Best Birthdays Ever

By moc.liamhsuh@19067324otua

Published on Dec 21, 2012


My Best Birthdays Ever By Antonio Green

Bb, Mb, incest, ws, mild scat, non, cons.,

Author's note: I love writing these stories, but it's more fun knowing someone is reading them. If it weren't for Nifty, no one would be able to read them. So, keep Nifty strong and vital. Please donate. Nifty needs your donations to provide these wonderful stories.

From Chapter 2

"Nobody waited for me to feel better," Patrick shouted and started pounding really hard. Funny thing, he was crying harder than Chrissy. In fact, pretty quick Chrissy stopped crying and was grunting and moaning with every hard shove into his hole. He was liking it! But Patrick acted like a crazy kid. He acted like it hurt him! Since he'd cum inside me not too long ago, he took a long time to cum. Maybe 10 or 15 minutes. During that whole time, Chrissy was going back and forth between my leaky butthole and his brother's now clean cocklet.

I wanted to make my little classmate feel good so I stretched for his peener. I guess it must have already felt pretty good cuz when I touched his hard nail, he shook and jerked around with an intense, dry cum. Patrick must have felt it. He slammed hard into the boy's rectum and held him tightly by the hips while he orgasmed.

He held Chrissy in place for a moment, then stood up suddenly, pulling his softened cock out of Chrissy's hole.

Patrick moved away from the mattress, keeping his back to us as much as possible. He quickly pulled on his underwear and jeans, picked up his shirt, shoes, and socks and stormed to the door.

We all looked at each other. Chrissy was panting, still coming down from his orgasm.

"Goddamned motherfucking faggots. I hate you all," Patrick screamed. But even through the yelling, you could hear his tears.

Strange, strange dude.

Now on to Chapter 3

As the shed door--the fort door to Chrissy and Jamie--slammed shut, I suddenly felt very naked. My little penis shrank to the embarrassing button it is when it's not hard, sitting right on top of my tight little ball sack. It struck me even as much as I enjoyed what Jamie and mostly Patrick had done to me, I'd been raped. Raped by two older boys. And one of them was standing in front of me. I stood up touching my tiny equipment, and started to cry.

Chrissy looked at me. "What's wrong, Trent?"

I honestly could not think of what to say. I just stood there sobbing. Both Chrissy and Jamie came over to me and pulled their arms around me.

"Did we hurt you?" asked Jamie. I couldn't answer I just sob. "I'm really sorry. Really, really sorry. Please don't be mad. I like you a lot."

Chrissy pulled me even tighter and then he kissed me on the cheek. He scuttled behind me, pulled my cheeks apart and bent me over as he did. After brief inspection, he stood up.

"You don't look like you got hurt back there," he said. "I like it the first time Jamie did it to me. But I bet it can be kind of scary the first time. And that other kid, he's really scary."

I pulled myself together enough to stop bawling but the tears for still coming out of my eyes.

"It didn't hurt. I liked it. But you guys raped me. Well, not you Chrissy, but your brother and Patrick. And that really scares me."

Jamie kept hugging me tighter and tighter so that I thought I would have the breath crashed out of me. He was whispering to me, "I'm so sorry. So so so so so so sorry. Please forgive me. I'll never do it again."

I look right in Jamie's eyes. "But that's one of the things that scary. I want you to do it again. I don't know about Patrick. I think he wants to hurt me."

"He's really fucked up for sure," Jamie said. "He's also really nice. You got understand him. I guess I don't, not really. He's really not that easy to understand. Please don't hate us; please don't hate Patrick."

Jamie picked up my clothes and started handing them to me piece by piece so I could put them on.

"I won't blame you if you tell on us. But it's sure to fuck us all up if you do."

I took a deep breath. "I won't tell. I just hope you guys don't do me again."

"We still friends?" Chrissy asked. He kissed me on the cheek again, leaving big wet marks.

I gave him a kiss back is my answer. He was the first boy I never kissed. Yes, I've kissed my daddy and uncle Mark all the time. But I'd never kissed another boy. It felt weird. Strange. The unusual, but I liked it.

"I won't tell on any of you. But please keep Patrick away from me. Please."

