Boy Bands and the City

By Reggie Tangan

Published on Oct 26, 2001


Boy Bands and the City By Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictiously, and used for entertainment purposes. These stories do not point out that the members of NSYNC are gay. Though I have my speculations.

This story is for adults only; if you don't like homosexual themes, please leave immediately.

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at

********************** Chapter Two

Things start drooping on my mind from the revelation I got from borax, I mean, Joey Fatone. I tried to realize maybe I was seeing things or was my love life heeded to my wishes. But in another way. Though I wished it was Justin, but Joey?

I tried not to tell everyone in the cafe about what happened the other night. So I resorted to hiding in my place. Of course, I told Peter about my reasons, and actually lie to the person.

"Pete, be taking a week-off," I meekly told my boss.

"Why? Is it about that NSYNC concert." He asked.

"Kinda, but you know NSYNC, and stuff like that. Getting ready and so on."

"Sure, get the week-off, you deserve it." He told me.

"Really? I mean really!"

"Yeah, go on. Get some rest for your screaming powers."

It didn't register in my mind that my boss actually gave me a week-off. But I left the cafe smiling. And at the same time pondering what should I do when Joey recognizes me in the crowd at the concert. I try not to think. All I know is Joey and the rest of NSYNC are very busy persons, maybe they won't even have the time to hang around town.

Sitting on my couch trying to gather my thoughts while watching TRL, Carson Daly was on the prowl on the day's top ten. He mentioned NSYNC new hit "Gone." Joey barely had a scene there, like, a few seconds by himself, but at least he's still part of the group. Then the camera again at Carson, he was going to say something from the issues concerning Joey and NSYNC.

"As rumors are spreading like fire about Joey's sexual orientation another rumor spreads again from NSYNC. Sources say that a possible break-up of the band. So far, concerned people of Jive records denied these rumors, saying NSYNC will stay together amidst gay rumors."

Oh please, that isn't so true, Joey going to break up the whole group when it's getting famous. As I kept on watching TV, I was tempted to send Joey/borax a holler in his email. Which I did eventually.

Hey there,

I was watching TRL just today and I wanted to tell you, just be strong,

be there with your friends; Justin, JC, Chris and Lance. I know things can be hard.

But I'm telling you things will smoothen out somehow.

Lots of kisses,


Now, I was not thinking about NSYNC and their upcoming concert, nor Justin and his blue eyes. I was thinking about Joey, how this ordeal can a bit devastating when the whole world knows about it. What? Is this it? NSYNC gone because of Joey. I try not to think of the group breaking up. It sounded impossible but it might happen.

Even though I wasn't part of the whole hooplah, I try to imagine myself, me in a boy band. Suddenly realizing I'm gay. There is a tinge of acceptance within the core group, and what about the fans, those fans who adored you so much, telling you are a fag and telling stuff that abhor the gay people. I felt pity towards Joey. I pretty much guess he's having a hard time.

November 11 came, I remembered the concert the next day. I passed by the baseball field and I see trucks around the premises. The crew perhaps, getting ready for the concert. I was a bit ecstatic, a bit tense, Joey Fatone in the flesh, and gay.

I unlocked the door to my place, I immediately approached my laptop for email. And I was surprised. Joey did reply...


I got your email and I was shocked. NSYNC breaking up. Jeez, I haven't even told the guys I'm gay.

Maybe I'll just keep to myself until the right time. Hey by the way, we're already here in san Antonio.

Give me a holler and tell where to meet you. Tell me Jessie, have you hang out with a pop star?


Connectively, I went to the IM and definitely gave Joey a holler. Which he responded in a swift motion.


where in the world can we meet, discreetly that is...

hey, I know there's this burger joint near the field. Maybe we can meet there...

yeah, Denny's Diner, I eat there most of the time.

perfect, maybe I can see you at lunchtime?

sure, tell me, are you going in incognito?

I don't think so, the people here in the diner don't recognize me...

good, see you there...

