while I was eating he came over and told me to meet him in his quarters when I finished. I walked down and knocked on his door, he invited me in and said: "I understand you may have had a rough time yesterday. Please take off your clothes so I can see your body." I demurred, saying it was nothing. Sheffield replied: "Lt. that was a request, this is an order, strip now.' Put that way, I removed my clothes and stood naked before him. He ran his hands over my body, feeling various places which still looked reddish under my tan, lightly fingering my nipples causing me to wince, and lifting my cock and balls and seeing the lines still left by the straps, and asking if the balls hurt. I told him they ached a little, but not bad, he gave them a slight squeeze and I howled with pain. Looking at me he said: "I will have a bed made up in the transient quarters for you to use until you are better. The medic will come to see you, and give whatever medication he thinks will help. If he thinks it necessary we will send you to the hospital in Pusan." I tried to talk him out of it, but he was adamant, telling me that he would inform General Park Ah Lee that I would be unavailable for that week, as I was scheduled to take a trip to the Buddhist Temple Haein-sa the coming weekend and he intended I be well enough to make the trip.

Having me pick up my clothes he opened the door between his quarters and the rest of the barracks, walked with me down to my bunk, had me put my clothes away, put on a yukata and slip ons and walked out the west door across the walk and into the transient quarters. In a few minutes, Jim-San came in and made up a bed, then went back over and got my ditty bag with what he thought I would need. The medic Sgt. Holland came in, had me take off the yukata, so he could assess my injuries, checked me over well, making me wince more than once. I knew he was trying to be gentle but needed to find things out. He told he thought I just needed rest and some medicine to alleviate the pain. This was what I had thought all along and said: "I think they are making mountains out of molehills." He replied: "No, just taking the right precautions and having you over here means you can sleep uninterrupted by the noise of the others and also they will not have to try and be quiet so as not to disturb you. This way everyone would win. He gave me some pain pills, and sleeping pill, said he would have someone bring me lunch and dinner and he would check in on me off and on. Taking the pills I lay on the bed pulled a sheet over me and was soon asleep.

I was plagued by dreams and woke myself up a couple of times, now I was glad I was not with the rest of officers, as would have been most embarrassed. Food was brought to me, and Holland came again in the evening, giving me some more pain pills and a sleeping pill, and next thing I knew it was morning. I struggled up, wondering where I was and then remembered. I felt pretty good, a little light headed from the pain pills, but had only aches here and there, but I smelled of dried sweat and who knows what. When Jim-San came in I had him go and see if he could find a jerrycan and fill it with quite warm water, bring it to me so I could wash myself. He found one and I was able to wash most of my body and dry off. Feeling good, I went over got some of my clothes, dressed and went to the mess hall for breakfast. Those there were polite, asking how I felt, but did not pry into what happened. Sheffield came in and told me to go see Holland after breakfast and then follow what he told me to do. Having our usual breakfast of powder eggs, scrambled, toast and coffee I went to find Holland. He had me strip, checked my body over, found some tender places, gave me some pain pills and another sleeping pill, telling me to go back and go to bed for the day, he would see food was brought to me. I vaguely remembered someone bringing lunch, but was awake for dinner. Holland came by said I could go take a shower and left two sleeping pills for me to take when I got back, and said: "Come see after breakfast in the morning."

Felt great to take a shower and just feel the hot water cascade over my body, pure luxury. I put my yukata on and went back to my bed. Just as I was going to take the pills Alex came in, and sitting down on the bed next to me took me in his arms, and gently kissed me. His hands were roving over my body, and he was murmuring what he would like us to do. This show of tenderness after what I had been through broke down what little reserves I had left and the tears began to flow down my cheeks, not from pain, but just because someone showed they really cared. After I took the pills he helped me into bed and lay next to me holding and comforting me in his arms, I do not know when he left as I fell into a deep and contented sleep.

Felt good the next day, hardly any pain, after breakfast saw Holland, he gave me some pills in case I needed them and said I could go back to work if I wanted, but to sleep in the transient until I went on the trip. Had a stack of paperwork to wade through, but felt good to be able to be productive again. At lunch, several asked how I was doing, and said they were glad to see me back. While they probably did not know the cause of it all, was nice to have them show some concern for me.

Was pleasantly tired that night and did not feel the need for a pill to help me sleep. I was awakened by hearing: "Laddie, Laddie are ye awake?" It was Alex, he came in dressed only in his kilt. Asking what time it was he told me about 0100.

