Channings Visit

By Andy Darko

Published on Apr 22, 2014


This story will contain sexual acts between two adult males. I am not, nor do I know the celebrities involved. I do not know their sexual preferences. If you are not of legal age, please direct yourself to another site. If you enjoy Nifty, please donate!

-------------------------------------------------- Channing's Visit - Chapter 13 --------------------------------------------------

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. It's been two months. Bitch, cry, moan, complain, hate. I know. Trust me, I feel like a cad for keeping you all waiting, but life has been... interesting. I hit a roadblock and couldn't get past it for quite a while. But, things are up and running again and I will try my best not to make you guys wait!

-Andy --------------------------------------------------

The next few weeks zoomed by faster than I could imagine. That same hungover day, Channing filled me in on all the details about our blackmail situation. The gentleman that had met with he and Naina was a private investigator who was attempting to track down our criminal with as much subtlety as possible, seeing as he had stated that police involvement would result in an outing as well. Apparently, he wasn't a complete idiot as the IP address from the e-mail was registered at a public library. The trail kind of died there because there was no record of who used the computers that he could find, but it put us in a general proximity of his house. Hopefully.

Michael and I continued to talk, though I kept him at a safe distance. When I did relent and have dinner with him, I made sure that Jen came along as a buffer in case things got a little drunk. Channing said nothing about the texts and calls from Michael for a while, but we did have one loud argument after the pictures from my drunken night showed up in some gossip mag. It was nothing sleazy, just a photo story about Jen that happened to include that evening. Of course, they had to add in the picture of myself with Michael's arm around my waist which sent Channing into a fevered pitch. In the end, I had to call Jen and have her talk him down by assuring him that nothing happened that night nor any night since. Our sex that night was definitely angry sex.

Admittedly, I walked funny the next day.

Channing continued his meetings and work and so forth while I put the finishing touches on my pieces. Every day, I would look them over and perhaps add a splash of color here or a shadow there, but my modifications became less and less. One day, I finally found myself content and sent some pictures off to my managerial consultant, informing her that these were the finished products. Eventually, there would be a showing, most likely in New York City, but at the moment, I just enjoyed them in the space of the garage.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, Channing informed me that we were heading to France for the Cannes Film Festival. My excitement was through the roof. I had never been to France and certainly never been to such a prestigious red carpet event. A good portion of the week was spent packing only the most fashionable items my money, and Owen's advice, had bought. Much to Channing's amusement, I insisted on stopping in Denver to have Dylan cut my hair, as he was the only one I trusted. Naina's disapproval was palpable, but she booked my flight to Denver a day earlier than Channing's to New York, timing it so I would meet him there and continue on to France.

The travel was uneventful, as was the drive from the airport to the salon. Once inside, however, it was the usual hubbub. "Look at this Los Angeles sissy sashaying her behind in here like she's somebody," Dylan snickered as I walked in. "Weeks with no call, no appearance, nothing. And, now..."

"Good to see you, too, Dylan." As it was a weekday, it was just Dylan by himself. It was nice to have a one-on-one instead of the normal salon circus.

"So, what's the special occasion, slut?"

I was tempted to roll my eyes, but I could see him watching in the mirror. I answered as he wrapped the apron around me. "I'm going to France."

Dylan's eyebrows lifted. "Oh, really now? And, what are we doing in France? Going to see the Mona Lisa?"

"A little more exciting than that. I'm going to the Cannes Film Festival."

Dylan gasped dramatically, hand on his chest in the stereotypical gay gasp pose. "Look at you, Mister Sister! Hanging out with Hollywood stars, huh? Anyone... special escorting you to the events?"

"Yes, and I'm not telling you who it is, so don't bother asking."

Dylan pursed his lips as he began cutting and clipping, his face formed into a look of annoyance. "It wouldn't happen to be little Mister Gordon-Levitt, would it?"

"No, Dylan. I am not dating Joey."

