
By Ritch Christopher (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 20, 2005


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now.



Copyright Ritchris, 2005

aka "Whence Cometh My Help"

Copyright Ritchris, 2002

Revised Version

A dramatic saga


Ritch Christopher




Chapter Thirty-Five


"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

Corinthians II, Chapter 13

The Holy Bible


Walter picked up his phone on his private line at his office.



"Oh, hello, Cliff, I was just about to call you to check in on the patient. How is Roger doing?"

"Meaner than a snake and as crotchety as an old maid approaching menopause."

"That must mean he's doing all right!"

"He's wonderful, Walter. Dr. Reisman said it was nothing short of an act of God that Roger suffered no paralysis from his CVA. I'm almost ready to call the psych ward and order a restraint to keep him from driving down to see how the construction is going on the hospital."

"Why don't you or Jay take him down to watch. It will probably be good therapy for him to see how much good his money is doing."

"What and risk him having another stroke if the architect is one inch off the blueprints?"

"You might have a point there."

"How is Jeff?"

"Jeff is back to being the old Jeff one-hundred percent. I'm just having to make sure he doesn't try to conceal a machine gun on his body when he has the debate with Chuck Brindley."

"I'm so glad he's recovered, Walter."

"We're equally glad about Roger, Cliff."

"One of the reasons I called is that I need you to do a little legal work for me without anyone's knowledge until I'm ready to reveal it myself."

"Sounds like some cloak and dagger mysterioso. What can I do for you?"

"How does one go about changing his surname legally?"

"That's a very easy task. There's a registration fee of eight-hundred dollars plus a writ I have to present to a judge. He signs it and it's all done. It takes less than five minutes."

"And that's it?"

"That's it!"

"Then, I would like you to draw up a document requesting that my surname be changed to Roger's."

"Father Cliff Cole?"

"That's the first time I've heard it out loud and I kinda like it."

"I realize that you two are committed to one another but why have you decided to take his name?"

"We've been having a heated discussion over what to call the hospital. I insist that it be named after Roger and call it the Cole Clinic or the Cole Memorial Hospital after Roger's grandfather...but he won't do it unless I add my name as well...AND...IF my name is changed to 'Cole', we'll both have our way."

"Dear Lord, you two sound like Alex and Ted. But if that's your wish, then I'll have it done first thing in the morning."

"I suppose I have to sign the writ?"

"I'll drop it by the church on my way home. Roger won't know a thing until you're ready to drop the bomb on him, so to speak. Incidentally, Cliff, I think it's a wonderful gesture on your part."

"Roger and I are married for life, why shouldn't we have the same last name?"

"No reason I can think of!"

"Thanks, Walter. I'll see you later on this afternoon in my office."


Cliff hung up his phone and said, "THERE! Mr. Cole! I pulled one over your eyes for once in my life!"


On March 21st, the cornerstone was laid for the Cole Aids Research Hospital in Briarwood, named after Roger and Cliff Cole, respectively. A host of politicians and celebrities attended the ceremony. Others who couldn't attend, sent telegrams, flowers, telegrams, and best wishes; included were the names, Taylor, Streisand, O'Donnell, MacLaine, Winfrey, John, Clinton, and the list went on and on. No one sent donations since the complete project was already funded by Roger's estate. It was to be comprised of one large 32 story story for each year or Roger's age. The grounds of the development would encompass 32 acres with 32 smaller building complexes. The cost for all patients to be treated was zero, unless someone wanted to donate to further the education for the eradication of the disease. The interest made from Roger's enterprises would finance the operation of research and the doctors and trained scientists who were dedicated in finding the cure. Roger had called Stephen Sondheim and ask permission to use the title of his anthem from "Into the Woods" as a platitude of inspiration whenever anyone entered any of the doorways of the buildings. Roger had a huge carved marble slab engraved, which read, "NO ONE IS ALONE" over each entrance. What better way was there to give the hopeful and hopeless the encouragement they needed?

Cliff had told the plans of the hospital to the Vestry at St. Genesius, and one night when Cliff was late to a board meeting, the members of the vestry voted to have a similar placard of marble to be placed over the front of the large doors, etched with, "NO ONE IS ALONE". Stephen Sondheim had written it, but Roger had adopted it as his legacy. It was the church's way of contradicting the alternative, "ABANDON ALL HOPE..." supposedly over Dante's Inferno. This pleased Cliff and he agreed with a huge lump in his throat.

Jeff was back home from the hospital in with a much more chipper spirit. Since his return, he'd spent day and night on the internet and at the Briarwood Public library working on his upcoming debate with Chuck Brindley, scheduled in two weeks at the high school. The rules of the debate said that each participant, (Jeff and Chuck), could choose one consultant to sit at the table with him. Chuck, naturally, chose his father, the minister. Jeff was having difficulty choosing a partner because he knew that Father Cliff would supply him with needed information, but Cliff was reluctant about actively participating since it was Roger's wish that Jeff should be the one to defend his beliefs. If Cliff were there, all the focus would be on him and Rev. Brindley and they should not receive all the attention. Jeff considered his father, Walter, because he was Briarwood's most successful lawyer, but then, it wouldn't be HIS debate. It would be his father's argument, not his. Alex and Earl were not well-versed in statistics and opinions and would not be the greatest help for Jeff. Time was growing short and Jeff still had no compatriot to join him. So, even though he thought his prayers to save "Uncle" Roger hadn't been answered immediately, Jeff decided to risk it and pray for someone, some name, to be revealed to him. He was afraid if this prayer wasn't answered his faith would be shaken again.

