
By Ritch Christopher (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Aug 25, 2005


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now.



aka "Whence Cometh My Help"

Revised Version

A dramatic saga


Ritch Christopher



"The Clayton Clan"

Chapter Eighteen

"Starting here, starting now, when we walk, we will walk together, year by year.

Starting here, starting now, when we talk, we will say

the most in silence when we're near..."

Lyrics by Richard Maltby, Jr.--Music by David Shire

"Starting Here, Starting Now" copyright 1965


With Bruce's help, Walter was unloading his own and Alex's camping gear and clothes from the RV and carrying them into the Clayton residence. Alex and Ted, both of them overjoyed and elated over their dads' plan to have separate dressers and clothes at the other's house to solidify their new relationship by living together alternating weeks at both domains. Throughout the years, Alex and Ted had slept at the other's house so often that each found the other's house just like his own home anyway. So the move wouldn't really be that drastic, just more accommodating and more permanent. The two boys were playing rock, scissors, paper, to decide whose house would be first. Walter settled the problem by reminding them that Jane, Ted' mother, wasn't aware of the new arrangement between her son and his 'fiance' and, until she was told and gave her approval, it would be better for all concerned if Ted stayed at Alex's for the first week. By that time, Bruce would have told Jane and hopefully all would be well to spend the following week at Ted's.

As soon as the Clayton's gear and stuff were transferred into the house, Alex took Ted aside, away from the view of their fathers, and kissed him farewell while Ted went to his house, said 'hello' to his mom, packed a few things such as clothes to wear to school for the next five days and other personal belongings such as cologne, brush, hair gel, toothbrush and what not. Bruce told Walter and Alex that he would bring Ted back before supper, then he and Ted drove home in the Winnebago.

The two fathers had divided the fish which they had caught and Walter realized they should be cleaned and gutted as quickly as possible so they could be frozen. Alex took his small bag to his room and returned to the kitchen and picked up the 'scraper' to begin descaling the trout. Walter had a large knife, splitting the fish from gullet to tail and pulling out the entrails by hand. He casually looked at his son, who glanced back at him, smiling, and Walter winked at Alex.

"Are you happy, son?"

"This is the best day of my life... well, this whole weekend was the best time of my life."

"You really love Ted, don't you?"

"More than life itself. I, somehow, do feel guilty being so happy when I know that you and Jeff don't have someone special in your lives as I."

"Oh, but I do, Alex! I have you and Jeff. When your mother became ill and later, well, left us, I wasn't sure if I could succeed in rearing you and Jeff properly - giving each of you the love you both needed and deserved while knowing I would be busy at my office most of the time. But when I see you with Ted and look at you now and see your face all aglow, I think we managed pretty darn well."

"What about Jeff?"

"Oh, Jeff will meet someone soon. Jeff can make friends with a scarecrow or a billboard."

"Think he'll be upset with Ted moving in semi-permanently? I don't want Jeff to be envious and resent Ted. I hope he'll accept Ted as a brother or as a part of me."

"I don't foresee any problem. Jeff should be used to having Ted around already."

"Yeah, but with Ted and me wanting to have more privacy and not expecting Jeff to barge in looking for something in my room....?"

"We'll just have to set a few house rules which everyone will have to abide by, but actually the rules will be for Jeff."

"God, Dad, you know Jeff came into my room twice last week to... well, you know. I don't want Jeff to think, if he walks into my room and Ted and I are engaged in something, that he can expect to join us."

"THAT will be rule number one!" Walter said, firmly. "Speaking of that little scoundrel, I suppose I should call him at the Freeman's to let him know that we're home."

Walter rinsed the fish blood and guts off his hands, dried them with a dishtowel, and dialed the kitchen wall phone.

"Hello?" Ellen answered.

"Mrs. Freeman? This is Walter Clayton. Is my prodigal son still there or did you have him put in jail or maybe committed to an institution?"

Ellen laughed, "Mr. Clayton, I DO wish you'd call me, 'Ellen'."

"Only if you'll call me, 'Walter'."

"Very well, Walter. Yes, Jeff is in Earl's room. We had a large roasted chicken for Sunday lunch after we returned from church and the boys wanted to play some new game afterward. I suppose they're still playing it."

"Don't tell me that you got Jeff to go to church with you!"