This all happened on Wednesday. So the next Thursday when I'm back in school Chrissy ran up to me and slapped me on the back and put his arm around my shoulder, pal style. He leaned in and said to me, "I'd give you a hug and a kiss, but I don't want to be teased."

"Did you tell Patrick to leave me alone?"

"Jamie did. Patrick wouldn't listen to me if I said anything."

So Thursday and Friday Chrissy and me hung out a together. I wasn't sure if I get teased for being his friend, but I didn't care. It turned out okay. Neither one of us got teased. I saw both Jamie and Patrick. They hung around together the whole time. Every time Patrick saw me, he looked right at me. Sometimes he looked pretty pissed off. But other times he looked sad. Almost like he wanted to say something. But the next thing he'd have that pissed off look again.

Friday right before I got on the school bus, Patrick and Jamie came up to me. Patrick gave me a soft tap on the back. I think he wanted it to look like he was being rough with me, but it wasn't rough.

"Hey twerp, meet us at the fort tomorrow at 10 in the morning. Be there or else!"

Geez, I was not even eight years old and this kid was really messing with my mind. The words were all threatening, but he didn't sound like he was threatening me. It was almost like he was inviting me to be there.

I had no intention of going there and when I saw Chrissy I told him that. He looked at me with a sad look in his eyes.

"Ya gotta go there. You just gotta," he said. "H-h-h-he said I had to get you there."

So the next day, Saturday, I dressed in my play clothes and went to the fort. It was unlocked so I knocked on the door. Chrissy let me in. We were the only ones there. I got to tell you I was scared. I had no idea what was going to happen to me but I didn't think it would be good. Funny thing is that I was looking forward to it and scared of it at the same time. I'm older now, so I understand that sort of thing. But to an almost 8-year-old, no way.

Christian and I played around with some Tonka trucks he'd brought. We're playing maybe 15 minutes when the door to the fort creaked open. I jumped up scared all over again. Jamie stood in front, and Patrick stood behind him. They walked through the door and up to me fast. I couldn't help it. They both scared me so much I wet myself. Not a little bit. A lot. I didn't realize how much I had to pee while I was playing with Chrissy, but it all came out. I was totally embarrassed. Starting to cry again, I felt like a little baby.

Patrick grabbed me and pulled me to him really tight. I tried to struggle and get away, but he wouldn't let go. I knew he was getting wet from my peed pants. I knew I was going to be teased about being a little baby...or worse. Maybe even smashed by this big kid, this big, mean sixth-grader.

But he didn't smash me. He cuddled my head into his chest, because that's as far as I reached. He started nuzzling the hair on my head and was saying quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear...

"I'm really sorry Trent. I raped you just like that asshole raped me. I know how much it scared you. You don't know how much it scared me. It still does when he's drunk. I you won't ever forgive me. But I promise I won't never do it again. Jamie and me, we ain't going to hurt you again. Is that okay?"

I didn't know what to say. He leaned down and began licking the tears from my face.

Then Patrick pulled away from me suddenly. "I am so fucked up!" And he was crying again. He had a reputation for being a really tough, mean kid at school. I had already seen him cry a couple of times. I'd even felt his tears on me after he'd finished raping me.

I didn't really know what to say. So I said what I really felt. It scared me that I was saying this.

"It's okay, Patrick. It didn't hurt that much. Not really. I feel stupid saying this, but I like having stuff up my butt. You felt kinda good."

I couldn't believe I was saying this. It was true, but I didn't think I could ever admit to it. And the funny thing is, I felt better saying it. Patrick turned around and walked back to squeeze me again. This time, he squeezed really hard, and I farted really& loud. We all laughed.

"Can we be friends kind of at least a little bit?" Patrick asked.

I nodded and smiled. To be honest I was still scared of him. But when he acted the way he was acting now, I liked him. He seemed really nice. But I'd also seen him when he was really mean and I didn't know when that Patrick would pop up again.

"You want to do it again?" I asked Patrick. "Not mean like you did. But nice like you are now."

"I don't deserve to do nothing to you," Patrick answered. "Ain't never gonna it to you again. Never I promise.

After a minute or so just standing there he said, "How about if you fuck me?"

