Channings Visit

By Andy Darko

Published on May 30, 2014


This story will contain sexual acts between two adult males. I am not, nor do I know the celebrities involved. I do not know their sexual preferences. If you are not of legal age, please direct yourself to another site. If you enjoy Nifty, please donate!

-------------------------------------------------- Channing's Visit - Chapter 14 --------------------------------------------------

So, from the feedback I've gotten, you guys like the fact that the boys are out the world. Without giving too much away, there will be some publicity happening soon. So, that being said I invite you guys to submit some ideas on magazines and talk shows you would like to see the boys on. In addition, if you have some questions you think they would be asked (or if YOU want to ask) let me know. They may just find their way into the story!

-Andy --------------------------------------------------

"So, that was the James that Meagan mentioned, huh?"

"Channing, please. Can we not talk about this?"

He propped himself against the bar where I had just gotten yet another martini and pursed his lips. "Babe, I don't care if you dated James. He's a cool guy and-,"

"I did NOT date him!"

Channing pressed his forehead into mine, his large hands holding me by my waist. His lips touched my own ever so briefly. "Will you tell my why you're so upset then?"

I peeked past Channing and saw James sitting next to Joey, chatting animatedly with Jen. He looked over at us, saw me staring and gave an exaggerated wink. I turned to Channing and, in a whiny voice I hadn't used since I was young replied, "Because he's such a douche!" My response made Channing laugh loudly which, in turn, brought a smile to my face. "That doesn't seem like a completely valid reason, babe."

With a groan, I began to spill the beans as quickly as I could. "It was the same kind of thing with you; he needed some time away, got referred to Owen, came to my place. I was still kind of a party boy and, as I'm sure you know, James likes to smoke up quite a bit. We shared a couple of joints, had some drinks, blah blah blah, and we ended up..."


"Look, when I smoke, I get really horny! I can't help it!" I said, shoving Channing playfully. "And, James is really... ugh. Whatever. It went on for a while and, I guess, to him, we were dating."

"Was this before... the incident?"


Channing's eyebrows furrowed and he bit his bottom lip thoughtfully. "I thought you were dating Dallas."

"Dallan and... technically, I was. But, he and I were always arguing and we would go weeks without talking to each other. James happened to be around during one of said breaks." My lover took in the information silently as I took a sip from my martini. The motion drew his eye. "Baby, no matter what happened, I'm okay with it. That was a long time ago, okay? But..."

"But what?"

Channing reached out and slipped the martini glass out of my fingers. "Can you go easy on the martinis tonight?" I gawked at him, stunned by the abrupt conversation shift. "What are you talking about?"

I could tell by the look on his face that he was gauging my reaction as he spoke. "It's just... I mean, we've been here for, what, half an hour? And, you've already had at least three drinks. Which is totally okay, considering it's a special occasion and all, but... maybe you can slow down a bit..."

"Are you suggesting that I'm an alcoholic?!"

"No! Well... maybe... just a bit..."


"I'm just saying that, when you get upset, you kind of... drink... a bit more than normal."

I opened my mouth to object, a vicious argument forming at the back of my throat. But, with a look at Channing's worried face, I stopped. I recognized his words as a loving concern and not a ruthless attack, formed out of care instead of judgement. With a sigh and a silent mourning for my half-drunk martini, I nodded. "Okay. How about you time me? One drink an hour."


I stepped up on my toes and met his lips. "Serious."

"And, no more fighting with James."

"That I cannot promise."

Channing chuckled before pinning me against the bar and kissing me fiercely. It had only been a few moments before a voice broke the moment. "Good lord, get a room. This is a film festival, not a bathhouse." I separated from my man to see none other than Neil Patrick Harris standing nearby, arms crossed. "Nice to see you two finally came out of the proverbial closet. Honestly, Channing, you were so far back there, you were finding next year's Christmas presents."

"It's good to see you, too, Neil."

He ordered a drink, then turned back to us. "So, I see you took my advice."

Confused, I looked to Channing. "What do you mean?"

"I may have asked Neil about... well, coming out. Officially. Considering he went through the same thing."

"You did?"

Neil nodded, taking a quick sip. "That's why David and I decided to publicize our relationship. We were being blackmailed and refused to pay them off. Channing asked me if he should do the same and I told him absolutely."

"So, am I right in assuming that you also told him that he shouldn't tell me?" I asked with a questioning look. Neil raised a smarmy eyebrow and shrugged. "A more important question is `does it matter?' If you could go back in time and prevent Channing from saying anything, would you? Honestly?"

"I guess not."

Neil smiled victoriously and bowed dramatically. "Then, you are welcome. As your fairy godmother, I have done my job. And, now, I flit away."