Call it fate or divine intervention, an hour after Jeff prayed, the phone rang. Alex answered it and the call was for Jeff.

"Hello?" Jeff said.

"Is this Jeff Clayton?" the voice asked.


"My name is Johnny Kane. I am one of the co-founders of "My Right to Rights" in Summerville."

"Yeah, I've heard of your group." Jeff said.

"I heard about the debate you're scheduled to have in a couple of weeks and I'm really excited about it. My group is an organization that does all we can to promote and fight for the rights of gays. We have a website with free subscription for all gay people throughout the world. I don't know if you realize how far the news has spread about what you're planning to do."

"Well, it has gotten a lot of press coverage. But I didn't know that the debate was known world-wide." Jeff said.

"You should see the thousands of email letters I've received. Most of them thought you were part of our organization and that we were sponsoring it. I only wish we had thought of it first."

"That's funny," Jeff laughed, "I wish you had thought of it first, too."

"I just called to see if you had all the ammunition you needed or if we could send someone over from Summerville to give you moral support."

"Johnny, right now I need all the support I can get."

"Is there some way the two of us could meet and talk? I have loads of books and pamphlets you might look at, although I'm sure you already have many of your own."

"I have quite a few, but I really would like to have someone to discuss a few ideas with...Is there anyway you or one of your group could come to Briarwood and spend the weekend at my house? We have lots of spare bedrooms and I know my dad wouldn't mind." Jeff said, hopefully.

"Jeff, I would like to be the one to come see you. You're sure it's all right?"

"Positive. I have a friend, Father Cliff, who would probably meet with us, too."

"You have a Catholic priest for a supporter?"

"No, Anglican. I guess you could call him my mentor." Jeff said.

"Look, I'm not interfering or making a 'significant other' jealous by my coming there, am I?"

"Heck, no. Even if there were a significant other, it wouldn't matter. I mean you're coming here on business, not to have a wild weekend of sex."

"Thanks, I wish I had phrased it that way. Would it be all right if I came Friday afternoon and stayed through Sunday?"

"Heck, you could stay a year if you'll help me!"

"Don't worry, I'll do all I can. We'll put our heads together...WITH your priest and we'll come up with a master plan. I don't want to put any pressure on you, but a lot of guys are depending on you to speak up for them. Who knows, you might have started something that could spread from city to city or country to country?"

"Jesus! Now I need a tranquilizer." Jeff said.

"No, you don't! You just need me!"

Jeff thought to himself, "If you only KNEW how much I need someone."

Over the past week or so, Jeff had come to realize that his and Earl's relationship was strictly physical. Earl didn't love him any more than he loved Earl. They were high school "jerk-off" buddies and nothing more. They weren't as close as Alex and Ted, Kyle and Ryan, or even his dad and David, whom he was now referring to as his second dad. Jeff had observed how Father Cliff and Roger had loved and felt about each other, and that's what he wanted when the time was right. Heck! He'd almost cracked up last week and found himself in a mental hospital! He needed someone now!

"Johnny, let me give you my address and directions how to find me. Are you driving?"

"Yes," Johnny replied.

Jeff gave him the needed information, thanked him again for offering his support, and told him he looked forward to seeing him on Friday. Jeff was elated, Help was on the way. The cavalry was coming to his rescue! He hung up the phone and ran down the stairs to tell the family about the call. Walter and David was thrilled, as was Alex, Kyle, and Ryan. Kyle leaned over and whispered to Ryan, "I hope Johnny is unattached, young, good-looking, and might want to consider moving into a mansion in Briarwood."

Ryan laughed and muttered under his breath, "Me, too, but that would be asking too much."

Kyle replied to Ryan in a whisper, "Well, the Lord doth work in mysterious ways," to which they both laughed.

"I heard that!" Jeff said.

"Well, what's wrong if your white knight lives in Summerville?" Kyle said, "After all, I used to live in New York...but Ryan and I found each other under the Clayton roof in Briarwood. Stranger things have happened. Shoot! Look at your dad and David. Alex is settled with Ted. That just leaves you. You're next!"

"Oh, stop it!" Jeff said, smiling. He knew Kyle was kidding, but what if it wasn't? Oh, well, Friday was only two days away. He'd know soon.

Jeff had little or no sleep Wednesday or Thursday in anticipation of meeting Johnny on Friday. He was excused from classes at school. Walter had told the principal that Dr. Hughes wanted Jeff to rest at home until Monday when Jeff would return to his regular class schedule.

