Best Birthdays Ever

By moc.liamhsuh@19067324otua

Published on Jan 6, 2013


My Best Birthdays Ever By Antonio Green

Bb, Mb, incest, ws, mild scat, non, cons.,

Author's note: I love writing these stories, but it's more fun knowing someone is reading them. If it weren't for Nifty, no one would be able to read them. So, keep Nifty strong and vital. Please donate. Nifty needs your donations to provide these wonderful stories.

Best Birthdays Ever -- Part 4 Three Boys' Stories

From Chapter 3

I fell on top of Patrick. I maybe even might have even hurt him a little bit. I gave him a huge hug and put my face about an inch from his.

"You aren't a cunt. I want you to do it. You know, to fu..." funny thing, I said it before, but now that I was all F-ed out, I couldn't use the word.

"I dunno. Don't think I can," he said really sad, like. "If I do, I'm afraid I'll be just like the asshole. I'll end up hurting you."

"I don't believe it. I don't know who this guy is, but I bet you aren't like him at all. What do you think, guys?"

Patrick sat up and moved me around so that I was sitting in his lap. His boner was rubbing against my crack, but it didn't feel sexy-like. It was more sweet or comforting. Jamie and Chrissy moved next to us. Jamie smelled a little bit like pee, but not too bad.

"Jamie knows some of this. Not a lot. Here's the true shit. Sorry, story.

"The asshole is my father. Or at least he says he is. I don't look nothing like him. And I hate him. He started in on me before I can remember. Doing stuff, you know. Dirty stuff. I hate him so much I never want to be like him but, fuck it all, I'm turning out just like him.

"So you guys wanna hear more or you just wanna dump me like everyone always does?"


You're probably wondering where the whole thing about my best birthdays will come in. Soon. Don't worry, I'll get to it soon, maybe even in my next chapter.

But one thing I didn't tell you about is how I'm writing this and being only 12 years old. Now, I love to write and I'm a good writer. But, hell, I'm 12! So one of my birthday presents from Daddy is a writing coach. He's a real writer himself and writes great books! He helps me a lot getting down what I want to say and making it so it doesn't sound totally dumb. But he helps me get it in my own words.

How's he feel about what I'm writing? That's part of the story, too, and you'll read about that when I talk about my bestest birthday, which happened this year. (I know there's no such word as `bestest,' but Gary--that's my coach--says it's okay to use words like that because that makes the writing genuine and in my voice. Cool, huh?

The reason I bring Gary up is this. I remember so much of what went on because right about that time I started keeping a journal (although I called it a diary back then). What I'd written down wasn't too good, but that's how I remember so much of what really happened. Anyway, I wanted to tell you what Patrick and Jamie told us that day before my eighth birthday, but I didn't know how to do it. I wanted to do it like they were talking, but Gary suggested I switch POV. That's point of view. He said it's tricky and can sound "hokey." (That's the word he used. It means kind of phony). So I'm going to it that way and let them tell you what they all said. Hope it works out okay.

So here goes...

After Chrissy and I finished fucking the big boys, we all collapsed on the old mattress to catch breath. I kind of dozed off I guess because next thing I know Jamie's shaking me. Seems like we'd all been sleeping. Jamie explained sex does that to you, makes you tired. Tired, yes, but I felt so good, too. And horny again. I was totally boned up.

I looked to my left. Chrissy and Jamie were both lying down like I was and just like me, they were boned up too. I turned my head to the right. Patrick was sitting up. Where the other two boys looked happy and horny, Patrick just looked sad. Of the three of us, he was the only one who was soft. It's the first time I got a chance to really look at his dink soft. All the other times I'd seen it, it was hard. Like I told you before, when my dink used to get soft, it became a little button sitting on top of my tight, ping-pong sized ball sack. When Patrick's got soft, it didn't get much shorter, just skinnier. It hung down, flopping over his droopy-down ball sack, its head completely covered by its squiggly looking skin. I know this sounds weird, but it was kind of sweet looking. So was its owner.

Patrick still kind of scared me. I'd seen how quickly he could go from nice Patrick to mean Patrick. But for the first time in my life I felt like I loved another guy. Well, other than my Daddy and Uncle.

Patrick was the first of us to speak. "Well, you guys are still here. Do you wanna hear about me? About the asshole who claims he's my father?"

The three of us nodded in unison.

"Okay, but I wanna hear about how Jamie and Christian got started first."

"No," Jamie said, "we want to hear about you. Right guys?"