"And, we need to flit back to our table," Channing chuckled, shaking his head as Neil pranced away. I took his hand in mine and following him through the star packed room. We passed such prestigious actors and actresses like Meryl Streep, Morgan Freeman, Clint Eastwood, Dame Maggie Smith, Antonio Banderas and so many more. My neck was sore from turning back and forth, but I was grinning ear to ear.

James was the first one to see us approach. "And, what have you two been chatting about?" he asked. "Well, other than me, of course?" My mouth was open to tell him to eat a dick, but a gentle nudge from Channing reminded me of my promise to be civil. So, I plastered on a condescending smile. "Actually, just a quick conversation with Neil Patrick Harris. Nothing you need to worry about, James."

He leaned forward on the table still sporting that cocky grin. "So, you're saying that you weren't talking about me?"

I sat down and crossed my legs, relaxing back into the seat. With an equally cocky grin: "What's there to talk about?" The split-second of shock on James' face was worth the grief I had to endure. One-upping that smarmy bastard put a permanent grin on my mug.

Channing settled in next to me just as the food began to come out. I could only assume that Naina had taken in upon herself to make the selections on our behalf. When our server placed a classic ratatouille in front of me, I made a mental note to thank her. The dishes were all perfectly executed, which was to be expected at such an event, and, since it was France, wine was constantly being offered. I politely turned down the libations which made Channing smile proudly.

"Not drinking?" James asked, swirling his own glass of cabernet like some cliche movie villain. "That's not the Reagan I know."

"The Reagan you know is about five years in the past, James. People change," I said dryly. "And, I'm making an effort to not drink as much, thank you. I'm keeping it to one drink an hour."

"Cheers to that!" James held up his glass in toast, prompting looks from around the table. "Nah, I'm just kidding! I'm gonna go grab a real drink. You want a Coke or something?" Against my better judgement, I nodded. "A Coke would be wonderful."

As he excused himself from the table, Channing turned to me. "You're doing awesome, babe. I know James is a handful, but you're really trying."

"I'm not promising that I won't punch him eventually."


A few minutes later, James arrived, handing me a glass of soda. I sniffed it suspiciously, causing him to shake his head. Nothing seemed amiss so I took a cautious sip. Immediately, I knew what he had done. There was easily two shots, if not more, of vodka in the glass, disguised by the Coke. When I glanced over the rim of the glass at James, he sent me a quick wink. I suppose I had a strange look on my face because Channing leaned in. "Everything okay? James, if you tried to roofie my boyfriend-,"

"Everything is fine, Channing," I cut in. "Well, if I had asked for diet Coke, everything would be fine." There was a definite twinge of guilt for lying to Channing, but it was only one drink. I could feel James' eyes on me as I sipped throughout the meal, slow enough not to give him an excuse to get me another. Of course, after dessert was finished, my glass was close to empty and James made for the bar without even asking. I couldn't be too mad at him. He was just trying to make sure I was having a good time... in his own messed up way.

As the plates were cleared away, the room became a flurry of activity. Some left in anticipation of early screenings the next day. Some moved to other tables to strike up conversations. Others, like Channing, grabbed their significant others and dragged them to the middle of the room to dance. Had it not been for the Franco-supplied vodka, I would have shirked away from the dance floor, but I was feeling braver. So brave, in fact, that as Channing and I swayed, I had no problem with kissing him every now and again in full view of the entire room. It was actually quite liberating to not be concerned with people's reactions, like a giant weight had disappeared from my shoulders. We could be together now without worry.

"May I cut in?"

"For fuck's sake..." I grumbled under my breath. Channing stepped aside to allow James in. "I'm going to grab a drink for you, Reagan. Be right back."

As he walked away, I pursed my lips at James, but said nothing. His right hand settled on my lower back, mere inches away from my ass as his left clasped mine in a traditional dance hold. "So, why haven't you said anything to Channing?" he asked as we began swaying to the music. I rolled my eyes. "Because he says I've been drinking too much and I'm just trying to have some fun-,"

James cut me off with a laugh. "I wasn't talking about the drinks, Reagan. I meant me. You know, us."

"There was no `us', James," I sighed. "Yes, we had fun and all, but I was in the middle of a complicated relationship and you knew that." I felt James pull me a bit closer, a puppy dog look in his eyes. "You can't tell me you didn't have feelings for me, Reagan. I know you did. From day one, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other."

"That's because we were both high off our asses and horny as hell," I chuckled, momentarily forgetting my grudge against him. "And, as I remember, YOU crawled into MY bed."

"I didn't hear you object!"