Friday afternoon finally came. Around 4:30PM, a red Volkswagen convertible pulled up the driveway. The noise from the muffler prompted Kyle, Kent, and Alex to run to the nearest window and peek through a curtain to see what the driver looked like. Jeff was in his room surfing the net, trying to keep his cool by staying busy. He didn't hear the car. His heart almost stopped when he heard the door chime. This was it! He was about to meet his Lancelot...his man of mystery who was probably twice his age, bald, thick glasses, harelipped, yellow teeth, and weighing either 98 or 350 pounds. Height? Probably 4'8".

Jeff wanted to hurry down the stairs but he didn't want to shatter his dream by seeing what was on the other side of the door. He stood there, silently waiting for the visitor to ring the chime the second time. Jeff firmly grasped the handle on the door and pulled it open slowly as if it weighed 1,000 pounds. He held his breath and halfway closed his eyes until the door was completely open.

"Jeff?" the visitor said.

"Johnny?" Jeff replied as he quickly let his eyes adjust to the figure standing before him, Johnny, 'no disappointment at all', Kane!

Johnny appeared to be Jeff's age, but no older than 18 at the most. The voice over the phone had sounded much older and mature. As Jeff stood there drinking in every feature and detail of the stranger's countenance, his gaze was locked on the greenest eyes he had ever peered into. Johnny was almost six feet tall, trimly, but sveltly built, sandy hair that tousled over the top part of his forehead and a face one could die for. He put out his hand for Jeff to shake. Jeff put his hand in Johnny's like a cold dead fish, then realizing he was making a fool of himself, he pressed his hand into a firmer grip. It was a "man thing" to show how strong your grip could be.

"Wow!" Johnny exclaimed, "that's some handshake! Are you an athlete?"

"No, sorry, I..I just...well, when I first put my hand in yours, I felt...well, I was trying to compensate for...oh shit! I don't know what I'm trying to say, just come on in." Jeff, who was never at a loss of words, finally managed to say.

"This is quite some house." Johnny said. "Do you live here with a large family?"

"Just my brother, my two 'adopted' brothers, and my two real one and my 'adopted' one."

"You're saying that your dad is gay and has a lover?"

"Yes, finally...Heck, I didn't mean to say it like that. It's just that Dad has had a close relationship before, but this is the first time one has actually moved in."

"I hope I'm not being too forward but, your brothers? Are they gay too?"

"Shoot, yeah. I told my dad when we moved into this house we oughta paint it lavender with big rainbow stripes on the roof."

Johnny laughed.

"Here," Jeff continued, "Let me take your bag and show you to your room. I put you in the guest room next to mine. You'll have your own bath and privacy, but we'll be next door to each other and can spend as much time together as needed."

The two of them continued their conversation as they walked up the winding staircase and down one of the long halls to the designated guest room.

"That's great! May I ask how many bedrooms there are?" Johnny asked, looking around in awe.

"Six, only my two 'adopted' brothers share the guest house on the other side of the pool." replied Jeff.

"Tell me, are they really brothers?" Johnny quizzed.

"Nope. To me, Kyle and Ryan are my brothers but, in actuality, they're no kin. They're lovers. My Dad took them in and we sorta adopted them. My real older brother is Alex." Just to cover all bases, Jeff added, "but he's in love with his best friend, Ted and they share a bedroom together."

"Gee, no wonder you feel so strongly about defending gay rights. You have a whole conclave of brotherhood in this house!" Johnny said.

"Yeah, but there's a lot more. There's a couple of more guys that live with Father Cliff and his lover, 'Uncle' Roger, who are kind of like my brothers too. They're Jay and Troy...and oh yeah, there are two more, Tim and Rob, but they live in New York. They're in some big Broadway show."

"So everyone in your family has a partner or a lover. How about you?" Johnny asked.

"I have a friend, Earl, who's just a friend. Nothing more. We aren't in love or anything like that. But as far as having a steady boyfriend...well, I haven't met him yet!" Then Jeff quickly added. "All right, it's my turn! Do you have a boyfriend or lover? I know that's stupid of me to ask because with your looks, you must have one or more."

Johnny dropped his head with slight embarrassment, "Well, no. Currently, I don't have anyone particular in my life. I did have but I lost him about six months ago. He was HIV positive and caught pneumonia. His name was Frank. Our friends used to kid us about being the gay, 'Frankie and Johnny'. I haven't dated anyone since."

"God, I'm sorry. I know how it feels to almost lose someone close. 'Uncle' Roger...well, I love him so very much...not as a lover, but more as a friend. He isn't my real uncle, but he is like one to all us guys. He got real sick a few weeks ago and I thought he was going to die but he didn't. He's building this huge AIDS hospital here in Briarwood."

"You mean Roger Cole?"


"Jesus, his name is like a legend in the cyberworld. Every gay guy in the world has heard about the projected AIDS Research Center. Roger's like a hero! And you know him?"

"Yes, my Dad is his lawyer and best friend, not counting Father Cliff, of course...Here's the room. You can use that dresser and closet. Your bath is over there, your king size bed, and a desk. Alex rigged up a terminal and put his computer in here for you to use. You can create your own screen name and password to get on the internet." Jeff said, proudly.