`Fuck him?' It felt so weird and wrong to even think that word. I'd never done anything like that. The only thing I've ever done was up my own butt. And the sucking I'd done on the day Patrick raped me. But now I knew enough after that Wednesday if I was going to do it I'd have to have a stiffy. And when this morning started and Patrick ran at me, there's no way I should have a stiffy. I hadn't thought much about it when we were talking but now I did a quick squeeze of my crotch. I had a stiffy for sure.

"You really want me to?"

"Yep. You're going to think I look funny back there though."

"I dunno. I'm real wet. And I smell like peepee," I said.

"Hey, Christian, can you rinse out Trent's pants and dry them?" Jamie asked. "And bring a wash cloth so we can wipe him down."

Chrissy complained a little bit, but Jamie just stared at him until he agreed. I was ashamed that I'd peed myself. And taking my soaked jeans and underwear off really embarrassed me. But as I pulled my underwear off, I took a quick glance, and saw that they were skidmark free. Thank goodness for that.

I looked at Patrick. "You want me to take everything off?"

"That's up to you. But I really like the way you look& a lot. A fucking lot. I'd love to see you naked again. And I'm going to get naked and so's Chrissy and Jamie if you want."

Back in those days I didn't know what gay meant. But I knew I liked seeing both Chrissy and Jamie naked on Wednesday. I like looking at myself naked. I like seeing Daddy and Uncle Mark naked. And even though he scared me, I thought Patrick naked looked really, really good.

As soon as I nodded `yes,' Patrick began stripping out of his clothes. It looked like he was wearing the same dirty, dingy underpants he'd worn on Wednesday. I remembered how Jamie said didn't change them much because they were his only pair. I looked down at my own underpants. They were bright, clean Sponge Bob Underoos. Daddy always got me plenty of underwear. I couldn't imagine not having enough to wear a clean pair every day.

I hadn't noticed how tight they were last time I saw him in them. I guess I was just too scared, too overwhelmed. But they were tight enough and thin enough that Patrick's hard dickie showed clearly. The outline pointed up toward his belly button. His ball sack, which was much bigger than mine, was neatly bundled at the bottom of his jockey shorts. To be honest, I liked the way it looked. I liked the little wet spot on top of Patrick's hard dickie head. Before Wednesday I would've thought it was a small peepee spot. But now I had a sense it was the stuff that shot out of his dickie into my mouth and into my butt.

"How do I do it?" I asked.

"You mean fuck me?"

"Yea...h...h...h...h...h. How do I do that stuff? You know. Like you did to me."

Jamie and Patrick both laughed. Patrick said, "You don't like saying `fuck' do you?"

I shook my head "I've never said it before. Daddy wouldn't want me to. "

"You sound like you love your daddy. Is he nice?" Patrick asked.

I didn't really know how to answer that. I just assumed all daddies were nice. But now I was beginning to wonder. Patrick had talked about that a-hole who'd raped him. I wanted to ask him if it was his daddy. But I was afraid to. It always seemed to make him angry.

Right then Chrissy came skipping through the door to the fort. I was shocked. He was completely naked and had a stiffy. He closed the door behind him. Chrissy must've seen the surprise on my face. He laughed.

"Don't worry, Trent. There's no one home, and our fences are high enough that no one can see us naked in the backyard. You should try it. It's a lot of fun being naked outside."

It sounded fun and I figured I'd try it sometime soon. But right now I was beginning to get a little bit anxious about what was going to happen. I think I wanted to do what Patrick asked me, but I wasn't sure. As I stood there Jamie started taking his clothes off and was soon completely naked. He was completely boned just like Chrissy was. Chrissy's 2-incher hugged his tummy completely. Jamie's 3-incher stood about a 45° angle from his body. Both had tight nut sacks.

Patrick said, "You want to strip me now?"

"Sure," I answered. "You don't mind?"

Patrick's answer was to put my hands on the sides of his dingy jockeys. I pushed them down slowly. The worn elastic around the waist caught on his hard peener. As I pulled his underwear down his peener went with it. When I pulled farther down, it snapped back and smacked him loud on the tummy. I like I said, I didn't know the word gay back then, but I knew what I was feeling was different from what most eight year olds would be feeling. I thought his penis was really pretty. So hard, the tip poking through the very tight skin making it pointed. The whole top was very moist and I was sure it was the stuff that he'd shot in me the other day. I said I thought it was pretty? No it was beautiful. And so was the boy I was stripping out of his underwear.