Taking off his kilt, he bent down lifted me up and his hands began to touch my chest and stomach. I liked the soft touch and slight tickle, especially when his fingers got closer and closer to my nipples. Taking one nipple between his thumb and finger, Alex pinched and sent signal straight to my cock as I murmured in desire. He pinched again, let go and then pinched the other just like the first saying: "I think I have found some buttons." All during his time I had been moving my hands over Alex's back and cupping his buttocks. Alex now pulled me to him so our chests were touching and we wrapped our arms around each other. We slowly came together in a kiss, which was more of an exploration of each other's mouth. Alex began to move his mouth across my face toward my right ear and neck, planting frequent quick kisses along the way. I let myself go and let my emotions take over allowing him to do as he wished, go where he wanted and do whatever he felt like. It felt like my whole body was being controlled by my heartbeats, and my cock was throbbing and straining upward. Our bodies were close together, and our cocks fought with each other, rubbing their heads together as we pressed against each other. Alex's hands continued to move about, moving lower and lower down my back until racing the twin mounds of my ass. He manipulated my ass, pulling the cheeks apart, and running his hand up and down the crack, lightly pressing on my hole. I could feel Alex's cock against mine and breaking the connection, I slid down, licked his cock and took it into my mouth. I loved the feeling of its hardness and the round head sliding over my tongue, and moving up and down tried to get as much of it in my mouth as I could. I kept this up until Alex reached down pulled me and kissing me pushed me down on the bed.

Our mouths opened and tongues explored as we kissed each other over and over again. With his hands kneading and rolling my butt as he had done earlier, was making me want him inside me. He placed a pillow under me he raised me up spread my cheeks and swept his tongue through my ass crack. When it reached the hole, he teased and kissed it causing me to moan in wanting more. He worked his tongue slowly around the outside of my asshole causing me to breathe deeply, tense up, and then relax. As I relaxed he repeated the whole process, a light film of sweat was beginning to cover my body making it slippery.

Alex pulled away and reaching over to where he placed something when he came in, liberally coated his cock with some lubricant. Knowing what was coming I laid back and raised my legs back, knees now almost touching my chest. Alex caressed my thighs and calves while rubbing the palm of his hand against my smooth balls and cock. Moving his hand lower he felt the wetness from his previous action and rubbing a finger slowly around the opening he caused me to wag my head, and use my arms to pull harder on my legs to make the hole even more accessible to his ministrations. Cool drops of lube added to the intensity of my feelings, and though wanting to completely relax still tightened up as he proceeded to work my entry with one, two and then three fingers. I was now tossing my head from side to side and moaning, not with pain but pleasure.

"Are you ok?" he asked. At first I could only moan but finally said: "Oh my God, yes!"

Alex was ready to move. "Here we go laddie" and leaning forward lined his cock up, then slowly on his knees moved closer to my waiting hole. The head of his cock touched the entry and he slowly pushed in, not wanting to hurt me, there was some resistance as the continued pressure caused my ass to open and yield. Slowly steadily he pushed, adjusting his weight on his knees and hands. Holding himself up with an arm on each side of my legs and his head between my uplifted legs. I could feel him push in and I could not help myself but pushed back against him giving myself to this man.

He finally was fully inserted in me, and than stopped. I was squirming around under him trying to feel every inch of his length and width. As I did this he slowly began to pull out, stopped after an inch or two, reversed direction and slid deeply back in. I was moaning audibly by this time, causing him to say "Quiet Laddie, Quiet Laddie." I tried to muffle my groans as much as possible. Once more he pulled out about half way and then back inside. He wanted me to be comfortable, but I wanted him to really fuck me, so said "Fuck me, use my ass. You feel so damn good. Do it to me."

He picked up the pace a little faster and harder, my cock was leaking precum, and I was getting more and more turned on by his actions.

I dropped my arms and held them above my head, Alex took my ankles in his hands, pulled my legs further apart and pushing me back and higher he started taking longer fuller strokes, pulling almost all the way back and then back in deep. I was using my ass muscles to try and milk him as well as squeezing my ass tight which made him have to push a little harder.