I am meeting Joey Fatone, Joey, Joey, Joey. My head was filled with Joey's face. That smile, that hair and his well, indiscriminate taste for men. But I try to remember he is a pop star. Like, I try not to be lesser-leveled person as I am. After all, he's still human.

As I drove along the alley towards Denny's I could help think I'm finally getting my wish meeting NSYNC, well not Justin, but this is as close as I can get. Joey in the flesh, the borax that I knew, the innocent kid having issues about his sexuality. It all made sense to me now. As I parked my car in front of Denny's I immediately saw Joey, he was outside, with a drink in his hand. He glanced upon the car and saw me. He approached the car and recognized me.

"Jessie! You skank! You're here!" he shouted.

"Yeah, and you are Joey Fatone. Kapeesh?" I retorted.

"You look more cute in the picture you sent me days ago. And you look thin."

"I've been starving myself." I jokingly said.

"Come on, let's grab something to eat." He said.

"I'm not that hungry, anyway." I confessed.

"Me neither." He said.

A sudden chorus of laughter followed after what Joey said.

"Wanna ride?" I asked.

"Ride? With you?" he showed me his thousand-watt smile.

I couldn't help but melt into my seat.

"Yeah, why not. Show me around town, will ya?" he told me.

"Absolutely." I promised him.

After a few moments rolling around town with Joey, I noticed that sense of sadness coming from his eyes amidst his smiles and laughter. I could help but start the conversation about his gay issues. Maybe its better if we talked somewhere neutral.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"My place..."

"What for?"

"You've got issues, and we have to resolve it as early as humanly possible." I was bit forward, but he needed that.

"I guess so, I really need to talk to somebody." He told me assumingly.

As we entered my place, Joey wasn't that keen on seeing my NSYNC poster scattered on the walls of my room. Grabbing some soda from the fridge I gave Joey his, on that second I gave his soda, our hands touched each other. I suddenly blushed out of nowhere. Joey's hands were very soft yet firm. I try to control myself.

"Nice place, nice posters." He said.

"Joey, you know you've seen all of this, but don't get the idea of..."

"Falling in love with you?" he said.

I was shocked. I stood stiff, trying to register what he said. But before I could do that he moved closer to me, our eyes locked at each other, then our lips touched. Joey's lips were the softest lips I've ever kissed before. But it felt so alien, so very alien. I didn't know where to put my hands, so I kept hold of my soda can. Joey in the other hand, placed his hand on the sides of my head, trying to savor the moment. But I regretfully pulled myself back.

"I'm sorry Joey, I can't do this..." I pulled back.

"No, I don't want to let go." He said.

"How? We only met weeks ago in the Internet..."

"But that was different, we felt the connection." In that moment he sounded very desperate.

As he moved again to kiss me I couldn't help to look at his eyes that looked like two pools of limpid pools of desire, and I wanted to drown in them.

"I love you, already Jessie, I felt that we've known each other for so long." He told me.

I tried not to fall from his words but form his words, I felt the sincerity come over me, and my doubts and insecurities gone with one single stroke. We continued to make out on my couch. Like, as if this could last forever. I wanted to be with a guy who could love me, and my prayers were answered in the form of a pop star named Joey Fatone.

But my feelings-slash-my-gut-feeling had a different reaction. Is this the man that I want to be with the rest of my life?

I weakly told Joey that we would take it slow, and that for me, old-fashioned as I am...

"You should perhaps start dating, right?" I told him.

"Dating. It didn't cross my mind. But it sounds like a good idea." Joey replied.

I wrapped my hands on his and stared gleefully on his eyes, he was indeed gorgeous, yet the innocence he maintained couldn't stop from telling him...

"Are you willing to come out?"

"No, not yet..." he answered.

"Why? I know the rest of your group mates will accept you no matter what."

"Jess, it's not like that. You know JC, right?"

"Duh." I slurred, but Joey's tone of voice sounded serious. "Ok, go on."

"You don't know JC, really, he's like totally homophobic and doesn't like the idea of having a gay guy as a group mate." He continued.

