Channings Visit

By Andy Darko

Published on Oct 31, 2013


This story will contain sexual acts between two adult males. I am not, nor do I know the celebrities involved. I do not know their sexual preferences. If you are not of legal age, please direct yourself to another site. If you enjoy Nifty, please donate!

-------------------------------------------------- Channing's Visit - Chapter 10 -------------------------------------------------- The Big 10!!! Things are getting serious! I hope you guys enjoy!

Thanks to Loner73, Joebert, Daniel, Anthony, Romario, RJ, Jeff, Eric, Jay from the UK, James, Zack and Matt (hope you enjoy Story Time!), Danny for the e-mails!

"You sure you have everything?"

"For the third time, Meagan, yes."

"Hey, last time you left clothes, shampoo, your phone charger -,"

"I was also nursing a blinding hangover courtesy of my loving, borderline alcoholic sister."

Channing slid up next to me, placing a hand on my waist. "I went behind him and made sure. He's got everything."

Meagan looked at him for a second before relenting. "If you say so." She then threw her arms out and pulled Channing in for a hug. "It was amazing meeting you. Take care of my little brother for me."

"Three. Minutes," I said through gritted teeth.

"Of course I will," Channing replied, ignoring my retort. "And, thanks for having us. We had a great time." Joey was next, jovially lifting my sister off of her feet for a crushing hug. She laughed brightly as he set her down. "So, e-mail me, call me, text me, whatever," he said. "Let me know when you're in town and Chan and I and maybe even Zooey or Anne can join us."

She looked over his shoulder at me. "Look at me rubbing elbows with Hollywood."

As usual, I rolled my eyes.

They both gave Meagan one more hug goodbye before climbing into the car, leaving me alone with my twin. She planted her hands on her hips and looked at me sideways. "So..."

I mirrored the move. "So what?"

"So, I don't need to tell you how much I like him... and you. Together, that is."

"I don't mind hearing it again."

She smirked as we met for a hug. "I love you, Reagan."

"I love you, too, Meagan."

"Don't make it another two months before you visit again, okay?"

I shrugged as I climbed into the passenger seat. "Who knows? Maybe I'll be off... how did you put it? Rubbing elbows with Hollywood." She shoved the door shut, playfully banging my elbow. As I started the car and rolled down the window, she leaned in. "Real quick... have you..." She paused. "Have you talked to James lately?"

My smile dropped. "Why would you bring that up?"

"Well... it's kind of a similar situation to you and Channing," she said, the look on her face reading how much she regretted broaching the subject. I felt Channing's eyes on us, so I lowered my voice. "That was absolutely nothing like Channing and I. And, no, I haven't talked to him and I don't plan on it. Okay?"

She held up her hands. "Just thought I'd ask. No need to get all pissy."

"You know better."

"Oh, shut up and get off my property."

I took the dismissal as a return to our normal catty ways and waved as I began out of the drive. We weren't a mile away from the house before Channing leaned over. "So, who is James?"

I gave him a death stare. "No."

He laughed at my look before rubbing my leg and giving me a winning grin. "Come on, babe. Who is he? An ex-boyfriend?"

"Channing Matthew Tatum, I swear if you don't drop the subject, you and Joey will be boarding the same flight."

As Joey chuckled in the backseat, Channing gave me a perplexed look. "I never told you my middle name." It was my turn to show of the gloating face. "That's one benefit of dating a celebrity. I can go online and find out pretty much whatever I want. Like... if a certain someone was in a Ricky Martin music video."

"Oh, fuck you."

Joey was in hysterics as Channing pouted and I reveled in my victory. We soon settled into a traveling silence. Joey popped in his headphones and began air drumming. After a few sideways glances, Channing relented and tangled his fingers in mine. I kissed his hand for good measure, bringing a small smirk to his lips.

Before long, we were approaching the Denver airport. Both Joey and Channing had magically procured sunglasses and baseball caps, hiding their identities somewhat. "So, out of curiosity, how DO you guys get through the airport?" I asked as we made our way to Joey's airline drop-off.

"It's pretty easy, actually," Joey replied. "There are always private security screening rooms. From there, I usually just wait in a lounge or something until the flight is called and try to get on last."


