Berto's Roses

By Lyle Benton

Published on Apr 30, 2002


Berto's Roses

By Ben


The room was dark when I awoke, but there were flashing colored lights coming from the window at the terrace. I rolled out of bed and opened the glass door. Festive music and lively voices drifted up from the beach. I looked down and saw hundreds of people dancing and laughing, Lights were strung everywhere. Long tables of food and bars had been set up.

Walking into the large middle room of the suite, I found four costumes hanging on a rolling rack. I was inspecting them when Ricky came out of his bedroom, naked and with wet hair.

"Did you sleep well mi amigo?" Ricky asked me and kissed me loudly on the cheek.

"Yeah, just great. Sounds like the party has started without us." I nodded toward the big windows.

Ricky opened the door and walked out to the terrace, looked down, then returned to where I stood next to the costumes. "It is early yet. Not half of the people are here. By the time papa makes his entrance it will be almost impossible to move down there."

" I guess we should get dressed." I suggested. I've been looking over the costumes and have gotten them all figured out I think. The red and yellow matador suits are for you and Jose. All that black leather has got to be for Jake, so this must be mine."

I took down the hanger covered with clear plastic and laid it on one of the heavy leather sofas. Removing the bag, I saw a beautiful chocolate-brown, three-pieced suede suit. The tailoring was magnificent. On the second hanger was an eggshell colored silk shirt and tie.

Ricky had taken the red matador suit and had already slipped on the high-waisted pants. He zipped up the zippers on either side and they looked like they were painted onto him. The shiny red material clung tightly to him and showed off his bulge and butt with little left to the imagination. I could even make out the ring piercing his cock head. He slowly spun around then stopped and looked at me.

"Well, what do you think, Ben?"

"I think that if you didn't have to wear those tonight I would eat them right off your body." With his tanned hard chest showing above the red pants, Ricky looked like some Latino god. "Promise me I can get some pictures of you just like that later on."

"I promise. Come we must wake Jake and Jose. I will take Jake, you wake Jose. Okay?"

I agreed and we headed for each other's bedrooms. Jose lay curled around one of the oversized bed pillows. I crawled up behind him and snuggled against his bare back. I wrapped my arms around him, grasped his hard, thick cock. I kissed him on his shoulder then licked and whispered in his ear.

"Jose...Jose, wake up, amigo."

He stirred slightly and smiled in his sleep. I whispered again and slowly jacked his cock. He turned toward me and opened on sleepy eye. "Hola, Ben. What are you doing here?"

"I sneaked in while Ricky wasn't looking to play with your dick." I said, conspiratorially.

Jose reached his right hand behind my neck and brought my lips to his as his other hand groped into my shorts and found my cock. We kissed and fondled for awhile, then I said." We'd better knock it off and get ready for the party before we are missed."

I stepped out of bed and dragged Jose with me. "We need a shave and a shower, my friend."

"Okay, you shave me and I will shave you. " Jose suggested with a wicked little grin.

I have done just about everything with a man that can be imagined, but I have never shaved nor been shaved by one. I was a little apprehensive about trusting anybody else with a razor near my face or body. I didn't want to appear to be a wimp, though, so I agreed. "Okay, but I get to do you first."

We went into the bathroom and ran hot hater in the sink in front of the huge mirror. I lathered up Jose's face and carefully shaved him clean there, then he lifted his arms and I repeated the procedure there. I then knelt and lifted his heavy ball sac to apply lather there also.

I shaved Jose's scrotum carefully and thoroughly, rinsing frequently and using my fingertips and lips to ensure it was completely smooth. Finally I turned him around and shaved the few wispy hairs which inhabited his butt crack. His body was completely hairless, save for a small trimmed patch of shiny, jet black pubes directly above his cock.

Jose carefully and lovingly shaved my face, trimmed my goatee, then shaved my scrotum and ass crack too. We showered together, dried off and went into the large room to dress for the party. We had taken longer than I thought was polite, and I fully expected Jake and Ricky to be impatiently waiting for us. To my surprise, they were not there.

I went into my bedroom to get underwear. I was not quite as brave as Ricky when it came to showing off my assets. Ricky's matador pants were lying on the bed and the shower was running. The double door to the bathroom was open and I could see through the glass shower door that Jake had his hands holding the top of the shower wall. Ricky was standing behind him and I could tell by their body movements that Ricky was fucking him.

He must have been doing a hell of a job, judging by the open-mouthed moaning Jake was doing. With each thrust the water sprayed the shower door and Jake would holler one obscenity or another. I grabbed my underwear and went back to Jose.

"They'll be right out." I said and started getting dressed.

Jose had just donning his shiny yellow suit when Jake and Ricky finally emerged. Ricky had put his pants back on and Jake was wearing a hotel bathrobe. Jose went to Ricky and they embraced and kissed passionately. I noticed Jake stopped what he was doing and watched them intently. What was that look? Jealousy?

"C'mon, Jake, let's get dressed. I'm all ready to go."

"Not quite, Don Bentonio." Said Jose. "You are not wearing your sombrero."