"That's too bad," he sighed. "He is one tight little piece of delicious." The lewd comment brought a laugh to my lips, especially considering I knew how delicious firsthand. When I didn't respond, Dylan continued on his list of hopefuls. "Hugh Jackman? Tyson Beckford? Mario Lopez? Take your pick of anyone from Teen Wolf?"

"God, you are relentless," I laughed. "I already told you that it's a secret. I love you with all my heart and wallet, but he and I agreed that we would only come out to people if we talked about it beforehand."

"Well, don't you sound all married and bullshit."

"Communication is key to a successful relationship."

"And, now you sound like you've been watching too much fucking Oprah."

I ignored his jibe as he continued cutting and styling. After weeks of being in L.A., it was nice to have some degree of familiarity in my life. Dylan, despite being a catty, shady he-bitch, was one of the few people in Colorado that I could actually call a friend. He would always be there to cut my hair, he would always call me names and he would always jest with me that I was strange and forever destined to be single. His consistency was something that I adored and felt comfortable with. And, that was why I came back to see him, even if it was just for a quick cut.

All too soon, Dylan was done and I settled up. As I made my way towards the door, I couldn't help but pull him into a hug. I felt him hesitate in surprise before drawing me into him. "Aw, isn't this sweet? Good thing no one else is here to see it."

I rolled my eyes as I shoved him away. "Way to ruin the moment."

"Would you expect anything else?" he snickered. "Now, get out of here. Go have fun in France. Don't eat too many carbs. You know they love their bread over there, girl."

Then, it was back to the airport and onto New York City to meet Channing. As I disembarked the plane, I got a message to meet him in a private lounge. After getting lost in the massive space of the airport, I managed to find the place. Once inside, I was greeted by Channing... and Naina.

"I didn't know we had a chaperone," I commented as Channing met me for a hug. Without so much as a glance, Naina replied dryly. "Someone must come along to keep Channing's affairs in order. I trust that you'll be too... preoccupied to maintain a proper schedule."

I mimicked her tone under my breath, making Channing laugh. Seeing as there was no one else in the room, he didn't hesitate to kiss me passionately. I leaned into him welcomingly as our lips met. "You sure about all this?" I asked quietly. "I mean, there are going to be a lot of cameras in Cannes."

Channing looked over his shoulder at Naina who turned away from us pointedly. He brushed my hair back sweetly, then smiled. "Of course I'm sure. It's going to be a lot of fun and I can't imagine not having you there. Plus, I've got some surprises up my sleeve for you."

"I guess there's no point in asking what said surprises are, huh?"



"Love you, too."

I kissed him as I smiled. "I love you." The words felt as natural as breathing.

We settled into our seats and waited for the flight, sipping drinks and chatting casually. I was more than pleased to find out that Naina had booked the two of us seats next to each other, but had chosen to seat herself at a distance. When we made it onto the plane, I was even more excited to see that our seats were more like some futuristic space pods that reclined fully into a bed-like form. The flight itself was only about nine hours, but it was good to know we would be comfortable.

After a few hours of perusing through movies and discretely flirting with Channing, I reclined and slipped into sleep. Hours later, I was awoken by Channing and told that we were landing. My heart leapt into my chest in excitement as I peered out of the window. I couldn't see anything distinctive, but just knowing that we were close sent me into a frenzy.

Naina led the way off the plane, assuring us that she would organize the retrieval of our bags and that a car was standing by. Channing walked next to me with a Cheshire grin on his face. "What are you up to?" I asked warily.

"Just surprise number one."

"What are you..."

I followed his gaze and squealed loudly. "JOEY!" I took off through the mass of bodies and leapt into Joey's arms, laughing. He spun me around before setting me on the floor. "I haven't seen you in freaking weeks!"

"Good to see you, too, buddy!"

Channing joined us and gave Joey a very bro-esque hug. "You didn't have to wait long, did you?"

