Best Birthdays Ever

By moc.liamhsuh@19067324otua

Published on May 30, 2013


Best Birthdays Ever Chapter 8 The Study (Bb, Mb, incest, ws, mild scat, non, cons)

Chapter 8 The Study

From Chapter 7

"Daddy, Papa Mark, why am I so nasty?"

Papa Mark looked at Daddy. They both looked serious.

"I think it might be time to tell Trent about the study, don't you?" Papa Mark said.

Daddy nodded.

"You want to shower, Trentster?" he asked.

"Can I stay this way, Daddy? At least for a while. I like being this way."

"I agree it's time to tell Trent about the study. Mark, why don't you carry our piss baby into the familyroom. I'll get some plastic for him to stand on until he dries off. And I'll get the DVD."

Study? DVD? I had no idea what they were talking about, but maybe I'd find out why I loved pee, and poop, and poohole play, and sucking, and fucking so much. Maybe I'd learn why I was so different.


Papa Mark picked me up in his arms and snuggled me into his chest, not caring that I'd get pee on him.

"Jim, don't worry about the plastic. I'll hold our little piss baby until he's dry. You just set up the DVD and get the album."

Once we were in the family room, Papa Mark sat with me on the couch. Daddy was in the recliner with the remote. I could tell he'd be doing most of the talking.

"Well, Trent, this starts about 1987. A radiologist named Meizner took a sonogram of a baby still in the womb, still inside the mother. That's like a movie made with sound waves. She observed in one of her sonograms the fetus grabbing his penis and pulling on it a few times. It sure looked like masturbation. So, there was a study, actually several of them, to see if this was a normal thing or just an accident. It turns out almost all boys masturbate in the womb.

"But, and here's the important part for you, Trent, most boys didn't do it that much. But these studies found out that about 8% of all male fetuses masturbated a great deal in the womb. There were even some sonograms that seemed to indicate the fetus rubbed himself to orgasm, although that wasn't for sure. Let's take a look at some of these sonograms. Now, you have to understand that these have been somewhat enhanced, but they really show what's going on."

Daddy clicked the remote. A shadowy picture of a little guy inside his mommy showed on the screen. In a couple of minutes, the guy's little hand finds his penis and starts pulling on it. I noticed two things. The penis looked really big compared to the baby. And it looked hard like he had a baby boner. After about two or three minutes, the baby starts moving a lot and then lets go. Daddy stopped the DVD.

"See. That was an orgasm, or so the doctors doing the study think," Daddy said. "The people doing the study thought that once the fetus learned how to masturbate, it would keep doing it. So they followed quite a few of these boys after they were born who seemed to spend a lot of time masturbating in the uterus. They had the parents take notes. Some parents even took videos. The boys were also observed as infants and toddlers in the doctor's office. The doctors found that these boys did masturbate frequently while they were infants. For many of them, as soon as the diaper came off, the hand went to the penis. These infants, when left alone, did masturbate long enough to achieve what were definite orgasms. Not all the time, but pretty often.

"As the study went on, as older infants 94% of these boys discovered their rectums and combined anal and penile play. In other words, they'd play with their poop holes with their fingers. Most even got to the stage of inserting their fingers inside. When this subgroup of boys reached about a year and a half or two years and were playing with toys, they all--100% of this subgroup--would insert toys into their rectums. Many achieved anal orgasms this way without stimulating their penises at all.

"These studies have been going on for about 20 years. What the scientists and doctors found was that if the boys weren't scolded or reprimanded about their play, they continued throughout puberty. If they were scolded by parents who didn't understand what was going on, they stopped their play until they reached the age of around five or six. Then anal play became almost an obsession. In both groups, however, the boys seemed to enjoy sexual play that involved urination and defecation."

Papa Mark spoke up. "Your daddy means they liked pee and poop play. Sounds like someone we know and love, doesn't it?"

"Daddy," I asked, "am I like these boys?"

Daddy laughed. "Honey, you were one of the subjects. The sonogram I showed was you. Look at this video."

The screen came alive again. It showed a really little baby in the crib having his diaper changed. As soon as the diaper came off, the baby peed a high arc in the air. While he was still peeing, he grabbed his hard, little peepee and began pulling on it. The person changing the diaper was laughing and blocking the pee with a clean diaper. The baby kept pulling and then started laughing. Then he stopped laughing and began jerking around on the crib, still pulling his now red peepee. Once the jerking stopped, the baby let go, giggled again, and fell asleep.

"Is that me?" I asked.