I was so confused. Not quite eight years old, in love with a boy who also scared me.

Even though I loved what I saw, something shocked me. A thin, white cord was tightly wound several times around Patrick's nut sack and tied off. A loose end dangled to his knees. Instead of hanging down like it had the last time I saw it, his sack looked really tight and solid and the winding made his balls look much bigger than they'd looked on Wednesday. I pointed at his package.

"Don't ask," Patrick said, sounding a little rougher than he'd just been.

"But, what..."

"I said `don't ask'!" he snapped, showing that the old Patrick was still in there. His voice softened. "Sorry. You'll see when we fuck."

Then Patrick stepped out of his underwear. He took them from me gently and turned them inside out. They were dirtier than they have been on Wednesday.

"You're still a little bit piss wet," he said. Let me clean you up."

He lifted me up as if I weighed nothing and gently laid me on the mattress. Chrissy must have thought he was going to wipe me off because he brought a wet washcloth over.

"Don't need that yet," Patrick said and bent over and began licking all over my wet crotch. It tickled a little and I giggled. Then down my right leg and up my left one. When he got back to my crotch, he carefully lifted my tight little ball sack up and licked all around them. He then lifted my legs and licked over my buns. He hooked my hands around my knees and used his hands to pull my butt cheeks apart. I hadn't had any poop stains in my Underoos, but I was too sure how clean I was back there. After all, at not-quite-eight, I didn't spend a lot of time wiping.

"Mmmmm," he moaned. "Nice. Not too dirty but enough to enjoy."

Then Patrick dove down between my cheeks and started licking from the bottom of my crack up. He paused at my hole for a moment, gave it a few quick licks and continued up my crack. Once he'd licked the entire length, he returned to my butt hole and kissed it.

"I'm so sorry if I hurt you and I won't never hurt you again. Is that okay, Trent's poopoo hole?" He was talking right to my butt hole. My poopoo hole. It was funny that he'd talk to it and even funnier that this boy who said the `S' word all the time called it a poopoo hole.

After he finished talking to my hole, he began licking it hard. I could feel him start to push his tongue into me, could feel my tight ring start to relax. Of all the things I'd pushed into me back there, this was best of all. Well, I want to be honest with you. Not the best. It was as good as Patrick's dingus. They both felt great, even though him doing it to me the other day totally scared me.

His tongue pushed deeper, a wet, thick slug working its way inside my dirty place. It didn't get as deep as most of the things I was stuffing in me back then, but boy did it feel good. Then he started stabbing it in harder, and that's all I could take. I yelped and shivered and my dink started jumping around all by itself. I could feel my hole twitching and squeezing Patrick's tongue as I jerked around on the old mattress. He held onto my hips tightly so that my jerking around wouldn't dislodge his tongue.

Finally my spasms stopped. I couldn't help myself. All the tonguing had forced air up into me and I did what came naturally. I pooted. Loud and hard. Hard enough to force Patrick's tongue out of my butt hole.

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." I squealed, hoping my pooting in his face hadn't brought out the mad Patrick.

"Nothing to be sorry about," he laughed. "Except it didn't smell like nothing and I kinda wished it did. But fuck it, man. Take a look at your little cock. It's still fucking hard! Do you need to rest up or are you ready to bust my shitter?"

Patrick was right. The tingles hadn't made my dink lose any of its hardness. And it still had that wonderful, warm tickly feeling it gets when it wants to get the tingles. It was ready for more. And so was I!

"I'm ready," I announced. "And so is Little Trent." That's the name my Uncle Mark used to talk about my dink. I liked the name but had only used it with him before today. Patrick must have liked it, too because he laughed.

"What's Little Trent gonna do?" he asked.

"I'm gonna put him in you back there know."

Patrick hugged me. Good Patrick was back for now. "I want you to say it right. And say it loud enough for Jamie and Christian to hear. What is Little Trent going to do?"

"Little Trent's going to..." I gulped and swallowed. "Little Trent is going to fuck you." I squeaked out the last words. Believe it or not. It's up to you. But that's really the first time I said it out loud for other people to hear. Sometimes when I was doing my butt play and pulling on my dink, I'd say nasty words over and over, even the words I didn't know the meaning of. It made the tingles feel more tingly sometimes.

