Babyface Jocks Own Me

By Unabbook

Published on Sep 4, 2012


So here I am locked in the headball, being secretly forcefucked by this blonde kid while the whole school watches and cheers. And Cause I've been drugged, I'm having a permanent orgasm, that keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Larry warned me that I have to smile, keeping my lips so wet that they drip. I stop for a minute. Larry looks at my face and gives me a real mean look. Then he smiles real hot at my face, presses a button on the remote -- and -- FUCK!!! I get an electric shock from my cockring!!!!

I'm like shakin my huge shocked boner all over the place and I scream "AW FUCK!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!" and immediately I start HUGE smiling and dripping all over my big wet smile, and he stops it. Fuck oh FUCK! I'm gonna look happy from now on, shit!

All the jocks pop a muscle, and then Larry and Billy give both me n Eric chokeholds, playfully putting their biceps around our heads while they flex their other arms too. It's not tight, but Larry's bicep is so hot that it makes me thrust my permanent boner even more!!!

I'm breathing heavily throung my beaming dripping smile. So to huge cheers from the audience, Larry and Billy roll the headball out of the gym to huge cheers, leaving the rest of the team there to play. They roll us back to the locker room. Larry puts his arms around my head, and gets close enough to kiss me, then spits on my dripping smile. He says: "keep smilin, dude!"

They open up the headball, but we're still locked into it. I don't dare to stop smiling -- this means I can't sloe my mouth and I'm drooling all over myself. Larry and Billy go off to the other corner and whisper for awhile, pointing at us and laughing as I smile and drip. Then they come back, and unlock us, but keeping us in those evil leather wrist-neck collars. Larry bearhugs Eric from the front, laughs and runs out of the room rubbin eric's erection up Larry's pouty lips. That just leaves me and Billy alone together.

I look up at Billy. He's like 7 feet tall. He's smilin his blonde smile way up there, and he's all "aww little boy, u are so little!" I'm still auto-sperming, and can't stop or touch it. So this huge guy smiles down at me while I just keep fast-thrusting my huge boner in the air.

Billy is so blonde and smooth, and he has huge pouty red lips with a real plump pouty wet lower lip and an upper lip that comes to two little points, with a little upturned nose. And he has these really light blue-gray eyes. But he's so tall, and his pecs are so huge, and his skin just kind of shines with this blonde almost gold glow. Also, he's like really ripped and has totally smooth veiny shoulders n hands, whch of course he is using to clamp my waist in place so I can't get away. OMG, his smooth veiny hands are so big. That's what you'd notice if his lips and superwhite teeth weren't so fucken huge and hot sexy!

So Billy pushes down on my shoulders so I'm sitting on the wooden locker room bench. Then he suddenly grabs the back of my head and slams my face into his HUGE SMOOTH THIGHS. Something I just realized -- the dude has a skinny waist but his thighs, I think those are called Quads right? -- are like MASSIVE. Each one is bigger than my whole waist, and Billy's just wearing his tight satin gym shorts, so his quads are like bursting out. Shit!!!

So Billy''s holding my face in place, looking up at him, and I'm still totally helpless in my hand-wrist attacher. He's smiling down at me real big pouty and boyish, and now he makes his baby smile really wet. And he's all, "dude u are so little, are u even mature yet?" He laughs at me.

He keeps laughin, and he makes his plump lips real wet,... And ... He starts dripping a longg drrripppPPPPP of spit right down onto my face. There's like nothing I can do, and now he's jammin my face into his massive quads, and sliding me around on his boner and smooth, now lubed up quads while he drips a river of teenage adolescent spit all over my slippy face.

He looks like such a babyfaced little boy, but he's twice my height. Now he's like, "ur so little, you're not mature yet, I think you need to be controlled. Since ur such a little sized boy, I think you havn't learned to talk yet."

Huh? So now Billy gets out this rubber clear thing -- like some kind of rubbery retainer? I don't know? and he squirts some kind of -- glue? in it -- and he attaches it inside my mouth. So now I can smile, but I can't talk. My teeth look real shiny though. And, now with the bulge from the big rubbery clear retainer, I can't close my mouth. It looks like a smile, but I can't get outta the smile. I start to drip.

So now Billy bearhugs me off the ground. I'm like a foot off the ground -- fuck it's like I'm levitated, shit! -- But of course my head is STILL not as high as Billy's.

Then, he just throws me over one shoulder and starts walkin around with me. I can't move my hands or talk. Jesus my cock is big!!! It's still fast-orgasming from the drug, and it's like ready to explode and must be like a foot long, and he positions me so it's kinda hooked around his neck. He stands us in front of the mirror, and I'm like tryin to jack my boner in his hair -- can't help it -- and he's like, "Dude, who gave such a little boy such a big cock?" He asks me. "Bein so little, I don't think u should be allowed to touch the ground anymore. Can I put u in my wedgie pack?"

Huh?? I can't talk, so I can't ask him. So Billy reaches in his top locker, and pulls out what LOOKS LIKE a knapsack. But it's not. It's like underpants or something? ANyway, he puts them on me. But then, I notice there are two straps in the front, kinda on both sides of my front, like knapsack straps. and THEN, all of a sudden, he kneels down, puts his HUGE shoulders through the straps, and just stands up, suddenly wedgieing me in the air on his back!!!!!

It's like one of those baby carriers. And now he takes my feet and straps them into two velcro loops on the side straps, so my feet are up near his pecs -- putting all the weight on my wedgie crack.

Now he stands in front of the mirror. When he sees it, he laughs his head off!!!! And he's like, "hey immature little boy, I turned you into a total baby!" Which is true, I am actually a smiling little boy in a baby carrier -- actually a wedgie pack -- being carried around by a 7'-tall babyfaced shirtless veiny buff blonde jock.

Now that he has me imprisoned in the wedgie pack on his back, Billy bolts right out of the locker room, bouncin me on my wedgie as he runs and I bounce on my crack, and permanently orgasm.


Next: Chapter 17

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