Patrick shook his head. "I don't really wanna do it so if you guys go first, maybe I won't be such a pussy. And we all know Trent don't got much to tell about. You guys go first."

"I started it," Chrissy said. This surprised me because Chrissy was such a quiet, `good boy' in school. "And it was a long time ago. You tell it, Jamie."

"You know how sometimes when a baby's born the older kid hates him? Well, that wasn't what happened when Chrissy was born. I was only 3, so I don't really remember it much, but mom and dad tell me I was a really good big brother. They tell me I'd carry him around, help feed him, play with him. That sort of stuff. Hell, I even helped change his diapers. That I do remember. He had some poopy diapers, let me tell ya! I don't think we've ever really been like some brothers I know. You know fighting all the time. We fight, of course, but not bad.

"So you see, I really love the guy, even if he farts too much." Chrissy slugged his brother on his naked arm. "So when I was maybe 7 and Chrissy was 4, mom let us bathe together. Chrissy had this habit of peeing almost as soon as his butt sat down. At first it grossed me out, and I'd complain to mom about it. She'd sit Chrissy on the pot and tell him to pee. The little shit would lie and tell her he'd done it and then she'd help him in the tub. Then as soon as she'd leave: it was a big pee fountain and a giggling little boy.

"I just got used to it. In fact, I even thought it was kind of cute. And that's how our story starts..."


One time when I was 8 and Chrissy was 5, I got in the tub and then Chrissy climbed in. Now back then, I was so used to seeing him naked that it didn't mean anything to me. His peepee was just a little part of his skinny body. I'd discovered how good playing with mine felt, but I didn't make the leap to thinking it might feel good to Chrissy. Sure, I'd seen him humping on the floor when he was watching TV. All the time, in fact. But it didn't mean much to me. And sometimes when he'd pee in the tub, his peepee would be chubby but it never seemed to get super hard like mine did. When mine got supper hard, I loved rubbing and pinching it. I hadn't learned how to really jack off, not to the good feelings. But I sure loved the way playing with it felt. But there's no way I would have thought Chrissy felt that way.

So this one time when Chrissy was 5 I'm in the tub and he comes into the bathroom. By then, mom thought he was old enough to get in and out on his own if I was there. He's in his Sponge Bob underpants and strips them off. Talk about skid marks, Chrissy always had them bad. I mean, even worse than any you could imagine. He's still not that clean back there, even with my help. [Chrissy socked Jamie's arm again but he was laughing.]

So Chrissy's peepee is chubbed up more than usual. He grabs it and starts pulling on it like I do. I couldn't believe my little brother knew this stuff. His little dick is so hard with just a couple of jerks. It's sticking straight out from his tiny, crinkled ball sack. This was the first time I'd really looked that closely at his boy stuff or at least paid attention to it that closely since I'd helped diaper him. He was cute down there and I was surprised I thought about him that way.

So I help Chrissy step into the tub, his peepee sticking straight out at me. I expect him to slip down into the water like he normally does. But he doesn't. Instead, he grabs it and strokes it a couple more times then he starts pissing. ON ME! He's giggling so hard he's having trouble controlling it. His piss is flying all over, mostly on me but some goes in the tub and some even splatters on the floor.

My first thought is to get really angry. But I can't. Not with my own dickie as hard as it's ever been. Something about what he's doing is turning me on. I'm going to yell at my little brother to tell him to stop. I bet you can guess what happens. As soon as he sees me open my mouth he aims at it and aims good. When his piss hits my mouth, I'm going to shut it but Chrissy does something that stops me. He moves right up to me and has his spewing little peepee spraying right into me. I do close my mouth but softly. I'm shocked beyond belief. I have another boy's peepee in my mouth--my brother's peepee. And it's filling my mouth with pee. I swallow. Fuck it! I can't believe he's doing this and I'm liking it. I don't realize it at first, but I'm pulling madly at my own little dickie. Finally, the piss slows down and Chrissy pulls out and finishes by spraying the last at it right at my face.

He steps back. He's got a funny grin on his face. He's still the same, sweet five-year old brother I love but something's changed.

Then Chrissy sits down in the tub and says, "Your turn."

