Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Jan 21, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 8

I woke up Monday morning with my body protesting every move. I had a good hot shower and that helped relieve some of the soreness, but it was not until Wednesday I began to feel like myself, so I went to the gym to see what Park had ordered installed, found some rings, a mat big enough for floor exercises and some horizontal bars. Worked out for a while and my muscles began to tighten up and feel pretty pumped and good. Did better on Thursday and hoped that whatever the weekend held for me it would not leave me as depleted as the last one. Friday, I was picked up and the same scenario followed, to room, change into fatigues and shoes, leave, be blindfolded and eventually ending up at the same place.

I was taken into the room and had my fatigues and shoes removed. My friendly MP's of the week before came in and one of them took hold of my left foot and lifted it up. A cord of some sort was tied around my big toe. I watched cord being wrapped around my toes, over and under, then wrapped around my foot and around my ankle. As it wound its way up my calf, I felt my cock begin to drip again. I flexed my toes to feel the sensation, but a twist on my nipple told me that was the wrong thing to do.

As the cord reached my thigh, I was pulled to my feet with my legs spread. The cord went around my waist twice, then wrapped around my scrotum, separating the balls. Around the shaft it went, looping just under the head and back down, pulling my erection down painfully, until it was pointing at the floor. Then around my waist again and between my legs from behind, a butt plug was inserted in my ass, they then wrapped the cord around the stem of the plug causing the cord to rub scratchily against my anus. The cord was wound around my scrotum again and around my right thigh, until both legs were wrapped in identical fashion, with a finishing knot around my right big toe. The cord was tight enough that it did not slip as I was forced to my knees. My hands were placed in front of me and I was pushed down until I was on all fours, and a collar was attached.

A hand reached under me and rubbed my nipples erect. I drew in a sharp breath, for I sensed what was coming. The sharpness of nipple clamps caused me to gasp, and I could feel weights dangling from them, then a slight tugging sensation as a cord was run from each clamp and tied around the head of my cock. I heard a snap as a leash was attached to my collar. As I crawled forward, the movement of my legs pulled my penis slightly backward, causing the nipple clamps to be pulled toward my legs as well. I barely noticed this, however, since the movement was causing the weights to swing freely and pull my nipples in all directions, causing constant irritation and sharp waves of pain. The four men Park had left me in charge of had entered the room while I was being trussed up, and as I crawled forward could see legs at my sides. As I was led forward and outside, I could feel the sand of the pathway on my hands and knees, it felt like sandpaper to my flesh. I felt hands on me, some stroking my back gently, others smacking my buttocks and cropping the soles of my feet. I focused on following the leash as it took me around corners and slowly picked up speed. I did not know what would happen if I failed to keep up, but I did not want to find out. I felt various sensations my body became a series of pain sources radiating out, mingling and returning to their origins, each one alone yet joining together to give a constant infusion of pain. We entered another building and a tug on my collar told me to stop. A sudden pain that surged through my nipples as the clamps were removed. I was raised to my feet and led to a frame. My legs were spread and tied to two posts. The upper part of my arms were tied to two posts that were lower than the others. The effect was to push my buttocks into the air and lower my head.

A hand pulled the rope passing between my cheeks to one side, jerking my cock over painfully. The same hand pulled the plug out slowly; savoring my discomfort as it stretched my anus anew on its way out. I felt a dollop of lotion being rubbed in my anus, and, to my surprise, in my hands.

I felt a cock nudge each hand and instinctively took hold of them. I began to stroke each cock, slowly and gently. As I did so, I felt another slide into me slowly up to the hilt.

He did not least, not until the fourth placed his penis against my lips and I had taken him in my mouth. As I began wrapping my tongue around him, the one behind me began his thrusting in and out. The one in front of me took my head and moved me up and down on him in time with the one fucking my ass. I tried to jerk the cocks in my hands in time with them but found myself unable to do so.

