Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Dec 29, 2011



Disclaimer: I don't own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, and Viacom. I'm not claiming than any person in this work is gay or etc. This is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under the age of 18 or 21 (Check you local laws etc.) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contains acts of homosexuality.

If you're offended by subject material as such then please leave now.

Note: I've gotten some feedback recently. So far all positive. I'm going to keep this train rolling. Hope you guys enjoy. Sorry about the wait, been a busy Holiday Season. I was going to split this into two seperate chapters, but decided to put them together into one big chapter.

Chapter 3. Logan's Love

Its early in the morning and Logan finds himself sitting down on the balcony of the apartment looking over the pool. He can't sleep. He hasn't been able to sleep good enough for a while now. His arms are folded and he takes a few deep breaths trying to clear his mind. Logan has had a conflicted mind for some time. He had always known he was not like most guys. Deep down Logan found himself developing feelings for the same sex. Was he really gay? Logan was not completely sure, but had a gut feeling he was. He didn't care about any guys in general, there was only one. For months he had been fighting off the desire to make his feelings known but he was worried knowing Kendall had a problem with gays.

Logan knew deep down in his heart he had very strong feelings for Carlos, for some reason it was only Carlos. When Carlos would hug him, he felt so warm and secure. When Carlos would grab his hand he would always smile and blush. Most importantly, Carlos had kissed him on the cheek several times, and it sent a feeling like electricity through his body. Logan was worried that maybe Carlos was just being Carlos.

Since they were younger, Carlos was always a friendly guy. Carlos just did things like that. So it came natural to Logan that Carlos was just being friendly, but deep down in his mind, each night he prayed Carlos was the one. Logan closed his eyes when he heard the sliding glass door open. It was James.

"Hey are you ok?" James asked sitting down beside him.

"I can't sleep. I've been like this for a while now." Logan replied.

"Awe. What's wrong?" James looks over with concern in his eyes.

"I think I'm..." Logan hesitates. "I think I'm gay."

"Oh. Why do you think you are?" James asks looking into Logan's eyes.

"I just have these feelings. I've been so confused." Logan said.

"Have you told Carlos?" James asked with a smile on his face. "He is your best friend isn't he?"

"What for. What's the point. Maybe you should just hang out with Carlos. He's your boyfriend. Kendall told me everything." Logan said preparing to walk away.

"Boyfriend? Wow, you got that all wrong." James said.

"You know what, I don't have time for this. Have fun with Carlos." Logan says sternly.

James grabs Logan by the arm. "Hey listen to me. You're the smart one and you can't figure it out yet? I'm not the one Carlos loves." James says.

"Oh yeah sure whatever you say." Logan scolds.

"He loves you!" James yells.

"What?" Logan's face grows confused.

"You heard me. Carlos loves you. He told me himself. Isn't it obvious?" James says with a harsh expression on his face.

Logan's eyes turn red. "Oh my God. How could I be so stupid. Its been right in front of my face the whole time. How could I not see it? All this time I thought he was just being kind. I feel so dumb."

"Hey, don't hold yourself down buddy. You just didn't pay attention. So do you like Carlos?" James asks as he fixes his hair.

"I do but I'm scared. What if he doesn't like me afterwards?" Logan asks.

James interrupts Logan. "Do you hear yourself? Carlos hasn't ever separated from you has he? So ask him out on a date."

"I'm so nervous. What if he says no?" Logan asks with a broken voice. "What if Carlos doesn't like me after all, what if-"

"Hey! Relax Loggie! Carlos likes you, I'm certain. He told me!" James says with a huge smile. "I'll tell you what. I'll help you out. Kendall has been acting like a douche lately. You, me, and Carlos will go see a movie. At the last minute I'll bail out on you saying Kendall texted me and needs to talk, or whatever. That will leave you and Carlos alone on your date."

"You'd do that for me?" Logan asks with his face brighter than the sun.

"Of course. I owe it to you. Kendall told me how you put him in his place. So I owe you one, and you guys are my friends. I want to see you both happy." James hugs Logan and walks back in the apartment.

As the door closes, Logan starts jumping and fist pumping at the news. He was still very nervous, but now he knew that he had a chance to spend time with Carlos in a more intimate setting. He couldn't wait. Logan made his way back into the apartment when he saw Kendall sleeping on the couch. Logan made his way to the room Carlos and Kendall shared. James was in the bathroom, and Logan slowly opened the door of the bedroom and peeked in. In the darkness he could easily see Carlos' junk scattered everywhere. He was kind of messy, but it was the boyish trait that Logan adored. Carlos was like a man's man. That was sexy.