Jamie and Chrissy both cheered and Chrissy started chanting, "Trent's going to fuck Patrick. Trent's going to fuck Patrick."

Patrick scooted around got on his hands and knees.

"It'd be easier for you if we do it doggie because you're small. But I want to see your beautiful face. So I'm gonna be on my back and you can fuck me like I'm a girl. Okay?" Patrick got on his back and pointed for me to get between his legs. He pulled his legs up with his arms so that his butt hole was exposed. At eight -- well almost -- I really was a butt guy. I like dicks and how mine felt but butts, especially stinky butts, really enthralled me. Although until Wednesday, the only stinky butt I got to ever play with was my own.

I glanced down at his hole. It wasn't very dirty, just a little bit. But it sure looked different from mine when I'd looked at it in the mirror. And it looked different from the glances I'd had of Chrissy and Jamie's holes. Ours looked like you'd expect them to. Tight, wrinkled, a little brown. Patrick's didn't look anything like that. His poop hole itself was kind of purple with a lot of puffy looking skin around. The center, although a little bit poopy, was a deep red.

"You want Trent to use our lube?" Jamie asked.

"Nah. That's okay, dude. I got fucked by four men today so I got a lot of jizz to be my lube. Go for it, Trent."

He handed me the white cord that dangled from is bound up ball sack. I took it, not sure what he wanted me to do with it.

"Okay, Trent. Rape me like I raped you. And do it hard, okay?"

I mostly just want to try something new, something that seemed like Jamie and Patrick enjoyed. Fucking. But Patrick mentioning raping me made me a little angry. My anger made me want to do it hard. I did want to hurt him. So I bent my dink down and shoved it as hard as I could at Patrick's hole.

"YOWWWW!" I screamed.

Instead of going into Patrick's hole, my dink bent in half. I sat up and rubbed it to make it feel better.

"Chrissy, help him out, Patrick said. "Line it up for him."

Chrissy got in place but when he saw Patrick's hole he asked what I'd been wondering.

"Why's it look so weird?"

Patrick looked up and glared in anger. Then his face softened. "Jamie kinda knows. I'll tell you all later. Just get Trent lined up proper."

We all got into position, Patrick handing me the cord once again.

"This time, Trent, when you get it in, yank on this as hard as you can."

( ( "No way," I yelled. "I'm not going to do that. It'll hurt you."

"You gotta. Please. I deserve it and I want it. Please do it."

I shrugged my shoulders. I knew how much getting hit in the balls hurt, but I guessed maybe what Patrick wanted didn't hurt so much. Chrissy lined me up with Jamie right next to us.

"Okay, Trent," Jamie said. Push hard. You'll fucking love this.

This time I was lined up perfect. My dink--all of it--slipped easily into Patrick's warm, gooey, tight place. Just as soon as I was in, I yanked the cord as hard as I could.

"FUUUUCCCCKKKK!" Patrick yelled in pain. I should have felt bad, but I liked it. I started doing what was natural with my hips, pushing them hard against his skinny butt. Something in me kept me from pulling out too far, so my hard nail stayed in place. I jerked the cord with every shove into Patrick I made. Patrick wrapped his hand around mine and pulled even harder. He was screaming the entire time.

"Fuckin' shit. Shit fucker. Goddamn. Motherfucker. Piss shit turd motherfuck. It hurts. It fuckin' hurts. Hurt me more [YANK]. Hurt me more [YANK]. I'm a shit fucker little turd cocksucker faggot! [YANK] [YANK] [YANK].

Then his dick started jumping around like he was cumming. His asshole squeezed incredibly hard on my dink. He was cumming, but nothing came out. This made me shove even harder like I was trying to climb inside his gummy hole. Then all of a sudden, I was getting the tingles harder than I'd ever had hard they hurt and felt heavenly at the same time. I guess `tingles' wasn't such a good name for them. More like jolts, really. Electric jolts like I got that time I stuck a knife in the wall socket last year. Daddy still doesn't know I did it. I told him I'd wet my pants cuz I'd waited too long to go.