"Yes, and he seemed to enjoy it. You know, we have a new minister at St. Genesius-- Father Cliff, we call him. I introduced Jeff to him and Jeff started up a conversation with Father Cliff right there on the steps of the church and the two of them struck up a friendship! You'd have thought they had been friends for years!"

"Jeff knows no strangers, Ellen. Everyone he meets is his friend - whether the other person wants to be or not."

"Jeff IS quite a charmer."

"I hope he wasn't too much trouble this weekend. That is to say, I hope he didn't break anything or damage something."

"No, Walter, he was quite the gentlemen. He and my Earl went to the movies yesterday and Jeff bought dinner for all of us. Jeff told us that you had given him the money for the food and I can't thank you enough."

"That was a small price to pay for you watching Jeff the entire weekend."

"I think the boys must have bought a new video game at the mall because, after supper, both of them went into Earl's room and stayed there the rest of the night. Why, they've been in there ever since lunch. It was be some exciting game. I just hope and pray it's not one of those violent x-rated games."

"I'll ask Jeff when he comes home. If I think it's something two young boys shouldn't have, I'll call you and let you know. Then if it's something too adult for them, you can somehow confiscate it from Earl's room... maybe while he's at school tomorrow."

"Thank you, Walter. I hope you won't mind my saying this, but you're just about the nicest man I know in Briarwood. Jeff is so fortunate to have a father such as you. I just wish that my Burt was alive to help see Earl through these 'trying' teenage years. My girls need a father as well."

Walter wasn't sure if Ellen was making a play for him or not. She was certainly stressing the facts that she was a widow and he, a widower. He decided to be safe, he would end the telephone conversation ASAP.

"Ellen, I called to thank you for... he'd hate it if Jeff heard me saying it, but for babysitting with Jeff. Perhaps our families could have dinner together some time... your three and my two, included."

"That would be so nice."

"Ellen, would you be so kind as to go into Earl's room and tell Jeff that Alex and I are home and I'd like him home before supper."

"I certainly will, Walter, and thanks for calling. I really enjoyed our conversation."

"Likewise, Ellen, and thanks again."

"You're welcome."

"Goodbye, Ellen."

"Goodbye, Walter."

Walter hung up the receiver.

"Whew!" Walter exclaimed.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think I was indirectly being propositioned on the phone!"

"You mean by Mrs. Freeman?"


"Well, Dad, she's not all that bad looking. She's about your age and she's not married."

"What in Sam's hill are you saying?"

"I'm just saying she might make a nice companion. Of course she lacks some things which Uncle Bruce possesses," Alex said, wryly grinning.

"You know what? I'd expect to hear that from Jeff, but not from you."

"Aw, Dad, you know I was kidding!"

"I hope to hell you were!"

"Did Jeff behave himself?"

"Ellen... Mrs. Freeman said he did. She said that he and Jeff had some new game that they had spent practically the whole weekend playing."

"Oh my God!"

"What? Did Jeff mention he wanted to buy one of those adult video games?"

"No, Dad."

"Then why did you say, 'oh my God'?"

"Dad, I think I casually mentioned to you that when Jeff found out what masturbation was, he almost became a sex addict."

"Oh, my God! You don't suppose he and Earl..."

"You know Jeff..."

"Yes, I'm afraid I DO know Jeff... all too well!" Walter sat down, sighing. "Oh, my God, no!"

"What now?"

"I told Ellen... Mrs. Freeman to go into Earl's room and break up the game and tell him to come home."


"What if he and Earl are...?"

"Oh, my God!"

"Pray, Alex, pray!"


Walter and Alex became highly suspicious of Jeff as the precocious youngster came into the house smiling from ear-to-ear, acting as if he had just broken a family heirloom vase and swept it under the rug.

"Good evening, Dad, Alex..." Jeff said, entering the kitchen door. Walter and Alex had been in the midst of making burgers, slicing onions, tomatoes, etc., but stopped immediately on seeing Jeff's face.

'Good evening' was a dead giveaway. Never in his life had Jeff uttered the words 'Good evening' under any circumstance!

"Hello, son."

"Hi, Squirt!" Alex said to Jeff. Walter and Alex now focused all their attention on the younger brother.