Pulling all the way out he said: "Get on your knees for me." I reluctantly separated, but only long enough to change positions and he had realigned his cock and was pushing it in. I was loving what he was doing to me and my own cock was showing the effects. It was bouncing with each stroke, copiously dripping precum and needing attention. Holding myself up with one arm I began to stroke myself and spread the slick precum over the head of my cock as Alex kept up the rhythmical fucking of my ass. He was fucking me deep, strong, penetrating thrusts. Bending down he reached around with one arm and pulled us into an upright position with both of us on our knees. He reached around with both arms, pulling me close to him as his chest pressed against my back, the sweat making us both slippery. My cock now was standing straight up with a slight curve and it was easy for me to grasp and jerk in time with the cock going in and out of me. Every time I felt the cock within me hit my prostate I would feel a growing tingle. I was afraid I would come and so released my cock. By now my only purpose was to give Alex supreme pleasure, which in turn pleasured me.

Alex said: "I want, need to see your face. Turn over." Once again I felt completely empty as he pulled out of me. I turned on my back and Alex grabbing me arranged me to his satisfaction and plunged deeply back into me. The new position put even more pressure on my prostrate and was driving me crazy, Alex held my legs open giving him total access to me. Saying: "I'm getting real close Laddie, come with me." He contorted his body and took my cock in his mouth with a deep thrust in me I could feel the pressure on my prostrate and exploded in his mouth, at the same time it seemed his cock got even bigger and I could feel it contracting as he spewed his essence into me. Lowering himself on me we tried to catch our breath, His cock was still buried deep inside of me and I gave it little squeezes. Slowly we moved together and began kissing each other, I put my hand in back of his head and pulled him even tighter probing my tongue in his mouth for a taste of my seed. Raising up, Alex said; "Laddie, that was great, truly a wonderful thing. Thank you."

"No," I replied, "it is you I should thank. You have shown me what true passion between two men can really be like. You have opened a whole new world for me and I love you for that."

Looking down at me he raised up on his hands, moved back and pulled himself from me. I grabbed him and licked his cock clean of the sperm and ass juices and lovingly kissed it.

I watched as he got up to put on his kilt and leave. I could only think, how handsome I thought he was and how I wanted him. Thoughts ran through my head that maybe next time I could fuck him and what would it be like. He reached down, pulled me up and we held each other tight, we began to kiss, slowly, tenderly and lightly. Our feelings stirred as the kisses deepened, tongues tasting each other again and again, two bodies trying to become one. I could feel our slick chests sliding against each other and through his kilt could feel his cock raising and becoming as hard as mine. But the night was over, we reluctantly parted and Alex quietly made his way back to his own bed. I tried to remake my tumbled bed and finally fell into it, exhausted, exhilarated and sad. I knew now just how awesome and truly satisfying sex between men could be and how it should be done. I made up my mind to have sex with Alex, whenever and however I could. I knew that he probably would never feel for me the way I felt for him and the vagaries of service life would mean our chances of ever meeting again would be slim. But for now I would take all I could get. With those thoughts I fell into a satisfying sleep. The next morning I tried to sponge off as much as I could of the previous nights activities and was surprised at how well I felt.

At lunch Alex, whispered in my ear "Laddie, your have a wee bit of stubble, bring your shaving gear to the showers about 2100 and we will get it taken care of" and with that he left the mess hall.

Did not see him at dinner, and so at 2100 went to shower, he was right behind me, and I asked "What if someone sees?" He answered: "They all know you shave, and must know you need help, think nothing of it." We showered and I lay down on a bench while he lathered and shaved me from the neck down, several people came in to shower, and asked "Does he do a good job?" and went on about their way. After that whenever I needed help to shave did not think twice about being seen. These people are the most open-minded and uncritical that I have ever been around.

That night I lay on my bed naked and aroused in anticipation of Alex coming over, I napped off and on and once again around 0100 he showed up. I jumped up and wrapping my arms around him began to feverishly kiss him. "Och Laddie, slow down." He said as my hands roamed his body. Gently pushing me away he undid his kilt and lay it aside. I clasped him to me again our cocks hard and demanding against each other. I ran my hands over his butt and was thinking how warm and tight his ass would be on my cock.