"Nah, just landed about half an hour ago."

"You two planned this?" I cut in as we began towards the exit. "How devious."

Joey chuckled. "It was all Channing's idea. I mean, I was going to be here anyway. Might as well give you a shock right off the bat. Besides, gotta give you something to look at besides Channing's tragic mug."

I shook my head as Channing playfully shoved Joey. "You have the address, right?"

Joey opened his phone and retrieved the information. "Got it right here."

"What address?" I cut in. "What are you two talking about?"

Channing's face formed into that same mischievous grin. "We're all staying together while we're here. We got a place for all of us so we can all hang out."

"Won't that make things a little... difficult? For you and me? Intimately speaking?"

Joey sniggered as Channing put his arm around my shoulders. "It's a three-story house. We have a whole floor to ourselves, babe." He lowered his voice and leaned into me. "And, I'm going to fuck you in as many rooms as possible."

I shoved him away, rolling my eyes, of course. "How long have you two been planning all this?"

"Long enough," Joey replied. "Someone has a difficult time replying to emails, apparently. And, since you two are always together, I wasn't allowed to say anything in text in case you saw it."

"Are you insinuating that I'm nosey?"

"No. I'm stating that Channing will do anything you ask him to do since he is powerless to resist you. And, because he's a pushover."

The playful banter continued through the airport and into the waiting vehicle. Naina, efficient as ever, had already had the bags loaded and given the address to the driver. I demanded to sit next to the window so I could take in the view as we drove into Cannes. The weather was perfect; bright, dazzling sunshine, gorgeous blue sky and a few wisps of white clouds. As we approached closer to our destination, the Mediterranean suddenly came into view, the rays of the sun bouncing off of the water in a beautiful and ever-changing shimmer.

The driver took us down the scenic strip as we made our way to our temporary home. On one side, the beach and the water beyond it. On the other, shops ranging from small gelato places with open air sitting to top-tier boutiques like Givenchy and Versace. In the midst of it all, a McDonald's. I felt the smile on my face as I took it all in.

Soon, we were clambering out of the car and making our way into a chic three story brownstone. From the outside, it looked like nothing special. The bricks looked like they had once been whitewashed, but had faded in the years since, which gave it a rustic feel. In European fashion, almost every window had a shallow wrought iron balcony. The third floor had a full balcony that spanned almost the entire building.I couldn't tell from our current vantage point, but it looked like perhaps there was a rooftop area as well.

The inside was in complete contrast to the outer appearance. It was lavishly done with a modern-contemporary style that was absolutely stunning.The walls were dual-toned with pristine white and slate grey, covered in paintings and classic fixtures. All of the furniture was a paradox of sleek yet comfortable, plush and streamlined. Working fireplaces, beautiful entertainment systems, fully furnished kitchen and an enclosed outdoor area. Naina, surely under the guise of playing door guard, made herself comfortable on the ground floor as the boys and I made our way upstairs. Joey ditched us as soon as we got to the second floor. Channing and I basically bolted up to the third floor.

The space was incredible, more like a loft than anything else. The massive four post bed was something out of a royal palace, legs engraved elaborately from top to bottom. The curtains that framed the bed were the perfect opaqueness to add a sensuality to it. In the front of the room was an entire wall of paneled doors leading out to the scenic balcony which afforded us a view of the ocean. Even the bathroom was completely decked out with a tub that could easily fit four people, jacuzzi jets and a large, but intimate open shower. The entire room was lit from above by a large skylight that bathed the room in light.

Once our bags had reached the room and the driver had left, I kicked off my shoes and socks, then made straight for the balcony. The smell of the sea lingered in the air, the sound of the waves crashing was a constant hum in the background. As I looked out over the top of the buildings and at the ocean, I felt Channing press himself against me. He said nothing, but drew me into his arms and place his chin on my shoulder. I placed my hands over his and sighed contentedly.