"Did you two have a wonderful weekend, basking in the sun, frolicking with Mother Nature?" Jeff asked with a frivolous tone in his voice.

"JEFF!" Walter said, confronting Jeff, "have you been drinking? Or smoking pot?"

"GOSH, NO! What makes you ask that?"

"Mostly your euphoric demeanor!" Walter replied. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're high on drugs."

"I wasn't being sarcastic and, Dad, you know I'd never try drugs. I suppose you'll both just have to get used to the 'new' me?"

"The 'new you'? What's that supposed to mean?" Alex asked.

"Oh, being on my own without parental or brotherly guidance, I guess I just matured on my own while the two of you were gone."

"Oh, dear Jesus!" Alex groaned. "Dad, you think we should take Jeff to the ER to have his urine checked? He's ON something and I don't believe it's drugs. Feel his head, Dad. See if he feels hot, he might have a fever."

"Jeff, do you feel all right?"

"I've never felt better in my life, Dad... Alex."

"Then why are you acting this way, son?"

"JEFF!" Alex said, accusingly. "What kind of new game did you play with Earl in his room?"

"Game? What new game?"

"Earl's mother told Dad that you two had bought some new game at the mall and had played it the entire weekend."

"Alex, you know how much video games cost. Dad only gave me fifty bucks and I spent nearly thirty-five of it on food for the Freemans."

"So what the heck were you and Earl doing?"

"Don't ask, won't tell...!"

"Oh, my God, Jeff, you didn't...?"

"Didn't what?"

"You know exactly what I'm referring to...!"

"Well, it's your fault, Alex!"

"My fault?"

"You're the one who taught me how to do it!"

"You and Earl masturbated the entire weekend?"

"ALEX, PLEASE! Not in front of Dad."

"Alex, I don't mind your doing that as long as Earl was willing AND provided his mother didn't catch you."

"Oh, Earl didn't mind. He knew more about it than Alex showed me... and as for his mother, NO! She didn't catch us."

"Thank God for small favors," Walter retorted. "Jeff, I hope you'll be honest with me and I hope you'll forgive me for prying, but did you and Earl do 'other' things."

"Gee, Dad! Aren't I supposed to have some secrets that I keep to myself?"

"Not when it comes to sex... or rather safe-sex."

"What's safe-sex?"

"Jeff, after dinner, you and I are going into my room for a long talk. One I failed to have with you years ago."

"But Dad..."

Bruce and Ted, with Ted's two suitcases, arrived then, letting themselves into the house. "Hello! We're here!" Bruce said, interrupting the Clayton's conversation. "Hello, Jeff."

"Hello, 'Uncle' Bruce."

"You missed a fine time this weekend up at the lake," Bruce said.

"I'm not so sure, 'Uncle' Bruce," Alex replied. "I don't think Jeff missed ANYTHING!"


"Bruce, Jeff had quite a wild weekend himself," Walter announced. "I don't know all the details yet, but Jeff has promised to have a long talk with me after dinner!"

Trying to change the subject, Alex said, quickly, "Hey Ted! Got your stuff? Want me to help you carry it up to our room?"

Alex's saying the word, 'our' made Jeff raise an eyebrow of suspicion, but at this juncture, Jeff felt it'd be better if he didn't say anything.

"Sure," Ted replied. "I only brought the essentials... just what I needed for school."

A look of surprise washed over Jeff's face when he noticed Ted had brought two suitcases, and he began to wonder, 'How long is Ted staying? Are his parents going out of town for a month?'

"Jeff, why don't you go up to your room and clean up before dinner. I'd like to talk with your Uncle Bruce for a moment."

"Yes, Dad."

"And don't forget our little after dinner talk...?"

"I won't. Bye, 'Uncle' Bruce."

"Goodbye, son," Bruce replied to Jeff.

When Jeff had gone, Bruce asked Walter, "Did Ted and I walk in at the wrong time?"

"It was perfect timing as I was about to lose my temper with Jeff."

"Get into trouble while we were up at the lake?"

"Not trouble with the law. He had his first sexual experience this weekend and I feel guilty as hell, I've waited too long, as I did with Alex, to tell him Dad's do's and don'ts."

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but was it with some girl in his class at Briarwood High?"

"Guess again, Bruce. Remember, he has my genes."