The one in front was the first to climax, thrusting in my mouth with each spasm. The one behind me pushed in deeply, but did not move as I swallowed and cleaned the deflating cock of the one in my mouth. When he was flaccid, he withdrew from my mouth; at the same time, the other also withdrew There was movement as the men changed positions around me. I was penetrated, this time by the one who had been in my right hand. As he drove into me and held his position, I felt two other cocks pushed into my hands. From the warmth of the cock in my left hand, I knew he had been in my ass. The cock in my right hand felt new. Once all four were in position, the thrusting began and, once again, I was servicing four officers at once.

A few moments later, the one behind me slammed into me full force; the others froze as I felt him throbbing his release. As he pulled out and the others rotated, he slid the rope back over my crack. My cock was able to relax for a moment, but not for long. As the new one began to penetrate me, more slowly this time, I realized with shock that he was driving the rope inside me. My cock was being pulled back toward him; though I had thought my rectum would be numb by now, it registered the roughness of the rope assaulting it. I squeezed both hands tightly; doubtless pleasing theone's whom they were pleasuring. When the one in my left hand squirted onto my hand, I barely noticed. I continued rubbing him, using his own semen as lubricant. As the rotation began again, I was moving into a stupor...until the sting of clips on my nipples brought me back to full awareness cried out as fire shot through my nipples. These were much stronger clamps than I had experienced so far and were weighted. Every thrust into me caused

agony to my chest. I was squeezing my hands uncontrollably with the pain. The officers seemed to take no notice of this. When one of them again found relief at my hands, the clips were removed. The pattern developed slowly: when one came in my ass, he would pull out the rope and move it out of the way. If the rope was already out, he would reposition it over my crack. Similarly, when my hands provided release for an officer , the nipple clips would be removed or put on. Thus the officers guaranteed me continual pain even as I provided them continual pleasure. I could tell these four had worked together many times as they functioned as a smooth running machine.

I soon learned I could avoid the pain of the nipple clips by waiting until they were removed and then focusing on massaging only the shafts of the Masters' cocks. My goal was clear: to avoid the hellish pain of the clips, I had to ensure my mouth and my ass did their jobs well. I began to concentrate on the officers inside me. I spent more time tasting and caressing the head, running my tongue around and underneath the head and sliding up and down the shaft more languorously, making love to the cock rather than simply milking it. At the same time, I began to take a more active role on the other end. When one thrust into me I would squeeze my buttocks to hold him a bit longer. As he pulled out, I would rotate my hips as best as I could in my bound state to increase his sensations. I was no longer a toy for them, I was using every trick I could think of to make them come. I now had a focus, no longer was this just for them to use me, but for me to show them that in some measure I was in control and could either enhance or diminish their pleasure.

Park had unknowingly given me back my self-respect as far as he and the they were concerned, they could use me, they could physically abuse me, but still without me and what I could give, they could not get their pleasure. For the first time I felt a feeling of exhilaration. I once again had some control over what was happening. I could participate and give pleasure, or be supine, only a vessel for them to dump their seed in. I would find a way to mentally ignore some of the pain by concentrating on what I would or would not do. Now all I had to do was find out if I was strong enough to carry through with my plan. When they finished with me, two of the MP's came in removed the ropes binding me, taking off my collar and then leading me to the bath, where they proceeded to wash first me then themselves, and we entered into the hot pool to soak. While soaking they informed the brother of the young man I had seen last weekend had been captured and brought here, and maybe tomorrow I would get to see part of what was happening to them. Also, the two captains were still here, but were just about at the end of their training and re-education time. I would see how docile and accommodating they had become.

After, we left the pool, they took me to the same room I had been left trussed up in last weekend, but did not truss me. They closed the door and said they wished me to suck them, then wanted me to fuck them and then they would fuck me. They were trying to be nice and in order to stay on their good side I agreed. I was surprised at how gentle they were doing the whole process, this was not like being used as a male whore or sex toy, but as a human being who one could pleasure and gain pleasure in return. I was thrown into turmoil; my belief in the overall sadistic makeup of these people was being challenged. When I thought I had figured them out they threw me a curve ball, now I would have to reassess my learning's and see if I could in some way find out how their culture influenced them and why such a difference between the brutal officers, and these men who had it in their power to be the biggest brutes of all, but were actually considerate of me.