Well, you know how I said mom usually made Chrissy pee before he bathed. I usually did that too, but lately I'd been enjoying the feeling of holding my pee a long time so I hadn't gone before getting in the tub. But now I did have to go...real bad. I guess it was seeing Chrissy go that pushed me over the edge. I thought about it for maybe like a second and I stand up. I'm still super hard and my bone's sticking straight up. But in those days I could piss with a boner so I aim it down and push a little. At first only a couple of drops dribble out. Maybe I'm suddenly pee shy. But that doesn't last. After the first couple of dribbles I push a little harder, fart, and the piss flies out of my pee hole. I wasn't really aiming, but it hits Chrissy right in the face. He opens his mouth, letting it run down into his mouth and scoots forward on his butt until his mouth is right at my pee hole.

My piss is splashing hard into his little mouth. It looks wonderfully sick the way I can see it bubbling around in there. It's easy to see because Chrissy recently had lost his two front teeth. Then he returns the favor I'd given him. He closes his mouth around my pissing boner.

Fucking A! I'd never felt anything like it. The piss filling his warm little boy mouth. His letting it sit there and then gulping it down. Him sucking while he swallowed. Fuck it felt so good. I didn't want my piss to stop since I knew he'd let my dick loose from his mouth when it stopped. But I couldn't keep pissing forever. Eventually it did stop and I expected Chrissy to let go. But he didn't. He kept slurping and sucking on it. He gulped like he was trying to swallow my dick down into his tummy. Then he started moving his lips on it, pulling back, pushing forward, gulping. I could feel the tip of my dick at the back of his mouth. Ever gulp squeezed it.

Pretty soon he was moving his big blond head as fast as he could. I thought I'd fall over. I'd heard some of the bigger boys at school us the term `blow job' by then, but I had no idea what it meant or that my little five year old goody-goody brother was giving me one. His sucking and fucking his mouth on my dick brought me to the point I'd brought myself with my solo jacking. But he didn't stop like I had always done although I muttered for him to stop. He kept it up. Then it came. Or actually, I came. For the first time. My little dick shook like crazy and I dropped to my knees. Chrissy would not let go, though. He kept sucking and fucking his mouth on my dick. It was so sensitive, I thought I'd explode. I tried pushing his head away, but Chrissy would not stop. He kept sucking and moving on me and it came again. The explosion. Fuck man. He brought me off three times before I could push him off.

I looked at my sweet, innocent little brother. Where the fuck had THAT come from? How did he know how to do that? I wanted to ask, but al I could croak out was "Don't you dare tell mommy!"

"Course not, Jamie. You're my bestest big brother. Can we do it again?"

I shook my head no.' Then nodded yes." Then shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe."

I bathed Chrissy fast that first time. When we were done, I wiped all the piss off the floor and got us both dressed in our PJs. When we came downstairs to the living room, mom mentioned that we took a long time. I think I blushed but told a lie about playing with our tubby toys. Boy had we ever played with our tubby toys!

I wasn't sure how I felt about what went on. I wanted to talk to Chrissy about it, but he acted like nothing had happened so I kept my mouth shut. Then the next bath time it happened all over again. This time I made sure I had a full bladder. I didn't pee for a long time and by when bath time rolled around, I was dribbling into my underwear. We did exactly the same thing only this time I started the piss play. After Chrissy got me off the first time, I pushed his head back and stood him up. I wasn't crazy about the way piss tasted but I felt I had to drink all of Chrissy's this time. So as soon as he started pissing, I slipped my mouth over his dickie.

I tried sucking on him like he'd done to me the bath before. I didn't know if little boys could get the great feelings he'd given me and that I'd given myself in bed every night since our first bath games. But I wanted to try. And boy did it work! He had his first cum in my mouth while he was still pissing. It was wild having his piss squirt, stop, squirt, stop, squirt stop just like Patrick does when he cums in my mouth. Only it wasn't cum of course. It was Chrissy pee!

We never said anything about what we did in the tub. We both knew it had to be `our secret.' I guess we had three more bath times like those before Chrissy took our play to a new level. It's funny. It was one Friday night. Mom said we didn't have to bathe since we'd just get dirty the next day anyway since it was Saturday. We both were disappointed but didn't say anything.

Since Chrissy was only 5, he went to be an hour before I did. Chrissy and me each have our own rooms, but he sleeps with me when he has a nightmare, so I wasn't surprised when I found him asleep in my bed. I got into my PJs and slipped in next to him. Only he wasn't wearing his PJ bottoms. I could feel his skinny little butt and his bottoms were wadded up between his legs. For the first time outside the bathroom I did something I'd thought about doing since we started our bath play. I reached around and touched his little dink. It was bone hard. I popped a bone as soon as I touched his. I started rubbing it and snuggled up against his naked rear end.

"Jamie," his soft little voice whispered, "I'm awake. You wanna play a new game I just learned?"