"My God, Jeff!" Johnny exclaimed. "Needless to say, I'm impressed... not by your big house and your family; Not by the people you're close with; not by this room and the computer; but with you. You're so vibrant and full of life. I admire your initiative for taking on the debate like you did. I've known you less that fifteen minutes and I already feel that we're close friends. You must have had a lot of good influence when you were growing up."

"Father Cliff says I remind him of himself, only he's older. You'll meet him tomorrow night. He, 'Uncle' Roger, Troy, and Jay are coming to dinner with all of us."

"Roger Cole? THE Roger Cole is gonna be there?"

"Yeah, like I said, he's my 'adopted' uncle. be my date if you wanna be. Heck, I didn't mean anything serious by that, it's just that..."

"Jeff, I would be honored to be your date. I think most anyone would be."

"Heck, now you're embarrassing me. and ask anyone who knows me...I don't get embarrassed by anything!"

"While I'm at it, do you mind if I say I find you a charming host and a delightful person to be with?"

"You'd better shut up or before you know it, I'll be over there trying to kiss you by your talking like that."

"Would that be so horrible?" Johnny asked.


"Kissing me?"

"Heck, no!"

"Would you like to?"

"Heck, yes."

"Let me assure you, in case you're worried, I'm HIV negative and there's nothing to worry about."

"That wouldn't have mattered to me if you were positive, kissing is kissing. It's not like we were going to bed together..." Jeff said.

"...yet...." Johnny added.

"You mean...we...might?"

"We have all evening to get to know each other. Afterward, we'll see how we feel...and about that kiss?" Johnny said, smiling.

Jeff all but melted as he walked toward his new icon. He was feeling something internally and emotionally he had never experienced before and it almost frightened him. The last thing he wanted was to fall for a guy who lived all the way over in Summerville, almost 200 miles away. But for today, tonight, and this weekend, he didn't care.

At first, just their lips touched, but the tension of the moment mounted and soon both of them were embracing like two long lost lovers who'd found each other after long years of searching. They held the kiss for almost a full minute before breaking away to get their breath.

"Jesus!" Jeff whispered.

"I, too." Johnny said. "You think we ought to cool it?"

Jeff thought for a moment, then said, "No."

"Neither do I!" Johnny said, excitedly as the two of them locked in a tighter embrace and began getting to know one another better.

Ninety minutes later, Alex, Ted, Kyle, and Ryan had congregated in the hall outside the guest room. They could hear the shower running from the guest bathroom. They looked at each other in astonishment.

"Did anyone see Jeff come out of his room?" Ryan asked.

"No," Alex replied, "I saw him go in there almost two hours ago."

"Maybe they're just talking and Johnny wanted to shave and shower after his road trip." Kyle offered.

"Well, knowing my brother as I do, Johnny had better be careful or Jeff'll jump in the shower with him!" Alex said.

"I'll lay you odds, that's where Jeff is right now!" Ted added.

They stood there waiting. They heard the shower being turned off and a few minutes later, Jeff emerged from the guest room with a towel in his hand, drying his wet hair. He didn't look at his three brothers, but just smiled.

"'Afternoon, guys. When's dinner?" Jeff said, as he casually strolled into his own bedroom, closing the door behind him.

The four brothers looked agape with their mouths open.

"You don't suppose...?" Kyle said.

"Oh, yes," Alex offered, "I DO suppose. I told you about him....That's our brother."

"Didn't I tell you?" Ted replied.

The four of them were tittering as if they had become Beth, Meg, Amy, and Jo.


By Saturday evening, all the members of Jeff's family had familiarized themselves with Johnny and were quite 'taken' by him, marveling at his knowledge, maturity, as well as his 'drop dead, gorgeous' looks. At seven o'clock, Cliff and Roger arrived for dinner, accompanied by Troy and Jay. Alex and Ted had spent the afternoon at the movies...some Brad Pitt movie, for sure.

David had helped Walter prepare the 'feast for the 5,000' and everyone had assembled at the King Arthur table to give thanks. While Cliff was saying the blessing, he'd kept his eyes open surveying the crowd that he and Roger had accumulated and it was a picture for sore eyes. Cliff even included Rob and Timmy in his prayer. Alex had silently included Matt and Jeremy while Jeff remembered Jason and Tony. The two families seemed to have grown and grown. With each addition, problems were solved, friendships were formed, and love filled emptiness and longing.

"So, Jeff, tell us how the debate is coming along," Cliff said, as Walter and David began serving dinner.

"Father, at the early part of the week, I was excited and frightened, but now, I'm just excited." Jeff replied.

"And just what has made such a difference in your attitude?" Roger asked with a knowing suspicion.

"On Friday when Johnny and I sat down and plotted an outline on thirty or forty possible arguments that Chuck Brindley might bring up, everything brightened up," Jeff said,

"You're not inhibited by Reverend Brindley being there at Chuck's side?"

