Boy Bands and the City

By Reggie Tangan

Published on Oct 30, 2001


Boy Bands and the City By Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictitiously, and used for entertainment purposes. These stories do not point out that the members of NSYNC are gay. Though I have my speculations.

This story is for adults only; if you don't like homosexual themes, please leave immediately.

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at

********************** Chapter Three

It concert wasn't even starting, I ran excitedly towards the dressing room, in the hopes of finding Joey. Looking around, I noticed that the boys had their own dressing rooms, and I thought, each guy had their own assistant. After some easy access, I managed to find Joey's dressing room.

Of course, I knocked. I might see Joey in a indecent attire. I wish...

"Come on in..." someone shouted.

Creepily I entered the room, all I saw are lights from the beaudoir and a bunch of clothes scattered all over the floor.

"Jess! Hey there sexy." Joey exclaimed.

"Joey, borax babee. Wassup!" I said.

Joey immediately closed the the door behind me, then with one quick glance, gave me a kiss, which was more passionate than the one we had in our place. I kissed him back. More forcefully than ever.

"Someone's getting aggressive." Joey said then wiping the sweat on my forehead.

"I just miss you borax." I melted in his arms.

"Stop calling me borax. You'd better call me in my real name." He demanded.

"Ok, Joey, if that's what you wish." I told him.

We regretfully had to pull each other out, I sat down on one of the seats near the door. Joey, in the other hand asked me if needed some refreshments and stuff like that. I wasn't that thirsty. But Joey hurled something towards my direction.

It was a shirt...with a familiar brand name on the side.

"Fu Man Skeeto?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know Chris' clothing line." He answered.

"I wasn't really paying attention towards Chris..." I said.

Joey looked at me, with a silly pout. "Your attention was only averted to me, right?"

Then he smiled, and gave me a wink.

What is it about celebrities that give that mischievous wink that makes us want them more.

"Wear the shirt, you'll love it." He commented on it.

"I am, with all the blackness that surrounds it." I said.

"Don't go sarcastic with Chris, he loves those designs."

I removed the shirt was wearing. Joey, in the other hand, saw me getting undressed. With an evil eye he saw my averagely proportioned bod. He smiled, then blushed.

Then I flicked my finger up in the air, saying...

"No, no, baby, not now."

I wore the shirt. Still Joey gave me that hungry look on his face.

So, when do we start seeing the rest of NSYNC? I started to ask myself. Of course, I went here to see NSYNC perform and watch them do silly stuff around the stage. That I was waiting for.

"Hey Jess, I think you should be going around the place for a while." He said.

"Oh yeah, the concert and everything. You'd be getting ready by now." I said.

"Yep, you know, somebody might come in here and..."

"Find out you're with a guy." I continued.

I agree with Joey, with all the people in the tour including the rest of NSYNC will suspect about Joey and I. So I readied myself to leave Joey, with that, he gave a quick kiss before leaving.

"Gonna wait for me after the concert?" Joey asked.

"I have to, crazy." I laughed.

"Yeah, you do. Promise?"

"You have my word." I said. Then stealthily left the dressing room and made sure nobody saw me get out of Joey's dressing room.

Later on, I moved my butt off, walking along the dressing rooms of the other guys. I was excited, and at the same time nervous. With all that I began to hyperventilate from all the audacity of the area, the lights, the music...

And most of NSYNC. Now, I'm sounding fair.

All because of the shrieking noises I made, someone's head popped out from one of the dressing rooms. I recognized the face that popped out of nowhere...

"Hey there kid, shut the f..." He galantly paused and looked at me.

It was Justin, Justin Timberlake. Forerunner of NSYNC, I stayed on my spot dazed and in absolute awe. I finally see Justin, in all his star power glory. Though, he looked very plasty without the make-up.

"Sorry." And that was all I managed to say in front of him.

"Yeah, I believe you kid." Then he smiled back at me. But he was still looking at me.

What was that all about? Ok, I'm getting a vibe here. Where's my 'gaydar' when I need it. Now I was thinking about crazy thoughts. Justin Timberlake, NSYNC, Britney Spears' boyfriend. Poster boy of Pop Culture, one of the world's sexiest men. Turned out to to be gay? Nnaaah! I don't think so.

"Hey, kid. Why not hang in here?" Justin asked. Me, going to hang out with Justin. Maybe it'll be fun, maybe he'd show me a few dance moves around.

