
By Ritch Christopher (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 3, 2006


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now.



Copyright Ritchris, 2005

aka "Whence Cometh My Help"

Copyright Ritchris, 2003

Revised Version

A dramatic saga


Ritch Christopher





"I wish I'd met you when we were seventeen.

Think of how we wasted all those years in between.

But would we have been wise enough to know

how to make a go of it,

Knowing what we know of it?

Love's a grown-up game, but all the same,

I wish I'd met you when we were very young

Before the wine was tasted,

Before our songs were sung.

But how could life mean anything

if time had stolen love away?

I'm glad I never met you till today."


Music and lyrics by:

Richard Rodney Bennett, Johnny Mandel,

Franklin Underwood


Arthur Manford, a predominant lawyer and outstanding young citizen from Cambridge, Massachusetts, was a happily married man with three small children. He would wait until after the November Presidential election before announcing his candidacy for the United States Senate, representing his home state, pending of course on the outcome of Senator John Kerry's bid for the White House. Arthur, or 'Art' to his friends, was a good and logical choice to replace Senator Kerry. He was a liberal Democrat with a squeaky clean record and personal history.

Art's mother had died of pancreatic cancer while he was attending Harvard Law School. His dad, Andrew Patterson Manford had made zillions trading commodities on the stock exchange for forty plus years and buying and selling commercial real estate properties all over New England. Art was an only child and the sole heir to his father's wealth and had the responsibility of continuing the dynasty.

After his wife's death, Andrew remained living in his twenty-four room mansion with only the servants and household staff of twelve. He was very proud of his son, Art, and loved his grandchildren, especially enjoying every weekend when the three toddlers came to visit their granddad. The only skeleton in Andrew's closet, unbeknownst to Art or anyone else, was Andrew's longtime penchant for young male prostitutes. Not even his late wife had had any idea of Andrew's clandestine affairs. The young men who were items on Andrew's sexual menu were paid extremely well for their services, so well, in fact, that none of them dared to name their benefactor at any price. It wasn't uncommon for any of them to receive as much as a ten-thousand dollar bonus for spending an entire weekend with Andrew at his private resort on Cape Cod.

Art and his family normally visited Andrew every Friday through Sunday evening, so when Andrew called his son to come see him on a Tuesday, Art was concerned but not alarmed by his father's telephoned request. Andrew had given him no clues to the reason for the midweek visit, but Art decided it was best to accede to his dad's wish and so he went by himself to see his dad at the estate.

When he arrived, Art was told by Hanley, Andrew's personal assistant, that his dad was awaiting him in his office at the mansion. The room was dark with solid mahogany paneling on the walls. There was a huge fireplace on the east wall and the room had dozens of pieces of furniture, couches, love seats, recliners and ottomans. In the large room, Andrew's desk was thirty or so feet from the door.

Andrew was glad to see his son and rose from his desk to greet him midway in the room, giving him a warm hug and welcome. Art kissed his dad on the cheek.

"Hi'ya, Dad," Art greeted his father, heartily.

"Son, it's always so good to see you," Andrew replied. "Can I fix you a drink?"

"Scotch would be great, Dad."

"It's always reassuring to see that we have so much in common. I'll have one with you."

Andrew went to the bar on the west wall and made two drinks, Cardhu on the rocks, and brought one to Art, who was now seated in the black leather chair, opposite his dad's seat at the desk.

"Cheers!" Andrew said, clinking his glass with Art's.

"Cheers, Dad."

"Do you still have your eye on the Senate seat?"

"Yes, sir. If America wakes up and sees just how corrupt Bush has been, Kerry's chances look awfully good."

"Bush...what a fucking joke!" Andrew exclaimed. "It makes one think how bad the education system has suffered under his administration. Looks as if we've become a nation of idiots! The only people dumber than Bush are the ones who support him."

"He IS a dolt. Sometimes I laugh when I read an article stating that Bush's IQ can be stated in double digits. I suppose he's not entirely to blame. He's so wrapped up in 'playing' President that he's not aware of how he's being used as a front so that Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Perle can advance their hidden agendae. Rove wants to convert the world to Pentecostal religion; Perle wants to have the U.S. take over the globe to promote Reagan's New World Order; Wolfowitz wants to earmark the entire budget for military contracts which of course makes Cheney happy since ninety-five percent of all government contracts are given to Halliburton, Cheney's old company...and poor old George Dubya is having a big time smiling and waving while believing he's been chosen by God to rid the world of terrorism and promote Christianity."