"Nah, Father. When a person preaches ignorance, it just shows he's got to be ignorant in the first place. You can't change an ignorant mind unless you teach it something, and that's what Johnny and I plan on doing." Jeff said, looking at Johnny and smiling.

"You know that the one of the first things they're going to hit you with is the old Leviticus 18, Romans 1:26, and First Timothy 2:12 usual arguments." Cliff said.

"Those are the easiest to defend against, Father," Johnny offered.

"Tell us, Johnny," Kyle said, "Ryan and I hear about them most every day and we're not students of the Bible and don't know how to respond."

"Kyle, anyone who cites the abomination theory in Leviticus, obviously hasn't read the entire book. 'Leviticus' is an old Hebrew word, meaning 'law'. These were not the laws set down for the children of Israel, but for pagans and non-believers. Supposedly this was one of the five books that Moses wrote and placed in the Ark of the Covenant. If you read and believe what is said about homosexuality, then you must obey the other laws in the same book. For example, did you know that people who are blind, lame, disfigured, club-footed, hunchbacked, or dwarfed are not supposed to sit at the table where food is offered to God? Also, the law prohibits tattoos, trimmed beards, men with short hair. Women who wear red and have sex while they're having their period are sinners. You're not suppose to eat rabbits, shellfish, or pigs. Even people with eye defects, running sores, or damaged testicles all run the risk of eternal damnation or punishment by being stoned to death. Do you know how many members of Reverend Brindley's congregation this might encompass? And yet the only verse anyone ever quotes is the one saying that homosexuality is an abomination. Father Cliff, I think we've got that point pretty well covered if Chuck should bring it up."

"Bravo," said Roger, "Point well taken!"

"You think that's something?" Jeff said, "Wait'll you hear some of the other 30 explanations we've got in our back pockets! Hey! Wouldn't it be funny if Mrs. Brindley wore a red dress the night of the debate?"

"This sounds like it's going to be a fairly interesting evening," Walter said. "Jeff, where did you and Johnny get all your information?"

"Mostly on the internet, Dad." Jeff replied. "It's all there. Any gay guy that wants to defend himself or his lifestyle can just go to any big search engine and find an answer."

"Dear Lord, how I wish I'd had the internet at seminary!" Cliff said.

"I thank God you didn't, my love," Roger joked.

"The same thing applies to law school, Cliff," David added.

"Jeff, I think you're gonna be a much more informed priest than I." Cliff said.

"You're gonna be a priest?" Johnny said to Jeff, looking surprised.

"Don't worry. In our church, priests can get married, even to men if they want to." Jeff said, proudly.

Everyone at the table laughed. Jeff always had an answer for everything, They all knew that the Brindley father and son team were in for a big surprise. Chuck in his right mind should never have challenged Jeff in an argument. No one, not even Walter or Alex, had ever been able to score a point against Jeff.

"You never mentioned anything about going into the priesthood," Johnny said to Jeff.

"Is there anything wrong with it?" Jeff asked him.

"No, I think it's wonderful. You're just full of surprises, that's all."

"Yeah, and a few you'd better not mention," Jeff added.

The entire group raised an eyebrow over Jeff's remark, then they all smiled as they carefully sipped their hot soup.

"Johnny, are you still set on returning to Summerville, tomorrow?" Walter asked.

"I'm not sure. I would like to stay longer. I could, I suppose, that is if I don't wear out my welcome." Johnny replied.

"You can stay as long as you like. The change and enthusiasm you've brought to Jeff in just two days is more than I could ever hope for," Walter said.

"I don't know if I'm the cause of the change, sir." Johnny replied.

"Believe me, son, you are. Cliff'll back me up." Walter said to him,

"That's right, Johnny. Just seeing Jeff in the mood he's in now has affected all our lives." Cliff added.

"Is that right, Jeff?" Johnny asked.

"Sure, before you got here, I was bonkers. They even tried to lock me up in an asylum where I belong." Everyone remained still until Jeff added, "But the doctors said I was terminally crazy and let me go. You'll see when you get to know me better."

"I would like to." Johnny said, as if he and Jeff were the only two people in the room.

"Then, stay...please." Walter said.

"All right, I'll make a couple of calls and have someone cover for me at the website." Johnny replied.

"I don't think it's possible, but should you wear out your welcome, Cliff, our boys, and I will be happy to put you up for a while," Roger added.

"Oh, no, Johnny!" Walter said. "Anyone who spends one night at Cliff and Roger's will never leave...once he's seen Xanadu."

"Pardon?" Johnny asked.

"Just go for a tour but don't spend the night," Jeff said. "It's like going to Disney World for free and you don't ever want to leave."

"Do your parents live in Summerville?" Ryan asked.

"No, they're both dead."

"Any brothers and sisters?"

"Nope, just me. I live alone in my parents' house. I've thought about selling it and finding me an apartment some place else."

"Ever think about moving to Briarwood?" Jeff inquired, openly.

"No, never before."

"How about now?" Jeff pressed onward.

"Jeff," Alex chimed in, "You've only known Johnny two days. Give him a break, willya? It's like you're asking him to move here into the house with you."

"He could, if he wanted to, couldn't he, Dad?"