Just learned!' So someone had been showing my little brother all this nasty stuff. I was really pissed that someone was doing this. I'd had the good touch-bad touch' talks at school and this was a `bad touch' for sure. But at the same time, I loved what we'd been doing so I wasn't sure how to feel.

"Who's been showing you this stuff?" I whispered.

"Bobby," Chrissy whispered back.

Bobby was Chrissy's kindergarten friend so I guessed it was okay if he was teaching Chrissy this nasty play. I didn't think to wonder who was teaching Bobby.

"Okay, Chrissy. What do we do?"

"You gotta take off your PJ bottoms."

They were off in a flash. While I tossed them on the floor, Chrissy was scooting around in bed and slid down between my legs. So, I thought, this was the new game. He was going to suck me in bed. Sweet. But after a few minutes, he moved from between my legs, pulled all the covers back, and got on his knees.

"You gotta poke me there," he said pointing at his rear end.

"There? You mean where you..." I couldn't finish.

"Yeah, It's called poopoo poking and it feels real good."

"But you poo from there and it'll get all over my dick."

"It's okay. Bobby and me do it a lot. I'll clean you up after."

"I dunno. I don't know if I want you to do it to me."

"Don't have to. Bobby and me both do it but I like getting poopoo poked bestest. Please, Jamie. Please."

He put his head down and looked at me though his legs. He reached up and pulled his skinny little cheeks apart. Now I wished we'd had a bath.

"Yucko," I said. "You're poopy back there."

"I know. Bobby likes it that way. Me too."

I guess five year olds can be kind of gross.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Spit on my hole and spit on your peepee. Then push it in."

Sounded easy. I leaned over and spit right on Chrissy brown-ringed hole. I could smell him. Somehow though, it didn't smell that bad. Then I hocked a loogie and let it drop on my super hard boner. I lined it up as best I could and tried to push it in.

"You missed, silly," Chrissy laughed. He let go one of his butt cheeks and grabbed hold of my dick. He lined me up.

"Now push!"

I did. FUCK!

I know I'm not really big right now, but back then I was even smaller around. My pointy tip popped right in. And fuck did it feel good. Chrissy was right. It felt wonderful. Tight, warm. A little gooey. I thought that must have been some poo left inside.

"Keep doing it. Like we do in our mouths."

I pulled out but too far. My dick slipped out but I knew where I wanted it. I jammed it back in, maybe a little too hard.

"Owie! Owie. Not so hard," Chrissy whimpered.

I slowed down a bit and took care not to pull all the way out. Chrissy was moving with me, building our pace up. Once we got started, the fuck rhythm came naturally.

"Rub my peepee, Jamie. Please."

I reached around and began jacking his little spike. It was so tiny and so hard it made me feel like a real perv. And I loved it. Chrissy must have loved it too cuz he started squealing softly. Next thing I know, his butthole is squeezing my dick. Hard. Real hard. On and off. He's having a cum just like in the tub. It slows down and stops. I stop at the same time.

"Don't stop, Jamie. Keep fucking me!" I can't believe my little bro just used the `F-word.' I didn't even know that's what we were doing. But I knew what he wanted so I got back to poopoo poking him, to fucking his tight little boy asshole. I lost count of how many cums he had. But I had three inside him.

Finally, we collapsed on the bed, both of us fucked out.

After a couple of minutes, I turned and faced his pretty little, toothless face. He was smiling a mile wide smile.

"Where'd you learn that word?" I asked.

"What word?" Chrissy answered.

"You know. The `F-word.' You said it."

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Promise not to tell."

"I guess."

Gotta cross your heart."

By now I was really curious so I crossed my heart.

"Bobby's brother Frank does all this stuff with him. And with me too."

I was pretty sure I knew who this kid was. There was a Frank in fourth grade.

"How old is he?"

"Nine. Almost the same as you."

Same Frank. Sometimes he acted tough.

"Does he hurt you guys or do it mean?"

"No. He's nice but also kind of swears and stuff. Bobby knows all the right words."

"Like what?"

"Promise you won't tell?"

I promised.

"Fuck. Shit. Cock. Dick. Cunt. Pussy. Twat. Piss. Fag. Cocksucker. He says we're his favorite cocksucking fags."

I wasn't sure I liked this older boy treating my brother like that, but there wasn't much I could do. I looked down at my now limp dick. It was well smeared with Chrissy poop. I pointed at it.