We had a very satisfactory mutual suck and fuck session, which left me pleasantly tired. Surprising myself and the two MP's as they dressed and turned to leave I stood and deeply kissed each one saying: "Thank you, anytime we can arrange it to be together, let's do so." Then blushing at my words I turned and got into bed, they looked long at me, smiled, winked and left.

I had a deep and dreamless sleep and when morning came actually felt refreshed. Two other MP's came to get me for breakfast, they fastened a ball stretcher and separator on me, attaching a leash to the separator, and putting the suction cups on my nipples. Thus dressed they took the leash and led me to a dining hall where I could get breakfast. After eating, they took the leash led me around the hall and had me at times bend over and spread my ass checks for the men in the hall to see my quivering hole. Many hands reached out and groped me, fondled my cock and balls and even ran up and down between my ass cheeks, pressing a finger in my hole. I know I was red with embarrassment, these were all enlisted men and I felt like an animal on review . Finishing displaying me they took me to a sunny area, where they had me lie on my back, taking my arms and legs they attached them with leather thongs to stakes in the ground, in a spread-eagle position. They took a thong and replaced the leash on the ball separator with it, pulling it down taut and attaching it to a stake n the ground. They had several short thongs, which they proceeded to tie around my cock at intervals; making sure one was tight just under the head. They looked down at me and informed they would be back later. As the sun grew warmer I began to mentally curse the bastards; the leather thongs they had tied me with were untreated, had been soaked and as the sun hit them began to dry them out. As they dried they shrank, pulling on my arms and legs, pulling my ball sack down and the ones on my cock shrinking and cutting into my flesh. I writhed as much as I could in agony and finally unable to hold it began to babble and scream. This brought them out to where I was, but they just stood looking at me, they had knives in their hands, but made no attempt to cut my bounds. Just when I thought I would lose my nuts, one of the cut the thong and I could feel my balls recede as far as they could until the stretcher stopped them. That released the worst pain, but now it seemed as if the fires of hell were concentrated in my cock. Looking down I could see where the blood had gotten in, could not get out and it had swelled grotesquely between the thongs, the head was almost a deep purple in color and looked ready to explode. Telling me it might hurt, they knelt and, I guess as gently as possible cut the thongs binding my cock, starting and the head and working down, when the last thong fell free, I felt a tremendous surge of pain and then it began to pass as my cock resumed its normal size. Telling me my arms and legs could still take more they turned their backs on me and left.

When I felt that my joints would be dislocated if any more pressure were put on them I felt them go slack and the thongs holding me were cut. I looked up thankfully at my two friendly MP's from the night before.

They helped me to my feet, being careful not to put pressure on my arms and one threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the bathhouse where, after removing the suction cups and ball stretcher and separator, they washed me and put me in the pool to soak. It was heaven, and after a while I could feel my muscles returning to somewhat a normal feel, and the pain in my joints was down to just a dull throb. They had me get out and then rubbed some salve into my shoulder and thigh joints, which helped, soothe away the pain. Then they replaced the suction cups on my nipples, and ball stretcher and separator.

I was taken back to the original building and bound to the St. Andrews cross; a weight was attached to the ball separator, bringing a sharp pain and the memory of them being stretched by the thongs. I mentally thanked them for leaving my nipples alone. They told me they had arranged for some of the education of the two captains to take place there in a few minutes so I could see how they treated those who disobeyed orders.

In a short time the two captains, were brought in. They must have been in some kind of physical training program during the week as they were just as muscular and well defined as a week ago, even though I could see signs of where welts from the whips had healed leaving marks on their skin. Also, I noticed that what little hair they had under their arms and at the pubes had all been removed, leaving only the hair on the head.