"Of course, Jeff, but ONLY if Johnny wanted to. Alex is right, Quit pushing Johnny. We all know how much he means to you, but you can't take over a person's life after one weekend together."

"I'm sorry," Jeff said. "I didn't realize I was pushin' so hard, Johnny."

"That's OK, Jeff. Let me stay here all next week and see if you grow tired of me."

"That's a deal! Shake, partner!" Jeff exclaimed, offering his hand to Johnny.

"Oh, no. I'm not shaking your hand. The last time I did, you almost broke mine."

The members of the table listened closely to Jeff and Johnny's bantering conversation and each one had his own wish that Johnny would stay and become a part of Jeff's life. Johnny seemed to be perfect for Jeff in every way. If only what Jeff had going for him could last. That thought would be in everyone's prayers tonight. Surely God wouldn't turn down a request of so many people at once.

Luckily, the rest of the dinner conversation revolved around the hospital and how well the construction was going. Jeff and Johnny stayed quiet during this period, but their eyes remained talking to each other. Jeff and Johnny were both aware that something had happened to both of them and it was serious...more than serious. It was love at first sight, The two of them had had an afternoon of satisfying sex and fun the first day Johnny arrived. But now, beyond the physical attraction, they felt something more emotional between them. It was a new experience for Jeff, but Johnny had felt it before when he was in love with Frank. He was amazed that he could ever feel that way again, so soon, after a whirlwind affair consisting of only two days together with a total stranger. But Jeff was not a stranger, not to Johnny, not to anyone. Jeff had a winning personality that made you WANT to like him, even if one desired not to. All the couples at the table, including Cliff and Roger, had had similar experiences and were more aware of what was happening between the two boys than Jeff and Johnny were, themselves.

Walter smiled at David and then at Cliff, "What's one more son?" he asked himself. "As long as he makes Jeff happy, we'll all be happier."

Cliff, in his spiritual wisdom, believed that some higher power had brought Johnny to them, not just the lure of a debate, and he was glad. Cliff prayed every night, thanking God for the hours, days, and years he'd shared with Roger and by looking at the unity of the families at the table. Roger being 'Roger' and Cliff's other half knew exactly what Cliff was feeling and took Cliff's hand and nodded in silent agreement.

After dinner and dessert, all but Alex and Ted went into the game room which was filled with a pool table, air-hockey, full sized arcade games. The two stragglers wanted to watch a DVD in the den or go to their bedroom and make out. They argued a bit over which movie to watch. For Alex, it was a choice between "Star Wars, Episode One" or "From Dusk Till Dawn III". Ted, being incessantly attracted to sports, wanted to see, "61", the Roger Maris story, "The Natural", or "Field of Dreams". So the two of them compromised and watched, "Rollerball" the old James Caan futuristic sports game saga. They weren't going to watch it anyway. They both knew it would only be a matter of minutes before they scurry off to the bedroom, lock the door, undress, and got involved in their special sport. No matter how many times the two of them had sex together, one of them had always thought up something new to try...a new position, a new way of doing it, some new sensation they'd dreamt about during the day...and it was always good and exciting. They'd never grown tired of experimentation, since that first afternoon, years ago, when they had put on one of Walter's porno movies and found a way of pleasuring each other.

The evening wore on and Cliff reluctantly said he and Roger had to return home so that he would be bright and cheerful for Sunday's sermons. Jeff volunteered to serve as acolyte at the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services. Cliff asked him if he would read the Collect and the First Lesson. This pleased Jeff to no end as he would be acting like an assistant priest and also have a chance to further impress Johnny.

Cliff, Roger, Troy, and Jay said their goodbyes to the Clayton Clan. In the TV room, Alex and Ted hadn't made it halfway through the movie before their lovemaking had resorted them to go to the bedroom and make a whole night of it. Kyle and Ryan gave one last stamp of approval to Johnny, saying they were glad he was there and had felt like one of the family. As Cliff got in his car, he took one final look at Walter standing in the doorway with his arm around David, both of them waving. Cliff was glad they had coupled for David was filling the empty void in Walter's life.

When Cliff's car had pulled out of the driveway, Roger looked at Cliff and asked, "Well, what did you think of the young 'masser'?"

"You mean Johnny?"

"Who else?"

"I think he's an answer to a lot of prayers...mine included." Cliff replied.

"All night long I kept looking at him, trying to find at least one flaw...and couldn't, dammit!" Jay said.

"Yeah," Troy added, "but you didn't mention the only place your were looking was at his crotch!"

"Well, that's important, too!" Jay replied, grinning lasciviously.

"You're a slut! But I love your being one." Troy said.

"Cliff, did you hear what Troy just called me? I think he needs to pay a penance for something like that! What do you think?" Jay exclaimed.

"Jay, I'll let you set Troy's penance."

"All right. Troy, just for calling me a slut, I declare that you must spend the rest of the night on your front of MY crotch."

"Hmmm. I don't mind sinning and confessing when I have that kind of penance."

"Well, that's just for starters! I'll think of some more ways!"