"Yeah. Everyone's already sitting down," he said, hauling his suitcase up to the backseat. "It's better than getting on first and having everyone walk past you."

"Good point."

Channing and Joey jumped out and embraced, laughing to each other as I made my way around the car. Thankfully, the airport didn't seem as busy as it normally was, so there were few people around us. Channing patted Joey on the back before springing into the car. I approached for my hug, feeling genuinely sad that he was leaving. When I told him as much, he sighed. "I am, too, buddy. But, hey, if Chan ever drags you out to L.A., you've got a friend out there."

"Yeah, we will see about that move."

He looked over my shoulder to the car, then back to me. "He doesn't know, does he? About... y'know."

It took me a moment to register what he meant. "Oh. Oh! No, no, no."

"I didn't think so." He left the topic at that, but hugged me again. "Hey, do me a favor and start a Twitter. Trust me, it's fun."

"Yeah, we'll see. I'm not a huge social media person."

He started towards the building. "You will be when Chan drags you out west! Watch!"

I waved him off until I couldn't see him anymore, then jumped in the driver's seat. I had barely closed the door when Channing took me by the neck and pressed his lips to mine passionately. His tongue rolled across mine like a wave across the sand, his hands gripping me insistently but gently. I was soon out of breath as I sat back. "What was that about?"

"I finally have you to myself again, that's what," he growled. "And, I plan on taking advantage of being able to fuck you whenever and wherever."

"Yeah, we will see about that," I chuckled, pulling back into traffic. "I'm your boyfriend, not a pocket pussy." Not to be waylaid, Channing reached across the seat and grabbed my junk in his hand. The car may have swerved across a lane as my eyes rolled back. I quickly regained control and smacked his hand away. "Are you trying to kill us?!" I screeched.

His hand returned, this time accompanied by his lips on my neck. "Mm, come on, Reagan," he mumbled into my skin. "It's been so long."

"It's been two days."

I grunted as he squeezed my growing bulge. "We'll be home in twenty minutes." The next word out of his mouth wasn't spoken. It was growled.


In a flash, my seat belt was gone and Channing had my pants undone and unzipped. It was all I could do to keep my eyes on the road as he slid my shorts down to my thighs. By this time, I was hard as a rock and leaking copiously through my briefs. Channing wasted no time with pleasantries as he pulled my hard dick out and wrapped his soft lips around the tip. I gripped the steering wheel in order to keep the car straight, but took a second to let out a groan. As I pulled onto the highway, I tried to focus on the road.

Channing made a show of his road head, glancing up at me as he dragged his tongue up my shaft slowly. He sucked feverishly on the tip, then kissed it gently. "Babe, come on," I groaned. "This is dangerous."

He said nothing, but smiled as he turned his gaze away from me and took as much of my cock in his mouth as he could. This resulted in my slamming my foot down on the gas, nearly barreling into the car in front of us. I managed to brake at the last minute, much to Channing's amusement. "Having trouble?" he grinned, slowly jerking me off. I glared at him. "Imagine the headlines if you die with my dick in your mouth."

He pondered for a moment before shrugging. "There are worse ways to go."

"Fuck this."

I put on the hazard lights and pulled off onto the shoulder. Within seconds, my seat was back, my shorts were down at my ankles and Channing was sucking the energy out of my body. I held onto his head with a strength I didn't know I had, guiding him as he bobbed up and down. His hands roamed over my chest, my stomach, my thighs, anywhere he could make contact. The plethora of physical contact sent goosebumps over my skin. I had gotten so used to having sex with Channing on a daily basis that I wasn't aware how dependent I had become. After two days without it, I was already about to pop. Channing, ever attuned to my body, suddenly stopped.


"Get in the backseat." My face must have registered hesitation because Channing pressed his lips to mine, then gave me a sexy wink. "Come on, beautiful. Let's have a little fun." He lifted his hips into the air and quickly pulled his jeans and underwear down to his ankles, then, after a moment's contemplation, over his shoes. Unable to resist, I reached over for his substantial erection, but he swatted me away. "Backseat. And, lose the shorts."