From a stack of boxes I had somehow not noticed, Jose removed an exquisite tan sombrero with chocolate- brown suede trim to match my suit. I put it on and went to look in the full-length mirror in my bedroom. I admired myself from all angles and I had to admit that I looked damn good!

Returning to the other room, I saw that Ricky was helping Jose into his intricately beaded, short Jacket. They put on the funny little matador hats and their ensemble was complete. With their physiques and the skin-tight, brightly colored costumes, they were sure to catch a lot of attention.

"God, you guys look hot! Ricky, could you please help me tie this mask in place?" Asked Jake, although I was standing less than two feet from him. Ricky gladly helped him and Jose handed him his black sombrero-the only article of clothing he had on which wasn't made of shiny black leather. His costume fit him snugly and to perfection, as did mine.

"Are we ready, muchachos?" said Ricky. "Let us join the celebration!"

We rode the elevator to the ground floor, Jake and I had to take of our hats because they were so big it crowded us. Stepping out into the full lobby, a noticeable hush greeted us. Rick held Jose's hand and led the way to the beach side of the building. I offered my hand to Jake, but he either didn't see it or chose to ignore it.

The crowd parted in front of the two matadors and they were greeted by well-wishers. Handsome Latinos shook their hands, and beautiful women in frilly flamenco dresses and mantillas in their hair hugged and kissed them. They chatted in Spanish as did Jake, when introductions were made. Being the social illiterate, I just nodded a lot and said, "Buenos noches."

Everybody was asking for Don Chavez. No had seen him yet. Ricky said, "If I know Papa, he has something unusual planned. He will be here, shortly I am certain."

We split up and began to mingle. Zorro was very popular with the ladies. Small wonder. Jake looked sensational and you could tell by the way he moved that he knew it. I watched hi for awhile and then was distracted by a tug on my right arm. I turned to face a beautiful Senorita in a stunning azure flamenco dress. It took me a moment to realize it was Carla.

She gave a cute little giggle and threw her arms around me. "Senor Ben! I did not expect to see you here."

Carla stepped back a bit and looked me over. "Oh, very nice, Senor. You look muy importante. All the ladies will be after you for your money."

I laughed with her. "It was Jose's idea. `Don Bentonio' the wealthy land owner."

"I am convinced. Take me away and marry me. " She teased. "At least dance with me."

"I'd be delighted, Senorita." I bowed low and kissed her perfectly manicured hand. We danced a lively samba and she was an excellent dancer-much better than I was.

"Have you seen Papa?" Carla asked.

"We went to his suite when we first arrived and talked for awhile. He is coming for our party next week and taking Bob to Mexico City with him. I would be honored if you would come also."

"Of course I will be there. Berto has already mentioned it to me, of course."

"Great! Speaking of Berto, did he come with you? Is he here?"

"Oh, si. He and Raul are staying in my suite with me. He is around somewhere." We looked around but we didn't see him.

The dance ended and Carla was accosted by several young women who apparently had not seen her in quite some time. Kisses and hugs were exchanged and Carla made introductions, although their names were forgotten by me in seconds. "Could you please excuse me, Senor Ben? My friends and I must catch up on or gossip. I thank you for the dance."

"Por nada, Senorita. Made I apologize to your toes for stepping on them so mercilessly?"

Carla and her friends laughed and she gave me a kiss on the cheek before they departed into the crowd.

It wasn't until after she left that I realized I hadn't asked her what costume Berto was wearing. It would be difficult to find him in the thickening crowd. I made my way to the bar and ordered a bottled water. I sipped slowly while watching the festivities from the edge of the crowd.

I saw what appeared to be an uninvited guest making his way into the party. He was hunched over and looked shabby in a weathered poncho and a battered straw sombrero. He also appeared to have had too much tequila as he bumped into several guests on his way to the food tables.

Just as he reached the first table. Hotel security came up to him and tried to escort him quietly away. He was having none of that. He shrugged them off and returned to the food. The security men grabbed him, one on each arm and forcibly removed him from the area in front of the table. He struggled and fought like a madman. His sombrero fell off and I got a look at his face. It was Don Chavez!

He stood up straight and shouted something in Spanish. He rolled his head back and laughed uproariously. The embarrassed security men immediately released his arms and one of then retrieved his fallen hat. He embraced each on in turn and made his way through a sea of well-wishers to the small raised portico where a brightly-clothed Mariachi band was playing loudly.

The band stopped playing as Don Chavez mounted the platform to speak. "Amigos! Muchachos! Senor, Senora, Senorita! Buenos Noches! There followed what I assumed was a welcoming speech, interrupted several times by cheers from the crowd. I was not the first time I regretted not taking Spanish in high school or college.

At one point, the Don introduced Carla and Ricky and had them join him on the portico. What a beautiful family they were. Even dressed in his ragged costume, Don Chavez was a handsome, formidable looking man. His children were flawless with their stunning features and winning smiles. Of course, the real beauty was on the inside. For all their wealth, this family was warm and genuine and completely generous. I felt privileged to know them.

Don Chavez called for the fiesta to continue, and to my further surprise, picked up a trumpet and played with the band. People started dancing and partying once again. Carla and Ricky stepped down and were consumed by the revelers. I looked around some more in hopes that I would find somebody I knew and could talk to.