"What do you think George W. will do if Barbara and George Senior ever tells him there's no Santa Claus?"

"Oh, he'll probably send 100,000 marines to the North Pole to find Santa and look for his toys with mass destruction. Without additional weapons, he'll probably dissolve in tears. No doubt, Mrs. Claus and all the elves will be shipped off to Guantanamo as suspect enemy combatants which means there'll be no Christmas this year!"

Andrew laughed. "Maybe Karl Rove better break the news to him gently. He seems to accept everything Rove says as gospel. Maybe George W. DID believe that Iraq had WMD and was responsible for 9/11...if Rove told him. Oh, Hell, Bush would probably believe Rove if Rove told him that Columbus was still planning one last trip across the Atlantic. Poor old Chris wouldn't make it past immigration this time."

"The Almighty must be pleased to know that His chosen one is happily going about, converting the world to Christianity. I heard a newscast where George W. proclaimed that anyone who didn't accept Jesus was going to hell."

"I heard that too, Dad. I also read in 'USA Today' that Ron Reagan would like to ask Bush if that meant the 10,000 Muslim children, women, and old people that he's killed in Iraq are already in hell. George not only tells the Muslims to go to hell, he's sending them there as well!"

"You wonder how or why so many can support such a rigid regime that's born out of greed and stupidity?"

"If you read history closely, Hitler did the same thing in the 30's. He hoodwinked so many Germans into believing that corruption is a just case and an accurate way to run a country. It took the United States entering into World War Two to bring the German people to their senses. If bobble-head Bush is reelected, I often wonder who or what nation, if any, will invade to bring the country to its senses. Bush, the idiot, has been brainwashed to believe that everything that Rove and company has done is to promote democracy and is for the betterment of the American people...these same American people who lose their jobs daily, their insurance, their homes, their pensions, and other benefits for which they've worked all their loves. Dad, the whole fucking thing makes me sick...especially when the Bush administration claims that all their actions are done in the name of Jesus with His full blessing."

"To be honest, Art, I don't think I want to stick around for another four more years of Bush. If he, by chance, names two or three new Supreme Court Justices, many rights for which we've fought will be nullified and reversed."

"The religious 'right' doesn't care. Liberal ideas, according to them, are opposite to God's ways. They have no concept that Jesus Christ was an extreme left-wing liberal and spent his entire ministry helping people, the way we liberals have done and are doing."

"Oh, well, we'll just have to wait and see how long it takes for America to wise up, son."

"God, I only hope it's not too late."

"I...I suppose you know that I didn't call you to come see me to discuss the election."

"Yes, sir, I AM a bit curious."

"I needed to have a heart-to-heart, father-and-son chat about something we've never discussed."

"Being very frank, Dad, I was never aware that you and I had any secrets between us."

"There IS one, son. I've put it off for many years, but the time has come when it can no longer wait."

"Sounds rather serious, Dad..."

"It is, Art," Andrew said, finishing his drink and setting his empty glass on the table. "Son, what I'm about to tell you is going to be a bit of a 'shocker', but first I want to ask you a couple of questions..."

"Your preface frightens me a bit, Dad, but I am intrigued."

"Art, do you have any estimation of the amount of money I've accumulated in my lifetime?"

"No, sir, I've never had any reason to investigate your wealth. It never occurred for me to do so. I'm just certain that it must be quite sizable."

"'Sizable' is a gross underestimation. I...I know you've made something of a fortune of your own without what money you might inherit when I die...but the fact remains that you are my one and only heir. I've been wondering that if I should leave a sizeable stipend for my three grandchildren, plus a large sum of say, a million to each of my staff here at the house, do you think one-hundred million tax free dollars would be enough inheritance for you to live on for the rest of your life?"

"Good heavens, Dad, I never dreamed of that kind of money! Golly, a hundred million would be more than enough for ANYONE to inherit."

"I could leave you more if you need it...but it's the balance of my fortune is what I want to talk to you about."

"Of course, Dad, what do you have in mind?"

"I would like you to draw up a will for me, only after you've decided on the amount which you wish to inherit yourself, with the balance of my estate going to a new organization. An organization which has yet to be established to provide shelter, general necessities such as food and every day needs, plus medical benefits including hospital coverage, doctors, and medicine to be patterned after a small community in New Hampshire...Mackintosh, New Hampshire to be specific. Have you ever heard of it?"

