Babyface Jocks Own Me

By Unabbook

Published on Jul 15, 2012


So, I'm under total control, standing there tied to this hot sexxy blonde boy's face, suspended under the shower in the boner closet. I'm forced to look at his dripping pouty super erotic lips, with a red ball gag locked between them, so that his super erotic saliva drips all over my face and nose. The smell takes total control of my boner -- it makes me want to explode, but of course my boner is helplessly controlled in my space age cock case.

Fuck! My boner so much owns me!! That thing is like a fucken sex machine attached to my front, controlling my every action, that I can't ever get out of. But definitely NOT my property.

Now Billy comes back in. Fuck!!! I'm always so shocked that such a hot sexy boyish dude can be so tall! And he's like, "Hey dudes! Don't worry, I'm here to own you!"

Okay, so first he gets behind me, laughing, and shoves his finger right up my butthole! -- making me stand on tiptoes!! And I scream out, "AW FUCK! and thrust my cock in the air. And he smiles so huge and says, "Dude I'm gona get you later."

Shit, Billy looks like a kid but he is so fucken tall he makes me feel like a little boy. When you're that tall and hot, you can basically make any boy your toy. Just when I'm like marveling how a cute boy can be so tall, Billy jams around behind Eric, and shoves his finger up ERIC's butt making HIM dangle on tiptoes, and Billy's like, "dude, you want some Viagra?"

Billy's like laughing with a huge babyfaced smile. Eric tries to beg, but all that comes out is babyish nonsense through his ball gag, which makes him drool all over my face. Billy just crushes two viagratabs, and slips 'em under Eric's rubberball gag with his finger. Eric's mouth is so helplessly drooling and wet that he can't do much but swallow it, with Billy's fingers in there and Eric's out of control drooling from the ball gag and everything. Plus Billy's jamming Eric with Viagra from WAY above in the air -- Billy's arms are so long and muscular and smooth.

Eric already came once, and how he's starting to masturbate himself against me again. I know he's gona spurt himself again -- now he REALLY can't control his boner, since Billy implanted Eric with Viagra -- fuck, I would not be able to control myself either!!! Billy transformed him into an automatic masturbation machine. Eric is helplessly thrusting his super wet ball gag in my face. I'm so jealous that he gets to spurt while I'm just edged. I'm still helplessly bouncing on my toes, but my encased cock still just thrusts in the air between his legs as I stare into the shiny wet ball gag.

So basically we're totally fucked. The team comes back in, this time in their red football team outfits and pads. They're all showered and fresh and superstrong, and it makes me feel even more totally exposed and humiliated. They're like swatting at my kryptonite-enclosed on- display obscene boner, and laughing, and all calling me BITCH. Larry starts scratching between my legs, shoving his fingers up my butthole, smiling at me with a particularly vicious and super-huge bracesfucker smile right in my face. He's all "I know you love my smile, BITCH, since you obviously can't stop your boner."

I'm desperate -- I blurt out, "FUCK dude!!! Aw FUCK!!! Please touch it!!!." But he's all, "I FUCKEN WARNED YOU DUDE!!" and he locks me in a ball gag too so I'm reduced to babytalk again. I'm like drippen GALLONS of saliva all over myself, like gallons of it. Plus the whole babyface football team are spitting all over us, and licking it all over our heads, so we are totally DRENCHED in the dirty teen sex smells of the hottest fuckers in the school.

Now they roll in this kind of parade float. I had seen it at like homecoming parades, and I figured that two jocks just got in it for fun. But I guess NOT!!!

Lemme try to explain what it is. It's like a huge two-headed football with the HEADLANDS HIGH name written on the side -- that's our school. By huge, it's like 15 feet long and 8 feet high, and on wheels. Like it has room inside it for two dudes, such that when closed up, the occupants are its HEADS protruding out of the top and their hands go out the sides. But the funny thing about it right now is, it's like hinged in the middle, and it has two like -- neck holes in the top? I guess it's a huge two-headed football cause our school name is HEADLANDS. Everyone calls it the HEADBALL. Makes sense, right?

Usually, like I said, it's rolled out at home games and it always seemed like two babyfaced jocks were in it, with their heads coming out of the top, and some hands coming out of the sides -- like it's a two-handed two-headed monster football. The occupants were always smiling like they loved being in it. And, where the hands were fixed popping out of both sides, it looked like these smiling super happy jocks were waving at the crowd. Boy was I WRONG!!!

So Larry is all, "dudes you luck out! You get to be imprisoned in our BONER BALL for Homecoming today!"

So like they open the front of it, and inside there's like one little black wooden box, and apparently attached to it is a huge fixed dildo pointing up. AND, it's so fucken diabolical, obviously there's wristcuffs to hold the victim's wrists in place, and ankle cuffs to hold his feet spread apart.

Wait a second. Are there like two sets of wrist cuffs and two spreader bars???