"Because you stuck your tongue down my throat to wake me up!"

We had a good laugh and, for just a moment, I remembered why I had allowed that night to happen. At the time, I was sure that I was just itching for a rebound and James had come along at just the right time. He had brought with him quite a substantial amount of marijuana and I was more than happy to partake. I was in the throes of a weed-induced, gin-soaked nap when James had slithered into my bed naked as the day he was born. The way his body had met with mine had prevented any sort of objection and the weed didn't hurt either. From that day on, it was drinking, smoking, and fucking. All day. Every day.

It got to the point where I became accustomed to James' presence. He was there when I woke, there when I went to bed and every moment in between. It wasn't quite a relationship, but it was more than just fucking. So, standing as close to him as I was, staring into those brown eyes squinted up because of that wide smile...

"Reagan, you still with me?"

I slipped out of my reverie, profoundly aware that I was entirely too close James, my body meeting with his at every possible point. With a clearing of the throat, I stepped back and averted my eyes as we continued swaying. James' smile didn't fade. "I see that you fondly remember those days,"


His eyes trailed down my body, drawing my own gaze downward. I glanced downward and was surprised to see a substantial bulge in my slacks, evidence of my fond memories. Determined not to let James have the upper hand, I smiled up at him and boldly stated, "The same could be said for you." Without even looking down, he shrugged. "What can I say? It's been a while since I've had someone so attractive to dance with."

I stopped dancing and stood on my toes so my mouth was right against James' ear. In the huskiest, sexiest voice I could muster, I whispered, "Not me. I have a boyfriend. And, this dick is for him." I stepped back, flicked him on the nose and sauntered away, grinning ear to ear. Even that smug bastard couldn't recover from a burn that bad.

Although... reliving all those memories had made me question my stance on James. My grudge was totally justified, but that had been years ago. Part of me wondered if I should let it all go and give him a chance. I paused my dramatic victory exit and looked over my shoulder at him. James stood, hands in his pocket, with a smile. Then, once again, he gave me that cocky, over-confident wink. I groaned in annoyance.

I found Channing at the bar, a glass of scotch and my martini in front of him, chatting with Zoë and Joey. He passed my drink to me and greeted me with a squeeze. "Sorry. Got caught up in conversation," he smiled. "I was inviting Zoë over for a couple after dinner drink at our place."

"Oh? Are we hosting an after party?"

"Nothing big," he replied. "You, me, Joey, Zoë, Neil, Jen said she could come for a bit. I ran in to Zooey and she said she would love to come. Oh, and James, of course."

"Of course."

Oblivious to my lack of enthusiasm, Channing continued on. "As a matter of fact, we should probably get going. I want to clean up a bit before the others get there. Zoë, do you want to ride with us?" I tuned out to her response as I threw the martini back. As much as I wanted to continue partying, knowing that James was going to be there put a damper on my mood. Dealing with him at a formal event was one thing. Dealing with him in a party setting was another.

Regardless, we arrived at The Villa (my new nickname for the apartment) a while later, grabbing a few bottles and mixers from the kitchen before we made our way upstairs. We, being Channing, Joey, Zoë and myself, kicked off our shoes and jackets before heading up to the rooftop area. Lined entirely by flowers and bushes, the space was perfect for a late-night gathering. Classical wrought iron chairs and tables were padded with comfortable cushions and decorated with gorgeous floral arrangements. Over our heads hung a mix of subtle string lights and lanterns. In a way, it was sort of romantic.

By the time the rest of our guests showed up, we were all at various stages of tipsy or drunk, myself more so the latter. I was in the middle of setting up some music when James, Neil, Zooey and Jen arrived. Drinks were poured, jackets were shed and purses were set aside. The mood was one of happiness, even with James being present, and everyone seemed to be getting along swimmingly. We were an hour or so into our festivities when I noticed Channing, James and Joey standing off in a corner talking secretively. Zooey sidled up to me and shook her head. "Oh, those boys."

"What do you mean? What are they talking about?"

Joey disappeared downstairs, leaving Channing and James laughing loudly. I turned to Zooey and awaited an explanation. "Really, Reagan? You have no clue what they're doing?" I shook my head. "Hm. Maybe I shouldn't be the one to tell you. I don't want to get your boyfriend in trouble."

The tone of her voice piqued my interest. "Zooey... if you know something, you have to tell me."

She laughed brightly. "It's not international espionage, Reagan. They're just rolling some joints."


"You can't possibly be surprised," she smiled, taking a sip of her drink. "I mean, everyone in the world knows James smokes. For fuck's sake, he's high in basically every movie he does. And, Joey does occasionally, too."