Just as the jolts were starting to die away, Patrick grabbed me by the neck and pulled my head down. He jammed his lips against mine and stuck his tongue deep into my mouth like he was trying to get it down my throat.

I'd never had a guy's tongue in my mouth before. It felt funny, but what grossed me out more was that tongue had been up my butt just a few minutes earlier. I tried to push away, but Patrick wouldn't let me get loose. I tried to yell at him, but my voice was lost inside his mouth. I could feel his tongue sweeping inside, touching my teeth, the roof of my mouth, my tongue, almost to the back of my throat.

Patrick was holding my head tight against his mouth so I couldn't pull away. But he did it gently. I'm not sure how he did it without being rough. I gradually stopped resisting, realizing that the little bit of butt dirt on his tongue was nothing compare to what I'd had in my mouth before. But horrors! Just as I was getting used to his tonguing me--no not getting used to it, I was loving it--something awful happened. It was bound to happen. My mouth began filling with saliva. I tried swallowing it, but it had no place to go but downward into Patrick's mouth. I gulped and gulped and wiggled and tried to swallow it& then glomp! A big old wad of Trent spit into Patrick's mouth.

I knew I was toast for sure. I knew the mad Patrick would come out

But no, he swallowed it!

He pulled away a tiny bit and said, "That's yummy. You got more?"

Dang! I was hard again. I mean really, really hard and so was Patrick. He put his mouth back on mine, gently this time, and slipped his fat tongue back into me. He handed me the cord once again, but this time he held onto it, too. His other hand went around to my butt. He started hunching his butt against my tummy so that I was doing "it" to him again. You know. Fucking him.

Patrick's hand jerked mine on the cord and his other hand pushed my butt cheeks. I got the message and began poking into him once again. He was grunting and yanking the cord as I was stabbing, poking, and pumping into his butthole. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and looked to see Jamie and Chrissy settling in beside me. I did it and was still able to keep Patrick's tongue inside my mouth. The difference this time was I had mine in his as well.

"It's little boy fuck big boy time, Chrissy," Jamie told his brother as he settled on his back and pulled his legs up just like Patrick had.

"You mean it?" Chrissy asked. "You said it was only big boys fuck little boys before."

"Fuckin' A I mean it. Get the little poker in me fast before I change my mind and flip you over and fuck you like a puppy dog."

Chrissy tried to jam his boner right in, but it bent back like mine had done the first time I tried to push into Patrick. He squealed and sat back on his heels.

"Spit on my shit hole doofus bonerhead," Jamie said and pulled his cheeks apart. "And on your dick."

Chrissy made a hocking noise and let a long, slimy loogie drip onto Jamie's hole. He hocked again and let another creamy strand dribble onto his impossibly hard 2-inch boner. Then, with Jamie's help, he got in place and poked right in. Jamie gasped. I guess Chrissy had had it done enough to him--I mean he'd been fucked enough--that he knew just what to do and immediately began pumping. He slipped out a couple of times but poked right back in.

It was funny looking really, what he was doing. Chrissy was older than me by a couple of months, already eight years old. But he looked much younger. While I was fucking Patrick and we were jerking the tightly tied cord on his balls, I was watching what looked like a skinny, naked five year old with a cute, pale, round butt pounding madly away at a much older looking boy. Funny. And sexy.

By this point, Patrick wasn't just tongue wrestling with me (he taught me that term a little bit later). He was slobbering like an old hound dog right into my mouth. Because I was on top of him looking down, most of his slobber either went back into his mouth or--if his mouth got too full--overflowed down his cheeks.

It all felt really romantic, which for a kid my age was a strange sensation. Up until that time, all the things I'd done was just for the feelings I got--the butt stuffing, playing with my dink, the tingles, even the times the two older boys had done it to me, had fucked me. Now this was somehow different. It felt soft this time poking Patrick with my boner, trading spit with him, even yanking on the cord. I know that seems really weird, but since he wanted it, it wrapped into how I was feeling right then. Romantic.

The way Jamie and Chrissy were acting, they probably weren't feeling too romantic. Where I was feeling romantic, I guess they were just feeling horny. Maybe brothers don't get romantic. They were talking really nasty, both of them. I'd never heard Chrissy talk like that at school. Only a couple of the rough boys in our class ever said the "F" word and Chrissy was always the perfect little boy in class--a sissy almost. But here he and his brother were swearing and wiggling around and moving in and out. Oh man, I loved it. And what they were saying got me even hotter.