He slowly looked in and as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see Carlos cuddled up with his pillow. Logan smiled at the sight and slowly crept towards the sleeping young man. Logan just stood still looking at Carlos' chest slowly moving. Logan kneeled down and stuck his hand out slowly. He paused and slowly put his hand in Carlos' hair. As he ran his fingers through it, Carlos' body slowly moved. A smile came to Carlos' face as he slowly slipped back into sleep. Logan smiled and stood back up and walked away.

Logan almost made his way out when he tripped over a football. Carlos jumped up but didn't see anyone in the darkness. He sat back down in his bed. Logan didn't dare move until it sounded like Carlos was sleeping again. He waited and he started to hear Carlos pray.

"Dear God, Heavenly Father I ask you to please send me a sign. I really love someone, but I'm not sure if he loves me the same. Logan is the love of my life, and I pray you give me a sign if he is the one. I also pray you help my friend James find love, and you help bring Kendall guidance, but most of all, even if Logan and I are not meant to be, I just want him to be happy. Thank you, Amen." Carlos sighed and laid down again.

Logan remained on the floor, his eyes filled with tears. He had never heard something so beautiful before. He could hear the love in Carlos' voice. Logan felt his heart melt in his chest. He smiled and heard feint snoring coming from Carlos. The cute snoring made Logan smile again. He stood up and slowly crept out of the room and closed the door.

Logan turned around and crept back to his room trying not to wake Kendall. He looked down and saw Carlos' purple t-shirt caught on his pajama bottoms. He grabbed it when he heard Kendall getting up from the couch. Logan scurried back to his room. As he closed his door he saw James jacking off. He tried to pretend like he didn't notice and laid down in bed. As Logan reached for his covers He held the shirt in his hand. He liked the way Carlos looked in his purple t-shirt, and now he held it in his hand.

Logan brought the t-shirt to his nose. He could smell the mixture of Carlos' cologne and natural musk. It was an attractive smell, to Logan at least. He held it tightly breathing in the intoxicating aroma. Logan found himself losing control of his body with each breath he took in. Logan remained in bed and fell asleep with a huge smile on his face.

Morning came along and the boys had awaken to find they were alone in the apartment. Kendall found a note on the fridge. "Boys had a family emergency come up. Food in the fridge and left some money behind for a few things so you don't have to use your cards. Be back soon, will call soon. P.S. Took Katie with me."

Logan made his way out to the kitchen and saw Kendall standing there reading the note.

"Your mom had to leave early in the morning. I must have missed her by a few minutes. I'll get some breakfast started." Logan said heading to the bathroom.

Kendall sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. Spongebob Squarepants was on. Logan made his way back out to the kitchen his hair still just a little messy and opened up the fridge grabbing some eggs, bacon, and biscuits. He got the pans ready and started making breakfast when Kendall walked back up to Logan.

"Hey man, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the other day. Carlos and James are my friends, and I should love them for who they are. I've been a total ass lately." Kendall said looking into his hands.

"Its alright, but I'm not the one you need to apologize to." Logan said with a relieved tone in his voice. "You owe them the apology, besides I think I might be gay too." Logan says with a casual tone.

"Oh. Is their someone special in your mind?" Kendall asks. "Is there a lucky guy?"

"Yeah there is. He's cute, funny, and very charming." Logan says holding the package of bacon in his hands.

"Its Carlos." Kendall said. "I was on the couch when you and James were talking, I heard a little of what you guys were talking about."

"Oh. Do you think really likes me?" Logan asked hesitantly.

Kendall looks at Logan and smiles. "I've been trying to deny it to myself, but if Carlos doesn't like you, then Loggie I don't know anything. I've always seen his eyes sparkle when he's around you. I guess its just I got jealous."

"Wait, jealous about what?" Logan asked.

Before Kendall could speak James made his way to the other boys. "Oh hey guys. What's for breakfast?"

"Eggs, biscuits, and bacon." Logan said.

"Cool. Oh cool Spongebob is on!" James shouted as he jumped on the couch.

Kendall made his way towards James and sat down next to him. James' heart started pounding wildly, Kendall seemed really nice all of a sudden. "I'm sorry." He said. "If I ever hurt you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I love you James. I should always love you because you're my friend." Kendall said.