"Sure, why not, just don't hurt me." I jokingly reminded him.

"Of course not, silly." He said, another smile formed on his face.

Despite Joey being across the room, it didn't occur to me I was invited inside Justin's dressing room. Justin, my crush, the ultimate boyfriend and all that. Even though I was thinking about Joey, it did cross my mind that these guys didn't know what Joey is about.

"Are you gonna stand there forever? Get in!" He ordered.

"Yeah, thanks." I said.

Entering the room, it was the same stuff I also saw in Joey's room: lots of clothes, the lighted beaudoir, and there was something different from Justin's room: the audacity and athmosphere of a pop star.

"I bet being given the privelege you can scream all you want, seeing us that is," he said. Then moved along to the chair, trying to start a conversation. And with what he said, I couldn't tell whether to laugh or keep my mouth shut.

"I bet also, you have a big denomintion of male fans, right?" I asked.

"Well, that did enter my mind. Boys who actually like us." He said.

I was starting to giggle.

"What was that all about? What did I say?" Justin stood up.

"Nothing, it just that I thought it sounded so 'gay' seriously." I kept on giggling.

Justin, kept on looking on delight giggled as well.

"Hey, what's your name anyway?" He forgot to ask.

"Jessie, Jessie Herrera." I promptly answered. With that, Justin's smile was now plastered permanently on his face.

Justin who was already standing up approached, knelt down in front of me, looked at me staringly, my heart stopped. My hands were starting to shake. I couldn't stop because of Justin's sparkling blue eyes.

"Jessie Herrera, nice name." He said.

"Yeah," as I began to look at Justin, I bit my lip, the new definition of getting horny. But no, this doesn't sound right, but it feels good.

"Do you mind if I do this..."

Our lips met, despite the Joey thing, I lived the moment. Kissing Justin, I bet a few girls get to kiss Justin big time, but to a guy?

Then a second after I thought about Joey.

"Wait a minute! What the hell just happened?!" I stood where I was. In total confusion, in a verge of a nervous breakdown.

"What's wrong?" Justin stood up as well, his hypnotic eyes still bewitch me.

"Don't go near me, I told you not to hurt me." as I started to put my arms up, in a stupidly called for defense stance.

"Heck, I'm getting a vibe from you, another gay guy in NSYNC is enough..."

Oops, that slipped out of my tongue.

"What another? What do you mean by another?" He said, his eyes grew big, in disbelief. I covered my mouth, making me stop whatever I was saying.

"You don't say, I thought JC and I were the only ones who were gay." He skank down in his seat, his tone sombered.

What? Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez, gay? Ok, are men now gay in this world?

"No, I was only speculating. I was joking." I said.

"I don't think so, sit down, you have a lot of explaining to do." He ordered.

For me, I was approaching the door. I am leaving now. Goodbye.

"You are not leaving until you finish what you were saying." His tone unchanged. Instead of sounding angry, he sounded as if he was interested in what I am going to say to him.

Justin started as I calmly sat down on the chair in front of him.

"Ok, where did we left off? Oh, another gay guy in the group."

"Sure, but I am not saying any names." I pleaded. Trying to be as careful as to not say Joey's name. Or else I am dead shit.

"Ok, first of all. I am gay and I am dead discreet." He said. In which I nodded in agreement. Well, if he was dead discreet, he is good.

"And that we are trying to say are strictly for our ears only." He said. I kept on nodding, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I agree, I agree, can I go now?

"No info is getting out of these four walls, or six since this is pretty ugly place."

I laughed, but Justin's gaze was serious, so I stopped.

"Ok, I get the picture. Can I go..."

"I'm not yet finished, let me tell more." He said. He continued on.

He told me his relationship with JC, how things got out of hand and that he had to run away to somewhere.

"Like where?" I was beginning to probe.

"It wasn't a long time ago. I met this guy in the internet and I thought the guy and I could hit it off, but I knew he was already involved with somebody else..."

That story sounded so familiar? Where did I hear it?

He continued on, he said he bumped off onto the BSB camp. And saying he had so much fun, and that he made out with this hot guy named...

The a shrill knocking on the door, it sounded like Joey. "Hey Curly, get outta there. We're starting the gig."

Panic filled my whole body. I don't want to be seen with Justin in a time like this. I immediately ran to the bathroom, Justin tried to clear up what was happening.

