Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Aug 20, 2013


Chapter 28: Big Time Wedding Part I

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor am I affiliated with "Big Time Rush" Nickelodeon, or Viacom. This is solely a work of fiction, I'm not trying to say any specific character is gay or anything of the sort, it's just a story.

This story contains acts of homosexuality, so if you're offended by such material, leave now.

No readers under the age of 18 or 21, or check your local laws etc.

Note: Here's the next one. I'm working on trying to get these out a little more closer together. Enjoy guys! Also, remember you can help keep nifty free by making donations. Read on.


"I'm so nervous," Logan said while wiggling his tie. "What if no one likes how I look."

"Logan you look magnificent," Kendall said with a reassuring tone.

"I don't know, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach, I'm shaking, and I'm so scared right now." Logan was looking at himself in a mirror. "I just can't get this damn tie right."

Kendall placed his hands ever so gently upon Logan's shoulders, softly massaging them. "You seem so lost when you're in love. Trust me, you look amazing."

Logan could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. There he stood peering into the mirror, only imagining Carlos dressed the same. They had chosen the standard tuxedos for James and Kendall, but Carlos and Logan had finally decided on something much more amazing. Logan looked at his white pants, coat, and shoes. His shirt was white covered by a deep purple vest, and a white and silver tie with purple stripes finished out the outfit. Originally it was to be pink, but when Logan had seen Carlos in purple, he insisted they match in purple; Logan simply adored Carlos in the color purple.

When James and Kendall had seen Carlos and Logan in the matching outfits, their jaws had dropped. It had been a long process at the shop, but when both men stood together, both James and Kendall had agreed they were both the envy of almost every Hollywood couple.

"You look so handsome. I don't think I've ever seen you look this happy, shook up, yet magical at the same time. When you and Carlos stand in front of everyone making your vows, I promise everyone will be blown away."

"Thanks," Logan replied as he wiped tears away from his eyes. "Oh God, now I'm crying."

"If I was ready to make the same step, I would be too. This is a beautiful day." Kendall looked down at his feet and smiled.

For some awkward reason, Kendall had a vision enter his mind. He stood on the platform in front of everyone wearing the matching tuxedo, looking into Logan's eyes, and the sound of cheering and clapping as they came together for a kiss. Kendall snapped back to reality when he heard his phone ring.

"I'll be right back, I have to take this call," Kendall said before leaving the room.

Logan was still looking at himself in the mirror, only wondering what Carlos was doing. Was he fidgeting around with his tie too? It was possible, Carlos really didn't like ties very much. Was he shook up too? the thought seemed to creep in. there was a strong chance Carlos was crying his eyes out too, and James reassuring him, or perhaps Janes was doing the crying, he had been very emotional lately.

Since waking up the young couple hadn't seen each other, and Logan was already missing him. He was smart, he could roll out an attitude, but Carlos was just the bold one. For some reason Logan remembered a fight they once had before becoming a couple, and they said they would never speak again, but in an hour they were joking like nothing ever happened. He could only laugh, they were both different in so many ways, but they seemed to fit better than gears on a clock.

Logan found himself remembering the first time he shared a kiss with Carlos, the Fourth of July going off in his mind. He could remember the deep warming feeling of being in Carlos' strong arms. Logan was scared thinking about being a relationship, especially since had so much to experience in life, but the first kiss, the first time they made love, Logan knew that the bond of love was there. He didn't tell Carlos, but the day he was proposed to had doubts, but his love couldn't be denied, and Logan knew that the time was upon him, he knew how fortunate he was. People often go years searching for a love like he found, and he was not going to let it slip away.

Logan knew that the day had nearly passed by, the sun slowly beginning to make its descent; but it was only the beginning of his life, and with a husband no one could ask more of. The two would start their ceremony as the sun would set, marking the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another, this time as husband and husband, a dream come true.

Carlos had found himself in his room dressing room, He and James had dressed together, they were close friends, and really nothing to hide from one another.

"So you and Kendall seem to be having more fun together than before," Carlos said fighting with his tie. "I hate ties, damn this thing."

"Don't choke yourself," James chuckled. "I don't wanna have to give you CPR on your wedding day dude. Yeah Kendall has been alright, but um, never mind."

"What's the problem?" Carlos asked.