A tear came to James' eye hearing Kendall. Kendall hugged James and walked away to go wake up Carlos. Kendall entered the room just as Carlos was going to walk out. Kendall wrapped his arms around Carlos and squeezed him.

"I'm sorry if I ever hurt you dude. I love you man, you're my friend, and I should stand behind you for everything. I'm sorry Carlos. I've been a real ass lately. Can you forgive me?" Kendall asked.

"Of course." Carlos says. "Thanks Kendall. I really needed to hear that."

"Logan is making breakfast. Eggs, biscuits, and bacon." Kendall says.

"Bacon!" Carlos screams as he runs out towards the living room. He hops onto the floor and prances around like a superhero.

All the boys start laughing as Logan continues making breakfast. Finally after what seems like an eternity, Logan makes the announcement that the food is almost done. Carlos hops up grabs some plates and glasses. James grabs the plates from Carlos and starts setting up the table. Kendall grabs some forks and a two butter knifes. He goes into the fridge and pulls out butter and jelly. Carlos grabs the milk and orange juice and asks everyone what they want to drink. Logan places the bacon and biscuits on the table. He grabs the pan with the scrambled eggs and starts serving everyone.

Logan finally gets a chance to start eating when laughter erupts among the boys. Carlos is sitting next to Logan and looks at his plate.

"You know the only bad thing about bacon I hate?" Carlos says holding his last piece in his hand. "The more there is, the faster it seems to disappear."

"You can have some of mine." Logan says handing his bacon to Carlos.

Carlos leans over and kisses Logan on the cheek and tells him "Thank you."

Logan starts to blush almost immediately. He looks back at Carlos and smiles. Logan's heart was pounding like a military drum. He wanted to just grab Carlos and start violently making out with him, but he managed to control his urge, but the thought made him really horny.

The boys finished up their breakfast. Kendall and James cleaned up while Carlos and Logan headed off to their rooms to get changed and ready for the day. Carlos gets done and looks at the room he and Kendall share. It was really messy on his side. He figured maybe it was time to straighten up a little.

Carlos started with all of his sports gear. He got it all in one pile and found his old sack he used to put it all in. Carlos found some room in the closet and looked towards his clothes. He got everything and noticed he couldn't find his favorite purple t-shirt. He looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Logan had bought him that t-shirt a few years back and Carlos felt bad because now he couldn't find it.

James walked into the room. "Wow, you're cleaning?" James said in a surprised tone.

"Yeah. I did. Guess its about time huh?" Carlos said laughing. "Hey have you seen my purple t-shirt?"

"Oh you mean the one Logan got you for Christmas? Damn, no dude I haven't seen it. Hmm, let me help you find it."

Both boys searched through Carlos' entire wardrobe and couldn't find it. James looked over at the now distressed Carlos. "Hey don't worry. I'm sure it will come up. I got an idea. Let's get you a few new outfits for your date tonight with Logan. My treat, its the least I can do."

"Logan? Really?" Carlos asks with a surpirsed expression on his face.

"Yeah. He totally likes you buddy." James says with a huge smile on his face.

Carlos agrees and the two head out into town. Logan decides to tag along but he just wants to check out the electronic stores. Kendall goes with them to see if he can find a new hockey stick. The boys arrive in town and agree to meet up in about two hours at the spot they arrived at.

Carlos and James head into one of the stores.

"American Eagle?" Carlos asks. "I don't know man isn't this stuff expensive?"

James puts his arm around Carlos. "Hey don't worry. I said its on me. I am going to make you Carlos Garcia look, amazing, trust me."

James drags Carlos around looking at several things, then James screams finding a white long sleeve button up shirt with black pin stripes. He finds some simple dark colored jeans. James also finds a purple long sleeve shirt and a grayish colored jeans too. James also find a nice blue shirt with a pattern and another pair of blue jeans with white stitching.

The two walk out of that store and go to a men's shoe outlet. The two walk around until James finds a pair of simple white K-swiss shoes. Carlos loved the shoes a lot. There was one last thing left. As the two near completion, they enter a hair salon.

"Ah my favorite client, James, I must be mistaken I don't have you for today." A cute Asian hair stylist says.

"Edgar, I'm bringing in my friend Carlos. He's got a hot date, and I was thinking you could freshen him up." James says.

"You're not going to do too much are you?" Carlos asks. "I really like my hair."

"Relax. James has been coming to me now for a while. Let me ask you. What are your characteristics?" Edgar asks.

"Well I like sports. I'm kind of fun loving, simple things. I'm an easy going guy, but I like to have fun." Carlos says with a smile on his face.

