Berto's Roses

By Lyle Benton

Published on Apr 8, 2002


Berto's Roses

By Ben


Red light from the East splashed through the windows as I awoke the next morning. The curtains billowed with the wind, which was fairly strong, this morning. The air was warm and showed signs of being muggy as the sun climbed higher in the sky.

I started my day typically- quietly leaving the bed to a sleeping Jake and getting myself a hot shower and shave. I wandered into the kitchen and saw Manuella looking at the sky through the window. Her forehead was wrinkled and her expression was a worried one.

"Good Morning, Manuella. What's the matter?"

She turned to greet me and she smiled her round-faced grin. "Oh, buenos dias, Senior Ben. I think we will have some bad weather later today. There are clouds out over the water and they are moving this way."

I wondered to myself if I should reschedule the adobe mason, then I figured he could at least knock out the side of the fireplace and maybe get some of the adobe work done around the hot tub and inside the sunroom.

I got my coffee and went to work on the garden. Turning on the sprinklers, I could see how hard the wind was blowing. I carefully weeded and pruned the bushes and got a big bundle of fresh cut roses for Manuella to put around the house. I was proud that I was able to take care of the roses so well in Berto's absence. He had taught me what to look for and I was able to capture just a bit of the loving attention he poured out on the plants. Everything was looking just fine.

I turned off the water and carried the roses inside. I was surprised to see Bob up and around. "Wow, you must be feeling a lot better. I didn't think you knew there was half a day before noon."

"Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good, all thing's considered. Just horny as hell. I'm gonna call Mack and see if he can come down a few days early. You and Jake fucking all the time is driving me crazy."

"We're not doing all the time." I laughed. "We're just doing it more than you."

Bob stuck out his tongue and flipped me off. "You only THINK you're funny." He quipped. "What's on the agenda for the rest of the week?"

" The adobe guy is coming today. I hope he can get a lot of it done this morning. Manuella thinks the weather is going to get nasty later on. Tomorrow Jake and I are going up to see Ricky and Jose."

Bob raised his eyebrows. "Well, well. You'd better keep your eye on ol' Jake. He wants to get into Ricky's pants bad. Can't say as I blame him, though. That is one hot Latino."

"Ricky is absolutely in love with Jose. Now if it happens that they do have sex, there isn't a whole lot I can say about it. It's not like Jake and are married. I've been there and I'm just not interested any more."

"Yeah I know what you mean. Never again for me either."

"Well, never is a long time, but he would have to be somebody exceptional."

"Mr. Perfect doesn't exist, Ben."

"You're probably right about that." I conceded. "You seen Jake this morning?"

"Not yet. He must still be sleeping. I guess you wore his ass out last night."

I looked at Bob critically. How could he possibly know that it was Jake who had gotten fucked last night? It gave me an uneasy feeling, but he showed no particular expression, so I decided it was just a figure of speech.

I grabbed a second cup of coffee and one for Jake and carried them to the bedroom. The bed was empty and the shower was going when I got there. I sat on the bed and it was still warm from Jake's body having been there mere moments before. I leaned over and could smell his masculine scent on the pillow. I immediately started to get hard.

I decided to check my email while Jake was showering. I had a message from Randy saying that he and Wade would be coming down for a visit the week I got back from Chicago. The timing was just right. I was anxious to see them.

I had several messages from prospective patrons who had seen the website and wanted additional information. I decided I needed to write up a response to send to them outlining our grand opening schedule, rates etc. I printed out those message to show to Bob later on.

I also got a message from Berto telling me how good the roses looked while he was home. He thanked me for taking such good care of him and for looking after his Mama. H also wanted to know if it was okay for him to bring a "special friend" home for the party next week.

"Hmmm." I thought to myself. "Berto must have met somebody at school. Maybe he and Carla were just good friends, as he said." I replied that he could bring home whomever he wanted too. I was just hitting the "send" button when I felt something on my shoulder.

I reached up and touched Jake's hard cock, still wet from the shower, rubbing against my shoulder and neck. I turned my face towards him and sucked him into my mouth. I was not one to pass up a nice clean cock, particularly one of Jake's dimensions and beauty.

Jake spun me around in the swivel chair and held my head gently while he slid his cock in and out of my mouth. I was feeling in an ornery mood, so I backed off his cock and got a mouthful of my coffee. I swished it around in my mouth for a second or two to cool it off just a little, then plunged back onto Jake's cock with my mouth full of very warm coffee.

"Oh my God, Ben. That is so... hot...I mean... it's warm, but... it's really!."

I started laughing, which made me start to cough. I had to quickly swallow my coffee and pull off of Jake's cock. I laughed and coughed until my face was red. Jake was gently pounding me on the back with a worried look on his face. I finally got over my fit and sat back, breathing heavily.

Talk about spoiling the moment! Jake's cock had deflated completely and I was exhausted from the coughing and laughing. "What was so damned funny?" Jake asked indignantly.