"Only vaguely, Dad. Is that a retirement community for people with HIV and AIDS?"

"Yes, it is, Art." Art slightly raised one eyebrow and looked a bit confused, but didn't bother to question his dad's motive. "I can see by the expression on your face that I need to offer you some kind of explanation."

"Only if you wish to offer one, Dad."

"Son, about six months ago while I was having my annual physical checkup, Byron Philips, my personal physician, notified me that I...I had acquired HIV and my t-cell count was so low that I had full-blown AIDS."

"DAD! You're kidding...right?" Art's shock and disbelief showed plainly on his face.

"No, son. At Byron's request, I had my blood checked a second time, only to discover that my count was even lower than the original report."

"But, DAD! HOW! I mean, how did you get it?"

"That's the second part of my secret, Art. Something that very few people in the world know about..."

"Oh, for Christ's sake! I know damned well that you've never used illegal drugs and I sure as hell know that you're not gay nor had affairs with other women. I mean, as wonderful a wife as Mom was to you, you had no reason to see other women!"

" wasn't other women whom I was seeing behind your mom's back."

"Dad, you're not saying that..."

"Other men?...Yes...and there were many over the years."

"Dad, I can't believe this. Are you telling me you're gay, or--what's the term?--- bi?"

"Art, I knew I was gay even before I met your mom. She never knew...or at least, I don't think she did...and even if she DID know, she kept my secret as well as I tried to do."

"Dad...was there any ONE person or man in particular that you...?"

"Not really. I never became attached to any certain one. That would have been risky had any ONE person been making a lot of trips or visits with me. I...I never fell in love with any of them. I...I married your mom, primarily because I needed her to provide an heir to my fortune...that was you. After you were born healthy and grew up, making fine marks in school and becoming a successful attorney, there was really no reason to think about having additional children. However, my appetite for gay flings did not subside. There were many young men in my life. Apparently, you never knew anything about this which means that my attempt at secrecy was successful."

"God, Dad--I never knew! But, Dad, I assume you're on the latest AIDS medications. What is the state of your health?"

"For a while I was progressing nicely, but in the past few weeks, my immune system is resisting the medication and I'm becoming more ill every day."

"Good God, Dad! You're frightening the shit out of me!"

"I hope no more so than if I told you I had cancer, the same as your mom."

"Yes, but..."

"Art, when I was a kid, it was just as shameful to say you had cancer, so don't let the news that I have AIDS become an embarrassment to you...or to Becky and your boys."

"Dad, please help me keep my personal side out of this and stick to the business side...but only for the moment. Besides drawing up a new will, is there anything else you want me to do?"

"Yes, there is, Art. Up in Mackintosh, New Hampshire, there is a young priest, Father Jeff Clayton. The entire village of Mackintosh seems to revolve around him and his companion, Johnny Kane. I want you to go there and see them and find out what it took to succeed to provide such a supportive community, and then I want you to establish as many retirement homes or communities like Mackintosh in as many different states as my legacy will support."

"All of it, Dad?"

"Everything that's left after you subtract your share, my grandsons', and that of my personal staff...That should be up in the billions of dollars, so, as I said, please take all that you want for yourself...and the rest...well, I want you to get Father Jeff's and Johnny's input as how to wisely how spend it."

"You know I'd walk through fire for you, Dad. Of course I'll do's just that I still can't get over your telling me that..."

"That your father is gay...a old poof?"

"You know, I'd never call anyone gay by a degrading name...especially my own father."

"I know..."

"But dad...any of the guys that you...well, do you want to include any of them in your will?"

"Believe me, son, they've all been adequately paid. The other reason I wanted to tell you was that one or any of my young friends might get an idea of writing a book, revealing facts of our intimacy. In my safe are sworn documents that could make them pay a substantial consequence if any of them ever broke the confidentiality. That could mean trouble for you should you go into politics. You'd be an innocent victim of my surreptitious shenanigans!"

"I'd never worry about that, Dad. I mean, after all, this is Massachusetts, not Kentucky!"

"Who knows? After a couple of terms in the Senate, you might set your sights on the White House and I wouldn't want the extreme religious right to bite you in the ass with a scandal of mine of which you had no part."

"I've first got to find out if I'm gonna run for the Senate."

"But you WILL go to Mackintosh and visit Father Jeff?"

"You know that I will." Art said, "IN FACT, getting away for a few days in New Hampshire might be good for me. Why don't you come with me?"