We stood like that for a few minutes before I felt Channing turn his head and kiss my neck. The gesture was sweet, but it didn't remain that way for long. Channing's lips kept contact, dotting my skin softly as he made his way towards my ear. His hands simultaneously slid to my waist and lingered, just for a moment, before creeping towards my crotch. Behind me, a familiar hardness pressed into me.

"Mm, let's go inside," I sighed.

Channing's lips grazed my ear. "Or... we could just stay right here."

"And what if someone sees us?"

My protest wasn't even finished before Channing hooked his fingers in my belt loops and pulled the back of my pants down just under my ass. With his lips still grazing my neck, I heard him lower his zipper. "Then, let's do this discreetly."

I didn't bother trying to resist.

A pleased sigh escaped my lips as I felt Channing's piece come in contact with my exposed cheeks. His member was hot compared to the salty sea breeze and it sent bumps across my skin. Channing leaned against me, his cock nestled in the middle of my ass, and attacked my neck. He gripped my hair in one hand and pulled my head to the side, exposing my skin to him. The contact combined with the indisputable dominance made my own dick hard as a rock. However, I could do nothing to relieve the building tension in my crotch as I was firmly pinned against the railing.

Without warning, Channing dropped down and shoved his tongue up my hole, evoking a feral moan from my lips. There was no way that the people down on the sidewalk hadn't heard. Of course, there was no way I cared. Channing was lapping at my hole like it was a meal and he was starving. His tongue was spreading me open in anticipation of the pounding I was about to receive. I could feel his spit sliding down my inner thigh, seeping into the fabric of my pants.

Then, just like that, Channing stood and shoved his entire length into me. My jaw dropped, but no sound came out; he had knocked the wind right out of me. I saw stars in front of my eyes. Basically, everything that everyone says happens when you have great sex happened. Channing must have felt the same way because he pressed his face to my neck as a shudder rippled through him. I turned my head to kiss him, but, in a gesture of aggressive sexuality, Channing took me by the back of my neck and pushed me forward. I was pinned on the railing and looking down at the pedestrians walking past. My dick throbbed as I thought about the fact that these people had no clue that Channing Tatum was plowing another man just three stories above their heads.

Channing pulled out of me slowly, then slammed back in, ramming me against the rail. I prayed that it was sturdy enough to keep us from tumbling dick-first to our dooms. I felt the familiar thrill of being somewhat exposed to the public while Channing had his way with me, my cock pulsing angrily in its cotton confines. His thrusts were accented with periods of obscene grinding, him shoving himself as far as he could into me and writhing his body against mine. I clung to the rail and moaned like a bitch in heat. Channing gripped the back of my shirt and used it as leverage.

Despite the constant sea breeze, I was sweating profusely, drops falling to the street like rain. Channing was no different. Every now and again, I would feel sweat drip off of him onto my exposed ass. Our skin began to stick slightly at every meeting. The sound of our bodies clashing became impossibly more vulgar, like something you would hear in a movie.

A dirty movie.

I felt myself being pulled up by the shoulder, so I stood upright and let Channing latch onto my neck. He huffed and groaned in my ear as he fucked me against the railing. My dick was repeatedly being smashed against the hard iron, but refused to go down. I didn't understand how people below weren't hearing the whines and moans of pleasure spilling from my mouth, but just seeing them walk by made me hot. Channing had turned me into a secret exhibitionist and I was loving it.

So much so, in fact, that I could already feel my orgasm approaching. My grip on the railing tightened so hard that my knuckles turned white, my jaw fell open and my knees started to give out. Had I not been pinned between Channing and the rail, I may have collapsed. Instead, I was sandwiched between the two as I spun into an amazing orgasm. I could only whimper as my cock fired off inside my underwear, soaking the fabric through. The load was copious and, as it gathered, it coated my entire hip and groin, spreading warmth throughout.