I'm like trying to figure all this out. But in the meantime, all the jocks pull off our belt that's attaching me an Eric together. Then like the whole laughin football team takes Eric, lifts him REAL high in the air, and holds him way up there for awhile with his rock hard boner, tickling him so he is screaming and babytalk laughing through his gag and thrusting his Viagra-controlled boner in the air while his ballgagged blonde mouth drips. They're bouncing him around up there, and screaming "boner boy, boner boy!" while Eric's viagra'd cock drools and drips in the air. I just watch and wonder what these fucken jocks are gona do to me next.

Once they get bored with levitating babytalking Eric, they dump him right down so he is forcefuck impaled on the fixed dildo, and attach his feet into the built in spreader bar. He's like sitting on it and his hands are still attached to his collar. He's literally fucked. No way for him to get off the dildo or escape!!!

Shit, I want to ask what's happening, but all I can do is drip around the rubber ball that's controlling my head. What are they gona do now?

So Larry gets right up in my face and he's like, "forcefucking time BITCH BOY!" and slaps me. I'm wondering if he's gona jam me right here!!! But instead, all the jocks just take me and jam me right down, BAM! on Eric's lap, impaling me on his dick!!!

Eric already came twice, but no way can he get soft cause of the Viagra. So he's like jamming into me repeatedly.

They take my hands and put them through some locking cuffs near the outside of the football -- with my hands outside -- this makes the football look like it has two hands. Then they close up the football around our necks. Basically our heads are coming out the top through the holes the exact size of our necks, like 2 feet apart. We really look like we are in fact a babyfaced, babytalking two-headed football with waving hands. We look like just two ecstatically happy jocks waving, just like the babyfaced jocks always look for reals!! But, I can't move my hands at all, since they are extending through the cuffs that hold them outside the football. Larry is still buzzin my dick, but not enough to spurt!!!

Eric's extremely actively fucking me now -- like really fast. Now Larry and Billy sit on top of the football so their dicks are right in our faces and our necks are surrounded by their crotches. Actually, it looks to other people like our heads are just sitting there, like toy heads. Larrys basically sitting against my face, with his dick lubricated by the saliva that I can't stop drooling due to the ball gag. He's holding onto my hair now, and grinding and slippin his wet huge boner all over my wet rubber-gagged face, screamin "yeah BITCH BOYEEE!! Yeah yeah, jackfuck me FUCKEN BITCH BOY!!!" and the whole team is like "boner boy! boner boy!"

So Larry starts talkin. "Ok fuckers here's your situation. You're forcefucking, but nobody can tell. We're gona take out your ball gags, but the rule is you are NOT allowed to talk, you are ONLY allowed to smile boyish smiles. You are NOT allowed to stop smiling as big as possible, you MUST show teeth, and you MUST keep your lips wet and ALWAYS FUCKEN DRIP. Keep smiling AS BIG AS YOU CAN fuckers or you can expect to be babytalking for a fucken long-ass period."

Larry then makes a little "shh" sound, crossing his bracesfucker smile with his really sexy smooth hand -- shit, so veiny, the dude is like a walkin orgasm. (His "shh" sound almost looks like a kiss, but that would be a humiliating kiss!) Then Billy and Larry take the gags off us. Of course, we start smiling and dripping. We must look like we love this!

So now the whole fucken team rolls our boner football right out into the hall and over to the gym where the whole school is like in the bleachers cheering. AW FUCK!!! But, right before we get there, Larry takes out a kind of turkey baster thing (?) and squirts this clear, thick liquid right all over our mouths and teeth, making our lips all shiny and makin us drip even more and look even happier and probably sexier for all I know. And he smooths it around so we are all shiny- faced.

So they roll us into the gym and basically the whole school is cheering. We look like we are smiling and waving!!! Little does the audience know that I'm locked in here, impaled on Eric's Viagra cock, looked in a kryptonite cock edging case, and Eric and I just had a perverted force jerk and that Bobby and Larry and Billy fucken OWN me.

So the whole school is like cheering, and Eric and I are lookin basically like smiling little shiny-faced boys on steroids. The whole school is screaming "HEADBALL! HEADBALL!" and the whole football team is like smiling around us and carrying this huge football around with Erics dick up me.

And then, I hear Eric squeal a little. And THEN, I start to feel that familiar warmth. Aw fuck. I realize that the liquid they squirted onto our smiles was the orgasm drug! And both Eric and I start having a permanent orgasm. I've been boner locked all day in my kryptonite cock prison, so this one is BIG. And Eric is like really-fast- thrusting into me like some kind of fuckmonster. We're breathing heavily and baby smiling, just like the jocks would!!!

Larry gets up close, right in my face. His sexy hot obscene babyface makes my whole body squirm and I can't help it. I babytalk "AWW PLEASE TOUCH MY BONER!!" through my plastered huge drippin smile, but it just makes his bracesfucker smile get bigger. He's like "Aw bitch, you are so fucked!" Of course, the crowd isn't gona hear a thing cause they are so busy cheering these babyface jocks. I look back at Eric and he is drooling through his smiles.

The crowd cheers while I get publicly fucked and I smile and drip, my neverending orgasm getting ever faster. I'm helplessly laughin, dripping, and panting. The whole team stands around the headball, and everyone pulls a double biceps pose.

Next: Chapter 16

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