I took one nipple between thumb and finger and twisted and pulled, he moaned as I did the same to the other, I bent my head and taking first one then the other nipple in my mouth tongued and kissed the erect nubs. Moving down I let my tongue was his navel and then moved down to engulf his cock in my mouth. With his cock imbedded in my mouth I pushed him back and down on the bed. I moved down and laved his balls and took them one at a time into my mouth, before licking the perineum and back to my goal, that winking hole between his ass cheeks. Finding my goal I kissed and tongued the area until I could feel it open up and was able to get the tip of my tongue in. By this time he was clutching at me and saying: "Laddie fuck me, fuck me now." I was about to get some lube, when he said "Gi me ye cock, I'll moisten it for you. Tis all ye wi need." I lowered my cock as he lifted his head and in one swallow took me all the way in his mouth and throat to my pubes and slowly worked his way to the tip leaving it moist with his spit.

I placed my cock at his opening and pushed. He resisted somewhat and then opened and it slid all the way in.

I looked down at Alex, seeing his smooth skin with a sprinkling of golden red hair outlining his nipples and fanning out across his chest and down to a trimmed bush above his cock. He did not shave but did trim. We were both sliding into total and complete lust and my thoughts were focusing on giving him what he asked for, becoming aware of his pushing his ass back at me, and feeling the pleasure of the moment. It was one of those almost never times when we both seemed to be in sync each working for the others pleasure. I could feel his ass muscles working on my cock and his tightening of the hole which made me push harder and increased the friction. It was a delicious feeling as I could feel Alex's anal canal creep around the hardness of my cock; it felt as if I was in a velvet pulsating tunnel. At this time it was hard to tell who was gaining the most enjoyment from the fuck. Both of us were moaning in ecstasy and to muffle the cries I bent down, kissed him and shoved my tongue into his mouth. Our heads moved from side to side on the pillow as we began to reach a climax. I could feel the tingling in my balls and feel them start to pull up, as much as I wanted to prolong this exquisite feeling I couldn't. My balls erupted into a torrent coating his love channel. Knowing I had come, Alex pushed me off of him, pulled me up and spreading my ass cheeks, had me sit on his upright cock, and do up and down movements, with only a few he thrust his pelvis up hard against me and I felt his cock contract and expand as he shot. He pulled me down and gently kissed me, then said: "I knew it wou be gran." Alex did not think it wise to be gone as long as he was the night before se putting his kilt on, and lightly kissing me he left. I knew I had found a man who instinctively knew how to play a mans body to bring the ultimate in pleasure.

These thoughts were brought rudely to earth when I realized that my interlude of peace and contentment could not last, come Monday if not before I would again be with Park Ah Lee.

After lunch the next day the jeeps came to get us for the trip to Haein-sa temple. There were seven jeeps for the seven of us who were going. Captains Maxwell, Harrellson, Holm, Brock and MacGregor, 1st Lt. Holcomb and myself. For some odd reason Korean officers were driving and there were two Koreans armed in the back seat. We were issued 45's to take with us, and I also got my Russian revolver and some ammo for it, as was a better shot with that than with a 45. Surprise, my driver was Park Ah Lee, I knew this might not be a completely enjoyable weekend, though I was looking to get to know somemore of the Korean culture. Our caravan set off, a truckload of armed airman well in front of us and another truckload behind us. We were told this was for our protection as some of the areas were going though still had some guerrilla activity. The road was typical, dirt, rutted and rocky and we bounced around creating dust. The country was fairly flat when we started out and rice paddies with their accompanying smells were on both sides of the road. Another thing, almost everywhere when I was on a road there were people walking in both directions, thought they must spend most of their time walking on roads After bouncing and choking on dust for what seemed forever I asked how far and was told not far only 20 kilometers. I got this answer each time I asked and finally after hours of driving we entered into a wooded area which was called Kaya-san. It was beautiful with craggy peaks, languid streams and a lot of oak and maple trees. After the first time I had been told 20 kilometers I had looked at the speedometer and guessed we had come about 60 miles. Since it took us about 45 minutes to go 12 miles this had been long day as leaving at noon, we arrived to the temple guesthouse about 1900, sore parched and tired. We were told that the thing to see was the morning sunrise and then we would tour the temple grounds. We asked where the bath was and we all immediately went there stripped and washed and soaked away what we could of the trip, dressed and went to eat.

The smoke of the cooking fires along with the incense burning everywhere was a most pleasant smell, not a bit of odor of their favorite fertilizer. We were shown to quite nice Korean style rooms and while the weather was hot and muggy it cooled off at night so was glad of the heated floor. Park and I were shown a room in a building a little detached from the others.. I did not like this, but did not know how to complain as the people were assigned two to a room and I was the odd man out.