"Trust in my magic. I can work miracles. I will give you a style that screams you! I'm going to take a little from your sides, clean the hairline up, and give you a sharp but wide faux hawk." Edgar says.

"Sounds kind of confusing, but okay I guess." Carlos says sitting down in the chair.

As Edgar is working on Carlos' hair, James can't stop looking at Edgar's cute little bubble butt. He sees a little bulge in Edgar's jeans and James bites his bottom lip trying to control his urges to just grab him and start making out with him. James had been very horny after his encounter with Carlos, and now he was trying to find the guy who could fill his needs and desires.

Edgar continued to work his magic and shortly after he had completed Carlos' hair. Carlos was breathtaken. He never thought he could look so good. His hair was trimmed down from the sides just a little, and the top was fashioned into a wide faux hawk. It fit his face real good, and it screamed Carlos.

James looked at Carlos and smiled. Carlos looked at himself in the mirror, and couldn't believe how good he looked. Carlos walked out but James stayed behind for a little. He walked out of the salon shoving a piece of paper in his pocket.

"Hey, thanks a lot man. You really didn't have to do all of this for me. I'm still kind of nervous though." Carlos said.

"Awe, relax Carlos. You have nothing to worry about. Logan is not going to dislike you. He loves you, I don't think there is anything that can change that. He thinks your so innocent." James said with a devlish grin on his face.

"Oh, I'm far from innocnent." Carlos said laughing. "I'd fuck the brains right out of Logan's ears. I've wanted to for so long. I'd get down, all kinds of nasty."

James laughed loudly. "I'm not the one you have to prove that to. I think he likes you for your boldness too. You're athletic, and you have that macho hispanic thing going. You're a very handsome guy too."

Carlos blushed and put his head down. "Thanks James. You're hot yourself."

The two eventually arrived back at the meeting spot. Logan saw Carlos and the first thing he could do was compliment his new appearence. He instinctivly ran his hands through Carlos' hair and stopped himself halfway through regaining his awareness.

They headed back to the apartment. The boys just sat around lounging for a few hours. They had ordered some pizza for lunch and the just sat around watching some movies on TV. They laughed and cheered, they just had a great time all together. It had been some time since they all hung around and enjoyed the company of each other. James pulled Kendall asside to speak to him in private.

"What's up James?" Kendall asks.

"I need you to help me out with something. You see Carlos and Logan have a date tonight, well kind of. I'm playing the match maker between the two since both have told me they like each other. We are all going to see a movie. At the las minute if you can bail out, then I'll say you sent me a text so I can't go leaving them alone." James says looking at his phone.

"That sound like a plan. Sure I'll do it. I mean look at them over there. They look so cute together so happy too. I just want to see my friends happy." Kendall said.

There was an agreement made. Logan headed off first to get ready for the movies. He put on a plaid shirt. He found some nice black jeans and fixed his hair up a little. James walked into the room.

"Are you ready for your big date?" James asked.

"I don't know. I'm kind of still nervous right now. I don't know what to expect." Logan said with a little hesitation in his voice.

James puts his arm around logan. "Relax. Everything will be ok. Trust me."

Logan smiles and hads back out to the living room. James heads out to Carlos and Kendall's room to see if he can offer Carlos some help in getting ready. James knocked on the door and went in.

Carlos was standing in the nude when James had walked in. Both of them turned red and Carlos scurried around to grab his boxer briefs. He wrapped his towel around his waste and told James to come back in.

"Sorry about that dude. I guess you didn't hear me knocking." James said.

"Its alright. It was kind of my bad. I wasn't paying attention." Carlos said.

James was trying so hard not to make his boner noticable. He saw Carlos complete in the nude. He was still so horny, and now seeing Carlos naked made it hard for him to focus. James grabs the white shirt, the jeans with the white stiching and turns around so Carlos can put on the clothes. When James turns around Carlos is putting on his white shirt. James walks over and helps Carlos roll up the sleeves.

"Are you nervous?" James asks.

"Yeah actually. I just don't know what to expect. This is a big thing. I'm going on a date with Logan. Man I've wanted to say that for a long time." Carlos said with a big smile on his face.

James patted Carlos on the shoulder and walked out of the room. He sat there until Carlos finally emerged from the room. As soon as he entered the living room, Logan's eyes were fixated upon Carlos.

"Wow, you look amazing." Logan said with his mouth agape.