"Why, that little scamp!" Bruce laughed. "The way Jeff's always talking about women wrestlers and seeing their tits though their singlets..."

"Quite frankly, I thought the same thing."

"I hope to God he was with a boy he knew... I mean it WAS a boy, not a grown man, wasn't it?"

"No, he and his 'partner' are best friends, have been for years. They're almost as close as Alex and Ted, only Jeff and his friend are still immature, or at least I thought so until a few moments ago. Apparently, he ripened quite a bit over the weekend."

"Then you don't think there's anything to worry about as far as them having safe sex?"

"I really don't know, Bruce, since I don't know what in hell they did. The boy's mother said they stayed in the bedroom... as she put it, 'playing a new game' all weekend."

"Did she catch them in the act?"

"Jeff said 'no'. I think he was telling the truth, otherwise he would have come home looking ashamed or afraid instead of walking through the door as he did, looking like the only rooster in the hen house!"

"Jesus! Walter, you lost two sons and gained two more, all inside of three days."

"One more than I bargained for," Walter replied.

"Does Jeff's friend come from a nice family?"

"Yes, nice, but a bit poverty-stricken, as the boy's mother also has two small daughters and she lost her husband to illness. Jeff says she tries to support all four of them on about a one-thousand dollar a month pension."

"Looks like you might be lightening her load by having her son move in with you to be near Jeff."

"Oh, no! You AND I have got to see how the first arrangement works out between our sons before I take on Jeff's boyfriend, a boy with a widowed mother who talks over the phone like she's got her claws out for me."

"Good lord, Wally, you're just full of surprises. At the rate your family seems to be growing, you might even have two young daughters in the near future!"

"I'll shoot myself first... right in my Johnson, then we'll see how much the mother is interested in me."

"It might not be your 'Johnson' that she wants. You intimated that she's poor. It might be your money she's after. I mean everyone knows that lawyers are millionaires."

"The same as real estate brokers?"

"Damn! Wally, do you realize how rich we would be if we amassed our savings together?"

"I've got all I need, Bruce, and so do you. Luckily none of our boys will ever 'want' for anything the rest of their lives."

"Oh, Jane knows."

"About our money?"

"No, dumbo! She knows about Ted and Alex... what happened this weekend... and the new living arrangement!"

"Did you or Ted just come right out and tell her?"

"Oh, we had to tell her but only after she wondered why Ted needed two suitcases to spend the night with Alex. She knew damned well that Ted hadn't joined the military and where else would he go on a Sunday evening but to see Alex."

"So what happened? How did you tell her and, more importantly, how did she take the news?"

"Ted stood up to her like a man and said, 'Mom, I hope you'll still love me when I tell you that I'm in love with Alex. I want to spend the rest of my life with him.' and then Jane tuned up to cry and asked if he was moving out permanently to Alex's. Then Ted told her about the week-to-week solution we came up with and Jane became ecstatic. She would have TWO sons to cook for, to care for, be there for... every other week. She loved the idea!"

"How did she take it, finding out that that Ted and Alex are gay lovers? That must have been some kind of shock."

"Jane reacted just as I knew she would. Ted told her he was gay and she sloughed him off by saying, 'Honey, tell me something I don't already know and HAVE known for years!' Jane is quite a woman, Wally. She wasn't upset in the least."

"If she's so liberal and understanding, do you plan to approach her with the idea of you and me getting together occasionally?"

"More than likely. When Ted took his bags out to the car, Jane looked at me and said, 'You know that Ted gets his being gay from your side of the family. There are no gays in my side... not that I would mind, considering I knew I broke up yours and Walter's gay relationship when we got married.' She added that she'd suspected for years that you and I continued our affair after she and I married. She told me that she's always suspected that we're still involved in clandestine meetings. I told her that we hadn't engaged in any sexual activity since ours and yours and Clair's marriages. Then she said, 'I love you, Bruce. I know you love me, as well. BUT I also know that you and Walter are in love, too. Therefore, even if you had been meeting once or twice a week for the past twenty years, it wouldn't have bothered me.' She wouldn't have minded at all. Would you believe it?"

"You wry old dog! I hope you're not just saying that so you can have your way with me, you Casanova," replied Walter.

"Would you like to call Jane and ask her?"

"No, I think I'd rather not, in case you're setting me up."