"And, Channing?"


I couldn't be too mad at him. I mean, it's not like they were cooking crystal meth or anything. I guess I was just shocked at the idea of my boyfriend smoking weed. Channing didn't necessarily seem like the type to me. However, in my inebriated state, I was sort of interested in having a toke or two myself. When I told Zooey as much, she laughed. "Of course you are. Why do you think Channing arranged it?"

"Oh, that sneaky mother-,"

"Take it as a compliment," Zooey cut in. "Not every boyfriend in the world would be willing to get his partner high."


A little while later, the party seemed to be winding down just a bit. Jen and Zoë left together, both yawning widely. Zooey wasn't far behind, taking Neil with her as they were staying in the same hotel. That left myself and the boys behind. Channing drew me up next to him as Joey and James plopped down across from us. "So, Reagan, I kinda got something together with the guys and I don't want you to be upset, but-,"

"Just light up a joint and shut up."

The look of surprise on Channing's face was priceless, causing a laugh from James and Joey. "Seems like your boyfriend knows every move you make," Joey teased, offering me the roll. I placed it between my lips and lit it as I leaned back against the seat. With a deep drag, I filled my lungs with the pungent smoke. Just like riding a bike.

Channing looked on in awe as I passed the joint to him. As he inhaled, I exhaled heavily, blasting the cloud into James' face. "Brings back memories, huh?" I grinned, beginning to feel lightheaded. My body was relaxing more and more as the silly cigarette made its way around the circle. James took a heavy toke, eyeing me over the fiery end, and held it as he spoke. "Brings back a lack of memories, doesn't it, Twinkie."

"Oh, god. Please don't call me that again."

James passed me the blunt then, in a surprise move, leaned across the table and set his face less than an inch in front of mine. I felt my heart jump into my throat. Was he seriously about to kiss me in front of my boyfriend? Not even he was that bold.

He puckered his lips and began to exhale a thin stream of smoke into my mouth. Of course. A shotgun.

As we continued smoking, our mood soared. All tension between James and I dissipated, replaced by drug induced mirth and laughter. I excused myself temporarily to change into a pair of loose-fitting sweats and a tee, returning to find the boys giggling uncontrollably. Channing had shed his dress shirt and was clad in a wife-beater, eyes red. Joey had undone his top buttons and was drooping in his seat. James... well, James only had on his slacks and his bare feet propped up on the table. Classy as ever.

"I'm going to call it a night," Joey yawned. "I can't keep my eyes open. Night, guys."

James sniggered. "Pussy."

"Fuck you, Franco."

As he exited, James joined Channing and I on the lounge, sandwiching me in between the two. Feeling more at ease, I reclined onto Channing's lap and kicked my legs up onto James. We said nothing as another joint made its way around and eventually went out. The music absorbed us as I gazed up into the night sky, lost in the numerous stars staring back. My mind wandered into thoughts of aliens and the size of the universe and the number of planets with sustainable life. I was giggling to myself when I felt Channing lean over and press his lips to mine. The sensation was amplified by my intoxicated state of mind. I felt like Channing's body energy was fusing with mine, our lips acting as a conduit.

As we parted, I heard James chuckle. "So, Reagan, who's the better kisser?"

I sat up, eyebrow cocked. "What?"

"Who is the better kisser? Me or Channing?"

With a scoff and an eye roll, I answered. "First off, Channing is my boyfriend, so he automatically wins. Second, you're an insufferable douche and I haven't kissed you in years. Not that it matters anyway because your question is invalid and inappropriate."

"So, you only say me because we're dating?" Channing chimed in. "That seems like a cop out."

I whipped around to face him, incredulous. "What?! What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "Well, you didn't REALLY answer the question. You kinda just admitted that you said I was the better kisser because we're together. Not because I'm actually the better kisser."

My jaw fell open. "I don't... but... what... I don't even REMEMBER what James kisses like anyway!"

Channing shrugged. "So kiss him now."

A pregnant pause filled the air as I stared at him. "EXCUSE ME?"

"Why not?" he asked. "I'm sitting right here and saying it's okay. Do it and give me an honest answer. Who knows? Maybe I can learn some things."

"Is this some sick fidelity test?"

"Not at all. I'm just curious to see."

I looked at Channing warily, then to James. His face was uncharacteristically demure as he awaited my answer. It could have totally been the weed talking, but there was a small part of me that was interested in the outcome. I bit my lip and weighed my options. Channing wouldn't be so petty as to lure me into a trap, would he? Besides, it was just one kiss, right?

"Ugh. Fine."

