Babyface Jocks Own Me

By Unabbook

Published on May 7, 2012


My cock is jerkin all over, in a permanent orgasm due to the drug they administered. I look normal but I'm just their sex toy -- I'm totally helpless, since my thumbs are cuffed, inside my pockets, tight to my balls.

Larry shoves up in front of me, grabs my butt, and hugs me into the air so his drippin bracesfucker smile is right in my face. They're laughing, and I'm basically helplessly squealing -- "Aaagh! Aaggh! Aaggagahh!" He carries me outside, my cock against his huge pouty sparkly braces smile, and throws me back in the car.

Now Paul and Bobby are sitting in the front, and Larry sits in the middle of the back seat, with me face down across the seat -- or, that is, across his lap!!! -- with my orgasmic boner on his lap, and my butt facing up on his lap. The tinted-window car takes off. I can't get my hands out of my front pockets since my thumbs are cuffed to my huge balls.

Larry cradles my head to force me to look at his pouty bracesfucker smile. I stare at his sexy boyish face, and he says, "you're gona like THIS, bitch!"

He gets out this tube of cream, squirts some on his hand, and rubs it right into my buttcrack!

They're all laughing even more! What is it?

Aw fuck! My ass starts to itch. Larry rips off my shirt, then steers me so I am sitting in his lap. He starts squeezing both my nipples from behind. My ass starts to itch even more.

I can't scratch it. Aw fuck HELP!!! I need to SCRATCH IT !!!! I know I'm not allowed to ask. I have to ask. Aw fuck!

I start bouncing and grinding, but he grabs my hips from both sides -- jeez, huge hands!!! -- and he just lifts me so my sitting butt is firmly levitated an inch in the air over his lap. I blurt out -- "AW FUCK !!! TOUCH MY BUTT! TOUCH MY BUTT!! AW FUCK! JESUS! PLEASE SCRATCH MY BUTT!"

This makes them laugh even more. Bobby climbs back over the seat and sits on my lap, facing me. He smiles real huge as usual and spits all over my head.

But still nobody will scratch me. I'm just helplessly stickin my butt out!

So we get to the mall, and Larry gets right in my face and says, "Dude, act normal or we're gona cause you some major shit!"

They chuck me out of the car, and they force me to walk. I walk, but my buttcrack is like itchy outta control. They surround me like we're just a mob of laughing kids, walkin around. I try to stay behind one of them so nobody sees my pulsing boner. (This is not too hard, since they are all huge babyfaced jocks in their tight tank tops, as if anyone would even notice me.) My butt sticks out real big, I can't help it, it NEEDS to be scratched !!

Bobby makes a show of bearhugging me and carrying me down part of the mall, just like we are any normal jock boys. He grabs my shirt and shoves me up against the wall, like we are all just playing around. And I whispering, "aw fuck dude, please scratch my butt, please scratch my butt!" but it just makes them laugh more.

They take me into this Hollister store, which is like staffed by a crapload of super hot jock dudes that look just like them and know them, and they are trying on tight t-shirts and stuff. One of the staff is this totally boyish built jock who's like 6 foot 11. Shit! He towers over me and laughs, like he knows why my butt is stuck out. Bobby asks him, "Hey Billy can we use the other dressing room?"

Billy obviously knows what is happening, cause he looks at me and bursts out laughing with a boyish grin. He grabs me by the hips -- so I'm like two feet in the air. How could a babyfaced boy be so tall and huge? He puts me in a dressing room, closing the door and towering over me. I can't open the door since my hands are thumbcuffed to my balls. Larry comes in and close the door!

He smiles huge and wet, puts his bicep around my neck, and pulls my face up so I'm like surrounded by his bracesfucker smile. "You like this right?" he says, his braces sparkling and is huge pouty smile dripping.


He laughs, and says "okay dude!" He shoves his thumb up my butt and I scream. HELP!! He is itchin all inside my butthole, and laughin in my face. I don't want his finger up my butt, but if I'm desperate to have him scratch my butt. Aw fuck!!!!

He stops. "Please PLEASE aw fuck aw fuck SCRATCH MY BUTTT!!! Agghh!H! H!H!H!!!" I scream, but there's really loud muci playing. He scratches me a little more, then pulls the fuck OUT! Billy laughs.

I guess it is time for Billy's break, because Bllly, Larry, Bobby and Paul go all over the mall, showing off their huge bodies in tank tops and messing around with each other -- throwing punches, giving bearhugs, play fighting, just being big ass jocks. I whisper to them, "aw fuck, PLEASE put something up my butt! Put the plug up my butt!!!!" But they just laugh at me and slap my face a couple times.

I try to stay in the middle of them so nobody sees my monstrous boner in my sweats. This is mildly successful since they are so huge. But then 6'11" Billy crouches down, puts his head between my legs, grabs my ankles, and stands up, effortlessly swooping me up in the world's tallest forced piggyback ride!

Everyone can see me, but they can't see my boner bulge since it's behind Billys head. I NEED something up my butt, but now I can't even ask since I'm so high up and everyone would hear me. Being controlled and put on display like that, almost made me spurt in my pants, but I knew if I came it would spurt over my head, so I just concentrated real hard not to cum -- even though they reaked of adolescent sexiness.

Finally they get bored with the mall. Billy piggyback-carries me right out of the mall, bouncing me all over the place on my itchy butthole. Aw fuck! I wana come so bad!

Billy gives me a quick wedgie, tossing me into the back seat, and he leaves. Paul and Bobby get in the front, and Larry gets in the back with me. He gets me in his lap -- I can't get away because my hands are still cuffed to my balls inside my pockets -- and he bounces me up and down on his lap. He obviously has a huge boner now because it's hard as bricks. "Oh my god put something up my ass!~!! PLEASEE!!!" I beg. He laughs and bounces me up and down on his hard-as-bricks cock. This bearly does anything to itch me, it is just a tease and my ass is on fire.

"MORE more please scratch my butt!!!" I beg.

He covers my mouth with the hand that was up my butt, and stops. Oh no!!!

I squeal and try to talk. Larry slaps me HARD and says, "I think this bitch wants to to get forcefucked. Do you wanna get forcefucked BITCH?" I squeal really loud, but actually I would do anything to get some hard object up my itchy butt.

Just at that point, Larry wedgies me with his other hand. "If you wana get forcefucked, youre gonna have to beg better than that BITCH, otherwise your ass can just twitch." I can't talk because bracesfucker Larry's fingers are in my mouth, making me talk like a baby as usual.

Next: Chapter 9

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