Daddy and Papa Mark both nodded.

"Keep watching, honey," Daddy said.

The image faded and a new one appeared. This was definitely me. I must have been about 2 years old. I was playing with one of those plastic stacking toys. After I pulled all the rings off, I stood up and pulled off my Underoos. My peepee was very soft. I squatted over the post on the toy and sat gingerly on it. The post slowly disappeared into me until I had about two inches in my rear. As soon as it went inside me, my peepee got really hard. I then began masturbating frantically. It took about twenty seconds and I was shaking all over. Once the orgasm passed, I pulled the toy out and looked at the poopy knob at the end, and then I licked it clean. I expected the video to end, but I repeated the game two more time before my Daddy appeared--from behind the camera I guess--and had me get dressed.

"I wasn't able to get many videos of you, Trent. The study wanted as many as possible without the parent or parents interfering. But right about this time, you began humping the floor openly and regularly. This bothered your mother a great deal and she began to punish you for it. I tried to keep her from doing so, but she would punish what she called your `nasty habit' whenever I wasn't around. Unfortunately, her disapproval and punishment went on for you until that time she stood you on the porch."

Daddy was crying really hard. I jumped out of Papa Mark's arms and hugged Daddy really tight.

"I'm sorry, Trent. I should have protected you better. I didn't really know what was going on. After she did that to you, I told her to leave. I had her sign a paper that she'd never contact you again. But I'm afraid the damage was done. So, baby boy, there's nothing wrong with you. There are other boys just like you. Some turn out gay according to the studies. The rest become bisexual. They like both boys and girls. Your uncle--I mean Papa Mark--and I were probably just like you when we were in the womb. You'll figure it out for yourself when the time comes."

I know it's weird to say, but watching that little two-year old sit on the toy and masturbate himself was hot--even if the toddler was me. I was completely and totally hard after seeing myself like that. I guess it was hot for my two men, too. They both were hard again.

"Daddy, I gotta ask you a question. Please don't think I'm bad. After you took the movie, were you hard like now?"

Daddy nodded. "Yes, son, I was. Very hard. It was amazing watching you then. That was the only time I got a video, but I watched you masturbate quite a few times when your mother wasn't around. You were pretty cool about doing it in front of me, usually on the toilet taking a poo. You'd rub and pinch and pull and then just as your poop hit the water, you'd have your orgasm. I knew what was happening. You were stimulated by the passage of your feces from your rectum. You liked butt play way back then, just like now."

"Did you ever play with me, Daddy?"

"No, I didn't. I wanted to, but I felt it wasn't right. I don't know if I would have if I knew how you are now."

"Did you ever jack off watching me?" The big boy word just slipped out.

"Boy, did I want to. But I waited until I was alone. Every time you `jacked off,' I'd masturbate afterward. Couldn't help myself. You were so cute and so sexy."

Just then, the phone rang. Papa Mark went to answer it and returned in less than a minute.

"It's for you, Trentster." He handed me the handset. It was Chrissy. We talked a little bit.

"Chrissy wants to know if I can go over to their house and play."

"Sure," Daddy said. "You'll have to clean up first, though."

I chatted with Chrissy and Jamie for a couple more minutes then turned off the phone.

"I don't want to clean up. Please Daddy. We're not going to play with our Tonka trucks. We're gonna play with our dickies. So I want to stay this way. Pleeeeeease."

"You want to smell like dried piss?"

I nodded.

"Well, you have to wash off Mark's and my dried semen."

"Please, Daddy. I want it to stay on me. I want Chrissy and Jamie to know how much you love me."

"But Sweety, they could get me in a lot of trouble. And your Papa Mark, too."

"They won't. I know they won't. Don't forget; Jamie raped me just as much as Patrick did. I could get HIM in lots of trouble. But I know they wouldn't want to. We're bestest friends. Please, Daddy."

Daddy took a deep breath.

"I trust his little fuck friends, Jim," Papa Mark said. "You should, too. I think he should go like he is."

"Perv," Daddy joked. "Okay, Trent. I hope I don't regret my decision."

I ran over and hugged Daddy hard. Then I grabbed his cock and squeezed it.

"Can I have another?" I asked, stroking Daddy's huge, hard dick. "From both of you?" I bent over and took the fat, hot dick head in my mouth. I shifted slightly so I could grab Papa Mark's dick as I sucked Daddy's. Then I slipped off Daddy's dick and onto Papa Mark's.