"I bet you will." Cliff said, laughing at Jay.

"Boys, treasure each day and night as if it were your last together, and if it isn't, then try to make the next day better than the one before. That's the way Cliff and I have been all our lives have no regrets," Roger added.

Cliff turned into his own driveway to the Cole Manor.


The altar at St. Genesius was covered with floral sprays from people all over the country, paying tribute to Roger's recovery. There were cards on the bouquets from gays who couldn't really afford to send flowers, honoring the man who was spending millions to find 'the cure'. Roger was indeed, touched by the remembrances, prayers, and well wishes.

Cliff decided to dress Jeff for the occasion, donning him in a priest's black cassock with a white, imported lace overlay robe, Jeff felt grown up. He had practiced both the Collect and the First Lesson at home last night, before retiring to an entire evening of sex and games with his 'guest', Johnny. The two of them made love in every way they could think of. After four hours, they both were exhausted but convinced that they were equally matched in more ways than one.

Johnny felt honored to sit in Walter's pew with Roger, David, Alex, Ted, Kyle, Ryan, Troy, and Jay. After a long time of being independent and lonely, Johnny felt he was part of a family now. Everyone he'd met seemed to like and accept him. Behind their pew sat Jeremy and Matt, still together and still in love. When Jeff went to the pulpit to give the First Lesson, it was difficult to tell who was bursting with the most pride, Jeff or Johnny. Of course, Walter's pride was pretty big also. Jeff cleared his throat with a loud hack and pronounced, "The first lesson is found..." His volume and articulation was good enough to be heard clearly to the back of the nave for any person who might've had a hearing problem. Cliff covered the smile on his lips, hiding his amusement at Jeff's gusto until Jeff exclaimed, "Here endeth the lesson!". Without thinking, Jeff bowed, as if he were receiving thunderous applause. Then he realized what he had just done and his face turned beet red. This was the second time in two days he'd been embarrassed. Boy! Something had surely come over him, The whole row of guys sitting with Walter dropped their heads, smiling, including Johnny. Roger placed his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. No one cared about Jeff's tiny mistake because Jeff's winning personality made everything he did so cute. Johnny was convinced that there was nothing about Jeff a guy couldn't like. Johnny's heart was filling with more and more love for Jeff every time he looked at him, which was constantly.

Johnny knew he had some tough decisions to make. Was he so wrapped up in the moment of the wonderful weekend or had he actually fallen in love with Jeff in so short of time? If he moved to Briarwood, he would either have to sell or lease his parents' house and move his website. A small portion of the donations to 'My Right to Rights' was Johnny's only income. He had a few close friends he would have to leave in Summerville, but he also knew that he'd thought he'd never find anyone to take the place of his fallen Frank...but he had! His name was Jeff! Little did he or anyone, with the exception of Walter, know what was about to happen on Thursday. It would be something that would change several lives forever...a special meeting called by Roger.

Johnny made the necessary phone calls to his friends in Summerville, telling them he was going to stay in Briarwood until after the debate,,,and maybe longer. Every day during the next week, while Jeff was in school, Johnny searched the internet for any information that he might have missed that could help with the debate. In the evening, he and Jeff would sit and go over the many documents until it was time to go to bed, early enough to make love, but not long enough to deprive Jeff of the sleep he would need for the next day's classes.

On Thursday, Jeff hurried home in time for Roger's meeting. leaving Johnny at Walter's home alone. All were curious except Walter and Cliff who knew about Roger's surprise. Everyone who was supposed to be there was in attendance except Timmy and Rob, who couldn't break away from their hit show. Walter promised to call them with the details after the will session.

Excluding Johnny, who remained at Walter's house, all the rest assembled in the huge den of the Cole mansion. Roger rose up to speak.

"Boys, a few weeks ago, I came close to leaving this world as you all know. But for the grace of God and the love of my partner and the love I receive from all of you, I recovered and find I now have a clean bill of health to proceed with the works Cliff and I have planned. Having an aneurysm followed by a transient ischemic attack or mild stroke only reminds us how short life can be and how death can take us so suddenly. I had no reason to suspect I would be stricken down so quickly, but weeks before my incident occurred, I sat down with Walter and made out a will. All of you were or are included in it as I think of all of you as my family. I love each of you as if you were my own does Cliff, and I'm certain Walter feels the same way. Our two families have merged into one. All of you boys have become brothers to one another and I thank God for that.

"Often I get angry and amused at the same time when I go to a funeral and see hundreds and perhaps thousands spent on floral sprays and bouquets...none of which the deceased ever sees. When I was a priest and celebrated funeral masses, sometimes I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying, 'Why in hell didn't you send flowers when the departed one was alive?'.

"Which brings me back to my will which Walter prepared for me in the event of my demise. All of you are alive...and so am I! What I intended to bequeath to you, I would never have gotten to see your faces or how you would react to my gifts. So, I'm going to be very unconventional and bestow my gifts on you now so that I can enjoy watching you enjoy what I've chosen to give to all of you."

Everyone in the room had a puzzled and surprised expression on their faces as they took turns looking at one another.