Carlos just blushed as everyone gathered up preparing to leave. Kendall looked at his phone and made an excuse saying he had to help someone out and forgot. James, Carlos, and Logan headed out. As the three arrived at the theatre, James gets a text. He says he was needed by Kendall to help out with something. Logan and Carlos remained, both of them extremely nervous.

"So um, what movie are we going to go watch?" Carlos asks.

"Um, I'm not sure. Looks like there's only one getting ready to start. A romantic film. Love and Beauty." Logan says.

"Ugh, that sounds so gay." Carlos says.

"I kind of thought we were." Logan chuckles.

"Yeah, but I'm a man." Carlos says tapping his chest.

"That is so cute." Logan says.

"Why not just ditch this whole movie thing and head out and do something else?" Carlos asks.

"Yeah. This movie looks like its boring. What do you have in mind?" Logan asks peering into Carlos' eyes.

"Why not just head out in town. Maybe we can find a place to have a romantic meal." Carlos responds with a smile on his face.

"That sounds wonderful." Logan replies.

The two walk around town as the sun starts to settle. Carlos and Logan just start talking to one another about random things until they come across a small resturant. They go in and get seated quickly. Carlos looks at the menu and notices that Logan won't stop looking at him.

"Is everything ok?" Carlos asks trying to fix his hair.

Logan just sits and smiles. "Everything is perfect. You really look great Carlos. Your hair, the outfit, its all you. You're so handsome."

Carlos blushes looking back at the menu. The waiter approaches the two and starts them off with a few recommendations. The orders are placed and Logan just looks at Carlos.

"This is just so surreal." Logan says. "I would have never thought I would be in this situation, and its like a dream come true."

Carlos makes a boyish smile and looks back at Logan. "You look really good too Logan. You always do."

Logan blushes. "Thanks. I try my best."

"Then you must be perfect, because you always look great, trust me." Carlos winks at Logan.

The two sit in a brief silence when Logan starts playing footsies with Carlos. Both young men keep on playing as Logan can't stop smiling. The waiter comes back with the food and both guys dig in. Carlos starts making short work of his meal. Logan can't help but find it irresitable. He loved the fact that Carlos was sensitive, but still very manly in many instances.

As the meal comes to an end, they laugh a little. Carlos pays for the bill, even though Logan insisted he pay half of the bill. Carlos developed a great deal of respect for Logan since he was willing to split the cost. Logan grew more attracted to Carlos because of his alpha male personality. The two left the resturant and under the moonlit skies, Logan took a deep breath and reached for Carlos' hand. His hand was a little rough, but still fairly smooth. It was warm and comforting. Carlos looked at Logan and smiled tightening the grip. The two walked side by side as close as possible unaware that the paparazzi was looming around. They had snapped pictures, and the two guys were oblivious.

Occassionlay they heard a few homophobic slurs, but they gave no attention to them. As the boys made their way into the apartment, James and Kendall were asleep on the couch. Carlos and Logan had smiled because James' body was laying over Kendall's and they actually looked very cute together. The two boys walked into Carlos' room and sat down on Carlos' bed. Logan smiled back at Carlos.

"I really had a great time tonight." Logan said.

"I did too, but I do everytime I'm near you." Carlos said with a confident tone in his voice.

Before Logan could respond Carlos had slowly made his way closer to Logan's face. At that moment Logan's heart was pounding wildly. He closed his eyes as he felt Carlo's lips touch his. They were slightly rough, but they were so full and sumptious. Logan couldn't resist the feeling. He moved his hand behind Carlos's head. Both guys had their hands in the same places. Logan starting moaning slightly as Carlos continued to kiss him. Their tongues had eventually started swishing around. Logan could no longer contain himself. Carlos placed his hand right on Logan's crotch, and Logan broke away.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know if I'm ready for that." Logan said.

"Its okay." Carlos said kissing Logan once again.

Carlos and Logan sat on the bed for a little until Logan started yawning. He left his shirt behind and headed back to his room. Carlos grabbed Logan's shirt and pulled it to his face breathing in Logan's scent. Little did Carlos know, that Logan was actually still looking at him in the doorway. Logan had smiled and headed off to bed. As Logan crashed on his bed, he grabbed Carlos' shirt from under his pillow and still picked up the scent. He breathed it in as well and drifted off to sleep. Carlos fell asleep with Logan shirt in his arms. He breated in the smell and drifted off to sleep as well. It was all feeling so right, as if everything was working out as intended.

Next: Chapter 4

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