"Fuck my shit hole cocksucker," Jamie would yell.

"Yeah, I'll fuck your shit hole, your pussy hole, your cunt you motherfucking piss head," sweet, little innocent Chrissy would yell back. Things like that.

As they were going through all that, I felt a soft, small hand touch my butt cheeks. I couldn't exactly see what was happening; I was too involved with kissing Patrick. But I knew it had to be Chrissy's hand. The hand slipped along my cheek until it found my crack. A finger moved a little around the crack and then touched my hole. Oooo. So nice. Then poke! It went right inside. I jerked cuz it hurt but it didn't hurt that much.

"Hey Jamie," Chrissy said, "Trent's got a pooey gooey gooey pooey hole. So nice." He jabbed it hard right then against that special place that makes boys feel so good.

Wham! That's all it took. Those wonderful electric jolts overtook me again. Chrissy must have felt them inside my butt because he started poking at my boy place with the same rhythm as the jolts.

I jerked my head away from Patrick's mouth and yelled as loud as I could, "Oh FUCK. Oh FUCK. Oh FUCK." I yelled the nasty word with every jolt. Patrick pulled my head back down and pushed his tongue as deep into my mouth as it would go. He, too, must have felt the jolts I was feeling because he started pulling on the cord in rhythm to them.

My little dink wouldn't stop. It kept jerking and twitching and jumping around inside Patrick's pooter. I felt my jolts start to slow, but then Chrissy must have felt that in my butt, too. He started poking even harder and then Patrick's hole started squeezing me and letting go and squeezing and letting go. Every time I thought it was over, Chrissy would get me started up again. Finally, after making me get the jolts a bunch of times, he pulled his finger out of my butt and pounded away at his big brother's poop hole.

I was exhausted and collapsed onto Patrick's chest. He'd had a long cum, too, but once again, nothing came out. Coming down slowly, I heard him mumbling as he pulled his tongue out of my mouth, "I'm a worthless, shitty, goddamn piece of girly faggot cunt" over and over.

I'll tell you, this boy was messed up, hurting himself, letting me poke hard like I was, saying all that stuff. Messed up. I wondered if I was just as messed up cuz I liked it. And I really, really liked him.

I glanced over at Jamie and Chrissy. They, too, seemed wiped out. Chrissy's head was lying on his brother's tummy because that's as far up he went him being so tiny sized. Jamie's eyes were closed and one hand petted his little brother's long, white-blond hair.

Suddenly his eyes popped open and he yelled, "Chrissy. Stop. Don't do that. Stop it."

Chrissy, head still on his brother's tummy, giggled and shook his head `no.'

"You've did it to me. I can do it to you, piss boy. Squeeze tight or you'll be sorry."

Chrissy then opened his eyes and sat up, pulling a now soft, shrunken little worm out of his brother's hole. He was peeing. He'd peed inside Jamie.

Chrissy aimed the pee so that a splash hit Jamie's face. Then he pinched the flow shut and crawled until his little floppy dink was right at his brother's mouth.

"Open wide, Jamie boy. Your friends should know what we do at home."

Jamie opened his mouth and Chrissy unpinched his little hose. His pee flowed freely, splashing into Jamie's mouth. Every couple of seconds, Jamie would swallow until the flow slowed and then stopped. Chrissy leaned over and lowered his dink so his brother could lick the last drops of. Jamie then pulled Chrissy a little bit closer and sucked his brother's peener clean.

`That was hot, man," Patrick said softly. "If I knowed you were into that stuff, Jamie, I woulda done it with you."

"Well, now you know, Pat. Me and Chrissy have been doing piss play longer than we been sucking and fucking. Chrissy, go get me the bucket or else I'll go all over the bed."

Chrissy got an old, white paint bucket from the corner of the shed. He put it a few feet from the mattress. Jamie rose slowly and waddled over to the bucket and squatted over it his back facing us so we could see if we wanted to. And I wanted to. He pulled his cheeks apart and let go. All the peepee Chrissy had peed in him seemed to erupt out at once. I thought there'd be a lot of poop, but there wasn't. Just pee colored pee. But let me tell you man, it may have looked like pee, but it smelled like... Well, you know.