"You want it wet and fresh on you, don't you?" Papa Mark asked. My mouth was full so I just nodded my head. "Okay, Trent. Go get dressed and so will we. This is so fucking hot, Jim. Don't you think? We'll take my van and then give you a cum facial right before you ring their doorbell."

"Now I know I'm going to regret this, Mark," Daddy said. But his daddy dick was all hard again so it didn't look like he really meant that. So was Papa Mark's. I ran to my room and changed into my favorite red board shorts. I love them cuz they're so silky-feeling and if I don't wear unders it feels like I'm naked.

When I got back, my men were wearing tracksuits. They'd sure dressed fast. I could tell they didn't have underwear on either cuz both their pants stuck out straight. Boner time for sure. Daddy had a white object in his hand and waved me over to him. When I got close, I could tell it was a disposable diaper.

"I know you're a big boy and haven't had to wear one of these for a long time, but your poor, abused rear end may drip for awhile. Do you mind wearing one until we get to Chrissy's? You can take it off in the van."

I think Daddy had gotten the diaper from their emergency supplies, the ones they're in charge of in case of a big emergency. Would I mind wearing one? Boing! Just thinking about it made my peener get super hard. Again! I know Daddy and Papa Mark could see the front of my board shorts tenting out--just like their track suits were.

I lay down on the rug and let Daddy put it on me. He even powdered me.

"It looks like little Trent enjoys being diapered," he said, bending over and kissing my stiffy right on the head.

"Can we do this again?" I asked. Daddy answered by rubbing my hair and lifting me up. He carried me almost like a baby to Papa Mark's van in the garage.

Papa Mark's van is all set up for emergencies like I think I already told you. But if not, well it is. There are the seats in front and two behind them. The back of the van has a bunch of supplies. It's even got a couple of bed thingies in it.

It took us about five minutes to get to Chrissy's from our place. When we got there, Daddy and Papa Mark motioned for me to go to the back of the van. I sat down on one of the bed things. They pulled a privacy curtain so you couldn't see in from the front. My two men stood in front of me and dropped their track pants. Just like I thought. No underwear. It was simply wonderful. It's like we were all thinking exactly the same thing. No one said a word. I scooted forward on the bed and sucked Daddy's wonderful, dripping, hot fat man boner into my mouth. I sucked it in as far as it would go until I almost barfed. Then I slipped off and did the same thing to Papa Mark's wonderful, dripping, hot fat man cock.

And back and forth, back and forth. In those days I didn't really know that men take longer to reload each time after cumming. If I'd known, I would have been mega-surprised when Papa Mark's cock swelled in about five minutes as I was sucking it. I knew what was coming and I knew where I wanted it. Even though I really wanted to swallow everything he could give me--and I LOVED the taste of my men's squirties--I wanted it on my face. I pulled my mouth off and pointed his bright red pee hole right between my eyes. I was stroking him and he started stroking too. But not for long.

A thick, hot splat of cum hit me right where I aimed it. Then another and a third. Papa Mark's spooge dribbled down either side of my nose as I rubbed the last oozes from his peehole across my forehead.

"Over here, Sweety," Daddy yelled.

I turned my head in time to see his big Daddy dick erupt. Three. Four. Five. Six times it shot out thick Daddy cream. Daddy aimed his jizzies so that they splattered all over my face.

After he caught his breath, Papa Mark held up a mirror from the emergency supplies. Dried cum crusted my face, neck, chest and tummy. Snot-wads of fresh cum dripped all over my face.

I hugged my two men.

"Thanked you both for making my visit to my boy sex buddies so special" I said. I left the van wearing just my board short, flip-flops, and thick wads of drippy man cum.

Chrissy had told me his folks were out until late that night so we could play naked all day and all over the place--in the house, in the yard, and in the clubhouse. Their house has a front porch that's surrounded by what Gary tells me are decorative cinder blocks so that you can't see the front door from the street. (Remember Gary? He's the writer Daddy hired to help me write this). So before I rang the bell, I stripped off the board shorts, standing there only in my diaper. I rang the bell frantically, eager to show the markings my men had made on me before it dried.

I didn't expect to see what I saw when the door opened. Chrissy was standing there stark naked. His 2" boner stuck straight up in the air. And he stunk--bad. Just like me. Old pee smell, I could tell. Jamie was standing a couple of feet behind him. I could see droplets and a wet sheen on him.

"You stink like pee," I said.

"What the fuck?" Chrissy said, his mouth hanging open. "You stink too. But what's that stuff all over your face. It looks like cum. And why you got a diaper?"

I moved right up to Jamie and licked some of the wetness. Yep. It was pee.