"You said you were going to clean it. Go get some toilet paper." Chrissy shook his head `no.' "A deal's a deal. Go get some TP and clean your poop off my peepee." I wasn't about to start using the big boy words with my little brother.

Chrissy shook his head `no' again but started moving around on the bed, so I thought he was going to do what I'd asked. Instead, he dove down onto my dick and slurped its full, soft filthy length into his mouth. He swished it around in his spit and slurped and gulped. I couldn't believe what he was doing.

"You gonna kiss mommy with that mouth?" I asked. He pulled off my dick and smiled.

"I'll brush my teeth first, doodoo head."

I slugged him softly in the arm.

"Isn't that real yucky?" I asked.

"Nope. I like it. I clean Bobby's and Frank's both. Only Bobby will do me. Frank says little boys gotta do the dick cleaning. And he says only big boys get to fuck. Little boys get fucked. But it's okay for little boys to fuck each other. Promise you won't tell mommy I said the words."

I promised. And I was hard once again. I wasn't so sure about getting fucked, but I sure wanted to have another go at Chrissy if he'd let me. He did. Two more cums inside him.

The next day, dad took me into the kitchen. I knew he knew and would be pissed. All he said was that brothers sometimes played with each other and he hoped I didn't do anything Chrissy didn't want to do. If he only knew!

Well, guys, there's a lot more to tell. Like how Chrissy and me did something sexy every day. How we drank each other's pee first thing in the morning. How I get to fuck little Bobby. How Frank and I fucked them both then fucked each other. And how my first taste of cum was Frank's but it was the day before he and his family moved away so he never got to cum inside me. That was right at the end of summer. I was pissed. Then Pat moved into their house and I got a new friend.

Right, Pat?

"Is all that true, Christian?" I asked my second grade friend. "You did all that? And say those words?"

I was astounded. Like I said, Chrissy is the class good boy. He never does anything wrong and never even says "poo" in class. And he looks so young, I couldn't believe he did all the stuff Jamie had just told us.

"Yeppers. I'm a slutty fuck hound. I think I'm gay but Jamie says I'm too young to know. I just know I love getting plugged and I love sucking cock and I love all that shitty fuck fuck stuff."

I turned toward Patrick. Jamie's story had got his cock hard and drooling.

"You want to do me now?" I asked.

Patrick glared at me. "Stop it, fuck face. I said I ain't gonna do you again. Never! So shut the fuck up."

Ouch! I'd awakened bad Patrick again. When his face settled down I said, "Sorry Patrick. Do you want to tell us your story now?"

"You first!"

"Not much to tell," I answered. Other than jacking off, all I've ever done was with you guys. But I loved it, even the ra... Even the first time with you and Jamie. And I hella want to do more. Okay. Now you. Please?"

Patrick's face flashed anger, sadness, hatred, softness, and then sadness once again.

"I'm sorry I got pissed at you again, Trent. I really like you, dude. More than you can know. It's just... Well maybe you'll understand when I tell my story."

Patrick took a bunch of deep breaths, kind of like I do when I'm going to dive to the bottom of the deep end of our community pool. Then he began talking, his voice barely audible...

*********** PATRICK'S TALE

Ya know how I told ya I didn't think the asshole who says he's my dad really is? Here's why I think that.

You all remember the first time you ever sucked a cock or got sucked. Right? I mean Trent's was just a few days ago. And Jamie, you just told us about how you and Christian started. And Christian knows the first time for him.

Well, I don't remember. It seems like all my life I've been sucking cock. I can't even remember the first time mine got sucked. It always seemed to be happening to me. It was natural like. That's one of the reasons I don't think the asshole really is my dad. I mean think about it. I been sucking his nasty smelling cock since forever. That just ain't natural.

And I don't even remember the first time I was sucking other guys off. Men and boys. The asshole says I was two and he's even got movies and pictures of a little kid who he says is me. I believe him cuz he's shown me a bunch of movies and pics with the same kid. That kid's getting older and older in the movies and ya know he starts looking like me and then it is me.

What sort of real dad would do that? And he don't look nothin' like me. I mean, look at me. I got real white skin and I'm fuckin' skinny. He's real dark, like he's Mexican or Italian. And he's hunky. I got blue eyes. He's got brown. There ain't no pictures of me before I was 2. The sucking one's the first one he's got. And no pics of my mom. The first time I asked him about her I was maybe five. He punched me in the stomach. Another time he slapped me. And the last time I asked him I was nine. I was naked and he grabbed my balls and twisted them so hard I puked. I don't ask no more.