Channing picked up the pace, pounding me even harder through my climax. He growled under his breath as he fucked and pushed me forward again. I didn't have to wait long for him to burst; a few minutes later, Channing yanked his piece out of me, stroked it a couple of times, then huffed loudly as he shot all over my ass. I felt his spurts land over my cheeks and exposed hole, his hot seed dripping down my legs. Behind me, I could hear Channing breathing heavily.

"Holy shit," I gasped. "That was-,"

I yelped as Channing suddenly shoved his cum-covered length back into me. A pleased shiver moved through him, accompanied by a contented sigh. He gave a few half-hearted thrusts before burying himself completely inside of me. "You were saying?"

I chuckled as I stood. "That was amazing."

Channing kissed me on the cheek and smiled. "Someone it turning into quite the public sex addict."

"Fuck off! You're the one who keeps starting it!"

"And, you're the one who keeps liking it..."

I shouldered him away from and out of me. "Whatever. I'm going to take a shower, jerk." I moved to walk past him, but Channing pulled me into a passionate kiss. He held me hostage for a few moments before I broke free, slid my cum soaked pants off and padded to the bathroom. Channing joined me as I stepped behind the single pane of glass. As I let the water run down my body, I watched him pull off his shirt and pants. Damn it, he was hot.

He slid into the shower next to me and silently began washing my sweaty body. I couldn't help but kiss him as his soapy hands traveled over my skin. His palms caressed my sides, then my back as we embraced, then traveled over my backside. Under the guise of cleaning off his load, Channing paid more attention to the globes of flesh than probably necessary. And, even though we had just climaxed minutes prior, both of our dicks stiffened a bit from the contact. Even more so when Channing plunged a slick finger into my hole.

I was still tender from being on the receiving end of Channing's powerful fucking, so the sensation of that single finger was electric. I moaned within our kiss which made Channing smile. "Think you're up for another round?"

I scoffed loudly. "I don't think I can cum again just yet. Why? Can you?"

Those green eyes bore into me as he slipped a second finger inside my ass. "With the proper incentive..."

"I don't know, babe," I said, moaning slightly as he continued his manual manipulations. "I don't think I have the energy to take another one of your power fucks." He smiled sweetly, removing his digits. "That's okay. Maybe later. I just can't seem to resist you."

"How cheesy," I teased. "But, sweet."

"And, true."

We finished our shower with only minimal groping, toweled off and slid into the bed for a jet lag nap. I settled in as Channing dropped the curtains, enveloping us in a diffused light. The soft sheets and downy pillows sucked me into a world of comfort and I began to fall asleep quickly. Channing scooted in next to me and caressed my face gently. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me. "What?" I asked sleepily.

"I can't just look at you?" I yawned in response, unable to muster a verbal reply. Channing chuckled and kissed me on the forehead, then pulled me into him. Within minutes, I was knocked out, enveloped by his muscular arms.


My sleep was interrupted by a shifting of weight underneath me. I cracked my eyes open just slightly to find myself strewn across Channing's chest sleepily. He didn't take notice of me waking and continued his movement, lifting my arm tenderly and wiggling ever so slowly from under me. I sunk back towards sleep and closed my eyes, but not before rolling over and off of Channing. After a moment, I felt him kiss my forehead and draw the sheets over me.

However long later, Channing woke me gently, his hand caressing my face. "Reagan... Reagan, babe... wake up." I sighed and stretched out, yawning widely. After blinking a few times, I looked up at Channing who smiled warmly. "Sorry to wake you, handsome, but we have to start getting ready for tonight."

"What are we doing?" I yawned.

"It's a big dinner gala," he replied. "An opening night meet and greet."

"You sure you want me to go?"

Channing rolled his eyes. "Of course I am. Now, get up and put something on. The stylists are already here."