"The first part of my estate will go toward the costs of the proposed hospital, the clinic, centers, and other agencies to be named later. The house and the bulk of my bank accounts and stock will naturally go to Cliff, the love of my life. Now for the codicil I added for each of you, I'll ask Walter to step up and read."

Roger sat down next to Cliff while Walter stood, taking Roger's stance.

"Boys! You're going to be a bit shocked when I read this, but I remind you ahead of time that your gifts are conditional. To Troy and Jay, to Kyle and Ryan, and to Timmy and notice that I mentioned you as 'couples' which is the chief stipulation in the deal. If you are living together as couples, with the exception of a sudden death of one of you, after five years, each couple will receive ten million tax-free dollars. Now during those five years, you will receive the interest on your inheritance to live on."

Jay, Troy, Kyle, and Ryan all felt weak and were almost ready to pass out. Roger's sharing of his wealth was almost too much to fathom. Now to Alex, and of course to Ted, Roger wants you, Alex, to have five million dollars immediately to keep the crisis center running at full steam. Alex, you and Ted will receive the same five million after five years as the other couples will."

Alex and Ted shook their heads in disbelief.

Walter continued, "Now let's see whom we've left out? Oh yes, Jeff! Jeff, since you are under eighteen years of age, your money will be put in a trust fund and you will receive your full amount once you have finished your seminary and been ordained to service God and your fellow man, in the amount of twenty-five million dollars. Hopefully, that will be enough to let you start your own church."

Jeff was about to burst as he sighed and said, "DAMN!".

"The rest of the will as Roger prepared it is for instructions to me of overseeing all of Roger's present and future projects...totaling somewhere in the neighborhood or twenty-billion dollars to begin with and more if it's needed. The last line of the will is signed, "I love you all...Roger".

There had never been a louder silence in the history of the world as everyone sat there looking stunned in disbelief. Cliff was more than pleased by Roger's actions. The family that had stayed together had been rewarded for its virtues. Slowly one by one, person by person, they began to cry quietly. They would be together long after five years, even without the bequests. It was love that had bonded them forever, but Roger had just added the assurance, "just in case", as Roger would put it.

No one knew or had to words to adequately thank Roger, but just seeing their faces was enough thanks for him. Each took his turn hugging Roger, most of them taking the time to kiss him on his cheek. The 'boys' had received Roger's gifts, but none of them were as happy as Roger. The meeting disbanded and still no one had talked, not even Jeff. Everyone returned to his home or room speechless, not knowing what to say. When they were alone, 'together', each couple embraced and sobbed.

Jeff went into his bedroom to be with Johnny. Jeff, for some modest reason, didn't mention his endowment from Roger..

"If you wanna live with me," Jeff said to Johnny, "I think Dad would like you to live here with us."

"Jeff, I would live with you, if we had to live off my website!" Johnny replied.

"You mean it? You really love me?"

"Yes, you little clown, I love you. I want to be a part of your family. What did Ruth in the Bible say? 'Whither thou goest, I will go and your people shall be my people'?" Johnny said, holding Jeff closer to his chest.

"Tonight, just before we go to sleep, after sex, of course, don't let me forget to thank God for making Uncle Roger well again," Jeff said.

Even though only a few months separated his and Jeff's ages, Johnny somehow felt older and he loved Jeff's childlike quality. He did love Jeff...and it was good. Jeff still kept Roger's gift to him from Johnny but he didn't know why?


At the Cole mansion, Cliff held Roger in his arms, as much in love as they ever were.

"Do you think I did the right thing?" Roger asked.

"When have you never done the right thing?" Cliff replied.

"Oh, maybe when I left you to go find myself."

"When you returned, I was convinced you had done the right thing even then."

"You know, out of all of God's mysteries, the one thing that puzzles me the most is I don't know how I can love you more every day than I did the day before, but somehow, I do," Roger said, nibbling on Cliff's ear.

"I've often asked myself the same question. Roger, when you had your attack and I was afraid of losing you, I didn't know how I would survive or keep on living. I felt that if you died, God would take me at the same minute. We were meant to be together forever."

"I want to ask a favor of you, my love."

"Name it and it's yours," Cliff replied.

"You've been under such stress, I'm afraid I've worried as much about your health as you have mine. I want you to slow down and spend more time with me."

"What do you suggest?"

"I want you to find the 'perfect' assistant to take over some of your tasks at the church."

"'Perfect?' And where do you think I'll find that someone?"

"He's going to find you. I'm certain of it. God is going to lead him to you when you least expect it. You're just going to walk into your office one day and there he'll be...'special delivery' from the Almighty."

"I won't hold my breath for that miracle."

"Mark my words...just wait and see."

"All right."


"Do you feel like fooling around a little?"

"I could be convinced."

"Then, kiss me and let's get started!"

Tonight, as always, Cliff and Roger were the happiest two people on earth!


(To be continued in "Briarwood"--BOOK THREE-"Briarwood Lost"-chapter-thirty-six)

Copyright Ritchris, 2005.

Next: Chapter 36: Far from the Crowd 36

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