Channing sprung over the seat and lay back casually, as if being half naked on the side of the highway was a normal thing. I looked from his smirking face to the throbbing piece sticking straight towards my car ceiling and lost all resilience. I clumsily detangled my legs from my garments and threw myself into the back. Channing caught me immediately, flipped us over and shoved my knees back to my chest. Before I even had a chance to orient myself, his tongue was in my ass, licking and sucking furiously.

"Oh, fuck!"

I writhed in passion as Channing slathered my hole in his spit, spurred on by the immodest surroundings we were in. He continued only for a brief minute before climbing over me, pausing only to kiss me passionately and take a quick peek out the window. Then, without a word, he pressed his hard cock into my ass, straight up to the hilt. There was a brief sting of pain that was quickly replaced by the familiar pleasure of having him inside of me.

Considering we were on the side of the highway in the middle of the day and could be interrupted at any moment, I shouldn't have been surprised that there was no easing into our fuck. I WAS however surprised at the force behind it. Channing's lust was all-consuming as he railed me into the seat hard enough to make the Jeep rock. I had no way to move, either, as Channing's hands were holding my thighs down as he plowed into me. I had tangled my own hands in the seatbelt and buried my face in my shoulder, moaning loudly.

"I knew you wanted to get fucked," Channing grunted, leaning over me. When I turned to face him, his face reminded me of the first time we had sex on the couch. He was gearing up for a raunchy, foul-mouthed bang and I was all for it. "As soon as Joey got out of the car, I knew I was gonna be in you all day."

"You couldn't wait, eh?" I shot back, returning his grin. "Thinking of my ass made your dick hard?"

"Oh, fuck yeah."

"It made you wanna fuck me?" He nodded, biting his lower lip sensually. I reached up and yanked him down by his hair, his face only an inch from mine. "Then FUCK ME."

Channing's eyes lit up with an unmistakable male libido. He stared into me challengingly before planting his hands on the seat by my head, rearing back and slamming into me so hard that my head hit the door. The air was knocked out of me, the only sound escaping a slight whimper that didn't go unheard by Channing. "Is that what you mean, huh? Is that how you want it?"

When I couldn't unscramble my brain enough to respond, he did it again. This time, I managed to let out a rumbling moan. "Again..."

"You don't have to ask me twice."

And, the fuck of my life began in earnest. Channing laid into me with absolutely no mercy. His thrusts drove his dick deep into me. So deep, in fact, that I felt like his cock was in my throat. The sound of his hips crashing into mine was deafening, his balls slapping the top of my ass. I was a tangle of moans, squeaks and outright shouts as Channing had his way with me.

The temperature in the car rose exponentially as he ravaged my ass and, within minutes, we were both sweating profusely. I took a moment to wipe the sweat from Channing's brow, causing him to pause. He leaned in for what I thought would be a romantic kiss, but stopped short. "Don't get all cute on me. I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk."

I had no chance to respond as the plowing began again. Not one to be outdone, I moved my hand from Channing's brow to his hair and pulled back until his throat was exposed. I leaned forward and began to bite and suck on his neck, making him groan. The intensity of the moment was palpable, the passion undeniable. I was in high heaven, having never had such rough and animalistic sex. Channing was in the throes of passion himself, his eyes closed, panting heavily.

The force of this thrusts were jarring, my head clashing against the door forcefully. I was sliding further and further up the seat until I was basically curled up with my back against the door. I managed to lower my legs and wrap them around Channing's plunging hips. He repositioned his arms, one on the door behind me and one on the driver's seat before resuming his piledriving. I was a sweaty, gibbering mess under his touch, completely unable to form a coherent thought.

And, I loved it.

I slid my hands under Channing's shirt, feeling his abs bunch and tighten as he slid in and out of me. HIs skin, as always, was slightly flushed, giving him a rosy blush. His tongue ran across his lips slowly. Above me, I felt him shudder slightly. His eyes opened and locked onto mine. "I'm getting close, babe," he groaned. "You almost there?"

I nodded, feeling the familiar quivering in my legs. A smile spread across his face before he kissed me. This kiss was both rough and romantic, tender yet animalistic. I could feel myself approaching an amazing orgasm. However, Channing beat me to it. He pressed his forehead to mine, his face scrunched and mouth agape. He thrust himself forward a final time and released a stuttering moan as his dick twitched inside of me, shooting his massive load into my hole. He pulled me into a trembling kiss with one hand, breathing heavily.