So, a few minutes later, I was sitting in a chair getting primped, polished and prepped for my night out. I had one person applying makeup (a very light amount, I was assured), one person doing my hair and another getting my outfit together. Channing was getting the same treatment, as was Joey a floor below. Naina was flitting in an out of the room at random intervals relaying messages to Channing or speaking rapidly on her phone. As the preparations continued, my heart began to beat faster and faster. This was becoming real: me walking down a red carpet. Granted, no one would know who I am, but it was still intimidating. Like a psychic, Channing looked over at me worriedly. "You all right?"

"Yeah, I'm good," I said calmly. "Just... nervous."

"You'll be fine, Reagan. It's just a dinner. Besides, you'll know people there. I'm sure Jen is here. I know for a fact that Zooey is here, too. If nothing else, you've got me and Joey." The sentiment touched me deeply, but I couldn't say anything in front of the stylists without arousing suspicion, so I just gave him a smile.

An hour or so later, Channing, Joey, Naina and I were pulling up to a massive, beautifully decorated, paparazzi-lined auditorium. My fingers were tangled with Channing's at the moment, but I knew we would have to separate as soon as we left the privacy of the vehicle. That time came all too soon as we joined the queue to step onto the red carpet. I began to feel clammy. My heart began pumping even harder in my chest. I was biting at the inside of my cheek.

"Ow! Reagan!" I snapped back to reality to feel Channing trying to pull his hand out of mine. In my anxiety, I hadn't realized that my grip had tightened around his fingers. I released him with a nervous chuckle. "Sorry."

The remaining time in the car was a blur. Joey and Channing were talking. Naina was between her phone and paperwork that seemingly materialized from nowhere. Then, the car stopped. Naina slid out elegantly. Joey went after, cuing a barrage of bright camera flashes. Channing looked at me, kissed me quickly and said, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Let's have some fun."

Channing took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. The flash of lights was nearly blinding, even behind the tinted windows of the limo. My mouth went dry and I contemplated staying in the car and having the driver just take me back to the apartment. Then, I remembered that no one even knew who I was. They wouldn't be taking pictures of me. They wouldn't be asking me questions. I would be walking behind the boys with Naina. Just another face in the crowd.

With those thoughts running through my head, I stepped out of the car. I wasn't pounced on or asked a million questions. I just put one foot in front of the other and joined Naina. She handed me an official looking ID card with my name and photo. "Hold on to this," she advised. "You'll need it to get in any events."

"Where did they get my picture?"

She gave me a blank look. "I used your passport photo." Efficient as always.

The walk down the red carpet was intriguing to watch. The endless parade of celebrities accompanied by assistants, significant others, and god knows who else was like a river of bodies. There was constant movement in every direction. Add to that the never-ending bursts of camera flashes. It was wild. Naina and I followed Channing at a slight distance to allow him shots from all angles and a momentary stop here and there to speak to some magazine or television interviewer.

We were about midway down the carpet when Channing stopped to speak to one of my favorite television personalities, Giuliana Rancic from E! News. I had always found her to be so endearing and funny. The two laughed and gabbed for a minute before Channing turned and began waving at me. When I waved back, he beckoned for me to join him. I figured he was plugging my art or something equally shameless, so I hesitated. Naina, sensing my reluctance, pushed me ever so slightly towards him.

"So, Channing, who is this strapping, immaculately dressed friend of yours?" Giuliana asked, half to Channing, half to the cameraman behind her. I knew I was blushing as I braced myself for Channing's reply. However, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, could have prepared me for what fell out of his mouth.

"This is Reagan Mauldwin, a fantastic painter and my boyfriend."

My heart stopped. My mouth went dry. I stopped breathing.

"No. Way!" Giuliana squealed. "Did I just hear that correctly? Channing Tatum is off the market? Already?!"

"Yeah, I'm spoken for!" Channing rattled me and my still heart by taking my hand in his. I came to just as Giuliana turned to me. "So, Reagan, what's it like knowing that every woman and a lot of men in the world are so jealous right now? Including myself."