"And so? He has to accept the fact that your gay and that you are one the elements that keep NSYNC this far in show business." I retorted.

JC Chasez, member of NSYNC: Gay Basher. I thought how can he bash his band mate even though they've been together for so long. I thought JC was the good guy, but he wasn't. but I know he will come to his senses when he hears Joey, his brother in the band, is gay.

"It's six o'clock. I should be heading back to the hotel. The guys might be looking for me now." He stood up and tried to look for his jacket.

"Yeah, I guess so, I'll drive and drop you off..."

"Hmm, not a good idea. You know security and JC."

"Come on, what's wrong having friends in low places."

"Ok, why not. It's pretty far from the hotel, right?"

"Yep, and the kids here might mob you down when they see Joey Fatone on the streets of San Antonio." Which persuaded him to ride with me.

We were awfully silent in the car. I had to because I had to concentrate on the road, but Joey was mumbling something, probably practicing his lines for the concert. Deep in my mind, I couldn't see a future with Joey, with all their busy schedules and touring, even with breaks and all that. I couldn't see why a pop star is in love with naive dork like me.

"Something bugging you." Joey asked.

"No, nothing." but there is something eating me. I was afraid it might consume me totally.

But I was savoring the moment. In my head I knew its gonna be terribly short. But getting into Joey's pants wasn't in my book either.

With all that deep thinking, I managed to sneak my hand on Joey's soft hands. He responded quickly and he glanced upon me. Those nice eyes, even in the dark I could see the glow in his smile. I kissed his hand, knowing this will not last forever.

"Tell me something Jessie, when was the last time you had a boyfriend?" as he brushed his gel-coated hair upwards. Busy as I was on the road, I wanted to avoid the question...

"It was a long time ago. Like, it was in high school." I told him.

"Did it last long?"

"No, it was short-lived." I wanted to add that the relationship was pure curiosity, all the heavy petting, it was all about the sex. Ok, was that an sex-related ice breaker?

Finally we reached to the hotel Joey was staying during their stint here in San Antonio. Trying to control my emotions, I stayed in the car, without hesitation I kept the engine running. As I look on the road ahead I try to forget Joey and that thing we just done in my place. For one last glance at Joey, I see happiness has flood his face. I felt extremely guilty. Leaving the happiest person on earth.

"Jess, I really had a fun time. Will I see you again?" Joey looked into me, deeply.

"You can always rely on the Internet to talk right?" I replied. Then a weak smile appeared on my face.

"I mean personal, can we meet again, in person that is."

Panic has start consuming my gullible mind. He's actually giving me a chance to see him again. As of now my plans of finishing college is slowly diminishing. I am actually thinking of spending my whole life with a pop star.

"Maybe after the concert tomorrow night, if time permits..."

"Sure!" He interrupted. His face in complete excitement. There was hope after all, for Joey.

I kept on staring at Joey, he was as well staring at me. Our eyes locked in an unfashionable manner. His sudden smile turned into a pout and started walking towards the hotel. Thinking this might end up as a fling. No, I thought, let's try to make this work. I waved at him goodbye. He kept on walking, but he'd give an occasional glance at me..

"Goodbye, Joey." I murmured.

Seeing him walk, he suddenly stopped. Turned his way towards me, bit his finger, ran to the car.

"What? You already miss me?" I asked.

"No, not that. Let me kiss you before you go." as he darted his head inside the car and gave a quick kiss. I kissed him back, assuring him I would see him again.

"Bye, Jess be seeing you." He said.

"I will too." I told him.

He ran back to the lobby, this time he was totally smiling, and actually happy. I stepped on the gas, moving on back home. Thinking what happened this day was pretty excruciating. My life changed by chatting with someone and turned out to a pop star. Tell me, is there something wrong or what.