"Believe me, I've thought about it. From what I learned of Mackintosh, I'm tempted to go up there and spend my last days."

"Dad, please don't talk that way. You've got to stick around and see your grandkids graduate college."

"God, I wish I could, son. I don't know if there's an afterlife, but to me, it would be spending all day playing with your kids and then staying all night at their bedsides to make sure that no harm befell them while they slept."

"Dad, in the immediate present, is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, but thanks, son, just seeing the honorable man you've become is worth more than all my money. I'm proud of you. You know, when I think back, I don't remember ever punishing or scolding you. I can't remember ever raising my voice to you. Maybe I should have denied you something just to get you angry with me one normal sons and dads."

"You were always the perfect father, just as Mom was the perfect mother. How could any kid ever complain about that? I never had a reason to get mad at you...OR Mom. I loved you as a child and I love you even more as an adult."

"Thank you, Art. Hearing you say that...if the good Lord takes me tonight, I'll be the happiest man in heaven. You'll make a great Senator."

"All I have to do is follow in your footsteps..."

"Maybe not ALL of're a little old to be ogling young men."

"I still find that so difficult to believe about you! I was a young man and to my knowledge you never made a move on me."

"I couldn't! I loved you...I never loved any of them."


"Yes, that's all it was...just sex. I loved your Mom and you...but going out with an escort was just my night out with the boys. I didn't play poker or care for clubs...just a quick roll in the hay until I was satisfied and that was the end of it...that is, until I got careless with one of my young friends and contracted AIDS."

"Dad, I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be. It was my own fault. It was my wild stupidity and I deserve to pay for it. Here I've got nearly all the money in the world at my fingertips and it can't help me. That's why I want to use it to help others."

"I'll see that you get your wish, Dad."

"Thank you. Now, would you like another drink?"

"I should say, 'no', but I won't. Yes, I'll have another. With you, Dad."

Art really had no idea where Mackintosh, New Hampshire was but he knew he had to go there. It was the last wish his dad would make of him and Art, knowing he'd never disappointed Andrew in their entire lives together, would pursue the quest. Art had no idea of how his life was about to change.


Billy was bursting with pride when he went to Briarwood High the morning after Cliff's telecast. Billy's relationship with his real dad, Paul Leighton, had been traumatic and physically and emotionally painful. Never in his life with his real parents had his dad given Billy any reason to be proud. Their quarrels had resulted in Billy's killing both his parents and after being exonerated by a self-defense plea, Billy found two new dads, Cliff and Roger, who were all he could ask for in life. Billy had self-confidence in the knowledge that he was now really loved, by not only his dads, but by all the Briarwood Boys. He was a member of a real family and even though he'd had a fairly good initial sexual experience with his friend, Sammy, Billy knew he had a hankering eye on Jake.

Jake, on the other hand, was madly in love with his own older brother, Lee. But Lee was pragmatic about Jake's feelings and knew, or at least hoped, that Jake would grow out of it as Lee was slowly developing bisexual tendencies and hoped he could ask a real girl to the autumn prom. From a distance, Lee was encouraging a relationship between Billy and Jake to blossom. The last thing Lee wanted to do was to hurt his younger brother, as they had been through so many troubles together and, after all, the two of them were the only blood relatives each of them had. Mike and Tom were like brothers to Lee and Jake and the four of them had established a strong bond between them.

Several times, Lee almost approached Tom and Mike with the idea of going to the movies or on a field trip and taking Jake WITH Billy sans himself, to see if the love bug might bite Jake and Billy while he wasn't around. Lee liked Billy and had become his champion when the fight broke out in the bathroom at school. In his dreams, Lee wished it had been Jake who rescued Billy instead of himself.

However, on this bright Monday morning, Billy said he wanted to walk to school, instead of being driven by Cliff, Roger, Troy, or Jay. He skipped along as he went. The sky and the air seemed to reflect his mood. As luck would have it, Jake decided to leave for school fifteen minutes before Lee was ready and soon he saw Billy coming cheerfully down the street. Jake waved at Billy and soon they met to continue the journey to Briarwood High.

"You surely look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning," Jake said to Billy.

"I'm just happy, that's all. Daddy Cliff was like a hero on TV yesterday and, like he often says from the pulpit, 'God's in His heaven and all's right with the world."

"Yeah, Father Cliff DID seem to put those congressmen in their places. I was proud of him, too."