After a brief rest, he looked down at my hard dick then back up at me. "You didn't cum? You always cum before me."

"I'm close," I replied, lingering in the sensation of Channing's orgasm. My legs were still quivering and I could feel a sore, yet wonderful throb in my ass. "Just keep fucking me. I'm right there."

"I'll do better."

Channing pulled out of me, evoking a disappointed whine from my throat, then quickly leaned over and took my leaking cock in his mouth. I gasped loudly and gripped his head. The feeling of his skilled tongue and lips manipulating my piece didn't take long to push me over the edge. My legs tightened, my back arched and I threw my head back... into the window. But, I barely felt the collision as I exploded into Channing's waiting mouth. Shot after shot flowed out of me until my load escaped his mouth and ran down both his chin and my shaft.

Once I relaxed, Channing sat up, my cum glistening in his facial hair. Without saying a word, he leaned over me and kissed me gently. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked quietly, almost worriedly. Coming off of my orgasmic high, I was slightly aware of the pain in my backside. But, I simply smiled at him and stroked his cheek. "I'll survive." Channing kissed me once more before sitting up and looking out of the windows. "Come on. Let's get home before someone thinks we're stranded."

"You drive," I grunted. "My legs don't work."

He snickered, then maneuvered into the driver's seat and retrieved his pants. After a moment, he tossed my shorts back and turned to say something, but stopped. "Babe, put your pants on."

"I am. Hold on."



Then, I heard the police siren. I propped myself up on my elbows to see a patrol car edge up behind us. Being approached by a police officer is no big deal on a day to day circumstance. But, considering I was half naked on the side of the road...

I lay back and kicked one leg into my shorts. My other, however, got tangled on my shoe and I began furiously thrashing to get it in. "He's out of the car," Channing informed me, tension in his voice. I hadn't even considered how it would look that I was naked in the backseat with a celebrity in the front. The scandal practically wrote itself. "Come on, babe. Pants, pants, pants."

With a cry of frustration, I kicked as hard as I could, which resulted in the pants detangling and my foot shooting through. I yanked them up and zipped up the fly just as the trooper's shadow passed over my window. Channing lowered his window, but not before releasing an audible sigh of relief.

"Afternoon, officer."

"Everything all right here?" he asked. "I saw you were pulled over. You stranded?"

"No, sir," Channing replied. "Just switched drivers. He's been driving since Aspen and didn't get much sleep last night." I assumed the officer peeked into the back, but I couldn't be sure. At Channing's mention of sleep, I had closed my eyes and feigned a nap. The officer chuckled. "All right. I'll let you be on your way... if..."

I felt a lump in my throat.

"If you'll do me a huge favor and sign something for my wife? She is a huge fan of yours, Mr. Tatum." I couldn't even stop myself from rolling my eyes. Channing chuckled before agreeing enthusiastically. He signed something, then even offered to take a picture with the officer. After many Thanks' and No problems', the cop left and Channing drove off. I waited a few minutes before crawling into the passenger seat.

"No more public sex. Ever."

Channing's grin was pure Cheshire. "Aw, come on, Reagan. That was hot and you know it. I've never seen you so turned on."

"And, getting busted by the police makes me so horny."

Channing scoffed. "We didn't get busted. I mean... almost. But, that's the thrill of it! That's what makes it so fucking sexy!" He emphasized his point by tweaking my nipple which resulted in me whacking him on the shoulder which resulted in him laughing hysterically. I tried to remain stoic, but ended up laughing along with him. Weeks ago, I never would have imagined anything like that happening. Now, it was almost normal. I felt... good. As if reading my mind, Channing took my hand in his and squeezed.

We arrived at the house without further incident and headed in for a quick shower. I threw some clothes in the laundry as Channing headed into the kitchen. "Babe, you hungry?" he called.

"No, not really. But, make yourself something. I'm gonna head out to the studio."

He emerged from the kitchen with a bag of chips. "Creative juices flowing?"

"Possibly," I grinned. "See you for dinner."

Channing had actually hit the nail on the head. Something had stirred in me, something that I hadn't felt in a while. Once inside the guesthouse, in front of my paintings, it began to flow from me. I saw everything on every canvas. I knew what I wanted to do, I knew what these paintings would become. And, with a fervor, I began to paint. It was a blur in my mind, like I was running on automatic. Shapes took form. Colors blossomed and blended. Everything came to life. I painted and mixed and brushed and splashed.