"It was just what you said. I knew what you meant, but it was the way that you said it. I'm sorry. Want me to finish? I can go and get some more coffee."

"Seems to me you've had just about enough." Jake said as he began pulling on his clothes. " Anything interesting in your email?

I told him all about the messages from the prospective visitors, looking for information. I also told him about Wade and Randy coming and that I was sorry he would miss them. I filled him in a little bit on Wade's exotic dimensions. He seemed intrigued but couldn't alter his plans to stay any longer.

"Bob is already up, this morning. Looks like you were the lazy ass this morning who slept in."

"My ass has reason to be tired this morning. " said Jake as he walked over to me. He grabbed my cock and balls through my shorts and squeezed them tightly, but not to the point where he caused me any pain. I reached up, put my arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to mine. We kissed long and passionately, then I said, "It seems to me...(kiss)...that it was you...(kiss)...that was all over my...(kiss)...dick last night. It's not like you were...(kiss) ...raped."

We heard a low growl and jumped at the noise. Turning toward the door, we realized it was Manuella, clearing her throat very loudly. "Jesus Christ, Manuella you scared us to death. Why don't you knock or something?"

Manuella just looked at me evenly. "I DID knock, Senor Ben. But you and Jacob were too...uh...busy to hear me."

I know I blushed beet-red. I looked down and realized that Jake still had a handful of my genitals. I grabbed his hand and made him let go. Manuella watched the whole episode. "Anyway, what did you need, Manuella?"

"The man for the adobe is here to see you and breakfast is ready. Do you want to keep it warm for you until after he is started working?"

"Hmmm, no. Why don't we invite him to have breakfast with us? We can talk while we eat."

"Si, Senor Ben. I will ask him." She turned to go and I called her back.

"I got an email message from Berto this morning. Maybe you would like to check later on to see if he sent one to you, later on."

Manuella's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Do you really think so? Oh mi nino, I miss him so much!"

"So do I, Manuella. You take as much time as you need on the computer, whenever we get the adobe work started. Manuella nodded happily and waddled off toward the kitchen.

Breakfast was in the sunroom and this allowed us the opportunity to talk and alternately get up to show each other exactly what we were all talking about. I had no expertise in the areas of masonry. It turned out to be one of the few things that Jake knew nothing about as well. Bob had some experience with it when he had converted his garage into an apartment for his invalid mother-in-law.

We left things up to him and decided to head up to drive up to San Diego and pick up the lighting fixture and some art supplies for the studio. Bob let us take the truck so we would have plenty of room to carry what we needed. I could now see the need for me to consider a new vehicle. Maybe not a truck, but something a little more versatile than my sedan.

Jake and I packed or gym bags as we were going to stop at Ricky's on the way back. I didn't really know just what to tell him to bring. With only Ricky and Jose in residence this weekend, there would be no need for anything formal, or even swimsuits, for that matter. We just threw in some jeans, t-shirts, underwear, etc. and headed North.

Jake was in an exceptionally good mood. He wanted to check the flight schedules for his return trip to Jacksonville while we were in town, so we went to the Naval Air Station. Then we looked in the Navy Exchange and found exactly what I needed for the studio.

We had lunch in a real American café and dropped some papers off at Mack's office for Bob. I had no idea what they were because Bob had sealed them up in a big envelope before he gave them to me. Oh, well. If he had wanted me know about them, he would have told me, right?

We also got to meet Nathan, Mack's law partner. Evidently, he was also his partner in another sense. Nathan was a tall, well-built, very attractive black gentleman with a confident demeanor and a winning smile. As he firmly shook your hand, he looked directly into your eyes and you could almost feel him looking into your soul, discovering all your secrets. I liked and trusted him immediately and wondered what the hell he saw in Mack.

The two attorneys invited us to dinner but we declined citing our desire to get to San Augustin before we were late enough to be rude. They walked us out to the truck and waved us off as we headed to Ricky's.

Jake was suitably impressed with the Chavez estate as we drove up to the gate and pressed the call button. As usual, Jose's voice answered to call. "Ola?"

"It's Ben, Jose. How are you?"

"Oh, buenos tardes, Ben. Forgive me. I did not recognize the truck. I am well, thank you. Please drive up to the garage. I will meet you there."

"Thanks, Jose."

The gate was opened and I drove in. As we broke from the orange grove, Jake got a really good look at the main house and gave a long, low whistle. "Damn, I knew Ricky came from money, but I had no idea it was at this grand scale."

`That's because Ricky is so down to earth. The Chavez family has no snobs in it. The Don is extremely personable, though a bit more formal that his son. You have already met Carla, so you know what she's like."

" She beautiful. If I ever did decide to make love to a woman, it would have to be somebody like here."

"Well, she's not here this weekend, so you'll have to postpone that for awhile." I joked.