Jamie grunted a couple of times and a few more squirts came out. He wiggled his butt and stood up.

"Chrissy, take it out and dump it in the back.

"No way. When you've peed in me, you make me dump my own. You do it!"

Jamie laughed. "Sounds fair, little bro. You know sometimes," he said to Patrick and me, "he doesn't use the bucket. Just waddles out to the back and goes right there. It's pretty funny."

Then he left--stark naked--to dump the bucket.

When Jamie came back a couple of minutes later, Patrick said to him, "Hey, dude, will you untie the string. It's beginning to hurt like hot fuck."

I sat up and looked at Patrick's privates. His ball sack looked huge and purple, almost black. And even after having the cums two times, he was still super hard. He was so hard that the skin had rolled all the way back and I could see the tip of his dick for the first time. Before that moment, I'd never seen an uncut dick's tip uncovered so I kind of thought it would look different from other guys who were cut. But his looked a lot like Chrissy, Jamie's and mine only bigger.

As Jamie untied and unwound the tight, white cord around Patrick's nut sack, Patrick started yelping in pain.

"Fuck. It hurts so much. Fuck!"

"What's wrong?" Chrissy asked.

"It's okay. It'll get better. It just hurts like a motherfucker when the blood goes back in."

I leaned closer to get a better look. As the cord loosened, the swelling went down a little but the sack's color stayed the same.

"How come you didn't squirt?" I asked. "Did you do dry ones like us?"

Patrick drew a deep breath, I think to make the pain not be so bad.

"Well, if I cum a lot, I dry cum. But these weren't dry ones. The sperms couldn't come out so they're someplace inside. Don't know exactly where."

"Do you do this a lot?" I continued my questioning.


I nodded.

"This is the first time I done it to myself. But the asshole does it to me a lot. I did it cuz I wanted to hurt myself for hurting you. Usually when the asshole does it, he does it longer but he doesn't jerk as hard."

"You shouldn't do that," I whispered. "You weren't rough with me."

Tears filled Patrick's eyes, but he forced them back.

"Yeah, I did. I did what he did to me. Does to me. And I hate him for it. I shouldn't've done it. I don't wanna be like him. Never. NEVER! I think you're cute and even though I started out acting mean to you, I really wanted you to like me. From the start. Now there's no way you could cuz I raped you."

"I do like you. A lot. And I liked what you did. When you ra& fucked me. I want you to do it again."

Patrick shook his head emphatically. "No, Trent. Never. I won't never fuck you again. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone nice like Jamie. Or Chrissy. Not some cunt like me."

"What's a cunt?" I asked.

"It's another name for a woman's privates, Trent," Jamie answered. "Only Patrick means it like he's an asshole only worse."

I fell on top of Patrick. I maybe even might have even hurt him a little bit. I gave him a huge hug and put my face about an inch from his.

"You aren't a cunt. I want you to do it. You know, to fu& " funny thing, I said it before, but now that I was all F-ed out, I couldn't use the word.

"I dunno. Don't think I can," he said really sad, like. "If I do, I'm afraid I'll be just like the asshole. I'll end up hurting you."

"I don't believe it. I don't know who this guy is, but I bet you aren't like him at all. What do you think, guys?"

Patrick sat up and moved me around so that I was sitting in his lap. His boner was rubbing against my crack, but it didn't feel sexy-like. It was more sweet or comforting. Jamie and Chrissy moved next to us. Jamie smelled a little bit like pee, but not too bad.

"Jamie knows some of this. Not a lot. Here's the true shit. Sorry, story.

"The asshole is my father. Or at least he says he is. I don't look nothing like him. And I hate him. He started in on me before I can remember. Doing stuff, you know. Dirty stuff. I hate him so much I never want to be like him but, fuck it all, I'm turning out just like him.

"So you guys wanna hear more or you just wanna dump me like everyone always does?"


To be continued

Authors love to hear from their readers. Drop me a line and let me know what you think so far. I've already plotted much of this story, but if you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them for future stories.

Antonio Green

Next: Chapter 4

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