One of the guards told them to kneel at a certain spot on the floor they both immediately fell to their knees.

"Open" said the guard and their mouths opened. There were about a dozen military police with them and they began stepping in front of the two kneeling men. Opening their trousers they brought their cocks out and began pissing into the open mouths in front of them. The two on the floor were swallowing as fast as they could, and trying to make certain no piss fell on the floor. After all the men had given the two their drink, they were told to stand under some chains coming down from the ceiling and attaching wrist restraints and buckling them together, put a hook from the chain under the buckled restraints and lifted them up like slabs of meat.

Nipple clamps with weights and chains were attached to the two, ball stretchers and separators were put on them and then the chains from the nipple clamps were brought down and attached to a ring at the base of the ball separator, pulling the chains taut. Now a very heavy weight was attached to the ball separator, which pulled the balls and attached nipples down even more. A bar about 3 feet long to separate the legs was attached to ankle cuffs and one each placed on them. Then each of the men took turns either whipping their cock and balls with a tawse or stepping behind them and driving a fist up their ass. The men swung from the chain and screamed as their bodies were assaulted both front and back. Finally they were let down the weights removed, the chains from the nipples to the separator undone, and the bars from the legs taken away. They were led over to padded benches where the military police were taking off their clothes. Two walked over to the captives and made them suck their cocks to get them hard, then lying down on the benches, they had the captains sit on their cocks facing their feet, when the cocks were fully imbedded, men on the side pushed the captains down and lifted their legs up spreading them and a second man began pushing his cock in beside the first, you could hear the moans as the anal cavity was being stretched to accommodate two large cocks. When the first set of fuckers had each come, they were replaced by another set until all of them had double fucked the two. They once again hung them from chains added the nipple clamps, ball stretcher and separator, then adding heavy weights to the nipples and balls left. The two swung and moaned as the weights pulled their tits and balls down. Within a short time the guards returned with two young men, I could see the one was the young man I had seen last week and since the other looked like him surmised it was his brother. They were strung up and soundly whipped with many different types of whips, their screams echoed each other in the building. When their bodies were red and in some cases bleeding they were doused with the cold salt water. The younger was then taken down and over to the other and placed on his knees in front of his brother. They grabbed his brother's cock and forced it into his mouth, speaking to him, he began to suck on the cock and while his brother kept up a steady stream of words, until he was gagged. We could tell when he came as his body convulsed and you could see the sucker throat as he swallowed the hot cum. After licking the cock clean, his brother was turned on the ropes and his legs were spread far apart and fastened to eyebolts in the floor. Now the younger was forced to lick and kiss his brothers ass crack and hole. One of the guards was playing with the younger ones cock until it was hard, they then pulled him and taking his cock put at his brothers ass hole and shoved him in. The older brother's scream was faintly heard through his gag, but the younger fucked him until he shot up his brother. The older brother's legs were undone, and the younger one was strung up by his arms not to far from his brother. The guards went over the cabinet, coming back with nipple clamps and weights for each of them as well as ball stretcher and separators, and I could read 15lb on the weights for the balls. They then went over and brought copper wire back and wound around the base of the nipples of each of the brothers, as well as wrapping it around each of their balls. I saw then get two of the metal egg shapes and insert them in the ass of each brother. Then they got two copper rods and getting the men's cocks erect inserted the rods into the urethra until only about an inch of the rod was above the cock head. They attached one of the wires from the egg to the wires on the balls, then ran a wire from one tit to the other, and from the tits to the balls. Wires running from the transformer and generator were clipped to the wires on the balls and to the rod in the cock. Getting some chains, they attached to the nipple clamps of the brothers making them face each other so the chain from the right nipple of one was attached to the left nipple of the other, and vice versa. Then a chain was placed at the base of the ball separators attaching the two of them together. The ropes holding their arms were raised and separated until the chains binding them were pulled quite taut. Then with just the balls of their feet on the floor their legs were pulled apart and secured to the floor.

