Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on May 10, 2012


Chapter 17: Undying Love

Disclaimer: I do not own nor am am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Viacom, or Nickelodeon. This is a work of fiction and is for entertainment only.

This work contains acts of homosexuality, so if you're offended by such material then leave now.

No one under the age of 18 or 21 (Check your local laws) is permitted to read this material.

Note: Yet another touching chapter. I got a lot of mixed reviews about the last Chapter, and I think it was just what this story needed. Well not much to say here about this one. Hope you guys enjoy this one.

The tension was strong. Kendall, James, and Logan were all sitting down in the same room. Logan's red eyes seemed to pierce right into James' soul. The feeling was uncomfortable for him. James could not make eye contact with Logan, he knew that he was responsible for what happened to Carlos, and he knew Logan wouldn't forgive very easily, if he could even gain his forgiveness. Kendall looked at the other two and scratched his head.

"Okay, look James as far as what went on between you and me, well I don't think it was the right idea for us." Kendall said clearing his throat. "I know I didn't appreciate you enough, and well I don't think I was really ready for another relationship. I just want us to be friends, I want all of us to just get along right now, there is a more important matter in front of us, Carlos."

Logan's eyes were fixated on James. "Why should I forgive him? After what he did to me, and after what he tried to do, he doesn't deserve forgivness."

"I'm sorry." James choked up and started to cry. "Listen Logan, please believe me, I'm sorry."

Logan got up from his chair and pounded his fists onto the table. "Sorry just doesn't cut it! I'm sorry isn't going to make all this dissapear! I'm sorry isn't going to make Carlos spring up from that hospital bed.!"

"Hey Logan please calm down dude. Sit down." Kendall said grabbing Logan. "Come on, let's just try and work something out guys."

"Why?" Logan asked. "So he can try and pull that same stunt off again? You know what your problem is James? Since you've been here, this fame has gotten to your head. Carlos may not have seen it, Kendall may not see it, but you care more about yourself than anyone else more than ever."

James could not answer back. He was looking into his hands trying to say somehting, but he couldn't muster up the courage. He looked up only to see Logan glaring at him like a demon. James closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I don't know what to say. I fucked up okay!" James felt his eyes watering again. He dropped to his knees. "Is that what you want to hear? I fucked up okay, I did some stupid shit, and now my best friend is in the hospital because I was being stupid."

Logan balled up his hand into a fist and took a deep breath. "It's not that easy to just forget about all of this. I could forgive you now, but what if Carlos has permanent effects from the accident? What if he dies? How do you know if he'll forgive you."

"I don't know. I don't. I'm trying please believe me. I never would have wanted to hurt any of you. I love all of you, and I don't know what came over me. I'm trying, I don't know what to do!" James started crying again.

Logan closed his eyes. "I'll forgive you, if he lives, if he doesn't have any long lasting effects, but so help me, if there is anything, I'll never forgive you."

The stinging words sent shivers down Kendall's spine. He had never heard such strong and intimidating words come out of Logan's mouth before.

"In the meantime, I don't wanna see your face. I just want to be with Carlos." Logan said looking at Kendall.

Before Kendall could respond Logan stood up and walked out of the room. James was still shaken up, and Kendall sat down sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair not knowing what to do with the situation, for the first time Kendall felt like he wouldn't be able to guide the group through this problem alone, he was over his head.

Logan had arrived at the hospital and Carlos' parents were in the room. He walked in and greeted them and took a seat next to Carlos on the other side of the bed. He took a deep breath looking at Carlos peacefully resting in the bed. It was still a heartwrenching sight. Just to see someone who was always upbeat and energetic connected to so much equipment was depressing.

"You really love him don't you?" Mrs. Garcia asked wiping her tears with a tissue.

"I love him more than anything in the world. I always have. Since we grew up together, I always felt this strong love for him, and well here I am now, I never thought I'd have to be here like this, but I will always be here for him." Logan said as a tear came out of his right eye. "It hurts to see him like this. I know I most likely can't feel the pain you both are, you're his parents, I'm just a boyfriend, but he's been in my life for so long now..."

"Logan. My wife and I want you to know that we always knew you and Carlos would some day well you know. We just want you to know that it means a lot to us that you love him so much, that you're here for him. That is the most honorable thing anyone can do, and we can't thank you enough." Mr. Garcia said as his voice cracked.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments when a knock came to the door. It was the doctor. He came in with a very concerned look on his face. He had Carlos' file in his hand. The doctor came in and looked at the three people in the room. He took a deep breath.

"What is wrong doctor?" Mrs. Garcia asked.

My staff and I have just become aware that Carlos has a metal plate in his head." The doctor said.

"Yes. He was in an accident as a kid. What is the significance of the plate?" Mr. Garcia asked.