I slid into James' lap, vaguely aware that he was already hard in his slacks. As I settled onto his hardness, I looked over at Channing again. His eyes were focused on us in voyeuristic bliss. I turned back to James and felt him place his hands on my waist. With a deep breath I leaned over and felt our lips meet.

Oh, boy, was it nice. So very, very nice. James was an artist with his tongue, playing gently across my own as his lips caressed mine. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his shoulders and tangle my fingers in his hair as we made out. James, in turn, slipped his hands under my shirt, gripping at my back. I lost track of time before I snapped back to reality and remembered that I was making out with someone who wasn't my boyfriend.

I sat back, straightening out my hair and removing James' hands, and looked at Channing. The look on his face surprised me. I expected anger or shock, but what I saw was nothing of the sort. It was pure arousal. His eyes were half-lidded and, even in the dress pants he had on, his bulge was obvious. I climbed off of James and planted myself on Channing's lap, attacking him with my lips. Whereas James' kissing had been exploratory, I knew Channing's mouth, I knew what he liked and I knew what he wanted. When we separated, we were out of breath. Even as he panted, Channing managed to speak. "Do it again." I leaned forward to kiss him again, but he stopped me. "Not me." He looked at James. "Him."

Abandoning all reservations, I shuffled off of Channing slightly, leaving my lower half strewn across him and placed my upper body on James' lap. He wasted no time in grabbing me and kissing me fiercely. I drew him in welcomingly, my body running on pure sexual energy. My years-long tiff with James seemed to evaporate into nothingness as we made out. In fact, I couldn't understand why I had ever been mad at him. With the ability to kiss as well as he did, I couldn't remember why we hadn't worked out. Hell, I couldn't think.

I moaned in our kiss and gripped James' brown locks passionately. A part of me was concerned about Channing as he was somewhat left out of the action, but that concern was squashed when I felt hands gently caressing my ass. I felt my legs automatically spread at the contact, inviting more attention. Channing's hands kneaded my ass hungrily, edging me on as James and I made out. Unbeknownst to him, when I had gone downstairs, I had traded in my briefs for something a little more salacious: a classic, white jockstrap. I was anticipating some passionate sex, yet I hadn't counted on James being a part of it.

As James' tongue danced across mine, Channing gently tugged on my sweats, exposing my skimpy underwear and ass. I heard him grunt in appreciation as his fingers came in contact with my bare skin. Goosebumps danced across my body and a moan slipped from my mouth into James'. Of course, he didn't stop there. For a moment, his fingers disappeared, only to return slick with what I assumed was his spit. Without a moment's pause, Channing slid his fingers inside me up to the hilt.

I groaned obscenely, my back arching, lips separating from James. He took in Channing's actions and chuckled. "Still a raging bottom, I see."

"I never heard you complain," I shot back.

Channing hooked his fingers in my ass which put pressure on my prostate. I bit my lip and sighed at the sensation. Then, as I locked eyes with Channing, a devious idea crossed my mind. "It's your turn," I whispered sexily. His eyebrow perked as his tongue flitted across his lips. "My turn for what?"

"To make out with James."

The two looked at each other for a moment, their eyes sizing each other up in the way that only two men can: half challenging, half aroused. Then, without removing his thick digits from my tender asshole, Channing leaned over and pressed his puffy lips against James' mouth. The sight was unbearably hot. My own erection throbbed in my jockstrap as I watched my boyfriend make out with my quasi-ex-boyfriend. I bent my body as the two continued kissing and pulled my sweatpants off of my legs, tossing them aside and exposing my lower half to the night sky.

That singular removal of clothing amplified the sexual charge in the air. In a flurry of movement, Channing had flipped me over, although his fingers remained in my ass and his tongue in James' mouth. With my back arched and ass in the air, my face was basically pressed into James' crotch. My fingers snaked up his thigh and over the hard mound in his lap. I gripped his dick through his slacks, evoking a satisfied moan. Unable to resist any longer, I undid James' pants and yanked his dick out through the fly, sliding it into my mouth hungrily.

"Oh, fuck!"

I dove onto James' piece, taking the entire length into my throat. The sensation brought back all sorts of memories and, even though I couldn't see it, I remembered every detail of James' nether regions. Long and beautifully, but not unmanageably, thick, his cock hung low even when hard over a set of constantly full balls. James was a firm advocate of natural body hair, so his groin was covered in a nest of thick brown curls. I ran my fingers through said hair as I ran my tongue along the underside of James' cock. His hand pressed me down impossibly further, the head of his dick sliding into my throat. My lips were stretched around the base, spit dripping into James' bush.