The guards began talking to them and one went over to the transformer, now I knew what was going to happen to them. I watched as they first gave them the gentle power which keeps one's cock hard and brings you close to orgasm, then I saw them raise the voltage and watched the two as their bodies spasm and the chains holding them together are stretched past maximum, really pulling their tits out from their chests and putting great pressure on their bound balls. Then turning the power down to its pleasure setting and I suppose setting the transformer to stop and give shocks as it had to me, they turned to leave. One of the guards moved close to me and said: "They should enjoy their next four hours" then all left and I wondered what would happen next. "

Soon two of the guards came in and released me from the cross, removing the clamps and weights from my nipples and the stretcher and separator and weights from my balls I was led outside and to another building, where I was put on a table face up and tied spread eagled.

The four officers came in and slowly removed their clothes, one went over to a side table and picked up four candles, lighting one he passed it on He repeated this until each of the four were holding a lit candle.

One of the held his candle about 2 feet above my pecs and tilted it, letting the melted wax fall in a steady drip on my left nipple and pec. My reaction was instantaneous shock, as I screamed and my body involuntary jerked upwards. He turned the candle upright and the wax stopped dripping, they all watched as a lay there writhing from the pain of the hot wax covering my left nipple and pec.

The one on the other side now tipped his candle and the hot wax dripped onto my right nipple and pec. I was screaming before I realized it and my voice seemed to be higher and thinner. The pain of the hot wax on my sore nipples and pecs was intense, my body jerked and bucked trying to break free. He continued to tilt the candle, letting the hot wax drip in a steady stream, putting lines on my heaving chest covering my nipple, pec and now back and forth.

I could not believe the pain, and then suddenly hot wax stopped. I lay panting and gasping on the table, heaving and shuddering from the pain.

My eyes were flicking back and forth looking at the four men with the lit candles, their faces grinning down at me.

Suddenly one moved quickly near my spread out thighs and legs, tipped his candle and the hot wax fell in steady stream onto my left thigh, then the right, and up and down my upper legs. Very slowly and painfully he would vary the height of the candle. The closer the candle the hotter the wax and the pain. All of a sudden I really began to scream as two more joined in and tipping their candles poured the streams of hot wax onto my stretched out arms, biceps and armpits.

Suddenly they held their candles up and stood them put them on a table. My entire body was heaving as I gasped for air, my arms, chest, and legs were covered in melted wax, now hardening and breaking a little as my body heaved and bucked.

They moved over to a corner and quietly talked among themselves, I could not imagine what they were planning, but knew it would not be good for me. One of them moved to the table picked a candle and moved over next to me and brining the candle about six inches from my cock, tilted it dripping the hot wax on my semi-erect cock. He aimed first for the head and then the shaft. I was yelling and yanking hard at my restraints, my cock and balls flopping around in a frantic attempt to get away from the pain. The officer merely moved his candle back and forth, letting the wax hit my cock, balls, pubic region and thighs, and moving up he covered my stomach to my belly button. Then motioning to the other three, they came over and used their hands to break up the wax everywhere else on my body. I was still screaming from the steady dripping of wax on my cock. My body was wildly spasming within my restraints.

These guys were sadists who knew the most refined ways to torture a person. The ones who had been breaking up the wax on my body to expose the skin now picked up candles and again began to drip hot wax on my arms, biceps, armpits, thighs, legs, chest, while one at my cock slapped it and my balls to break up the hardening wax, so he could drip more hot wax on the exposed skin. Finally the hot wax torture stopped. My body was covered with the wax, though I did not know it, no damage had been done. My body was shaking and tears were sliding down my cheeks. I was exhausted from the torture and moaning loudly. Once again moving to a corner of the room the four began to talk quietly among themselves and then one walked over to a cabinet, opened it and came over to me. He moved between my stretched out legs and fitted a small leather harness around my balls, tightly bunching them together.