"Hey Jess, what are you hiding from, it's only Joey." He said.

Yes, I know it is Joey. You don't understand. I'm having a relationship with Joey. Get it?

"Come on Curly!" Without hesitation, I heard Joey come into the room. I just stood near the bathroom door, frozen. Didn't want to look on Joey's face.

"Hey there Curly, come on, let's..." Joey looked on my direction. His face suddenly lit up. I just blushed and looked on.

"Hello, Mr. Fatone." I stummered.

Justin looked on to my reaction on my face, and looked back at Joey who had the same constricting reaction. Seeing all what happened. Justin moved back in confusion.

"Ok, I'm getting the picture here. Joey Fatone, would you kindly explain what is happening here?" He said. Looking directly at Joey, who averted his gaze at me towards at Justin.

"Justin, I'm sorry I kept this from all of you..."

"What do you mean?" Justin cocked up and took a quick glance from me.

"Justin, I'm gay." Joey said.


"I'm gay." Joey repeated what he said, approached me and placed his brooding arms across my shoulder. "And by the way, Justin, this is Jessie, my boyfriend."

"What? You're gay? You're gay? Man, you're very brave!" He suddenly thrusted his head downwards into a laughing fit.

"Ok, tell me something Jess, is Justin getting crazy?" Joey asked me.

"I don't think so, ask him." I said, with all that was happening, I started to giggle.

Justin tried to stop laughing and when he did he went down calmly to talk to Joey.

"Man, I couldn't believe this is happening..." Justin said.

"What? Me being gay?" Joey protested.

"No, not that. I thought I was the only queer guy here." He later snickered.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked the innocent 20 year old.

"Man, I'm gay too. Isn't it rad?" He said.

As hearing Justin's revelation. Joey stood there looking at Justin, who was still laughing to the situation at hand, suddenly, in disbelief, dropped on the floor. Ok, he fainted. Now, I'm panicking.

"Great, look what you've done." I shouted at Justin. I approached Joey and picked him up from the floor. I started shaking his head in the hopes of waking him up. Justin stopped laughing and went outside shouting for like somebody died.

"For Christ's sake get me some Paramedics!!!" Justin screamed.

"What? What happened?" Lance came out from his dressing room, still combing his blonde hair. Chris soon followed suit.

"Scoop, what's the hooplah is all about." Chris said.

"Who's in trouble? Who's in trouble?" JC ran in the room.

They all looked devastated seeing Joey sprawling on the floor, unconscious. All I had to do is hold on Joey's dear life as I continued to shake him off.

"Snap out of it! It's not funny." I cried.

"Hey, you are you, anyway?" JC said.

"Me, don't you know one of your brothers just fainted..." I hollered.

"Sorry, just asking..."

"Now's not the time to sarcastic." I told JC.

While waiting for the paramedics to kick in, Lance bought in some cold bottle of drinking water. Justin and JC exchanged looks, but they knew what was happening. Chris had the nerve to leave the situation. Sue, the tour manager looked in to what happened in the dressing room. Then she threw in into a fit.

"Fuck! We're starting the concert in twenty minutes and thsi happens. What now?" She complained. As she grabbed her two-way radio and started to call the security and as well the paramedics. "Ok, what really happened." Justin looked at me, I looked at him.

We had to think of something before everybody would discover what 'really' happened.

"He got knocked over by the bathroom door..." Justin said, keeping his shaky hands behind his back.

"Well somebody opened real hard and slammed Joey on his face." Sue said.

"Oh my God, Mr. Herrera!" As she looked on me.

"Jessie!" I screamed. "I just came here and saw Joey on the floor, I tried to wake him up and..."

I was beginning to cry, big time.

Lance gave me the bottle and tried to feed Joey with the water, in the hopes of waking him up. But it didn't seem to work. Ok, is this the best time to say "Gone" and actually sing it?

"Sorry, Joey. I have to do this." I silently whispered on his ear.

With a little imagination I splashed the cold water over Joey's face, in an instant Joey woke up, feeling dazed and confused. As the rest of the guys and Sue breathed down easy as they see Joey's eyes slowly opening up.

"Hey there sexy..." Joey said looking at me.

Then everybody looked at me.


To be continued...

send me reactions, critiques, suggestions to I will glady answer any questions you might have in mind.

Next: Chapter 4

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