In a split second, my mind went from dumbfounded to red-carpet ready. I pressed closer to Channing and laughed heartily. "First off, Giuliana, I'm jealous of YOU! I have been watching you on E! for so long and it's not fair that you get to hang out with Joan Rivers and the rest of the Joan Rangers all the time! And, as for everyone else, what can I say? I lucked out meeting Channing when I did and I couldn't be happier." Then, I looked directly into the camera. "So hands off!" We all had a good laugh at that one, even though I was petrified inside.

"Well, Channing, this is a busy time for you, isn't it? A new relationship, new movies coming out, AND a baby on the way. You have got to be so excited!"

"I really am," he said honestly. "It's intimidating and amazing at the same time. I'm just lucky to be surrounded by so many good people."

"Well, boys, I am so glad we got to talk! You both look fantastic and you are absolutely adorable together!"

"You and Bill look better," I joked cheerily. We said our goodbyes and moved on down the red carpet, hand in hand. Channing and I paused for some shots, including some light kisses at the behest of the paparazzi, then made our way inside. As soon as we were away from the photographers, I yanked him aside and slammed him into a corner, the smile dropping from my face faster than a sack of bricks.


"Reagan, just listen for a minute," he said quickly. "I know that this isn't how you wanted to do this-,"

"You're fucking right it's not!" I growled in a barely contained whisper. "How could you do this without telling me first?! Channing, you just outed us to the world! To E! News! I mean... WHAT THE FUCK?!" By now, the pitch of my voice was only a shade lower than a dog whistle. Channing silenced me by cupping my face in his hands. "Reagan, listen-,"

His words were interrupted by the arrival of Joey and Naina, both of which seemingly unaware of the intense conversation we were having. "How did it go?" Joey asked, looking around the room. "Did big, straight Channing come out to the world?"

I smacked Channing's hands away from me. "You talked to Joey about it BEFOREHAND?! Channing, what the shit?! I mean, seriously?!" With an unprecedented level of fury, I turned on Naina. "Did YOU know about this?"

Her expression didn't change in the slightest as she responded. "Of course."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Of course, of course. There's no way you wouldn't. It's my fucking life and I'm the last one to know about any decision that could potentially affect it. Fantastic."

Channing took a deep breath and I could tell that he was picking each word with extreme caution. "Reagan. Babe. I love you. You know that. And, even though I'm happy, EXTREMELY happy with our relationship right now, it's not fair for me to have you hiding away from the world. I want to be able to walk down the street and hold your hand. I want to go out shopping together. I want to kiss you without having to worry about whether or not someone will see and go running to the paparazzi. So, yes, maybe I should have talked to you about this first. But, you know as well as I do that you would have said no. And, you probably wouldn't have even come with me."

I absorbed his words and knew everything was true. Had he told me beforehand that this was his plan, hell no I wouldn't have come. I wouldn't have even come to France. I wouldn't have even left Los Angeles.

With a long sigh and a full minute of silence, I relented. "Okay. Okay, okay, okay. You're right. I'm just a little shocked is all." I pinched the bridge of my nose as I attempted to slow my heart rate. "Someone please guide me to the nearest bar."

Despite my inner turmoil and fear for the Pandora's Box that was just opened, I was still blown away by my surroundings. The main room of the auditorium was even more elegant than the outside. Massive, crystalline chandeliers hung at regular intervals with a larger, more ornate one hanging over the center of the room. Frosted glass, conical sconces sent a diffused light throughout the room from their posts on the walls. Underneath every light, a simple vase containing arrays of classically beautiful flowers. Roses, tulips and orchids scented the space ever so slightly. Each table was adorned similarly, complete with pristine tablecloths and expertly folded napkins.

"I will find our table," Naina said quickly, making way for the maitre d' or event coordinator or whatever official title they were going by. I spotted one of the bars and took off. Channing started after me, but I stopped him. "I'll be fine. I'll find you guys after I have a drink or three." He looked worried, but let me leave. I ordered and received my first martini just as the group walked by a few tables away.