We sat around in the main room after eating a rather good meal and drank some of the liquor, which had been brought in one of the jeeps. Saying: "Dawn comes early so everyone needs to rest." Park got up, looked at me and we went to our room.

After two nights of more than enjoyable love making I was dreading what might come, but maybe due to the proximity of the others and being at a temple, Park after having me strip, only got his crop and beat me across my nipples as I had not been using the suction cups on them, then having me stand at attention with my pelvis out and my cock and balls available he brought the crop down on them several times as hard as he could. I gasped but did manage from crying out as the pain hit me. Then pushing me down, lifting my legs he roughly pushed his cock into me and fucked my fast and brutal, nothing to prepare me but more like a rape of me. I tried to close my mind and think of MacGregor, and that did help some. When he was spent he sprawled on me and lying on me went to sleep. He was about my size, but his dead weight was most uncomfortable and finally without awakening him I was able to roll him off so I could curl up and sleep. A pain in my ass awakened me, as he once again shoved his cock into me and gave me a morning fuck.

Then off to the baths, and to dress, it was still dark and he sent inn servants to wake the rest so we could watch the sunrise. I guess it was ok, I have seen far more spectacular sunrises in my life, and the main thing I noticed were the number of armed guards who were stationed along the sides of the mountains among the trees. This place did not give me a feeling of peace and confidence. After sunrise viewing and eating we began the tour of the temple. One of the first things you encounter is not a gilt Buddha, but a self-portrait of a monk carved in wood and painted true to life. It sits in a glass case and is surrounded by displays of embroidery and remnants of the temples past. More typical statues are found in the compounds numerous shrines, including an 18th century trinity in the main hall. Outstanding among the paintings and murals of this hall is one depicting scenes from Buddha's life.

The importance of the temple is that it is the repository of the Tripitaka Koreana, a collection of more than 80,000 woodblocks engraved with the Buddhist scriptures. It was completed in 1251, after nearly 20 years of work, and was a replacement of a first set destroyed by the Mongols. The library is an interesting building. It was designed with an adjustable ventilation system to prevent the deterioration of the blocks and has worked well from the beginning. We spent the day leisurely exploring the temple compound, but were warned not to go into the surrounding forest. I took a lot of photos with a new camera, and later wished I had practiced more before the temple trip, while the black and white pictures were good, many of the color slides were not of the quality I would have wished for.

The monks were more than kind to us and we were fed well and had good accommodations. That night Park was a bit more gentle and while he played with me, had me suck on his cock and balls, lick and rim his asshole and crack, he only placed the suction cups on my nipples and said they would stay there until we went to sleep. He had me lick and kiss him over his whole body and if he thought he might come would stop me. Finally getting me on my hands and knees he began to fuck me, then calling out one of the guards entered, Park told him to strip and for me to suck him. He seemed to enjoy seeing me being used at both ends. Park reached under me found my hardening cock and painfully pulled it down away from my body as far as he could, then grasping my balls pulled them to the bottom of the sack and down as far as he could, finally slapping them as hard as could, I could not help but scream, but it was muffled by the cock in my mouth. Finally both came, and their deflated organs dropped from my body. Ripping the suction cups from my nips, Park said: 'We go bathe" so to the bath we went washed soaked and back to the room where he reattached the suction cups. He had me dress in just trousers, shirt, shoes and sox, so that the shirt could hang loosely over the cups. Then we went off to visit with the others and to discuss the day and what we had seen. One of the monks came in and gave us a pretty good history of the temple. Wished there were some way to record it all, will try and remember as much as possible so I can write it down. They have a very interesting and history, am trying to figure out just where the streak of cruelty comes from I see in them. They have a great cultural background with many outstanding and beautiful things in it. They are most gentle in raising children, but once adults there seems to be an attitude change. Wonder if I ever will figure them out.

We sat around taking and drinking and making plans for our return. It had been arranged that the monks would prepare some kind of lunch to take with us, and since there was a fresh spring at the temple, we would take the chance of filling our canteens and dropping in a purification tablet, so we would have water to drink on the way back.