He then took a belt and attached it to my tight balls with a chain, and just before leaving bend down and gave my tightly bound balls a lick. He grabbed my cock and jerked me until it was erect. The wax cracking and falling from me. At the end of the table one of them slowly pulled the chain connected to my balls. Then suddenly yanked hard at the chain, pulling hard on my bound balls. I went taut and arched my back as much as I could to try and alleviate the pain. While the torture of my balls was going on the others unfastened the restraints holding my arms and legs on the table. The one with the chain on my balls yanked it every so often to remind me I was still in their power.

They stood me up and with two holding me, I tottered on wobbly legs as I was led by the chain attached to my balls. They led me to stand between two uprights and spread-eagled me between them. Securing my arms and legs they tied me so tightly I could hardly move.

They looked at me with bits and pieces of the wax still clinging to parts of my chest, arms, stomach legs and crotch.

One of the them said we need to make you look clean boy, and they picked up bamboo whips, and like before the whipping would not cause any permanent damage or break the skin, just turning my skin red.

One of them quickly moved and placing both hands on my nipples pinched them hard and twisted them back and forth like a dial, the pain was sharp and stinging on my poor sore nipples. Suddenly the chain was quickly yanked and my cinched up balls were pulled hard away from my body. I screamed and tried to arch my body to relieve the pain, for minutes they proceeded to pinch and twist my nipples, while yanking on my balls. At last it stopped, leaving my body shaking. Once again they retreated to a corner of the room for some consultation, and going to a cabinet picked up some packages, then quietly began talking again. I lost track of two of them, but soon found out where they were as I felt a pinch on my back shoulder and then another one. The pain was sharp and throbbing. Then more and more and I realized they were pinning me with clothespins. The four quickly snapped clothespins everywhere on my back, sides, legs and two big ones were quickly snapped on my nipples. My body was trying to buck with the pain, but could not because of the way I was tied. More pins were placed, four around the edge of my belly button, up the center of my stomach to my pecs and then to outline my pecs, the pain was getting intense, and I tried to break loose. This only made matters worse and the pins moved up and down, back and forth, pinching my skin. The two oversized one on my tits bit down hard squeezing the nipples in an unrelieved pinch.

One of them now spoke and said: "We are going to play a game and you need to play. The four of us are going to whip you and whoever whips off the most pins wins. You lose if you scream, each time you scream we will whip you ten more times and I will put pins on your cock and balls."

I tried to prepare myself for the ordeal, but did not know if I would make it or not. I gasped as one them without warning snapped the cat of nine tails at my back, several of the pins were knocked off painfully pinching at the skin. There was no let up I was whipped ten times, I could not help it but screamed against the pain. There was not let up as the whip again fell for ten more times.

Then next one using a belt hit me ten times on my stomach, chest, legs and now red butt, knocking off twenty or thirty pins. All the pins lining my ass crack were knocked off. This time I was able to muffle my screams, by clenching my teeth and moaning, but my body was jerking and shaking each time the belt hit. Tears were flowing in a steady stream down my face. The next one picked up the cat of nine tails, whipping me ten times on the back, and lower legs, knocking off about twenty pins. I could only moan and shudder as the waves of pain surged through my body.

I could not believe the pain, but each time the whip lashed me or I felt the sting of the belt or whip and then the sharp pinching of the pins being knocked off my back chest, stomach or legs, then the pain seemed to double or triple as the lashes hit against the skin which moments before had been pinched by a clothespin.

The last one picked up the cat of nine tails for part of his whipping, and began to whip me hard on the chest. The two big clothespins were still pinching down hard on my nipples. The whip lashed against them, and then again, knocking them up and down, and finally with a hard snap of the whip one pin was knocked off, and then the other, causing sharp pains as if my tits had been ripped off with them and then even more pain as the blood began to once again enter to the pinched off nipples.

It was all I could do to keep from crying out. To finish off he picked up a belt for the final lashings on my back.