The garage door opened as we approached and I drove the dusty pickup inside. It sure looked out of place with the rest of the vehicles inside. Jake was salivating, looking at all the fine automobiles; all of them shined to a high gloss. Then he caught sight of Jose walking toward us.

Jose's feline body was, once again, clad only in tight leather pants. I could see that he had been working out since last time I saw him. His pecs and abs were even more well defined. Not to the point of making him bulky. He just looked extremely hot!

"Roll your tongue back into your head, Jake. You'll embarrass yourself when you step on it."

Jake mumbled something under his breath at me and gave me a dirty look. Jose Gave me a big hug and kiss. I introduced him to Jake and they shook hands. He then held each of our hands as he led us out of the garage and beside the pools. "Come, Enrique is waiting in his casa for you."

The progress to Ricky's house was slower than it might have been as Jake was impeding it by stopping and staring at everything. He held up two fingers and silently mouth "Two fucking pools." I mouthed back, "I know." We finally approached Ricky's door and it silently slid open.

We could see Ricky through the fireplace. He was casually sprawled out on one of the big, comfortable chairs. He looked up and shouted, "Ben!" I let go of Jose's hand and braced myself for the inevitable. Ricky came charging around the fireplace and launched himself at me from ten feet away.

Somehow, I managed to remain standing as his arms wrapped themselves around my neck and his legs encircled my hips. His tongue found its way inside my mouth as he kissed me hard and passionately.

"Damn, Ricky." I managed to say, when he ran out of breath. "I don't know if I'll ever get used to your greetings." He just laughed, kissed me again and climbed down. He turned to Jake, gave him a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Welcome to my home, Jake."

"Jose is having your things brought to your room for you. How was your trip? I saw that the weather in Santa Rosalia is not looking so good." Ricky said as he waved us to sit.

"Actually we drove up to San Diego this morning and have just come from there." I answered him. "I did notice some nasty looking clouds moving in off the gulf."

"And how is Manuella doing without her Berto there? He comes home with Carla frequently. He seems to be adapting to life at the university quite well."

"Manuella seems to be just fine, although I know she misses him and worries about him. He mentioned, in an email, that he would like to bring home a `special friend' for the party next week. Any idea about who that might be?"

"No, neither he nor Carla has mentioned it to me. A young man as friendly and lindo as Berto would be able to make many friends very quickly, though."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Oh, yes! I have a surprise for you and Jake. Tomorrow morning we are flying over to papa's resort hotel in Mazatlan. They are having an anniversary fiesta for him. He has been in business there for 15 years."

Jose was standing beside near the hearth and I rolled my eyes in his direction while I asked Ricky, "Uh, who's the pilot?"

Jose blushed and mumbled, "Ben have you not forgiven me yet/ You know you were not really in danger and I was only playing with you."

I laughed and pulled Jose down into my lap. "Of course I forgive you, Jose. And I was only playing with you, too." I gave him a reassuring hug and a kiss on his sexy little ear. He smiled and put his arm across my shoulders, comfortable sitting in my lap. Holding him this close, I could smell the leather and his light cologne. I leaned forward toward his smooth, muscular chest and inhaled deeply.

"Mmmm, Jose, you smell good enough to eat." The nearness of his beautiful body and his ass on my crotch caused me to start growing erect. I was certain he felt it, but he made attempt to move.

"Speaking of eating," Ricky said, tactfully. "You must be hungry after your trip. Come, Jake. Help me to cook the steaks. Do you know how to grill?"

"Every self respecting American male knows how to grill, or at least they think they do." Jake said, following Ricky outside. "And what shall we do?" I asked Jose. I put my arms around his neck and drew him into a kiss. I slipped my right hand down his back and my fingers worked their way past the waistband of his pants and I felt his firm bubble butt.

Breaking the kiss, Jose replied, "We must prepare the salad. Time for dessert later on." With that he ground his ass into my hard cock and kissed me again while lightly tweaking my nipple through my shirt. The he rose, took me by the hand and helped me stand up.

Jose led me into the kitchen and opened the commercial type refrigerator. He began handing me fresh salad vegetables and I put them on the counter in the center of the room. He produced an enormous glass cutting board and two sharp knives.

As Jose bent over to retrieve a large bowl from a bottom cupboard, I had the opportunity to observe the leather tighten and stretch across his ass. I decided, then and there, what kind of desert I wanted. He put the bowl on the table with a wicked grin that told me he had been putting on this little show for my benefit. He certainly had my attention. We began cutting vegetables as we looked into each other's eyes...

Many thanks to you readers who have been so patient with me. It was never my intention to take so long with this chapter. I have been unusually busy and simply have not had the opportunity sit and write. This really seems like more of a half-chapter to me, but I felt an obligation to get it out, so the next chapter shouldn't be so long in coming to you. You may write to me at If you haven't read any of my other stories, check them out under the "Authors" link. Look for "Lyle Benton".

Next: Chapter 36

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