As soon as I jumped off my bed, memories of the past night came back to me. Joey and the making out part. Well, I was beginning to realize, I'm not getting any younger and I am beginning to molt. But when the making out came out, I never felt this energized, and actually cook something in my unused kitchen. Weird. Also that, before, I was always thinking about Justin when I hear any of the NSYNC songs. That didn't matter anymore. Joey Fatone is now on my mind.

This is totally not me. I think I need help. Then try to answer this question...

"What is it about sex in general that theoretically puts back the glow in people?"

"Is it the satisfaction?" I asked Sally. She was munching on a greasy potato chip. Yuck!

"I dunno. Maybe it's the way sex changes certain points of view." She answered.

"How?" I called her back.

She dipped her hands again on the bag of potato chips, I couldn't help but garble through the agony of crunchy noises and sour cream filled hands. But she had a point though.

"You see, Jess. When guys have sex, their point of views change, it could either be good or bad, better or worse, depending on the sensuality and how you perform on bed." She said.

"And how did sexual performance matter in changing views?" Peter shouted, approaching the counter. He felt somehow 'belittled' to what Sally said.

"Pete, this a sort of private matter." I told Peter.

"And aren't you supposed to be at home today. Remember, your week-off." He reminded me.

I was bored I had to talk to somebody about getting one's groove back. Of course, I won't tell them about the Joey thing last night. Sally, is a good help, for straight couples that is.

"As I was saying..." she continued, "first, of all, from all the Internet revolution it became virtually easy to look for a mate. And you why they want to hook-up kids like us?"

"What for?"

"To look for a fuck."

"Excuse me?" my right eyebrow cocked up in social disgust.

"Especially to the male species, gay or not." She added.

Don't tell me, Joey was trying to seduce me when we were making out. No, he wasn't even trying. His hands where only constricted to my head. And that was it.

Suddenly it occurred to me that Joey was my so-called 'earlier pre-gay version' of me. Young, innocent, naive to the gay world. And pretty much a newbie so to speak.

"Sally, is there such thing as love at first sight?" I asked.

"Only for the desperate, it does." She answered.

First of all, I was in love with Joey but not at first sight. Joey made the first move, not me, he kissed me first. He was the 'kisser,' I was the 'kissee.' I fell in love when we were making out. Does it sound desperate? Since I was asking that question I decided to give Joey a holler in his email.


Wassup, I was thinking about you last night.

From my place to the car. You know that was the sweetest thing a guy did for me.

Hey give a holler before the concert.


It was hours before the concert. Maybe I could take a nap or watch MTV and lull away my time watching NSYNC videos or just plain eat something. Bumping myself to the bathroom mirror, I looked my reflection, closely.

"Jess, you silly you falling in love at these times." I told myself.

Turning to side to side, looking as if my body was fat. No, I am not fat, just averagely proportioned like Joey was. Though I haven't seen Joey half-naked. Heck, I haven't seen any of the NSYNC show skin.

"Chris Kirkpatrick, please lose some weight!" I shouted on one of the posters of NSYNC in my room where Chris was on the front. His crummy stomach coming out of shirt.

As I visualized Joey being half-naked, I wondered how he'd look like without the spiky red hair and those layers of unruly threads he'd be wearing. With all that, I was beginning to touch myself, fantasizing Joey in my arms, making out like as if it's forever.


All that interrupted by the phone ringing, Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Perfect timing! But I had to answer the phone. It might be my mom, or even Sally, in her binge moments. I lazily took the cordless phone and answered it.


"Hey there Jess, it's me Joey!" it was him, I started to melt again on hearing his voice.

"Hey there too. How in the hell did you get my number?" I complained.

"Your number? I took one of your calling cards in the car, sorry sexy." He said.

Sexy? I'm 5'11 and a 180 pounds, and he calls me sexy? Sweet!

"So why the honor of calling me, Joey?" I asked.

"Nothing, just checking you up, seeing things for tonight." He said.

"About tonight, yes. What am I expecting the concert tonight?" I asked again.

Joey said the usual of their concert: the beat box, the parodies, and lots of dancing he says. That was nice and all that. Of course, I was looking forward to see Justin Timberlake do his the dirty and perverse ways he can do with his waist.