While the whipping was taking place one of the others always held onto the chain attached to my cinched up balls, and without warning and while being whipped would yank hard on it causing an sharp unexpected jolt of pain. After a few words with each other two of them knelt down by my crotch, and one began to lightly tongue the shaft of my cock while the other got between my legs and lashed my shaved balls with his tongue. My body began to respond to this treatment as the one on my cock tongued, licked, kissed and finally swallowed my shaft in his mouth. His tongue was flicking at the sensitive head, his hands jerking the shaft, and the other one was continually licking and swallowing my balls.

Suddenly I felt one of them licking at my armpit, and then I saw one move toward me, and placed his hand on my right nipple. He played with it, lightly touching it, and causing it to harden, then he felt a mouth on my left nipple, sucking it gently.

In spite of the pain I had been in my body was responding to the pleasure of having one lap at my armpits, one sucking and playing with my nipples, one jerking and sucking my very hard cock and still another Sucking and licking my balls.

The one working my tits suddenly rose up and began to kiss me shoving his tongue deep in my mouth, I responded and our tongues lashed each other. Then he dropped back to my nipples, and with the sucking on my cock, balls, armpits and nipples I was unable to hold out and finally my body got rigid as I screamed and shot my cum. The one at my cock greedily sucked it in, then standing up kissed me sharing my own cum with me as we passed it back and forth in our mouths.

I thought that perhaps now the end was near, but soon found out I was wrong. They untied my ankles and attached them to chains from ceiling and lifted my legs, then a sling was put under my back so that my ass and cock and balls were exposed, my arms were still tied to the posts, but were released and brought above my head and tied to a ceiling anchor.

I was tied up and stretched out as if floating, legs open wide exposing my asshole and arms above my head. The four now had complete access to my body. They pulled on the chains attached to my legs until they were almost over my head, exposing my ass hole to them.

One of them approached me and started to kiss and then slowly lick my left ass cheek. Both cheeks were bright red from the whippings, and the officer was kissing and licking the entire cheek. I began to moan in pleasure as the mouth moved to my ass crack, licking up and down and finally zeroing in on the hole itself, which was kissed, tongue and sucked until it be began to quiver in anticipation. I felt a finger enter and then a second as the hole was stretched open. I watched as one of them put lubricant on his hard cock and moved to position himself at my rear entry. I felt the cockhead begin to push into my puckered hole and then with a sharp snap of his hips he embedded his entire hard cock all the way into me.

He thrust his cock in and out in brutal movements and then changing tempo slowly thrust his steel hard cock in and out with deliberate slow and painful fucking. I tried to turn the tables on him and began to use my ass muscles and butt cheeks to clench and put pressure on his rampant cock. He would thrust his cock hard in savage motions and then be gentle before starting another series of brutal hard thrusts. He would pull out slowly and then with a quick snap embed himself deep inside me, he finally came and then each of the other three took their turn at fucking my ass . When they had finished they dressed and left, and I was left with my arms in the air on a swing and my legs above my head. I heard the door open and thankfully saw my two friendly MP's entering.

They came over and released me from my bondage, and helping me walk took me to the baths where they gently removed the few remaining wax particles, washed me and led to the hot pool to soak. After a while I felt human again, and they helped out and dried me, took me to the room I had slept in the night before, and then one left and soon returned with a tray full of food. I was famished and ate it all. They told me good night took the tray and left locking the door.

I fell into bed and an exhausted sleep.

I was awakened the next morning by the friendly MP's, that brought a soothing lotion and rubbed it all over my body. They said it would help me heal from wax and whippings. They told me that the candles were special made so the wax would be very hot, but would leave no damage nor marks and neither would the whippings I had received. They helped me dress, took me to breakfast and then to see a doctor who had me strip while he examined me. He gave me some pills for pain and some salve and lotion to put on my body, they knew I could not go see the doctors at the base, then the car came to return me to my quarters. At last another weekend was over, with luck it could be the last or next to last, I felt I had a lot to repay certain people for, would I ever be able to do It.?

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