"Hey, Jake, you never did say if you wanted to come over and play Playstation with me..."


"Tonight...tomorrow night...this whole weekend coming up."

"I...I don't think I could spend the night with you."

"Why not?"

"When night time comes, I like to be with Lee. He makes me feel safe."

"You sleep in the same bed with him or do you have separate beds?"

"Back in Texas, Lee and I always slept in the same bed. I guess we both kinda got used to it."

"Do you ever get a chance to be by yourself so that you know...?"

"Get off?"

"Well, yeah..."

"I could be alone if I wanted to...but, well, Lee and I..."

"You do it together?"

"I...I didn't say that. I mean, if I get an urge know...well, I just kinda wait until Lee's asleep..."

"What about Lee? If you wait until HE'S asleep, when does he...?"

"Oh, I pretend I'm asleep...of course, I'm really not. I peek at him out of one eye."

"Shoot, you oughta wake him up and do it together. I bet it'd be a lot more fun for both of you."

"I suppose I've thought about it," Jake lied. "I just didn't know how to suggest it to Lee."

"Can I ask you something real private?"

"Why stop now? You've been asking all kinds of private things about me since we started walking together this morning."

"I was just wondering that, if you come over to my house, you think that maybe you and I know...together?"

"I don't know, Billy. I'd almost feel like I was being unfaithful to Lee."

"But you just said that you and Lee weren't...?"

"I know what I said...I was lying!"

"Then you and Lee DO...?"

"Well, sorta."

"Holy Christmas! I never knew anyone who got off with his own brother before!"

"Yeah? Well, don't make such a big deal out of it. It's private...and it's nobody's business!"

"Don't get angry. Look! Since we're being honest with each other know? I'll let you in on one of my secrets."

"OK, but it'd better be a good one."

"It is. It's just that...well, for a few weeks now when I go to bed to... you know. I've begun thinking about you while I'm doing it."

"You're kidding?"

"Nope. I think about you right up to the second that know..."

"I didn't even know you liked me...that way...!"

"I didn't for a long time until I realized that every time I get near you, I know..."


"Yeah, only I wasn't going to say it out loud."

"OK, now it's my turn to ask you a private question since you told me all that..."


"When you' know...and you're thinking about me...what do you find yourself thinking that we're doing together?"

"More things than you can imagine...lots of things!"

"What if I said I MIGHT come over know...?"

"It be like a dream coming true for me."

"Well, I'm not PROMISING, but I WILL think about it..."

"I wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want to...I promise."

"OK, I WILL think it over and let you know."

Neither Billy nor Jake were aware of the dark sedan which was creeping along behind them as they walked. The car suddenly picked up speed and caught up with them and drove along side. The windows of the black car were tinted so dark that one could not see who was in the car or how many passengers were inside. The driver rolled down his window so that only the top of his head could be seen by either of the boys.

"HEY!" the driver called out.

"Yes?" Billy answered.

"Wasn't that your stepdad who was on television yesterday?"

"Yes, it was," Billy proclaimed proudly.

"He was trying to convince everyone to make gay marriages legal, wasn't he?"

"Legal commitments, actually, not especially gay marriages."

"You have two gay step dads, don't you?"


"One's a priest and the other owns a hospital, right?"


"Are the two of them married?"

"They're legally committed, yes..."

"And you're their son? A product of a gay marriage?"

"They adopted me legally, yes?"

"Well, here's a message I have for your two queer daddies," the driver said as he rolled his window down completely and held out a large glass jar containing clear liquid. He held the jar as he tossed the liquid toward Billy and Jake. Billy quickly jumped back and the liquid missed him completely while Jake turned around too late and a large dose of acid hit him in the face and eyes. Jake screamed from the pain and the car sped away as fast as it could.

Billy ran quickly over to Jake who was bent double by now and was covering his eyes with both hands. Billy saw white smoke bleeding through Jake's fingers. He had seen enough crime shows on TV to know what had just happened and what had been thrown into Jake's face and eyes to know it was some kind of acid, probably sulfuric since it reeked with a rotten egg odor.

Jake fell on the sidewalk, screaming at the top of his lungs. Billy saw a car coming down the street and rushed to stop it to get help. The driver of this car was Naomi Brindley, old pastor Brindley's wife...the man whom Jeff had debated about gays and the Bible, years ago. There was no time for religious differences now--Naomi saw how seriously Jake had been injured and helped Billy get Jake on his feet and into her car where she sped away to the nearest hospital, Briarwood General Emergency Room. Billy hopped into the back seat with Jake and could see the flesh still burning Jake's face and now his fingers.