"Well as you are aware, Carlos is in a dangerous area. If he were to go into cardiac arrest, or if his heart rate stops in any way, that we would not be able to use a defibrilator. The shock would travel through the body, and because of the metal plate, could cause irreversable damage to the brain, or worse."

Logan started crying, he tried to contain himself, but failed miserably.

"I know this is a very difficult time, for all of you, but there are certain percautions we must take at this time." The doctor said. "On a lighter side, all of the results so far have come back positive. There is no internal bleeding, but he has suffered a concusion which concerns me. He has a bruised lung, and two cracked ribs."

Mr. Garcia looked at the doctor. "So what does this mean?"

"It means that Carlos will survive, but he may suffer longterm complication from this accident, it could involve longlasting pain and discomfort around his rib cage, especially if he does any sort of strenous activity, but the biggest issue at here is whether or not he can wake up from his coma. Many people are in a coma as short as a few days, and years. Until he wakes from his coma, we cannot be certain as to what degree the damage is to the brain. His results from the MRI showed that there is an inflamation in some of the tissue, would could restrict proper blood flow, meaning a decrease of oxygen to the brain. This could cause anything from loss of smell, or possibly even short term memory loss. Once again, we will not be certain until he has awaken from his coma." The doctor cleared his throat. "Our biggest concern is if the swelling in the tissues of the brain do not decrease, it may cause potential life threatening complications. If the brain cannot receive proper blood and oxygen flow, some vital organs may shut down, or may even cause certain organs to act against the body. While he was having his MRI, Carlos had an erection, which was relieving to us, as this was an indicaion that there is no spinal damage. His legs twitched and every one in a while his body may jerk. Now our biggest obstacle is the swelling."

"Well what can you do about the swelling?" Logan asked. "Is there anything that you are giving him?"

"We have introduced a strong anti-inflamitory into his body, we hope that this will decrease the swelling so the blood can flow." The doctor said. "This injury is typical in most boxers, and we are treating this as such. Thankfully he got here to the hospital quickly, and we were able to make certain adjustments. Now that we know the major problems, we can begin treating these quickly."

Mr. Garcia held his wife and looked back at the doctor. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Yes, I reccomend you visit him as often as you can, speak to him, hold his hand, let him know you are here. Often enough these small things have been able to bring people out of a coma, but there is no guarantee. He mostly knows that all of you are here." The doctor smiled. "He is a fighter. We will keep a close eye on him, and we will do our best to get your son back on his feet."

"Thank you so much." Mr. Garcia responded as he shook the doctor's hand. "I'm sorry we never even got your name."

"I am Doctor Kent." The man said. "If there is anything you need to ask, please do not hesitate to call for me."

He walked out of the room. An hour had passed when the Garcia's had decided to leave for a short amount of time leaving Logan some time alone with Carlos. Logan grabbed Carlos' hand and kissed it again and helf it close to his cheek. A tear dripped from his eye and landed on Carlos' hand. The hand twitched and Logan closed his eyes.

"Oh baby, why did you have to run out on me. I tried to explain to you so hard." Logan started weeping. "I was never unfaithful to you. You are my one, my last, my everything. You are the only man in this world who own my heart, no one else. My love is yours and only yours. This was all James' fault. I don't know why he did what he did. I don't know if I can ever forgive him for this, it hurts so much to see you like this. I feel like I failed you. I didn't try hard enough to hold you, and I know if I could have slowed you down maybe just a few more moments, that car would have never hit you. I would rather you have been angry at me, than here in this hospital bed. I don't know how long I can keep fighting this feeling inside. I love you so much, and I want you to fight this and come back to me. I promised you that I would always be here by your side, no matter what, and here I am. You have to come back, I don't know what I would do without you. I'm already going crazy. The bed felt so lonely and cold without you. Life has been so dull without your witty comedy, and joyful energy. I'm nothing without you, I was never anything without you. As long as I can remember, you were the one who always brought out my best side. I know before we became boyfriends we had our fights, and we had our arguments, but we never held a grudge against one another, and at times I wonder if you and I were meant to be. We always came back together, and I want you to come back. I'm begging you, I know you can hear me. I know that you can feel me here. I don't want to lose you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I could find a miracle that would bring you back, I would swim across the ocean, I would climb the highest mountain, cross the most unbearable desert, even brace the coldest winds to be there for you. Nothing in this world would ever make me give you up, not all the money, fame, or knowledge in this life. I feel so lonely without you. These past few days have been the most horrible days I have had in a long time."

Logan looked up and saw Carlos' crying. His eyes were closed, but the tears were flowing out steadily. Logan stood up and Carlos' hand grabbed his hand and he wouldn't let go. Logan started to cry again, but more of a loving release. He held Carlos' hand tightly and wiped the tears away form his lover's face. At that moment somehting magical happened. A smile came to Carlos' face before it had slowly faded away. Logan leaned forward and gently kissed Carlos on the forehead whispering the words "I love you."

Next: Chapter 18

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