"Wow. Just... wow. Channing Tatum. Now, there is a beautiful man," I overheard. "I'm not the kind of girl who cares about a man's ass, but... mm." As discretely as possible, I turned ever so slightly in order to see out of the corner of my eye the source of the compliment. Decked out in a gorgeous, emerald green gown was Zoë Saldana, her hair cascading around her shoulders. Her delicate fingers were wrapped around a champagne flute, her eyes still following Channing's retreating rump. "That..." she said to her friend. "Is just scrumptious. Even better than Bradley's."

"Have you met his boyfriend?" a familiar voice replied.

Zoë whipped her head around to face her friend. "No! I thought that was a rumor!"

"I know for a fact it's true."


"Because I've met him," the voice replied. "And, he thinks he's being sneaky by eavesdropping, but I know that he's standing behind us listening to every single word." I snorted into my drink, drawing the ladies' attention. The voice I knew belonged to Jen. Of course. She smiled at me knowingly as I rolled my eyes.

I extended my hand to Zoë. "Reagan Mauldwin."

"Zoë Saldana. So... it's true? You're dating Channing Tatum?" I nodded, feeling a flush in my face. Surprisingly, Zoë had the same look on hers. "I am SO SORRY about what I said earlier! I don't normally talk like that, I swear. Channing seems like a nice guy and he's... well... attractive."

"If it makes you feel any better, I agree with you. He does have a fantastic ass."

The comment broke the tension, making Zoë and Jen laugh. As we ordered another round, we got to talking. "Seriously," she said over her glass. "I hope I didn't offend you. A couple of drinks and I get a loose tongue."

"Stop apologizing! I am fully aware of Channing's level of pure, undeniable sexiness. It's one of the reasons I'm with him. I'm just glad to hear someone else appreciate it, especially someone as beautiful as you." Zoë chuckled. "Well, thank you for that sly compliment."

"Don't bother trying to return the compliment," Jen said quickly. "He doesn't take them very well at all."

"Zip your lips, Lawrence."

We had a couple more minutes of laughter before Zoë took her leave, although not before trading information with me. I scanned the room for Channing and found him towards the front of the room. Jen chose to walk with me, as her table wasn't far from where Channing was standing.

I was laughing merrily as we finally reached the table, Joey chatting with someone I didn't actually know. Channing had his back to me and was blocking my view of whomever he was in the middle of a conversation with. I placed my hand on his lower back. "Guess who I found..." I sang. "It's Jen!"

"And, guess who I found?" Channing grinned as he turned, placing a quick kiss on my lips and stepping aside to reveal the person he had been blocking from sight.. "Reagan, this is my friend-,"

I felt my eyes roll at an unprecedented level of Liz Lemon-esque annoyance. "Oh, are you fucking kidding me right now? Seriously?!"

The lopsided grin in front of me and squinty eyes may have been charming to the rest of the world, but, to me, they were mind-numbingly infuriating. I hadn't seen him in years and I could have gone much longer without that distinct honor. He, however, was extremely pleased and his smug, shit-eating grin showed it. "Well, well, well," he chuckled, tilting his head to the side. "If it isn't my ex-boyfriend Reagan."

I bypassed Channing's stunned face and shoved my finger into my aggressor's nose. "Listen to me, Franco. We were NOT fucking dating and you know it. So, cut that shit right the fuck out."

He opened his mouth to reply, but Channing spoke first. "Wait a minute. Just... hold the hell on. James, Reagan... you two know each other?"

"We sure do," James said, adding with a wink, "And, in the biblical sense."

My mind blanked as Channing and Jen stared incredulously. I couldn't believe he had just said that aloud. And, in my humble opinion, there was only one appropriate response.

"I'm going to the bar." --------------------------------------------------

Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think, what you would like to see or even if you just want to say thanks or anything!

Next: Chapter 15

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