I only got one pair of underpants like you seen. It's not that the asshole don't have the money for them. He's got tons of money. He buys a new SUV and pick-up every two years. He' s got a great home theater system to watch his fuckin' little boy porn on. He just won't buy me anything including underpants until the one pair I got is all ripped up or it's way too small. Is that how a real dad acts? You think I like having skid marks? No one teases me about them. I'd smash them if they did. But I know they talk about them behind my back. But if you didn't wash your underpants except once a week and then in the toilet, you'd have shit streaks too. And the asshole says he saves money on me by not buying toilet paper. I gotta wipe myself with my fucking hand!

Like I said, I don't remember the first time I sucked cock. I don't even remember when I started drinking his piss or when he started playing with my asshole. Pushing his fingers in me. But I remember the first time I got fucked. I was five. You'd think the first time I was raped it'd be the asshole. But it wasn't. Some other guy did it to me. It was one of his friends I'd been sucking forever. It's funny but I'd never been naked with this guy so when he took off all my clothes I thought something was going to happen. I was scared. And I shoulda been.

He fingered my hole just like the asshole did. Then he put this cold slippery stuff in it. It was cold but it made him fingering me feel better. I remember getting a boner and him teasing me. He told me I'd "lose that little boner real fast real soon."

The asshole was filming the whole time. The man--the asshole called him Doug--threw me on the bed on my back rough. Climbed up there and rammed his fucking cock into me as hard and deep as he could. I don't remember anything right after that but I've seen the movie tons of times so I know what happened. I screamed so fucking loud then passed out. I came to when he started slapping me.

I couldn't believe how much that fucking hurt. He took fuckin' forever to cum. He'd pull out and rest then put me in a different position like on my knees and ram in again. When I was on my back, he'd spit at me and twist my balls or bite my nipples. He took 23 minutes until he finally spermed in me with this wild yell and pounding me awful.

Once he got off, it was the asshole's turn. He put the camera on a stand thing and filmed while Doug made me suck his limp, bloody, shitty cock clean. The asshole was bigger than Doug so the whole thing hurt just like the first time. After I'd licked Doug's cock clean, he got down and filmed the rest of it.

They both did me again. One each. The whole movie is over two hours long. At the end, Doug takes out this big wad of bills and counts it out to the asshole. Two-fucking-thousand dollars. Asshole'd sold my ass cherry for $2,000! No way a real dad does that.

Since then, I've been his little whore boy. That's what he calls me. It's mostly men. But somtimes some of the men bring over boys. Some are older. Some younger. I guess they're whore boys, too cuz we're made to perform for the men.

He makes me do weird stuff too. Like he's got these four posts in the basement. He stretches me out on them and guys will fuck me while I hang there. My arms feel like they'll pop out of my shoulders.

Sometimes he won't let me use the toilet. I try not to do it, but I end up pissing my pants. And worse. You can guess. He kept me like that for five days once. This was right before we moved here this year. I had to wear the wet and shitty pants for five fucking days. He kept me in the basement so I wouldn't get anything important dirty. I fuckin' stunk. And itched. You can't imagine how bad I itched. Twelve years old and I had little boy poopy pants. That's what the asshole called them. He's got a movie of it that he's edited to show every time I go in my pants. He says it's a best seller. Oh, yes, he sells movies of my being raped. The other boys, too.

He and the other men tie up my balls until I'm afraid they're going to fall off. And they torture me other ways too. Sometimes they have the boys that are there do those stuff to each other.

Another thing. He wants to keep my asshole tight as can be. He gives me a big enema and makes me hold it as long as I can. I have to jump around, dance, do exercises. If I lose anything... Hell, you don't wanna hear about that.

So now you see why I don't think the asshole's really my dad. And why when I started raping you, Trent, I got scared. I don't wanna be like him. I don't know if I can control myself with you. I like you so much but something about you makes me want to hurt you like I get hurt. So there ain't no way I'm ever going to fuck you again.

Sorry. Just ain't gonna happen.

We all sat there silent for a long time. Jamie, Chrissy and I had lost our hard-ons. But the funny thing was, as awful as Patrick's story had been, his four and half inches stood straight out from his tummy and it was leaking a lot.

I touched his shoulder, "Can I at least suck you?"

Patrick looked at me, his face blank. He nodded `yes,' and I slithered over between his legs and slurped his cock into my mouth.


To be continued

Authors love to hear from their readers. Drop me a line and let me know what you think so far. I've already plotted much of this story, but if you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them for future stories.

Antonio Green

Next: Chapter 5

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