As I sucked the life out of James, I felt Channing's fingers slid out of me and his body slip out from under me. Before I could turn and see what he was up to, I felt it. Channing buried his face in my upturned ass, licking and biting sensually. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as Channing's thick tongue probed my exposed hole. I couldn't believe I was in the middle of two hot celebs on a roof in France high as a kite.

Loving every minute of it.

I reached between my legs and ran my hand across Channing's stubbly chin, coaxing him to tongue-fuck me even harder. He continued for a few minutes before disengaging and standing over us. "Come on, guys. Let's take this downstairs."

Reluctantly, I let James' fat cock slide out of my throat, glistening in the night light with my spit. I wrapped my hand around it, loving the slick feeling as I jerked him a few times. James smiled down at me before he stood and pulled me up to my feet. I turned to Channing and roughly yanked his slacks and underwear off, a look of surprise crossing his face. "You were entirely too dressed," I explained with a kiss. Channing's eyes smoldered as he leaned over and scooped me up into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, shuddering as I felt the night breeze play across my wet hole. A gasp escaped my lips as I felt James slip a finger inside me, my legs squeezing Channing's waist.

"Oh, how I've missed this..."

I detached one arm from Channing and shoved James' face away playfully. "Who said you're getting reunited?"

"You seemed pretty keen on it a few minutes ago," he grinned. "Besides, I know you. And, I know you won't start something you don't intend to finish."

Before I could think up a response, Channing cleared his throat. "Um... don't I get a say in all this? I mean, my boyfriend isn't just a hole to be passed around like some sorority slut!" I couldn't help but laugh loudly in Channing's face, which he obviously wasn't expecting. "Cut the chivalry, Prince Charming. You are not an innocent party in this. I'm willing to bet you set this whole thing up anyway."

"And, if I did?"

I released my grip on him, my bare feet landing right between James', and traced a line down his cloth covered torso. My index finger glided over the ridges of his abs and swirled a circle around his belly button. As I came in contact with bare skin, Channing hissed as he sucked in a breath. I locked my eyes on his. Then, perhaps a little rougher than he was expecting, I took his hard dick in my hand and pulled him towards me. "Then, let's have some fun."

The three of us practically ran down the stairs, Channing stripping off his shirt, James his pants. I jumped onto the bed, my body tingling with anticipation of being the center of their attentions. Channing was the first to join me as he crawled in slowly. He kissed my ankle, then my calf, my knee, my inner thigh. The sensation sent shudders through me, my legs shaking. I moaned as Channing's warm breath played across the strained pouch of my jockstrap. Much to my dismay, he skipped over my aching erection and instead, lay next to me and kissed me passionately.

The bed dipped on my right. I felt James' hand slide under my shirt, his long fingers finding my nipples. My own digits gripped his thigh and I marveled at the heat coming from him. I didn't have much time to process anything else though, because James suddenly sat up, taking me with him, and wrenched my shirt over my head. Without so much as a word, he slid me to the side of the bed, my head dangling off the side, and placed his slick cock at my lips. I opened my mouth with no hesitation.

James' piece slid straight into my throat, right up to the base. I could feel his bush on my chin and his balls were resting squarely on my nose. All I could taste, all I could smell was James. As I moaned around his hard dick, I felt Channing spread my legs and slip between them. His fingers returned, this time more insistent. He wasn't probing like before. He was stretching, no doubt in anticipation of fucking me senseless. Or perhaps, letting James fuck me senseless.

As James stretched my throat and Channing stretched my ass, I reached down and pulled my jock to the side, freeing my own raging boner. Before I could get my hand on it, I felt Channing's luscious lips engulf my length. I wanted to scream in pleasure, the marijuana in my system amplifying every nerve ending in my body, but my mouth was otherwise preoccupied. James grunted above me. "Damn, Channing. You look like you're fucking good at that."

I agreed with him, grabbing a tuft of Channing's hair as he manipulated my body. I thought that I was at the height of my arousal until I felt James lean over and gently tug at my nipples. The contact sent me to another level. I felt my legs begin to tighten and my toes curling. In an abrupt movement, I shoved Channing back, then did the same to James. They both looked on in confusion as ecstasy wracked through my body. I groaned loudly, clenching every muscle in my body in an attempt to stop the impending orgasm. I felt the sensation reach my dick, but managed to keep it at bay, the only evidence being a large spurt of clear fluid.

As I panting and heaving on the bed, Channing chuckled. "You okay, babe?"

"Oh, god," I sighed, my body shaking slightly. "It was just... too much at once. I almost lost it."