"Would you like for me to have Jane call you?"

"If Jane called me and told he it as all right with her for 'Brucey' to come over and play, Jane would probably feel my embarrassment through the telephone."

"Then how the hell am I gonna convince you that everything's kosher for the two of us to get together without your hearing Jane's approval?"

"A sworn affidavit, maybe?"

"You're as incorrigible as all the members of the legal profession. You know I don't trust lawyers!" Bruce joked.

"Remember, when you first suggested an occasional rendezvous, I didn't say 'no'. I said I'd have to think about it."

"Well, I'll get you a DVD of one of those crash courses in Yoga and you can meditate and give me your answer when we can make love again. Y'know, I'm beginning to think I enjoyed our weekend more than you did."

"That's nonsense, Bruce. I'm the one who's gone 'without' for a long period. Of course, I loved this past weekend. Actually, this is the best I've felt in many months!"

"But you're the kind of guy who goes through a smorgasbord once and is too embarrassed to go back for seconds. You weren't that way when we were younger."

"Now who's the one being incorrigible? I'll call you the middle of the week and see how I feel."

"I'll be on anxiety medication by then."

"Come here and kiss me, Bruce, and see if that will calm your nerves."

"I'm almost afraid to, for fear I'll get horny and have to 'have' you, right here on the kitchen table, right now!"

"You idiot!" Walter walked toward Bruce and gave him a polite kiss on the lips. "There, that should suffice until I call you."

"In that case, I hope you have my number on speed-dial!"

Walter was still laughing as Alex and Ted entered the kitchen.

"All settled?" Walter asked the two boys.

"I feel like I'm home," Ted replied, then added, "THIS week, anyway!"

Walter walked over to Ted and hugged him. "Son, welcome to the family."

"Thanks, Uncle Walter," Ted said. "Oh, by the way, did Dad tell you that Mom said that you and he could get together every now and then for... well, to continue what you started this weekend?"

"See?" Bruce said, smugly.

"We... we were just discussing that before you guys came in."

"I didn't think she'd mind. I mean she's always known how close you and Dad have always been."

"Bruce?" Walter said, suspiciously, "Did you put Ted up to say that?"

"Why, Walter, I can't believe that you'd think I'd be so conniving to have my son lie for me."

"Don't tell Jane I said so, bit, although she might be your wife, I think I know you better than she does. I've seen your sneaky underhandedness up close for over a quarter of a century," Walter said to Bruce. Then he looked Ted squarely in the eyes. "Now, Ted, tell me word-for-word what your mother said!"

"Well, she... uh... she said she hoped you and Dad had a good time on the camping trip and that you two could get away more often."

"That doesn't quite mean the same thing, Mr. Baxter and YOUNG Mr. Baxter!"

"Ah, heck, Uncle Walter, you and Dad SHOULD get together more like we did this weekend. It's good for both of you! Alex and I discussed it."

"Bruce, not only have our two sons matured, it appears they've both outgrown us! I'll call you the middle of the week."

"Killjoy!" Bruce said to Walter. "Well, I've got to be off. I told Jane I'd take her out for dinner. Son, do you have money? Is there anything you need?" Bruce pulled out his wallet.

"Oh, no, Bruce," Walter said, putting his hand over Bruce's wallet. "This is my week to play 'dad' to Ted. I'll give him his allowance. Next week you can give Alex HIS allowance."

"In that case, I'll keep my money and buy Jane a bottle of some fancy French wine at dinner."

"Have a good time and give Jane my love."

"You won't forget to call me?"

"I'm sure that if I forget, YOU'LL call me to remind me to call you. Now get out of here and go have a good dinner!"

"Goodbye, Wally." Bruce hugged Walter, then Ted, "Have a good week, son!" Finally he hugged Alex, "Don't you dare mistreat Ted, or I'll give you such a spanking when you come to stay at my house next week. You know I love you, Alex?"

"Yes, Uncle Bruce. I love you too."

"Well, I'm off!" Bruce said, as he left to go get into his car. The rest of the men heard the front door close, cutting off Walter's whistling;.

"SO!" Ted exclaimed. "What can I do to help you with dinner, Daddy Walt?"

"Daddy Walt? That's new."