"It's just...I really don't want to make this about me, it's your big day," James replied. "You shouldn't have to worry about my problems."

"James, you know you can always talk to me when you have a problem." Carlos out his hand on Janes shoulder.

"Ugh, it's just Kendall has been staying up real late the past few days. I pretend I'm asleep, but he just goes into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. Should I be worried?" James asked as he sat down.

"Have you and him been fighting?" Carlos asked.

"No," James whispered. "Everything has been okay, I mean not perfect, but we haven't argued ever since you bumped your head, he loves me I know he does, but there has to be something."

"Have you guys been doing it?" Carlos inquired. "I mean have you been bumping the nasties?"

"Bumping the nasties?" James made an awkward face. "Well yes, we have, almost every night. I mean, he's not as good as you, but he's okay."

"I thought we agreed we would never talk about that," Carlos said as he looked over at James. "You promised you would never mention it again."

"Don't get worried Carlos, I mean technically you and Logan weren't even dating yet. You can really suck some dick, and your Latin cock felt great in my ass, and why lie, you tasted good when you were in my mouth." James said as he stood up. "You don't have the biggest cock I've ever had, but you know how to use it, and you should be proud. Dude I've met guys slinging like King Kong who don't even know how to work their blessing the right way."

Carlos could feel himself getting hard, but he turned away trying to hide it from James. He looked down at the counter in front of the mirror and tapped his fingers one by one.

"That was before, this is now. I fucked you, I sucked you. You sucked me, I haven't forgotten. It still remains in the back of my mind, you were the one I lost my virginity to...but I didn't love you that way, I was just so damn horny." Carlos bit his lower lip.

"Don't beat yourself up bro." James said. "You did nothing wrong. The day you told me you were in love with Logan, we stopped. I would never want you to do something you don't want to do. Look, you're not a cheater, and neither is Logan, from what I know. Carlos, you're happy, and to be honest I'm thrilled for you. Don't you remember all I did for you?"

"Yeah," Carlos muttered. "The haircut, clothes, and dating advice."

"Exactly, and you know why I did it? I wanted to see you happy. I wanted you but not for love, I just wanted you, and I know that's fucked up, but I mean you're handsome man. You're bold, funny, and you always seem to know what to say in an awkward situation. Logan is really lucky to have a man like you."

"I'm the lucky one. He told me yes, I was so fearful he might have sad no, I mean what if he had?" Carlos asked.

"He didn't say no because he loves you Carlos." James answered. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier too. I promise I'll never mention it again."

"I'm sorry. I know you didn't mean wrong James. It's just I don't think Logan would ever look at me the same again. Logan is a wonderful guy, I would have to be blind not to see that." Carlos pointed out.

"So, from one best friend to another, what's he like? You know." James smiled.

"Oh my God, I'm not going to tell you that," Carlos replied.

"So then why are you smiling? Is he big? Small? Does he moan? Is he tight? Come on, you've been hiding the tea for too long." James said. "Kendall is huge, and makes a lot of noise, and well you know he does do this thing where he just nibbles at my left ear."

"A gentleman never tells James," Carlos chuckled.

"Oh come on. No one has to know. I'm curious dude, what's Logan like? He's always been so nervous about his appearance. I mean remember how long it took him to not wear a shirt when all were at the pool?" James asked.

"Alright but this is between us." Carlos giggled. "Well he's cut. Average, like six inches maybe. He makes this little moan when we do it, almost high pitched, but it's cute at times. He's tight and moist. He likes to keep it nice and neat down there too. Not shaven, because I don't like that, but he keeps it maintained. I mean what else can I say?"

"Do his eyes sparkle after you do it? Does his body shudder when you kiss? How do you guys sleep?" James asked away.

"What's with all these questions? Okay, his eyes sparkle. When we kiss, I can feel it when his knees get weak. We spoon most of the time, but he loves to have me lay on my back while he rest his head on my chest. He loves to put his ear over my heart, and I wrap my arm around him till we pass out," Carlos said as he smiled again. "I love him."

"Awe, you are both so gay," Janes chuckled.

"Oh shut up," Carlos said as he playfully shoved James aside. Well I think it's time," Carlos said. "Perhaps we should head out, today I make the promise to him."

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