"You first. That's pee on you. Isn't it, Jamie?"

Jamie just nodded, a big smile on his face.

"But you don't like pee play," I said.

"Well, I guess I really do," Jamie said. "I was just embarrassed to admit it."

Right then I realized both my friends had one of their hands behind their backs and seemed to be moving them.

"What you doing back there?"

"Naw, you tell us about the spooge and the diaper now," Jamie answered.

I told Chrissy and Jamie the whole story, from zucchinis to my recent facial just like I told you but without some many details. The only thing I didn't tell them was how I was pretending the zucchinis were Patrick's dick fucking me. As I told the part about Papa Mark and Daddy and me sucking each other, Chrissy started moving the hand behind his back really fast. I could tell what was happening as he stretched up on his tippy-toes and shivered in a dry cum.

"Okay. What you guys doing back there?" I asked when I'd finished my story. "You pushing your fingers in your buttholes?"

Both boys laughed. Jamie squatted slightly and pulled his right hand around to the front. He was holding a bright yellow plastic tube that was rounded at both ends. It looked about as big as a quarter. Chrissy followed suit quickly and showed me a thicker blue tube.


"We got them at a garage sale," Jaime told me. "A whole big bag of them of all different sizes."

He dragged a large plastic garbage bag over and dumped the contents on the floor. There were a bunch of tubes like the two Chrissy and Jamie held. Some were the same size as theirs. Some were smaller. Some were even bigger. The different sizes were different colors. There were also some square pieces with holes in them.

Jamie continued, "They're some kind of building set and that's what Mom and Dad think we do with them. And they're fun to play with like that. But they're more fun like this. Watch."

Jamie grabbed a long, thin brown tube and lay down. Chrissy lay with his butt hole about six inches from Jamie's hole. Jamie slipped one end of the tube into his hole and Chrissy slipped the other end in his hole.

"Watch this," Chrissy said. "Watch our fuck-arama tube game."

As I watched, the tube moved a couple of inches toward Jamie. Then it moved back toward Chrissy. Chrissy scooted closer to Jamie, slipping more of the tube inside his hole. I watch, absolutely amazed as the tube moved back and forth between the brothers.

"Gotta stop, fuck wad," Jamie said. "I don't wanna cum yet."

"Okay, shit fucker," Chrissy answered.

I couldn't take it. I untaped my diaper and let it drop to the floor. I grabbed my boner and pulled on it. I swear, I shivered in like three pulls.

"Is your poo hole okay to use one?" Jamie asked, putting his arm around me.

"I guess. Can we go outside and do it?"

"YES! And we got a surprise for you."

Boy, was it a surprise. Chrissy's family room exits onto their deck. It's got large windows you can see out but people outside can't see in. On the deck, lying on his back in a lounge chair was the last person I expected to see. Patrick. And you know what he was doing? He had a really skinny tube in his hole and he was pushing it in and out really fast. And his mouth was moving.

"What's he doing here?" I asked, surprised and a little upset since I knew he didn't like me even though I wanted him so badly.

Chrissy explained that Patrick had come over the night before because his father had been on a drunken rampage.

"What's he saying?" I asked.

Jamie flipped a switch that looked like a light switch.

"Intercom," he explained.

It was hard to make out what Patrick was saying, so I strained to hear. I could make out my name fairly clearly. It also sounded like he was saying something like "fuck me with that little dick of yours" and "make me cum, lover boy." One thing came across softly but clearly.

"I so fucking love you, Trent."

I looked at Chrissy and Jamie.

"He's got it bad," Jamie said. "Let's go outside and give him what he wants."

He slid the big glass door open and we stepped through. Patrick seemed to wake from a deep sleep. He looked at the two brothers then at me then back at Chrissy and Jamie. Then reality set in. He yanked the plastic tube from his rear end, jumped up, and grabbed his clothes that were crumpled at the foot of the lounger.

"What the fuck is HE doing here?" he screamed, pulling on his pants as he stumbled away from us. "I hate you two! I hate you two!"

Patrick hadn't put on anything except his pants as he disappeared through the side gate.

I couldn't help it. I felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I started crying. No, `crying' is the wrong word. I was bawling like a little baby.

I looked toward the gate where he'd run out. "Well, motherfucking Patrick," I sobbed, "I hate you, too."


To be continued

Authors love to hear from their readers. Drop me a line and let me know what you think so far. I've already plotted much of this story, but if you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them for future stories.

Antonio Green

Next: Chapter 9

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