"Alex and I thought since both you and my dad and mom have adopted us jointly, we'd have to stop calling you 'uncle'. It's gonna be 'Daddy' Walter, and for Alex my parents are gonna be 'Daddy' Bruce and 'Momma' Jane."

"I think I like that! As I matter of fact, I LOVE it! I just want you and Alex to be happy... and if YOU have a problem of any nature, I'll be here for you just as I am for Alex and Jeff."

"Thanks, Daddy Walt."

"Oh, Dad,". Alex interrupted, "did you tell Jeff about 'us' yet?"

"No, but I'm sure he suspects something by the way he looked when he saw Ted's two suitcases."

"Tell me what?" Jeff said, coming back into the kitchen.

"Sit down, squirt," Alex said to Jeff. "I don't want you falling over a chair when you hear what we have to tell you."

"Uh oh..." Jeff replied, slumping into a kitchen chair.

"Jeff, before Alex begins," Walter interjected, "I want you to know this is NOT what I want to talk with you about after dinner. That'll be another topic just between you and me."

"Oh, boy!" Jeff said, dejectedly. "Looks like this is 'shit on Jeff' night!"

Alex and Ted took turns relating to Jeff the weekend happenings without becoming graphic, and about their new relationship. While Jeff listened, his facial expressions ran the gamut from surprise to hurt to rejection to defeat to acceptance. When he had heard about the new week-to-week arrangement, he wondered if his dad would be agreeable for a similar arrangement between Earl and him. However, he thought he'd better wait until after his and Walter's 'talk' after dinner.

Alex told Ted, and reminded his dad, that he was going to Dr. Hughes session Monday afternoon which meant he wouldn't be going to school in the morning with Ted.

"I think that's wonderful, son. I'm sure the other members of the group will be somewhat pleased, and yet amazed at what's transpired in your life since the last session. Yours and Ted's new relationship might be an inspiration to some of the others."

"That's what I've been thinking, Dad. There's this one guy, though. His name is Kyle. He has AIDS, but out of everyone I talked with last week, Kyle seemed to help me the most. I wish there was something I could do for him."

"Perhaps there is. If it's all right with Dr. Hughes concerning people in your group having outside contact with one another, maybe you could bring him home to meet Ted. Maybe the three of you could go out to dinner or to a movie if Kyle feels like it. I'll pick up the tab, so don't worry about expenses."

"Thanks, Dad."

"You're gonna bring someone with AIDS home... HERE?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, Jeff, AIDS is non-contagious unless you exchange bodily fluids with someone who has it. You can't get it from a handshake, a drinking glass, eating utensils, a doorknob, or a toilet seat, as you can with Hepatitis C."

"What's that?"

"Jeff, that's going to be part of yours and my discussion later. OK?" Walter interjected.

"What about you, Ted?" Alex asked, "Do you feel the same as Jeff? Are you afraid of being around someone with AIDS?"

"If you're not, then I'm not," Ted replied. "I think it might be nice to meet him and get acquainted. Does he play sports or is he too sick?"

"We can ask him," Alex replied. "You know, I knew you'd take the attitude I saw you take just now."

"Alex, you should know by now that we feel the same way about most everything."

"Oh, brother..." Jeff moaned.

Alex turned to give Jeff an evil look. "Did you check to see if Earl had AIDS this weekend while you two were playing games?"


"Son, we have a LOT to talk about," Walter said to Jeff.

"What did you mean did I check to see if Earl had AIDS."

"Son, that comes under the topic of safe-sex---using condoms and taking other preventive precautions before engaging in sexual activity."

"What dad is trying to find out is, did you and Earl use rubbers when you were 'playing'?"

"Gosh, no!" Jeff face turned white with fear. "Dad, you don't think that Earl...?"

"I somehow doubt it, Jeff, but just the same...."

"Oh, God!"

"Now stop worrying. I think everything's all right. Just wait and we'll talk about it later, you and I!" Walter said. "Now let's finish cooking and have a nice meal."

"I think I'm too sick to eat," Jeff replied.

"I'm frying onion rings with Tempura batter, the way you like them."

"OK, I'll eat a few of them. I'd hate to see them go to waste."

Alex, Walter, and Ted smiled at each other and went back to making burgers. Jeff sat in the chair quietly for a few minutes and finally said, "Alex? Can I see you for a minute... PRIVATELY?"