"Who did this?" Naomi yelled as she drove.

"I don't know," Billy replied. "This car just drove up and started asking questions. The windows were black and I couldn't see the driver. All of a sudden he rolled down his window and pitched what looked like water on Jake and me."

"Did you get any of it on you?"

"No, ma'am. It all hit Jake, mostly in the face!"

"Well, keep his hands still until we get to the hospital. It's only a few blocks away!"

"Yes ma'am."

Jake had stopped screaming and had begun to shake as if he were having a chill. Billy put his arm around Jake and drew him close but being careful not to get any of the acid on him.

"Does your friend's parents live nearby?" Naomi asked.

"No, ma'am. His parents are dead."

"What about YOUR parents?"

"I live in the St. Genesius manse with my two dads?"

"Your dad is THAT priest, FATHER CLIFF?"

"Yes ma' of them."

"I might've known. God doesn't always work in mysterious ways. Sometimes He does things for a reason for everyone to see...clear as day!"


"All that 'QUEER' business your daddy supports. God has ways of getting even!"

"Ma am, I don't know who you are but I don't appreciate your saying things like that!" Billy said, haughtily.

"I suppose they've already turned YOU into one, too! What about your friend? Is he your boyfriend?"

"Ma'am, I appreciate your doing us a favor by taking Jake to the hospital, but would you please, 'SHUT THE FUCK UP'?"

"You talk just like 'em. I don't know why God spared you!"

"Ma'am, if you'll stop the car, Jake and I can walk the rest of the way?"

"WHAT...and be negligent of my Christian duty? NO! I'll see that he gets there. My Bible teaches me to look away from sin and do the right thing, no matter if you're helping a sinner in need."

Fortunately, just as she was finishing her remark, she pulled into the back entrance of BGER and Billy jumped out, pulling the wounded Jake with him. The two boys made their way into the triage where a nurse and an orderly rushed Jake though the swinging double doors into a trauma cubicle. Billy remained in the waiting room as the reality of the occurrence hit him and Billy broke down in tears.

A nurse ran to see about Billy to find out if he was injured. Billy stopped crying long enough to give the nurse Cliff's home phone number and ten minutes later, Cliff arrived at the ER with Troy and Jay. Cliff ran to Billy and placed both arms around him and let him cry. Troy went to the admissions desk to get whatever information was available concerning Jake while Troy was busy making dozens of calls on his cell Roger, Mike, Tom, and to Lee who had left for school. Next Jay called the school and left word for Lee to take a cab to Briarwood General ASAP. Jay was so traumatized, it finally dawned on him to call the Briarwood Police.

When Roger arrived, he rushed past Cliff and the Briarwood boys and ran through the 'no admittance' doors into the cubicle where two doctors and three nurses were examining Jake's injuries. Two police cars arrived next and met Cliff to get some details.

Jay kept shouting to the police, "IT WAS A HATE CRIME! THAT'S ALL IT WAS...A FUCKING HATE CRIME! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?" Troy made a futile attempt to settle his lover down to no avail. Jay was raging mad, as was Cliff.

To the dismay of the BG physicians, Roger arranged for Jake to be transported immediately to Cole Institute where his team of doctors would assume the position of Jake's attending physicians. A half hour later, Jake was being treated and examined by a team of Cole doctors. Cliff, Billy, Troy, and Jay had been joined in the Cole triage with Lee, Tom, and Mike. Lee had to be given a sedative as he was so distraught over his brother. All eight of them awaited the news from Roger's ER staff concerning Jake's condition.


After leaving Cliff's party on Sunday afternoon where everyone had wished, Kyle, Hal, Petey, and Danny bon voyage, Kyle convinced Hal to leave for New York later that evening instead of on Wednesday as previously planned. This would give the four of them two days in New York to see the sights and thus it would become the first leg of their long journey...not to mention the fact that there was still some things Kyle wanted to buy for Hal at some of the better men's stores on Fifth Avenue. Hal had never been to the Big City, nor had the two toddlers, so it sounded like a good idea to all of them.