"Let's switch it up, then," James suggested. He stood on the mattress and indicated for Channing to do the same. I knelt in front of them and debated the choices in front of me: my boyfriend's northward-curving piece or James' downward-sloping cock. Considering I had just been gargling James, I figured it was only fair to start with Channing. I licked him slowly from balls to tip before sliding my lips slowly over the leaking head. When I looked up to gauge his reaction, I was greeted with the sight of him passionately locking lips with James. I watched as his hand moved down into James' crotch and wrapped around his unattended dick.

The view was insanely erotic. With a face full of Channing's dick and a front row seat to the combination hand-job and make out session, my own trouser snake was dripping freely on the duvet. I refrained from touching myself, considering the close call I had just avoided, but god knows I wanted to. I slobbered and drooled over Channing with single-minded conviction, knowing that, if I put in the extra effort to get him all slick and ready, he'd pounce on my twitching hole with a vengeance.

Much to my surprise, it wasn't Channing who couldn't resist any longer. James was suddenly kneeling next to me, then flipping me onto my back and prying my legs apart. He propped one ankle on his shoulder and the other around his waist before spitting into his hand and giving himself a few quick strokes. When the head of his rod came in contact with my hole, I whimpered in lust, drawing his gaze.

"You want it?"

I nodded, biting my lower lip.

"I can't hear you."

I shot a dirty look at Channing, wondering if he had exposed our bedroom secrets, but he shook his head. I wasn't sure if I believed him, but now wasn't the time to have a monogamous relationship chat. Instead, I turned back to James. "I want it."

"That doesn't sound very convincing," he said. "I mean, if you REALLY wanted-,"

I cut him off by planting one foot on the bed, reaching back and sliding my body towards him, effectively impaling myself on his waiting dick. James' jaw fell as his inches disappeared into my hot hole, his words lost. As I felt my cheeks meet his furry groin, I released my grip and placed my leg back around his waist. That contact seemed to revitalize James, his hips slowly grinding back and forth at a snail's pace.

I couldn't help but compare the sensation of James' dick to that of Channing's, the latter of which I had become anally accustomed to. Both of the boys were blessed with substantial girth and perfect length, that I can admit. James may have even had a few centimeters more than Channing. But, it was the curve that did it for me. That upward bend on Channing's dick put him in the perfect position to drill away at my button, driving me insane every time.

Just thinking of that curve made me crave it and I reached out to pull Channing towards my face. I wrapped my lips around him as James began to pick up his pace. As the three of us moved towards orgasmic bliss, I felt Channing reach down and run his hand over my face. I opened my eyes to look up at him and found him staring at me lovingly. He gave me a half smile that warmed my heart. I knew that he was silently asking if I was okay, so I returned the smile as best I could with a cock in my mouth.

The moment was broken when James gave a particularly deep thrust. I gripped the sheets as the boys filled me from both ends, reeling from the combination. James held my leg in one hand and my hip in the other, pulling me towards him with each thrust. Channing held my hair as he slowly fucked my face. This went on for what felt like an eternity before James pulled out of me. I immediately felt empty.


"I want to try something," he said quickly. Before I could ask, he lay down and gestured for me to climb on top. As I guided him into me, he looked at Channing. "I've been wanting to eat that ass since I saw you in that jockstrap on set. Get over here."

Channing didn't object as he placed a foot on each side of James and lowered himself down. My dick gave a particularly intense throb as I watched James wrap his arms around Channing's strong legs and pull him down onto his waiting tongue. In an instant, Channing's head was thrown back in passion, a pleased whine escaping his lips. Even while impaling myself, I couldn't help but stare as James tongue fucked my boyfriend, his scruffy jaw working to jab himself deeper and deeper.

It was too fucking hot to believe.

I leaned forward, my hand sliding on the sheen of sweat on James' torso, and grabbed a handful of Channing's luscious ass. He was trembling slightly, although I couldn't tell if it was from the position he was holding or the prime rimming he was getting. I was somewhat jealous of James. Even though I had enjoyed the one time I had fucked Channing, I hadn't gotten the opportunity to plant my face in his ass. I made a mental note to do that next time I got the chance.

"All right, James," Channing said suddenly. "You've had your fun. I'd like to be able to make love to my boyfriend some time tonight."

"Ooh. `Make love'. How romantic."

I chuckled as I slid off of James and plopped onto the bed. My body was beginning to feel a little worn down, but I wasn't going to complain at all. This was a much better way to burn calories than going to the gym. Channing climbed over me, kissing me sensually. "How ya doing?"

"I'm on cloud nine," I laughed, still feeling the effects of our recreational activities. "How's my big man?"