"Sure, where do you want to go?"

"In MY room."

"OK... Dad, Ted, excuse Jeff and me for a few minutes, will you?"

"Sure," Walter and Ted replied in unison.

Alex followed his younger brother up the stairs into Jeff's room where the two of them sat down on Jeff's bed.

"Now, what did you want to see me about?"

"...a couple of things..."

"Let's take them one at a time. What's first?"

"You and Ted are going to be living together in your room from now on?"

"No, remember, it's for one week here and the following week, we'll be living at Ted's and so on, every other week."

"And now that you're together, you're gonna be 'doing' things every night?"

"Probably, but only if we both feel like it."

"Then where does that leave you and me?"

"Oh, come on, Jeff, you know I'll still love you. We may have our fights sometimes, but we're still brothers and we still love one another."

"Yeah, but can we... you and I... still 'do things' together like we did last week?"

"I was so afraid you were going to ask that, and I wondered what to say to you without hurting you."

"Then you're saying we're NOT... right?"

"Jeff, what you and I did wasn't exactly wrong, but when members of the same family do things together, it's called..."

"Incest," Jeff said, finishing Alex's sentence. "You told me last week, remember?"

"Incest can be fun as long as neither family member takes it too seriously, and it doesn't become a problem or get in the way of finding a mate, a wife, or husband, or even a lover who's not kin."

"I... I can't do things with you and Ted... all three of us?"

"No, that's not how relationships work. When two people get married or become partners, the most important thing that keeps them together is fidelity... being faithful to one another. No outsider can join into that partnership."

"That's what I was afraid of when you told me about you and Ted getting together permanently..."

"What about Earl?"

"Earl has AIDS?"

"WHAT? How do you know? Did he say he has AIDS?"

"No, but Dad said he could have AIDS!"

"You little imp! You just about scared the shit out of me. DAD doesn't know if Earl has AIDS. More than likely, Earl has never even heard about AIDS."

"I bet he does. Earl knows EVERYTHING about sex."

"Then, from what you just said, I presume that you and Earl had sex this weekend?"

"Well, kinda..."

"Come on, Jeff, tell me... we're brothers... NO SECRETS... remember?"

"Oh, all right, we had... sex."

"Masturbation? Was that all you did?"

"For about the first three or four hours..."

"THREE OR FOUR HOURS? How the heck did you..."

"Then we tried other things."

"You weren't tired?"

"Heck, no! Remember I'm younger than you."

"By TWO years!"

"Yeah, but like the coach says at school, young kids have more stamina. So I guess I've got more stamina than you..."

"For God's sake, what else did you and Earl do?"

"Things you've probably never heard about..."

"Jesus! Like what?"


"JEFF, did you and Earl try oral sex?"

"Well, maybe, but only for the next two hours. Don't laugh, but I kissed him too."

"Thank God, you paused long enough to build your stamina back up! Was that all?"

"Well, no! After midnight, Earl and I..."

"Wait! I don't think I want to know!" Alex said with exasperation. "Jeff, when you and Dad have your talk, I want you to tell him everything... even the parts I don't want to know about. Will you?"

"Do you think Dad will be mad?"

"I don't think so IF you tell him everything! Heck, I'm not sure, but I think you did things that Ted and I have never tried."


"What I'm trying to say is that Dad knows that Ted and I are having sex and he didn't get angry, shame me, or try to stop me. So if you're completely honest with Dad, I think he might find a way to understand - but don't lie. Don't leave out any of the details because it's very important. Jeff, I think Dad might give his approval to some of the things as long as you're doing it carefully and SAFELY!"

"Well, we didn't use rubbers, if that's what you're talking about."

"That's what Dad wants to talk with you about. So I'll leave that to him."

"OK, but you know I'm gonna miss doing things with you."

"Apparently you don't need me to do things with---you've got Earl now."

"Yeah! Yeah, I do, don't I?"

"Now will you come downstairs with me and eat dinner?"

"I suppose..."

Alex put his arm around Jeff and gave him a hug, then led him down the stairs. Although Alex was only eighteen, he shook his head in disbelief all the way back to the kitchen.


(To be continued in "Briarwood"---BOOK TWO-chapter nineteen)

Next: Chapter 19: The Clayton Clan 19

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