So they packed bags and baggage into a taxi after calling Tom and Mike to say that they were leaving tonight and wouldn't be needing a ride to the airport on Wednesday. Before leaving, Kyle called the Waldorf-Astoria in New York to reserve a suite with two connecting for the boys and the other for Hal and himself. The flight took less than two hours. There was some turbulence so the plane had to get into a holding pattern and await its turn for landing. Thus the plane circled the entire island of Manhattan with its night skyline four times before getting permission to land. The boys were ecstatic seeing the Empire State Building AND the Statue of Liberty from the window of the plane several times.

This was Hal's first airplane ride and he was almost as excited as the kids. Kyle was pleased when he took Hal's hand to hold and Hal accepted it unashamed. Hal had really fallen in love with Kyle and didn't care who knew it. Danny and Petey were seated in front of Kyle and Danny and when Danny peered over his seat to see his dad and Kyle holding hands, he giggled softly and nudged his brother to take a peek. The boys were happy seeing Kyle and Hal becoming closer. Although Danny was young, he knew it was all right now to call Hal, 'Daddy Hal'...and Petey followed suit.

When the four of them arrived at the stately, luxurious old hotel, Kyle took the kids into their designated rooms and turned on cable TV for them to watch while he phoned room service to bring them dinner. Afterward, Kyle put the boys to bed early in view of their big sightseeing day planned for the following morning. Kyle closed their door and re-entered his and Hal's bedroom, stopping at the portable bar to get a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

Their room had a walk-out terrace and Kyle asked Hal to join him in the night air to listen to the sounds of the sleepless city. New York was alive and they felt the first stir of an early autumn breeze. Having lived in New York before meeting Ryan, Kyle knew that there was nothing more beautiful in the world than autumn in New York. It was a time when everyone could fall in love...just before a long cold winter when each lonely person would need someone warm to cling to.

Kyle poured two glasses of champagne and handed one to Hal, who was leaning over the railing while being as safe as possible to see how much of the city he could see from their vantage point.

"What do you think of it, Hal...New York, I mean?"

"It's gorgeous. It almost stops my heart."

"When I lived here, ten years ago, I could only pass by the Waldorf. I never dreamed I'd be staying here." Kyle's face showed the memories of the past plainly.

"Then it's like a first time for both of us, huh?" Hal asked, totally wrapped up in the moment.

"We'll have a lot of 'firsts', Hal."

"How much of Europe have you seen?"

"Wanna know the truth?"


"None of it!"


"I told you. Before I met Cliff and Roger...and later, Ryan, I was poor as a church mouse. I'd never been anywhere."

"Why are you suddenly telling me all this?"

"To let you know that even though you're from North Carolina and I, from Briarwood, originally, but only spent a few years of my life in New York. We're so much alike. I never want to give you the impression that my life was so much more exciting or superior to yours. If Roger hadn't been so generous to Ryan and me, I'd be worth almost the same as you... financially, that is."

"I'm glad you told me, Kyle. I...I don't feel quite so inferior..."

"You shouldn't. Please don't...EVER!"

"Then it means even more to me when you say you love me..."

"I do, Hal, honestly. You're strong, intelligent, kind, full of love for me and the kids. What more could I ever want?"

"Then I guess it's time I started being the other half of the man."

"What do you mean?"

"Just this..."

Hal turned to Kyle and took him into his arms and kissed him passionately for the first time. Prior to this, Kyle had always been the aggressor, but now it was Hal's turn.

"Oh, God, I love you. You came into my life just when I needed you most." Kyle said.

"Kyle, I know I asked you to show me how to make love, but now, I want to make love to you. I might not know EVERYTHING about making love to a man and you might have to steer me a bit, but...come on, let's go to bed."

"I'd love to." Kyle replied simply, tears of love in his eyes.

Hal took Kyle's hand and led him from the terrace to the bedroom where he removed Kyle's clothes piece by piece until Kyle was totally nude. Then Hal began to survey Kyle's body inch-by-inch with small kisses, beginning with Kyle's earlobe and neck, moving all the way down Kyle's eager body. Hal stopped to spend extra time at Kyle's nipples and they were no different from the small-breasted women he'd dated in Hawthorne. When Kyle breathed a sigh, Hal knew he was doing it right. Often Hal had gone 'around the world' with many girls and he was an expert at it. He knew that the only difference would be when he explored the pubic region. There would be an extra appendage on Kyle's body that Hal had never encountered before while making love. He decided he'd deal with that once he'd reached it.