"And I presume you have tickets right?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, I got it a few days ago." I told him.

"Hey, here's something for our date: backstage passes?"

Not only was going to see NSYNC live, I was actually going to meet the guys after all. All a wish come true. Finally, to meet NSYNC in person.

"With that silence, I assume that is a yes."

He didn't see that I was already jumping on my bed. Excited for the fact that I am going to meet NSYNC, and as well having a date with Joey Fatone.

"Well, how are you going to give me those stage passes?" I asked him.

"Simple, I have the security look over the ticket line and give 'em to you." He said.

"How are they going to recognize me, genius?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Remember the picture you sent me before. I actually gave it to them to recognize you."

My, Joey, an actual smarty pants. Sweet!

Getting for the concert. I gave myself a hot shower, cleaning myself, head to toe, making sure that every dirt in my body would be cleaned out. Dried off, I lathered myself in body lotion making sure every time Joey touched he'd me, he'd say how soft my arms are.

"That definitely sounds kinky. The lotion thing..." Sally said.

"Does not. I just want to be perfect. You know, I might end up in somebody's arms." I defended.

Joey's arms that is.

Sally still didn't know about the Joey thing. I decided to keep them out of this until the right time. She was watching me getting ready for concert. Earlier, I called up sally to look over my place during the concert. It was an easy decision for her. She loved to loathe at my NSYNC poster and dig through my fridge for possible edibles.

"Sally, if something happens just give a holler on my cell phone number." In which she nodded.

I trust Sally, as if she was the sister I didn't have. Actually, I didn't have sisters. But sally was as close as I can get to have a sister. Anyway, she was still devouring a box of donuts that I bought for her, so that she won't bore herself to hunger.

"So, be going now, Sally, have fun with my place." I said. Leaving her, she smiled, was it she acknowledged me leaving or was it the donuts.

Later on I came to the San Antonio Baseball Field two hours early. You know, mobs of horrific girls lining up to see the world's greatest boy band. They say the early bird gets the worm, that I took as a virtue in my sane life. And so I was standing, boringly with my arms crossed. Practically, I was bored, so I had to take refuge in my 5110 phone's games. Yes, that snake game. That was the only time waster I could think of than to beat the hell out of

Anyway, a couple of huge guys sporting tight black shirts approached me. At their back wrote 'Security' all over. Approached me, some of the bystanders looked on as if I was going to be arrested. But no, they were just giving away my backstage passes.

"Mr. Herrera, I believe you were given these backstage passes?" the taller security guy said.

"Yes, I was expecting them." I said.

"Oh, yeah." The other one continued. "You have to follow us, Mr. Fatone is expecting you."

Ok, not only I was getting to watch NSYNC concert, I was treated as a very important person in the bunch, as the on people on line looked on, I came out of the line, followed the two security guys towards the lobby.

"Mr. Herrera!" someone called.

A girl wearing a sort of headset and holding a file board on her hand. She approached me in excitement. There she was holding my backstage passes.

"Mr. Herrera, I'm Sue, the guys' tour manager. And I bet I know what you're hear for." She jumped.

"Yeah, I do, Sue. I'm hear for the backstage passes." I said, in a serious but accommodating tone.

"Totally, Mr. Herrera..."

"Call me Jess,"

"Alright, Jess." She calmly settled down and grabbed something from her pocket. She carefully handed me over the backstage passes. The passes looked like cool ids with those really cool strappy things, the id has a picture of NSYNC in all their facial glory. Under the picture it was written 'backstage pass' in big bold letters.

Is this heaven or what?

"Just wear it visibly, and with that the security guys can let you in backstage. Mr. Herrera..."


"Yes, Jess. Let me remind you that you can only have access to the backstage and dressing rooms only. Anywhere else is prohibited."

Sure. Yes. I get it.

"Ok," she concluded, "have fun, and enjoy the concert!"

I'm very sure I will.

To be continued...

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at

Next: Chapter 3

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