All too soon, there was a knock at the main door. "What's up, Channing?"

He poked his head in cautiously, then walked in, wearing nothing but a pair of colorful briefs. His eyes were half-lidded and he yawned widely. "You coming to bed?"

I pursed my lips. "What? Tired already?"

"Reagan, it's almost midnight. You've been in here for hours."

I looked at him, stunned, then searched frantically for my phone. With my hands covered in paint, I awkwardly used my elbow to press the home button. Sure enough, it was ten till. "Oh. Wow. I... I must have been in the zone."

"Apparently," Channing agreed. "I called you three times for dinner. Didn't you hear your phone?"

"Silent. Can't be interrupted," I said sheepishly. "Let me clean up and I'll be inside in a minute." Channing shot me one more grin before heading back to the house. I washed my hands, took one more look at my progress and followed. As I entered the house and headed into the kitchen for a quick snack, I took stock of my current life. Channing. This new relationship. This new sex life. The artistic inspiration. And, it all brought a smile to my face.

I finished my mini-meal and made my way to my room. Channing was already curled under the sheets, but opened his eyes as I entered. We said nothing as I crawled in with him, but I found a surprise waiting for me. "You sleep naked?!"

A deep, sleepy chuckle escaped his throat. "I thought we talked about this."

"We most certainly did not."

He shrugged. "Nothing you haven't seen... or sucked... or sat on..."

I punched him on the shoulder, then slid out of my own briefs and snuggled up next to him. Channing pressed his lips to mine lovingly, his hands holding my waist. In turn, I held onto his large shoulders, wrapping myself around him. It was a perfect ending to a wonderful weekend. We continued like this until he yawned mid-kiss. I pecked him on the nose before rolling over and cuddling into his frame.

I was pulled out of sleep by a jingling ringing from Channing's side of the bed. He grunted in his sleep, but the phone continued until it went silent. I began to sink back into slumber when the ringing started again. When he didn't respond again, I elbowed him in his ribs. "Channing. Phone."


"Your phone."

He sighed and separated from me, snatching the phone off of the bedside table. HIs response was slow and disoriented. "Hey... hello?" I could hear frantic chattering on the other end, but couldn't make out what was being said. "What... WHAT?!" Channing suddenly sat up in the bed and turned on the lamp. "Right now?! Okay! Okay! Okay! Yeah! Bye!"

He sprung out of bed and began making laps around the room. "Babe, come on. Get up. We gotta go." I watched as he jumped into a pair of jeans, nearly falling into the closet. I was totally confused. "What's going on?"

"We have to go," he huffed, turning around three times before grabbing a tee and throwing it over his head. "It's Jenna. She's in labor."

I felt my heart jump into my throat. Channing must have sensed my hesitation. "Reagan! Let's go!" I slid out of bed and into my underwear, still not as awake as I could be. Channing was flying around the room throwing his clothes into his suitcase and fretting. I pulled a shirt and shorts on, then sat on the bed waiting for him to pack. He darted past me four times before stopping. "What... what are you doing?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Waiting for you to pack so I can take you to the airport."

"Why aren't YOU packing?"

"Because... I'm dropping you at the airport?"

Channing sank down to his knees and took my face in his hands. "Reagan, you're coming with me." Without even processing, I pushed his hands away. "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean what do I mean? You're my boyfriend. I'm not going to L.A. and just leaving you here. Who knows how long it would be before I could come back? You're coming with me."

"I... I can't... but, what-,"

Channing silenced me with a kiss so passionate that I felt my apprehensions melt away. The kiss continued until Channing pulled back, our foreheads still touching. "Baby. Reagan. Please." His voice was so quiet that I could barely hear him, despite our close contact. "I need you with me. I know it's only been a few weeks, but... I can't imagine not having you around. Please. Please come with me."

The intensity in his voice, the vulnerability, the emotion went through me like a knife. There was no way I could refuse.

"Okay. I'll come." --------------------------------------------------

Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think, what you would like to see or even if you just want to say thanks or anything!

Next: Chapter 12

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