Hal safely made his way down to Kyle's pubic hair, but then he suddenly felt Kyle's erect penis under his chin and blocking his way so Hal paused for a couple of seconds before proceeding. In the back of his mind, he knew what pleased him the most when girls had given him head, so he came to grips with his next chore and began to nibble on Kyle's shaft. Kyle trembled slightly and Hal was sure of the pleasure he was giving his new lover. Hal took a deep breath and engulfed all of Kyle's organ at once which sent Kyle over the edge while Hal educated himself at the same time, not on the art of male/male lovemaking, but on the way to please his lover.

Kyle's physical and verbal responses furthered Hal's advances and soon he was promoting every form of fellatio that had ever been performed on him as a straight man. Hal knew what he liked and could only assume that Kyle would like the same techniques as well. Hal was so proficient at his task that Kyle wondered if this could possibly be Hal's first time? Then Kyle realized that love was a great teacher.

Hal continued his plight by lowering his lips to Hal's scrotum. This was something that Hal had always enjoyed best and so, again, he knew just what to do. Gently, Hal pried Kyle's legs apart and buried his face between Kyle's butt cheeks and beyond. Kyle's entire body was writhing in blissful pleasure as Hal turned him around and kissed him all the way up his spine until he reached the back of Kyle's neck and then over his shoulders to find the starting place...Kyle's lips.

"Dear God, that was fantastic!" Kyle exclaimed in a whisper.

"Did you like it?"

"Only enough to want more of it for a thousand years."

"Now, lie down. I'm going to go inside you,"

"I think I'll die if you don't!" Kyle replied.

"Kyle, I want you to remember everything I do to you because when I'm through, I want you to do the same things to me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

With a dab of lubrication and a condom, Hal entered Kyle and made love to a man for the very first time. Hal was a wizard at intercourse, knowing how to change speeds, strokes, depths, and all the ways of hetero lovemaking. Kyle thought he would pass out at his pleasure from Hal's competence. Hal took his time and it was over an hour before he approached an orgasm. The longer he made love, the more he fell in love with Kyle. All the negativism Hal had heard all of life about queers, fags, fudgepackers, and cocksuckers seemed to vanish from Hal's mind in one svelte swoop as he climaxed inside Kyle. Whatever it meant or took to be gay...Hal had it now! No more women! He was a man who had a man of his very own and that's the way it would always be from now on, with only THIS man.

After Hal made his final and last thrust into Kyle, Kyle suddenly became afraid that he couldn't match his lover's techniques even though it was his lover's initial gay experience. He had not made love to Ryan for such a long period of time...nor with any other guy. Hal, his, 'formerly straight', lover had surpassed all expectation. No one had ever made love to Kyle like that, ever before. How in the world could he please Hal as well? Suddenly it was a matter of who was the tutor and who was the student? This became a concern for Kyle, but he was also pleased to know that out of all the men in the world that he could have chosen to fill the void in his life left by Ryan, Hal was absolutely the best lover in the world...and there was no way on earth that Hal could ever leave him!

While the two of them lay on their backs to catch their breaths and recover, Hal spoke softly to Kyle, "Can I tell you something?"

"Anything you want, babe."

"I'm a little bit scared..."

"Of what?"

"When I was a kid and got sick, my mother used to take me to old Doc Boone. He'd always find some reason to give me a shot in the butt whether I needed it or not...and one time, he put his finger up my ass and I slapped him. After that I never told my mother when I was sick. I just let nature run her course and I got well without going to see Doc Boone."


"I'm afraid it'll hurt if you go up inside me..."

"Would you rather I didn't? I don't have to, you know?"

"Oh, yes, you do! If I'm gonna be gay...I'm gonna be gay in every way. I just wanted you to know that I'm a wee bit frightened."

"We'll take it slow, Hal...a few centimeters at a time and if it hurts, we'll stop and try it again when you're ready."

"Nope! Nothin' doin'! I want all of you tonight!"

"You realize you might enjoy it, don't you?"

"That's what I'm hopin' anyway." His giggle revealed his youthful side.

Both Kyle and Hal were filled with minor trepidations...Kyle, that he wouldn't be as good a lover as Hal; and Hal, afraid he couldn't take the pain.

However, an hour later, both taking their time, the union was consummated and both swore their undying love to one another for the rest of their lives. Now, if they both weren't going to be too goddamned tired to climb up the Statue of Liberty with the kids in the morning...


(To be continued in "Briarwood"---BOOK EIGHT--Chapter--eighty-nine.)

Next: Chapter 89: Unto the Hills 89

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