I spotted Jake walking away with Ricky on the other side of the crowd. By the time I got through the crush of bodies, they were nowhere in sight. I turned back and made my way around the edge. I spotted Carla dancing with what seemed light every good- looking man in sight.

At one point she and Jose were given a wide area in the throng and performed a beautiful and sexy tango, much to the delight of those watching them. They moved together like professional dancers and if you didn't know them you would swear that they were lovers instead if in-laws.

Afterward, Jose came over to me and breathlessly asked if I had seen Ricky. I scanned the crowd and neither he nor Jake had returned. "No, my friend. I don't know where he is." I didn't exactly answer his question, but I didn't lie either. He looked a little upset and I didn't want to add to it. He thanked me and left, I assumed to find Ricky.

I decided to walk down by the water. I was feeling more than a little out of place and the language barrier certainly didn't help. I sat down on a marble bench under a palm tree and looked out at the water. I took off my sombrero and set it on the bench beside me. The breeze blew in off the sea and the waves lapped quietly on the shore. I was lost in thought when I was started by a voice.

"Excuse me, Senor."

I jumped involuntarily, and turned to my right to see a handsome young Latino dressed as one of the members of the Mariachi band. I estimated his age at early twenties. He had a "pencil thin mustache" and very large doe-like eyes. Taller than many Latin men, he was about five feet –ten inches and weight probably one hundred- seventy pounds.

"Oh, hola. You startled me. " "My apologies, Senor. It was not my intention. May I sit with you?"

A little surprised, but certainly flattered to be in the company of such a fine looking young man. I moved my hat and motioned for him to be seated.

I saw you dancing with Senorita Chavez and asked around, but nobody seemed to know anything about you other than you are a guest of the Don. I wanted to meet you."

I gave him a questioning look and he blushed and looked down for a moment before looking me in the eye and continuing. "Please forgive me for being forward, but I had heard that you were a friend of Senior Enrique and it is well known that he is..." He hesitated as if looking for the right word.

"Gay?" I offered.

"Si, gay. And I am as well."

"I see. Did you want me to introduce you to him? I must let you know that he has a lover whom he adores."

"Oh no, It is not him I wish to meet. I am attracted to Americanos such as yourself and was wondering if you might well."

I was mildly stunned by his openness. While it is true that there were very few "gringos" at the fiesta tonight, I had a hard time believing this beautiful young man would be interested in me. Perhaps he bought into the whole "Don Bentonio" look and was looking for a sugar daddy.

"Well, as a matter of fact, I am. What exactly is on your mind?"

" Senor, I have had no experience with another man and you look like somebody I can trust. Would you be interested in teaching me how to make love to a man?"

Again I was shocked. This kid was nothing if he wasn't blunt and bold. I was unable to reply for a few seconds and his face clouded.

"You do not like Latinos, Senor?"

I snapped out of it, finally. "No, I mean yes. Yes I do like Latinos very much. It is just unusual for me to be propositioned this way. Especially by someone so young and ...handsome.

"You think I am handsome?" he asked, his expression brightening.

"Yes, I definitely find you handsome. But I am only here for tonight, so I don't really have enough time to teach you..."

"You have all night, Senor." He interrupted me. "You could come to my room now. I will leave a note for my roommates not to disturb us. Please come." His eyes were pleading. This was all so strange to me. I was certainly interested in getting to know this guy intimately, but I had never found myself in a situation quite like this before. He took my hand in his and held it tightly. I couldn't refuse him and I knew it. I stood and put my hat back on. "Lead the way, my friend."

I followed him as he skirted the crowd and we made our way inside. We took the elevator to the top floor, just beneath the penthouse. It was the same floor as the suite I was staying in with Ricky, Jose and Jake. He stepped off the opposite direction from my room, we rounded a corner and he stopped to unlock the door.

We entered the room and I could tell it, too, was a suite. Though not nearly as grand as the one Ricky occupied, it seemed a lot of room for a band member, or even a group of them. Then I thought, perhaps he was just wearing a costume.

I didn't have time to ponder it as he took me directly to the bedroom at one end of the suite. He took some hotel stationary and wrote a short note. He went out the door, returned immediately, and latched the door behind him. Then he stood there looking at me expectantly, not knowing what to do next.

I tried to put myself in his place and tried to remember my first time. I was nervous and apprehensive, but oh, how I wanted it! I was than this young man and already married with a child, but everybody's first time only happens once. I wanted it to be as special for him as Don had made it for me.

I walked over to him and took his hand. I led him to the bed and we both sat down. I could tell he was nervous, but he was anxious as well. I placed two fingers under his smooth chin and tilted it up slightly. At the same time, I leaned toward him and placed my lips on his, kissing him gently, once, twice...then with more pressure. I ran the tip of my tongue across his lower lip and he parted his lips to invite it inside his mouth.

More, much more on the way. Please keep reading and write to me at If you haven't read any of my other stories, check them out under the "Authors" link. Look for "Lyle Benton".

Next: Chapter 39

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