He kissed me again while sneakily placing my legs around his waist and slipping into me. "So turned on right now." James joined us, kneeling next to my head. Channing took James' length into his mouth, sucking him intently while fucking me gently. I think he knew I was getting tired, but didn't want to say anything to kill the mood. My head rested against James' knee, his masculine smell filling my nostrils, along with the smell of pure sex. I squirmed under Channing as his thick cock rubbed against my prostate over and over.

"Fuck, Channing. You are one talented cocksucker." Channing chuckled as he took James' entire dick down his throat. I marveled as his neck bulged slightly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. My hand crept between James' legs and found his small, but pert ass. I ran my fingers along his crack before shoving a finger straight into his hole. James grunted and thrust impossibly further into Channing's mouth. "How about some warning next time, Twinkie?"

"Don't be a pansy," I taunted. "I know you can take more than that."

"It's been a while, I admit."

Channing pulled off of James with a pop. "What are you two talking about?"

James shrugged. "I let Reagan take a few trips through my backdoor back in the day. Pretty fucking good top."

"Tell me about it."

"You've bottomed for him? Nice."

I cleared my throat. "Can we talk later, please? If I wanted to have a conversation about sex, I would have called Sue Johansen." The two exchanged a surprised look before James snickered. "You heard the bottom. Fuck him."

Channing was more than willing to oblige as he reared back and slammed into me. I squeaked as he began fucking me in earnest, his mouth returning to James' dick. My finger was still buried in his ass, just like Channing was still in mine. His penetration was passionate and relentless. He hammered at me with intent and determination.

Surprisingly, I wasn't the first one to cum. James' breathing picked up as Channing tongued his dick. From my vantage point, I could even see his balls begin to draw up. I curved my finger inside him until I felt his button and, as soon as I pressed against it, James popped. He held onto Channing's head as he came, drawing back until just the tip of his dick was in his mouth, and let loose. I watched as his cock pulsed, dumping his load into Channing's mouth.

James soon became too sensitive and pulled out of Channing, throwing himself onto the bed. Now, it was just the two of us. Channing leaned forward and kissed me, surprising me by letting a generous amount of James' load slip into my mouth. The act was kinky and perverse and such a turn on. It was so hot tasting James' cum as we made out that I felt that familiar sensation in my loins. I held onto Channing tightly, kissing him with a renewed fervor as I approached my orgasm. Just as I began to think I couldn't take any more, I broke off and pressed my forehead to Channing's.

"Fuck me," I whimpered breathlessly. "Fuck me hard."

"You gonna cum for me, baby?" I nodded, biting my lip. "Come on," he coaxed, hips clashing with mine. "I wanna see it. Cum for me."

As if he needed to ask.

I gripped him so hard that I'm sure I left marks. My legs tightened around his waist. My whole body tensed. Then, the orgasm that I had barely fought down earlier erupted with such force that I actually blacked out momentarily. I came to seconds later, shaking from head to toe and basically gasping for breath. There was so much cum on my chest and stomach that, for a moment, I wondered if Channing had cum on me as well, but he was still buried inside my ass. His face was in my neck, kissing tenderly. I let out a few shivering sighs as he looked at me and brushed my hair back from my sweaty forehead.

"You okay, babe?"

"Yeah... that was... just... really intense."

"You want me to stop?"

"No! No," I said quickly. "I want you to cum, too."

Channing smiled and pecked me on the lips, resuming his thrusts, albeit a little gentler. It didn't take any time at all before that familiar look came across his face. He leaned in and kissed me roughly, his big arms curling around me. With a few more powerful thrusts, Channing huffed and jammed his cock into me as far as he could before pumping me full of his load. Every twitch, every pulse, every single shudder was heaven as his warmth spread through me.

As Channing panted above me and I began slipping into the grip of sleep, James began to clap. "Wow. That was fucking hot, guys. I mean, grade-A butt-fucking. Seriously. I've never seen a hands-free orgasm. I will NEVER forget that."

"I'm glad one of us will remember it," I chuckled, still breathing heavily. "I blacked out."

Channing picked himself up off of me and settled down on the bed. "Really?"

I nodded. Channing looked at James, then, like a couple of frat boys, high fived. "Gave him the best orgasm ever! Nice!"

"Fuck you both. I need to pass out."

"I'm gonna go clean up," James said before sliding off the bed. Channing materialized a towel out of nowhere and wiped the mess off of myself then himself before covering me with the sheets. My eyes were already closed as he kissed me on the shoulder. "You know I love you, right?"

I smiled. "Of course I do. And, I love you, too. Even if you are setting up threesomes and drug deals behind my back."

Another kiss, this one on my forehead. "Sleep well, babe." --------------------------------------------------

Thanks for reading guys. As always, feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think, what you would like to see or even if you just want to say thanks or anything!

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