Finally calling it a day we all went off to bed. Park was surprisingly gentle that night and while he did fuck me twice was not all brutal about it. I have the feeling I shall never understand him, nor find a way to outwit him. We had a most enjoyable (or as enjoyable as a trip on a rutted rocky road could be) trip, as would be taking our time and could enjoy the scenery of the mountains and the forest and we drove through. The trees gave a nice green canopy and there were several streams, which ran close to the road. We passed some men carrying logs on the "A-frame" on their backs; this allows them to carry incredible loads. Also, some women and one had some of the Korean white radishes, which are quite large and used in chimchi. There seemed to be few people walking along the roads in the forest, but once we gained the main road they were there. One thing about Korean roads, at least where we were, there were trees planted alongside the road, which did give some shade to the people walking. Never did find out if that was the purpose, or because of the limited amount of land for farming that they used this method to get lumber, as there were large and small trees along the way. Finally got back, and was glad to get a shower and get the dust and grime off, and get my clothes to be laundered. They needed it. Everything seems to be happening at once. The trip to the temple and now this week it is the 4th of July. What can a group of 50-70 men do to celebrate? There had been a collection made and a couple of our men had flown over to Japan and brought back hamburger, and the things to go with it and wonder of wonders ice cream. Will have a big barbecue type supper, but since it is a non-workday will go to the beach for most of the day. Is about a 30 minute drive to the beach we use, took along a truckload of Korean airmen to watch our vehicles while were swimming. Have to park then walk down a cliff to a nice beach and a good place to swim in the ocean. Most of us who had been swimming before just removed and placed our clothes in a spot, which was dry and swam and played naked. A few of the newcomers had suits, but soon discarded them when they saw that no one else was wearing them. Since we had all probably seen each other naked in the showers there was nothing new to be seen, and it seemed to be the natural way to be. There is a wonderful freedom in swimming and coming out to air dry and not have a wet suit clinging to you. The only time we had to watch it was when we played volleyball that if you dove or fell you made sure that you did not dig your cock in the sand. If you did that once you quickly learned how to avoid it.

There were some sunburns, but a good time was had by all, and the barbecue that night was a big success, everyone enjoyed it.

The next morning the first sergeant brought me a set of letter orders. On or about 9 July I was to go to Pusan for approximately 30 days TDY for the purpose of acting as Detachment Commander and Supervisory Authority to the 40th ROKAF command supply depot. This gave me time to get things organized here before I left, get my clothes laundered and tie up any loose ends. Park was not happy about the assignment when I told him that night and he showed it in his actions and his fucking of me. He told me he would be coming to Pusan and would see me there a few times. There is no way to really get away from him.

Had some photo's I wanted to develop so signed up to use the photo lab. Alex decided he needed to do some so he signed up for the time right after me. He had an ulterior motive I did not know of at the time. He said he would come down with me, we went into the dark room and locked the door, putting the in use sign on the outside. We worked together getting our film into the developer and getting started, as the film was developing Alex began to unbutton my shirt and take it off, he pulled my tee up and over my head, and I followed his lead mirroring his movements, we then undid belts, buttons and zippers and pushed pants and underwear down. Each bending down removed shoes, sox and pulled the pants and underwear off, tossing clothes in a corner we came together putting our arms around each other and deeply kissing. I did not know developing film could be so much fun.

We continued to develop the film and then while it was drying we got on the floor and 69nd, it felt great to have his cock in my mouth and for my cock to be enveloped in the moist cavern of his mouth and throat, he did things with his tongue on me that I tried to duplicate, but do not think I succeeded. His hands went up to knead and separate my ass cheeks and I felt his finger running circles around my anal opening, I was squirming when he removed his mouth from my cock and shoved it over my hole, kissing and tonguing me and causing it to begin to open. I knew what must come, and he pulled his cock from my mouth, bending me he entered in one swift push and I felt his pubes against my ass, I gasped at the first sharp pain and then moaned in pleasure. He took his time pulling out and plunging back in, using one hand to hold himself he worked on my nipples, and from time to time leaned down to kiss me. He finally got me in the position where he could get my cock in his mouth again, and he renewed his strokes as he sucked on me. With an explosion we both came within seconds of each other, I flooded his mouth, and from the actions of his cock knew he had flooded my love canal.

The negatives were now dry so we printed up the photos, put them in the developer and finally hung them to dry. As they were drying we again began the exploration of each other and this time I was able to fuck him. He did not come and so I began to suck him off, when he said: "No, laddie, I wi fuck you again." And did he ever. We had finally found a place where we could be alone just as I was leaving, but I knew both it and the MacGregor would be there when I got back.

If you are interested in more, let me know. Thanks

Next: Chapter 7

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